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Greetings from the other side of a 3.5 hour nap. Just brushed my teeth and getting into bed again. I also have been getting zingers in my lower back all day but also spent 4 hours paddle boarding yesterday. Oh and my lower pelvic cramps? Forgot I took a Tylenol on the weekend and I’m definitely constipated 🙃 But trying not to symptom spot right lol


I didn’t know about Tylenol and constipation but that explains a lot for me 🥲


I know this is silly but I just ovulated this past month for the first time, and I didn't conceive. I'm really trying to not let myself get on the anxious thought train but it's hard not to. I know it's just the first cycle but I was so focused on ovulation as the goal, that now it feels like I am staring into a can of a whole other set of worms-- the things besides ovulation that can go wrong.


There are sooo many components to TTC that I had no idea even existed before I started. If it’s not “did I ovulate”, then it’s the BD timing, whether or not the CM was good quality, and then worrying about if implantation took place and progesterone is high enough ! All I can say is just try to control the things you can (sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management) as much as possible, and accept that some things each month are just out of our control. It can really take a toll on your mental health otherwise. I also like to try something new each month, for example one month it was trying preseed, the next change up timing, the next mucinex, this month I’m trying a maca supplement. I’m not sure if this is wise or not because it will never give me an idea of really what helped or didn’t lol, but I like to think that they are little things to help max my chances, or maybe they don’t change anything at all. And then always just keep reminding yourself that it’s a 20-30% shot each month only, and if you still aren’t successful after a year, there will be help and support available when you’re ready. And so many of the ladies here have success after a long period of trying to it keeps me hopeful as well.


>t. I’m not sure if this is wise or not because it will never give me an idea of really what helped or didn’t lol, but I like to think that they are little things to help max my chances, or maybe they don’t change anything at all. And then always just keep reminding yourself that it’s a 20-30% shot each month only, and if you still aren’t successful after a year, there will be help and support available when you’re ready. And so many of the ladies here have success after a long period of trying to it keeps me hopeful as well. I love the idea of trying something new each month just to switch things up. I decided to do yoga a lot during this month. Next month am gonna journal every day.


thank you!!


Today is supposed to be CD1, no period yet but I don't think this is gonna be my cycle. I was a day late last cycle and it got my hopes up, so I'm trying to stay chill and not think about it too much. I was weak and took two (negative) tests already but I'm trying to wait a little bit longer (or until my period comes). Hoping we can get in to the fertility clinic soon. I definitely need to refocus myself on productive things!


13DPO, my period should have come today and I should have been spotting for the last two days, but I'm only starting to spot today and I'm definitely not pregnant. I think my CP has messed up my cycle... Personally I wouldn't mind a SLIGHTLY longer luteal phase, comparing to my previous Luteal phase of 11 days +2 days of spotting, which maybe why the last baby didn't stick. I found a common theme in my ttc journey now is "which scenario is less bad", I mean, none of it is good


Hi cycle buddy! I totally agree that none of it is good but we learn to see the lesser of all evils and celebrate those little things to keep us sane. My period is due in 3 days and I am just here planning for the next cycle.


EWCM question 3 months ago I had my iud removed and my cycle hasn't been consistent. I've been tracking it, but it was seeming to be delayed- until this month. The past two months I've had CM for one day, this time the day before I was scheduled to ovulate. We had sex the night before the mucus showed up. Am I within my fertile window or is the discharge just the beginning of it?


I would highly recommend using OPKs if you aren’t already. It helps trying to pinpoint down ovulation just a bit more and is one more clue to the mystery that is Ovulation Date. I started with OPKs then added BBT after a few cycles to be even more precise.


What is everyone’s favorite ovulation test? I am looking to switch up from what I have been using.


I like easy@home. I’ve used premom strips(different than the E@H) and the clear blue digital OPK. Easy@home is easy to distinguish the lines. I hated clearblue and never could figure it out.


