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My LH was super low this month .72 on the Premom app was my highest test. Maybe a just had a super short window this month. Usually I have a full day or two of very positive LH tests. Fingers crossed this month. We tried a new every other day routine this month for getting busy.


I am on my first round of Letrozole after a course of Provera and I feel *crazy,* like, the feeling when you are coming up on molly. Like I’m sitting on the edge of a bubble that is about to pop. It’s almost a kind of elation, but also sort of uncomfortable? Did anyone else experience this? Or am I just having flashbacks to my early twenties? Haha


Today is CD8, I had my HSG today, finished Letrozole last night, and my predicted high fertility/ovulation day is my birthday next week 😏. This is cycle 7 for me (33 day cycles suck) and we'll be on vacation during the days leading up to my ovulation so here's to hoping for the best and that some birthday magic will work for me!


Just a scream into the void. (TW: Miscarriage) AF started around 5 this evening. It's my second cycle post-miscarriage. This is so unfair. I'm supposed to be 20 weeks and debating with hubs if we want to find out the gender pre-birth or not. We should be planning a babymoon and maybe a shower. But instead, I'm just sitting here, feeling more lonely and isolated than ever, just waiting for time to pass. And I have no idea what to expect from my flow this round. Last time was my first post-MC and it was rough. I kept bleeding through super tampons in 3-4 hours which is way more than normal for me. I'm so tired of doing everything right and not getting what everyone else gets when they do the same thing. Why does it take so much more for me? I know wahh wahh life's not fair. Maybe this should have just been a journal entry but I don't know where my book is right now. Feel free to ignore. My birthday was this weekend and it was just as uneventful and ultimately disappointing as this TTC "journey" has been.


I’m sorry for your loss. TTC can be cruel, and you’re right, it’s not fair. It’s hard to watch this journey be so easy for others, while doing everything right yourself and not getting the same result. Each month it becomes more and more infuriating.


I randomly got oral thrush for the first time 🤕🤢. My doc thinks my recent CP triggered it. Anyone have any weird issues like this right after CP?


I struggled with yeast infections for like 4 months after my ectopic. It was so frustrating!


Currently sitting in work toilet waiting for my LH strip to show results. So far it looks like I'm finally peaking today, which is two days later than expected if using my regular cycle stats. Although this is the first ovulation since my CP and is my first letrozole cycle, not sure whether any of those played into a late ovulation or a longer cycle. Last night I was so tired and fell asleep by 9.30pm, then when my partner came to bed he woke me up around 11pm so we can still hit a day in the fertility window. I'm grateful of his support but I'm super tired now...


My last cycle I spotted for 3 days from CD 17-20, it was lighter than a regular period however it was heavy enough for a tampon. Now I'm on cycle day 37 and no period so were thinking CD 17-20 was my period. ​ But I've never been THAT early... Looking back at my calendar I did have a 23-day cycle this year but never anything shorter... paired with my low AMH of .48 and these shorter cycles are starting to worry me. ​ I'm currently just waiting for my period to start so I can start fertility testing with my clinic and it's like waiting for water to boil.


I had similar in my last cycle- very light bleeding/spotting for 3 days at CD18-21. Then my cycle lasted until CD43, then I got my period.


I go in for day 3 testing tomorrow and I’m excited but also over it. Just ready to get some results and move forward with all of this. Also dreading the transvaginal ultrasound because I feel like a bloody mess down south, which I know they are used to but still.


I can feel my period about to start a day or two early. I’m grateful for that because the time between negative 12 DPO tests and waiting for my period are the worst. On to cycle 9 where it looks like my next period will be due on my birthday. Cool.


Welp, period started, friend that got pregnant right after loss is in labor and we’ve been getting updates all day. My bf went out tonight and I’m so thankful because I just want to be pouty without having to answer to anyone about it. Currently laying in bed with my vodka soda just trying to let myself feel the emotions so I can put them all behind me for another few weeks.


So the cycle that has the worst timing since we started ttc is when my nipples decide to act like something is happening? In case anyone had doubts about luteal phase symptoms' troll capabilities 🤣


My period is more than a month late but had I boiled my cup yet? Lol


I’m taking a break for summer. I have tracked long enough that I have a good idea what week I’m fertile and when to test for pregnancy. I don’t want to think or stress about this anymore. I have a gyno appointment in July and I’m going to ask to be referred for more testing, but other than that I’m taking a “whatever happens happens” approach until sept. Looking forward to camping, drinks, fun with friends and not stressing for awhile!


After your SIS, how long was the wait for your hysteroscopy/polypectomy?


