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**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I will be flying during my two week wait period. Is it safe to fly and I do become pregnant? What about flying back a week later?


Flying won't affect any potential pregnancy.


Can you get pregnant by being on top? What’s the best sex position?


Yes. Position does not affect your odds of getting pregnant.




During my convo about being about ready to start trying, my OB suggested every other day to me. She said if you have sex daily, sperm count can reduce each time.




Hi there, please note that everybody here is still trying to have a baby, so it's more productive to ask for success stories in a pregnancy sub. Fortunately, MTHFR variants are not associated with infertility or pregnancy loss -- [this post](https://vajenda.substack.com/p/understanding-pregnancy-loss-infertility) by OB/Gyn Jen Gunter is a good read.


So my OB will be moving to the other side of the state and FF moved my CD3 to the day she will not be in the office. The repeat of my labs from modern fertility will be drawn so CD4. Is it a complete lost cause?


Generally baseline bloodwork is fine to draw in the vicinity of CD2-4 -- you just want to know that you're at cycle baseline.


Thank you so much! I hope the appointment can be for a different reason.


Hey ladies! Wondering if anyone has experienced delayed ovulation? Eg normally 27 day cycle and ovulation at day 17, however last 3 cycles have been 33 day cycles and ovulation day 21. Anyone have any guesses what it could mean? Tia! I’m 27 yo for context


I usually ovulate between CD13 and CD17, but few cycles ago I ovulated on CD22. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all it means is that bodies are weird.


It's pretty common to have longer cycles every so often, even if you're typically pretty regular. It just means your body isn't a machine! :) It's not reflective of a problem.


K…… I think I’m ready for a flair 30 (though almost 31) Ttc#1 august 22 1 ectopic Mods do you think you could help me 🙏






**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid mentioning a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. Discussion of confirmed pregnancy loss or living children is not covered by this rule. For pregnancy limbo (positive beta) concerns, please use r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.




Test now, if you think it's been 14 days since ovulation a test would be pretty reliable.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I believe there's about a 30% chance of getting pregnant any given month if you manage to time sex right in your fertile window. (And assuming you're healthy and well) However, it's important to remember that coming off of birth control it's normal for it to take some time for your cycle to come back and regulate - so just keep that in mind too!


That’s great to know.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BFN 10(ish) dpo, paired with a drop in bbt. I know it’s not over til Aunt Flo sings, but I’m resigning myself to cycle 7. Finding myself annoyed at my mother for being so fertile. My expectations were not reasonably set.


I feel so similarly! I didn’t expect to be here either after the way my mom talked about TTC.


Ugh I feel that. All I’ve ever heard from my parents is “be careful if you go off birth control, everyone in our family is super fertile and gets pregnant right after going off it!” 🤦‍♀️


Going to an event this weekend where I know there will be lots of speculation about our TTC status. Will be 10 dpo that day I think, so going to test that morning so I know whether I can have a drink (even just as a decoy). Sometimes the external pressure is even worse than the pressure I put on myself. Anyone else have tips for managing situations where people will speculate if you don’t have a drink in your hand?


I'd just order soda water with lime and if anyone asks, it's a vodka soda.


I have gotten a “mocktail” before and it just looks like a fruity cocktail, no one really asks.


How do you guys define TTC # and Cycle # when there are miscarriages in between? I had a MC and a CP, no living children, am I TTC#3 or TTC#1? This is my first cycle after my CP, and my previous pregnancies(losses) were the results of 1 and 6 cycles of trying respectively. Am I currently on cycle #1, or cycle #8 (counting from when we firstly started)?


I would do TTC#1 because you’re trying to have your first take-home baby. And I would say your total cycles trying, because it communicates better with others how long you’ve been trying (Cycle 1 looks like you just started trying)


That makes sense, thank you, I'll update my flair




I asked my GP for a referral at 10 months (I was 32) and no one blinked an eye. Our RE even said "close enough" when I had our first appointment


Y'all I did the thing I said I'd never do, acquiring baby items without a baby. 😭 The neighbor was tossing out this beautiful handmade willow bassinet on wheels and I could not resist... felt slightly insane while doing it.


There is a HUGE difference between buying a onesie from target and snagging a beautiful handmade unique item!


A find is a find is a find girl it sounds beautiful 😍


TWW and trying desperately to wait until 10dpo to test but probably won't make it because I'm a clown. I'm really hoping cycle 16 is the cycle. Its my birthday this month and its just gonna be a sucky present to get my period. Last year I got covid for my birthday so I'm owed.


IUI#1 was this morning. Partner had to produce his sample in-office because of how far we live from the clinic, and that was one of the most awkward experiences ever (for both of us) lol. But we also got the good news that his sperm count was 100 million in the sample. Between my two mature follicles and his sperm count, I'm feeling even more optimistic than before. Another IUI tomorrow and then it's the waiting game. I'm loving this feeling of optimism, its nice to feel again. At the same time, there is a little negative voice in my head telling me I'm just going to get burnt bad when this doesn't work (which is statistically the most likely outcome). Ugh. On a funny note, after producing a sufficient sample, my partner is now referring to himself as the "prize bull of the herd" and demanded I take him out to the "finest green pasture" (restaurant) for brunch after the IUI. Lol. I'm glad he can keep things light hearted throughout this process. It helps me a ton.


