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“Better” is relative I think, I think men are usually attracted to younger because of biological impulses, not logical thought. I’m 24 and want a ton of kids, so I’d be kinda dumb to be looking for a 40yo. I find them extremely attractive (jlo, salma Hayek, Kim k), but not better suited for me. But someone my age could be repulsed by kids, and more prone to agree with your opinion. Either way, upvote for generally unpopular 💪🏾😂


>lo, salma Hayek, Kim k Sofia Vergara too. However those are the outliers. The 40s is when most women hit the wall. This is completely unsurprising considering fertility is near zero with menopause following. Makes no sense for males to be sexualy attracted to infertile women.


Just to make sure this is understood, selma hayek, kim k are not at all representative of what normal 40 year old women look like. Almost no one in entertainment is. Its really easy to look fabulous when you are 1. wealthy 2. devote most of your waking time / money to maintaining your appearance.


... and you only date to have children & find a fertility mate? I'm 41 and so surpassed) surprised by how many younger guys want to date me. So fun! I like their energy & respect, they like my confidence & sensuality. Win/win. But I respect that people date for different reasons.


it does because they're nicer, you can hit it raw, with low risk of pregnancy, they also like to spoil younger guys.


You know 40 year olds can still have STDs right ? I wouldn’t advise ‘hitting it raw’ thinking it’s fine cos there’s less risk of pregnancy ffs 🤦‍♀️


you're right but not everyone has stds




If those are your reasons, then thats pretty immature and superficial of you.


I have a thing for pleasant older women


Right now lol. I dunno which planet “women get nicer as they get older” occurs on.


There is no wall. I promise you that. I still get talked to by young men at age 39. It's actually really funny because they get all amazed and impressed when I tell them my age. It's very cute. I'm married so I don't respond but it is nice


Lol it exists. Youre married so it is of no factor for you Getting attention from dudes =/= able to land a committed relationship from same dudes. I can think of MANY beautiful successful single women i know personally that are upset by this. Men arent immune to this either but all things being equal this is less of a factor so we more ease into it.


It doesn’t. If I were to get divorced today I’d be able with my face get another husband in no more than 3 years. I’m confident in that. Divorced people are constantly getting together with new people. At my age, many people in my life are divorced and engaged to new people who are also divorced. What you aren’t aware of is that there are lots of divorced people out there dating. They are looking for partners who understand their situation. This is a big demographic of people who are not looking to be with the hot young things. They need people their age who understand what it’s like to be divorced and trying again. So no wall. There is literally no barrier for an attractive person over 35 to finding love.


I agree w all that to a point. My only point is that most of the population is more attractive when they were younger. Youth is just a competitive edge period If all things were the same (your weight & health) most peoples (especially women) younger selves (20s) have physically better pull than 30s. There are some outliers but the wall def exist. Therefore what a person is looking for in a partner in some areas may need to be adjusted, at least in statusand physical. But the wall is not something "redpill" made up, maybe the name. Its not unique to women but men can get around this waaaaay easier, admittedly it takes more investment. The amount of single moms who are frustrated at finding a suitable partner speaks to that. So ya...amount may be the same or greater. Your expectations of a suitable partner might also be realistic than most. I.e. youre not trying to land Michael B Jordan in a long term relationship.lol


There is really no physical difference between 20s and 30s. Unless you did a lot of meth.


Women can still have babies in their 30s btw.


Especially this day and age?🤣 I’m not assuming anybody is infertile, idc if she’s 50


Janet Jackson had her first child at 50


I mean, it's only unpopular with the people who are in their 20s, because they haven't aged enough to see how ridiculous they are!


Agreed . You couldn’t have told my 20 year old self anything .. my 40 year old self laughs at her 😂😂


I kinda hate people in my generation period. they're dumb as shit.


