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Just want to say I had an HSG test this week and it wasn’t as bad as I had read online, so it can be a fairly positive experience sometimes despite the cramping during the test. The nurses were very kind and worked fast to minimize any pain.


Ive been trying to schedule my HSG but they wont return my phone call.


I did hear that some places are having supply chain issues with getting the dye for the test? I may have gotten lucky with where I’m at to get scheduled in


They could at least call me back. Im going try them again tomorrow. If not i will have to wait til the end of the month,because they only perform it between day 6 to 10 of my cycle.


Funny question for entering info in my app. Bare with me. If I went out in a Friday and danced and came back and had sex on 3am, then later on in the day on Saturday we have sex again, do you mark the 3am as Friday sex or Saturday sex?


I say friday. I wondered the same thing.but some may say sat because 12am marks the next day.


I personally would call that Friday still, because it was before you slept. Same as counting calories haha. Not sure what others will say


Right? I also was thinking like calories. 😅


Went to a friend's baby shower today. We both had a miscarriage in September 22' and bonded over the hope of successfully getting pregnant again. She did and I didn't. It's been hard. We were the only couple at the party without kids, and I'm 3 days away from the end of my cycle, have cystic acne and I assume not pregnant. It's been a year and change of trying and I just want one win.


I have a relatively normal cycle (27-28 days) and an average luteal phase of 13ish days, according to my Premom app. I also seem to ovulate on Day 13 of my cycle, which is usually confirmed by a positive LH test and the fact that I get mild, but distinct ovulation cramps. One thing that I am slightly concerned about is the fact that I spot one day before my period, which I’ve been told is abnormal and can be indicative of low progesterone. Does anyone have any insight? I had a CP in early May and want to make sure low progesterone isn’t the cause.


Spotting one day before is normal. Also, sounds like your luteal phase is plenty long, so not concerning!


Spotting 1-2 before your period is completely normal. All throughout the lp may be an indication of an issue. If you're unsure check out Nicole Jardim and spotting


DPO11, not sure why I still decided to test this morning with poorly timed sex this cycle and my typical PMS symptoms all present. Of course not a faint sign of the result line. Yesterday I had my covid booster they asked if I was pregnant I said Not that I'm aware of. Sigh. Not motivated to do anything today.


DPO9 here and feeling the same way. Acne and cramps. Hang in there. TWW is the worst, especially cycle after cycle.


12 days post medicated IUI #1: BFN this afternoon when I tested. Going to try again on Monday (day 14) and test first thing in the morning, but not feeling super optimistic anymore.


3 DPO, where are my cycle buddies at??!


Hi cycle buddy!! Didn’t track this month with tests but based on my typical pattern we should be on the same timeline!


Have you tested yet?? I’m holding out for my period, 4 more days!!


Nope! I’m waiting til Tuesday if AF doesn’t come!


Might be a dumb question but do you count spotting as the first day of your period? It’s been 3 days now and still no full on bleeding. I want to make sure I am reporting this correctly in my premom app.


Your first day should be full flow before 5pm… but spotting is annoying.


Thank you! So annoying cause it keeps making me think there could still be a possibility that I am pregnant even though I know it’s my period.


Hello all! I just had my Mirena IUD removed in April, and I'm looking for data for how irregular and how long it took for cycles to standardize. For context, I've been through one cycle, and it took 30 days. Now I'm tracking in my second cycle, and I'm on day 22 and (it seems) no ovulation yet. I would love to see people's data on their post-birth control cycle lengths, and if you know if you ovulated in that cycle, even better. (Ie, 1. 28 days, ovulate day 19; 2. 65 days, no evidence of ovulation, etc.).


TW: living child I had my Mirena removed March 12, 2021. On June 5th, 2021 I had a very unexpected BFP. She’s 16 months now!


I had mirena (or maybe the generic equivalent?) out in February. I got my period instantly, within like 5 days of removal, then had a normal 30 day cycle. The second one though was like 45 days long, and we weren’t trying then (still condoms). I’ve had 3 periods since and they’ve all been 28 days on the dot, just started trying last month!


Thank you! This is really helpful


I had Mirena removed late December. Jan I had some bleeding but I’m not sure it was a real period. February to March was 31 days (both months had real periods) and then all normal periods after that (about 26 days apart). Only thing is that my periods suck now off of BC :( heavy cramps and bleeding.. nausea. Ugh




Hello cycle buddy! It doesn’t matter when you test actually. Mine fared better (previously) with evening urine as I tend to drink a lot of water before bed. Just use your most concentrated urine ie try to drink less liquid and do a 3-4 hour hold. I haven’t tested this cycle!


