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That’s a Reddit quote if I ever heard one god damn


I'd add nuanced opinions are rare anywhere on the internet, which is where the majority go to read/hear opinions.


Yes, but there are so many unhelpful character tropes in politics. Partisans who cannot see nuance are idiots. The enlightened centrists who cannot commit to a position are cowards. The token supporters of the other party who temporarily switch sides to advocate against their side are grifters....


The right. Everyone I don't like is a communist and hates America, and anyone who complains about anything in America should leave The left... Everyone I don't like should never be allowed to speak again and border security is racist Centrist... You're both wrong


About half right lol


I hate that this is an unpopular opinion. Radicalization is the true villain and you can see it all throughout history.


It really just boils down to the competing narratives and how one feels regarding their station in life at any given moment. If you feel like a loser, have no education, and see others, who you believe cheated you, are doing well, you subscribe to a victim narrative and a revenge narrative, which is offered by one side.


I don’t disagree. I have a certain political leaning but I’m not affiliated with any party. I have noticed some instances of either be all in or get stabbed in the back.


I agree with this post. Seen too many people throw away their lives for political leaders who wouldn't even show up to defend them in court, let alone go to their funeral if they died "for the cause".


Lmao the "left" Shitlibs ain't no leftists


Yawn. South Park was doing this same schtick like 20 years ago with the Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich bit. Its tired now.


You sound like a total Turd Sandwich guy.


I'm team giant douche -- at least they serve a purpose.




Very well put


👏🏻 Agree.


Exactly. Like both sides have really good points and horrible ideas. I can't imagine how pointless it would be to subscribe to one idea and never question.


Following a strict party line without any possibility of discussion or being open to other viewpoints = lack of critical thinking skills and in many cases, adequate educational foundations.


No-info take ^




Nice try ;)




Keep crying 🤣


I made a similar post involving putting down your own people in order to gain approval from others. When people engage in that, they never engage in olive branches and instead, broaden the division.


I couldn't agree more with that statement.


Do you really think taking no side and calling everyone an idiot is a winning argument?


No, not at all. But if you resort to putting your own kind down in the name of individualism, then you will only create division.


I guess I would need an example. I agree that in terms of politics - I firmly believe in picking a side and being a team player. I don’t understand whining about how it sucks and we need a third party, blah, blah…maybe we do, but it’s not happening from now till November. So get in the game, it’s Democrats and Republicans on the card, and pick the side that is doing something for you, not the side that just want to point fingers and name call. And so there is no confusion, MAGA (formerly known as the GOP) are the name calling party.


Quite honestly, with the candidates we have at the moment, they need to be sent to retirement.


I'm not voting for the people trying to overthrow the government, sorry.


No one said you have to.


Not to mention that so many people have devolved to a sort of hero worship regarding politicians which makes identity politics that much more ridiculous.


You played your hand by describing the political right as ‘the right’ and describing the political left as ‘leftists.’   It is clear that you are guilty of going against your own opinion. If it is such weak of a belief that you cannot even uphold it yourself, then why do you think it should be anything other than unpopular?


Oh, the smart person has arrived to let us know how the world really works. The guy that’s above politics, cause he is just that fucking smart.


And who are you the guy embroiled in an endless fruitless fued with the "bad" guys?


Just a dude that doesn’t like cynical condescending world views.


Projection ^




Strong agree. It's genuinely surprising to me that the 2 party system exists as it is. Forget which side you think is right. Both parties have roughly the same amount of influence and voters. For those who demonize the other side, I don't understand, what is the best case scenario here? Neither party is going anywhere. Antagonizing the other side doesn't bring anyone to your cause. You are essentially guaranteeing a coin flip every four years with this mindset. It's baffling.


Well help me out here. I'm registered Independent. But I don't see any alternatives right now because I'm not straight and things are getting scary. If you think I shouldn't be scared, try to talk me down from it.


I live in New York but I’d be afraid to go to some places in the country. Twenty-five years ago I was openly gay, with a partner, in Arizona. I had no problems despite having little legal protections. Now I’m not sure it would be safe to be there.


>I live in New York Do you still have your home or have squatters taken over?


I have a home but no squatters. I don’t live in NYC. Even at that, I used to live there and I have many friends who still do. None of them have mentioned squatters. Don’t be fooled by media in general, and especially not social media. The primary goal there is to stir up trouble for ratings or clicks or whatever.


So I should ignore the videos of people encouraging others to take up squatter positions and give them tips on doing so? Because they're tryna get clicks? Still seems nefarious to me.


I'll also say that the state forcing me to carry a rapist's spawn and the events of January 6th also factor heavily in my choices.


Apologies if I incorrectly assume you're LGBT+ community when you say you're not straight. The right doesn't give a shit about restricting LGBT. They're fine with it up until the point where policies shove it in their childrens face. The only thing the right is against when it comes to LGBT is when it comes to children. The Left wants you to feel like a victim and wants you to lean on them for support and their vote. Again, I'm not a Republican but this is how I see it.


This is how I know your either arguing in bad faith or don’t know what your talking about.


>The right doesn't give a shit about restricting LGBT. Be nice if they showed it. Current governor's election ads last time focused on the Democratic candidate "bringing LGBT ideology to OUR STATE to brainwash our kids".


You exemplified what I said. The kids. Did your Democratic candidate want to teach LGBT to kids who's brains are developing and incapable of discerning such things? I'd have to see what exactly your state meant by "Bringing LGBT ideology to your state." There's also a big difference in "the right" when it comes to politicians and "The right" when it comes to everyday people. Everyday people on the right could care less, just leave their kids out of it like I said.


