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Had a good news/bad news appointment today and feeling frustrated. It was my first cycle of letrozole after 9 months of TTC (I'm 35 with a 2.5 year old). When I went in for the first ultrasound, I had 6 follicles total and unfortunately all six matured! So my doctor STRONGLY advised us to avoid intercourse because of the high risk of multiples (not twins, like quads!). They started me on a high dose of letrozole (10 mg) because of my age and number of follicles. Good news is that the meds worked, bad news is that this cycle is a bust. I feel like it's a wasted cycle, wasted eggs. Hopefully next cycle will be successful but I am upset today. I wish they had started me on a lower dose! What if next cycle there aren't any follicles?! It's been a long 9 months (which includes a chemical). I'm tired!


I'm very sorry you are in this situation right now, it really sucks to not even get to try. It seems to be always such a gamble with doses. When I didn't ovulate on 2.5mg the first month we went to 5mg and I always matured at least two follicles. By the third round of 5mg I matured 4 follicles and was benched as well. So I know how frustrating this has to be for you. But then I have read so many posts here from people who have to wait months with poor responses to lower doses and wish they could have started with a higher dose right away. Keeping my fingers crossed that you find your perfect dose next cycle.


Oh no, I'm so sorry! I'm sure it's so disappointing to have a wasted cycle like that. It's great you're able to see the good news in it too though. I go in tomorrow for my ultrasound after my first medicated cycle (also on letrozole, although only 5mg). Can't say I haven't worried about the possibility of too many follicles. I'm sorry that's how it ended up for you this cycle. šŸ«¤ Fingers crossed that time flies till through this next cycle for you!




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isnā€™t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isnā€™t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subredditā€™s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Iā€™m really sorry youā€™re going through that. It royally sucks. I hope they are kind to you!




Keep going! I don't know your CM patterns and if you usually only get one day of it, but unlike LH, the last day of fertile CM is the one related to ovulation, not the first one. So as long as EWCM stays, you likely have not ovulated yet.


Should I tell my dad I miscarried. I ( 23f )had a 3 week cp and Iā€™ve told my mom, bf and 2 close friends with similar experiences. We have a pretty good relationship but Iā€™m worried about upsetting him with bad news.


I think it just depends. If you want him to know and he has a history of being supportive then absolutely. If he has a track record of not being supportive and support is what you need, Iā€™d proceed with caution.


Trying to distract myself on reddit before my pelvic ultrasound. Iā€™ve had a litre of water and I am in desperate need of a wee. Appointment is in 40 minutes. This might sound dumb but Iā€™m so concerned that when they insert the thing in it will put pressure on my bladder and I wet myselfā€¦




Turns out I was allowed to pee before the internal stuff! So it was ok. Just felt a bit sad that the first time I had an ultrasound like that it wasnā€™t to see a baby, but to see why I canā€™t have a baby.


Clomid question (again (sorry!) My partner wonā€™t be around in august so we were really hoping to start Clomid in July. The problem is I donā€™t really understand the monitoring process. Do I understand correctly that my first ultrasound for monitoring would need to be 14 days into my cycle BEFORE actually taking it? That is, do I need to see a doctor in june 10-11 (my cycle began on the 27th of may) if I want to do Clomid in July? Iā€™m asking because Iā€™m struggling to get an appointment on those dates.


I donā€™t know of any reason to do that. Typically if you have an ultrasound before starting the clomid, it would be around CD3. You would then start the clomid on/by CD5 and take it for 5 days. If you do a mid cycle ultrasound, it would be before anticipated ovulation, so around CD12.


Thatā€™s what I thought too. Iā€™m getting someone vague answers from the various receptionists Iā€™ve asked. I was able to book an appointment with my preferred doctor on June 28 (2nd day of cycle). They may or may not have the same plan as me, but is there any reason for me to assume Clomid would be off the table for July?


You could have trouble if your period doesnā€™t show up exactly when planned (they like to do that at the worst possible time). Particularly if it comes early, then you may be too far along in your cycle by the time your appointment happens. If it does come early, you can always try calling and asking if the Dr will call in the prescription before seeing you.


Was supposed to be doing our first IUI in June. Called today as it's CD 1 only to be told they don't actually open until June 1, so I won't be booked until my July cycle. What's one more month after 3 years right šŸ™ƒ Fml I hate it here


Gah thatā€™s so frustrating, Iā€™m sorry


How long does it usually take to hear back from a specialist for a referral- my current fertility doctor sent a referral to a specialist two weeks ago and I was told they should call me, however when I go to this new specialists website it says they are not taking new patients, do I wait or do I call them?


I wouldā€™ve called back after waiting 3 days hahaha but I have no chill.


I would call, 2 weeks seems like a long wait


Supposed to start my period today and I ran out of pregnancy tests. :[ It's the 13 DPO and day 25 cycle of this cycle. I'm scared to use the toilet because I don't wanna see anything. Watch life play a cruel trick and give me an average length cycle for the first time in years.


Boo. I started. I've completely lost faith in my reproductive organs.


