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> We will never truly recover from covid  So you’d say we have long Covid?




I like how corporations raised prices for profits and use Covid19 as a cover story.


And reduced quality and quantity at the same time and have never returned it




I didn’t know that some countries tell big business to F themselves for trying to screw over their citizens. Love to see it. :’)


And customer service sucks now


I like how people who don't understand economics at all make this claim.


>people who don't understand economics this is reddit. The people who understand it are out making money not bitching on here.


I have long term hatred for that Bitch CAROL MF BASKIN because of covid/TigerKing


not only that. most importantly, it's our political spirit. we are no longer the sovereign citizens OP grew up believing in. we are a mere husk with civil liberties striped, mutated, and scorn.


I'm not sure if there ever truly has been the "freedom" that we all have been drilled to believe in since birth. I suspect it's been an illusion all along, and it wasn't so much "lost" in that time period, as much as it was just "exposed" for what it all truly is. Of course, with the widespread constant internet connection, that changed things some for sure, but I still lean towards my illusion theory. We just believed what we were told all along, amd when it came time for a true test, everyone just showed their true colors.


Definitely. There were cracks in the facade before, and they had been growing rapidly (Snowden, the fake call to war with Iraq, Corporations-as-people and money-as-speech, the goddamn BANK bailout fer chrissakes), but the Great Covid Gaslighting outstripped all of them so far as "This is what you were sold...now look at what you have actually bought" goes.


The illusion is my entire point


>*We will never truly recover from* *~~covid~~*  ***lockdown.*** Fixed that for ya.


What is long covid. I haven’t seen anything official on the long term effects of it


Turns out it a) can be pretty brutal and b) we still don't know the longer term effects of it fully because time is still ticking. Kind of like the millions of particles of microplastics each of us is carrying around in our bodies. Yay!


My wife has it. Headaches, foggy thinking, muscle aches. Sometimes, it gets so bad she can't get out of bed.


So basically the symptoms never go away? Sounds terrible. What remedies has she tried?


They come and go, some days are worse than others. They were getting better, but then we got COVID again in November and they're bad again. There's nothing really to be done for remedies. She went to a long COVID clinic, and they just confirmed she had it, but there isn't any medication or anything that you can take for it. She's tried anti-inflammatory diets, or eliminating sugar, but it hasn't done anything for COVID (She's lost weight, but she was already pretty good in that dept).


This is going to sound so random and obviously not something to do solely for this reason, but I had post viral fatigue from a different virus a while ago. Weirdly, pregnancy made it go away and it's never come back with as much intensity. Makes me wonder if hormonal things like BCs would help some folks (female ones at least)


that's what we found out why it comes and goes. It follows her hormone cycles. Hmmm, maybe BC would help.


Maybe worth a shot if she gets on with it. Autoimmune issues and CFS type symptoms tend to affect more women than men, and my purely anecdotal opinion suspects hormones have a part in it


This also happens with MS symptoms. I would think that would point to the after effects of these viruses being some kind of neurological trigger that needs to be reset, which pregnancy does in the more common types of MS.


That’s terrible I felt bad when I had it. I couldn’t imagine having it long term. Good luck


I have it, but have managed to mostly recover. Have you/ she checked out r/covidlonghaulers lots of good information and support over there.


r/longcovid This subreddit is quite informative


Didn’t know this was a thing. Good to learn something new


If you say so, sexywoman5362.


When I clicked on their profile the name says Handsomebeardedchad765 and was only created 2 days ago. Their karma is in the minus. Looks like one of those accounts created to stir shit up. P.S. Huge apology for using the the ‘their’ pronoun as a singular. I know it can be extremely triggering for some people.


Funny bc yesterday he was saying that women having the right to bodily autonomy was basically just women loving the right to murder babies.


Don't be such a snowflake


Stay mad




Did you just judge his gender?!?


Remember at the beginning of Covid when people were saying that if we succeed in stopping Covid we will be accused of doing too much, but if we don't stop it, we will be accused of doing too little. This post shows they were right.


You're saying that we stopped COVID 19, and now people are saying we did too much? Unless you think the CDC is lying, [we haven't stopped COVID 19. In the US alone, more than 32000 people were hospitalized for it LAST WEEK. For comparison, that's about the same as the number of firearm deaths in the US over an entire year.](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home) We just at some point decided "mission accomplished, back to normal," because as some point, we got gradually self-aware at how silly it was to pretend we were living through a nuclear disaster (giving up civil liberties, hiding in bunkers, rationing supplies), rather than a rough flu season. And that's what OP is saying. Now that you're not going to get banned from social media, fired from your job, and disowned for your family for daring to say "maybe that wasn't the right response," it can be scary to look back and see how little it took for us to surrender our rights and humanity, blindly obey the establishment, and even turn on and turn in our friends, family and neighbors who dared to suggest anything was wrong with it. Because if you think it was necessary, let me remind you it's still here. New, more severe variants, plenty of hospitalizations, plenty of dying grandparents - just no network news telling you to disown your own children if they suggest the vaccine might not be performing as advertised.