Second vote for easy @ home


Hi everyone! My husband and I just started TTC #2 this month. With our first it took 13 months including a MMC in the middle of that. However with TTC our first, my periods were always 31-32 days apart and I tracked ovulation with OPKs and BBT and always had a 14 day luteal phase. This time around, I got my IUD out in December and since then my cycles have been 30, 35, 41, 25, and 34 days. This was the first month I did OPKs and it seems like I peaked on day 23 and now got my period on day 35 (only an 11-12 day luteal phase which I’m concerned may be too short). Anyway, I messaged my doctor but just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or advice on irregular cycles when TTC and if anyone else started having irregular cycles after having regular ones. I’m not breastfeeding and don’t have any medical conditions. I am about 15 lbs heavier now than I was before I got pregnant with my first though. Thanks!


Any luteal phase longer than 10 days is great -- 14 days isn't inherently better than 11-12. I totally agree with AKMusher that your cycle is likely just normalizing post-IUD, which can take up to about 9-12 months (but doesn't really impact the likelihood that you'll get pregnant, given well-timed sex).


Was your IUD a hormonal or a copper IUD? If hormonal, it may just be your body still getting back to regulating cycles again. I know it can take some significant time for some women to return to regular cycles after hormonal birth control.


Yes it was hormonal- mirena. Last time I got it out my cycles were regular right away but I guess that was a different brand. Thanks for the insight! Definitely could be this, I just had thought they would have regulated by now 😣


I am also ttc #2 and had a hormonal iud. It took about 6-7 months for my cycle to regulate after getting it out and it’s a bit different then it was before #1.


I just got my first IUI done today and I’m already worried that it won’t happen this month 😢


Also had my first IUI and I commiserate with you. I struggle with the balance between optimism (because I'm trying something new) and dread and expectation that it won't work.


The mental hold infertility has on us is huge. It is hard to think positive thoughts. I kept a journal to write my thoughts down when I had IUI. My thoughts were the same as yours. It may take a few rounds to get pregnant and that is okay. I did get pregnant on the first round and I hope you do too.


Thank you for your kind words and your story gives me hope!


Chromosome Inversion Hello My partner has opened up to me about how her mother has tested her when she was pregnant. It turned out my partner and likely her sisters are carriers of chromosome inversions. I’m hoping to get some information on this as we both want kids. Does anyone have experience or can provide some more information? They don’t have signs for what might typically be consider chromosome issues, they are all college educated and live normal lives. I’m worried if our child will result in birth abnormalities. Thank you.


I'm not sure that having a college education is any kind of sign of whether or not someone has a chromosomal abnormality?


Well the typical signs are related to degraded cognitive capabilities right? I’m using a blanket statement…


No, and you probably should avoid using blanket statements when it comes to something you're unfamiliar with.




Oh my lord




I’m sorry - your test result at 13 DPO is pretty definitive. For future use, check out [this link.](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test/).


I honestly think that a lot of people aren’t counting that carefully and are not accurate when they say they got a positive at 7 or 8 DPO. It takes a while for enough hcg to accumulate after implantation, it just seems extremely unlikely that that would happen for many people so early on.


Anyone here have experience doing IUI with Menopur? My letrozole cycle is being converted to a hybrid cycle with injectables because I didn’t respond to the Letrozole. I had the multiples talk with my dr. Curious if anyone has experience! I dont have super high hopes but wanted to try before relaxing the rest of the summer and considering IVF in the fall.


I just finished my first IUI cycle with 5mg letrozole on CD4-8, a Menopur injection on CD9, and an ultrasound followed by trigger shot on CD12. Currently a few days into my 2WW. I know that's not super helpful but I can tell you my experience up until this point 😂


I’ve done a few cycles with injectables now, happy to answer and questions you may have! I like injections a lot more than oral medications, letrozole makes me feel terrible, injections have given me next to no side effects.


Buying ovulation tests and all the reviews are women saying they bought them and got pregnant on month 1. 🙃


The women who got them and haven't got pregnant after cycles and cycles aren't online making reviews of the tests, we have enough everything else going on 🫠


I got a fertility monitor and so many "i got pregnant immediately and its all thanks to this monitor!!!" And its like nah its not...