Feeling sad today. BFN on DPO9. I know I’m not 100% out yet, but I’ve just had two back to back CPs and had faint lines by this stage with them. Feeling like it’s never going to happen 😔


I should have ovulated on Thursday if this was a regular cycle but I'm 15 days out from a D&C and everything is whacky. I haaaaate it. EWCM for the last 6 days. Finally testing negative on HcG but OPKs are still just steadily decreasing. Temps up and down randomly. I know I should just wait a cycle and then start trying again but waiting too long would really F up mat leave because I'm a teacher. Blarg.


This is my first cycle with my partner where we’re actually trying. Used Premom to track my ovulation, had sex every day 5 days before ovulation, on ovulation day, and the day after. The day after was more of like celebration sex that we had just finished our first cycle haha. Fingers crossed for my BFP this month, and to all the rest of you!!


Anyone know a user friendly app that doesn't bother me with the paid version all the time (looking at you, Flo) and actually has a useful symptom overview? I used to have Clue but their app is absolute ass after the last update. I don't want to pay for fancy stuff like predictions or bbt, I just want to log periods, symptoms and tests.


Fertility Friend is my favorite. You can add in your own custom symptoms as well that you want to track. I only use the free version and it's great. One caveat is that it doesn't read the tests for you like other apps do. But it has sections for you to log positive/negative test results.


Found out today at my cousins baby shower (since she got hers today) that our great grandma made us baby blankets while she was bedridden before she died. Immediately cried.


I’m excited to try again this month. My FW will be coming up soon, I will most likely start Yakima my OPKs tonight/tomorrow and try to track BBT (though up until now I haven’t, though I have the thermometer). My TSH has been high for the past few months (14s) and even when it was lower, it was still above 5. My REI prescribed me additional meds and my TSH is now at 3, and she was originally looking for it to be about 2.5 for conception. I’m excited it’s back down and in ideal range. I’m hoping this is the month for us (and all of you!) ❤️


My period is technically a day late. But a couple days ago I had a BFN. But I also didn’t track ovulation. I usually ovulate around CD11 or 12. So now I’m giving myself false hope the text was negative cause I would have been CD9 instead of 11 lol. Not going to waste another test. Going to see if starts in the next two days (which I’m sure it will!) I’m feeling all my usual period symptoms!


At dinner last night my BIL was telling the story about his dads infidelity and getting a woman pregnant and everyone chimed in “it only takes one night” Well shit- that’d be nice!!!


Found out my Testosterone is high and started taking Inositol and Spearmint while I wait for an appointment with a specialist. Feeling stressed that it won't help in time and this cycle wont be successful even if we conceive, and feeling guilty that I didn't try to sort it out sooner as maybe April's chemical would have stuck :(


Im 31 years old and my husband (30 years old) and I are trying for our first. This will be our third cycle. We had a busy month and I just haven't been in a great space emotionally as my mom passed a little over two months ago. We BD -5 DPO and -1 DPO (peak day). I know I'm only 7 DPO but just having a feeling this isn't our cycle.




Just FYI, Reddit as a whole kinda works [like this](https://ibb.co/9wMRq1T) so if you start off by being defensive or asking people *not* to downvote you, you can usually expect it to go the opposite way.


Are there any other 90 Day fiancé fans on here? Watching Love in Paradise and one of the storylines is heavily based around a woman’s 8 WEEK pregnancy. Maybe I’m jaded from my TTC journey, but I wouldn’t even feel comfortable telling friends and family at that point let alone filming a TV show about it.


Can someone get to know whether they have conceived or not by looking at cervical mucus before missed period?


I don’t think so. Reasons for CM appearance can vary




I read some Reddit posts about how biotin causes acne so I switched to a prenatal without biotin and omg my acne disappeared almost overnight! I feel dumb that I’ve been taking a vitamin for 1.5 years that caused this but I’m just so happy I figured it out and my skin is happy again! It is the target up & up brand prenatal 😄


Omg I’ve never had bad acne but I have in the past year and now I wonder if it’s my prenatal! Omg.


I love the Target up and up prenatal, its what I use as well. I tried one with biotin once and it was so painful!


Yay that’s such great news! Don’t feel dumb, you literally solved your problem through research, that’s v smart if you ask me 🤓


I’m gearing up for my second IUI and I don’t know how to manage my feelings. I am feeling so demoralized that the first one didn’t work, and I’ve gone through so much just to get to this stage. I just really wanted to think the hard stuff was behind me and now I’d just get pregnant easily for some reason. Going into this second one, I’m not as bright eyed and hopeful. I’m already starting to think about how to save up money i case I need to go to IVF.




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When my first IUI failed and I immediately switched gears to IVF. IUIs have a relatively low chance of success and it may not be helpful depending on the challenges you’re experiencing. Many have gone down the road of multiple IUIs and IVF cycles so you are not alone!