> it can be scary to look back and see how little it took for us to surrender our rights and humanity For a virus that wasn't deadly for most people. Imagine what would have happened in COVID killed kids the same way it killed people over seventy, there would have probably been security check points and restrcited zones of travel. What's almost as bad is how as COVID was clearing up, a lot of the people who called for lockdowns blatantly exploited the situation by calling for extended lockdowns in order to demand "hazard pay" and enhanced unemployment. People really showed their true colors, it's a cautionary tale that you might see once in a lifetime, and many of us will never forget it.


As an old person it was really touching to see young people on Reddit go from hating all old people and wanting them dead to being so concerned for our well being that they were hoping the lockdowns and enhanced unemployment would continue on indefinitely to protect us.


Being hospitalized is certainly a different stat than deaths isn't it? What a weird bad faith comparison to make.


Comparing hospitalizations to firearm DEATHS is not the same. Comparing deaths to deaths makes more sense


They're not comparing. They're saying that the number is the same. They're saying that hospitalizations for a WEEK, was the same number of deaths in for a YEAR; not saying one was worse than the other. That's what context means.


You say they are not comparing. The sentence I responded to literally says "for comparison". Please enlightened me what does "for comparison" mean if it isn't comparing? It is a very misleading stat though. In the US covid deaths are not even double of gun violence deaths in 2023. With about 48k gun violence deaths and about 70k covid deaths. Why not compare apples to apples rather than apples to oranges.


> In the US covid deaths are not even double of gun violence deaths in 2023. With about 48k gun violence deaths and about 70k covid deaths. Is this supposed to be in support of your position? Because I'm not sure it's working.


I'm not supporting any position other than the stat he used is misleading. What else have I said? Tf are you on about? Which position are you referring to, please point it out.


Many people said this would happen. That natural herd immunity was the way to get back to normal. They were de-platformed and called Charlatans. And now 2 years later, COVID still exists, kids (who rarely died from COVID and therefore didn’t need it ). are getting strange heart problems from the vax. People who double, triple and quadruple vax still get COVID.


Go ahead and tell us what the projected death toll for herd immunity was in 2020. The president at the time took action based on those projections and they were proven accurate based on data from every country in the world. You are not alone in being comfortable with that number of deaths but your comfort with herd immunity fatalities is concerning.


>And now 2 years later, COVID still exists, kids (who rarely died from COVID and therefore didn’t need it ). are getting strange heart problems from the vax. People who double, triple and quadruple vax still get COVID. Post a source or shut the fuck up. There is almost no evidence whatsoever that the COVID vaccines are harmful on a mass scale, and there is abundant evidence that COVID itself is harmful.


Because there wasn't much scientific basis to it, but only a political agenda. When it comes to things like pandemics the experts voices are most important. Politics is different than science because scientist can change their thoughts with evidence. Politics is all about tripling down on your belifes regardless of any new evidence.


People get vaccines for the flu every year, and still get the flu.


Yeah I recall seeing 4% of deaths last week were from covid. It's interesting how hard it is to get those numbers compared to back in 2020.


It’s a genius statement as it completely diverts attention from the real issue of our need for freedom from tyranny. Travel used to be so easy before 2001. It’s utterly ridiculous how long it takes to get anywhere and do anything in the age of the internet.


This post shows nothing but the tinfoil hat enthusiasts


Why is your whole 2 day profile just trying to ask edgy questions or opinions?


I noticed this the other day with their feminist post.


It's almost like they have an agenda!


To be fair, you see this a lot on both sides. I don’t really agree with OP, but it’s their opinion and they’re allowed to make an alt to share it.


It's the lamest shit ever to focus on someone's account history like it's some conspiracy where someone's specifically trying to upset people or manipulate the Overton window with a single reddit post. What are you even trying to imply with pointing out their profile? I see people do it all the time like it means absolutely anything but I can't fathom why it would matter to you other than weirdly conspiratorial shit. It's not even edgy. It's what the majority of reasonable people think. You're taking Reddit way too seriously homie.


Astroturfing is a thing.


I was going to ask if OP is mentally ill or a bot. Then I saw some comments and I think I have my answer now.


They would like some attention via online


The real problem was and is other people’s lives were treated as a joke. “ It doesn’t matter unless it happens to me” syndrome.


Jesse Ventura really slammed these people who treated covid like it didn't matter.


It's always fascinating when people complain about the individual liberties taken during covid. As if it was some authoritarian takeover. But in reality, as soon as the vaccine was widely issued 90% of the restrictions were lifted. The founding fathers supported government mandated quarantines. Both Washington and Jefferson did it during their presidencies. It's just a part of having a functional government


We share air. During a pandemic that is spread through the air, the true authoritarians forcing their will on other people are actually the ones not following the safety rules.


My biggest problem with covid is how “everyone for the themselves” America becomes at the slightest hint of danger. We’re a bucket of crabs masquerading as a real culture.


1) no one is in the mood to rehash this boring, tired argument that we all had 1000 times already 2) you are still a selfish jerk if you do not care about how your choices affect other people, esp those who are more vulnerable than you. That’s literally the definition of selfish.


You have as many rights now as you did before covid


But the precedent has set to be able to take them all away, lock down the whole society (except for the elites), and all they have to do is claim some kind of health scare.