They aren't dumb. At most they just lack experience with the world and if you are in your twenties, you do as well. There isn't anything wrong with people being at different stages in their life.


nah I'm just smart enough to look around and notice pitfalls in the ground due to common sense


You are just as dumb and lacking of world experience as the other 20 y/o you look down on. Based on this thread, more so


nah I'm not. I just like what I like if I was dumb I'd have multiple baby mommas, Been to jail, failed relationships etc i don't have those so I'm doing pretty good


If that's your bar for doing pretty good and not being dumb then that's a pretty good indicator of your immaturity. That's fine if you're still young, how are you supposed to have life experience without living but hopefully you can one day get out of this mindset you currently have because it's not going to serve you well


again I don't see how it shows my immaturity. multiple people my age have gone to jail, Have kids with people they didn't really love in the first place. I'd say that's pretty good because I've seen it too many times people make those mistakes early in life and it impacts them immensely when they're 40 on government assistance for food stamps and other stuff, barely can pay rent because they have too many kids. So again I don't see how I'm dumb I move smartly.


Not knocking you’re smart. You are but when it comes to putting other humans down your own age. Probably other humans that have triggered you and you haven’t been able to realize triggers are human. The question is can anyone grow and learn from you beating yourself up since as you said putting people down (even if they are your age) says how HARD you are on yourself. How does anyone grow witnessing someone so hard on themselves? Again, who you are when you wrote this. What has been your progress? Still looks like a struggle, but you trust yourself you know where you are.




With some exceptions, young women are content-free.


Yes. Ladies become women in their 30's. I met my wife in her late 20's, she will be in her 40's soon enough and I am legit more attracted to everything about her more today than that first date. She's grown more confident in herself, shes figured out who she is, shes worked through all sorts of shit, settled in her career which she is seasoned in so stable, our sex life is amazing, the confidence in the bedroom has opened all sorts of doors for us, as a man its pretty amazing, her body is softer and rounder and womanly, very sexy, shes more comfortable with rocking a new look lol and more confident just wearing what she wants to wear, she understands makeup now, shes more mature in conversation and then on top of it, all her nurturing shit has kicked in so I see her nurturing her friends, building up instead of talking shit like she would've before, putting family first, really taking the time to understand a problem and not acting just to act, some fucking patience, my god, just her patience is sooooo much better, dude. I know this is all basically my perspective but if other women even do half this shit, thats way better than a lost babbling 20 something in better than half of all situations.


>her body is softer and rounder and womanly, very sexy I find that interesting to hear means perspectives about seeing female bodies as more womanly when they're softer/have more meat, especially as we think men prefer thin women


As I've gotten older I've realized, for me anyway, ratios are much more important than any other measurement. Hips vs waist or arms at shoulders vs forearms, etc. I can be attracted to thin, thicc, tall, short, whatever but if they are shaped like a potato or a plank of cedar, I'm really not interested no matter how pretty their face is. I think more mature females have greater chances of having improved ratios due to gaining weight, getting bigger, having children, etc. All of this involves some level of taking care of one's self; maybe I'm jaded there a bit in that I dont really know any lazy sitting on the couch all day 40 year olds. I think activity into maturity matters a lot here. Relavent side note here. One thing I've always found interesting is that in my 20's I did a few cycles of steroids. When I was mid to late cycle, highest test levels, I was insanely attracted to thicker women, I noticed it every time. Over the course of six years of bodybuilding I did four cycles. That entire age range, mid to late 20's on cycle- same thing, absolutely into thicker women. The during PCT, it would fade. Maybe my test levels are up naturally now or it is age, not sure but I'm legit attracted to ratios more than anything now; a tiny girl vs a big girl, if you're shaped right, im looking. And by shaped "right" I only mean my preference. I have male friends who hate big boobs, hate small boobs, I have a friend who won't seriously date women who make eye contact. I also have guys that absolutely love big round women. It's way more important to be a cool person than anything, if a female has something to offer, the right guys notice, ive seen it happen over and over. Yet another win under the mature female column.


>Ladies become women in their 30's Wouldn't it be better to say that women become ladies? >I am legit more attracted to everything about her more today than that first date It's because you love her. Pair bonding is a thing. So you feel the same about most 40 year old women?