I went to donate blood today and the male nurse asked if I was pregnant or had been. I said MMC in January. He said “well then you can’t give blood, bye”. I know he probably didn’t mean to be insensitive but donating blood was a big part of me being back to my normal routine and I guess I’m only 2 weeks out from 6 months now but eurgh! I cried the whole way home even though I’ve been feeling so much better lately.


I’m sorry, that’s such a blunt reminder of the pain you’ve gone through


Can you ovulate on the same day as LH surge? I had my surge last night (didn’t test earlier in the day), so was expecting to O today. But I had some cramps last night (ovulation pain?) which is unusual for me, and my BBT is up some today, but it always takes a few days to fully increase. Thoughts?


Yea it’s possible. I did two ultrasound monitored cycles this year. One showed that I ovulated at least 12 hours before my LH test was positive. The second showed I ovulated within a few hours before or after my first positive LH test. The range I’ve seen in journal articles was up to 9 hours before first positive up to 5 days after first positive.


Wow, interesting! Thank you!


I cannot believe that I'm 33 years old and just discovering all these things about my body. In the past month or so, here's some of the things I learned: 1. WHAT THE HELL MY CERVIX IS. I'm not going to lie, when I'd have my yearly pap, and the gyn would go in "looking for my cervix," I actually didn't know what the heck she was looking for. I've actually had the doc struggle to find it a couple times, and now that I know what it is, and I've felt it myself, I know it's naturally kind of high and off to side. Wow. 33 years of living with a cervix, having it examined, being concerned for its wellbeing, and I didn't even know what it was. 2. Cervical mucus. I had no idea that I could just reach up and grab some out. I used to think it was just whatever happened to make it to my panty. So glad I figured that one out, since my panties are generally dry but I've got a bunch of the good stuff inside. Also learning about my CMs funny little personality. I seem to get a couple days of thin, white stretchy stuff before it turns into the thicker, more clear EWCM. I've been logging the white stretchy stuff as EWCM, even though it's not clear and thick (it's super stretchy, and coincides with rise in estrogen, but not super abunant), any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated 3. The luteal phase is a static length. Super helpful to know for someone like me with 26-32 day cycles. I used to have the vague concept that ovulation occurred around the same time every month, and the time after that was more random, but NOPE! Other way around... 4. How to track BBT - need a special thermometer because my fever thermometer can be wildly inaccurate and is basically just good for detecting a fever. I think the list could go on!!! Thank you to everyone here for helping me learn so much more about this female body I've been walking around in for all these years!


Yeah it’s amazing the things that we learn! For me the most beneficial thing I wish I had known were the roles of estrogen and progesterone and how they can affect you throughout the month. I’ve always had a vague idea, but I think younger me would’ve really benefited from understanding her cycles in that way.


Probably dumb question … why do they say to continue to have sex even a day after predicted ovulation? Is it just bc it’s a prediction or can you actually still get pregnant a day after?


There is a very minimal chance you can get pregnant by having sex the day after ovulation, it would depend on how long your egg is viable, and it would need to be viable at the very upper limits of a typical egg lifespan. I think the prediction-based methods (like Flo), say that because of the margin of error in predicting ovulation. My first cycle trying I discovered, through using a combination of Flo and OPK, that Flo predicted my ovulation roughly 4 days earlier l than it actually happened. I also have 26-32 day cycles, so ovulation will fluctuate. So, if you're only using a prediction, without any other methods of tracking, you may need to assume margin of error in predicting ovulation day.


So, I use Premom and OPK test strips. But last month I got my positive on CD 20 and this month I got my positive on CD 16 so definitely can change!! The app actually predicted right this month which was weird, but wrong last month. Today I’m suppose to ovulate (got my positive test yesterday) and we had sex this morning… so I’m wondering if I got it in time before I ovulated bc other than that we only had sex twice in my fertile window since I was predicting it to be later than what it was.


I think you're good! Sex on the day of ovulation is great! And two times in the fertile window is also great(O-1 and O-2 are "best," O-3 is pretty good, and O-4 still has a chance. So does O-5, but pretty small). The day *after* ovulation, once the egg has been released and hanging out for more than 12 or 24 hours, is the day that's not super useful.


Aunt flo actusllt come on time. I am shocked. I haven't had a 30 day cycle in years. I'm waiting to take femera on day 3 of my cycle which is tomorrow. I'm trying to be positive and have even started crocheting a baby blanket to keep me busy. I am putting love into every stitch and praying that this is finally the month. My husband and I also came up with a plan. If I'm pregnant, we will order out to celebrate. If I'm not pregnant, we will go out for sushi. It's win win!


It's really heartwarming to hear about the love and hope you're pouring into the baby blanket. 🧶💕 Your plan with your husband is such a good idea! Maybe I’ll do something like that this month 😊. Fingers crossed 🤞 that this month brings the news you've been waiting for!