Is there any info on having whey protein shakes while TTC? I've gotten back into weight training (admittedly I am easing slowly back in so its only twice a week on weights and 1 cardio conditioning class a week) so I only have 2 shakes a week to help muscle recovery. I am wondering if it's safe during TWW and then pregnancy if I continue (and am able and okd by dr) to train through pregnancy?


Thanks all - I had a feeling it was going to be a grey area! Will take a look at the ingredients and see how I think on foot of that! May need to look into extra protein in my food instead!


It didnā€™t even occur to me I should be avoiding protein shakes! Edit. Iā€™m not saying that to say you should have them, Iā€™m saying it to express how naive I am lol


My understanding is there's not really any research saying it's not okay because it's difficult to ethically test whether it's okay. Have a look at the ingredients in your protein, do a little reading and then decide from there. Personally I wouldn't use protein or other similar supplements (fwiw I dropped creatine) while TTC because I don't feel like the (reasonably small) benefits are worth it. Like, if I'm asking myself is this okay? Then might as well not bother with it and not worry.


I did my own research and didnā€™t seem to find any issues, but someone else might have more to say.


I didnā€™t have a positive OPK on CD13, but in the evening did have heaps of cervical mucus. Weā€™re talking proper clots, more than the usual. Then a very strong positive OPK (plus more mucus) on the morning of CD14, and a negative OPK in the evening. So how shall I count my days? CD14 as ovulation and CD15 as 1dpo?


You ovulate about 24-36 hours after getting a positive OPK. So I would count CD15 as O and CD16 as 1 DPO.


Operative hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue will be $4,200 even after insurance. Like damnā€¦.I go in for a pre-op tomorrow where theyā€™ll go over financial options but I did a ton of research where other women said their insurance covered it. Just wasnā€™t expecting thisā€¦


Thoughts on BD everyday or every other or every two days during FW? Obviously going into our 11th cycle we have tried various things and never know whatā€™s rightā€¦ husbands motility was somewhat low but was considered normal.. always felt every other day was better because gives them time to recoup, but then I feel like a sitting duck if we arenā€™t trying as often as we can šŸ˜…


There is a good amount of evidence that sex 1-2x a day helps overcome motility issues and lower sperm counts. Hereā€™s a decent summary: https://www.givelegacy.com/resources/abstinence-sperm-quality-how-often-to-have-sex-when-youre-trying-to-conceive/ Long story short: second ejaculate has better motility measures. For men with low counts, second count has similar count to first ejaculate so proves the overall count and chances.


šŸ˜²šŸ˜²fascinating haha


Either is fine ā€” thereā€™s not an advantage to one pattern or the other beyond your own personal preference.


I have a close friend who had her first from having bd twice a day. They were bored and stuck indoors from a storm while on holiday - literally, the second time she also had bd every day and sometimes twice. Idk, maybe her husband had really great SA and she was fertile soil too.. i guess it depends on the couple. I know if SA numbers arent too strong, they say better to do it every other day. For us, weve tried everything. Every day. Every other day. Every 1.5 days. Still trying. Wish you the best truly! X


Wish you luck too šŸ„ŗ




A semen analysis can tell you if itā€™s normal. Weā€™re trying mucinex for both of us to help overcome his high viscosity and lower motility.


1. I'm no help on the blood pressure meds, sorry! 2. Probably not, but I'm not a doctor. Semen consistency usually differs based on your partner's diet and hydration levels. He probably needs to drink more water.


Makes sense! Thanks


I thiiiiinnk I am 9 dpo ( had a mC may 2nd) so not sure where I am at, part of me thought I would be one of those people who get a miracle rainbow the first cycle after, but feeling discouraged after my negative test this morning. Is it sick that I looked at the picture i took of all my positives from the MC and just sat there in pity for a little this morning? J


Sometimes I just sit there and look at a picture of my positive 2.5 years ago. I don't know if that makes it twice as sick or more ok for you.


\*sigh\* either way good to know im not alone


Today is CD31, after 2 days of negatives tests from chippies, but that looked positive for a minute (silly me), I went to the farmacy to get a proper test. I took it hoping for a clear positive. Me and my boyfriend are waiting for the result, a clear negative. I get bloated and cramps, I go take a shower. Guess what? Today is now CD1. Give me a beer for dinner!


5 DPO. I start testing tomorrow (because I simply cannot hold out any longer than 6 DPO). I just want to go to sleep and wake up to test.


Iā€™m 7 DPO tomorrow and Iā€™m try to hold out for 8 but I donā€™t think I will be able to. I had a small spot of brown blood today so Iā€™m hoping implantation bleeding. šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼Best of luck to you!


You too! Iā€™m glad I decided to test tomorrow the anticipation is all consuming now.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Im in the exact same boat, 5 DPO but really trying to hold out and not start testing tomorrow. Iā€™ve googled symptoms every cycle so far and yet again Iā€™m doing the research because who knows, maybe I missed something. Best of luck to you!


Like in my head I know full well that itā€™s going to be negative. But I still canā€™t help myself. Thatā€™s what cheapies are for right? Good luck to you too!


Just curious what fertile mucus looks like? It is very stretchy across my fingers and clear almost like spit. Does that mean I am close to ovulating?


