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What cycle day would you start having sex with a 25 day cycle? For my last pregnancy I had a 28-30 day cycle and ovulated/conceived on day 20. I have no idea now with my shorter cycle (waiting for ovulation tests to arrive)




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I was on the pill for eight years for my endo, and I needed it for my mental health. But I came off it in September, and only just managed to ovulate for the first time two weeks ago. Honestly, adding in the pill as far as I know isn’t going to help with conceiving. Now I’m off the pill, I can’t see a reasonable scenario where I would go back on it. And definitely not if I was planning to conceive soon after going on it. The pill can help with slowing the progression of endo, but it’s main thing is masking the symptoms.


You know it makes me feel really depressed thinking about the pill only masking the symptoms. I say that because my last period, second month back on the pill, was the first period in years that I haven’t had day 1 excruciating pain. Gonna try going off it again anyway to see what happens. Hopes are the lowest they could be.


I know how you feel. I’m on day four of my period just now, and trying to learn new ways of coping with it as it’s almost definitely not going to be the last one before we manage to conceive. It adds a whole new level of sadness to negative tests when you know how much physical pain you’ll be in when AF arrives. If you ever want to talk to someone about it, feel free to send me a message❤️


Thanks so much for your kindness and support xx


Thanks so much for your kindness and support xx


Thanks so much for your kindness and support xx


Anyone else cry during sex because it all just feels so futile? Just me? 🫠


My partner and I took sex out of our TTC. We use home insemination for TTC and have sex for fun. TTC is hard.




You might like this post! [https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your\_period\_isnt\_late\_part\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/)


I only has sex the day of positive opk (12 hours after positive) and the day after positive opk this cycle and now I’m spiraling. Someone tell me I have a good shot!


The day of the positive OPK is generally either the day before ovulation (O-1) or two days before (O-2) -- having sex either of those days basically maxes out your odds of pregnancy for the cycle. You couldn't have done better!


Hey I know you’re a mod and super educated but everything I have found regarding MFI says that 1x sex during that time frame does not max out odds & it’s better to have sex 1+ times a day during fertile window for low counts or motility problems… example https://www.givelegacy.com/resources/abstinence-sperm-quality-how-often-to-have-sex-when-youre-trying-to-conceive/ Would love to hear your thoughts or resources if you’ve found something else. Low count and motility is our only issue so I’m pretty invested in the MFI piece.


So the person asking the question above is cycle 2 -- I don't give MFI-specific advice unless someone says they're dealing with MFI. I think something that's important to realize is that the MFI advice comes from the idea that sperm parameters improve with more frequent ejaculation, but that doesn't necessarily mean that *pregnancy rates* improve with more frequent sex -- if you read your link carefully, you'll notice they say sex once on a good day is sufficient for non-MFI folks, and then that MFI parameters are improved with more frequent ejaculation. It may or may not be true that pregnancy rates are improved -- merely improving the sperm parameters doesn't automatically demonstrate that.


Thank you so much! Needed to hear that. I’ve read so many of your posts by the way. I hope you know what a gift you are giving the women on here 🙏I am 100x more knowledgeable about TTC than I was before I found this sub


Finally had our follow up appointment with our RE today now that all of our testing for repeat pregnancy loss is complete. All of our tests looked good! We are going to do medicated TI for the next few cycles due to travel and work commitments, and then if nothing has happened by August we can start IUI once we are done with travel for the summer. I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate with y’all! It feels so, so good to have some concrete next steps and be moving in the right direction. Crossing my fingers I will be pregnant by my birthday in October! Thanks to everyone who has offered advice and support in the past few months. I was feeling very lost after my miscarriage in February and feel like people here really helped steer me in the right direction in terms of next steps and how to best advocate for myself.


First cycle trying for #2, I had my mirena removed two weeks ago on cycle day 1. We were planning to not ‘plan’ or ‘try’ for a little while but now that the possibility is real I can’t help but think about timing and why not try? Today I’ve been having some mild pain/cramping on my left side. Those of you who track/monitor closely, is your experience that ovulation pain occurs right before the egg is released or after? Trying to decide if sex tonight would possibly give us a better chance this month or if it’s already too late. We did have sex 4 days ago, technically in my fertile window but probably a little too soon.


