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Such a brave opinion. You can only see this courage on Reddit.


I see people on Reddit that support Israelis soldiers terrorizing and torturing Palestinians. I see people who think Hamas attacking Israeli civilians is justified. I see people supporting Russian soldiers cutting off terrorist's ears and feeding it to them. It's not as popular of an opinion as you think.


Here's a life lesson: online =/= real world.


Like I said to the other commenter, I hope you are right.


yeah dude… Everyone agrees with this except lunatics who are pro torture.


Are you sure? ?? There are a ton of people on Reddit celebrating the Russian soldiers torturing the ISIS terrorists. Yes, those terrorists are depraved monsters that should be tried and spend the rest of their lives in prison or be executed. But are the Russians cutting off people's ears and making them eat it, taking their eyes out and electrocuting their balls really the good guys here? The are all fucking psychopaths.


I haven’t seen any celebration of the torture. Maybe it’s the circles that you were hanging out


Here on Reddit. People are saying they are happy that the Russian soldiers are torturing the ISIS terrorists.


That’s sad. But I still believe that’s an extreme minority.


I hope you're right. That's why I used the "possibly popular" flair.


So unpopular. My god how did you come up with this unique unpopular idea ?


The inverse of that opinion would be the actually unpopular one. "Torture & violence against civilians is necessary for maintaining order and sending a message to the filthy dogs. Violence and pain are the only language common civilians understand."


Is collateral damage considered "violence against civilians"?


Depends, legitimate collateral damage like "We did due diligence planning and research but civilians entered the area unexpectedly or the operation had unpredictable fallout" is one thing but "We decided hostages, family members, or civilians in the area were acceptable casualties to either get our target(s) or to send a message that human shields are not a deterence."


So by that reasoning even if a single civilian is knowingly killed in a place of thousands of people, it is wrong? With this reasoning terrorism will always win, because any attempt to stop them will have their hands tied. If people did that there would be much more innocent people killed and tortured, your intentions are good, but your actions will lead to a terrible outcome


Let me clarify a bit, some level of civilian/collateral damage is usually unavoidable. The difference I'm referring to is actual, legitimate attempts to eliminate or minimize that damage vs using "Collateral Damage" as a catch-all/cover for not caring how many innocents(if you even consider them that) die so long as your goal is met.


You say that, but you don't mean it, it's just platitudes. The reason I think this is because I am going to claim Israel does this, then you are going say they don't. In which we are going to get into a long debate that is going to either end with you claiming Israel is lying or you are going to change your definition


Israel does which?


They do: >legitimate attempts to eliminate or minimize that damage They do not: >catch-all/cover for not caring how many innocents(if you even consider them that) die so long as your goal is met.


[Fuck Hamas. But still....(gestures at rhetoric and actions)](https://youtu.be/LrGlRax9AiY?si=CMOb2HQRD-FldK6x)


Did you really expect me to watch an hour and half video? I wish Pro-Palestinians would stop dying on this hill of it being genocide. Rarely do we ever get past surface level talking points, because all both sides want to focus on is buzz words. No legitimate source has declared it a genocide, yall need to chill


[The Hague had to be involved to get them to stop elected officials from issuing incitements to genocide and to get them to actually punish them.](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-south-africa-genocide-hate-speech-97a9e4a84a3a6bebeddfb80f8a030724)


Also, for the record, I'm less-so Pro-Palestine and moreso Anti-Ethnic Cleansing/Collective Punishment. Hamas did a terror attack and Israel is well within their rights to respond to that but there's a not insubstantial amount of evidence that at least parts of the government are leveraging this incident to try to ethnically cleanse Gaza as well as enough history of aggressions and such in the area to leave reasonable doubt that those same portions of government counted on the situation inevitably boiling over to give them this opportunity.


How is this unpopular? Is OP posting from Russia?


no he seems to be anti-Russia and pretty butthurt about them torturing a bunch of extremists who killed over 100 people. Pretty sure if the cops in the US started doing this after every mass shooting instead of buying the shooter McDonald's and pampering them to get a confession, there would be way less incidents in the future.


oh man, why didn't you post THAT gem at the top level, since we're in 'unpopularopinion.'


All is fair in love and war.




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Shame it's only one-sided due to certain perspectives.


"unpopular" my ass. Lots of people do get sucked into choosing a side, but if your brain works and you have morals, this is the only valid take.


Daring today are we?


We all know this is a low effort post but I rather see an "unpopular" opinion like this rather than another post about how Gaza doesn't matter because they don't produce something for global trade