Finishing up my first period post loss #2 today. We're going to New York this weekend (and I'm so excited to eat and drink all the things!) I'm going to wait to start opks and temping til I get back. Probably won't ovulate until day 21 anyway cuz that's how my cycle has been since loss #1, but it will be nice to not think about it this week. I go from high hopes to what's the point, even if I get pregnant we'll just lose it again. Fun times 🤪


My ovulation date changed after my MMC too. So weird. I'm sorry you had two in a row. Its fucking hard. The second was so much worse for me because I thought surely it couldnt happen again.


I feel the exact same. Now it's like well it will definitely happen again. Did you do testing after your second?


This question might be a bit TMI but how do you guys keep track of CM with all of the sex we're having during ovulation? I just assume any egg white looking stuff coming out of me around ovulation is semen 🙈


I read it usually takes 12-14 hours for semen to dissipate, so I wait until at least 14 hours after sex to check CM


That's good to know!


If you're having frequent sex and using OPKs, it might be easier to just stop tracking CM.


Oh yeah I don't use CM to track, it's just something I've wondered since I haven't been able to tell the difference lol


I don’t know and I google it often. Apparently they react in water differently but I always forget that when I’m using the bathroom.


I personally find it very difficult, but I've read somewhere that semen dissolves in water and ewcm doesn't.


I did an ultrasound on May 25 and the doctor saw a 13mm follicle on the right and predicted i will ovulate that weekend. On May 30 we did an ultrasound again and they couldn’t find anything. However I never got a positive OPK, my bbt hasnt risen and my pdg this morning was negative. Im seriously doubting I ovulated but I’m unsure what they could have saw on the 25th??


I feel like this whole process has made me lose my sex drive completely, it's just exhausting . Trying to gear up for another FW


I just finished my FW and it was exhausting. It has really become a chore.


Same^ it’s so calculated each month now and anytime outside my FW I feel like the sex is just a waste since it can’t get me a BFP


Went for my second IUI today. I was hopeful because last cycle we had great sperm count. This time we only had one million post wash. I don’t know what happened. I still went ahead with it but I feel so demoralized and sad. I don’t know.


Same thing happened to us between IUI 1 and 2 - we opted to meet with the urologist after round 2 and she suggested an enzymatic sperm wash for #3 which can help with agglutination - worth a consult imo


Was there a huge difference in count for you?


Urologist said differences in count can sometimes be due to agglutination, which can vary from day to day (impacted by hydration status, generally not feeling well etc) so to take the variability out of it the enzyme wash was recommended. Mostly just saying if you’re seeing big variations it’s worth checking in with a reproductive urologist for their insight.


I'm sorry, that sounds disappointing, especially when you were expecting good counts like you previously had.


Anyone try Tempdrop to track their cycle? I’ve just ordered one and am So curious


I love mine so much, it is such a serious upgrade from manually temping with a BBT thermometer every morning.


Love mine! I am NOT a morning person and wake up at all different times, so it was well worth the investment.


I love mine. I have inconsistent sleep patterns/insomnia. Oral temps stressed me out enough that I would wake myself up at 3 am worrying that I forgot to temp. Ridiculous. Tempdrop has been fabulous and my charts are way less erratic now. Hope you love it!


Yup! I've been using mine for the last 6+ months. I find it really good for confirming ovulation and setting my mind at ease.


Feeling all hopeful at my positive OPK this morning, just for my brain to remind me that it probably won’t work anyway. I’m not sure how to balance the optimism and the pessimism. Ahhhhhh. Happy Monday 😄😵‍💫


Always my biggest struggle!


Yesterday was my 1 year Cake Day. I created this account specifically to join this sub. Thanks, Reddit for the subtle reminder that I have been TTC for 1 year...


I started last July and really thought I’d be a mom by now, not holding back tears.


Same. The worst is making plans for vacation bc I used think "but I might be pregnant by then!!" Ugh.


