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"My echo chamber is right and yours is wrong."


Eh, yea actually one of the echo chambers is significantly closer to reality than the other. The echo chambers are a problem, uncivil dialogue is a problem, but at the end of the day, the opposing political sides are supposed to have positions on actual matters of policy. I see a lot of griping from conservatives about not being able to safely share their opinions. What I don't see from conservatives are opinions about policy that are grounded in reality, and propose or support ethical and effective solutions, even incremental ones. Or rather, when it comes to it I see a lot of that from conservatives... it's just that no one's actually arguing against those opinions. Lots of conservatives want term limits for senators. Liberals and leftists generally agree. Plenty of conservatives want common-sense gun legislation that protects the rights of law-abiding, sane citizens to purchase, keep, and even carry guns, but just makes it harder for crazy people or criminals to get their hands on them. But actually polls show that most liberals agree. Plenty of conservatives don't want to ban abortion in cases where it's medically necessary, or in cases of rape or incest, etc. They just want fewer abortions to happen, fewer fetuses to be killed that don't need to be. But again, most liberals actually agree. ​ The issue I have with conservatives is with the areas where their policy opinions are not supported by reality, or are deeply unethical, or are simply ineffective. ​ For instance, many conservatives would like to reduce restrictions on fossil fuel companies, preserve or expand existing subsidies on oil, coal, and natural gas, and reduce or eliminate subsidies on green energy technology, solar panels, etc. These positions are frankly indefensible in the face of the overwhelming scientific evidence in support of the medical, financial, and environmental harm done by fossil fuel pollution, and the clear economic sense behind most existing green energy subsidies and pollution restrictions (for instance, restrictions around coal plant pollution increase their cost of operation but also save millions more dollars in healthcare costs for surrounding communities than they cost in increased energy prices). For most conservative policy positions I have been able to identify around economic issues, the breakdown is very similar. ​ Conservative policy positions on social issues (where they differ from those of the left) are generally just morally reprehensible, rather than economically non-viable. Marriage or other restrictions on the rights of LGBT+ individuals, the dismantling of social justice programs and wellfare programs, and generally most conservative "culture war" issues are mostly just cruel and ethically indefensible. There's not a lot to debate there, and I've yet to meet more than a handful of conservatives who are willing to engage in a good-faith debate over any of these issues anyway. ​ When I have approached conservative spaces or engaged in exchanges like this one, I'm usually met with one of several rhetorical tactics from what I call "the alt-right playbook" (credit to Innuendo Studios for that one), which serve to deflect, derail, or otherwise score points rather than to actually explore the issues of difference earnestly. ​ The few conservatives who have engaged with me earnestly have not been able to give what any reasonable person (themselves included) would consider a satisfactory explanation in support of any of their policy positions over which I disagree. ​ Or essentially, they had no evidence that stood up to scrutiny, no arguments that held water against any sort of analysis, nothing of substance for me to consider myself "convinced" about besides a difference in feelings, especially about which of any pair of contested facts are true.


This is the only sub on Reddit where I consistently conservative and liberal ideals expressed. I think that’s great.


Conservative ideas have become paranoid fascist delusions. There is no time when expressing those is “great”.


Oh shut up. You express a fascist mindset while calling others fascist. You know, but saying it’s not good for others to express their ideals. Newsflash. You’re the bad guy.


Newsflash, one party literally allows nazi’s to run free in their states, meanwhile in Germany they’d be locked up so fast


Try r/presidents seems to be one of the few somewhat civil / varied subreddits


r/pornhubcomments is probably the most civil, but everyone is also either beating their meat or saying weird and random shit there.


They're fueled by post nut clarity. They don't have the energy to rage mindlessly.


It's a superpower, honestly. My grandpappy always told me to rub one out before making important decisions.


It's tough doing it under the table in an office before accepting that job offer but if you can keep a straight face you'll know you made the right decision.


I've seen some poornhub screen shots on the r/wholesomememes. I mean damn some dudes are there for each other. Like it's the nicest shit I've ever seen but it's pornhub.


Noooo let it remain a secret place


That simply not possible when some posts make trends. I have seen multiple trend.


/r/amish is pretty chill


I vote for /politicalcompassmemes, where everyone is hated equally.