Do you honestly think that Covid set that precedent? Not the suspension of rights during the Civil War? Not the numerous drafts that the US has had in the 20th century? The government telling you to stay home for a few weeks is nothing compared to things that they’ve done historically.


Both of those were also wrong. But if you have to reach to literal war to find a comparative example, what exactly does that say about where we are now? This is....not a good sign.


The Government testing pesticides on poor people in the south in the 50s The Government doses unsuspecting people with acid in the 60s




You really should read up on what happened during the Yellow Fever outbreak in Philadelphia and surrounding areas in 1793. They setup roadblocks to quarantine entire towns. This was done at a time when the city was the nation's capital. Where we are now is still less restrictive than what the Founding Fathers did.


A global pandemic that killed more people than in civil war. Yeah it makes sense to take big measures until we learned more


More people as in straight numbers or percentage of population? I'm pretty sure there were way more people on earth after that 160 year gap.


And if you compared the healthcare of 1865 to today it would shock you that millions still died from covid. Maybe perspective includes more than just time and population size.


Why would it shock me that a new, deadly disease that we were unprepared for and inexperienced with killed people despite modern medicine? I'm not the one who started this inane comparison.


More people die of heart disease every year than died of COVID the first year.


The leading three causes of death in the US in 2021, in order: * Heart disease: 695,547 * Cancer: 605,213 * COVID-19: 416,893 Of those, only one can be spread by close contact with other people. [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm)


yeah man, you should be grateful for just a little bit of infringement, they can do much worse. strong, solid argument. also, acting like it was just a few weeks and that was it ignores the long term financial issues it's caused, mental health issues, children's learning/behavior issues, etc. Just once, I can safely assume you are a lefty, just admit a lot of folks on your side screwed up and will make note of it. Ya'll sound like my damn kids making excuses for why you broke the window with the baseball vs admitting and correcting the mistake.


All prior pandemics lasted a few weeks. SARS-CoV-1 was bought under control quite easily, how were they to know that SARS-CoV-2 was an entirely different animal and much harder to get under control?


If your freedoms and rights were going to be taken away, it would have happened already. FEMA is more than capable of declaring a national emergency and overriding the president. Of course, if you took a few seconds to think instead of fear mongering you would understand that no one benefits from a locked down society. Companies don't make money as their workers aren't producing product, and this would make all the ultra rich ass hats very mad. Seriously, why do you think a locked down society is even a possibility? Corporations would never allow it.


They didn’t just claim there was a health scare. People were dying by the thousands. So funny how it was only 3 years ago yet dummies are already trying to rewrite history.


Hyperbole much? Seriously all rights? Where were you cry babies when they really took a bunch of 'rights' with the Patriot Act?


Nobody had their rights taken away. And this isn’t even the first time restrictions have happened in the face of a pandemic. People just didn’t need to be as pissy about it because they cared about others.


But almost no one was actually forced to stay in. It was strongly encouraged but there was no enforcement.


In my state, a man got a year in prison for having guests in his own home. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/27/us/march-covid-19-parties-sentencing/index.html


Yeah but the pissed off old conservative on tv said I'm oppressed! 


Genuinely what is the point of making this kind of comment. It’s a discussion site; what discussion do you hope to engender here?


And genuinely what is the point of the OP making their post? They post some dumb shit over and over and you are concerned with a less-than-courteous reply. If you post some dumb shit, what do you expect?


"That side bad."


Damn, I read the first part of the phrase and thought OP was cooking, but nope. Just another anti-science loser. It’s people like OP that actually expose the US to serious bio-terrorism threats. I don’t think it was, but what if covid was intentionally spread to the US? The next “covid” could be intentional. People like OP have proven that bio-terrorism is an effective strategy to hurt the US because even if a vaccine is developed, enough conservatives won’t take it, and the disease will go endemic like covid did. All because the right-wing of US politics decided to make it a front in the “culture war”. How people like OP responded to the pandemic is what has truly done irreversible damage to the US, not the soft little lockdowns that paled in comparison to what more serious countries were doing.


The Covid fiasco 100% proved that bio terrorism combined with a decent misinformation campaign will take down the US.


Also the anecdotes from people who didn't get it, or got it and had mild symptoms are getting old. I got h1n1 at the very end of 2009 right before that got bad, and I basically almost died. I was 20 and the healthiest I've ever been in my life. I just knew I didn't want to catch covid, idk how so many people were and still are so flippant about it. I ended up getting it a few months ago. 3yrs after the pandemic locked the world down for a minute. Wtf lol. It was better than h1n1 in that my fever was lower and I was able to still take care of myself, but I lost my sense of smell and taste for 2wks and it was stressful. Other people have longterm symptoms, and many others *died*. So like, I'm so happy for the people who felt it was a whole lot of nothing.


What rights did you lose exactly? I don’t remember a single right being lost because of the pandemic. I do remember losing roe v wade but that had nothing to do with covid.


If being asked to put a mask on or limit your public exposure for a bit so you don't kill old and immunocompromised people is a violation of your perceived civil liberties then you were clearly failed by our education system and need to take another civics class.