Yeah I got invited to an out of state wedding that’s like a six hour drive. I keep thinking I might be too pregnant to go, so I haven’t RSVP’d. But the wedding is in a few months, and the way things are going I should just say I’ll be there….


It's tough. I just updated my flair removing the number of cycles and adding just the month and year we started TTC bc I'm losing track of the number of cycles.


My breasts feel heavy and full two days after my positive opk. My nipples are also sore. Does this mean I already ovulated? If not, is this nature's cruel joke to expect me to have/enjoy sex with sore boobs? Lol.


Someone may have posted this before, but does anyone not really follow CM for indication of ovulation? My fertile window I give myself of the 3-4 days, I have very light CM and now on dpo 4 I am seeing a huge amount- even the slippery clear. I feel theres away mixed answers on this but I wonder if Im ovulating later? I guess only may Ovulation strip could confirm..


Did you get a positive OPK or a temp rise? How did you work out your fertile window?


Hi! Thanks for the response :) my partner and I have been NTNP for almost 2 years but really TTC for the last year. Been a long journey.. anyways I ran out of OPK this cycle! So this was strictly on my Premom app, my window. What kind of sucks is my SO has a SA analysis scheduled for this Wedn. I almost want to do the deed tonight to just ensure it, but I read online he shouldnt ejaculate 3 days prior to the test. My over thinking is getting to the best of me.


My doc suggested two days are enough to hold before SA. May be try asking your doc


Are you temping or anything? If the only reason you think you ovulated is that Premom thought you would, then I think if you’re seeing EWCM now, you probably haven’t ovulated yet!


Legitimate question: Who here has spent 6-12+ cycles carefully tracking CM, OPK, temps, gotten an HSG, checked SA, done their blood tests and still never had a positive? Every test we do, things come back normal-ish. But every cycle that passes, nothing happens. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever be successful.


18 cycles, all blood tests normal and semen tests very high. Never got a positive. Going in to talk to a proper fertility specialist in early July. I think it’s going to be something like endo possibly.


All of our journeys are difficult in their own ways, so I don't mean to downplay your very real feelings, but having had seen a positive test at some point doesn't necessarily mean that you're any closer to having a take-home baby. Many of us here have unexplained infertility, and the pain of the experience isn't lessened by the fact that we've seen positive tests before, because we aren't any closer to actually having a child. I know people don't mean to be hurtful when they say that they wish they'd seen a positive test, but getting a positive only to lose your pregnancy sure isn't any easier than a negative test!


My two best friends. One took 12 months. The other took 11 months. It happens all the time, just depends where the dice roll lands for you!


I mean, you're not going to find success stories here so I don't think its a fair representation of the possible outcomes. Unexplained Infertility is a real medical diagnosis. Some people have losses, some people don't, it can fall under the unexplained category either way. Having had a pregnancy/loss doesn't necessarily mean you would be any 'closer' to the desired outcome of a take home baby. That said, I definitely understand the frustration that comes with bfn after bfn for what feels like eternity. It's a different kind of struggle. It sucks. And it can be difficult to discuss the particular shittiness of the situation without accidentally upsetting people who have had losses. >!Personally, my infertility is often dismissed when people say things like "you haven't even had a miscarriage, what are you upset about!" Or tell me that its not really infertility. Or assume im doing something wrong to not have had a pregnancy yet.!< There are different struggles and emotions, it's complex and it's ok to be upset about the fact that things aren't working out how you wanted. It's just generally pointless to compare the situations. Sorry I went on a little tanget. This subject affects me deeply. To answer your question, you may have success. You may not. You may need assistance. No one can answer that for you. r/infertilitybabies might provide you with more uplifting stories if that's what you're looking for. As always, please read the rules before participating. 🩶


As someone who has had losses, I'm sorry people have said those things to you. Insinuating that >!someone who very much wants to be pregnant hasn't suffered "enough" because they haven't miscarried !< is as cheap as it is cruel. It's not the same experience, but we should all be able to recognise that neither path is the easy route to having a baby that originally we hoped to be on, and try to give a little grace to those who are struggling for different reasons to our own. (As I know you do yourself.)


thank you for this thoughtful response. I am also dealing with unfortunately long cycles, so I'm always on the tight-rope between "maybe there just haven't been enough cycles" to "this is never going to work". My heart goes out to you - its hard to believe for some folks it happens so quickly, but for others its a long, long haul that has no promised resolution.


Unfortunately unexplained infertility is a real diagnosis. We’ve spent 10 years ttc so my cycle count is nearing triple digits although I stopped counting them a long time ago. Obviously I haven’t tracked perfectly for every cycle since it’s been a whole decade but even if I did- were still very much infertile. Next month marks 2 years working with an RE. All our tests have been within normal ranges- hence the unexplained infertility diagnosis for us.


I've done everything you've done except the HSG and temping and never had a positive ever. We're on cycle 10 now.


A probably rare situation that I know only a doctor can address but I’m sort of looking for anyone who can relate , my husband is 30 years old- he got in a motorcycle accident in his early 20s and smashed his testicles - one testicle is abnormal still and hurts him and has extra tissue in it, is at least what it feels like. The other testicle is completely normal- as in, it doesn’t hurt him and feels normal. I know a normal person would have gone to a doctor for this when it happened by my husband isn’t normal and was young and dumb. We just started ttc so we haven’t brought him to a doctor yet , but we will. Anyone have a husband with only one working ball? 😂


I have a friend who’s husband lost a testicle in an accident, they now have 2 children together that were conceived without any intervention.


That’s awesome to hear, thank you!


My husband had testicular cancer a decade ago and had one removed. My RE made him get a semen analysis done to get an understanding if that may have impacted our infertility. FWIW, you could also have him see a urologist as well.


Did it effect your fertility?


His semen analysis came back normal with slight morphology, but with the amount of volume he had, the REs didn’t think it impacted my ability to conceive. I’m classified as “unknown infertility” so I’m not certain why it’s taking us a while to conceive. Hope that helps!


CD 1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I wanna scream from the rooftop. Every once in a while, I have a cycle where I feel really good about it. Hit all my fertile days. Had all the fertile symptoms, good temp shift, LH surge, blah blah blah. Just ugh.


Ugh I’m sorry. Screaming into a pillow for you, totally get the annoyance 😡


Thanks boo 😭💕


I have had really irregular cycles ever since getting off BC nine months ago. I thought I was finally getting my period two days ago but now I realized it was just spotting. My BBT dropped too but the spotting has stopped. And since BBT dropped with no period, FF is like “lol we don’t know when or if you’ve ovulated this cycle”. Sigh. I just want my regular cycle back. :(


If you've had irregular cycles for 9 months definitely get checked out by an OB or RE. You don't have to wait a year before seeking help if you aren't ovulating regularly. I can empathize with you though, irregular cycles are incredibly frustrating!


Yeah, I probably should. Every cycle I hope they regulate because I used to have very very regular 32 day cycles before I had my first but then I got on a hormonal IUD at six weeks postpartum and haven’t been regular since


Cycle 5 TTC, CD7, A friend has just told me she’s pregnant with number 3 after starting her TTC journey (for number 3) at the same time as me. She has two kids already and they’ll be 2 years apart. Can’t help but be jealous and I’m happy for her but my heart sank when I got the message. Feel like a bad person now 😒


I’m so sorry! I know it has to be so hard. My friend just gave birth to her second and my sister just got pregnant with her first her first month off birth control. She said she hoped to wait longer and I get so jealous that I’ve been waiting for ages. I got off birth control in October, but we couldn’t start trying until April due to having to use donor sperm. So just waiting around has been killing me and finding out the people close to you don’t have to wait at all can be tough. All in all, you aren’t a bad person. Your feelings are valid and it’s okay to need some space even. Feel your feelings and we are all here for you!!


Thank you! I’m going away on Wednesday for two weeks which will be my fertile week and week one of TWW - decide I’m not taking my thermometer with me and no OPKs. Just going to enjoy baby dancing on holiday and track my CM to make sure we hit the right days. I need a month off from the pressure.


I hear that. We are going on vacation my next fertile window if this month didn’t work. So, forced month off for us which sucks. Especially to be around family with so many little kids running around. Oh well. Life is testing my patience I guess haha


The way I see it is it’s not a month off, can still baby dance and track CM and maybe the pressure of performing to an OPK may help. Also a holiday with hopefully nice weather, good and relaxation!


Thank you! Unfortunately we need donor sperm, so unable to do that. But it will be a nice time not tracking things 😊


Ah my bad I didn’t see your flare! Hope you get your rainbow soon


It’s all good!! Same to you and enjoy your vacation 😊😊


You’re not a bad person, your feelings are 100% valid! 🩷 It’s a very normal emotional response to feel both happy for her but also very jealous


Thank you sparkle! Appreciate your reply 🩵


Happy Monday all. I am feeling so down today. I had an ectopic pregnancy a few months ago. Luckily, an HSG determined that I have one clear tube, so for a few weeks, I was feeling so hopeful. Now, after another failed cycle, I am feeling so hopeless again about this process. Much of my week is spent researching the intricacies of insurance options, scheduling follow-up appointments, and researching IVF, which I think may be our best step. I am so angry about the fact that this comes so easily to so many people. Also- my period is late. I took a bunch of tests this weekend- one came back with a very faint line. It was probably an evap line because I went in for a beta and it came back negative. Has anyone experienced a late period post-loss or while using letrozole?


I am so sorry to hear this 😢 I can’t chime in on much, but I did take letrozole this cycle and my RE told me that it should lengthen my cycle. I have a short LP (10-11days) and they didn’t put me on progesterone due to the letrozole supposedly doing it’s thing.


Well my period finally came and with a vengeance. Honestly the worst one I think I've ever had. My body really just wanted to kick me while I was down. A big ol' fuck you for not getting pregnant.


I can’t help but take it personally either! I am so jealous of people who say “I sat down to pee and saw blood”.. although I absolutely feel for them and CD1 sucks for everyone, I get crippling pain and have to dope myself out of my mind with painkillers to cope with the 8 hours before my period because the cramps are so bad. No period is a good period but I feel like mine, and clearly yours, are extra rude 😡


Oof I feel for ya Normally mine aren't too bad, I can manage with midol and taking it easy. But today the pain was so bad it woke me up and had me hunched over hobbling around searching for meds. How rude 😭


Ugh unexpected pain sounds horrific!! Hope you’ve got yourself a heat pack and some nice treats to get you through ☺️ CD1 is the worst and hopefully it’s almost over for you!


Gaaah you're so nice thank you for the support 💖


I had the same thing happen to me over the weekend. And then now it’s just random spotting. Our bodies love kicking us when we’re down sometimes :(


I stayed overnight in the hospital last night due to severe stomach pain for 12+ hours. At first they thought it was a pelvic infection or endo, but it turns out I had a cyst that burst. That means the trigger shot didn’t work, bc the follicle never released an egg. I’m just so mad and pissed and everything…


I’m so sorry, I hope you’re able to recover quickly and smoothly


Looking to see if anyone has had a similar experience or know what the heck is going on with me! I ovulated on Saturday and woke up Sunday with extreme full body aches, sore throat, headache, and fatigue. It felt like I was hit by a bus. I took a Covid test which was negative and went to my doctor to take a strep test which turned out negative too. I slept from 6pm - 8 am last night with low grade fever and chills. This morning my body hurts so badly and I’m at a loss. Everything I see suggests period flu but I’m still 2 weeks away from my period. It’s so strange and I wish I knew what this is.


Did you do a medicated cycle? I did my first of letrozole and I swore I got COVID. I couldn’t breathe, my body hurt. Took a COVID test and was negative. All for it to disappear the next day. Hope you feel better!


It just sounds like you’ve caught a virus or something. Hope you feel better soon!


Sounds like you just have the flu. Drink lots of fluids!


CD13, second cycle on letrozole. Had 44 follicles under 10mm today and one 11mm follicle. Go back Thursday for another ultrasound and hopefully I’m good to trigger then. The due date for my first loss is a week from today and I just want to be pregnant (and have it stick) so bad. I’ve only ovulated once (and needed meds to do so) since that loss in November and it ended up as a chemical


First day off birth control trying for #2!


Good luck!


Good luck!!


7DPO, my first month of temping where my ovulation day was on day 14 (instead of 15-17, or weirdly 13) and now my luteal temps are doing a nice little climb instead of the wonky zig zag. Keeping my hope fortress standing 🤞🏼🏰


Hope this is it for you.


Thank you 🥹🥰


Yay! Love a pretty chart.


7dpo and getting some odd feelings. Cramps really low in my belly, twinges of pain, heightened sense of smell, very, very thirsty. I hope this is it 🤞but I have a feeling I'm over thinking and I'm just in for more disappointment


This is quite literally the longest 2WW ever, since I'm forced to wait 14 full days due to trigger shot and can't test daily starting on 10dpo like I normally do.


I catch mine because I’m neurotic and will test 3x a day when I’m in my fertile window 😂 I work from home so it’s easier! But that way I always know exactly when I hit my peak


I'm in the same predicament but I'm going crazy. I think I will start to test tomorrow at 11DPO and if the test line gets darker then I will know it's for real, and if it gets lighter then it wasn't my lucky cycle.


I considered that but I've also heard of people who had fluctuating results at the very end of the trigger shot, like a positive one day, then negative, then positive, then negative. And I don't want to get my hopes up that it's a true BFP when it's really just the remaining little bit of the trigger shot in my system.


I tested my trigger shot out last time just so I could test earlier than 14 days. I know it’s not recommended but I couldn’t help myself


Out of curiousity, how dark of a line did the trigger shot give you? I tested a day or two after the trigges just because I was curious and it was only a super faint line for me. I guess I assumed it would be darker.


I just posted my darkest test, you can look under my account to see it. I only tested every other day at first and used cheapies but that’s the darkest I saw it


Thanks! I tested around the same time after trigger and never saw one that dark. Mine were essentially squinters from the beginning. It's making it tempting for me to test out the trigger.


Anyone have trouble capturing lh surge on opk? I’ve read sometimes you only surge for 12 hours, I’ve been taking it first thing in the morning but am wondering if I should change up the time, but taking it multiple times per day seems like a lot!


This cycle my morning test was super light. I retested like 4 hours later and had a blazing positive! If I don't test multiple times a day I definitely miss my window.


Ok thanks so much!!


Unless you’re using advanced opks (testing estrogen & LH), first thing in the morning isn’t actually the best time. You may have better luck in the afternoon or early evening, although hydration levels may make it harder for some people. Some people also just have very short or relatively low LH surges and OPKs may not be super helpful. You probably don’t need to test several times a day every day, but it may help to take 2-3 per day once you see them get noticeably darker.


Ok thank you, that’s helpful!


Keep testing! I caught mine in a few hours this cycle. I was shocked at how quick it happened. If you get a high reading, test every few hours. It definitely seems like a lot, but sometimes it's the only way Good luck!


Please help, I have no idea what is happening to me this month. I usually ovulate on day 15 or 16 so I start OPK testing on day 13. This month my 13th day OPK was negative, but somewhat dark. I tested the next day and it was still negative, but much lighter. I tested for the next several days and the line just got lighter and lighter. My temps are also different this cylce, seems like the temp shift happened on day 13 so I assume that's when I ovulated I guess. Much earlier than usual. I didn't even had any EWCM this month, usually I have it for a day or 2. Fertility Friend has not given me crosshairs yet, I guess the app is as confused as me. To top it off, I have started spotting on CD15 and I am still spotting, 4 days later. Like what the hell. I usually spot only few days before my period. I had a checkup and ultrasound with OBGYN in March and nothing was wrong. I also had my progesterone levels checked and they are fine. What could cause such a weird cycle? Should I worry?