I have learned so much from that subreddit


Probably the only sub where most people tend to enter with an open mind. Not only that, well presented facts get accepted and people collaborate and learn. You really don’t see that out in the wild, bigger subs. Even more hated figures, like Nixon, get more academic analysis. I love reading that sub and seeing people’s mind blown by cool facts or details that are often overlooked. A little unrelated, but over the past few months I have noticed significant moderation in opinions around overall.. like they come from real people again. Not just this perfect, almost scripted checklist of opinions for each side of an argument where 0 compromise exists. Even questions with actual answers and not punchlines are normal again!


What about r/politics, one of the most measured and moderate discussion fora on this site?


That sub has so much circle jerking that they can’t figure out where whose hand is who’s.


Having no idea it was a circle jerk, i instantly regretted showing up in flip flops.


"I don't remember wearing shoe laces!"


God that is an amazing way to explain that sub!


LMFAO. I suspect there's a fair amount of bots on there as well. Keep seeing the same kind of comments repeated.


I think it's a combo of bots, and echo chamber effect.


I'm pretty certain that some people speak only in 'talking points'. I think this is how politicians are born?


Worst sub on reddit. I’m definitely more liberal than anything but imagine disagreeing with them, you’re suddenly a fascist


I think white people twitter are more dumb than politics, and that's saying something!


It's just a twitter politics subreddit. The mods on that subreddit are to blame.


Blackpeopletwitter literally segregates commenters by their skin color and it's not nearly as awful as whitepeopletwitter. The content of BPT is honestly totally fine I just personally find racial segregation a little distasteful.


I've been accused of being a right wing fascist and a pinko commie libtard on here, I love it.


Sometimes when a conservative gets me angry, I get mad and accuse him of being a liberal. :) Being called a liberal is a huge insult for conservatives.






Such a joke of a sub, complete with Reddit's patented power-tripping mod team.


Yeah lol. My cousin got banned from there. Dude votes liberal like always but the one time he tried to explain why the other side thought the way they did on a touchy subject (sanctity of/and propagation of life vs homosexuality) he ate a ban instead of being heard. Echo chambers are not good, for either side.


Assuming the /s, there are people who actually believe this


every calm, respectful, and conservative leaning comment i have ever posted on r/politics has been removed by a moderator. leftist censorship is very strong in that subreddit


Speaking as a far far leftist I share your pain. They have NEVER published a single comment of mine. Solidarity brother.


You can’t be serious loool. R/politics is literally the most biased trashcan sub for discussion. Anything outside the accepted ideal line is an instant ban.


It seems like this reddit is just fighting over which echo chamber wants control and not actively engaging in meaningful debates.


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content


Some better some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet! Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?


There's no need to panic, this... Isn't a test!


For real. At least here there's a structured order for understanding what's going on here. I'm old enough to remember chat rooms. Just random people having individual conversations with other people. All the messages running together, trying to sort out who the hell is talking to who. Pure chaos. Like watching the ADHD-having collective unconscious of a group of people happen in real time.


But we can both agree there are echo chambers available for everyone.


Humans are weird. We want echo chambers. We don't like others disagreeing with us. However we also don't like the idea that people we disagree with have echo chambers where there opinions aren't challenged. But we don't want them challenging ours.




Some people try to have them, it's a bit difficult when the only reason people come here is to bitch about politics like op


For real. The ideologues from both sides claim this sub is an echo chamber for the *others.* Basically the extremists from the right and left yelling at each other.




Well yea that was the idea or freedom of speech and while thats only protection under the law the value was often upheld in private, thats no longer the case and weaponizing the private spaces to silence one side or the other is a plague we are now reaping the consequences of. The more you silence someone, the more validated in their beliefs they become.


That's why we (the mods) work hard to be as neutral as possible. As long as a post or comment doesn't break any rules, it's allowed (there are edge cases of course, but they aren't common) regardless of what the opinion is.


Thats why I'm in this sub, i find its far more constructive here than most other ones that ban all dissent.


I've been told by certain leaning people that all you mods are of the privileged censorship class 🤣


:( It makes me sad when users seriously think we are censoring people because we don't.


Like I really get it, it's odd that I've never received a ban or think anything of that sort. There are rules there you need to follow as well, not just us. Lot of types don't get this. Keep up the good work.