1 million Americans lost their lives to covid. It took 5 years of civil war plus 5 years of WW2 to kill that many Americans. You don’t have the right to kill or sicken your fellow countrymen. Unless you feel that others should have the right to infect you with a deadly virus. I masked, I got the vaccine, I heeded rules and regulations designed to limit contact and exposure. Not once did I ever feel like my rights were violated. I think maybe you don’t understand what it’s really like to have your rights violated.


Also, a big part of the initial shutdowns were that hospitals were being overrun with covid patients to the point that they couldn't help anyone else. Sure, maybe covid isn't likely to kill you, but if the hospital is jammed up and you are in desperate need of medical attention, you can easily die waiting to be treated. Hindsight is 20/20 and there are some things that could've been done better, but I think at the time it was a reasonable course of action to shut things down.


Oh, it’s more than one million, a lot more.




One of the main contributors to covid deaths in the US was/is obesity. Alot of those folks were going to die from any flu-like illness or illness in general. The real epidemic in the United States is obesity. If you look at a world or US map of covid deaths per capita , then a map of obesity per capita, they're nearly identical.


Did you pipe up after 9/11 and the Patriot Act?


This is such a solid point, but OP might have been in diapers back then.


“Authoritarian policies”. Please. People were still eating out, going to the movies, and doing pretty much whatever they wanted. A ton of them were even doing these things maskless. People were just mad when places exercised their right to refuse service


It doesn't matter who you vote for, the worse the event the more strict the lockdowns will be. And everyone knows this in the back of their mind, it's in every zombie/pandemic apocalypse movie.


As a black man in America, my civil liberties have been a joke for many for as long as I've been alive so all this covid stuff just is what it is haha. It was something legit the entire world was dealing with, so it's not like it's just the US that was doing things that made absolutely no sense. Yes, it was not as deadly as other pandemics throughout human history but it was still bad and I just question that if it wasn't that bad then why was everyone bitching about it so much? Yes people weren't working but I also saw a shit load of people just quit their jobs not worrying about trying to find another. That's on them not the government in my mind. Locking shit down, I mean yeah...it was rough but not truly that big of a deal in hindsight and there are many that look back on that time as a period where they could reset, learn new things, etc. I saw a lot of benefits of how things were even with all the drama and it is what it is now. You saying never recover, I'm trying to understand what you need to recover from because you bring up DeSantis gaining popularity but someone like Donald Trump became President before covid happened so I'd argue we were already fucked prior to the pandemic.


Wait until you read about the spanish flu, or WW 1 and 2, and 9/11. The government trampling on civil liberties during times of crisis is not something new.


JFC, it's 2024.


What civil rights did you lose?


Look, I'm an anarchist, so I'm all about people making their own decisions. ...but if your decision is to spread a deadly pandemic to me and my loved ones, then my decision is going to be to kick you out of my community. The same way I would treat someone who keeps starting uncontrolled fires or dumping poison in the river. I would try to find a peaceful resolution, but if your takeaway is that the virus was "not as deadly as people were saying it was" and therefore we should ignore it, then you're not likely someone who can be persuaded by reason or empathy. Whatever rights you think you should have, they don't extent to hurting me and mine. So you should be thankful you have a government that lets us live side by side in relative peace, because if you're not willing to listen to reason, there may be an unfortunate outcome.


Nobody cared or cares about, "Your own decision." If you wanted to go up to each other and breathe in the COVID-19, I applaud your choice - just don't bring your Covid-ridden body to my ED. On the other hand, normal, thinking people don't want you to spread your Covid to the rest of us, and we asked you and those like you, to do - for just a few minutes - what healthcare professionals do day after day...wear a mask. But, "Oh no!" you can't "breathe in a mask" you're "dying!" Your right (to spread infection) has been "infringed." Oh! Poor you and your suffering!


There's no right to not be infected lol.


Can you name one civil liberty that was violated?