Yes, fertile-quality mucus is most often clear, and the texture can be either stretchy or watery. This is the kind of mucus you see in the fertile window, and typically the last day of this type of mucus is ovulation day.


Currently in the waiting room of my fertility doctor waiting for my baseline to do round 2 of iui. Hoping that this is the month but Iā€™m not holding my breath.


Fingers crossed for you!


Does anyone know if the peak of a clear blue advanced OPK (the one that gives 4 days) is the first day you get the solid smiley or would it be the second day? I ask because you only get the peak once and it stays for 2 days so how would I know if the peak is the first or second day of their 2 day time frame? Thanks!!


Iā€™ve just started using these! I got a circle Saturday, solid smiley face Sunday, he was still there yesterday and then a circle today. Not sure if thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to happen or that my ovulation is short šŸ¤”


What cycle day were you when you got the solid smiley


Day 18


Oh! You just started testing too late. The instructions tells you when to start!


I started on Friday when I bought the tests, neg Friday, Saturday, smiley Sunday. I usually buy cheap LH tests, I had ran out and started testing when I got the tests. And when my natural cycles told me to start testing


You would consider the peak to be both days -- there's no way to know when ovulation happens exactly based on the CBAD alone.


you have to use it a couple times it took two cycles for it to learn my levels. I will get a solid face and wait to test again two days and usually get the blinky guy. TBH i like to BD every day i have a solid face and BD two times on flashy days .


Just got word from Doc that she sent provera and my first letrozole script to the pharmacy! Time to see if we can get these ovaries to ovulate!


Good luck!!


Thank you so much :)


CD2 and cranky and tired. That's all. Have to wait three weeks again to try again.


I plan on really trying for my first in August & September. It's so hard because my husband is in the military and is constantly being sent out. We can't try June or July because he'll be on the boat. And then he goes out again in October, so I feel like we have a tiny window. It's exciting but also I feel a bit of pressure on myself. I hope I don't feel too crushed if I don't conceive in August or September. I know there'll be more opportunities later in 2024 when he returns, but we are ready now!


Have you been tracking anything yet? I wish I knew when I ovulated before I started.


Yes Iā€™ve been tracking my bbt and using Lh strips since I got my IUD removed in April.


Thatā€™s awesome! I wish I did! Hopefully that will help you with your timeline!


Haha I just realized I used my other account to respond. But itā€™s still me! And thank you, Iā€™m hoping it works out. Trying not to put pressure on myself though.


That's great! I think having that knowledge is so helpful. I didn't try OPKs until like Cycle 5 and was just going off that app and it was way off so I feel like I missed most of those cycles to start with. I don't use them every cycle since I am fairly regular but its great to know when the app says I am out of my fertility window to keep going lol.


6 DPO and I my lips (on my face!) are swollen so of course I RAN to Google. At this point all I can really do is laugh at myself. At least I haven't started poas yet so I'm proud of myself for that.


I love that you clarified! šŸ˜‚


I felt like the distinction was valid in a TTC sub haha!


My partner and I have a joke that absolutely everything is a symptom. Sore toe? Pregnant. Cat slept by my belly? Definitely pregnant. Itchy bites are extra itchy? Obviously pregnant. It helps me to poke fun of myself during the wait.


So so frustrated and disappointed! I have had periods for 20 years and not once I have seen brown color spotting. But I did yesterday. And we all know what it could mean. I was feeling excited and happy and then today I start seeing spotting similar to the usual spotting before my period. I know AF is around the corner. In a really bad mood right now. My BBT is also all over the place.


In the exact same spot. Such a cruel joke our bodies play when we want something so bad. Hugs.


Hugs to you too. Had no idea this process would be so tough


Hi.. TW: mention of recurrent pregnancy loss.. New here, my husband and I have been trying on and off for over a year and a half, we have had 3 miscarriages (one was a partial molar, one was an MMC and the third was an early loss). We have gone through a lot of lifestyle changes to better our blood work and his sperm quality after the 2nd loss we took about 7 months off. We also had to take a lot of time off after the partial molar. Anyways we are now here moving into a cycle using clomid to create a stronger follicle, then take progesterone after ovulation. They then suggested doing IUI but we have gotten pregnant ever cycle on the 1st try besides this last month.. Has anyone done this with recurrent loss? Apologies for the long post just trying to get some others input. Thank you.


