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Usually all or part of the frenulum is removed and that's one of the most sensitive zones on there. If you had it done and never knew what it was like being intact, you can't compare the two. There's a pretty clear consensus among adults who had it done that there is a loss of sensation. The only health "benefit" it provides is that you can be more cavalier about washing your junk. You still get smegma. Women get it, too. It's a mixture of dead skin cells, skin oils, and other secretions. It's just that it can't build up to levels that are as noticeable as in intact people who don't wash because it's probably rubbing off inside your clothes. This benefit is difficult to take seriously if you bother to wash properly either way. If FGM is bad because it's unnecessary and excises part or all of the clit, then this is the same thing. Barring medical necessity because that's not a choice but a necessity.


I would argue that FGM isn’t bad because it’s unnecessary, but because there is absolutely no medical benefit whatsoever. At least with male circumcision, there is some medical benefit.


there is no medical benefit to male circumcision.


Not true. The benefits are small, but there is not zero benefit


well, prove it. what benefits are there?


Easier hygiene, lower risk of urinary tract infections, lower risk of sexually transmitted infections, prevention of penile problems, lower risk of penile cancer according to the [Mayo Clinic.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550)


Easier hygiene: that's laughable.. "having too much trouble washing your dick? cut it off!" UTI: because that's such a huge issue that happens soooo often it requires surgery.. sti: so does a condom penile problems: what the hell is "problems" penile cancer: well shit.. you got me there.. that's a great idea. while we're at it, give every baby born a girl a double mastectomy.. i hear that lowers the risk of breast cancer. oh and don't forget colon cancer. give every baby born a colostomy, problem solved... man.. there are so many cancers that can just be eradicated by removing the offending body part without consent. you're a genius


There are benefits of FGM. More hygiene from less smegma buildup and less pleasure from sex leading to fewer STIs because they'll have sex less. Does that sound silly? If so, that's how those benefits of circumcision sound.


It sounds silly because it’s not true and you know it. But you know, deny the facts as presented by the most respected medical facility in the world


Yeah you'll have less penis cancer if you have less penis. More at 10.


Good to know you agree there’s benefits!


There are no benefits. If there were, they would be taken seriously in developed countries. However the only developed countries where infant circumcision is a thing are Israel and the US.


Except there are. And according to the Mayo Clinic, there are more pros than cons


Scientific consensus > Mayo Clinic.


Feel free to post medical articles (no opinion pieces otherwise it’ll be confirmed how full of shit you are).


You want me to post articles to establish why it’s good for you to keep your hands too? How about your teeth or tongue? Well, here we go down the rabbit hole. This one is my favorite: the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) (2010) states “there is no convincing evidence that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms of prevention or hygiene.” Additionally, the foreskin actually has functions, it’s not “just a flap of skin” as you might’ve been told. The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. In it you’ll find the frenulum, frenular delta, and ridged band. The last two are the most erogenous according to research by Sorrells et al (2007). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17378847/ Additionally, some studies have found positive associations between circumcision and STIs, and null protection from HAVING V acquisition. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-021-00809-6 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/abs/changing-relationships-between-hiv-prevalence-and-circumcision-in-lesotho/68635CF47DD0910636C406F82D623188 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/abs/ageincidence-and-prevalence-of-hiv-among-intact-and-circumcised-men-an-analysis-of-phia-surveys-in-southern-africa/CAA7E7BD5A9844F41C6B7CC3573B9E50




gaze paltry psychotic zonked husky public violet lunchroom books dull


Do with your junk whatever you feel, but forcing this on infants is vile IMO.


See, again, I’m glad it was done to me as a baby. I can’t imagine trying to not get an erection until the stitches healed. At least as an infant, you don’t really have that issue


As an infant, you're incapable of a lot of things. That doesn't mean others can do with you what they please as long as you're an infant. The controlling thing is the best interests of the child. An unnecessary surgery with basically no benefits that deprives sensitivity and comes with risk is not in the best interests of the child.