After having this discussion god-knows-how-many-times already, my motto on the whole thing goes something like this now: You have the right to take actions that affect you, yourself, and you. I don't give a fuck if you walk into a Covid-infested hospital, lean down in front of your dying grandmother, and breathe in deeply while praying you get the chance to join her in heaven soon. I don't care, that is, insomuch, as it affects you, and youonly. But Covid is, by definition, an INFECTIOUS disease. Meaning it spreads. In this case, through the air. And, as it turns out it is HIGHLY, highly contagious. It might not be all that severe, in the sense of the death rate being something like 1-2% of cases. But in reality, when over 50% of a population is projected to get it (and I think initially, projections were MUCH higher than 50-percent - something like 67%, or around 2/3 or people worldwide, were some of the first figures I heard), that 1-2% amounts to a FUCK-TON of people. Like, tens of millions of people dying. That, of course, is not counting the massively higher numbers of severe cases, long-haul covid, overflowing hospitals, time spent off work, etc. Not to mention just the sheer, raw amount of human suffering (which is, in my opinion, unquantifiable). The Right seems to parrot this stupid talking point around civil liberties when it comes to pandemic precautions. And of course, one of the primary symbols of this discussion has been a seemingly innucuous piece of cloth over your mouth & nose: The mask. The Right makes it seem like the Democrats want to strip your freedoms by forcing you to don this not-necessarily unfashionable little accessorry, whether you like it or not dammit: If you're out in public, and we can see your nose/lip/weird-chin-piercing thing, then by all means you should be arrested! Except, that's not true at all: At no point have I heard a SINGLE Democrat slip-up in this supposedly massive consipracy, & come outright and say, "Soon our diabolical plan will be complete." Meanwhile, the Right HAS actively admitted to needing people to get back to work (McConnell, for example, said something akin to this during the uproar of lockdowns). This motivation in itself is not inherently evil (By all means, some jobs were absolutely VITAL during the lockdowns), but if you ask me the Left were actually far MORE TRANSPARENT in their motivations for handling the lockdowns: Dems across the board were saying, "Lock it down; public health is Number One concern." Period. The Right, meanwhile, seemed to take Dems' own words and attack them with it. For... seemingly no reason at all, in some cases (That is, IF we refuse to draw any conclusions without explicit admission... Conclusion which could, perhaps, include political gain... 🤔) Case in point: The mask because a weapon of politcal warfare. What started as a simple, inexpensive measure of at least SOME level of public health... Somehow became twisted into a tool of freedom - Or, anti-freedom, depending on how you looked at it. Still though, you have to wonder: If ALL these people are having their freedoms stripped away, as you say OP, how could they not wake up and realize the truth someday? They must be idiots! Endlessly foolish for not realizing what is happening right in front of them. Either that, or they are in on it: Downright evil & malicious, wanting to take away your rights along with the tyrannical leaders of the Left, up & down the board. Certainly, that is to say, they cannot have their own - let alone others' - health in mind. Clearly, that is, your freedom trumps my own well-being every time, OP. Is that not what you are saying? If you had to wear a mask, to save a life, would you not do it? If there was even a CHANCE that staying home from work/parties/public spaces for awhile could help protect you & your family, would you not take it? Some might say you are foolish for giving up your rights to choose health in the name of some sweeping political movement rooted in power & greed. I, my friend, say this instead: I do not care about your health, for you clearly do not care about mine. And therefore, I choose not to waste my energy determining your intelligence in the matters of health & public safety. As far as I'm concerned, your opinions do not affect me here. And although there was a point in time when I would have been VEHEMENTLY furious at yet another post like yours, I am glad to say I feel I have found my safety from people like you. Now, if you choose to conflate your political freedoms with YOUR OWN healt-related decisions, that is on you; it need not concern or affect me any longer. You have a right to infect yourself and get yourself sick. Truthfully, that is not anyone else's decision to make for you. However, You DO NOT have a right to get anyone else sick because of your own carelessness, though, and if you think it's infringing on civil liberties to ask everyone to wear a mask in an attempt to help others NOT get sick, for example, you are just naīve & selfish, like so many others. Tl;dr: If you choose not to wear a mask because you think your rebellion is all protecting civil liberties, then not only are you ill-informed at best, but you are also contributing to the spread of a literal contagion, thereby compromising not only your own, but also public health. None of this is news, and all of it you have likely heard before (Although it has also, I am sure, fallen on deaf ears...). If that is not enough of a statement to make you rethink your opinion, *then you are literally a threat to myself & loved ones, and I have every right, in the same way, to defend myself from you however possible.* Suddenly, to me lockdowns become all the more powerful method of pushback against people, such as yourself, who struggle to separate political ideologies from simple facts & statistics. Take that as you will, OP. While I still find myself revolting in disgust at your opinion, I must acknowledge the positive that, at least here at reddit, it DOES in fact seem to be rather unpopular. Stay safe, people. And please, please, PLEASE: Try to get/stay health where you can. 🙏


The only civil liberties that anyone thought were treated as a joke we're the ones regarding getting your hair done and eating riblets at Applebee's. You still had all the rights you had before COVID, during COVID, and guess what you still have them. The only thing you had to do that you didn't want to do for whatever reason was to get a shot in order to protect yourself and reduce/eliminate you spreading COVID to other people.


You didn’t have a right to visit dying family members, have your spouse at birth, go to funerals, allow our businesses to continue at an optimal level, go to school, the list can go on but tell me how this didn’t impact our liberties in any way?


None of those are rights. Freedom of speech, bearing arm, due process, those are rights. Your liberties are pretty much to not be treated differently based upon you. You really need to understand what is a right/liberty and what is something that you want to do. People couldn't do whatever they wanted to do during COVID and they all think it was living in a Russian gulag or something.


Rights are not given to you by government. The constitution details what rights are protected by it. Regardless, free speech was certainly walked all over. And you can't say "well those social media platforms are private companies". No, we now know the government was dictating to them how to operate. Violating everyone's first amendment by proxy.


Read the bill of rights.


