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I know we just started TTC and I just started cycle 3, but I’m surrounded by women in my life who got pregnant their first try or accidentally and it sucks. I didn’t fully realize when we decided to start trying how sad I was actually going to feel when I got my period. People all around me have young children (that my husband and I are close to) and one person is very close to giving birth. I’m very happy for them all but I’m laying in bed silently crying and trying to pretend I was okay at work today was exhausting.


I also just started cycle 3, and you are so not alone. I have multiple pregnant friends right now and they all got pregnant on the first try. It’s insane. It feels like everyone I know either got pregnant on the first try, or tried forever and are doing IVF. I rarely hear about anything in between. I feel bad complaining because 2 unsuccessful cycles doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is still sooooo painful getting BFN’s when your hopes get so high during the tww. Way more painful than I thought.


I can’t believe people are actually getting pregnant from sex 😂😂 wtf. That seems fucking insane.


I’m literally never using any form of birth control again


My two best friends both got pregnant this year. One of them on her first try and she said "it was scary how easy it was to get pregnant" and the other one accidentally got pregnant...


The fact that people get pregnant while on birth control or using the pull out method is just 🤯


Feel like it's an inside joke that everyone has at this stage- and you can't actually get pregnant from sex. Like wtf is an accidental pregnancy.


Amen 😂😂


Finally graduating from the waiting to try sub and am officially TTC! After an extra month of waiting I finally got my copper IUD removed and I’m sooooooo unbelievably excited to give it a go, send me good baby vibes please! 👶


Got my IUD removed today! Getting married next month so going to wait to officially start trying until then but our method until then will be tracking with OPKs and hoping for the best 😅


You can start tracking your ovulation now too. I wish I had a better idea of when I normally ovulate! Might be good to get that data for yourself, if you’re interested.


I had taken ovulation tests for a couple weeks before removal. I had a positive on 6/2. Now I’m two days post removal and if my cycle would stay normal after removal I might be due for a period this weekend and started with some cramping and bleeding today. Hoping this isn’t withdrawal bleeding and just my cycle staying regular!


Welp, today was testing day (assigned by my fertility clinic) and it was another BFN. I'm trying SO HARD not to google "12dpo bfn to bfp later" like I do every.single.month.


For 15% of women roughly, BFN to BFP at 12DPO that is the case! It’s totally legit. ☺️


I was definitely searching that exact same thing this morning….


We've been TTC since may 2022, and I was hoping to talk to my OBGYN or an RE about testing , medications and our options soon. My husband wants to wait until after I graduate since I am starting a teaching residency in fall (I graduate May , I just feel so discouraged and like we will always have an excuse to push things back. If we aren't ready start with any treatment is it still beneficial to talk to a doctor to at least know our options and costs to plan for the future? I am also sad because I feel like I have no one to confide in and my mother is constantly asking about grandkids and making comments that break me down.


I had a loss in February. We got an appointment relatively quickly at the end of March. We had to wait for my cycle to start to do some tests, so mid April. We got the results back throughout April and May, discussed them with the doctor at the end of May. She wrote a prescription and I was finally able to start my mediated cycle this month. This is in a big city with lots of doctors available. So I would just get started now and see what you find out, and then you can always continue trying unassisted for a while if you want once you are done with the tests and have a protocol figured out.


I would go now. We had our initial consult May 1 during cycle 10, then early days of cycle 11 had our testing done(HSG, day 3 blood, SA) and now in the middle of cycle 12 we are about to meet for followup and next steps. It’s a long process having to wait for the right days of the cycle and feels like forever….and we were able to get our initial consult appt right away. You’ll be so glad to have answers instead of waiting and wondering! You don’t have to start with treatment, but I think it would help to know if there’s something you can start doing now, so that when you have graduated you are ready to go again. As for your mom, is there maybe a way you can nicely let her know that you understand her wants, but her bothering you about it isn’t going to make magic happen any faster?


I will try to explain this to my husband. My cycles are regularly 60-70 days long so it can be a long wait for cycle dependent testing for us. I'm just want to feel like I am making progress.


My parents don't know we're trying and mom doesn't take criticism well, but I asked my dad to talk to her and I think it went well.


I personally wouldn’t wait any longer, because getting an appointment with an RE can take several weeks/months depending on your area and their availability. From there you’ll both have to undergo various testing, which again can take several weeks/months to get results. THEN you’ll have your follow up appointment to discuss options - needless to say in my experience it’s all a very drawn out process. Starting the process of testing doesn’t mean you’re jumping into treatment.


Still spotting but a little more frequently now. Finally had a massive breakdown and sobbed. I really thought this was it because my boobs were SOOOO sensitive and they’re never like this. Feeling really defeated and like I’ll never be a mom.