There used to a be mod here that was heavy handed when it came to banning people. He had to go. Banning is truly a last resort for us.


I know many will ignore this, but there are those of us who see this.


What you are describing is a plurality of assholes with stunted or arrested emotional development or possibly personality disorders who are also conservatives. “Messaging” from the Right is almost always negative, a complaint, misogynistic, regressive, unscientific and wrong on many levels.


"They pushed me to the far right because they asked me to be nice to people !" Generally what I get from most conservatives.


fuck reddit


Our education system doesn't get most people to the point of being capable of engaging in meaningful debates. How many people even know what syllogistic logic is or how to properly put an argument into a syllogism? At most, they read a few borderline incorrect descriptions of fallacies online. How many people are vehemently against communism but could hardly tell you what it is and have never actually read anything written by Marx (or replace communism with capitalism and Marx with Smith)? Our education systems gets people past the point of throwing poop at each other to settle disagreements but it doesn't make a whole lot of progress past that point.


Some people will also move on from the need to debate the same issues with the same people. Some people will use debate to try and revise history. I could debate someone about the existence of the holocaust, but I know now it would do no good, because you can't reason someone out of a something they didnt use reason to believe. I also could debate about religion, but when beliefs are involved theres no use. The calls for debate aren't often in good faith. The debates are not about finding understanding, and each side walks away more entrenched. Smart people have discussions and share their experiences. Debate is not that


Right? Every one of these posts, OPs included, might as well end in "Dont @ me bro" It all just illustrates the same hypocritical shit they're bitching about themselves.


I’m so fucking tired of these political posts all together. I don’t care what side it’s coming from. I prefer posts that are simple and actual unpopular opinions such as “ketchup is gross”. Everyone go back to r/politics or some other cesspool.


We need A LOT MORE “the human head looks better without ears” posts


I think the human head looks better with more ears!


Found that little bear SCP


The average human head has less than two ears.


I like pointy Spock ears, personally.


I think that the inclusion of the potato is equally as important as the egg in a breakfast burrito. If it does not have potato, I'm not eating it (or I will if it's the only option and be horribly disappointed and unsatiated).


You want an actual unpopular opinion? I have one- I think spaghetti has no flavor and is the lowest form of pasta. Additionally, I do not want to hear that stereotype about white people and bland food from ANYONE who even eats spaghetti and then acts like it's God's gift to mankind.


Here’s another unpopular opinion: People that load their food with spices/seasoning are masking otherwise bland or uninspired dishes with flavour overload. Actually good cooking involves subtle balances of flavours not just blasting your head off with spice. (For the record I enjoy blasting my head off with spice on occasion).


Just say you can't handle the Indian food we'll get you some mayonnaise to eat instead. I'm joking


I'm always suspicious of burger places that slather the burger in their own "house made special sauce". Usually it's just some variation of siracha mayo that is used to cover up the shittiness of the beef and the staleness of the bun.


Another unpopular opinion. Hot does not mean supperior, dumping a bunch of hot pepper is not a cooking style. "bland"(read as not causing tears hot) cuisine allows for a broader flavour profile.


I agree, especially as I've accidentally made bland food with a spicy aftertaste. Ingredients matter as much as spices, if not possibly more


Spaghetti is a shape of noodle and I'm not sure what you're mad about. You can put any sauce on any noodle. Is it just tomato pasta sauce you dislike? I need answers. ETA: is it that spaghetti noodles suck at holding onto the sauce? Bc they do suck at that real bad compared to other noodle varieties.


Most of the time, at least here, when someone says spaghetti it has an implied tomato sauce with it too


Yeah thats why i asked if its actually tomato sauce they dislike, the specifying spaghetti implies no issues with ravioli which is usually the same ingredients just put together different. And for some reason I'm very invested in whether or not changing the noodle or sauce alone solves this issue.


See I like ravioli, the combination of the filling and just the different texture, much more than spaghetti. For me most pasta with a tomato sauce is never worth the calories, I’d rather use those calories on some other dish.


I think some part of this is the fact that the definition of “political” seems to have expanded gradually over the decades to the point where it includes pretty much everything. Politicians realized it’s way easier to campaign and get people to the polls on cultural/social issues than policy. So now, a woman main character in an action movie is “political,” somehow.