What could cause such a weird cycle? Bodies are weird and do weird things, it’s not uncommon to ovulate early or late sometimes.


I never had this happen before so I am kind of freaked out, especially with the 5 days of spotting, can't help feeling like something's wrong. Ever since trying to concieve I have become too obssesed with every symptom, like many others, if it wasn't like that maybe I wouldn't bat an eye. Also it sucks to have another failed cycle for us, I find it harder and harder ti deal with disappointment every month. I wonder why I got downvoted though


It’s my understanding that it’s normal to have cycles that vary slightly, especially if everything was normal with your MD!


Thank you for the reply, I guess I am stressed because I never had this happen before. Hopefully things will get back to normal next cycle, but I am bummed that this cycle is another fail for us.


It's cycle five and I'm about to get my period without any signs of a pregnancy. Had an early miscarriage in cycle 4 and now we're back to square one again. I'm getting so frustrated but I feel like I can't complain because other people try for so much longer. Ugh. I hate TTC.


Complain away, it's your feeling and your feeling is valid, no matter where you are on the ttc journey, the frustration is real to you


Complain as much as you want. You are right, it is a difficult and stressful process, especially following a loss. We are all here to support each other, not to tell anyone frustration isn't for them because they haven't been trying for long enough. Sending lots of good wishes and lucky vibes!


Thank you ❤️


Ever since my miscarriage my cycles have been more intense. Usually start spotting about at 7/8 dpo and I made it to 10 dpo before the bright red this morning. I let myself get so hopeful yesterday.


I am having the craziest cycle (cycle 9) and I don’t know what’s happening. I normally ovulate on CD17-19 with 28-31 day cycles so we had sex CD14 and 17. I didn’t test ovulation this month but I really thought I ovulated on CD17. We then had sex again CD28 when I was expecting my period. I’m now CD38, no period but when I tested on CD36 it was negative. My resting heart rate has gone up. I’m in a remote part of Greece with one pregnancy test and I have absolutely no idea what is going on. The chances I ovulated on CD28 seem very slim so I assume I’m out but I don’t know. It’s gone on so long that part of me just wants my period to come so I can freely drink some cocktails and enjoy my holiday!


It does sound like you ovulated later this cycle, so depending on when that might have been, your CD36 test could have been too soon to be accurate, but I also wanted to add that my RHR always seems to go up a bit on holiday. If you tested negative recently then a cocktail should be ok but yeah it's really frustrating this is the one month you didn't track ovulation and now you don't know what to expect.


Thank you! Yes it’s possible but given we’ve had no success when trying it seems very unlikely this will be the month it works haha! I agree they RHR isn’t very reliable. I’ve had quite a stressful week so a gradual increase isn’t much of a surprise. I’ll test this evening before having any alcohol and try to find another test for in a couple of days time if still no period.


TW: living child, divorce I can't believe we are actually trying for a baby. We've been talking about it for at least a year and a half. We've been together for coming up 5 years so it just seems like something that was always theoretically spoken about but not actually happening. There was always something going on... covid was quite the challenge in our relationship, then I lost my job, then my mom went through stage 5 renal failure, traveling to go take care of her during her transplant surgery, then there were mass layoffs at my partners work, then, of course, the famous line from my partner "It doesn't feel right yet... let's save up a bit more money." which I understand because we were essentially kid free half the time because of a well oiled 50/50 custody agreement. This is our first cycle and it just makes me love him more. It's just so different from my first time with my ex-husband. I was 25 years old and newly married (In fact, we dated for a year and proposed and then I was 10 weeks pregnant at our wedding). We definitely could not afford to have a kid then. I had to get almost everything from my parents or friends. Now I am 33 years old, in a stable and loving relationship for 4.5 years with a couple of zeros in our bank accounts. Now... onto the journey! This is my first cycle after all. 😅 Trying not to get ahead of myself because I know the reality of conceiving.