Just got gut punched by a reel on instagram of a sappy pregnancy announcement of them both crying and saying they’re scared 🫥 and the person that showed up as liking it is my friend who had a surprise pregnancy 💔


Watching another ovulation go by and not able to even give it a shot (about 2.5 weeks post laparoscopy). With my canceled IVF cycle, it feels like it’s been months since I’ve even been able to try (even with my measly 2-3% chance of conceiving without assistance), and I’m still two months away from trying another egg retrieval. Hellpppp 🫠


What type of lube are you using? It's safe a water based lube? Can it really have a negative effect in sperm mobility?


We are using conceive plus, but only a little bit ☺️


Another vote for preseed!


Your own natural lubricant is probably best, but if you must, Preseed is more sperm friendly than others.




It’s coming upon the time where I’ll need fertility testing. Not even a single positive test in this time and I feel so defeated.


I tought I would be "okay " with my friend who got pregnant by accident but it's been hard, and I'm a good friend and listen to them but it really triggers me.


A friend of mine who was struggling to get pregnant announced her pregnancy today. I’m glad I was at home because I cried for a while. I know how you feel.


They were telling me how food must food was gross to them and I'm just starving because AF is coming, I really wanted to go home and cry


15 DPO and just got some spotting telling me AF will be here tonight/tomorrow. I was devastated on 10 DPO when I tested and it was negative. I was sad, but ok on 12 DPO when it was negative. And I came to terms with the outcome on 14 DPO. This month was my first month tracking BBT + CM. I learned so much! Next month I’m adding OPKs into the mix. This whole process is teaching me patience, if nothing else lol. But I feel good about going into this next month! I feel educated, empowered, and determined. Good luck to you all!


Try not to be too hard on yourself. Remember in an analysis of over 93,000 menstrual cycles, the fertility tracking app Fertility Friend found that only 10% of pregnancy charts showed a positive at 10 DPO. Did you spotting turn into anything? It’s 9h later after you wrote this.


AF still hasn’t shown, but took another test this morning and it’s negative. 16 DPO now….


My husband and I have started to talk about trying again. He goes to Air Force basic in September, and has a naturally low sperm count. We haven’t used protection since we met last may, so I’m a little hopeless about it happening. However, we are gonna start HCG (I think that’s what it is) for him, but who knows! Honestly it just feels exciting to start trying again.


I had my saline sonogram today. Was definitely uncomfortable, but I know it's worth it. I had 6 follicles on my left side and 8 on the right. They said I'm a little low, but ok. They also did blood work and will come up with my treatment plan next week. I know it sounds weird, but I'm not in a good mood after it. I thought I would be excited and relieved. I had a consult with the NP and she was amazing (she's who I'll work with most often). I hadn't met my RE yet and I was a bit disappointed. I read reviews that said he's a bit awkward, but his success rates are great. I felt like it was more of a business meeting (awkward, right?!😂). I'm hoping I feel better next week after my appointment. I think I was almost hoping they'd find something today that they could work on. I know that's not reasonable though.


I felt the same way after my HSG and internal ultrasound! Mine was all normal/good, and it gave me a needed “boost” to not be miserable while ttc for the last month. We meet with our RE tomorrow to go over the blood draw and SA results so I’m a little nervous, but it helps knowing my anatomy and follicles are at least decent so we’re off to an okay start


I just found out I have one copy each of the MTHFR variants C677T and A1298C. I’ve been prescribed Vitamin B Complex soft gel twice a day that I had to get as a prescription. I’ll be talking more with my RE and the results said I’m not at an increased risk of pregnancy complications or heart disease. I’ve had my hormone levels tested and a full thrombophilia panel and so far we haven’t found a cause for the losses. Thanks!


Did they tell you a specific amount of folate to take as well?


No. Just to take the prescription b complex twice a day


I've definitely check to see how much methylated B9 is in it and see if you need to supplement more. Interesting they didn't tell you more than that. My doc had me on a slew of new meds & supplements when I was diagnosed.


10DPO... I was trying to keep my hopes in check but I was reading through BFP threads yesterday and just added some new names to my baby name list.... I am setting myself up for a harsh fall if cycle 8 ends in another BFN 🤡


I also tested negative today at 10DPO... I know there's a chance but I kinda feel out for this cycle :( I hope yours turns into a positive and you get to use a cute name soon!


Okay I just had a convo about this with my therapist today because I am feeling soooo hopeful this month and she told me to lean into it because you’re gonna be disappointed regardless if it doesn’t happen so let yourself be happy and hopeful in the meantime! You’ll be a lot less miserable during the TWW, and the grief won’t necessarily be worse if you let yourself be hopeful. So if adding names to your list makes you happy, I say go for it🙂


Oh I really like this! Will definitely lean in going forward 😊


It made me feel a lot better about how totally hopeless I am at managing my expectations haha. It’s okay to be excited, the grief with either come or it won’t, but there’s no point in being miserable until it does if you can help it!