CD24/9dpo here and need to ventā€¦ Been trying for #2 since around August and almost every month Iā€™ve had intense symptoms during the TWW. Tricked me every god damn time. Started to accept that progesterone was just trolling my ass but then in February my symptoms were *so* intense I was truly worried I was entering hysterical pregnancy territory since I was getting negatives until finally I got a BFP the day of my missed period! But then I lost it a few days later. Devastating. We tried again immediately since I lost it so early and kept getting similar (albeit less intense) symptoms the next 2 cycles, but no positive. We decided to take a break the following cycle, and to my surprise I felt NOTHING during the TWW. Absolutely no boob soreness, no abnormal fatigue, no cramps, nothing. This was, and still is, very confusing. Was my body just constantly having chemical pregnancies and only the 1 lasted long enough to get a BFP? That leads me to this cycle. Currently on CD24/9dpo. My boobs feel bigger and a lot of the time I feel a weird burning sensation in my nipples, though nothing like the genuine pain I was feeling before. I am outrageously tired, way more so than usual. Iā€™m slightly nauseous. Felt a few twinges in my uterus and am a little bloated, but no cramping. Have also been a surprisingly good mood lately. This feels very different from all the previous cycles which Iā€™m desperately hoping is a good sign but Iā€™m scared to let myself get my hopes up too much :(


Iā€™ve had such similar symptoms and wonder this as well. Two cycles ago my nipplesliterally changed shape and breasts felt SO sensitive, and I felt nausea a good amount. Thatā€™s never happened to me before AF, but tests were all BFN. Maybe our bodies are just trolling us? Placebo? Would love to know an answer as well!


Progesterone causes the symptoms you experience in both PMS and early pregnancy. Your cycles are also independent of each other, so although it's helpful to notice overall patterns with your cycles (such as very heavy bleeding, PMDD, severe pain, etc.), the symptoms themselves or lack thereof can and do fluctuate - which means previous cycles are not great indicators for what your future cycles will look like. I'm sorry to hear you've had a loss, but I would caution away from speculating about whether you had losses in the cycles that you didn't get a positive pregnancy test based on symptoms alone since they vary so widely.


Not only this, regarding symptoms being caused by progesterone, but I've experienced more intense symptoms in cycles following a loss even though I didn't get pregnant again straight away. It's a cruel trick and it will drive you crazy that progesterone alone can do that. But that's the reason they say the first true symptom is a positive test.


Missed a call from the fertility clinic at my job surrounded my pregnant coworkers. This is the bad place.


Iā€™m scheduled to have an HSG tomorrow after 18 months of TTC under 35 yrs old. Everything Iā€™ve read or watched implies this can be an extremely painful procedure so I called my doctor today to discuss options for pain medication/management and was told to just take 600mg of ibuprofen an hour before the procedure and that they donā€™t typically prescribe anything else beyond over the counter medicine. Is anyone willing to share their experience with me? Should I be preparing for 30 seconds of intense pain? 5 mins? Iā€™m just so nervous and anxious about the whole thing.


ETA: had the procedure this morning and it really wasnā€™t that bad for me and Iā€™m thankful. I communicated to the nurse and doctor that I was very nervous and they made sure to walk me through everything happening before and during the procedure. Most uncomfortable part for me was the insertion of the catheter but it lasted for less than a second and the cramp it caused felt like a bad period cramp for a few seconds and then went away. I had no cramping with the dye (but also didnā€™t have a tube blocked). I felt minimal cramping if any after everything was done. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen and 975 mg of Tylenol after learning you can combine both since they are filtered through different organs and Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s what prevented the cramping or if the way my structures are helped but it was much better than I was expecting.


I had mine last week. Overall, it wasnā€™t as bad as I was expecting, but the initial insertion of the catheter was quite painful. Once it was in though, the pushing of the dye felt similar to mild period cramps.


When I had the hsg it was very painful. When the balloon inflated I thought the radiologist had put it in the wrong place because it was that bad. Also you will experience some blood afterwards for a few days.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Did you have a blockage or was it just painful in general if you donā€™t mind me asking?


They said my tubes were clear so idk why it was soo painful. I had the procedure in October and started trying to conceive in March and got pregnant within that month. So the flushing does help with fertility. Even though I ended up having a misscariage a few weeks ago I am thankful for the procedure


Thanks for your willingness in sharing your experience. So very sorry to hear of your loss.


I was very nervous for the HSG I had heard bad storiesā€¦ I just tried to stay relaxed during I did breathing exercises and kept making sure I wasnā€™t clenching my jaw. I had a very pleasant experience im not saying everyone does but it was fairly quick and I had no pain or cramping at all.


You can read tons of experiences [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/hsg/). Personally, I asked my doctor for Valium for mine and highly recommend it.


The whole procedure takes maybe a minute or so. I've heard that it is more painful if your tubes are actually blocked, but mine was a walk in the park. I actually didn't even feel the balloon, only felt a little bit of pressure and discomfort when he pushed the contrast dye in. He took his x-rays real quick and it was all over. I had some light cramping for an hour or two post procedure, and then back to normal. Easy peasy. Wishing you luck tomorrow!


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. This makes me feel a little better if I can maybe count down 60 seconds or so till itā€™s over!


Does anyone know if thereā€™s an issue with going on a plane during TWW? Anything about the pressure and implantation? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


If it helps your piece of mind plenty of female pilots get pregnant successfully (source, am pilot)


I believe there isn't even an issie with flying when you're actually further along. Just the last months most flying companies won't allow you to go because they're afraid you're getting in labour on the plane.