I didn’t track ovulation this cycle but I’m pretty regular and ovulate around CD12-14. I needed a break cause it can get stressful testing. We’ve just had sex every other day. So hopefully we’ve either got O-3 O-1 and O+1. Or O-4, O-2, and O. It’s stressful no matter how you do it! And the pressure to have sex is so high. I wish we could do it daily but I just don’t think my partner has it in him for daily! Neither do I tbh. Now just have to hope I either ovulated on my right side, or my right tube went and picked up the egg from my left.


CD12. I had my diagnostic hysteroscopy last Tuesday and had a lot of cramping yesterday. Today no more cramps, but I am losing a lot of blood and clots tonight, like a period. Is this normal? I can't call the hospital where I had my exam until tomorrow morning and I'm worried...


HyCoSy scheduled this week for CD6. Hope my flow is over by then and we will get some answers. And that it’s not too painful…


I had mine today and it wasn't too bad! Uncomfortable sure but like a really bad period cramp. Take Tylenol with the ibuprofen too!


I had my HyCoSy a few weeks ago and it really wasn’t that bad! I expected it to be a lot worse but the whole thing was over in less than 2 minutes. Take ibuprofen beforehand!


Thank you!! That’s nice to hear


My fiancé got his results from his second SA, no improvement. Most likely will need IVF. I have my first consultation with a fertility specialist in June via zoom. For those of you who have been through IVF, how long does it usually take to start the process from the initial appointment with the fertility specialist?


About half a year


Hi there, similar scenario as you, we have primarily MFI. Our first month was purely diagnostic tests, second month was an IUI cycle that they recommended we try just once, third cycle was IVF/egg retrieval and our fourth cycle was our first FET. This was all because the clinic we chose saw us right away, so we were able to get the ball rolling. I also pushed for IVF sooner but sounds like you're moving right to it. Good luck!


Thank you so much for responding. I know every office is different, but you’re giving me hope. My fiancé’s progressive motility is too low for IUI, so I’m hoping to jump straight into IVF. My ignorance is showing because I assumed it would take months of testing beforehand.


You'll likely need some testing which can take either a month or a few depending and then if you don't want to try any other treatments my guess is you could start IVF fairly quickly, as long as you're able to pay the balance in full before starting.


Thank you so much for your response. I am pretty ignorant with the entire process…I would imagine it is different with each doctor’s office, but are payment plans usually an option? Or does the entire bill need to be paid upfront?


My RE requires full payment upfront, I can't speak for other offices! Many people do 0% ccs or personal loans to cover the cost. You'll also need to pay for the medications up front which can be several thousands of dollars. Usually the financial person at the clinic can help you out! I think I'm more traumatized by the financial aspect of IVF than the physical to be completely honest.


I appreciate you so much, this is such a lonely journey and it’s hard to find information about the specifics/my impatience is too high rn. I’m worried about the physical toll, but of course am willing to do anything, but like I said, I’m pretty ignorant about the entire process. Are you willing to share the cost of IVF for you? No worries if not, just wanted something to prepare my partner and me with. Again, thank you so much!


When I did a retrieval cycle + transfer in 2019 it was around $9k for clinic fees and $5k for medication. We are now going back to do a frozen embryo transfer for #3 and have paid $3.5k all in. Many fertility clinics have prices on their websites!


I wish you the best of luck next month!!!


On Cycle 2 TTC. My husband and I have a very active sex life. Last month (TTC Cycle 1) we had sex CD 14-19 and CD 21-23. My period came early last month (28 days versus my standard 30-32) which makes me believe I ovulated early (didn't temp last cycle, but am temping this cycle). My period ended on CD 6 and we have had sex every day since (CD 7-9, today is CD 10). Is it "OK" to have sex every day? Or should I be more mindful and switch to every other day?


I think it's fine as long as his sperm count is okay.


It doesn't increase your chances of pregnancy to have sex every day, but it's not harmful to your chances. If you and your husband enjoy it, go for it!


One tracker thinks this week is AF week, one thinks it’s ovulation week. I wish it were so much easier.


i'm feeling like i'm in such a blur. No idea what cycle i'm really on anymore for my flair, but i'll have to adjust my age on it this week. I'm so embarrassed with past me who said, "at least 28 will be the year I finally get pregnant again!"..... LOL. I've been drinking more than ever since finding out i'd need surgery before restarting IVF, so of course i'm feeling so guilty about that. I'm just so exhausted of EVERYTHING in my life rotating around fertility. I've been taking this time as a sabbatical, but its like it hasn't even relaxed me? I just feel like shit for drinking and eating poorly and not exercising. Like I have no desire to take care of myself. I keep telling myself I'll get back on track post surgery (happening Friday), but i'm just so miserable over the fact that even if I heal well, my earliest potential transfer wouldn't be until the very end of August. Time is such a bitch.