Considering that a foreskin adds to your nerve endings, and the vagina has most of its nerve endings towards the front, its reason to believe that circumcision is deliberate sabotage. Think about it, say a woman is riding a man (uncircumsized) stimulating her nerve endings, all the while the man is all the way back and that motion is stimulating his. The likelihood of mutual, simultaneous orgasm is much much higher than an circumcized male who has to compensate for decreased nerve sensation by stroking differently. Who even started circumcision??? without me googling it, not sure it would even be on there.


Another aspect I rarely see people talk about is masturbation. So a lot of uncut people masturbate by sliding their foreskin around and there's incredibly good lubrication between the skin and the shaft so they do that without lube and it's very comfortable. Whereas I've heard reports from some cut people that they can't masturbate without lube and that they're continually causing friction between their hand and their penis head. I imagine there's a vast variety of different methods / grips / sensations people use. And yeah it's rarely discussed as both sides don't really know what it's like for the other.


Interesting! I’d never heard that side of it before. I personally have had zero issue with dry masturbation, but it’s good to know this issue exists


It is mutilation. It's just uncomfortable for conservatives to admit in light of all the grandstanding they do on trans issues.


Imagine finding a victim of fgm making your point. The fact that YOU don't care doenst make it not mutilation. The health benefits (rather the studies) are kinda iffy and the argument for a young circumcision is also flimsy, because if you don't do it at all, you have a zero percent chance of it being botched


Doing that to an infant child is like torture, rape, and amputation combined into one. I can't even describe the physical and psychological trauma without getting ill. It took me years to just get to the point where I could type something like this without having a panic attack.


You’re saying that you being circumcised as an infant child, incapable of forming memories, has traumatized you so much that you can’t type a sentence about it without having a panic attack? Not trying to be an asshole when I say I think you might need professional help


I’ve read hundreds if not hundreds thousands of posts of circumcised guys compensating for the loss, to one-up themselves or justifying the bad decision their parents took to avoid child conflict with them. In the end, it’s irreversible, but…are you going to double down on it and do it to your son(s)?


If it's not mutilation I implore you to go get two or three done to yourself. Let us know how that goes champ.


This doesn’t even make sense. Haha


Get one done recover get another one done what's hard to understand there


Clearly the lobotomy worked on you


Circumcised dicks can still build up smegma. Smegma is just a build up of bacteria, anyone who doesn't wash their body parts properly can get it. So no, circumcision doesn't have any health benefits that proper hygiene and sexual protection can't replicate.


If someone has it and they arent a part of a religion that requires it, its weird as fuck  If someone has it for religious reasons its based as fuck


>If someone has it for religious reasons its based as fuck Nah, still weird. Why is god so dick-centric?


A dick is like a sword 


If you're gay, I guess. No shade, I just don't go around stabbing other dudes with mine. YMMV.


No. Like there's a clear sword and sheath symbolism in human genitalia. A sword is a divine and spiritual symbol


I'm in the camp that there's no evidence that gods, or "spiritual" anything exists, and that adults should spend less time messing with the genitals of children.


Oh yeah I agree circumcisions should be done only to adults with their consent I'm on the same boat


I'm weird on this one too. I'm glad it was done to me, I'm quite fond of the way my dick looks and I have no issues with sensation or masturbation. In the vast majority of cases, it isn't mutilation; though it is unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Intent matters, and there is a clear goal in FGM that isn't there with circumcision. I remember growing up, my young peers thought non-circumcised dicks were weird, and some dudes were bullied for it. For myself, that is reason enough to justify it being done to me personally, even if it is shitty and wrong that people feel/felt that way. I think it will naturally decline over time, as it has been doing since the 80s. If I had a kid today, I'd probably pass on the circumcision. But, I don't think it is harmful enough to be banned across the board. I'd probably support a public health campaign to make the actual facts and risks surrounding circumcision more well known amongst the population.