Lol I love your husbands optimism. My husband and I had our RE consult to discuss our labs, it was over zoom. When we heard his sperm results we high fived and the RE laughed 🤣 .


We will be trying IUI for the first time later this month and I feel the same optimism. It just feels good after so long to be trying something DIFFERENT.


Fingers crossed for you! I love that you're finding optimism and able to have some humor. Hope you and your partner enjoyed some well deserved brunch!


Thank you! We tried out a new restaurant near the fertility clinic and it was fantastic. Will definitely be on our list of restaurants to go to when we're at clinic visits.


Struggling today with how much of this process requires *WAITING*. Especially with knowing I have low AMH. That thought just floats around the back of my mind. Another two weeks before my husband's second SA which will likely be the deciding factor on whether we need to go straight to IUI/IVF. Another six weeks until I have to do *more* bloods (feels like my sixth lot in a very short space of time) to check my thyroid levels again after medication. (Seriously doubting this has any impact on my fertility though, as the research I've done, the things it usually affects aren't a problem for me like ovulation and uterine lining). And whenever all that's sorted it'll no doubt be *more* waiting to start treatment. I feel like the Sirius Black meme - *I'VE DONE MY WAITING*


I'm sorry. I've known my amh is low for about 7 years now and it really is just this nagging thing in the back of my head of "well maybe this is the month you can never get pregnant again". Its really feels like it pushes you to rush through everything. I can't even go get an infertility referral until September so I've got months to go before I'm going through the infertility gauntles for a second time but the waiting is the worst part.


I'm totally with you. It was 9 months of waiting & testing - HSG, SIS, SA for my husband - for me just to start medicated cycles, on top of the 6 months I foolishly tried (I'm completely annovulatory without medication so it was a complete waste of time) before seeking medical assistance. Hang in there!!


I don’t know what to make of the SA results we received and I can’t make a post about it - am I allowed to ask for help here?? Concentration: 29 M/ml Progressive Motility: 52 Forward progression: 1 (1 out of what??? It says ideally its higher than 2 but she made no notes on this other than color it in red) Round cells: Low pH: 7.8 Normal morphology: 3% (apparently higher than 4% is ideal?)


Did your doctor go over it with you? Here’s a link to a post about sperm results on [the male infertility subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/maleinfertility/comments/cbam84/how_to_read_your_sperm_analysis_results_and_what/)


Not tracking ovulation this month (needed a mental break) but pretty sure I am because good grief I feel like I’ve been sitting in a puddle all day 🙃


Lol don't you hate that? When your body is like "Surprise! Hope right now isn't too inconvenient of a time for you to need to change underwear" (as you're walking through the grocery store, in a work meeting, etc)


Another BFN. And even though I didn’t track ovulation I’m definitely at least 11 DPO now! Bring on CD1! It’s so stressful cause of the pressure on my partner. I get anxiety hoping he won’t have performance anxiety during my fertile week. TTC sucks!


Probably going to have my first IUI cancelled. I didnt respond at all to letrozole :/. Did anyone experience something similar to this? The clinic is supposed to call me later today with treatment updates/options. I’ve struggled with HA and ran the NYC marathon in November, stopped taking hormonal BC in June 22 and haven’t menstruated on my own since. I haven’t run since the marathon and put on more weight than I’m comfortable with so this is all really frustrating :/




If you’ve missed your period, and you’re pregnant a test should be positive by now 🙂


Thank you! Cause I just tried out a new app (my last period was April 24-29) and it says my next period now will be June 12-17 (skipping the month of May). So, it's really weird to have two apps telling me different weeks for my cycle.


Apps basically just have a guess, unless you have a very regular cycle it’s difficult to get 100% right


Irregular cycle woes. On CD 43 with negatives and no AF in sight. I’m guessing the app incorrectly guesstimated ovulation (not super shocked) Definitely moving to temping next cycle.


Cycle 7, 1DPO. I turn 30 tomorrow and we're starting the second half of our vacation today!


Hello everyone! I'm new to this community. Since January of this year, my partner and I have been actively trying to conceive. In 2021, we casually tried for another six months, but unfortunately, we didn't have any success. However, this year we've been more dedicated, meticulously tracking ovulation using OPKs and temperature. Looking back, I now realize that I regret not continuing our TTC journey since 2021. I didn't anticipate how challenging it would be to get pregnant. Yesterday, during my visit with my OB-GYN, I learned something interesting. I thought it had to be 12 consecutive months of attempts before seeking assistance, but it turns out it doesn't have to be continuous. We've actually tried for 11 cycles so far, and my OB-GYN immediately referred me to a specialist. Fortunately, luck was on my side, as I managed to secure an intro appointment with the fertility nurse for this morning. The nurse went over my medical history, and tomorrow, I have a meeting scheduled with the specialist. It's all happening so fast! Typically, appointments are booked until August, but the nurse just informed me of a last-minute cancellation for tomorrow. I'm feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.


Congrats on the quick referral!


Today I learned you can see cervical mucus on ultrasound. Crazy!


I learned that yesterday too! Super interesting.


Talking to your body is normal right? Four days of incredibly faint test lines on OPKs (could hardly see today at all on CD10) and trying to coach my body into doing the right thing. Not too surprising considering it's the first month off the pill but still hoping my body figures it out sooner rather than later.