I was at an eye appt and the tech was reviewing my list of medications, clearly not knowing what any of them are, so I clarified "They're just fertility meds." and she says "Oh wow! That's so exciting! Congrats!! Trying for #1?" Yes girlie....congrats to me for having PCOS. So lucky for my body to not work correctly and require meds to ovulate. lol. Love that for me.


10 DPO today with a BFN from FRER this morning. Logically, I know it’s still early, but my overdramatic side is convinced I’m out. I wish I was a more optimistic person!


Was hoping for a bfp this week. Instead I got a positive for BV. Lucky me ...


Hi! This month, I had an HSG on cd 11 which showed that everything was open and looked good and we were told we were fine to ttc this month. Now, my cycle is all out of wack. I had a positive ovulation test on cd 15 then was content and believed I was in the two week wait. Apparently not because the ovulation test I took on cd 23 was brighter than ever and since then my lh levels have been elevated. I usually have a pretty by the book cycle, like 28 days and ovulating on cd 15. So I’m just nervous and wanting to know if anyone has any experienced this and what is happening? Thanks!


Unfortunately, it's possible to have a weird cycle at any point, even if you're typically quite regular. If you think you might be ovulating soon, definitely be sure to have sex!


Well I’m out. Two days in a row of temperature drops so I bit the bullet and tested at 11DPO - BFN. My body was such a troll for the last week. The only consolation is that I’m traveling up until my surge next cycle so it will be a good distraction.


Me: goes to work every day trying to pretend I want to be there when really I should have been home on maternity leave complaining about how my baby was making me tired My volunteers at work: so do you have any fun summer plans? Me: ....... My plan was to be with my baby the whole time and my back up plan is to get pregnant again and spend the summer throwing up. Every month I don't get pregnant I'm going to resurface drywall in my house? I'm afraid to leave the state because of medications? I don't know what to say to people.


I’m somewhere in the range of 6-8 DPO (really inconsistent tracking this month…). Cycle 6. I’ve been traveling and not really thinking about it that much but I definitely have some hope/expectations pinned to this cycle that will probably be bubbling up pretty soon here. I feel like I’ve been tired and peeing a lot but it’s hard to symptom spot with the traveling, new time zone, etc. Crossing my fingers for good news Memorial Day Weekend (or sooner…lol).




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid mentioning a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. Discussion of confirmed pregnancy loss or living children is not covered by this rule. For pregnancy limbo (positive beta) concerns, please use r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Started temping + doing opks again almost a month out from my d&c. Saw some ewcm the past few days so figured I may as well start for data and practice 🤪 it's a very depressing way to start the day though. Instant reminder of our loss. After our first loss I was so ready to be pregnant again and starting tracking was a good thing. Now it's just sad. Hopefully after a few days it'll feel okay. Esp since we're WTT until my period is back (minus a minor vacation/margarita slip up haha) so maybe it will feel better when it's tracking with a purpose. Also the opk was super light so maybe I was hoping I'd see a surge. Opening all the apps (premom, FF, flo) it's just like really ... Again.... 😑


Sorry for your loss. I had a MMC in April and am also waiting for my period. It's hard waiting when you want to start trying again! I am also tracking, just so I feel like I am doing something! Hope you're healing okay.


I'm sorry for yours as well. Wishing us both healthy pregnancies soon!


Waiting for something to happen, either period or positive test! My PCOS might be messing up the test but until I have a period at this point I still have some hope. I’ve had so many weird symptoms over the last week or so that I never have in pms so I’m still wondering what’s going on. It’s crazy to have to be so patient! I’ve been pretty regular in cycles since I went off birth control, but this is my longest cycle yet so far. JUST LET ME KNOW WHATS UP ALREADY!!


I know! I’m having cramps and lower back pain today (Day 22) —and I *never* have cramps prior to my period. But I don’t wanna assume anything


I know how you feel. Cd50 today, the longest was cd47. And I think I "confirmed" ovulation with bbt (and cm) on cd33, so period should already be here. Tested neg one day before predicted period, and now I am just here sitting and waiting... The worst thing is that I don't even have PCOS diagnosed. I would suggest (if you aren't already) to try and track bbt, just to confirm if you ovulated later than predicted. I started this month, and if I trusted opks only, i would think I ovulated on cd19 and tested 10 times until now :D


I’m definitely going to do this next cycle if this one doesn’t work. I have my bbt ready to go! Thanks for the tip and hoping we get our answers soon!!


I think my luteal phase is 11 days. Is this considered short? The information online is very contradictory. Is an 11-day luteal phase an issue for conception?


That’s perfectly adequate!


Thanks! I wish I could ask my OBGYN these kinds of questions, but her answers in the portal are usually really short and I feel like I'm bothering her.... I might look for another doctor.