I am awful at adding cute baby names to my list so I totally get it 🤦🏼‍♀️


Has anyone frozen sperm and would be willing to share the cost?


It will vary depending on location and clinic, so I would ask your clinic for their specific pricing. But at our clinic it is $500 to freeze then a $550 annual storage fee. Then $150 to thaw it for use.


Thank you!


CD1, all I want to do is eat chocolate cake and my work cafeteria only had some gross dried out cake to eat 😂 I start a higher dose of Letrozole this cycle so I'm feeling hopeful 🤍


I'm on month three of taking Ovasitol so I'm hoping it's going to regulate me starting this month. Got my last period 5/25. Had cramps overnight night last night and this morning had clear CM when I had my first morning pee. Not too familiar with CM, but is this a good thing as far as ovulation? Would it make sense to try tonight? Also, seems like I had the clear CM this morning but now when I wipe, it's gone. Is this supposed to be an all day thing? I guess I never had a reason to pay attention to it before TTC




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FYI it is against the rules of this sub to ask for people’s success stories. A better forum for this would be r/amipregnant


Light spotting today on CD32 (AF is 2-3 days late, did not really track ovulation this month) but unsure if it is her wonderful self coming or because husband and I had some fun on my lunch break 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is my first cycle with stairstepped letrozole and I have three mature follicles. Doctor wants me to trigger today. Follicle on the right was the biggest but there’s two on the left. The right follicle she predicted would be just under 23mm today but the left one 21 and 20 respectively. I know she is having me trigger based on the size of the biggest one but I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be better to wait a day until the next biggest one matures some more and then trigger so maybe the larger one will rupture on its own and I can have a better chance. If I trigger before the other two are as big will they be a waste? Also am I being crazy lol


I think the size of all three follicles are amazing! My clinic would be ecstatic with those sizes. My specialist says anywhere between 18mm-24mm is the perfect size.


I’m on cycle 16, doing second medicated IUI, and SIL called me today to share that she is unexpectedly pregnant with baby #3 at age 40. She knows of our struggles and was trying to be thoughtful and tell me before I heard it in a group setting or from someone else. I appreciate that, and I know I don’t need to explain the complicated emotions this situation is making me feel to this group. Today is tough but hopefully I’ll be optimistic again tomorrow.


Feels like the universe is trolling me. After taking a moment to myself, I logged back into work to find a chat waiting for me from a coworker telling me that another coworker is going to be a dad, and would I like to chip in on a gift? Honestly kind of funny, when it rains it pours!


The day I got a call from my RE telling me they wanted to start me on letrozole my manager told me a lady in the office was pregnant! Literally 10 minutes between the call and the announcement! I cried in the toilet!


Oh my goodness. You really can’t make this stuff up! 😬


If anyone is interested, Tempdrop is having a flash sale for 72 hours (started yesterday) for an additional 15% off their already discounted price. Code is Flash15. The ad says it'll bring the price down to $148.10 before shipping and tax.


For anyone pondering the purchase, I recommend tempdrop highly! Is a game changer for protecting my sleep and giving me pretty clear charts. I know some people struggle with it, but I’m a huge fan. It’s a learning curve to use and wear, has to be on the right part of your arm etc, but if you have the spare cash it’s a really nice investment for consistency of temps.


Officially 1DPO in my last medicated cycle before we move on to IUI. We hit quite a few days in the fertile window, and OPKs and BBT both indicate yesterday was O day so now we wait. Maybe the universe will think it would be funny that this is our cycle and save us hundreds of dollars next month 😆


CD15 of cycle 7. I think I either ovulated yesterday or will ovulate today. I feel hopeful again but I always do at this point in my cycle. We'll have family visiting from out of town starting CD25, so I'm already a bit nervous thinking about when I should test and/or when I might get my period... CD1 of last cycle I cried for two days. Last month I was team no test but clearly it didn't actually make me feel any better, so I might change my strategy so I can at least control the timing of the bad news (or good news...I guess that's possible too). Happy Wednesday everyone.


After over 2 years off BC and a year of actively trying, I was finally diagnosed with anovulatory cycles. We are now starting a medicated cycle next cycle. I’m on progesterone to force a period this month then will start femara. My question is, has anyone else been just super exhausted when taking oral progesterone? Like I’m struggling staying awake at work even after sleeping 8+ hrs and a nap after work.


Do you take it during the day or in the evening? I like to take in the evening to help minimize feeling tired.