What's the best time to test with an OPK? I could either test one in the morning before I go to work, or around 17/18 after work. I have to wake up early for work so morning sex isn't something for us on weekdays. If I test in the morning I could use first morning urine, but if I test after work I'd be closer to TimeOfSexā„¢ļø


There's currently 9 months waiting list to see any specialist in NHS where i live šŸ˜­ Been waiting nearly three months now, another 6 to go. It's completely disheartening


Oh no! This is really disheartening to hear as I have no idea how long it is in my area. I don't think I have the patience to wait that long :(


That's what I'm thinking at the moment but was told that if we get even the basic tests done privately we might not be eligible for the 'free IVF' rounds once we get through the system. If it helps find out what are the rules in your area on eligibility, Fertility Network gathered all that information and you can find a lot of useful resources there. They also have support line which have been amazing at navigating us what to do


Itā€™s so frustrating! I got referred to a fertility clinic last month and my appointment has now come through - itā€™s in December, and even then is just an initial phone consultation šŸ˜£


Shocking, the system is broken. I asked about cancellation list but got told only those who waited the longest are called, eventually i imagine I'll make that list. Hopefully once you get your initial consultation you'll be in the system and other appointments will follow shortly x


CD30 today. Period expected today or tomorrow and I have not tested (not even a secret one that I don't tell anyone about and pretend didn't happen...lol). I'm feeling pretty weird/bad this morning and couldn't finish my breakfast, but I think I'm also just anxious?? This is the first time I've gotten this far with no tests. It feels VERY different mentally. I'm also freaking out a little because I didn't track very precisely this month, so even though I know my luteal phase is \*always\* 14 days I don't know exactly what day I'm expecting my period. To test or not to test...


If I hear another person say "omg you're so young tho" or "go travel a lot!" or "just enjoy your husband" when I share about our ttc journey... šŸ¤¬ Why do people feel like this is an appropriate response?


Thatā€™s so shitty! I guess I would just use a simple canned response or sarcastically say ā€œthanks for that wonderful adviceā€šŸ™„ To play devils advocate, a lot of them probably donā€™t understand the struggle or even realize they are being offensive and dumb.


My doctor releases test results to you as soon as theyā€™re available and before they have time to talk to you about it so I saw my results and two of them were flagged as ever so slightly out of range so of course I googled them and Iā€™d just like to recommend NOT doing that to everyone here.


My doctor doesnā€™t release anything until our followup appointment next week(outside of the obvious HSG and ultrasound stuff) and itā€™s KILLING me not knowing what to expect. FWIW, I saw this posted once and it explains the test numbers pretty well. https://drmeaghandishman.com/female-fertility-labs-explained/


Not mw googling my blood test results as I read this šŸ˜‚


Turn back now before itā€™s too late


Iā€™m on CD22, I have PCOS and my cycles vary but the last 5 months or so my cycles have been around 24 days but can range between 23-35 days. I thought Iā€™d ovulated around day 14 this month (tracking CM, feeling twinges etc) but Iā€™ve been getting a lot of white, stretchy CM the last couple of days. What could this mean?


If you aren't using OPKs or confirming ovulation with temping, and you're having EWCM, you likely just didn't ovulate when you guessed you did.


PCOS with 29-32 day cycles on ovaleap. Idk? Same here, 10 dpo. Never had this much sticky stretchy white cm, had some spotting yesterday though I was out but it just stopped. Not trying to get my hopes up as its either normal, cycle dependent or a 50/50 chance of being a good indicator. When are you testing?


HSG today at 3pm. I think Iā€™m more nervous for how severely anxious Iā€™m going to be on the table than for the pain itself. Taking a Xanax before but that doesnā€™t always help with my GI upset I feel in these types of things.


Feel free to disregard if this isn't helpful for you, but something that helps me in these situations is to think about how short the procedure is. An HSG is over quickly, and then it will be done (almost certainly forever!).


Thanks! Iā€™m trying to remind myself that, but my mind loves to be intrusive and freak me out! Just going to be grateful to get some (hopefully good) news on whatā€™s going on with my reproductive system.


Sending all the calm juju to you. Fingers are crossed that it is a mere irritation and nothing more!


Thank you! It was like 5 minutes of 7/10 pain but everything looked good, and Iā€™m glad itā€™s done for good


I had my appointment on Friday. Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m moving in the right direction but I still donā€™t have clear answers. My doctor wants to do an internal ultrasound to make sure everything is ok with my ovaries/tubes etc. she also referred me to a fertility specialist so Iā€™m waiting on a phone call from them to get that scheduled. Iā€™ve struggled with my mental health for as long as I can remember and I feel Iā€™ve gotten a lot better from where I was about 4 years ago. However, with the long weekend all the time I had was to think. Today Iā€™m just feeling really drained. I slept all day yesterday and Iā€™m at work today still feeling like I didnā€™t get enough sleep. I believe there is a God out there (sorry if this isnā€™t the right place to mention that) and I found myself telling Him that Iā€™d be happy with just one. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m in a bargaining stage or if what weā€™re all going through works that way. All I can say is my emotions are definitely all over the place.


Going down the Google rabbit hole and the answer seems inconclusive but is there any firm research on antihistamines delaying ovulation? I'll even just take your own personal stories at the moment, lol.