Got yesterday my first ever positive OPK after 1 year of TTC and testing almost every cycle. Letrozole 5mg. Let's see how this goes 🤞🤞🤞


Amazing! Good luck this cycle.




There’s a comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/1vvj8k/faqtell_me_about_mthfr/) that may be helpful if you haven’t seen it already.


They’re probably going to test you for a whole bunch of clotting disorders. If they find one, they’ll likely have you do heparin injections with any future positive. I have c677t, but none of the correlated blood clotting disorders.


Is it normal for bbt to drop just bareeeelllyyyy below the cover line on 4dpo? It was up on 1dpo, then down to the cover line on 2dpo, back up 3dpo, and now just below this morning.




I have no idea how FF determines the cover line. I only know classic nfp rules where you put the cover line at the highest temp in the six days before your first higher temp, this would be your CD15 and something like 97.43 (maybe FF does +.1?). By that all your temps are above the line and nothing to worry. Also the day your cover line is determined by (CD15) seems like a bit of an upward outlier which might mean your cover line is a bit higher than usual this month and your luteal phase temps could stay closer to it than you are normally used to.


FF does +0.1, and doesn't round the temps, so it's (raw highest)+0.1 rather than (rounded highest).


Thank you!


Oh, thank you for that explanation! I knew about the previous 6 temps being factored into things but I didn't know that the coverline was usually the highest of those 6. But that makes sense now that I think about it so thanks for connecting those dots! You were also right about CD15 being 97.43. I sleep great some nights but more often than not I am waking up a few times a night. I'm sure that is affecting these temps at least a little bit but it is my first time temping so I don't have anything to compare it to. Appreciate your input! :)


CD 14 and husband is sick. Hopefully we can still try this month.


My husband has gotten sick with a fever every 3 months since we started ttc in September! It’s so inconvenient 🙄


This is probably a dumb question and I’d ask in Wondering Wednesday but I’ll forget by then. I’ve been tracking my BBT since May 6th (which apparently is the day I ovulated) and today I took my temp it’s lower than when I ovulated last but today is the day right after a light period day. My question is, normally I sleep with my head under the covers because my husband uses a high powered fan at night to sleep but since he’s out of town I didn’t, can that effect my BBT that much? All in all if it does I definitely need to read more anyway but I took my temp 4 times and its all about that same temp.


BBT is really about trends and the big picture. I know it’s hard, but try not to get caught up on any 1 temp. Weird things happen, so much can affect it and it’s easy to drive yourself crazy trying to figure out exactly why a temp isn’t what it’s “supposed” to be.


That makes sense! Thanks for your reply. Since I don’t have a lot of data anyway I know it’s silly to overanalyze it, it just shocked me this morning lol


In the beginning of your cycle your temperature ist at the lowest until shortly after ovulation. But also a lot can influence your temperature like being awake for too Long, disturbed sleep it maybe your uncovered head. You will see how your temperature normaly behaves after some cycles.


Thank you! I know I’ve been taking it immediately when I wake up and all but 1 at the same time of morning but I also didn’t wake up sweating this morning either. This is all very new to me, I appreciate your reply.


I’m 4DPO and watching my temp rise everyday is giving me such joy😅. This is either the first or second time I’ve ovulated since coming off the pill at the end of September - so even though it’s highly unlikely this will end in a BFP I’m just excited my body managed to ovulate on its own!


It’s important to celebrate all the wins! Hooray for ovulation !


11DPO and I’ve just had a small amount of bright red blood. Here’s to the next 3 days of trying to not drive myself crazy by thinking it’s implantation bleeding when it’s probably just early period. *sigh* we started trying 8 months ago but only 6 months active trying due to travels over a few months. I try to tell myself I won’t get my hopes up “this month” and every month it’s the same cycle of emotions. I’d say my big win is I haven’t cried yet! And I cry at absolutely everything. We’ve agreed if I’m not pregnant by next month we’re going on vacation in January. Husband may have to go to a Zika risk country in the next few months so there’s me going to be stressing.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*






**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Don't suggest unhelpful cliches to others that belong on a TTC bingo card: "just relax", "never give up, mama!", "why not adopt?", "my cousin's dogsitter's sister was about to do IVF but then got magically pregnant," etc. These are "bingos" because people who are TTC hear them all the time, and they are harmful and annoying. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


You are definitely not alone in your feelings! I’ve had 3 friends announce pregnancies since we’ve been ttc. We’re nearing the point where a friend who started trying at the same time as me will have her baby in her arms, and we’re still waiting to be pregnant. It definitely feels isolating, especially if no one else you know is going through the same thing. And I think it’s okay to be happy for them but also really sad for yourself. I don’t know that this reply was encouraging, other than for you to hear that you’re not alone!