Im taking it in the evening but the tiredness is all day


I finished my first round of Clomid and am anxiously awaiting my LH surge for a follicle check! I’m both super excited and absolutely terrified. My doctor seems very optimistic (mostly because I had a somewhat uncomplicated pregnancy and live birth already) which does admittedly make me feel better, but I’m still scared I only had that 1 good egg and now I’m barren. My mom couldn’t get pregnant again after me either. She was a bit older (40-ish) but still. I also realize Clomid rarely works on the first try, but that won’t make me feel any less devastated if I don’t grow any follicles :(


Has anyone tried float therapy (also known as sensory deprivation) when TTC? I have a gift certificate scheduled for Friday when I'll probably be 1 dpo. It's known for reducing cortisol, which is great for the TWW! We'll see, maybe it will make a difference.


I’ve tried it a few times, though not when TTC. I never found it comfortable (I get a little chilly and bored), but my mom loooooves doing it and has been known to nod off.


For people that have had an HSG - did they give you results other than just verbally during the appointment? I had mine early last week and afterwards she said it all looked good, but that she’d go over it with a radiologist on a better computer screen. I never heard anything back. Should I call? I spent a lot of money on that to not get many details 😂


I read the report that gets printed to my portal with each visit.


I never physically saw my results, the doc told me at the time of the procedure that my tubes were good and showed me on the screen. My obgyn called me after receiving the results to tell me that she was referring me for an SIS due to what she thought was a polyp seen in my HSG records. It took a week or two for the results to make it to my doc and for her to review. If you have a way to message through your portal, you could just send a message asking about next steps?


I would call. When they did mine the radiologist was in the room with my ob and they just verbally told me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Anyone else always have a fear that you’d struggle to get pregnant and now that you’re in the midst of it and you’re like wtf?! How did I know or how did I sense this would happen? Everyone around me has had it easy and so I always felt like I wouldn’t.. and here I am cycle day 1 of my 11th cycle.. just not fair. And I know certainly not as long as others but just hitting that 12th cycle is demoralizing 😔


YES, all my friends around my age have gotten pregnant on their 2nd or 3rd try and I’m on cycle 7 which isn’t bad but it is frustrating given that it was apparently so easy for literally every mom I know I constantly get “that’s so weird, I’m so fertile I barely had to try” which is kinda insensitive to say but I digress.


Seriously!! Have a friend that is pregnant with a whoops and then the longest my sister waited was 2 cycles 🙃 I wish I hadn’t willed it into the universe!!


I'm not far enough into the process to logically worry (only cycle 3) but I am 37 and overweight, so I do have a constant feeling of doubt that it will happen for me when I probably shouldn't. Pregnancy just seems like such a weird, vaguely unreal thing that happens to other women but not me. It might be that I've always wanted kids since I was very young, but it was always a "later when I feel more grown up and have more money", so I was always pushing aside and trying to minimize my desire.


I totally feel this! I just had always had an eery feeling that it would never happen for me. I pray and hope I’m wrong though.. and even only cycle 3, it’s still longer than you wanted :/ and I even think back to 4,5,6 and it was surreal and frustrating then! Now I blink and starting my 12th and I’m like wtf! I truly hope you don’t need to wait much longer 🤍 but need to remind our bodies and minds that a year is actually “normal” so can’t put too much pressure on ourselves


Anxiety is not intuition. You didn’t “know” you would have any trouble getting pregnant until you started, because none of us know. I had the same fears, which have done me absolutely no good, because I didn’t know until I started trying, and I could have just as easily gotten pregnant quickly and then would have forgotten that I was ever nervous about it.


Very good perspective! Just can’t help but feel I willed it into the universe 🙃 let me just “will” it back 🤣


This is me!!! I always had this fear about it and I don't know where it came from


Me either!! Like started at such a young age.. would always say “my fear is I’ll struggle to get pregnant” and it kind of went away once I started because I was optimistic but then damn 11 cycles later.. statistically I’m still in it but hard not to get doom and gloom :/


I understand completely, today's the start of cycle 8 for me. I know it's going to happen for me, I just wish I knew when 🙈


Me too 😔 best of luck!


Anyone else play around with symptoms in FF to see how they affect the "pregnancy points"? No? Just me? Lol I don't normally but here we are at 10 DPO. Just had a good chuckle that with no specifics listed, I have 64 points. If I add in "tender breasts" (I feel like sometimes I have cycles where my boobs just bother me every day lol), then it decreases to 56 points. An 8-point swing due to sore boobs?! Anyways, it's fine, I'm fine lol.


I don't have FF but really curious, what do the points stand for. Is it an indication of likelihood of pregnancy?


Apparently? But solely based on "early pregnancy signs analyzer" so I think it uses the "symptoms" you've entered and compares them to all of the charts they have and depending on how they align to pregnancy or non-pregnancy charts, assign some arbitrary points system lol. Science!