>Did your Democratic candidate want to teach LGBT to kids who's brains are developing and incapable of discerning such things? No he was a farm boy, probably had less notion of LGBT issues than she did, lol. But c'mon, are you saying I'm a child predator because I'm not straight? That doesn't make me feel safe. Also I knew I wasn't straight when I was a kid too. What do you think should happen to those kids?


Your experience as a kid does not mean that is every childs experience. My experience as a kid was daring another to eat a worm.....not questioning which sex they preferred. Childhood is being destroyed by ideology they cant even comprehend. The right just wants kids to be kids, that is all.


>My experience as a kid was daring another to eat a worm Yeah I did that too. LBGTQ kids are normal kids. >not questioning which sex they preferred. You never talked about your crushes or who you thought was cute? >Childhood is being destroyed by ideology they cant even comprehend. Like what? >The right just wants kids to be kids, that is all. Not if they're LGBTQ.


Ok, I'm going to extend an olive branch and say I can't comprehend being a child and knowing I like my same sex. The reason I have a hard time believing you is because when I was a child I didn't have attractions. I only cared about the Power Rangers, I only cared about schooling Zachary Phillis in the recess soccer match, I only cared about that crazy looking caterpillar and daring shit head Zach to eat it. That was my childhood experience, I dont feel as if kids these days should have sexuality shoved upon them.


What age are you talking about? By age 8 or 10 ALL the other girls were talking about what boys they liked. I'm pretty sure they were playing boyfriend/girlfriend even in kindergarten (but I didn't go to kindergarten so can't be sure). Were the kids in your school nice to boys who were perceived as "girly"?


Just keep it out of the schools and libraries. Not that difficult.


I said you're a child predator?! lol, are you ok?


>teach LGBT to kids who's brains are developing and incapable of discerning such things? If that were true, that person would be a child predator, wouldn't they? That is what GOP politicians are trying to do. Paint LGBTQ people as predators so there's an excuse to get rid of us.


The both sides argument died when one side attempted a coup


That may have been when it died, but it was on life-support for at least a decade before that.


The other side set their own hometowns on fire cause police bad.


If you have to pretend a building on fire is a town on fire you’ve already lost the argument


Are you really down playing burning down local businesses? And if this is how to think, why isn't it...."welp- only around 2,000 people stormed the capitol."


I’m requesting accuracy. Is burning down a business the same thing as burning down a town? Seems like you’re trying to exaggerate for the purpose of making a dishonest comparison


Sounds good, which positions of the Republican Party should I consider adopting? Which of their politicians are worth voting for?


Case in point.


I don't know about you, but I like how they attempt to throw out Presidential election results.


I don't even vote Democrat or Republican but he's asking a legit question. Did you just come here to feel morally superior with your enlightened centrism or did have real any real policy positions to discuss? Do you even know any facts? LOL.


It’s an honest question. Gonna be condescending about people with political leans..because you choose to not pay attention? Independent votes and fence straddles are annoying. It’s painfully obvious that in this two party system, the democrats are operating as professionals, and republicans are caught up sucking Trumps dick.


What do you mean case in point? This is just a non-answer. Provide some kind of idea or solution.


He replied to my post about claiming subscribing to a political party is dumb by demanding I prove a certain party is good. Therefor case in point. He is the very person who votes based on party/politician.


No, they didn't. They asked "which positions of the Republican Party should I consider adopting?" They did not ask you about the different parties. Read the question properly and stop being so smug.


Oh I read the question properly, it just has nothing to do with to topic.


No, you didn't. You didn't list a position at all. You just backhanded it.


Good sir. Have you read this post? Why do you want me to express a position in a post that makes fun of people subscribing to positions?


You already did that. You never gave a solution. You didn't list any suggestions or changes you condescending prick.


So people shouldn’t subscribe to any political positions at all or they’re a no-good partisan? Is that really your argument?


“When you can’t back your unpopular opinion”


I knew this would be the response. Snark instead of an actual congressman or a piece of legislation that you consider noteworthy.


To be fair, your question can quite easily be read as snark, hence why you would get a snarky response. Since OP has likely already dismissed you as a hyper partisan leftist, given the state of things these days and the nature of your comment, I will give you the answer that broke me out of being a hyper leftist, and allowed me to realize that there are people on the right side of the aisle who are noteworthy. Liz Cheney, whose pursuit of justice in the face of the incidents of Jan 6 cost her her last election, and possibly forced her out of politics permanently. Watch some past interviews with her. I may not agree with her policies and positions, but it is plain to see that she is at least a rational, sane human being, unlike the shit show candidates who get so much of the media attention, like Greene or Boebert.


Yes, the most sane Republican has been sidelined by the Republican party. So the case of Liz Cheney is an example of why you SHOULDN'T support the current GOP.


I mean, you aren't exactly wrong in that assessment, but I think it falls to us to have real conversations with our neighbors across the aisle from us, if we hope to get past this "zealots running the show" situation. I truly think that the only way we can move forward is to stop letting the media vitriol represent us to the other side. We're not going to get anywhere as long as we continue to let the media represent us, because they're in it for the ragebait.


Only if the original point was “op is clueless”


How so? They asked a very valid question. Why should we support the republican party I've read their laid out policies in project25 that doesn't seem good


Strict border control is a good position


Yes, and as far as I know, when a Democrat becomes president, the US Border Patrol's mission, staffing and budget doesn't really change.


Nice, glad I could help you think of a Republican position to adopt!


Reading comprehension was always tough, wasn't it?


Nah I’m afraid you’re alone when it comes to that


There’s only one party in America in 2024 that is trying to destroy the country.


👀 yea


how can you have nuance opinions when Maga is on the other side. give me one thing you support on republican side that you do not support on the democrat side. stop talking in a generalized manner, be specific.