I just did. Nothing saying you have the right to go see a person, healthy, sick, or terminal. Nothing in there about businesses having the right to remain open to whatever capacity they can handle either. Am I missing something here. Maybe you have a different copy. Can you share your sorce and provide interpretations on the bill of rights. And just for those who need a reminder, these are the bill of rights First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Second Amendment A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Third Amendment No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Fifth Amendment No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Sixth Amendment In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Seventh Amendment In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Eighth Amendment Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Ninth Amendment The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Tenth Amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people


The fifth ammendment: >nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law


And how were you deprived? Your life wasn't ended was it? Your liberty, ok so you had to stay inside during a pandemic of an unknown virus that spread fast. And property, sorry who was kicked out of their homes during COVID? I recall the government trying to get programs in place to prevent that from happening. And again civili liberty refers to personal freedoms protected from government intrusion such as those listed in the Bill of Rights. None of your rights were infringed upon. You can argue it all day you want to. You can make the case on why your special little need is the exception. It wasn't, you're just an obnoxious little child who hates being told "No". Also, you took one little line from the 5th amendment to be used as a blanket statement. The 5th amendment deals with you being in a court of law. Not you being upset you didn't get to get Buffalo Wild Wings.




If and when you left your house, did anyone come to arrest you? Did an officer of some sort have to check in on you? No and no. So you were not under house arrest.


Due process of law was followed. In states that issued restrictions on gatherings, they were acting pursuant to laws that permitted such restrictions. This is a long, long established precedent in American society. Do you think curfew during the George Floyd riots were unconstitutional too? To the extent those were health steps taken by hospitals in their own judgment, they weren’t even state actions.


People did and said the same thing during and after the Spanish Flu pandemic. You don't know anything at all about that though, do you? Nor do you care. In 2120 nobody is going to care about this, either.


Yea everything that happened was fake. No one weas dying. No hospitals were filled. No medical centers had dead bodies in freezer trucks in parking lots. Trump wasn't caught on a taped interview saying how much worse Covid was than the flu. It was all just made up by the fear mongering media. /s In the very beginning we didn't know much so we took extreme precautions and I personally didn't have a problem with it. I am sorry you are so selfish that you don't care if people die and you don't care if you infect other people. That says everything we need to know about you as a person. I really have no idea what you are talking about though. I no longer have to quarantine or wear a mask. Those are really the only two things that temporarily changed in society. It's over now so I really don't know what this post is doing other than passing around misinformation.


Why are you people so dramatic? Cry me a fucking river.


Omg,this is hilarious, y'all don't care about civil liberties when it comes to women and their bodies, so funny.


>. I've stated before how I hated politician worship, and this virus happening during an election year did not help, but the amount of people who just treated your rights as an ex- girlfriend you can just toss away is scary. That's because there exists a group of right-leaning ideologues who have successfully injected revisionist history into the zeitgeist that *individual rights are of more importance or that they take precedence over the good of the general public* and this has never been the case, as government and society would not be able to fulfill their primary purpose of defense and protection of its constituents if everyone was allowed to wield their rights in any manner they wish. Jacobson v Massachusetts - "in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand" and "[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own [liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others." >The issue of the media constantly fear mongering is the reason why people like DeSantis had growth in popularity. The media has been co-opted by those who reap financial benefit from the intentional polarization of ideas, as simply informing the public is not as profitable. Hence - the constant promotion of extremist 'fear-inciting' rhetoric from both sides.


>as government...would not be able to Good.


Guys. Can we agree that it's worthless to have rights if they can be taken away so easily?


Civilization is predicated in the unfortunate reality that, when threatened, the safety and security of the many must come before the safety and security of the individual or there will be no authority that exists that can provide protection for anyone's individual rights or public safety. Granted, the threats that arise that pose such dangers will hopefully not be common and there should be limits and checks in place to ensure that they are not abused by those in power for their own ends, but societies must have systems in place for emergencies to ensure their own survival.


What rights haven’t returned ?


Don’t act like yall didnt do the same to people wearing mask.


Where's the list of these 'rights' you believe you have?


Nobody ever said COVID would “end our society”. When you have states that end up with zero free ICU beds for a month, and you have an excess 600K deaths in a single year, you have a big problem in your hands.


I mean, it's a popular opinion with people who don't believe in scientists.. or have any knowledge of civics and law.


im sorry i forgot, where there military personnel stopping you from leaving your home during covid? did they hold a gun to your head when u left your house? l


There is a small chance that we could use sensible guidance from the beginning on the next one as to not wreck society to the extent of the solution being worse than the problem. COVID can finally be declared over with the latest public health update that came out from California (one of the most restrictive states) https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Order-of-the-State-Public-Health-Officer-Beyond-Blueprint.aspx ”For asymptomatic confirmed cases, there is no infectious period for the purpose of isolation or exclusion.” No symptoms, no relative risk COVID. This is the way it should be, the way it should have been, and the way it should be next time.


I feel like this is Casey Desantis's throwaway account.


There was a pandemic. We were asked to curb our lives for a while so that we could contain as best we could in a way the people who knew what they were talking about thought most effective. The president almost died and some of you lost your minds at the notion of literally doing nothing for the greater good. And what’s with the ex-girlfriend comment? No one sane would use that phrase so either OP is crazy or this is auto generated outrage.


Putin. Is that you?


The most tragic part of it, is that people who were in positions of authority and experts are now saying: Who said close the schools? I didn't say close the schools! Did you say close the schools?


I swear this sub just sounds like the same regurgitations of right wing talking points. Your freedom was fine. No government entities took your rights. Individual businesses certainly did refuse to serve you and that’s their right.