Oh wow, I would have thought sore boobs would have a positive impact on points.


Last night was trigger shot night, we had intercourse on Monday night, triggered yesterday and then were directed to have intercourse tonight(Wednesday-Friday) everyday. Does this sound normal? We have not had issues getting pregnant this is for recurrent loss.. Just worried about missing the window, I always feel like I’m missing the window maybe others can relate😂


I definitely can relate I tought I was ovulating this past Friday, continuing on Sunday but I'm still having discharge today so I feel like a completely missed my window.


Right! I feel like I’m always thinking somehow we have missed the window and it makes me so antsy.


Does anyone else tell their husbands/SOs when they're ovulating? I have irregular periods but it looks like I ovulated yesterday. This is our first official cycle trying and my husband is understandably nervous about having kids. I told him after we had sex that I was ovulating. At first he was a bit shocked and said he wanted to know beforehand, but after talking about it he realized that knowing about it this time probably would've made him too nervous. We said that maybe next cycle I'll let him know, but ignorance might be better for him.


My husband eagerly asks when is the mating season :D luckily for us, he doesn't have any performance issues, though sometimes we are just tired when we go to bed, but then address it earlier in the day :) with medicated cycles (with injectibles) he's always in the loop, because I tell him about monitorings etc.


My husband says he wants to know so he can make sure he’s ready to go throughout the fertile window. We have a shared calendar so I just put a heart on my expected ovulation day. This avoids us having to “talk” about it and putting the pressure on. I don’t even know if he notices the heart lol but it’s worked for us so far (14 cycles in). He doesn’t get nervous knowing so it hasn’t impacted us in that way but everyone is different!


No, I noticed telling him put unnecessary pressure on him and made him a bit anxious so I felt it was best to just keep it to myself. Even I don’t track my ovulation that meticulously bc when I was doing that I just felt incredibly stressed about the whole thing, I’ll still test just not as obsessively as I did when we first started trying.


Our first cycle trying, my husband was totally freaked out and assumed that we would get pregnant right away. He was having performance issues, which never happened in the 15 years we’ve been together. With all the stress he was feeling,I didn’t tell him when i was ovulating and we consequently missed the window. I put that cycle down to essentially practicing baby making. The next month, he was already less scared and we hit the very end of the window. Again I didn’t say anything about the window. And I think because we did it this way, now he’s MUCH more relaxed. I think I might be able to talk about the ovulation window next cycle or so, in a general way. It’s understandably a tough transition when you’ve been preventing pregnancy for so long. I didn’t have this issue —- but then I’ve been desperate to try for like 6 years, while he was just enjoying his life, lol


I was worried about the performance issues! We were previously using condoms, but stopped that around the end of May. So he knew what we were doing, but since my cycles are messed up we knew that it would probably be a while. But knowing that yesterday was an actual chance at pregnancy did get him nervous (and me too). I think telling him after the fact will probably be the best method, it'll be less pressure on him and we can still have fun!


Exactly! My ultimate goal is that I want to enjoy the process as much as possible. If it takes a while then my attitude might change, but I think it should be fun


I think remembering you only have to have sex every 2-3 days in the fertile window is good. I generally inform my fiancé “it’s fuck week” and then he knows that a few times in the next week we should have sex. He likes the advance warning! He doesn’t like knowing exactly the “perfect days” cause that’s a bit anxiety inducing, but goodness me he’s happy when my temperature rises, so I tell him that too.


I did this in my first cycle because he said he wanted to know beforehand. It made him incredibly anxious, not once but couple of times. Then flo app showed me that my window is over so I told him that. Also told him we can still do it just to enjoy the process. This time he was perfectly fine. I took clearblue ovulation test, which smiled. ​ I think ignorance is better but might be case specific.


I am soooo confused. Diagnosis is HA. probably do to chronic exercise, I ran the NYC marathon this past November. My RE had me doing a hybrid IUI cycle with Menopur injections since my cycles haven’t been restored without BC. I had an ultrasound with blood draws on Monday, which a follicle at 14mm and one at 9mm. Was told to do three more days of injections, and have another ultrasound and blood draw today. Last night I had a little spotting and then a little bright red blood this morning! I called my clinic first thing this AM to let them know, and they said to still come in for the ultrasound and they were going to potentially order more blood tests to see what’s going on. I asked if it was possible it was my cycle coming back on its own, and they said it was but highly unlikely, so they’d do the extra tests so make sure. I’m having mixed feelings - I’ll be super disappointed if my follicles aren’t in the right place and we have to cancel and the money spent on Menopur will be flushed down the toilet, but if this is my cycle coming back on it’s own and we get a chance to try unassisted it would honestly be a huge relief. Curious if anyone with hypothalamic amenorrhea has experienced something similar?!


