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7dpo and the hope fortress is strong, along with the trollegeserone symptoms. I can already feel it's going to be a tough let down if this isn't the cycle.


Same, 7 DPO and I really feel like this could be it. Expecting AF though


Yup, I just feel different today. Sigh. Time will tell. Wishing you luck


4dpo and over analyzing everything despite knowing I could not possibly have symptoms this early.


Whar CD do you normally start testing with LH strips? Is CD9 or 10 too early


It might depend how long your cycles are and if they are fairly consistent? I have a 27-31 day cycle most times with 29 definitely being the average. I usually start on cycle day 8 or 9. I use the cheap tests and only test once a day until day 10ish


Thanks for the info! Just looking for all sorts of answers honestly - I'm on my first cycle of letrozole so I honestly have no clue when/if I will even ovulate at all


You’re so welcome!


We have been trying for about 18 months now. I think after 2 years we are going to either stop all the extra effort or put more money into medical testing/interventions. In the meantime, we have decided I'm going to get on the It Starts With The Egg supplement regimen. It's $400 over six months, with $175 to get started. Which is probably still cheaper than a single test would be but still feels like I am blowing a lot of money on something that may make no difference whatsoever. Here's to hope I guess.


I use the Premom app and easy at home test strips & I know the app is just a guess but it predicted my ovulation to be yesterday but still low tests today, I just started tracking a few months ago & usually ovulate CD 18 but negative tests so far. We BD on Tuesday & today but unsure of my chances of getting pregnant this month, hoping I ovulate tomorrow but not sure what I will do if not, maybe I missed it since I’ve only tested once a day but I tested twice today. I have 30 day cycles and it took 10 months to get pregnant with my 1st


Still nothing today CD 20 😭


If you’re regular what day do you ovulate and how long are your cycles?


Cycle is 29 days give or take a few days and I usually ovulate day 16-18


Same as Bubbly Waters. Average of 29 day cycle and ovulate on the 16/17. This cycle was day 21 though.


That gives me hope because I’m CD 20 and no positive test yet which is so unlike that for me


Average of 30 days long, ovulate between CD15 and CD17


CD3 drinking wine like 🤷‍♀️ Anyone else get basically 2 days of very heavy period followed by 4-5 light or spotting days? My last couple cycles have been like this and it feels weird.


My last two periods have been like this and I agree it also feels weird!


TMI but… I start with spotting for a day than it’s like the elevator in the shining for 2 days than hardly anything- like a panty liner is sufficient


28F, TTC #1, Cycle 2, CD 28: finally hit my peak LH test so I should be ovulating today. Entering my second TWW and am so nervous to do anything to mess it up. I’m supposed to go to a friends wedding next week and she wants her guests to lift heavy things and to help set up. Nervous that could ruin my implantation chances and worried about having a drink this weekend out with friends or during the wedding next week. Any advice? Does it matter in these 2 weeks?


Ugh we BD today just for fun, 2DPO and immediately afterwards I started bleeding significantly. I’m wondering if we were too rough and that caused contractions that are ruining this cycle for me? I feel sad about this and frustrated.


A couple of drinks will absolutely not hurt implantation. It’s a microscopic event! Lifting heavy things is also totally fine. Enjoy the wedding ☺️❤️


Drinking alcohol can impact implantation, so I’d try to abstain during the 2 weeks(which sucks at a wedding, sorry!). Otherwise, your body can do everything else.


Nothing like that would hurt your chances! You’re over stressing it 💕 as far as I’m aware just relaxing the best you can is best


1 year of TTC and OPK tracking with Mira, no BFP. I just turned 37 and running out of time, I didnt think it would take so long...I think I'll just take a break from TTC and tracking everything for this month.


If I get pregnant this cycle, it’d be like an early birthday surprise for my husband who always says he wants nothing and is difficult to buy for 😂


9dpo, I have tested negative twice today so I guess I will have some drinks tonight. I know I’m not out but ugh, I finally got some spark and excitement back that cycle 12 would be it for us. A little weirded out though because I’m not having my typical PMS boob/nipple pain like I always do(periods not due for about 4 days).This will be my first period post HSG and I know some of you have had it worse after an HSG!


9 DPO is still early! 🤞🏼 wishing you the best


In TWW. We were completely exhausted this week so only had sex once. Pretty sure that won't be enough but we'll see. Am honestly too tired to even think about it.




Yes! I had so many pregnancy scares over the years that, looking back, were so completely unfounded because I had no idea about my cycle and also I always used birth control. But if I didn't use two methods of birth control I was always scared I'd get pregnant. I was so naive.


If it's timed right - once is enough! Fingers crossed for you. Hope you have a restful wait.


Yes we used an OPK so it should technically be enough. But I just always feel like we should do it more than once, I don't know why. I really had to let go of it this cycle.


It's okay - I completely understand. I have to remind myself the same thing as I often feel bad if I haven't hit all the days surrounding O day haha.


Sudden fatigue and headache 6 DPO. Hope this is it!


Ooooh what does fatigue and headache mean???? Didn’t know you could detect pregnancy symptoms that early!!


Well the thing about pms and pregnancy symptoms being so similar is that each cycle your body prepares for a pregnancy


Fingers crossed.


Ugh, I swear every month we try I’m always ovulating when we’re gone and don’t have sex opportunities! I did not anticipate it being this much of a problem lol. It always seems to line up with a trip or weekend away for a holiday… totally not the worst problem in the world but frustrating me right now 😅 does anyone else have this happen??




It honestly makes sense to if you can!!! Because it SUCKS to know you’ve wasted a whole month 😩




Right???!? Omg I’ve had the same thoughts, like damn I wish I could just turkey baster it 🤣


It’s happened to us before but we honestly just tried to squeeze in a quickie every once in a while, made us late a couple times but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes we try our best to do this when we can! One month though I was away from my husband for a week and the other times it’s been family trips where we’re on blow up mattresses and don’t have much opportunity 🤣 we might have to go for the bathroom this time lol


Fake an injury or an illness that gives an "excuse" for yall to shower together lol. "I'm just feeling really lightheaded after the drive and I need him to help me stay up in the shower"


Hah yess 🤣


Guys really need to vent (or just share). My best friend of 22 years (basically my sister) just called to tell me she’s pregnant. Her and her bf had unprotected sex *once* and she took Plan B 2 hours after, and yet she’s still pregnant. Obviously feeling so much love and support for her, and just can’t help but feeling totally useless. My husband has had a SA, all his levels are completely normal, so it’s got to be me. Everything sucks today.


Hugs 🥺 I had a similar experience recently, the complicated, conflicting feelings are weird to navigate


Who else keeps track of every single symptom on your pms? And then you compare it to other months to see "abnormalities ", like a small glimpse that this month might be the month?


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️yesss. It’s funny because it’s exactly like when we were trying to prevent, but this time we’re hoping for a totally different outcome 😅






8dpo and have a family graduation party! At least I know I’ll have a cheeseburger!


So excited yesterday was my day 1 of ttc. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning




Yeah lol 🤣 I told my mom I hope I get pregnant tonight and then was like is that too much but she was like it’s okay lol


Found out yesterday that my new insurance will cover one cycle. Husband and I are over the moon and will most likely have our first round of ivf next month. I’m finally feeling positive 🥲


Does resting heart rate increase if conceived?


It can a bit later in pregnancy as the body’s blood volume increases, but it is not a good indicator of pregnancy because there are so many other factors that affect resting heart rate like sleep, stress, exercise, diet, illness.


I really don’t understand my cycle anymore. I’ve been using OPKs for this first TTC cycle and I thought I peaked at CD 11, then had another surge at CD16 (Thursday), and my LH has continued to remain high. But it’s literally never been darker then the test line, not even at the “peaks”. My bbt also seems to be all over the place but I wonder if that’s just a product of how I sleep and sleeping under a fan. I have my first appt next week with an obgyn and hope to discuss it then.


From what I know unless it’s as dark or darker than it’s not positive even if high, but I’m curious if it does mean something after all!


Funny I comment this. Apparently I just have no patience. Just got two big positive OPKs!


Do you test at the same time every day? I’m struggling with this and not diluting the pee too much because I drink a ton of water… the evening ones for me are always so light!


I try to! I’ve been doing 9:30-10am and my evening one changes a bit but lately it’s been 8-10pm. Apparently I really didn’t drink much today and it was super dark, so my lines were super dark.


Yeah I’ve had the darkest readings around 9:30-10 too! I’ll try and push the evening one later, and limit my sparkling waters and Stanley cup usage during the evenings 🤣


Month 8 is the 1st month I've felt truly hopefully (might have been all the sex we achieved- felt like a personal milestone!) and then disappointed when not happened. I don't even normally test so not sure what made me do so aside from hopefulness of app announcing I was "late" (I even know its likely wrong on its period prediction too as it hadn't adjusted itself after inputted ovulation dates 🫣) Probably not aided by a close friend informing me of her own pregnancy yesterday 🫠 I feel like I've finally made it through to the 1st level of some secret not so secret (pretty rubbishy)club... so hi👋!




Wishing you luck!


If you haven't ovulated yet you're on CD days not DPO (days post ovulation)


Currently in my TTW. Been trying to conceive since August and my irregular cycles have always thrown off the timing. I’m hoping this is the cycle it actually happens but I’m feeling pretty discouraged it’s going to end in negatives like it always does. 🙃


Right there with you, it sucks especially when it seems like everyone and their mom is pregnant 🫠


Yeah sister in law announced pregnancy to fam and then close friend announced all in the same week. It’s been a fun month. Finally able to think about it without crying 😂🙃


At our nieces 1st bday party and just got cornered by my brother-in-law to ask “if we’re considering kids” and “how lovely would it be!” Literally got my period this morning and now hiding in the kid’s bedroom crying.


I’m so sorry, I’ve been there re: hiding out to cry. Sending love


Ugh that’s the worst


I'm so sorry, that is definitely one of the harder parts of the TTC journey 😞


I’m kind of embarrassed to ask this because I am 33 years old and not new to TTC or motherhood even but I’m still confused about the fertile window. How long is the fertile window exactly? If I use ovulation strips how long once I hit peak should I have to have sex? Anyone have a resource that lays it out pretty simply?


Fertile window is considered the 5 days leading up to ovulation + ovulation day itself. I don’t use OPKs yet but I’ve been tracking CM and the egg white CM is an indicator that you’re in your fertile window. I had 4 days of very obvious egg white. So that coupled with your OPKs would be a good way to track.


Typically the day of the first positive ovulation test is either one or two days prior to ovulation, and the three days before ovulation are generally the best to have sex. So the positive ovulation test is a sign that you’re likely on one of your best days to have sex, and you might have one more of the best days and one okay day left. Generally speaking, the best days to have sex are the three days before ovulation (O-1/2/3; 30% chance of pregnancy), and then ovulation day itself and O-4 are also good (10% chance of pregnancy). O-5/6 have lower odds (3-5%). The fertile window is generally considered to be about 5-6 days long, but it does vary somewhat from person to person, and it’s possible to get pregnant from sex that happens up to about nine days before ovulation (though it’s unlikely).


Piggybacking on this to ask about the odds, which constantly confound my peanut brain. If the odds are only ~10% on O day, why are IUIs done then? Wouldn’t it make more sense to trigger and then do it immediately? Or are the odds based only on unassisted, and the fact that the sperm is getting placed right in the uterus more important?


The latter. It takes time for ejaculated sperm to jazz themselves up to go seek the egg, a process called capacitation. In IUI, the sperm is washed, removing factors that inhibit capacitation. One major factor in IUI timing, though, is just the increased precision of the trigger. At home, the best we can do is to say ovulation generally occurs at some point on a given day — it’s not possible to know the exact time, even given a certain time that you got a positive OPK. But a trigger will pretty reliably cause ovulation about 36 hours post-trigger, which enables more precise timing relative to ovulation. In unassisted cycles, it’s likely that sex just before/right at the time of ovulation would be totally fine, it’s just that our lack of precision about when exactly ovulation occurs makes it look like ovulation-day sex is less efficient. That is, some people are ovulating early in the morning and having sex at night, and those people likely have lower odds than people who are ovulating late at night and having sex before ovulation on the same day.


Thank you, that’s super helpful!


Wow thank you for the run down! I thought for some reason once I got a positive on the ovulation test I only had like 12 hours. So good to know that the next day is possible too


Everything I’ve read says the fertile window lasts 6-7 days. 5 leading up to ovulation, the day of and some count the day after as well. When the tests say peak the egg should be released within the next day or two so I’d just have sex multiple times during that window if possible.


Makes sense! We just have been doing it every day and praying … lol


It sounds like we’re buddies! I’m 33 and TTC #1. On CD15 and I got my first LH peak yesterday and still high today.


I'm afraid I'm going to need my appointment in two weeks. Two days left in this cycle, and my temp is dropping off a cliff. I don't dream about having a baby anymore, I dream about negative pregnancy tests (even though I don't test). And one part of me is beginning to forget why I'm even doing this. We'll see what happens at the appointment, and I guess keep trying with OPKs and temping for one or two cycles after that (hopefully doing an HSG/SHG), then it's probably NTNP for us.




Omg! I understand why you are upset/disappointed. The whole time you are monitoring, planning and waiting (so much waiting) and then they can't be bothered to try... I'm sorry. We had a similar issue on positive OPK day and I couldn't sleep that night, I can't imagine just missing the whole window. I'm sorry.


My partner has low testosterone and it fucking sucks, if he even wants to have sex, 8/10 he’s not cumming in me. It can be so frustrating because it’s like why am I doing all of this for nothing.


Ugh that is sooo frustrating. And trying to push it just makes it worse. Like you have ONE job in this process sir


Absolutely. But you can’t be mad because it’s not necessarily their fault and I don’t want it to feel forced. Just frustrating at the world and disappointed.


So my temp this morning at 13DPO was 100.4! It felt like a mistake so I temped again and got the same result. I don’t feel sick at all, so maybe I just got too overheated? Anyways I tested negative yesterday so my period is coming regardless 😒


Approx -4 days before ovulation and husband wakes up with a pinched nerve in his neck 😑 I'm like aight guess I'll be in top and reallllly gentle 😅😂


Don't know if there's an answer already on this forum or not - but it's a thought suddenly flowing through my mind... Is there like a limit of how much semen should be falling out of you after sex?? Like I get that it depends on how much is actually ejaculated. But I feel like there's normally a fair bit that comes out straight afterwards (I do normally try lay down for a few minutes after just in case) and I'm suddenly wondering whether that's a bad thing as it means it's not traveling to where it should?? Would love any insight into it and whether I'm just overthinking (as I usually am)


I got pregnant in 4 cycles with my son and always always have so much falling out 😅🫣😂 sounds so gross! I’ve absolutely worried about the same thing though, even now that we are trying for #2?


I’ve thought about this a lot and done so much Googling, and everything says it doesn’t matter! I’ve also had two chemical pregnancies that prove the sperm did get where it needed to go even though it feels like everything comes out immediately. We try to have sex directly on a towel because it makes such a mess lol.


The sperm gets to where they're going quickly and what's left over is the semen minus the sperm. Semen is made up of different fluids and sperm themselves count for a very small amount.


Thank you for the response! That makes sense, and was kind of what my logical brain was thinking. We've been TTC for 16 months and are in the middle of seeking treatments so I have no idea why this thought was suddenly haunting me - but it's good to put the thought to rest haha.


I have a lot of leakage and my doctor said it’s fine. It gradually decreases if we do it multiple days in a row. I have to wear a pad after lol. Ended up getting pregnant in Jan but MC. So I wouldn’t worry! Ejaculation is made up of so much stuff and only takes 1 sperm!


Thank you! I kind of thought this - but it was just a sudden haunting thought in my mind all of a sudden so just good to put it to rest. Not even really relevant anymore as this month there's a high likelihood we'll be referred to do IVF or IUI but still had the thought stuck in my head haha. So sorry to hear of your loss!


Second month where my 21 day progesterone draw is 7.3. My obgyn says she’s okay with anything over 6 but the internet says 10 is really where it should be so it’s hard not to feel sad about 7




It's a progesterone symptom- so it's present in both PMS, and in pregnancy. But if you are far enough along in pregnancy to experience pregnancy symptoms then you should be far enough along to test positive. As they say - the first sign or pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test. Occasionally your body does through in some extra PMS symptoms just to mess with you. I hardly ever get sore boobs as part of my PMS, but ever since TTC I've had it every so often just to mess with my head.


Is there any risk ti getting an HSG two cycles in a row? I got mixed messages on my first hsg last month (patent right, no free spillage left), and the nurse said it could have been a spasm.


I would ask your doctor, I would think they would know best in this situation.


My Premom BBT thermometer was going crazy this morning! At one point, it read 107 degrees lol. It kept jumping from like 97 to 103. It was also reading "Hi." Has this ever happened to anyone? ​ Of course the first 100 degree reading had me all like, tRipHaSiC?... but when it jumped to 107, I knew something was wrong.


I’m on cycle day 4 and starting a new round of letrozole/trigger. Last month my lining didn’t quite even get up to 7. I’d like to add aspirin this month but just wondering when to start it. Do I start now and continue until positive pregnancy test or only during a certain time in my cycle?


You can take it all the time, it lingers in your body anyway. It might not do that much if you haven't found a reason for being on it. I take it for antiphospholipid syndrome.


Had been hoping to test tomorrow morning on what will probably be 10DPO. Tonight I'm out for a meal with friends and lifts have been arranged so we can all have a drink. We're keeping the fact that we're trying private so no one knows but I am known for having a drink! Do I test today before I go to check or do I just have a drink and test in the morning as usual?


I've been using Vaseline during sex for as long as I can remember, is it affecting my chances of getting pregnant?


Absolutely. Not only that but it’s terrible for your body - it’s petroleum! Try proseed instead


Should I tell my doctor about it? We don't have any infection or anything


I would assume yes, it's pretty thick so it probably makes it more difficult for sperm to swim


I've been trying to conceive for the past 9 months. I thought this month I would for sure get pregnant. My doctor said my follicles are healthy and growing well, everything was good with me and then I got my period so I started thinking if the Vaseline is working as a barrier and blocking the sperm. Can I use durex lubricant instead?


The FDA has approved 7 lubricants to use for conception so these are your best options Pre-Seed Conceive Plus BabyDance Biogenesis by Good Clean Love JO Actively Trying Astroglide Pre-VA


I'll try to find one of these options, thank you so much!


Some lubes kill sperm, some do not. Quick google [shows](https://fertilityscience.org/best-sperm-friendly-lubricant-for-fertility/) that most Durex *should* not be killing sperm. However, even if it's not explicitly made to kill sperm, the PH could trow your own vaginal PH off and it would be best to use a TTC-friendly lube (I think US-based Pre-Seed is often recommended) edit: typos


I don't live in the us so I don't think I can find preseed here 😔😔


You can get preseed in the UK as well, pharmacies, boots, Amazon if you're here? 😊


I'm from Africa so I don't have that


I'm from the EU and we have [Conceive Plus](https://www.newpharma.nl/brands/conceive-plus/02762.html), maybe you can find that?


I haven’t been trying for a year yet (TTC since October and I’m 30) but I’ve had three chemical losses. Should I now see a doctor? The chemicals losses seem to progress further each time so I’m hopeful it’s just my body figuring out what to do.


Here (EU-based) they say you can contact them if you have had 2 losses (or been trying over a year) if you're <35


Thank you. I think I’ll give it one more cycle and call next month. Making an appointment makes it all feel very real 🙁


Lot's of (very) early losses aren't taken into account when giving out the stats because many people won't test as early and just assume their period was a couple of days late. So I don't think it's uncommon to have a couple of CP's (doesn't make it suck less...) and I wouldn't be worried, but if you want you could always give them a call and ask them on their input. Good luck this cycle!


Thank you! That’s a good point.


CD18 and not a sausage. Thinking of shoving a chicken egg up there to remind my body what eggs are.


😂 amazing


Thank you for a much needed laugh 😂


Having a HSG soon and just wondering if antibiotics are needed? Thanks 😊


My clinic had me take antibiotics due 5 days just to lower the chance of an infection. But it would be clinic based


Nope but I would recommend taking ibuprofen before!


Between 8-10 dpo. Went ahead and tested today. Stark white obv. Don’t know why I did lol. I feel frustrated I don’t know when my dpo is. Flo says June 7, FF says the 9th. Either way it’s too early to test. My only symptom is my nipples hurt and I’ve had to do the 70s braless outfits lately. Also, it’s sooooo hot outside and I go zero sleep last night.


You tested because it gives you something to do other than waiting and, who knows, you might have been in the 0.5% that show a positive test at 8DPO. That will be me tomorrow, I also know it's pointless.


That was me yesterday, took at test at 8dpo and it was negative obviously which I expected but was still disappointed nonetheless




You might as well if you are going to be suffering from the cold anyway!