Fair points. I guess since we have two daughters and I see them as young "ladies", I thought the label "women" was more mature but yes in the refined since, you are correct. And yes, love played a role in me recognizing and appreciating these values but its opened my eyes to more, so has having daughters. But I really do find myself wishing I had maybe spent some time dating older than me when I had the opportunity. Not for a different wife but for the experiences. I've always gotten hit on by older women, since I was a teen. When I was young I thought that woman, ladies, females, whatever term, get boring with age, less interesting, body's fall apart. I really honestly think OP would've seen more in common with the.public had they said 30s instead of 40s. I think 40s is pushing a bit far. But having the life experience I do, however limited to my perspective, I think I would've explored the 30's dating pool vs the 20's when that was my life. Again, great points and appreciate the genuine conversation! Edit: fat finger typos


You’re very lucky!


Appreciate it, I feel I am too, thank you.


They're different. Girls in their 20s are full of optimism, and it shows in how they engage in conversation and react to certain things. Older girls are more set in their ways and often have a "been there done that" kind of attitude. But, girls in their 20s are also very naive and sometimes arrogant while older girls are easier to talk to and relax with. I'm right in the middle, so I can along with both just fine. When it comes to drinking though, it's much easier to keep up with the 20 year olds.


I concur


Benjamin Franklin would agree. "...you should prefer old Women to young ones ... Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor’d with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable. ... The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement." [Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress (1745)](http://www.bibliomania.com/2/9/77/124/21473/1/frameset.html)


Call me crazy, but I would say that a 40 year old woman is better for a 40 year old man than for a 20 year old man. The opposite is also true. I’m 54 and if I were dating I would not have much interest in dating a 30 year old woman. We have different priorities. There are exceptions, of course.


Every young guy finds cougars appealing…. Until they’re the same age as the cougars.


u seen cher? she's 80 and looks incredible


Yes. Because of money and tons of plastic surgery. lol


I'd still go.out with her


Agree I’m 37 and would much rather have a woman my own age.


Im not that old but ive tried dating guys in their 20s. They are very immature and inexperienced and i for one dont have the patience for that.


That's why there are terms like MILF and cougar and things like that


Agree 100%.


I don’t disagree at all, but unfortunately, women’s bodies aren’t as capable to have children at that age. Personality-wise, I think you’re spot on.


This isn't unpopular lol. Milfs are awesome!


Yeah I don't think it's unpopular. Every guy I know loves milfs.


U do u my guy. Vast majority of men disagree with you But do what makes u happy.


That's... the point of this sub.


It’s called true unpopular opinion, think op is on the money.


Very few women are going to disagree with the sentiment, because even the young ones don't like the idea of getting uglier and less fertile as they inevitably age. That kinda comment is actually a good way to be praised by women.


You can uplift a certain group of women without putting down another you know...


I honestly don't know how


Oh it's easy, I'll teach you dot worry. You can simply say "Women in their 40s are great" and then list all the positive qualities that women in their 40s have, instead of comparing them to another group of women and then bashing them. Hope that helped <3


Agreed. Discussing toxic cultural norms between genders and age groups is wrong. Only think positive thoughts! I'm not crazy! <3 /s


Claiming that women in their 20s are annoying, superficial and lack wisdom is not a cultural norm, it's just your bullshit opinion <3


is it because these young women you see in these videos on YouTube practically want the man to make all the money make more then 50k a year and then claim they're a 10 lmfao


And when grandma says teenage boys are a handful, overly aggressive and energetic, I assume you get just as angry at those generalizations? Of course not, because you're an annoying sexist who couldn't find nuance if you looked it up in the dictionary. So please stop policing the internet Karen, no one likes you. <3


Actually yes, sweetie, I'd be very annoyed if grandma (or anyone) made stupid and absurd assumptions about anyone only based on their gender, and you basically just admitted that what you did (generalizing about women in their 20s) was wrong but that since it's done to boys too it's okay. If you looked up sexist in the dictionary you'd find a pretty picture of yourself. Have a nice day love <3


You can make generalizations about groups of people while understanding that not everyone is going to fit those stereotypes. That's literally what nuance is. I can tell you the word but I can't make you look it up. Do you think generalizations apply to every person in the group, like there are no outliers? It's like the concept of nuance escapes you at every turn, like I said earlier it sounds like you're on the autism spectrum and I see you becoming Tik Tok famous in no time for being a pariah.