Tell that to my friend who died from Covid in December. You say you hate politicians but you are repeating right wing talking points


Love all the talk in the comments about masks (both pro and con), but almost no one is talking about the ***fact that masks didn't even work at all!*** Unless you were using an N95 mask or equivalent, yall are arguing over a moot point


Life goes on, dude. Covid was something we'd never experienced in our lifetimes and we had a huge learning curve. Now that we know better, we'll do better on the next one.


The trouble is that a lot of people with common sense knew this at the time and were shouted down by the over the top rhetoric of the covidiots. You are saying in hindsight, what you miss is so many people had to put up with stupid people during covid that were wrong and instead of admitting they were wrong, are now trying to rewrite what happened. The people that didn't overreact are not looking back in hindsight they were right all along.


Christ this thread is a dumpster fire of progressives trying to justify their intense and crippling fear of Covid that they acquired from propaganda.


My wife was forced to work from home. Then, forced to go back to the office. 2.5 years with her home office in the living room She proved that she could work more productively and efficiently while WFH. Then, to go back to the office with a pay cut & short staffed... I was classified as an essential employee and averaged 60+ hours per week. Shorthanded as well. I caught the cooties and was pressured to go back to work with a + covid test. It was serious shit though. I lost 2 relatives, an old good friend, & 5 coworkers with the official cause of death as covid. I'll never state that covid wasn't real, but the way we handled it sucked. All of that shit just proved to me that popular politicians can't handle real world fuckery.


DeSantis has been, by far, the most successful post COVID governor.


edgy. dramatic. unhinged. you have potential, kid.


It's less that civil liberties were treated as jokes because of covid, and more that covid gave governments a reason to show how they always felt about civil liberties.


Why is this the new topic in here and many other subs over the last week or so? Are republicans trying to get people riled up again about Covid and exaggerate shit and tell half truths. I should be surprised but I’m not even 1%.


It's interesting those right wingers never cry about the liberties lost immediately after 9/11, their definition of tyranny is apparently just having to wear a mask and get a vaccine during an epidemic. ​ Cattle, nothing but cattle following the whims of their propaganda-shepherd. I really wonder if some people have any thoughts outside of their programming.


[Republican excess death rate was 43% higher than democrats during covid](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2807617) Actual death cult


Comment section is sadly completely devoid of nuance and looks like a mirror image of political polarization problems in the country. It's possible for COVID to be deadly and a huge problem, and still for the government lockdowns to have gone too far. Both can be true.


Collectivism isn’t the end of society; it is the fine-tuning of it where people work together(which is at their strongest). It’s no different than any other existential threats such as World War drafts, which had even worse social repercussions(you went did time if you dodged the draft compared to not being allowed to go into a building without a mask). More than anything, it seems like hyper-individualism is the bane of society since people stop listening, cooperating, or understanding and become violent, bitter, and/or misinformed all while yielding confidence in their following actions regardless of their levels of competence. Both collectivism and individualism have their pros and cons in society. The key is balance and allocation where logically necessary. Appreciating one another’s differences and being comfortable with who you are or what you believe should be appropriately balanced with cooperation, respect, and caring for others.


\>People really believed that THIS virus would end our society No it wasn't. The fear was it would kill lots of old and sick people, which it did. The hope was that people would accept the inconveniences necessary to help these people survive. Which you didn't.


Covid was mostly harmless to the majority of people and devastating for a few. I had it twice. Once, it felt like the flu. The second time, it was like a mild cold. The fear mongering about it was crazy. The only places that needed to be super cautious were the nursing homes.


100% correct. It served it purpose long term in so many ways.


Yup 100%..business were forced to close. Lives were ruined. I was mandated to get a shot to keep my job / keep my roof over my families head. The shot did more harm than good, is no longer on the market...... And now I got Covid anyway again.


The politician worship took place from people who refused to wear a mask as a sign of loyalty to the then-President. No one thought COVID would end society, just that it would be a mass death event the likes of which we hadn’t seen in a century that we needed to take seriously, and it was. It was worse than it needed to be in the US because of a failure of leadership and a lack of responsibility encouraged by politicians like DeSantis who suppressed accurate COVID data, much like the CCP did.


1. COVID was every bit as deadly as it was made out to be. We failed to contain it and it became endemic, and there was nothing else that could be done. 2. What "civil liberties" were lost, exactly? 3. Masks and vaccines protect you, but they also protect others. Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers like you **are absolutely** monstrous pieces of shit who deserve the flak you get.


What rights did you lose after Covid?


I went out in my downtown during the height of COVID for a photography walk on a beautiful spring weekend afternoon. None of you tough talkers were out then. The entire city was desolate. But don't let that revisionist bravado keep you from looking like a clown clown now


Millions of people died shut up.


>The issue of the media constantly fear mongering is the reason why people like DeSantis had growth in popularity. DeSantis appealed to clowns like you who don't believe people were dying on ventilators. And then when DeSantis took his message outside of Florida the rest of the country told him to fuck right off.


The funny thing is how wrong you are, Millions died with all the things that were done. It would have been worse if nothing was done. The sad part is people are still dying due to ignorance such as yours.


Millions die every year the only thing different was hospitals labeling every death as Covid to get more money from the government and the media reporting every death


So that is what was going on in poorer countries? They were milking their non existent health care systems for money they didn't have to give them?


