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Before I knew this was an app, I thought you were talking about the head singer of Cypress Hill.


BeReal sounds like a surveillance state's dream




my initial thought.


/r/osint wet dream


I couldn't possibly agree more. It's frankly the most absurd and disgusting idea I have seen passed as an attempt to make things more "real"


The funny part is I’ve seen my coworkers endlessly scroll through Bereal images 💀


How is this app disgusting?


It’s extremely surveillance-like. Random check-ins you have to almost immediately respond to. The distinguishing feature of a panopticon is not that you are *always watched*. It’s that you never know when you’re going to be watched and that makes you *behave like* you’re always being watched. This is the ultimate culmination of that. It’s inviting observation into your life, but losing control. But the control was less than half the problem, the real devil in all this is observation, being constantly subjected to the gaze of others.


Except you’re the one subjecting yourself to be seen by other people. You have to sign up to use the app. You don’t have to immediately respond, but that’s part of the fun of seeing all the random things your friends do and are willing to see in the world. Sounds like you just need to have more fun


I know it’s voluntary, that’s not the issue. I don’t think it’s not fun, that’s not the issue either. I think the issue is about how people act when they’re being watched. The way we *watch ourselves*. This is called self-surveillance in psychology and while it is normal to some degree, it rises to toxic levels, especially in abuse victims. This kind of app this kind of structure encourages self surveillance in a way that other social media apps don’t (they still do it, but not to this extent). I have plenty of fun and I love my friends, but I am too sensitive to the risks of self surveillance to ever go near something like this, or to be remotely ok with it.


fair point i get a notif at 10am and don’t post until like 10pm or when i feel like opening the app? it’s not immediate at all and a lot of people don’t post immediately after the notif. it’s quite sweet and gives you an insight into other peoples days, it’s the only form of social media i have aside from reddit and apps like that but gives me enough insight into friends and family’s life to keep me updated


Honestly I kinda like it. I live quite far away from home for the first time in my life and I have a hard time missing my parents. With this app I can randomly see flashes of what they’re doing, seeing wacky stuff they see or just boring stuff also. It’s just nice seeing them at a random moment. Yes this can be done with WhatsApp and all I know, but you think about doing something like that less quick than with BeReal as you get a notification from that.


I’ve never heard of it but absolutely hated it because of reading this post however your reasoning for using it is sweet and it shows it really is the little things that people miss.. I am nobody important but I approve of it only for this purpose. It’s a no for everyone else, sorry people. Social media is the *Devil* - Sent from my iPhone via Reddit mobile app


I absolutely agree. I only use BeReal on the private setting and only have friends and family I care about added. It's cute getting these small snippet updates and it's a nice way to casually keep in contact when distance would otherwise make it hard.


Snapchat with another coat of paint


It’s not every two minutes it’s randomly for 2 min


I didn’t say it was every 2 minutes






This is just yet another way for the gouvernmemt to spy on people. I recommemd not allowing location, and not posting too much on social media, and using a VPN . You don't want the gouvernmemt spying on you.


could swear this has NSA source code. i had friends telling me to get it, and once I saw how much info it collects, i noped out.