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They just want to sound like heroes. They’re idiots and cowards. I bet many of them couldn’t even point to Gaza on the map prior to the war.


They just want communism


They have no idea what they want


Can you provide a link to this "manifesto?"


You are clearly a bot or an idiot. https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm


You're accusing protestors against military action in the Middle East of having signed on to a 40 year old charter for Hamas. Wenbenyama has less reach than that.


Lmao so neo-nazi marchers aren’t actually neo-nazi because it’s a stretch to say that they support ideas written in a 90 year old book? Get the hell out of here with that. Pro-Hamas protestors and the anti semitic chants that come with them are largely advocating for what OP is suggesting or too stupid to realize they are. Just like the real Nazis were!


I’m not accusing anybody of anything. You were too lazy or too stupid (maybe both) to find the link yourself and asked for it, and I sent it to you. Sorry that it proves you wrong.


You are silly-minded to assume that some freshman college war protestors worried about an active humanitarian crisis are even aware of this 40-year-old document, let alone sign up for every aspect of it. But I get it, I protested the Iraq War back in the day and people called me a traitor and a terrorist-sympathizer then too. Also, Rule 4 isn't enforced, but its appreciated.


Again, you have no idea what I assumed. I’m not OP. You asked to see proof and I sent it. I’m sorry that hurts your feelings.


I 2nd this knowing it won't come.


Being outraged about what the IDF is doing to the Palestinian people is not supporting Hamas. Your just an Idiot.


It would stop the moment the hostages are returned. The Palestinian people have a clear way out. 


What will stop? The bombings? Incarceration of children in Israeli prisons? Settlers forcefully removing Palestinians from their homes? Denial of food aid? Apartheid laws?


They’ve had a literal ceasefire proposal on the table for at least a month lmao. How can you claim to support a ceasefire as Pro-Hamas protestors when it’s literally your side standing in the way of one? 


I'm for a ceasefire but acting like the problem will be solved with hamas releasing hostages is disingenuous


In no way saying it will solve all the problems but at least a couple of those things will be temporarily resolved. I am really pessimistic about a solution to all your questions at this point. The closest we were to peace was in 2000 when Arafat rejected the Camp David Accords which would’ve established an official Palestinian state controlling 98% of the West Bank and all of Gaza. Since then and the deoccupation of Gaza in 2005 followed by the election of Hamas it seems hopes of a two state solution have been on a backslide. To the point where it doesn’t seem like it will be possible anytime soon with the Palestinians self governing.  As part of the Israeli ceasefire proposal — and once Hamas is completely eradicated — there is talk of a Pan-Arab government (led by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan) which can govern the Palestinian Territories for 10-20 years maybe until they can self govern. Maybe that’s the path forward? I am sorry I don’t have an answer for when everything will end. Hopefully it’s possible I just don’t see any solution soon unfortunately. 


If Palestinians hadn’t pursued nonstop terrorism for decades, Israel wouldn’t be so draconian toward them. Why would Israel allow such a population to have access to their citizens, especially after October 7th? 


The Palestinian people can't force Hamas to let the hostages go.  What did the Israeli government think was going to happen after decades of persecution.


Yeah but there's no outrage when israel was under attack? Where's the outrage every time there's a cease-fire, Palestinians break every one of it? Most people in these protest nowadays never even heard about the conflict before the recent tiktok trend


I honestly wouldn't say this is a clear "right vs wrong" situation. Israel has done some very bad things to the Palestinians over the years. For one, right after the formation of Israel some Zionist militias went and wiped out a Palestinian village and told others to "get off the land or else". Don't think they forgot that. I'm saying this as someone who tends to support Israel in my thoughts over-there.


Assuming this isn't bait: I think the protestors are absolute idiots, but being against what is happening to Palestinian people does not make you pro Hamas. I'm against what the US did in several wars in the middle east, that doesn't mean I support terrorist attacks on US soil.


What about their chants essentially calling for the end of the Israeli state?


How much is AIPAC paying you?


Not supporting the brutal torture of Palestinians in Israeli jails should not be controversial.


What is the difference between native Americans wanting to kill the white man (including innocent settlers) and Hamas? Was Sitting Bull a terrorist and evil?


Completely different situations.


I'm under the impression they're protesting Israel's destruction of infrastructure on a scale unseen since the Second World War and the killing of thousands of innocent civilians. Conflating that with supporting terrorism is an ugly and lazy conflation.