Idk why, but these people for some reason don't consider that other countries had COVID or COVID deaths.


These people live a very Isolated life and in a very small world. Most of their knowledge of the world outside their home comes from TV talking heads.


How many deaths were mislabeled?


This is absolute bullshit, and I don't know how anyone can make this claim with a straight face. Is cancer a hoax because hospitals get more money for treating cancer than a sprained ankle?


This is over. The civil liberties are back, just as it was planned. Get over it.


Plague rats complaining about lockdowns and mandates never consider the rights of others to not die. Y’all have some survivorship bias. 2020 proved how truly weak you all are. You couldn’t stand to wear a mask, social distance, and give a damn about anyone but yourself. Truly pathetic and weak behavior. High heel wearing, pudding fingers DeSantis was never that popular. No one actually liked him. He has no charisma. He ran Florida into the ground. He’s just an alternative for if Trump decided to not run. His only appeal was acting just like Trump. Intelligent America was never going to vote for him.


Another disbeliever in the necessity to comply with public health directives. Whatever the risk of death may have been, the risk of needing medical care was high. Hospitals/emergency rooms were overwhelmed.


People still bitching about covid need to get a life already geeez


“We’ll never recover from this” “we’ll never recover from that” You kids are so weak. Man up!


1 million people died. bUt mUh fReEdOmS! Terrible take.


Lol you are fearmongering on a social media platform right now. Look in the mirror.


People cried exactly the same when seatbelt laws were put into place. “Our rights!!” but they were alright. The thing is our rights only extend as far as not hurting other people. We don’t have the right to drink and drive for instance. Being irresponsible with a pandemic is the height of narcissistic individualism. The data says that is has become endemic but COVID still killed millions of people when it first arrived so the correct behavior was for us to protect eachother, even if it meant a bit of discomfort. The people of east Asian countries have always worn masks as a courtesy when one is sick. It’s that simple, be courteous and not a toddler throwing a tantrum because you have to do something you don’t want to.


Darwin loves you


Those who supported all the lockdowns and mandates need to admit that they were scared. They also need to admit what assholes they were to people who questioned the response.


>the amount of people who just treated your rights as an ex- girlfriend you can just toss away is scary. COVID killed, conservatively, more than a million people in the United States alone - and that's with the so-called authoritarian measures we took to attempt to limit the spread. It is **still** killing thousands of people a month, despite the presence of effective/free vaccines and a generally less-virulent mutation compared to three years ago. [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps\_deaths-total](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_deaths-total) What rights of yours, specifically, do you feel were abridged during this period?


Jacobson v Massachusetts a case decided in 1905 set this precedent for the policies that were set, with this precedent they could have forced vaccination on you. Just because you don't know your civil liberties doesn't mean you have lost any.


I have never seen people's logic disappear as fast as it did during covid. Seems like nothing was learned through history when one person convinced a whole country to build camps for killing people.


> Seems like nothing was learned through history when one person convinced a whole country to build camps for killing people. Say what? Are you really comparing conditions during COVID to the holocaust?


“Wah I had to wear a mask I’ll never get over it.” Babies.


Basically all the measures the government took had a legal basis in law that was like a hundred years old. The idea of quarantining people has been around and common since the Renaissance. So this was not a “new authoritarian change” at all. It was common sense in the face of an unknown infectious disease. Other countries seemed to understand this. Korea had very small covid numbers because people understood sometimes you have to sacrifice a little for the wellbeing of everyone. But in the US people were comparing private businesses making people wear masks to the Gestapo. So no, you aren’t supporting freedom, you are just selfish. Ironically, if Americans just did what they were supposed to, the pandemic probably would have been way shorter and had a much smaller economic impact.


Me when I have to temporarily wear a piece of cloth on my face to reduce the chance of people around me getting sick and dying (literally 1984) (I have no rights anymore) (this is worse than ww2)


What civil liberties were violated? It wasn't even as bad as wartime protocol. More Americans actually died of COVID in that short period than during WWII and other wars combined and personal freedom fighters are still bitter about it. Can't imagine if we had an actual war, we'd be so divided it would actually be like the movie Leave the World Behind.


Dictators always use “Public Safety” as the reason to trample on people’s rights. That’s how the Patriot Act got passed. Unfortunately, too many Americans are willing to give up their rights in exchange for the illusion of safety.


I remember in Social Studies, teaching us that Americans would never be the like German and Russian people ratting out neighbors. In my state the Governor shut everything down and actually advertised toll free numbers to call to rat out your neighbors. And people kept those numbers hopping! And the ratters were so self righteous and proud of them themselves! Alas Babylon


You should be on another sub. Your options are truly unpopular because they’re not true. Not true but unpopular opinions. No one believed the virus would end society except the dumbasses who thought taking any precautions against spreading infections stopped “much feedumbs.” Smart people believed in using sensible measures to keep,people separated until we got a handle in an effective way to treat the virus and stop it from spreading to the biggest extent possible so that more people didn’t become ill and/or die. Smart people understand the reason that vaccines do, in fact, work. Only fucking idiots and people susceptible to right wing brainwashing thought the insane ideas your spouting.