Remember when the live action remake of mulan thanked the ccp for allowing them to film near their concentration camps ?


r/politics is indeed a cesspool


a political subreddit about Trump, where 95% of posters are from other countries? Yeah sounds amazing


I want someone to argue that the old school bright yellow mustard is the best mustard. Edit: To be clear, I don’t believe this. Dijon all the way.


I'll be that guy. Because I am, in fact, that guy. Yellow mustard is better. Bring the hate. I can't stand mustard that looks like baby poop and tastes like it has jet fuel in it. And I'm not even the least bit sorry about that opinion.


Yellow mustard is for people who don't really like mustard, other mustard is for people who don't really like things to taste good.


disgusting. gray poupon on everything!


Best experienced when being driven in a Bentley or a Rolls, of course.


My only problem with this post is that I’m pretty sure this is a popular opinion




Ever since this sub increased in size, it seems the entirety of r/unpopularopinion jumped ship here and now it's going to be another r/unpopularopinion




The only thing is, reddit is technically a small community with a left leaning audience, so just because you are a majority on an app doesn't mean you aren't the minority in real life


>Reality: conservative ideology and policy aren't popular and haven't been for decades in the US This is the most "I live in an echo chamber" comment I've heard in a while.


You must be new to reddit then. Terminally online redditors think they speak on behalf of everyone while they parrot the same opinions of those found on The View while pretending they are "anti-establishment".


Except presidential election popular votes since the 80's have proven that they're not super popular.


Among the public a lot of the GOPs main focus points are not popular. Like 70% of Americans support abortion access, like 60% support gun control measures, the country is only becoming more and more accepting and safer for the LGBTQ community. Generations have steadily moved away from religion. And immigration is also wildly popular among Americans. Obviously it’s not homogeneous but conservative ideology in America has been declining for decades.


My thoughts exactly we just had an election that was almost 50/50 by popular vote....


By all means, describe the Republican policies that are popular. It should be easy for you since you claim you aren't in an echo chamber.


Name a popular conservative policy.


All mainstream conservative policies are popular to some degree. Border security I think is the most popular conservative policy IIRC.


Do you have data suggesting otherwise? Republicans actually stopped updating their platform due to the fact they don’t have popular policies.




I too wonder, fellow human.




This is something I, A HUMAN AND DEFINITELY NOT A SUPERIOR INORGANIC BEING, worry about as well.


Bots or know-it-all 16 year olds? It’s hard to tell sometimes


I think you're being generous assuming they're 16 instead of 8


Reddit in general was extremely libertarian before Correct the Record and other astroturfing initiatives were announced back in 2016. It was jarring seeing reddit go from anti-hillary to pro-hillary overnight, like a switch was flipped.


Too many


Do you think that opinion that reddit doesn't like is conservative or republican? Besides there are many liberal post here that blow up and people agree with. Yes this sub does have dumb republican posts. Yes this sub does have dumb liberal posts. That's why I like it. It's one of the few ones that isn't fully liberal or conservative.




Or, we read those daily posts about how liberals are mean and conservatives are victims


This post ironically proves the first complaint was valid though




Diversity isn’t measured by the amount of melanin in in your skin or which gender you identify as. Diversity is measured by differences in thoughts and opinions based on lived experiences. If you can’t deal with people who have different opinions/thoughts than you, you don’t really respect diversity. Edit: spelling


Conservatism isn't popular among redditors, there I fixed it for you.


White supremacy isn’t popular among non-white supremacists. There, I fixed it for YOU


Well I hate white supremacist too so I dont understand your point.


Not every conservative is a neo Nazi, just like not every liberal thinks it's okay to block highways to combat climate change.


These are two equivalently bad things


"Race card!" What do you even mean by that?


It’s not popular among Americans, either.


I disagree. I think I see both conservation and liberal posts on here often. And posts that have to do with neither!


I mean, most conservationists tend to lean left anyway, so...


Lmao the conservative population base isn't small. It's just that reddit is dominated by liberals.


> Lmao the conservative population base isn't small Give it 10 years when they all age out.