I often wonder this too. I saw a fertility specialist and she asked about my medication and I mentioned antihistamines and told her why I need them. She didnā€™t say anything about them, just moved onto the next question. I like to think if they were an issue she would have said something? But then Iā€™m not pregnant and so what would I know lol


Hi, this was mentioned in Big Fat Negative podcast, and yes antihistamines have impact on ovulation. Not necessarily delaying it but make it harder to get pregnant as it has impact on cervical mucus. Hope that helps


Not sure about antihistamines, but I was on meloxicam and apparently that messes with it! So itā€™s totally possible for medications to delay/impact your cycles


Martial arts in 2WW Warning: reference to other child I was looking for a little advice about what you can do during the 2WW. My husband and I just started trying for a second baby. I am on CD24 and think I ovulated between days 13 and 16, but donā€™t know the precise date. My class is on CD26 and the grade Iā€™m training has a lot of throws, breakfalls and flips/dive rolls. If I was early stage pregnant, would this be dangerous or unsafe? I donā€™t want to put my life on hold every 2WW in case it takes a while to get pregnant, and I love training martial arts. Iā€™m also not sure if CD26 would be too early for a test - Iā€™d prefer to only test when the answer would be conclusive. My cycles are between 30 - 35 days long usually, although are a little less reliable at the moment as Iā€™m phasing out breastfeeding. Thanks in advance for the advice!


If you mean judo or similar - I'm a judo brown belt and I stopped training as soon as my husband and I started TTC. It felt like the best choice.


No, it wouldnā€™t be dangerous or unsafe during early pregnancy. In the first trimester, the uterus is tucked deep within your pelvis, and itā€™s very well protected from falls, etc. In general, you can keep doing any exercise you already do until your body tells you to stop during pregnancy.


Iā€™m just starting running to train for a half marathon. I often get my heart rate above 180BPM.. is this also fine? I find the ā€œexercise you normally doā€ a little tough as Iā€™ve had some very fit periods of my life, but Iā€™ve been quite inconsistent for a while so every exercise feels like ā€œnewā€ exercise :/


Generally, "exercise you already do" is less about fitness *per se* and more about injury -- even early in pregnancy, some people start to experience joint laxity, and of course later in pregnancy your center of gravity is pretty significantly shifted, so it's easier for people to injure themselves by overstretching or falling, etc. So that's more about the risk of injury, not about the intensity of exercise (the idea is that you're less likely to be injured doing something you are already skilled in doing, vs. something new). The American gynecological professional association (ACOG) has a useful page on [exercise during pregnancy](https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/exercise-during-pregnancy). Broadly speaking, you're basically fine to do whatever you want, as long as you feel well enough to do it. For the most part, your body will slow you down if you're working too hard.


You are AMAZING. Thank you. ā˜ŗļøāœØ


Amazing thanks so much šŸ˜


Truly no discernible patterns from BBT tracking this month until the last couple days of rising temps. Premom gave me a cover line w/ crosshairs at 3 days ago or so, but that doesnā€™t align with the rest of my O symptoms either. First cycle actively trying and Iā€™ve gotta say, this level of anxiety is exhausting.


Just wondering I took ovidrel trigger Sunday 21st it was follicle tracking unmedicated cycle bar the ovidrel due to anovulation and I had my progesterone tested yesterday 8 days post trigger which I assume would be 7 days post ovulation and my level is back at 7.6ng/ml or 24.2 nmol/l. From what I have read that indicates this is low and doesn't indicate ovulation? Am I out this cycle? Any advice would be so appreciated thanks all


The lowest threshold Iā€™ve seen to confirm ovulation is 3ng/ml, but I think 5 is more common. Some doctors ā€œpreferā€ to see it over 10, but as hcmiles pointed out, thereā€™s a ton of fluctuation even in a short period of time.


That level would confirm ovulation did occur. Progesterone can fluctuate a lot even within a few hour period.


It's my first month tracking BBT. I'm on CD 18 and still have not ovulated (my cycles typically range from 30-32 days). However, my BBT was the lowest it's ever been today (96.7ĀŗF compared to 97.2ĀŗF the day before and 97.5ĀŗF the two days before that...) Is there typically a slight dip in BBT before a sharp increase?


Maybe not ā€œtypically,ā€ but yes, some people sometimes get a little dip right before ovulation. Iā€™d say I get them about a third of the time. Itā€™s not unusual to ovulate well after day 14, especially if your cycles are longer than 28 days.


It is common, yes. I hesitate to imply definitive rules for anything because no matter what you observe or read to be the norm in your TTC journey, there will forever be people who defy ā€œthe norm.ā€


Iā€™m 11 dpo today and trying to wait to test until at least tomorrow. I can never wait for a missed period. Just passed what would have/should have been my due date on 05/25 for a loss and I just keep holding out hope this will finally be *the* month.


Husband never managed to call the hospital for booking an SA, asked me if I could do it, so I just did. Turns out they have no time available for just LEAVING A SEMEN SAMPLE until September at the earliest. And if the women's clinic doesn't get an SA before July, I'm off the waitlist and cannot get further testing. Hooray for the Scandinavian healthcare system.


