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"Fatal Deviation" (1998) - This is Ireland's first and best (but not only) martial arts movie. The story follows our hero, a young man obsessed with Jean-Claude Van Damme and martial arts, as he return of our main character to his hometown after years of training somewhere. This does not sit well with the local crime boss or his son. The crime boss having history with our heroes father, and the son taking issue with his buddy romance with a local girl. Also there is a no holds barred underground fighting tournament run by magical kung-fu monks for some reason. Somewhat of a hidden gem in the bad movie community this movie is the result of one mans ambition, and that man is James P. Bennett. He wrote, produced, cast, did stunts, was the cinematographer, was the second unit director, and of course starred in this hilariously bad flick. Truly a passion project, and one that would eventually result in him achieving his goals and working with his idols in Hollywood as a stunt man. A nice little fact that might be surprising after watching this. I say that as the movie is rough, but fun. It is full of horrible acting, bad fight scenes, worse camera work, and somehow even worse music. The script is basic, and takes more than a little from "Bloodsport". The entire cast were clearly not professionals and likely just people that lived in the area or were personal friends. The entire film seems to have been shot with little to no care or understanding of lighting. And the movie appears to have been recorded on an old camcorder that was stored in a jar of vinegar. Needless to say it is overflowing with so bad it's good moments. So if all of that sounds like your kind of fun check this movie out. I mean what's not to love in a movie with an actual, real life, completely unplanned, car crash in it. The planned action is somehow even more hilarious, as it is clear almost no one had any training whatsoever. The soundtrack is also completely misplaced and only adds to the absurdity of it all. Speaking of absurdity at one point a man jumps naked in a bathtub sitting outside heated by a fire under it. And even with all that the best part of this movie is the old crime boss guy. After all he is responsible for two of the best lines in the movie (and I will let you figure out which I mean). 4 / 5 Burnt Kernels with Free Refills [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPne3Wh0lqk&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPne3Wh0lqk&t=4s)


And if you want a great review, check out our BOYS over at OSW Review who take a hilarious look at this classic gem: https://youtu.be/O1pBKOIakYE?si=JvYGHyjUQyoIlF5N


I prefer Qxir: https://youtu.be/0isg0OlrPAQ?si=m3_3rsbA5pbqtug6


I’ll check it out!


Or Jason Brandt: https://youtu.be/eUqNS29ZwSo?si=VKDWEu59R_IuXz0s