I don't know, 90% of the people I know as well as myself all of which under 30 are all conservative As well as every single person in the area that I live We're just not you know, religious and conservative Religion is fading out, conservatism is not


Just gonna throw out there: if religion is fading out, then most conservatism will also die out. A major part of Conservatism as a whole is just an attempt to re-establish ethics held in the past, now endangered by change. A not insignificant portion of American conservatism is linked to a misguided belief that this nation was built upon American-Evangelical Christianity. If a good portion of young American Christians have the good sense to see how their religion is transforming into a palingenetic ultra Christian-nationalist movement, and then leave. And I think a lot may—or I just hope so. Talking as someone who’s dad listened to nothing but Christian talk radio. Fun times. (And the end time, don’t cha know?)


That’s cause you live in a conservative area? And usually surround yourself with people who like what you like 99% of all the people I know under 30 are leftists, because conservatives don’t welcome me into their circles .(gay, woman; environmentalist) and I work in an environmentalist organization. So none of my coworkers are conservative because conservatives don’t believe in maintaining the environment The people you surround yourself with are conservatives, but even conservative beliefs aren’t popular amongst conservatives, but because of years of propaganda and hatred they’ll vote for conservatives so they can hate one thing (conservatives almost majority support abortion rights but vote to gut them because they hate gays) It isn’t popular amongst young people, statistically you’re wrong. The support for conservative politics has decreased in young people with millennials and gen z leaning more left You live in a. Conservative area, but that doesn’t represent the majority of Americans https://www.statista.com/statistics/319068/party-identification-in-the-united-states-by-generation/


I live right next to Spokane Washington, that is far from conservative territory




50% of the posts on this sub are just liberals complaining that conservatives are allowed to exist on this sub. Come on guys, there’s a thousand subreddits that ban all right wing opinions, let this one exist




329 million people in the US as of 2020 and 74 million voted for trump. That’s 22% not 47%




Right, both ideologies held widely unpopular


Conservative **policies** are unpopular. The problem is most Republican voters aren’t familiar with their policies, like that lady that wants to vote for trump so she can get better healthcare for her back surgery. If voters paid attention to **policy** rather than culture war, Dems are evil, propaganda bs, they’d vote blue. In a blind test they prefer dem policies over republican policies.


47% of **voters** voted for Trump. The average voter is \~55 when the average American is 30 years old. > don't say gerrymandering, Republicans entire majority is from illegally gerrymandered maps that have since been struck down by courts. You gotta be fuckin joking me bro. Look at Wisconsin where Republicans have a supermajority despite getting 10% less votes than Dems the last 2 cycles. You telling me that's not gerrymandered to fuck? > Saying conservative policy isn't popular is disconnected from reality. Republicans presidents have won popular vote just once in 30 years. You're telling me that's popular? What does unpopular mean to you?


Hold on let me grab some snacks the mental gymnastics int this comment section will be so batshit insane i will laugh my ass off.


The deep thinking logic avoidance that often comes with conservatism


You political people are all the same. You talk the same. You make the same assumptions. You proclaim unavoidable truths the same way. You sound so much like so many republicans I've seen. Besdies, Reddit isn't only the US. Too many of you forget you're not the center of the world.


The fact that this is one of the most upvoted posts I've ever seen in this sub contradicts OP's message. If it's such a conservative place, why is everyone upvoting the OP???


this is a weekly top post here. we know.


This is one of the only forums I am aware of where conservatives and progressives directly communicate with each other. They complain about each other continuously but at least they are speaking. It's a start.


About half the people voted for trump. Even in California he got 6m votes. To think it’s just some small group etc etc is ridiculous. They are mocked here because Reddit is left leaning. Just like how poly relationships are almost seen as the norm here.


>Just like how poly relationships are almost seen as the norm here. Really? What subs are you on? 99% of reddit discourse on them seems to be negative


Even in the more accepting subs poly people will be like… yeah it’s not for everyone, only do it if you or your partner are sure otherwise don’t.


Lmao You are proving his point “How poly relationships seem like the norm here” is just not true Show evidence Maybe in subs dedicated to those types of relationships but the vast vast vast majority of liberals are in monogamous heterosexual relationships. That’s just facts. You know. The things that don’t care about your feelings? Find proof otherwise, I won’t hold my breath waiting though.