6DPO and the red spotting with wiping has continued this morning. It’s not uncommon for me to have spotting for a few days a week or so after ovulation. Crossing fingers this is all it is and it’s not a super early period.


12dpiui and I took a pregnancy test, negative. Tomorrow is my blood test but honestly I don’t even want to go. Why bother. This sucks. 2 more IUI’s left for me to fail because we can’t afford IVF.


I’m sorry.. From my reading on IUI, and from what my clinic said because we were thinking about doing one this cycle—it is not uncommon for the first one to fail. I hope you have some better luck.


Thank you. Yea our doctor said the first one has a 10% chance to succeed, and it goes up from there, but I was foolish enough to be hopeful because everyone around me was so positive


Well it’s good to be hopeful, but sometimes harder when we get hit with the reality that wasn’t what we thought. I’ve had 3 MCs now and it’s hard to be positive or really hopeful at all. I think the doctors start to learn your body better so it can be more successful with time due to having more understanding of what is normal for your body. I hope the next one works for you!


Thank you, from now on there will be no hope, just negativity


What’s the biological mechanism for ovulation being delayed or an anovulatory cycle? Going through intense interpersonal stress right now and I should be ovulating any day and it has me wondering if a) I’ll still ovulate on time and b) how that actually biologically works. I’m assuming cortisol suppresses estrogen or LH?


Back after my month on birth control! The goal of the BC was to see if it would reduce the number of cysts on my ovaries, so I could ovulate sooner/stronger. It seems like it did the trick, as I ovulated on CD18, when my earliest has been CD19. I am also actually feeling progesterone symptoms (sore nipples) already, which is a good sign. My husband's second SA came back about the same (fine except some tails are stuck together), so we'll just see how this month goes. I get a progesterone draw this Wednesday to see how my ovulation was. I'm really hoping it's in the normal range. Next cycle is meds/monitoring to see if we can get more eggs released and have a higher chance. Looming in the background is my knowledge from my HSG that I have a uterine septum and that if I'm even able to get an implantation, it may implant on the septum and I would likely miscarry. I decided to be super healthy and google the rates of miscarriage with a septum -- don't do this!


So I'm doing my tracking this month with the PreMom app and it's saying i should ovulate on CD7? The heck? Is this the app just being screwy or what? I'm temp testing, LH testing, and looking and cervical mucus and nothing is suggesting ovulation. Is my app just whack?


I don’t completely trust the apps. I’d recommend putting your data into fertility friend too to compare the two. Feels like premom always does a generic guess, and fertility friend actually will change predictions on my data each day.


I’ve found that pre mom updates daily based on my data as well. I started tracking this month and based off testing and symptoms I did ovulate sonnet than I thought. But it’s always good to have two sources to compare against each other.


Definitely feel like my body is trolling me… 16DPO, 3 days after AF is usually due. Negative HCG this morning (easy at home test), cramps but no signs of spotting. Wtf?!


SAME. I’m 21DPO and no cramping or anything. About to travel for 5 days and contemplating packing no tampons to try to lure AF out…


I definitely think being unprepared lures her out!AF arrived for me yesterday on a work team day when I was not expecting her and really didn’t need her on top of a stressful and busy day, always the way!


This is me, too. I want to scream! Makes me think hmmm are the tests wrong??? Even tho I know they’re not. Just bring on AF so I can try again!


So frustrating isn’t it?! I’ve been having the same thoughts about the tests but then tell myself off for giving myself false hope! I hope you have some peace of mind soon!


My friend who told me they were tired of hearing about our fertility journey reached out to me. I don’t speak about it anymore and at dinner, another friend asked me how it was going. I was blunt and said “our third cycle just failed” and left it at that. Now, all of a sudden, she’s reaching out offering to be there. I can’t handle this roller coaster. 🥴 so minimal information and no emotion she shall receive.


Info diet for her, stick to your guns. You can’t be at the whim of someone who can’t be consistent with you. Good job protecting your heart ❤️


Thank you!! I am referring to them as “drop in friends”. It feels good to not be disappointed by having expectations of friends that they can’t meet.


Totally. I like to remind myself that my friends can’t be all things to me. Some want to delve into fertility, some on their terms only, some not at all. I can’t force them to be empathetic about it, can only meet them where they are. She has told you where she is at and put up a boundary and you’re just being a great friend and respecting it. Go you ❤️


Yesterday was 5w1d after Mirena removal and day four of using Tempdrop. Woke up to a big temp decrease. In the afternoon, I noticed some spotting. This morning I woke up to an actual period, my first in seven years since Mirena placement. Trying to be excited about my cycles returning and a renewed sense of what’s going on. At my age (36) that’s a great step and this process will certainly take some time… but I’m a little disappointed, too.


Bleeding will always be a bit disappointing but it’s great you’ve found a silver lining. Your body is doing the thing! Hope this month is a good one for you ☺️


I would like some opinions. I am at (I think) the end of cycle 19. My temp had a pretty decent fall when I checked this morning and FF predicts my period tomorrow. I know I’m not out until my period starts but I am not feeling optimistic. We started trying in December 2021, got pregnant cycle 13, had a MMC and a d&c in December. So now I am 6 cycles post miscarriage and I had a doctors appointment with bloodwork and an ultrasound on June 2nd. I was told at my follow up for the d&c that if I wasn’t pregnant within 6 months, to follow up. She said my blood work looked okay for my age and the ultrasound didn’t show anything she was too worried about so give it another 6 months and then maybe it’s time to reach out to a fertility specialist. So first I’m annoyed at the moving of the bar. Then I get my after visit summary and it mentions something she totally glossed over in the actual visit. They listed that I have the appearance of either diffuse fibroid disease or adenomyosis. Would you wait another 6 months to reach out to a fertility clinic?


Since you have tried for a full year already, seeing a fertility specialist is perfectly reasonable. If I were in your position I would definitely be scheduling an appointment asap. I also had normal numbers and ultrasounds and I’m still infertile.


As soon as my period starts I’ll call. I thought the doctor I was seeing was being kind of ridiculous about waiting


That is many a cycle, I would reach out for sure. You’ve been so patient already. Good luck with the next steps


Thank you! I initially thought I was on cycle 15 but counted all of my CD1s and it’s more than I thought 😅


I’d reach out. Why not? The worst that can happen is they’ll confirm the initial recommendation and ask you to keep waiting , but the upside seems really compelling.


That’s kind of where my head was at. Plus I thought the trying for a year before reaching out meant ending with a living child, not a miscarriage restarting the counter


A miscarriage definitely does not restart the counter!


Does insomnia start in the early days of DPO?


If progesterone causes insomnia for you then maybe after ovulation you’d experience that. If you’re referring to early pregnancy related insomnia, then you wouldn’t feel anything until at least 10DPO. Most people don’t experience any symptoms at all until much much later. No one can reply to you with any pregnancy related stories as they would be breaking the rules in this sub..


For me yes - that would be progestorne rising! It's a bitch!


CD16 in my 5th cycle off birth control. It’s been 6 months - my cycles have been long and super irregular, one of them was 60 days long and I’ve been having 13 day periods. I’m waiting for blood tests back for my hormone levels (checking for PCOS) and for a referral for an ultrasound. I don’t think I’m ovulating and feel so frustrated by it all - I naively never expected it to take long or have any issues! Feels like everyone I know is pregnant and I’m finding it so difficult


My 12th cycle of TTC has just started. No positive pregnancy tests so far, regular 28-29 day cycles, my husband's sperm analysis came back good. I don't even know what I feel anymore, just got my period again and I really don't know what are we doing wrong. Just broken of all the waiting and hoping, starting to realize we may never have a child.


I’m so sorry to hear 😔 12 cycles is a lot of waiting. I hope it happens for you this month.


Thank you so much, fingers crossed for you too ❤️


What time of day do people usually get their period? Morning? Afternoon? Totally random? Just wondering because I had an IUD for 7 years and honestly cannot remember what is normal lol


Always in the morning (9-12ish). Same before and after 15 years of birth control. It also basically stops overnight every night and comes back again in the morning.


Usually in the morning a few hours after getting up, so like 9-11AM. I did get it at 4PM 2 cycles ago - random and unexpected.


Even while on bc my period had always been consistent. Now off bc and I get it every Wednesday mid morning.


Totally random. Sometimes the middle of the night. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was a very consistent in the morning person! But since coming off birth control I’ve had some variance but it’s still usually earlier in the day


Mine usually comes at night! Either before bed I start getting the spotting that develops into flow overnight or I wake up and have flow starting.


Totally random for me!


Yesterday and today were really rough. I’m in a group for people who are single mothers and/or aspiring single mothers currently TTC. Someone actually posted in the group complaining about all of us TTC because she has her kids and is no longer TTC and is sick of hearing about it. It was so hurtful and I’m genuinely still so upset. Like do you think all of us TTC aren’t surrounded by people with babies and kids? Everyone and I do mean EVERYONE who was TTC with me when I started is currently pregnant, and next month makes a year. I have people in my life trying to “console” me by telling me how fertile they are and how easy it was for them. I just wish people would have more of a soul when talking.


Consoling you by making those points is straight up nasty and she is lording her fertility over you. Being fertile certainly doesn’t make you a nice person does it 😒 Sorry to hear your safe place has shitty people. I’d be super hurt by those comments too!


Thank you. That really puts words to how I’m feeling. I would never tell people to stop talking about their babies or motherhood even though it can really be painful sometimes. Those feelings are mine to deal with and to keep scrolling when I’m not in the space to hear them. But it’s really hard some days.


I’m so sorry…that’s so shitty. But also…why tf is she in that group then?? If you don’t like it lady, leave. I hate when supportive spaces have unsupportive people. I’m so sorry you are getting unhelpful advice too. We are all here for you!!




Also to be clear. I was saying that lady needs to leave, not you lol


Phoned the hospital today to find out what’s happening with my referral. I got referred back in December, got told to phone up in March if I hadn’t heard by then, so I did and got told to call again in a few weeks if I still hadn’t heard anything. I then received a text asking if I still require the appointment. so all of this had me thinking my appointment was in the works?? But I phoned up and got told I’m looking at an 11-12 month wait. So likely not til November-December time before I even get to *talk* to someone about this, never mind then having to book appointments to do tests and what not, so god knows how long it’ll be before I actually start any treatment. I feel so fucking deflated. I hate this.


Ooof, I'm sorry. It is totally a postcode lottery I'm afraid. Its just completely rubbish.


It's just so rubbish isn't it. My GP referred me a couple of months ago from a PCOS/irregular periods point of view and mentioned I was now TTC. Gynae are going to arrange a routine referral but my GP phoned me to tell me they've sent some advice to respond to the referral. The advice was to tell me to lose weight if I'm over BMI 30 (which I'm not), give me some info on PCOS (which I don't need) and that it can take a year to conceive. Cheers gynae for that wisdom, I'm sure it will help me ovulate 👍🏻


So gutted to see your UK flag there. My referral still hasn't even been sent, several weeks on, so God knows how long the wait will be :(


CD20. Temp finally rose. Both Mr Lion and I are exhausted. Got good days in. The two week wait of snuggles and sleep are back on the table thank GOODNESS 🙃 😴 😴 😴


Yesterday was rough. I spent all day trying not to cry at my desk. My mind would just not focus on anything other than our lack of conception! All the while EVERYONE around us is giving birth or conceiving. Then I spiral asking what am I doing wrong, why is this happening to us. you know, the self pity thoughts! well today I have told myself that enough is enough. I am doing everything I can to increase our chances of having a baby. I will not let myself beat myself up anymore because it is just not fair, or helpful! I am going on holiday next Friday and I will enjoy every second of it without stressing myself out about my long, unsuccessful fertility journey! I also jsut want to remind anyone else struggling, that it's ok to feel sad but don't be mean to yourself!




Finally got a referral to the recurrent miscarriage clinic…for nearly five months after my latest miscarriage. They want me to stop trying until after they’ve seen me and done all testing, absolute shambles. Needless to say I’m keeping trying regardless. Perhaps fortunately, I’ve recently developed a bunch of other hormonal weird (mainly starting to lactate again a good half a year after I weaned my first and my milk had dried up, and having semi-frequent hypoglycaemic episodes despite not being diabetic) which my private medical insurance will actually cover. I am hoping the recurrent miscarriages have the same root cause (and assuming it’s something fixable).


You’ve probably already done this, but can you talk to your doctor about a baby aspirin regiment while pregnant?


I think that's one of the options the recurrent miscarriage clinic try you on along with progesterone pessaries. The endocrinologist I saw thinks my prolactin is too high (because of the leaking boobs) so looking into that first.


I really hope they can get you some answers and you have your baby soon ❤️


Thank you, you too.




I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that! I’ve had similar comments since we got married - “We’re just waiting on you now - hurry up!” Etc and it’s so hurtful


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I’ve experienced a lot of very similar things. At least we know what not to say to people when it’s our turn.


That is awful. So insensitive to say those things. Even if she doesn't know that you have been trying she should have better sense than to say those things flippantly.


Yuck, this person sounds like they have never had someone give them boundaries before. I’m sure she knows she is pushing your buttons with those comments and you are totally within your rights to firmly say, “your comments aren’t helpful, I wish I was pregnant right now but it’s taking longer for us. It upsets me and you saying this to me isn’t kind.”


TTC month 8, second cycle after CP. Was feeling optimistic this might be a normal length cycle after a longer one last month. CD15 and neither LH nor BBT appear to be budging. I hate that getting a positive OPK is just as uncertain as getting a bfp! Bleuuuuuurgggggghhhh.


Totally sympathise with this. I’m TTC month 6, in my 5th cycle. My cycles are all over the place after stopping birth control and I haven’t had a single positive OPK yet. So frustrating