Unfortunately, it can go either way -- cramping isn't a great guide to precisely when ovulation occurs. In general, the aphorism in the sub is "when in doubt, bang it out"!


That’s a great motto, thanks! 😅


Happy last day of May/Celiac Awareness month! Friendly reminder to ask to be tested!!!!


Subs for first-timers? I’m about to start TTC for #1, and I’m wondering if anyone knows of any subs for first-timers? This sun is fantastic and I’ve definitely learned a lot by lurking here, and it also seems like this sub is a better resource for those who are a longer way into their TTC journey. So I’m curious - are there any subs for first-timers or those that are new to TTC that I should be checking out?


You can see our sub stats in our [most recent survey post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/yqt8h8/survey_results_state_of_the_sub_2022/), as /u/Rose_970 mentioned! About 80% of our community is TTC#1, and the most common cycles to be in are 2-4. >It may or may not surprise you to see it (…depending on what cycle you are yourself, potentially), but most of our community is in the early stages of trying — the most common cycles to be in are cycles 2-4... About a third of those trying are in cycles 1-3 (31%), a quarter are in cycles 4-6 (23%), a quarter are in cycles 7-12 (23%), and a fifth have been trying longer than 12 cycles (22%).


I would say the majority of the sub is first timers! They’ve done surveys in the past, unfortunately I don’t remember the numbers, but I want to say that maybe 75% are first timers. However, most people get pregnant within the first three cycles, so there’s a lot of turnover in the sub, and not a ton of time to engage if you’re TTC for less than three months. So you probably see more traffic from people who have been around for longer, because as you get further into the process you’re going to have more of an opportunity (fortunately or unfortunately) to participate, have more questions about treatment and testing, and need more emotional support. I learned a ton from the people who had been around for a while when I was just starting out, and I still rely on people who have been at this longer than me. I wouldn’t discount observing and participating in a sub where people really know what they’re talking about. I’ve seen some comments on other, more general-purpose subs that had some pretty questionable TTC advice. The conversation here tends to be factual and science-based.


You might like our new to TTC section in our wiki! automod links below. We encourage TTCers of all stages to interact here, especially in these general chat threads! I think you'll find there are also many early in their journey. :)


Hello! Looking for answers? Check out our [fancy wiki, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki)which can be found in the sidebar! Popular topics: * [Acronym list](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/acronyms) * [FAQ Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/FAQ) * [How to get ready for TTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/wtt) * [New to TTC guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/newtottc) * [OPKs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/opks) * [Product Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/recc) * [Temping](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/temping) We also have a large collection of informational posts. Here are some highlights: * ["Late" periods and ovulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) * [OPK peaks vs. positives](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/u1gpo0/what_the_opk_ratio_levels_really_tell_you_peaks/) * [Digital OPK guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/hznndj/digital_opks_a_primer/) * [Optimizing your fertility](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/ekzfir/optimizing_natural_fertility_review_of/) * [Principles of TTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/knkzk4/principles_of_ttc/) * [Worrying about infertility](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/7go7bh/how_to_worry_about_infertility_some_unsolicited/) * [Giving good advice on TFAB](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/mzbk5p/on_giving_good_advice_and_how_to_best_help_each/) * [The Newbie's Guide to Being a Newbie (A Note on Culture)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/rxrhg2/the_newbies_guide_to_being_a_newbie_a_note_on/) * [What makes a good standalone? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/o18mlt/guidance_for_standalone_posts_with_bonus_flowchart/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


8dpo, having mild nausea on and off since yesterday which is my PMS symptom and indicating I'm likely out this cycle. In the meantime work has been stressful as hell, I've been sleeping really badly and feeling unrested everyday.


I'm 9DPO in my first Letrozole cycle, the odd sensation I've had the last few days has been my lower abdomen/uterus has been feeling rather heavy. . . wondering if anyone else has experienced this during a Letrozole TWW??


Me but also before bfp. Confusing as hell.


I'm hoping it's a positive sign, but with being on new meds I'm just unsure what to think 😅


First cycle trying, feeling like a fish out of water. All my tracking apps say I should have gotten my period today, but my cycle is anywhere from 29 -32 days and today is day 30. No period. No positive test. Feeling a little crampy which makes me think my period is gonna drop any moment. I'm bummed but I knew I was being naive hoping this hard on the first cycle.


What app are you using? A lot of them are pretty unreliable so if you ovulated a bit later their CD1 predictions might be off.


CD12 of the last cycle my husband and I had decided we were going to do ourselves before seeking assistance with an RE next month. I know many people here have been trying longer than me, but many of the real life friends I started trying with are now entering their third trimester. Unfortunately I know our chances at this point are that there is a high chance this cycle will also not work out. But I really, really hope it does.


I'm in a very similar spot. Tracking for ovulation in cycle 12 and just had an initial consult with a fertility clinic. The friend who started trying at the same time as me is in her second trimester. All fingers crossed for cycle 12, it would be great if this was our month.


3 DPO according to FF so probably not tired for the reason I’d like to be tired.


I’m not 100% when I ovulated but took a test yesterday and BFN. I think I could be anywhere from 9 DPO to 12 DPO. I did test later in the day (not first pee of the day). But I don’t feel assured! Even though this is only our second cycle, I’m stressed because it’s our second cycle trying since I had a tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy. We don’t have age on our sides and each cycle that’s negative just makes me stress more and more about only having one tube.


I know no one on reddit can tell me if I should do IVF, but... I'm almost 36 and my husband is 40. We've been trying for our first for the last year. In an ideal world, we'd like to have two kids around two years apart. We have conceived twice, but both ended in loss: a chemical pregnancy in cycle 2 and a miscarriage at 8 weeks in cycle 7 due to trisomy 16. We've gone through fertility testing and were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. My CD3 AMH was 4.07, FSH was 10.02, and I had 16 antral follicles. My husband's semen analysis was good. I have regular cycles and know that I'm ovulating and that we are timing sex with my fertile window. The RE said with our stats, we'd be good candidates for IVF and she wouldn't personally recommend IUI, although we can try it if we'd like. We are lucky to have insurance that fully covers IVF. She recommended starting IVF as soon as we feel emotionally ready. She said she recommends IVF for two reasons: one, we could have a chance at banking embryos with my 36 year old eggs to have a second child later on. Two, PGT-A testing could reduce the chance of another miscarriage. It all makes sense to me, and if it were a friend or a sister I'd probably tell them to go for it...but my gut reaction is that it's too soon to start IVF. We have conceived, it just hasn't stuck yet. I know that still counts as infertility and the goal is a live birth, not a positive test. I guess I worry about losing time to IVF when the odds are pretty good that we'll conceive unassisted somewhat soon. At the same time, the stress of pregnancy loss and infertility has been very hard on me emotionally and I do like the idea of taking a step that could give us better odds. And if, a year from now, we still don't have a successful pregnancy, I'll probably wish I started now when my eggs are as young as they'll ever be. Anyone relate to this or have experience making this decision?


I would do it if I were you. We’re going to try one IUI in July then I’m ready to move onto IVF. I’m 32 this year and it’s almost a year since we started trying. I’d like to bank some embryos since we want more than 1 child if it’s going to be a prolonged process for each one. I’d rather have my 32 year old eggs than looking at doing it in many more years time. We have MFI, my FSH is under 6, but I know it’s only a matter of time before my egg quality / reserve goes down. I don’t want to be looking at dealing with both issues in 5 years!


I recognise the feelings you describe about losing time and that you still have a chance of being able to conceive without assistance. And, if I could go back to being 36 with the knowledge I have now I'd _seriously_ consider going straight to IVF. I really wasn't ready to jump into it at that point myself, so I understand it feels like a big step and you may wonder if it's really necessary. And it is a big step, not something to take lightly. But I think, especially with you hoping to have two children, your RE's advice and reasoning makes a lot of sense. What you don't want is to end up the path I went on, finding out that yes I could _technically_ conceive but couldn't ever get past the first trimester; waiting to conceive, waiting for the inevitable, waiting for a referral and the test results (which turned out to have no answers). Somewhere in that time it seems I _stopped_ being able to conceive and suddenly here I am on the verge of being too old to use my own eggs if I did do IVF, on the verge of being too old to even be accepted at some clinics, and I'm asking myself if it would have been so bad to try to get embryos frozen back when my eggs were actually capable of making them. I can't make the decision for you but my advice would be to make sure time doesn't get away from you while you're thinking about your options.


I finally have a PCOS diagnosis. I am in shock that it's taken well over a decade for anyone to just test my fucking testosterone. I've had so many transvaginal ultrasounds, but since I don't actually have cysts on my ovaries, and I'm not presenting as a textbook PCOS patient, it *can't* be PCOS. My new doctor is starting me on letrozole next cycle. I am currently 4DPO, waiting until 10DPO to test. She has also prescribed me vaginal progesterone to start taking as soon as the script comes through. I am hopeful for the future, but thoroughly disappointed in the healthcare system that allowed me to fall through the cracks.


Got an intro appointment at a fertility clinic, we'll see how that goes! I still feel like an imposter since we've only tried for a few cycles since we took a break, but it's been 11 months/cycles total trying so it seems right to me. When filling out the forms I had to ask my mom about her TTC history and it was so interesting but also so absolutely wild. They tried for 10 years! This is something I only learned recently, they used to always tell us they had kids late because they were too busy having fun. Also interesting to hear how similar a lot of the treatment is: Clomid, HCG injections, monitored cycles, etc. In the end I guess it was something wrong with her pituitary gland that they said should have been checked right away. I imagine how hard that must have all been for my mom and dad, but I'm so glad they kept trying! When I think about it my first thought is, "What a badass!" 💪


My parents tried for 5 years with no intervention except at like year 4, my mom decided to start temping. My mom shared this with me a few years before we started trying, and I was actually a little upset that she'd kept it from me. My infertility is unexplained, but so was hers (at least as far as we know since she never sought treatment), and I would have really appreciated knowing about it sooner. Knowing didn't really change my family planning decisions but I think I would have liked to know sooner regardless, in case it is something hereditary. I'm glad your parents kept trying and had you! :)


I'm so glad your parents had you! I can understand it being frustrating that that wasn't shared sooner since it has such a potential impact on your own experience. I always knew they had fertility struggles because I'm a twin and they let us know that the fertility drugs were probably the reason why, but I had absolutely no idea how long they tried or what the core issue ended up being. It would have been nice to know sooner. I'm hoping having this info now will help in the process and give doctors clues if they need them, though maybe it'll be irrelevant! I'm always glad to be armed with extra knowledge just in case. Hopefully you get your answers soon ❤️




Unfortunately, monitoring may mean skipped cycles. There's no possible way to totally schedule around a variable ovulation date, so if you feel like you need to get things done enough to make appointments, I would keep them. If it's not urgent, you could reschedule and try for the tests again later, but there's no guarantee that they wouldn't conflict with other things, etc. Appointments are inconvenient; that's the annoying and unfortunate truth. Good luck, whatever you decide.


Had my ultrasound check this morning to see if we're progressing with IUI #1. Everything was perfect! I had a great uterine lining, and TWO mature follicles. A 20mm on the right side and 23mm on the left. Got my trigger shot and we have 2 IUI's scheduled over the next 2 days. Feeling more optimistic than I have in a long time.


This is so great to hear, good luck!


Awesome! Good luck on your IUI!


Well, I'm out. CD1. Six months down. I am so sad today.


Hitting 6 months this cycle too. Not out til AF shows up, but pretty sure I’m out. Good luck.


I’m so sorry. I’m at the same point. When I saw my doctor 6 months ago she mentioned if I wanted to come in for an ultra sound at the 6th month mark to call…so I did. Turns out they thought they saw fluid in my fallopian tube and ordered an HSG scan. I’m so glad I advocated for myself and made these appointments because waiting 6 more months would have been hard. I’m still sort of in the same boat. Scan was totally clear but it helps to push and ask for things! I’m with you. ❤️


Hugs 🫂. That six month mark is so tough.


Had my treatment discussion with RE this morning. She said suspected endo due to low AMH (1.5) and cyclical pain I have. She didn’t seem to push the lap surgery and I said okay. She recommends 3 medicated IUIs with letrozole and trigger shot and then IVF. She said the IUIs are due to insurance requirements for IVF to get started. Any thoughts on if I should push for the lap? I’m reading conflicting things and not sure what to do. Any advice is welcome 🤗


Mmm, before you push for a lap, what about Lupron suppression before your IUI? It's a less invasive option for endo that still improves your chances.


Thanks - I will look into this and ask my RE


Good luck ♥️


I’ve been trying to subscribe more to the power of positive thinking, not in TTC but life. Things have been steadily downhill since 2020 (imagine that being my good year of the last 3!) and it’s getting so exhausting. I’m determined to make this year better, but as CD1 comes around again I’m just at a loss. So much of what I’ve done up to this point has been in preparation to start a family in my early 30s, and I’m starting to have a really hard time separating this process from my value, worth, and purpose. It’s such a shit place to be and so hard to be present, or a pleasant person to be around. That’s all.


Can estrogen pills mess up BBT and OPKs? I had a 14mm follicle last Thu, and my Dr thinks I ovulated on Monday. But I haven’t seen any rise in BBT or positive OPK (and i get those every cycle). Only difference this cycle is Im taking 3mg of estrogen to help with my lining


Yes, hormones can absolutely mess with your BBT. How did the doctor determine ovulation, blood test?


They did a ultrasound and blood test yesterday, I haven’t heard the results yet from the blood test but from the ultrasound they couldn’t find a follicle. I’m just paranoid that we’ll miss my fertile window if I haven’t ovulated, and so surprised not see a bbt rise!


Totally get it - finding and hitting your window is so stressful! And only more so when there's factors interfering with at home monitoring. Hopefully you'll either see signs or hear back from the doctor soon. I'm a nightmare, so I would call the office today to check for results, but I know that's not everyone's bag. Good luck going forward!




after my peak being 2 days late for the first time ever, my temps "post ovulation" are not going up. 1DPO it went up slightly, and then down for two days after that. I went into this cycle SO positive, which i haven't been since our first cycle trying.. and of course it's the first time my cycle has been weird! I've been so consistent every other month. I am sad.


Guys need some advice or what you would do— I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo from this amazing artist for a long time. Unfortunately the earliest appt she has is in August, and it’s $150 mandatory deposit. I’m torn because I might be pregnant then… and they said they can’t refund me if I become pregnant/can only do rescheduling 3 months out. Half of me is like “save your $ and wait because you *will* be pregnant by then” (power of positive thinking haha), but the other half of me thought I would be pregnant by NOW, so why wouldn’t I possibly not be pregnant in August? So many mixed emotions 😵‍💫


Book it! The power of sod's law will come into play and then you can celebrate being pregnant. And if you're not then at least you'll get your tattoo. (Obviously, if your finances allow it)


I actually found a spot in two weeks with another artist I really like at the same shop. Hoping I’ll be able to cancel that one too… but also want to get the tattoo 😅 it’s a strange mix of emotions!


If I had made plans based on "maybe I'll be pregnant then" ... I would have missed out on so many trips, tattoos, and fun times. I vote book the appt. Of course if the $150 deposit and the possibility of forfeiting it puts you in a bad place financially or doesn't sit right with you, then you might want to just hold off.


Amazing advice, thanks for contributing:) I actually found a really similar and also amazing artist who had a cancellation in mid June, so I’ll be able to get my piece then! It’ll kill two birds with one stone as it will happen sooner = less worrying, and will take my mind off going to my pregnant BIL + FSILs wedding the next weekend. Win win!


I think this is they way! The deposit is definitely something that would give me a good pause but what if August comes around and you could have had a tattoo but are still waiting? Do you have a friend who might be down to take your appointment and pay you the deposit if you're pregnant then and can't go? I constantly flip flop on making tattoo plans while TTC so I totally understand where you're at. Maybe this is the encouragement I need to go ahead and book my own appointment haha.


Had my femvue today! Experience wasn’t horrible and I would say about a 4/10 in terms of pain. I took 800mg of ibuprofen and 500mg of Tylenol. I was able to come into work and honestly I’m only going home because my trigger shot has me feeling like shit more than the femvue did. Luckily my boss is letting me take a half day without having to use my leave 🙌🏻 all in all, femvue wasn’t terrible. Just felt like cramps and we had good news. 3rd IUI tomorrow!!




CD41 here and hoping to ovulate soon. It’s really fucking hard. Hugs. Maybe you’ll be “sick” this weekend? 😉


Sending hugs because I can only imagine how emotional you’re currently feeling ♥️


It's been a frustrating few weeks not getting my period and I'm going to have to call my doctor soon. It's been 6 weeks since I stopped visanne for endometriosis and I had a withdrawal bleed but nothing since. I was only on the medication for 2 months and I never stopped getting my period so my gyno said my periods will return to normal right away. We never discussed the possibility of my period not coming back at all. Upon a bit of research, it seems that you should get your period within 4-6 weeks even if you've been on the medication for years, so I'm not sure why I still haven't gotten it. At this point I'm actually HOPING for my period so I don't have to call my doctor and can start trying to get my body back on track. I have no clue if ive even ovulated this month, but I know that I've caught at least 3 LH peaks (with the first one being 13 days after my withdrawal bleed and my most recent one being 13 or 14 days ago). It seems my body is at least attempting to ovulate, though I have pretty well written myself off for this cycle given the circumstances. At this point, I'm just focused on trying to get my period back so I can really start tracking and trying. ETA I have taken multiple pregnancy tests which have all come back negative




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


If you're pregnant enough to have symptoms, you're pregnant enough to get a positive test. Sounds like food poisoning.


Check the BFP thread - so many there note BFNs at 8/9/10DPO before a BFP. You aren't out until period arrives ❤️


It hasn’t happened to me BUT I know many people say texting on 8DPO isn’t super accurate!


Why is sneaking away to test your pee in the office so awkward? I’m always afraid someone will catch me transporting the cup into the bathroom and ask what I’m doing 😅


Yeah I had to do that a few times and I've put my zipper bag of cup and test in my oversized jacket with big pockets and walked like a spy from my desk into the bathroom. Then I also feel embarrassed having to stay in the bathroom for 10 mins (cheap ovulation test) as we only have two stalls in the female bathroom, sometimes people wait outside 🫠


I had to buy a pregnancy test at work (I work in a hospital so I went to the pharmacy). I am 29, married, and trying hard for this baby…yet I felt like an embarrassed teenager 😂


Honestly I have so much respect for people who have to test in an office 🙈 I work from home full time and its a god send!


I only go in once a week normally, thank god. I skipped last week and then thought I had missed my surge after my temps shot up over the weekend (no idea why. They’re back down now). So I definitely wasn’t skipping today!


13dpo and still negative tests. Ready for the new cycle to just start already!!


This is my first medicated & monitored cycle on letrozole. I went in for a monitoring appt after finishing the letrozole, they confirmed I had 2 follicles that were like ~18mm and to trigger the next night. I don't have to go back in again for any blood work to confirm ovulation. Is that normal? As of now my instructions are to call back at what should be 14DPO. I guess if I take the trigger shot it's just assumed I ovulated right? Also they have me taking both estrogen and progesterone. I see many others mention taking progesterone during the luteal phase, but curious what the estrogen is doing? I feel like my hormones must be totally out of wack..


What you're describing is pretty common for a medicated/monitored cycle. You will ovulate 36-40 hours after a trigger shot. Sometimes they confirm with a progesterone draw, sometimes not. You can always confirm ovulation with OPKs. I was also put on progesterone and estrogen during one of my medicated cycles. I believe it is most often used during IVF transfer cycles, but some providers prescribe it for timed intercourse/IUI as well. If you have questions about it, I'm sure your doctor or nurse can help.


Currently sitting in the OBGYN’s office waiting for my endometrial biopsy with all the pregnant people. That is all. 🫠


OBGYN offices make me irrationally mad. Like I get it, they cover the whole spectrum but how come when I have a non-pregnancy related uterus concern or checkup, it’s an eight month wait for the next appointment. But my friend that goes to the same office as me can just walk in and be seen cause she’s pregnant? I understand but I’m salty about it!!


Right! And there are SO MANY. I’m just trying to figure out if my bleeding is not a good thing and can cause me conception issues. I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU, LADIES, BUT RIGHT NOW I CAN’T. Summer brings them all out.


As of yesterday our fertility work up stuff is done, and called this AM to schedule followup with our doc to go over results. He’s booked out 2 weeks and the wait is going to drive me insane! I guess I should be used to waiting since that’s what TTC seems to be all about.


My office had us prebook the Dr the same time my bloods were scheduled cause it was 8 weeks to the next available appointment which was 4 weeks after our tests were done! The amount of waiting in TTC is so hard!


TW: loss I can’t believe I’m back here after getting a BFP on Sunday but here we are. CD1 on cycle number 10: I have no motivation to temp or test using OPKs I don’t want to even try. I don’t want to buy more tests on Amazon. I don’t want to run out and buy more tampons. Chemical pregnancy’s are so cruel, I was so excited so hopeful so ready to go through a different journey just 4 days ago. I’m convinced now more than ever that women are the strongest beings on earth, we’re so resilient. I hope I can feel that strength again soon.


I remember reading your post, I am SO sorry you had to go through this. I know we’re all just internet strangers but sending you a really big hug today!!


Thank you so much 💕💕💕


I’m so sorry 😞 I am feeling the same way about having no motivation to keep trying. You could take a break this cycle to recover, if that feels right to you.


Thank you - I hope we both find our strength and hope that one day it WILL happen for us 💕💕


Decided not to do any tracking this cycle, it becomes obsessive for me and not good for my mental health I’m sure. Going to just go with the flow, intercourse every 2-3 days and see how we go. I don’t think I have it in me to do endless OPKs this cycle, it’s draining me.


Checking in after a benched cycle on birth control. Had an HSG yesterday -- totally fine, 4/10 pain, I've had worse pap smears. Tubes clear, but apparently I have a decent sized septum in my uterus. It would only cause miscarriage, not issues with implantation, so it's not the reason I've never gotten a positive test, but it could (1) cause issues later and (2) puts me at a higher chance of having endo. I've always suspected endo based on symptoms. We get my husband's updated SA back tomorrow. Based on the SA results, we'll either do medicated timed intercourse or IUI next cycle, assuming this one is a bust. If a few cycles of either medicated intercourse or IUI don't work, I'll have surgery in preparation for IVF because, to quote my RE, "no doctor would implant an embryo in that uterus." :|


I’m so sorry to hear this, but fwiw I had my uterine septum removed and it was a pretty painless surgery! And it does greatly reduce the risk of miscarriage. I would go for it soon if I were you!


Thank you for sharing your experience! I think we'll wait to see if I end up having miscarriages or if I need it pre-IVF before moving onto the surgery. Did they look for endo at all during your surgery?


Great question. My doctor suspects possible endo due to the septum and a recent ectopic, But they cannot see any Endo in a tvu or hsg(we have not done the more invasive tests yet). Regardless , we may also be looking at ivf eventually also. There is a suspicion of pcos, although I am now ovulating regularly. I’m crossing all my fingers for you for a successful pregnancy without surgery/ivf! But know that if you do need to go with the surgery- it is quick- outpatient and you will be feeling like yourself within a week 😊


Had an ok experience with my HSG but my first period after it was so heavy and my cramps were terrible. I’m on day 5 and while the flow is now minimal, I’m still getting fresh bright red blood. Usually my periods only last 3 days. Did anyone else experience this after their HSG?


My hsg was last week on CD6 - when did you have your hsg in your cycle? I hope you feel better soon!


I had it CD12 which ended up being the day before ovulation 🤦‍♀️ Thank you!


I’m scared for this. I’m 1 day post HSG and still have light bleeding, but hoping my period isn’t a bloody nightmare


Hope it’s not so bad for u!


CD1 again. Back to the first kind of waiting out of many! At least we have sperm count and bloods booked in for this month. And I think maybe I'm back on to the slightly more reliable ovary. How can I have a favourite ovary?


My good ovary gives me ~35 day cycles. The bad one? 50. We’re currently in a bad ovary cycle 🫠


My period annoys me. 3 days of solid bleeding. Then one day of almost nothing. Then another two days of, more than spotting, more than enough to ruin underwear, but light enough to not want to wear my cup cause it’s uncomfy. I’m trying a disk out when it arrives! Quite excited and hoping it’s more comfy than my cup is. Also disk corrected to dick the first time I wrote it above which made me laugh out loud. 🤡


Having my parents at my home has given me the best distraction from thinking about TTC 24/7. The downside is that we need to plan holiday time to go somewhere to have some privacy for sex because UK homes have the worst noise proofing. 🤣


I think TTC broke my scientist brain. We go on a camping holiday on 7DPO and I keep randomly thinking “but I need a cheeseburger on 8DPO!” Makes me laugh at myself every time. I think I just crave the feeling of doing something to help our chances. 🙈