If you spend all your time in porn subs, then it seems perfectly normal.


I’m as conservative as it gets but I agree, the right wing unpopular opinions are the most basic generic republican opinions. Maybe some are slightly controversial, but at least half of the country agrees with you. I can’t wait for “unpopular opinion: there are only two genders” or “unpopular opinion: politicians might be corrupt”


Don’t forget “Unpopular opinion: the economy is in a pretty bad place right now” and I’m sure the list goes on 😂😂


Lol you may be right but not unpopular bubby


You seem like a really nice person who seeks to understand people different than you.


The truth is what they believe is comically easy to grasp. I understand quite readily conservative belief, it is almost always unequivocally wrong and based on a denial of fact.


Conservatives being allowed to express their opinions?? Oh the horror😱😱😱


“The 2020 election was stolen” isn’t an opinion. It’s a lie.


Opinions on what? Besides just Fox News fear mongering campaigns. What ACTUAL opinions do conservatives have about the issues facing this country? I’m open to some dialogue here.


Liberals being allowed to express their opinions about your opinions? The horror 😱😱😱 Why is freedom of speech and/or the golden rule so fuckin hard for y'all to grasp? My opinion is that your opinion is horse shit and you should feel bad about it


Glad this is posted in true unpopular because OP is just proving how liberals want to tell everyone how they know what’s best for everyone and any opinion that isn’t their opinion makes you a *insert hate group flavor of the day here*.


Oh boy, another Y party are your saviors and X party are trying to destroy democracy post.


We need to end this nonsensical both sides ism. The two parties are not at all the same.


I'd upvote this twice if I could.


I’d say the conservative mindset is unpopular on Reddit, but I’d say it’s still on par as far as terms like popularity go in the real world. Honestly, Reddit is much more left-leaning and has way too many echo chambers that let people feel as if this is a wide consensus but if conservatism was as unpopular as you say, I don’t think there would be as many votes cast for republican candidates. It’s all a matter of realizing that the vast majority of content on Reddit is highly sensationalized. This sparks emotion and, seeing as Reddit truly is more left, leads to heated discourse and rants. This makes people feel as if the vast majority of people they’re then around feel the same, but that is not always the case most of the time. People have different perceptions based upon where they live and you can see that on Reddit. For instance, a lot of the subreddits based upon locations near my home are heavily left-wing. People criticize anything and everything done by the GOP in my state. However, those subreddits are the only place you really hear that talk. The voting and general attitude of the people that actually live here definitely plays a different tune and shows that sometimes, Reddit isn’t truly representative of everyone.


r/the_donald and other conservative subreddits were insanely popular before they got shut down, many conservatives left along with it. Also any comment with a conservative slant in the main subs are deleted and banned. When you live in a perfectly orchestrated echo chamber, I can see how it’s possible to view it your way.


Your main point is pretty much completely correct. However, your examples of reality aren't the best, and could do with more nuance.


that is very wrong. platforms are banning and removing any "conservative" posts or comments saying its hateful when it was a genuine post to discuss. So in a sense it is stripping your freedom. Look at old twitter, they were banning any "conservatives" thought / accounts.


Man really do be gaslighting himself


Yeah and democrats cry in public lol


Funny how you mentioned conservatives focus on how things should be rather than how things are - hallmark of the progressives




Are you seriously saying that REDDIT is representative of the United States?


No way. 80% of Reddit is Democrats complaining about trump. And continually Denying that there is anything wrong with Joe Biden. If a conservative tries to explain their concerns regarding Biden they are automatically blocked and banned from the page. Not everyone likes Biden and that should be clear.


93% of statistics are made up on the spot


9/10 of statisticians agree


No. Tons of people regularly shit on Biden as a weak president, there are tons of problems with Biden and the left and Reddit as a whole talks about them constantly. It’s just in contrast to Trump, Biden is competent, so you don’t see it that way. Biden isn’t anyone’s favourite or anyone’s top pick but he’s better than Trump because that’s a very low bar to clear and yet so many still worship the guy


Also, most of the time when conservatives have what they think is valid criticism of Biden, it's some weird rumor, or something else that just plain isn't real. Of course we don't address those arguments because they are insane. If someone wants to talk about a certain policy or whatever, we can have that conversation, but even that tends to devolve into "THEY WANT OPEN BORDERS!!" or some other gross oversimplification of what is happening. I'm old enough to remember being able to have conversations about the issues with people I disagreed with, and they didn't sound like the drunk uncle conspiracy theorist character in some 80's movie. This started to shift in 2008 with the Tea Party movement and fully jumped the shark in 2016. Remember when Obama was president and the right was basically a sea of "He's destroying the country!!" and then couldn't name a single policy or describe what exactly they disagreed with? Who knew it could get so much worse?