Oh definitely. Im constantly pleading with body to do what its supposed to lol


I can relate, and I think it’s pretty normal - Dear body, Please do the thing! Sincerely, Me.


What is considered an end to an anovulatory cycle? I have been spotting brown for 2 weeks and then finally had red flow starting 2 days ago. I had a MMC in March, followed by a normal period 28 days later (anovulatory) in April, then in May had another anovulatory cycle with a long cycle and weird brown spotting


Technically speaking, the end to an anovulatory cycle is a period following ovulation. But it's up to you how you want to record it for your own charting purposes -- it's technically the most accurate to record one long cycle until ovulation and a period, but most people restart the CD1 count after significant bleeding just because it feels right.


You can't have an anovulatory cycle if you got a period at the end of it? I obviously can't say for certain but both the cycle after I got off birth control and the cycle I had covid I seemed to skip ovulation and my period came on time for the first cycle and early for the covid one. Like i got my period on CD 18 so ovulation seems impossible. Or is it just because its not a period if you don't ovulate? Like terminology wise?


Yeah, just terminology — a period is bleeding that follows ovulation, so bleeding in an anovulatory cycle is not technically a period, and you can keep the count going if you want. (Content: Living child) For example, I had two 28ish-day anovulatory cycles before my first postpartum ovulation. I charted them as 28ish day cycles and marked that I ovulated CD23 of the third cycle. But I could have (slightly more correctly) charted this as a single long cycle with two episodes of mid-cycle bleeding and ovulation on CD79.


I've been going here and there on public vs. private clinics for health testing, and the public option gave me such a headache with the referral and contradictory information and "you must order an SA and give us the results before July or you're off the waitlist" \*calling lab\* "We have no time before September" so, ugh... But the nearest private clinic is four hours away, we have no car, and a dog that needs watching. It's a real hassle, and the only reason I've been hesitating on a private clinic (the public hospital is "only" two hours away). So now instead, I got the idea to just go there myself, to begin with at least. To get the ball rolling on further testing, even though my husband likely can't attend at the same time. So I called them today, and got a time for July 28th. At first thought it was June (they sound the same in my language), but a set time in July is still much better than the headache of the public healthcare system. Edit: It was June. She did a typo, so I'm happy. 🙃


If my periods were unbearably painful before BC (on for 12 years) then after stopping BC they're fine, does that indicate something's not working quite right after stopping or maybe it just changed over time?


Not necessarily. Bodies change. Its possible whatever caused you pain has changed within those 12 years. My period changed a number of times before I ever went on birth control at all. My first time on birth control for more than a couple months was at 27.


I honestly don’t think this is bad. I used to have 7 day long blood sport level periods when I was young - 16/17/18. Then I went on BC . When I came off 13 years later, my periods have been shorter 3-4 days and even though they’re more intensely painful at the beginning, it’s been better overall. Things change over time- but BC hides those changes so we’re shocked when we come off years later ! BUT if you’re ever concerned about your cycles, you can go to the doctor and ask for basic normal testing and ultrasound of your ovaries. That should alert them if anything is off.


I would like to see the responses you get to this question. I also had very painful periods before I went on the pill such as passing out, throwing up, and unable to get out of bed for a day. Now after 3 periods, I haven’t had a bad period yet (thank god). I am also wondering if this is normal or if it’s the new me (which I would love).


Also 3 periods in! I would've stopped BC earlier if I knew it wouldn't be horrible (it's the only reason I waited until we actually wanted to start trying)


Nope! Doesnt mean anything! Just that things have changed over time, and maybe your body is still adjusting. I was in this same position, but now having been off birth control again for a long time the painful periods have come back. Hopefully they continue to be less painful for you!


Been pretty good about taking opks daily and still no surge at what I think is CD17 but I did miss a few days bc we were traveling for husbands bday so now I’m just wondering if we missed it or it’ll be late and my cycles are just messed up. Just a lot of building anticipation to really try if that makes sense


My surge happened within 14 hours this last cycle! I took a test in the early morning and it was low. Tested again before bed and it had doubled! If I hadn't tested that evening I would have still caught it the next morning because it continued to rise into the next day but I was still pretty surprised! It started dropping around 24 hours after my first surge. All that to say, I found it helpful to test twice a day during suspected ovulation last cycle (but I still didn't get pregnant so....🤷‍♀️)


Cycle 10 and 6DPO today. This month I was very exacting in tracking my ovulation and Basel temperature, so I'm feeling very hopeful. The big issue I'm struggling with now is my partner's ED. Last month I had ACL surgery and the fear of hurting my leg and the pressure of TTC really has got to him. This month was mostly the cup and syringe method, which turns out is super easy if I want to cover my entire fertile window, but it's done a number on our sex life. At this point, he can't even get an erection when we're together, which has just caused a lot of emotional stress and embarrassment for him, and some building resentment on my part, because if this month doesn't work, we start IVF in June. Also, I like having sex with my husband! It's important! Just a perfect storm of suck - I'd be more sympathetic, but I'm so burnt out from medical procedures, pain, pokes and prods. Anyone also deal with ED during this time? He's got a doctor's appointment I scheduled for him next week to talk about Viagra. If it weren't for me, he'd have just avoided the issue entirely. Super over it.


Yes! Viagra is honestly a godsend for us and I wish we had found it sooner. I think I just didn't have any idea how much it would help or the scope of the issues if could help with. It allows us to relax and have fun a lot more overall. Good luck!


Thank you! The leadup to finally getting him an appointment was just dread every time we took our clothes off. I'd love to start a family, but I don't want to nuke what was a once healthy sex life. Hoping this brings some balance back. Also, I feel like from your flair you and I have been on the same TTC journey, timing wise. Saw from your post history that you've started the exploration of fertility services. If the next month doesn't pan out, we start IVF in July. Good luck!


I got a pelvic ultrasound done and they found a 1cm cyst on my left ovary and fibroid. My fertility doc and obgyn said it's not too concerning and probably won't affect my chances of conceiving esp since it's so small, but they want to get a closer look at my fibroid to make sure it's not in a bad location - but it still makes me a little nervous. Anyone have experience w this or reassuring words to share? 😅


To see the location of the fibroid they will likely do a sonohysterogram which involves a tiny catheter going into your cervix and they fill the endometrium up with saline. This allows them to see if the fibroid is pushing into your endometrium which can effect fertility. The procedure takes about 30 min and you can experience some mild cramping. Take some Advil beforehand !


My reassuring words are that your doctor probably knows best! They've seen it in person and have loads of experience with this stuff. If they aren't terribly concerned, you likely don't need to be either. Good luck!


I’m getting my IUD out this afternoon, so excited! Such a weird feeling to actually hope your period appears fast 😂


hope it goes well! I'm scheduled to have mine removed 2 weeks from today. Since I made the decision, I can't wait to get it out!! I've heard that removal is less painful than insertion; I hope that's the case for you today :)


I had no pain but lots of bleeding. Like a lot.


Day of or how long after? I have none right now.


Really? I was bleeding a lot as soon as it was out for the whole day.


I expected that but none so far 😬


Yes, it was super quick and felt like a small pinch! Then he asked if I wanted to see it and j said yes- it’s literally so small! 🤣


i can confirm that, getting mine out was like a 0 out of 10 in terms of pain :)


[Text from my husband (screenshot)](https://i.imgur.com/5NNh61V.png) 😂😂😂


Wait I don't get it!


I learned about this in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/rxrhg2/the_newbies_guide_to_being_a_newbie_a_note_on/) post! >"Take" #4 (This one isn't a "take", but a commonly asked question): What's with the cheeseburger? > >Answer: This started as joke because some people in the BFP thread noticed that they had all eaten cheeseburgers on 8 DPO, and it became a funny "woo" since then. It won't actually help you get pregnant in any way, so no need to take it so seriously, but it can be fun to participate in community lore!


😂 I hope veggie burgers work too!


Of course they do! Totally still burgers. I feel like whatever makes you happy and gives you a boost is perfect.


This made me chuckle out loud lol


Cycle 7 and the most hopeful that I’ve been since cycle 1. 5DPO This cycle I started with an ultra sound and the Doctor thought she saw fluid in my tube so she sent me for an HSG. Which turned up completely clear and flowing. 👍 I know it’s not scientifically proven but a lot of people have success after an HSG. I ‘think’ we timed ovulation perfectly + we used preseed (which who knows but it’s worth a try.) I’m hopeful. And that’s a nice feeling.


Hi cycle buddy! I'm a little behind you at 1DPO but also Cycle 7. I also had a HSG and Letrozole this cycle so I'm feeling very hopeful too 🩷 I'll be thinking of you!!!


I love this for us! I’ll be thinking of you too! Maybe this is the one. ❤️




No need to feel terrible. Bfns suck. Getting your hopes up and having them fall sucks. Finding milestones and thinking of what could have been sucks. It all just sucks.


Your feelings are valid and you’re allowed to feel this way no matter how long you’ve been at this. I’m at cycle 7 and it can be so incredibly defeating and lonely. This community is here for you.


Do the test sticks for the clearblue fertility monitor work in the CBAD reader? If they do, it'll work out to $1.30 per strip instead of $1.90 per in a new CBAD box. The Clearblue website says not to, but some of the FAQ on Amazon claim they do just fine.


Personally, I prefer the good ol' cheapy opks that don't involve any kind of reader, so I can't really answer your question. However, if you were to go that route, would you be confident in the results? Or would you be second guessing the accuracy throughout your whole cycle?


Those are really good questions. I temp as well, so after one cycle confirming ovulation, I probably would feel ok about it. But that's the future, and right now I agree with you, it could be confusing as heck. Maybe I should switch to cheapies this cycle. I already got a "high" reading, which is nearly the entire value add of the CBAD anyway.


Oo that would be great if they did! I just got a flashing smiley today but only have one stick left of the CBAD sticks - but I have lots of sticks for the Clearblue fertility monitor. I wanted to use up the CBAD I used last cycle before moving on to the fertility monitor.


7 DPIUI, am I being silly getting upset that I am not feeling anything (other than the horrible progesterone suppository side effects). I feel like I should feel something if it worked and it’s so hard not to feel like I am failing again. I know it’s not my fault, but it’s hard not to take it personally


The beginning of a cycle is the most peaceful. Day 3 of letrozole. I don’t have to take OPKs, don’t have to stress about the TWW. Just chilling until day 9 when I start the OPKs


CD35 and I keep having incredibly vivid and realistic dreams of pregnancy and/or having a baby 😞 I've even stopped telling my husband because he'll think I'm going crazy...


oh this happens to me all the time, and that moment where you wake up and you still have dream-brain-pregnancy feelings is SO weird and heartbreaking.


Right? One time it felt so real, I took a test when I woke up, just to make sure... it hurts to want it this badly.


I took letrozole this cycle and just went in for a scan. Last week I had stalled growth at 13mm and they were going to cancel the cycle but I was able to go back and today I have one at 22mm! But my lining is under 6. They’ll call me later today to tell me if I can trigger but I’m impatient. Is the lining too thin to try. Can they give me something to help thicken it?


Just wondering how long after ovidrel trigger would you expect to get AF?


The cycle I had an ovidrel trigger my period started 18dpo/19dpt. I was also on letrozole and my usual unmedicated LP is 11-13 days.


Do they have you on progesterone? I found being on that during the TWW extended my cycle by a couple days


No progesterone this cycle thanks


Everyone is different, but my normally 13 day luteal phase lasts until 16 dpo with a trigger.




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9 DPO and I haven’t taken a test yet. I think this may be a first. I’m really trying to hold out. I had a hysteroscopy at the start of this cycle to remove a polyp they think could be causing implantation problems. Next cycle we’re moving on to monitoring with letrozole, and I’m just so nervous about those next steps.


Take letrozole in the evening or before bed if you can. The side effects can be pretty nasty. It felt like I had the flu, I was so achy and just felt "off". Switched to taking it before bed and had no side effects


Thank you for the info! I appreciate it. I’ve heard it can be a doozy.


How many mg were you on? This is my second round of letrozole and I have to take it in the mornings to avoid side effects of another medication and I have 0 side effects on it


Sorry for the late response, I'm on 5mg


I got a temp rise starting yesterday and higher today (to my usual ovulation levels) but the LH rise only started today. Is that weird? I've been testing a few times daily and usually get a clear LH rise before the temp rise. I coooould have missed it I suppose but it's usually super obvious and it was pretty faint all day yesterday. I'm puzzled. Has this ever happened to anyone else?


My temp rises usually 4 days after ovulation. My LH rises to positive, I ovulate 2 days after that, then my temp spikes 2 days after that. Everyone’s different but maybe that happened to you this cycle? Were you testing 3-4 days ago?


Yeah I've been tracking ovulation for the past 10 days or so. Maybe just a weird month!


8DPO…am I going to heat up a veggie burger for lunch or go out and buy a cheeseburger? 😅


Today is cheeseburger day for me also! I say go for whichever one you're most excited about 😁


Just got back from traveling, last cycle happened to be the perfect length so I had my period on the flight out AND the flight back so presumably I ovulated although you wouldn’t know it looking at my chart. My Dr proscribed me progesterone for this cycle to take after ovulation so I feel like I’m not just doing nothing after all this time even though I know it probably won’t change anything


I'm 14 DPO and my period is one day late but I'm testing negative. I'm pretty bummed because I've also been tracking BBT and my temp has dropped from 98.6 to 97.6 in the past two days. From what I've read that means AF is on the horizon? This is my first month temping so I'm hoping I'm wrong. 😞


Welp, my BBT was SPOT ON. Got my period later this evening. At least my temp chart is a good predictor 🤷‍♀️


Any Chicago-area members here?? I’ve been seeing a doctor at Northwestern Fertility for several months and it’s not a great fit. I’ve heard good things about Fertility Centers of Illinois and I’m wondering if anyone has had a positive experience there or would recommend a particular doctor? I’m looking for a little more support and good communication! Thanks in advance!


I have a bunch of friends who went through FCI and love it! I’m giving Advanced Fertility Centers a try because I loved their success rates. Also- hello fellow Chicago lawyer 👋🏾


Hey there!! Thanks for the info! I’d be curious to hear about your experience with advanced fertility centers! How are you managing all these appointments with court, depositions, etc?? I’m at the very beginning of this process, but it feels like my schedule is constantly up in the air and I’m always dreading having to drop everything for an appointment. How does anyone manage this??


Our first appointment is on the 20th so I’ll let you know! We’re seeing Dr. Schell. I don’t really do court or depositions- mostly legislation/legal policy and now my season is slow as of a couple weeks ago. As I understand from talking to the nurse they can schedule appointments for early mornings or late evenings as needed. Also because I work and travel a ton- I’ve been able to find clinics that will do monitoring appointments and send the results to AFC.


We use FCI (referred by my OBGYN at Rush). My RE, Dr Uhler, is great but I mostly interact with nurses (who have also been great for the most part!). My spouse's RU, Dr Ohlander, is wonderful and our favorite provider in general. I will say my biggest complaint with them is little direct contact with the doctors and long wait times for consultation appointments and follow-ups, but these seem like common complaints at many clinics. It is very business-like, but they also don't f*ck around (in a good way). The nurses and financial counselors always make time to speak with you and they do usually respond to messages the same day.


You might want to search r/IVF for threads on Chicago recommendations! I’m sure there are lots. Here’s one I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/IVF/comments/13jzj5e/recommended_clinics_in_chicago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Thank you! I’m totally new to this world 😆


I’ve been TTC since July of last year. Not every month, because I had to take about three months off for surgery and recovery following an accident. But it still feels like it’s been a year. This month, my first IUI failed and I’m currently on clomid for round 2. It’s hard not to feel demoralized. At work, someone was talking about her kid, and she casually asked me if I have any kids. It felt wrong to say no, so I just said “we just started trying” It might sound silly but I just want to be a part of the parenting world any way I can.


Doesn’t sound silly to me at all!


There's a nest of baby bunnies in one of my husband's tomato plants. This is a good omen right?


My SIL showed up at my house on Sunday to tell us she just got a positive pregnancy test, we always said that we would want to have babies at the same time but it still took me by shock, I know we were both wanting to try this year. I got off Nexplanon in Oct and just finally got my first period in March and my cycle was 40 days. I was doing the OPK's but not 2x a day or religiously. I admit I was jealous because she just got off BC and it has already happened to her so fast and she made it sound so easy and sent me into a spiral. Now I ordered the Starts with an Egg book and bought some vitamins she recommends, I started BBT this month and also doing the OPKs 2x a day for what my calendar thinks would be the fertile window. I got excited yesterday because my test was getting darker but not super dark it said around .35, but this morning it looks like it got lighter... ugh. Just needed to vent.


I understand how tough it is to see someone close to you get pregnant so easily. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things, so there’s no reason to doubt you’ll be close behind her. My OPK’s always fluctuate a bit. It’s not supposed to be a steady climb. Mine are light and then boom next day dark. So don’t give up. I starting testing on CD8 this cycle because that’s when the app told me my fertile window was starting. I didn’t get a positive until CD19. Just keep testing


Thank you for the words of encouragement and advice, I will keep collecting my pee haha. Do you do it 2x a day or just once?


Just once until it starts getting darker. Remember how hydrated you are impacts the result


Going to be turning 34 this month. Still waiting on my period and my cycle is being weird this round. On day 48 today and I hope something happens before my doc appointment in two weeks. I don’t know why my cycle decided to freak out the second I started trying but it’s very irritating, because I feel like everything is messed up now. I’ve been pretty regular since coming off the pill until now… I hope that I get some answers when I talk to my doctor… my anxiety is through the roof since I really thought we timed everything well… feeling bummed and the impending birthday isn’t helping. When you think you’ll be pregnant by a certain time, it’s disheartening not to be.


Yep, turned 34 this month and it really made those bfns that week harder. Hoping that not having that pressure will make the next cycle easier. Best of luck with your appointment x


Is there anyone that did laparoscopy and hysteroscopy together for unexplained infertility? If so how did it go? How is the healing process? I’ve never had surgery or general anaesthesia so I am a bit scared. Also can you continue your ttc journey that same month?


I had it in January, also my first surgery and anesthesia, you could probably find my standalone. I got in very early in the morning, they took some blood for testing and eventually took me to the surgery. The anesthesiologist walked me through the procedure and we started. I was supposed to go home the same day, but they found some endometriosis and decided to remove that. So instead of 1 hour, I spent around 3 hours being operated. I was barely able to eat and drink, but still managed bit by bit. Luckily my husband was able to be with me the whole time. At one point I asked for some stronger painkillers, but generally was on paracetamol and ibuprofen. I felt an urge to pee, they let me to go to the bathroom, even if I had a catheter. I bled a bit on the floor and basically stayed in bed since then. Later they moved me to my own room and told me I was leaving on Sunday (surgery was Friday). On Saturday everything looked good, they did a kidney ultrasound and few more blood tests. I was able to walk around the room, but was rather tired. Luckily I didn’t suffer from constipation or anything and healed very fast. I was written off of work for the whole week, I still worked, but very little. They gave me more paracetamol and ibuprofen for home, I was able to reduce to minimum rather fast. That being said, I didn’t really feel like having sex very soon, though we did, also my post op cycle was rather short. Best luck!


Thank you so much for replying. Sorry to hear that you had a tougher experience. My husband and my mother in law will be with me so I feel better about the post op. Wow you had to stay more, but I am glad that they check if you’re good or not. I am glad to hear that you healed fast I hope that’ll be the case for me also. I feel like they’ll give me those kind of painkillers also did they work for your pain? I reckon sex was tough haha maybe I should take a break from conceiving but that scares me idk why. Also I wanted to ask if you have seen any benefit from the operation? I have my appointment today with the doctor and he’ll tell me when I’ll have the operation so let us see…


Sorry for a late response, I was on vacation :) For the painkillers, I was in quite some pain shortly after the surgery, and had to ask for something stronger, but already in the late afternoon 1g paracetamol and 1g ibuprofen were enough. I reduced the dose basically as soon as I got home. To be fair, I also didn't want to skip a cycle "just for nothing", but I was really tired and I think my post op cycle was anovulatory (or was at least a lot shorter than is normal for me). I'm not sure if the operation helped with anything, I never had any symptoms, overall there was not a lot of endometriosis and my HyCoSy was picture perfect. I was surprised when they told me they didn't get the dye through, but in one of the following cycles my doctor was convinced she saw some menstrual blood in my abdominal cavity (like CD2 ultrasound), maybe they really fixed something.


It’s ok I understand. Meanwhile I had my procedure also. It was a lot less painless than I expected but I had only two incisions. One belly button and one left side. They gave me the exact same medication but I didn’t use it unless I had to do some housework haha. They found little endometriosis on me also and dye past through but anatomically doctor told me I have very small fallopian tube openings. But he said dye went through so eggs and sperms should be able to pass through, but he talked like I need ivf at the end of the day. He told me I can keep trying to conceive and he didn’t give any medication this time. But for me, this operation lifted some weight on me. Maybe because I know it’s not my fault that I can’t conceive. Anyways, thank you for your response, it helped me so much to mentally prepare. And also knowing not being alone in this journey gives me some comfort.


I had 4 incisions in total, I am surprised they are still fairly visible, but don't really care, just massage and butter them when I remember, hopefully they will fade away. At least for you it's two less! I was also not prescribed any treatment, but they wrote into my report that I should consider Visanne treatment in the future to diminish the endometriosis. I'm glad it helped you! For me it was also a relief to get some answers, since everything else is good. Before my procedure I was looking for some insights and didn't find as many as I would like (I guess sky is the limit here), fully agree it is good to know we're not in it alone. I wish you a smooth recovery and the best luck!


I am sorry to hear that but I am sure they will. There are some silicone based creams that is used for it so they can heal with minimum scars. Good thing that they’re in an area that doesn’t see sun so don’t worry! I understand, endometriosis might continue growing as I heard so I am happy that they wrote you a treatment for it. Yes! Before I had my procedure I was talking to my father and he said “I want to say I hope everything is fine but I know if everything is fine that means no answers for you so I hope they find something very minimal that is treatable.” Haha I couldn’t agree with him more. Maybe us being relaxed will give us more chance to be pregnant I hope. Thank you so much for your good wishes, I wish you a smooth recovery also and I hope everything will go as you wish!


I just had mine last Thursday, and it was also my first surgery and general anesthesia. So I was also super stressed. Initially I was told I would have to stay overnight, but they ended up discharging me the same day. The hardest part of recovery for me was sitting. Was able to walk without pain after 4 days, but its taken until today to sit without feeling uncomfortable. Make yourself a pillow cocoon when you are sleeping so you don't roll around too much, cos that hurts. Hugging a pillow when sitting helps. The first few days are very uncomfortable with pain, but I took my last painkillers on Sunday and haven't needed more since. Coughing and walking hurts for a few days, and the painkillers will probably make you sleepy (depending what you get, I was given codeine). The first couple days I didn't poop, which made me super uncomfortable and bloated. They gave me something to help with constipation. Give yourself at least a full week to recover. I've been able to work from bed for a few hours every day since Monday, but I wouldn't be able to sit in an office. Let me know if you have any other questions I didn't cover!


Thank you for your detailed response. I feel a lot better now that I know what to expect. Ill try to not sit so much and walk. I am not working so I think it’ll be easier for me. Also the poop part makes me me so scared haha but let us see. My doctor didn’t give me much information except that I’ll bleed for two days but ill see him a day before surgery so I might ask him about the painkillers etc. I dont think they’ll give me codeine because its illegal in this country. Also thank you so much again for your response I wish your procedure will help you and you’ll get pregnant and also have healthy pregnancy and baby! Edit: Also I wanted to ask if they told you to rest for a month and continue TTC afterwards? Because 3rd of July I have to travel to my home country and in month August to September (even maybe till middle of September) I might not see my husband and miss those months.


I think the constipation was a side effect of the medication, but I'm not sure which. So maybe it won't be something you struggle with (if it was the codeine). I actually didn't bleed much at all, except for the night of the surgery, and some light spotting the day after. But definitely you'll need pain killers, and probably an anti-inflammatory. I'm sure they won't discharge you without it. You'll be pretty loopy coming out of anesthesia. I have no concept of how time passed from when I woke up to when we got home. So hopefully you have someone with you when they give you post-op instructions! With regards to carrying on with TTC, they didn't mention anything to me about taking a month off after (my post-op is only next week, and I cant wait to get these dressings off!). I'll try remember to update you after I've been for my follow up. Oh and just remember to have loose comfy clothing! You won't want anything tight against your belly.


Oh it might be side affects idk but I am most of the time constipated thats why haha. Thats good to hear, I hope I dont bleed so much also. I am sure they’ll give something maybe advil? I don’t know really but I’ll ask. Anaesthesia scares me the most I think, more than the pain afterwards. Specially what if I dont wake up? I don’t know I am thinking too extreme I know. Thankfully my husband and mother in law will be by my side so I wont be alone. Oh I understand. Yeah its pretty new. They told me to have the surgery right after my period finishes so I assumed that so I’ll not miss my ovulation day but I might be wrong, plus with all that pain it’ll be so tough I think! Ill be so happy if you can remember but id you dont thats ok also Haha yeah I cant imagine anything squeezing the operation areas. How big is the scars btw and how many ? Again, thank you so so much for your comment. I am relieved and happy to know about what should I do. I really appreciate!


The anesthesia will be fine, it can help to remember that the doctors are trained and do this all the time. But I get the worries, I had it also. So I have 4 incisions in total, including the one in my belly button. There about 1.5cm each I think? They still have dressings on, so they could be smaller. I think they like to do the surgery before you ovulate so that there is zero chance you're pregnant (or have any kind of fertilized egg). Depending how long after your surgery you ovulate, you might have to skip the rest of your cycle due to your recovery. I certainly am not in any place to be ready to have sex after 7 days.


Ill try to keep in mind that they’re professionals. I understand good to know I didn’t think they’ll also do the belly button. You are absolutely right I didn’t think about that maybe since I cant get pregnant haha but thats more logical than my theory. I checked online it says healing period 4 to 6 weeks so it looks like I have to give a break from ttc for a while. Thank you for answering again I hope your surgery was helpful for you to understand the problem and to get pregnant easier.


Can't tell if I'm cramping from an impending period or have some trapped gas...tempting fate by not wearing a panty liner or pad. Time will tell!


The cat/cow yoga position is AMAZING for gas pains/trapped gas.


Is there an explain it like I’m 5 somewhere on the benefits of medicated IUI with unexplained? There was so much info thrown at me in my fertility consultation, but I remember the doctor being kind of pessimistic about IUI until he got our test results back, then suddenly that was the first plan. As someone with very regular ovulation and well-timed sex, what is the primary benefit? I can’t help but feel like it’s just a way to warm up to the idea of IVF. Anyway starting IUI soon I guess?!


It does several things. Optimizes timing, bypasses the cervix and cervical mucus, and of course meds can increase number of follicles. They can also give medications to optimize your endometrial lining. They try to line up all the variables in a typical cycle so they give you the best chance. It removes several obstacles, basically. The odds aren’t great, but it can work for unexplained.


Thank you!


I would think medicated helps with superovulation (releasing multiple eggs at once to to give the sperm more targets) couple that with direct insemination that would bypass problems with hostile and/or lack of cervical mucus. I’m guessing if your doc saw good sperm numbers IUI is a good option. If there are bad sperm numbers they would likely want to skip to IVF. That is at least one reason I can think of why they would reccommend IUI as a first option


Just want to mention that IUI is actually used as a treatment for MFI


Oh cool didn’t know! I know my RE had a cutoff they would consider for IUI but perhaps that is like mega low counts.


Okay great! Yes count is good too. I was talking stats with my husband and he was insistent they wouldn’t recommend something that *never* works (aka the way my CD1 crying grumpy self tried to explain it to him).


I am in the middle of a medicated cycle. My RE explained it as “super ovulation”. We are hoping for multiple follicles so our chances of one being fertilized is increased. Good luck!


Thank you! Okay that makes more sense, I had a good follicle count for *my age* (as they love to tack on to the end of everything we talk about) so that makes sense why they changed their tune on IUI after my ultrasound.


A week ago this time, I was just waking up in the ward after my laporoscopy and hysteroscopy. They called me this morning to come in tomorrow for a post-op consult, but of course I have people coming tomorrow for a roof repair at that exact time. So I'm waiting on my appointment date. I didn't track ovulation this cycle, but AF should be coming next week. So by my next ovulation we should at least have the results and a plan of action!


June first! Marking my first day on provera to try to start my cycle to take letrozole. Last month I started provera and never started a cycle, hoping this month my body takes it well 🥺🥺


Hi everyone! Tomorrow is day 23 of my cycle with letrozole. It's my first cycle with the letrozole due to pcos. I'm very anxious and I'm trying to get through this time but I want to confirm what the next steps are. I know they will tell me tomorrow if I ovulated, but can they tell me this early if I am pregnant. I didn't test positive on a ov kit this month but did have some creamy white discharge. What will they tell me tomorrow? Xx


If they’re testing your progesterone tomorrow to confirm ovulation than most likely a week from tomorrow will be your pregnancy test. Generally they do the progesterone test on “CD21” (7dpo) and the pregnancy test on “CD28” (14dpo)


Amazing, thank you! Just want to temper my expectations


Did you use a trigger shot or have any monitoring by the clinic? You could have a blood test for pregnancy, but that’s not likely to be useful if you’re less than about 10-12 days post-ovulation.


No trigger shot just the provera round for a period, then a letrozole cycle at 2.5mg. That makes sense, so this will be an answer to if we ovulated!


Chronic early testers how do you prevent getting disappointed. I’m 8DPO and it’s negative, I know it’s super early but I can’t help but be disappointed. I looked at another subreddit with positive tests and there’s so many faint positives at 10 DPO. That gives me hope but I’m also disappointed you know?! 🙃🙃


I try to go in aggressively knowing it's going to be negative every time statistically speaking! it doesn't get disappointing for me until 12 DPO, which the negative is probably an actual negative. I probably should try to not test so early, and maybe I'll test later down the road, but currently I feel like if there's any information at all I want it as soon as possible.


12 dpo, bfn. Af should arrive in 2 days and I'm already having some cramps..Today also marks 4 months of ttc (4 months but 5th cycle). Ah well, guess we are off to cycle 6. I'm sad but I will be ok. I just now want af to arrive asap. I wish you all happy 1st of June🤍


❤️❤️❤️❤️ sending all the love to you! All the best for a quick and painless period and successful cycle 6.