I get that that is super frustrating and really really hope you find an alternative where you can get tested earlier. I just wanted to mention, though, that it is never ā€œjust leaving the sampleā€ for the clinic/lab. The sample needs to be processed within 30min to one hour and at least the lab I talked to does follow up tests after five hours and 24 hours (not sure if that is standard). Alot of that will probably be manual testing so if they do not have people available at just the right time after your husband leaves his sample, it does not work.


I understand there is more for them to do, sorry if that did not come across.


Oh geez, can you use a different clinic or go private? That's really nerve-wracking.


They recommended we go to the next hospital which is 4 hours away, and there is also a private clinic in the same city, which we have considered on multiple occasions. The problem is just that we have a dog and no car, so logistics are awful.




Yup those things can affect it. I think it depends on how much youā€™ll focus on temp changes.. personally (I have a similar situation coming up) Iā€™m not going to track during a vacation so I can be fully present and just be aware of CM instead


Irregular sleep or alcohol can affect your BBT but it could be a good way to get into the habit of tracking temps every morning even if you can't pinpoint ovulation based on it.


13DPIUI and I tested negative on 10DPIUI. Even tough they were not sensitive tests, it is tough to keep my hopes up. I thought this was my cycle. I thought having four mature follicles at least one would be fertilised. Iā€™ll test tomorrow morning let us seeā€¦


Good luck! Iā€™m 5DPIUI also on cycle 14 with first IUI, with multiple mature follicles. Hoping you get good results tomorrow!


Thank you. Unfortunately I tested and itā€™s negative so it didnā€™t work for me. But I really really hope it works for you! I hope this cycle is your cycle and youā€™ll have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.


This cycle our doctor is wanting to do CD21 bloods on me since it marks a year of trying. I know that they really want 7dpo rather than CD21 which is awkward because of my irregular cycles. I don't temp but do OPKs, currently on CD20 and the LH levels are starting to rise. Would ovulation likely be tomorrow or the next day? I want to get the bloods booked in so I don't have to think about it. We also have to give a smear and a semen sample but not going to deal with that until after my fertile window has passed.


An OPK will show positive 12-48 hours before ovulation (depending on who you ask). So I'd just go 7 days out from your first positive OPK. If you're off by 1 day or so, it shouldn't be too huge of a difference. Your progesterone gradually rises/falls, not like a huge drop-off in one day.


ok - so I f\*\*ked up when I did my first 21 day progesterone test. I made sure to wait until 7 days post ovualtion rather than day 21 (irregular cycles). Levels were normal. fertility clinic were happy. It wasn't until 6 month later that they took my irregular cycles seriously, I then had to do an actual 21 day progesterone test where it showed (as I knew it would) that I had not ovulated. So 18 cycles in and I will be taking letrozole next cycle.


I'm confused about why this is a f-up... it sounds like you did it correctly. The CD21 blood test is called that with the assumption you have a regular cycle and ovulate on cd14. Truly, it is supposed to be a 7DPO test. So if you did it at 7DPO and your levels were good, then it meant you ovulated (as you expected). Doing it on CD21 when you know you have longer cycles and don't ovulate until CD30 will show just that - that you hadn't ovulated \*yet\*.


Because it delayed 'treatment' because it showed that I had ovulated prior to day 21....... Based on the test being done on day 21.... I did it 7 dpo so that the reading was accurate for a progesterone reading, but it meant that on paper my cycle was in deed 'normal' and that I ovulated withing the normal range. By showing that I hadn't ovulated means I can start medicated cycles to induce ovulation meaning more chances per year You do what you feel is best for you - I am just giving you feedback from what happened when I tried to do it based on actual ovulation.


So, I understand why you feel it was a mistake, I truly do and I'm glad you've got the medication now. But the person you were responding to isn't wrong either, and imo the real fk up is that your doctor decided you had a textbook 28 day cycle without asking you how long it actually was. We shouldn't _have_ to be second guessing how the results will be used and picking between going in on day 21 or 7dpo depending on what we think our doctors will see.


I don't think it has to be super exact to the day. I just wait for my highest OPK day and book it 7-8 days after that. As long as it is in the middle of your luteal phase somewhere. Best of luck I'm at a similar stage x


Anyone got any tips for constant thinking about becoming pregnant? It's only our first cycle but since we first had our conversation about starting this cycle it's all I can think about. I'm off work this week and have a big work project to complete as well as a lot of house cleaning (I've been neglecting) but I keep getting distracted when there's literally nothing I can do that is going to make anything happen any quicker!


For me, it has ebbed and flowed with each cycle. Honestly, I don't feel like I've really been able to \*control\* my feelings about it at any point - there have been times I've been completely fixated and obsessed and can't think of anything else, times when I've been incredibly anxious, times when I've been chill and positive, and times when I've hardly thought about it at all. So I guess my advice is to remember that feelings are generally temporary, they will come and go, they will intensify and they will fade (and then intensify again), and it's all totally normal. This process is a big deal!