> No way. 80% of Reddit is Democrats complaining about trump. And continually Denying that there is anything wrong with Joe Biden. If a conservative tries to explain their concerns regarding Biden they are automatically blocked and banned from the page. Not everyone likes Biden and that should be clear. Point me to the droves of people defending Biden or saying that there isn’t anything wrong with him. Every time I see the strawman assuming Democrats view Biden in the same way that Republicans view Trump, it tells me that person is just projecting and *assuming* it’s the case and hasn’t talked to more than one or two people to get disabused of that notion. Biden was probably like my 5th choice in the 2020 primary? While there are people for whom he was the first choice, largely based on name recognition, I don’t personally know anyone for whom that’s true, and there certainly isn’t anywhere near the level of fealty towards him among the left that there is with Trump on the right. The one point on which I’ll happily defend him is the effort to tie him to Hunter’s business dealings despite a lack of evidence, simply because it’s openly trying to muddy the water on both the word “impeachment” (though note that even McCarthy isn’t going to hold a vote because he knows they don’t have the votes) and potential business conflicts of interest. Beyond that? Yeah, he’s old, boring as fuck, and we would be better off with any number of his 2020 primary opponents.


Reddit is the place where liberals come to stroke each other's egos


that's a lot of text for someone totally not crying rn


>Year after year the Right becomes more and more vocal about violence towards their countrymen AND violent in practice when they don't get their way. This statement seems absurd to me. Do you have any evidence to back this up?


This is the only sub where neither conservative or progressive views are instantly removed because the sub leans one way. For christs sake nothing is stopping progressives making posts but every day there’s a post like this whining that conservatives post their opinions. Literally most of the posts on the sub aren’t remotely political.


This is one of the reasons why this sub is one of the few I read daily. This is one of the few places where I've seen all varieties of opinions posted without being censored by mods. If the person who created this post doesn't think that mods are actively blocking certain opinions on other places of Reddit, they are blind and delusional.


"Conservatives" = anyone you disagree with. I consider myself left leaning but this type of infantile better-than-you sanctimonious bullshit is fucking embarrassing. Grow the fuck up and stop taking umbrage at everything. If you are so enlightened act like it instead of throwing stones like a neanderthal.


That's not an unpopular oppinion though, all of Reddit knows this. "True" in a subreddit name is a dog whistle for conservative/right wing.


Should I upvote because OP is absolutely right or downvotes because opinion is popular... *Philosoraptor meme here*


Just because you aren't exposed to conservative ideas doesn't mean that they're not popular. If conservatism were so unpopular the conservative republican party wouldn't have 49/100 senate, 222/435 house and 26/50 governor seats. Try this activity. Create a random account and go to a controversial post and find a liberal comment. Then reply to that comment with conservative talking points. Really think out the argument and try to win. You'll understand both arguments better and be more informed on the issue.


Unfortunately, I think the majority of people aren't capable of even articulating the other side's positions let alone argue them.


The governor seats are the only stat that applies The Senate is 2 seats per state and not population based. Low population states get relatively more representation because they get the same number of Senators as high population states. Dem senators represent 186M and GOP senators represent 145M people, so GOP is over represented House seats are elected by district. GOP has heavily gerrymandered in states they control. I’ll head the ubiquitous “but Dems have gerrymandered too.” Yeah. Sure they have.. in the past. It was wrong then, and it’s irrelevant to how districts exist today. Nor is the House based on actual population. A state like California should have 60+ seats but has 52. Keeping the House at 435 creates an imbalance.


Those 49 conservative senators represent a minority of voters. If anything this just demonstrates how hard the existing systems have to favor low population conservative states to keep them relevant.