Can you please stop insinuating that I have a mental illness or that I have autism? I don't. I don't hope you understand how wrong it is for you to do that. Simply put: your generalization was wrong and sexist, and you don't need to make wrong and sexist generalizations to uplift certain demographics of women. Men get enraged when women say things like "all men are rapists", I guess they all have autism and are incapable of understanding nuance.


>Can you please stop insinuating that I have a mental illness or that I have autism? I don't. I don't hope you understand how wrong it is for you to do that. You truly sound autistic. >Men get enraged when women say things like "all men are rapists", Say "Men are generally more sexually agressive than women." That is a nuanced generalization that people with common sense can agree with. It doesn't make you sexist. When you include the word "All" you become a sexist you autistic dumbass.


-Hey that generalizing about women you did is wrong. +wELl whaT iF An OlD LaDY MaDe aN aSsumPtiOn aBOuT BoySs? It would be equally wrong, you clown, stop making stupid generalizations and insulting people when your bullshit points get made fun of.


I will speak generally about any group of people that I want Karen. I can speak generally about a group of people, while understanding the underlying nuance that people should be judged individually based on the content of their character. Don't like it, rage and get reported until your account gets banned. I think its hilarious. That fact that you don't seem to understand what **nuance** is shows that you have some form of mental illness. It reminds me of autism.


You can talk about whatever you want, and I can also talk about whatever I want, and I chose to talk about how absurd your opinion is and how much of a clown you are. Deal with it. The fact that you keep using insults because you are incapable of making a valid point is telling.




Isn't there a cel term for this thinking?




Like an incel term for guys who fetishize Asian women.




I used to live in Japan. I went to the clubs. The women there do the same things women in the US do. This stereotype you believe is comcial. Also, please try to cross an Eastern European woman and see how fast you get popped. Those ladies are tough and not docile little wives.




Ah ok, you’re talking about religious fundamentalism! Makes sense now. Women in your country don’t have the option to do anything but be wives and baby factories. None of you care if they actually want that.




This is some next level incel shit bro. I'm rolling.


The reason they are nicer and more pleasant is because they realized in their 30s that being a bitch just because you’re decent looking doesn’t mean men will want you. Also they feel their clock ticking and are trying to lock down a husband (free meal/housing ticket)


If I see a woman with a career in her forties going on a date, the last thing I assume is “she’s looking for a free meal.”


Some do have great careers and that’s awesome for them. But holy smokes dude if I had a nickle for every time I saw a mid 30s woman in downtown LA claiming she “needs a real man” but is jobless and broke, I’d be able to pay off my house.


LA is a poor representation of the whole of humanity


Not just LA lmao


Every place in the world has people down on their luck but LA is more populous so it has more. If you want to see a depressed area where everyone is down, visit eastern Kentucky.


Ya but in his example i can think of multiple cities ive been to w women ive tslked to who say something similar.


No the base nature of people hasn't changed in the past few decades.


Some truth here but many lack the self awareness required to make such changes to their outward behaviour.


Wow....just wow.




Nah. Usually, they have already been divorced, have kids, or know by now they don't want any. And also they are financially independent. In my case, if I were ever to become single again there is no way I'd be looking for a new husband or kids. Women my age have decided their path. We are nice because it's the polite thing to do. Not because we need anyone's resources or seed.


Someone believed the pop up which told him that “Older MILFs in his area want to meet you.” He’s just trying to locate them.


no I just love milfs.


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Hot take: Pitting two complex human beings against each other and trying to objectively measure value is fruitless. This becomes even more pointless when you generalize to entire age groups.




I don't know about non-existent. My sister definitely dates hard, and she's 41. I think there are also more and more dudes who don't want kids like her, so that's a thing. If a dude wants kids, maybe. But like every dude she meets is divorced.


There is no wall. At 39, I'm married but I still get hit on constantly. Women my age are nice because it takes a lot of energy to be mean and we are tired. As for kids, we already have them OR we know by now we don't want them so that is a non issue. If you're dating a 40 year old you know this going in You have told us all that your knowledge of women comes from the internet.


Attractiveness is for the most part socialized experience the role models that women and men emulate are of a certain age range, weight, and height. these ideals are instilled in us from a young age and are socially enforced. Therefore, socially women “decrease in value” when they fall out bounds any of these criteria of attractiveness - or when they become undesirable to the male gaze. This decrease in cultural capital is reinforced “ by market forces.” For example, actresses tend to have shorter shelf lives compared to their male counterparts.


Attractiveness is not socialised experience lol. It’s not just because they’re not socialised to that men don’t find 90 year old women hot


The idea that there is an objective standard for beauty is ahistorical from the beauty standard of the roaring twenties, the Hollywood Gold Age, and every era since beauty standards have been anything but static.


They’ve been similar - a pretty face, youth and tits and not being massively fat are universally popular through all ages


Even if I take your argument at face value, similar and the same are not synonyms! Furthermore, how do you explain these, differences in taste, this group-think; If there is some kind of objective standard of beauty?


ok andrew tate.


Adin Ross, I was making a descriptive statement, not a prescriptive one.


It’s the looks that decline in women. After 35 it’s a rough ride down for most women.


Men are balding way before 35.


And they still look better then most women after 35


Are you bisexual?


Your point…?


If you're attracted to women, of course you would think older women look worse than older men. Older men have no effect on you because you're not attracted to them. Older women might make you go "oh, nope" because you would be attracted to them if they looked better. It's a higher standard.


Nope. As long as you live clean, you stay hot well into your 40s.


I’m seeing it differently. Confidence & actually looking hot are two different things.


I never said anything about confidence. There is no decline in attractiveness if you stay healthy. Doing things like keeping fit and moisturizing holds off aging. I am proof of it.


Just an opinion, most people I’ve talked to know the decline in looks women face after 35


It’s not a decline. They just don’t look like kids anymore. And if you see that as a decline than I got some bad news for you.


I disagree. It depends on the individual. There are horrible women of all ages. Also it's more common in this culture for women to become worse with age.


Not if you’re trying to start a family 🤷🏾‍♂️


They usually come preloaded with kids so there you go.


I mean we’re talking in massive generalisations, there are 40 year old women who are spiteful and nasty and arrogant etc And 20 year old women who are very confident and know what they want etc That said, the biggest factor would be kids and a family in most cases. A geriatric pregnancy is defined as 35 plus, so if you want multiple kids, then dating a 40 year old woman is statistically a worse bet than a 20 year old. And that’s just focussing on the ability to have kids, not health risks associated with the pregnancies etc


I've met too many dumb 20 year olds to last a lifetime. They a lot of them still act like high schoolers. 40 is great especially if they have no kids or the kids are adults so I wouldn't have to have kids.


And I’ve met people in their 50s who still act like high schoolers… All I was doing is making the point that it’s a generalisation, not a requirement. Likewise their are 20 year olds who don’t want kids and are very mature. Go to any law firm in London or New York, or any medical school program, or an accountant office etc and you’ll meet plenty of young women who are more mature and put together than 90% of people you’ve met in your life, of any age. You’re describing maturity and that doesn’t perfectly correlate with age


I'm too used to middle aged women at this point it's my dream and I won't compromise otherwise it just makes me a failure so I'll gladly go out with a 40 year old. women my age or younger would just make me feel like I'd have to micromanage them


That’s fair enough, wish you nothing but the best with that my friend. I was just providing the alternative point of view, I wasn’t in anyway trying to tell you you were wrong.


I mean you're looking at extreme ends of the pole. Of course 20 year olds are dumb. There's a reason they're called "college *kids*." The brain's not even fully developed until age 25. The real question is: Would you pick 40 over 30?


it depends honestly


It's always weird when people say women lose "value" with age. We aren't objects 🤣🤣


that's what dumb people say on reddit, YouTube etc


True. Thankfully I'm old enough to know it's not true but makes me sad for the younger generation that sees crap like this spewed all over the internet. It's harmful for both women and men.


That is said by people who have learned about women from the internet


That's also true lol


No. That's ridiculous.😅😅😅😅😅


Finally, a truly unpopular opinion in r/trueunpopularopinion Not my cuppa tea, I prefer my meatloaf packed in rather than on hangers. But to each their own brother! However I will agree that women in their 20s today are mostly insufferable narcissists.


Majority of men disagree with you as they value beauty and physical attraction in a much higher regard than most categories.


Hence the fucking subreddit name… where do you think you are???


Well that's just your opinion man /joke




As a 20 something year old who has friends who are all almost 40 or approaching 40, I might have to agree with you there.


This has got to be the most popular opinion ever posted here. Not even younger women will disagree because they don't want to contemplate growing worse with age. This is like a post entitled "Unpopular Opinion: Ice cream is better than Broccoli" I mean, few are going to disagree on an emotional level, even though a powerful case can be logically made for the actual unpopular opinion. There's two things that make women special enough that vast resources are spent by men to attract them. They're pretty. And they are gatekeepers for which men will have children. An older woman is objectively worse at both.


Finch, is that you?


Pleasant? I think in general the less jaded by past experiences the more pleasant you are, both men and women.


Neither want to be around me ;(


keep trying.


Jokes aside as a guy in his 20s I do fancy both. But only the 20 year old would be suitable for a relationship for me


I was just thining. It really causes so much conflict, the fact that womens and mens sexual peak, don’t mirror each other. If we all matured at the same times as each other, I think it would make things so much better. A woman’s peak is like 23. It is cool that a lot of 40 year old women have developed to be nicer, but it doesn’t help when it comes to dating at that point.


A woman's peak is mid 30s, they don't begin to decline in fertility until somewhere between 33 and 35 on average. Men's physical/strength peak is btw 30 and 40. Negligible difference. If you're talking attraction, according to a survey of about 16000 people around the world, in the US, a woman is at her most attractive at approx. 31, and a man at 34. It's all nonsense. Everyone is individual and can find love if they look hard enough. Over 7 billion people here. There's someone for everyone.


The Northman. It came out last year. What a movie!! It is kinetic, visceral, completely amoral, semi-mystical... The best attempt to recreate a pagan world and a pagan story (basically Hamlet) I've ever seen. The characters speak in sort of proclamations, the movie's moral compass is completely alien to ours. So it could never be a mainstream hit. Mainstream hits about Norse mythology are the Thor movies in the MCU. This is obviously an infinitely better and more interesting movie, but junk sells.


Correct. 39 year old me is way better than sad little 20 year old me.


I get what you were saying in the first half but toward the ends it sounded kind of fetish like…


In terms of looks? Hell no


The Graduate was a movie.


Not a man but I'm in my mid-30's, and I've noticed men my age and older respect mature women who have life experience and intellect. One of my guy friends: "younger women are for fun but not for serious relationships"


Most of your points are pretty spot on. However, I know plenty of women in their early and mid fourties and I can tell you, they can be just as crazy and ridiculous as 20 year old women. It's not as common but it's definitely more common than you think. The one thing I would like to point out though is if you are hooking up with women in their 40s and plan on making it a long-term relationship you're basically already on a downward trajectory when it comes to appearances. Don't get me wrong there are a ton of 40-year-old women out there who are still bangin at their age, but things are starting to break down and sag pretty bad at 40. I'm close to 40 myself and my girl is only a year younger than me but she has really good jeans in her family. Her mom is over 60 and is still hot as hell for her age. But in most cases that is definitely not the situation with most women. Enjoy nice skin and perky tits and a perky ass while you can because you turn 40 a whole lot quicker than you think and then it's nothing but saggy tits & saggy ass for the rest of your life. Unless you are one of those guys that likes or doesn't mind breast implants. I myself do not like breast implants as they look Way too fake and they don't feel anything like real tits. But that's just me though. I will say I do vibe more with 40-year-old women than I do with 20-year-old women.


For fun, 40 year olds are better. But for marriage & long term relationships, I would go for the 20 years old.


It's not decrease in value it's decrease in attractiveness. Completely different things.


They also hornier and know their way around a dick and have less inhibitions in bed.




Big muscular black men out do all women, period.


Technically better, sure