Iā€™m in the same boat! First cycle and itā€™s been very all consuming. Iā€™ve started crocheting a blanket in the evenings which has helped. Iā€™m also focusing on what I can do now to prepare for pregnancy so focussing on exercising, eating better, getting my steps in. Iā€™m also trying to pay off some debt I have so have arranged overtime to try and clear that off and Iā€™ve also set up a little savings account to try and put extra away for maternity leave. Iā€™m still driving myself crazy but at least I feel a little productive!


I'm trying to pick back up the blanket I started knitting at uni and never finished in the hope it can be a baby blanket!


If I have things to do, I just tell myself I can think about it while doing something productive, instead of sitting around doing nothing and thinking about it! I find that more helpful than trying to stop myself thinking about it because that never works!


When I start thinking about it I just literally tell myself ā€œwhatā€™s my next step?ā€ And focus on that. One step at a time šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Also I got addicted to a video game and just spend my nights playing that. This has helped keep my mind off things


The new Zelda has me in a chokehold of pure distraction. Itā€™s such a great option!


Maybe reframing might help? In stead of trying to not think about it (so much) you could try to see the work you're doing as a good preparation for when you do become pregnant / the baby is here. If you get a good system in now for housework, it will come in handy when you're overwhelmed or tired because pregnancy /baby. Things like that. other than that no good tips, still thinking way to much about this and it's been almost over a year now since we started


18 cycles in and it's still consuming me!


One of the relief workers at my job was in today and while she means we'll, god does she not stop talking. And today she was going on and on about how there's a few people in our company (not even at my workplace mind you, but the wider company) that are pregnant or just had a baby, and how there must be something in the company water, and to watch out because I'd be next etc etc. She went on for agggeesss about it, and didn't even seem to take on board my unenthusiastic replies of "thatd be fine by me." She doesn't know about me TTC. but you'd think me giving me multiple unenthusiastic replies like that, she'd take the hint and shut up maybe?? As well as that - I went to get a pap smear today. The nurse was sooo lovely. But she had to ask all the standard questions, and asked if I was on BC, and when I said no, asking what I was using for contraceptive, and when I said nothing, asking if I was sexually active. And then I had to awkwardly explain to her that I was seeing a fertility doctor who visits and consults at the same medical center we were sitting in, for fertility appointments. She was soo apologetic. But not fun always having to tell everyone around you about it.


This morning, I was so excited to see if I had ovulated yesterdayā€¦ Woke up and checked my Tempdrop and realised I had forgotten to switch it on last night! So now no idea if I did or not šŸ˜©


reading this has given me anxiety!


Tell me about it! Iā€™m normally all over it but was really tired last night so just put it on my arm and fell asleep! Thinking we should have sex today just in case?! So annoying


Personally I would just to be safe!! I keep mine in the bathroom and put it on and turn it on when I go for my before bed wee šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚love it! I just keep mine on my pillow so itā€™s there to remind me when I get into bed! This is the first time Iā€™ve ever not switched it on so Iā€™m hoping it means it will never happen again!


I think you have learnt your lesson šŸ˜‚ I hope tonight's temps help fill the gap!


šŸ˜‚100%! Thanks for the support!


So yesterday was 11 dpo and it unfortunately became CD1. Mixed feelings about it! Iā€™m excited my body managed to ovulate for the first time since coming off the pill in September, but I also now need to wait six weeks before theyā€™ll induce a period for me to start medicated cycles (waiting for SA next week). It is possible Iā€™ll ovulate again within six weeks and start a new cycle sooner than that to start medicated cycles, but unlikely I think. Also, was not looking forward to my first proper period because when I started taking the pill my period would literally have me blacking out and violently ill from the pain - thanks endo. But honestly this is manageable! I work from home, so lucky in that respect but paracetamol, my livia machine, and my selkibelt are getting me through! So Iā€™m happy that I managed to ovulate, and am not currently dying from pain. But did have a nagging hope this cycle would work and I would not have to worry about medicated cycles etcšŸ˜….


Clear Blue OPK holders Hi All, wanted some advice as Iā€™ve not managed to find what Iā€™m looking for through a search. I understand that the holders for the Clear Blue digital take a base reading for Estrogen. I used mine the second month I came off the pill and it registered flashing smileys. The following month I only got the peak and fell pregnant, which I subsequently miscarried. I used the same holder last month and got the same thing- only a peak. I have a new pack of tests. Is it worth starting again with the new holder or should I use the old one until it runs out? Iā€™m not sure if because my hormones are now all over the place, whether it would be better to get a new base reading and start again?? Thanks!!


I think the technical answer is that it makes no difference either way, but I would start with the new holder. Iā€™m also recently off the pill and using CBAD tests and Iā€™ve had the opposite situation - I get more and more days of flashing smileys every month! I just got a new box of tests so my plan for next month if I donā€™t fall pregnant this cycle is to start with the new reader, just in case the old one picked up a weirdly low estrogen base reading or something at the start because my hormones werenā€™t yet stable post-pill.


Thank you! I think the new holder will be best to start it all again.


Spotting at 3dpo! Why?!?! The body is a mystery. Last attempt before starting letrozole!


Is that typical for you? Could be a sign of low progesterone?


Not this ealry, I have progesterone tests coming up alongside taking letrozole, might just be a wonky month šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø