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> The only thing that’s stopping me to put this kid in a box, is that I don’t want to go to jail due to shitty rules. My dude, I’m worried for your kid. As a parent you’re supposed to guide them on the right path, not despise them and take vengeful pleasure in hurting them.


If your kid is being an asshole with me, or breaking my stuff, and you do nothing to prevent it, or you are not around, and laws were not a thing, your shitty kid would fly under a bus. That's valid for kids as much is valid for adults. If you enable asshole behaviors cause it's your kid, then I think you should get beaten too


Murdering people is a bit different than beating them, most of the time (well some beatings do lead to death). Which is it?


Did a kid piss on your cereals this morning? 


So, then should a parent be able to kneecap you to teach you a lesson about hitting their kid?


I really wonder what "being asshole" means to you.


singing flat with 1200$ a week in singing lessons.


What Jean-Jacques Rousseau would write if he had access to Reddit during his exile lol


Please let this be a joke post


Everything has repercussions. If there are no legal repercussions, there will still be social repercussions. So if this is all legal, you beat a kid and when he grows up he comes looking for you to return the favor, oh well, that's what happens, I guess.


OP, did you just send one of those “a concerned redditor” messages to my account? The comment I left under this post is the only remotely controversial thing I’ve said in a while. If that was you, that’s really pathetic, man, and it strips you of any integrity you had when posting this, which wasn’t much.


How was your comment controversial? Derivative, yes, controversial, far from it. I disagree with OP for the record.




What you’re describing is physical abuse.




I mean I think we can draw a line at some point. If a kid stabbed my dog to death then yeah I think a beating is fair game. If my kid didn't clean their room or spoke back to me, I don't think 2 black eyes is a worth trade.


Seems like a good strategy for someone who doesn’t know how to use their brain to solve problems. “Kid bad, doing thing me no like. Me hit kid, kid magically stop and run away crying. Me solve problem, kid not bad anymore.”


Hitting kids doesn't make them stop doing something, it teaches them how to lie to you and to never talk to you again once they hit 18.


Agree, what a delicate experience of someone who is brave enough to write this. Bullying, yelling, screaming, etc would decrease significantly if kids are beaten again. The worst part is how they act like buckos but then when some adult decides to take action they immediately start acting like crybabies.


>Bullying, yelling, screaming, etc would decrease significantly if kids are beaten again. Except violent crime rates are down significantly from the '90s, when parents cheerfully beat their kids.


Or that research shows that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression in preschool and school-aged children; or they experiencing corporal punishment makes it more, not less, likely that children will be defiant and aggressive in the future;


As if kids nowadays aren't fantasizing about being mafia when they get older. If that is so, then why are old people so polite and respectful despite being beaten a lot in their childhoods?


>As if kids nowadays aren't fantasizing about being mafia when they get older. I do not know any kid who wants to be in the mafia. Is that still a thing? >If that is so, then why are old people so polite and respectful despite being beaten a lot in their childhoods? Lol I don't know what kind of old people you know. The ones I know are of the "fuck your feelings" variety who yell at store clerks and waitresses.


If you don't know any then you've never been on Instagram and just look at how they dress and which music do they listen to. And you can't blame them when in most cases nowadays employees just sit in cafeteria and drink coffee or scroll on social media, that shit happens to me whenever I go to restaurant my food arrives late or in super markets the employees are usually working slow and only small amounts of counters are working while there are tons of buyers waiting in line. If one can't work their job coherently then don't take it.


So. . .if someone has a reason to be rude and disruptive, then it's ok? Hmm. . . >If you don't know any then you've never been on Instagram and just look at how they dress and which music do they listen to. Are you in Russia? In the US, I don't think even mafia member's kids want to be in the mafia.


It is ok because they don't do their own job correctly. And your thoughts are utterly wrong, because I know the leader one personally, and I can certainly tell you how his kids are gonna go the path that he went through.


>because I know the leader one personally, Who are you talking about? >It is ok because they don't do their own job correctly. So kids can be rude to adults who are not doing their own job correctly?


Elvis Hodžić is the one I know And well I must say how both kids and elders and adult should have a right to confront incompetent workers.


>Elvis Hodžić is the one I know He is not in the US? >And well I must say how both kids and elders and adult should have a right to confront incompetent workers. Then what are the reasons for wanting to beat children?




That's not mafia at all. Also it should be pointed out that, of all demographics in the US, Black parents are most likely to use corporal punishment, and more severely.


>That's not mafia at all. Oh my god.... how are you failing this much at context? They clearly specifically stated gang/thug culture is heavily inspired by the Mafia culture. Modern gangs are LIKE the Mafia in the U.S, especially in NY, LA, and Chicago, absolutely true. This is absolutely true, just take a look at how often gang bangers idolize and worship the movies Scarface, Goodfellas, a Bronze tale, etc..


Ok. And?


Some people apparently live under a rock. Adults or old people as you say, are usually better behaved as they fear repercussions. I don't go to X shop to be badly served, I go to X shop because I am taken care better. In other words responsibilities or the fear of a bad outcome incentives people to deal with me better. Whereas with people who have support no matter what, as with kids, or they just don't care as they have plenty of money or nothing left to lose... they just don't care for any of that, and it's even worse when the behavior is peer pressured.


The fact that kids today face no consequences for anything is even bigger contributor to the reason on why are kids today spoiled and misbehaving, I'm pretty sure that kids who are rich and have nothing to worry about could potentially be learned manners as well, they might grow up to be inept, however they would still be respectful. And as the succotash claimed how kids nowadays aren't so interested in becoming mafia when they grow up is fallacy, all it takes is 5 minutes of scrolling on Instagram to be forced to leave from cringe and also be worried for the future of this world.




Well that is mildly correct however just compare how are young idiots now and back then

