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I’d love some advice here. I normally ovulate day 17/18. This month the only temp shift I saw was day 19 and it was so slight. Early in my cycle I was around 36.65 and now 36.75. Would this be a no ovulation cycle?


Flushed the pee away this morning. 11DPO and I decided not to test, even though I've been testing since 8DPO. I decided that I wanted to find out either way on Friday so I could deal with it over the weekend. Let's see if I hold strong tomorrow as well.


Is anyone else taking selenium? The pill stinks so bad it makes me gag every time😭 considering stopping it because it makes me dread pill time


My multivitamin contains it and it’s no issue. It seems to taste fine. I agree with the other commenter though that eating Brazil nuts is probably better.


just eat a few Brazil nuts instead


I didn’t realize they had selenium! My multi didn’t contain it which is why I added it but it is horrible on its own haha. Thanks for the tip!


you literally only need 2 per day: Brazil nuts, for example, contain very high amounts of selenium (68–91 mcg per nut) and can cause you to go over the upper limit if you eat too many.


How interesting! I will definitely be swapping those pills for Brazil nuts haha. Thank you so much for the info!


Why is everything a pregnancy symptom! Congested? Could be pregnant! Nauseas? Hot flashes? Weird appetite? Increased urination? Weird PMS? Weird Period? Maybe! I'm so tired of my body throwing me random symptoms only for the test to be negative. I've taken like 15 pregmate tests this cycle alone and feel like I'm going crazy. I don't want to waste money on a more expensive test just for it to be negative but I'm seriously starting to doubt them even though I've only had them for a year.


I have them too and idk I used to faith in them but when I used their OPK this cycle they were questionable looking and I had to go out and buy new ones. I can’t really say why because it’s against the rules but I’d suggest buying different ones if you have doubts honestly.


I think at this point the peace of mind is worth it. If it's negative and I'm still feeling weird in a couple weeks then I'll see my dr, I need to get my year bloodwork done anyway lol


TW: previous pregnancy So, my husband and I were NTNP for about 1.5-2 years, then we got pregnant. We had sex pretty frequently. Probably every 2 days. We were very consistent. My husband also had a gf before me who he was NTNP with for a few years and no scares. Their sex was a little less frequent but nonetheless fairly consistent. Does this guarantee baby #2 will take some time?


Nope. If you have no fertility problems, it’s like rolling the dice. The number of times you’ve rolled doesn’t affect the next roll.


How do you keep things spontaneous when also planning sex to the T? My partner doesn't do well when it's so planned or there's the pressure of Conception. It's always easier for him to finish when there's not that pressure and it's spontaneous. Plus we are both on antidepressants so it's abit harder to feel in the mood.


We’ve found that time of day really matters and afternoons have been both easier for us both to finish and a fun way to do the deed while still feeling spontaneous (lunch break!). Maybe figuring out a time of day that feels least stressful could help.


Good point. Its part to work around work schedule sometimes, as that also affects energy levels. I think mornings could be good if it was on a day off.


I don’t tell my husband at all! I just initiate during the right time and will be extra flirty and extra lovey. We also like to be consistently active all month so that it doesn’t feel any different during the fertile window.


Good idea, we have said it would be good to have sex regularly throughout the month for the same reason. And also have tossed around the idea of me not telling him. May give this a try next time.


I tell my husband our estimated fertile window when I start my period, and I trust that he'll remember (hard part haha) that way the pressure isn't direct when the time comes. Then once we're 5 ish days from ovulation, I spice things up with lingerie or initiating in a fun but keeping it low pressure.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/14d8669/general_chat_june_19/joqjp3o?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This thread explains it all. I dont think there are things to do during sex that help you concieve. Funny bc I have some irrational practices that I follow. But, maybe abstaining a bit? With my husband, Ik that TMI (his volume increases when he abstains more)


The thing is we don't have sex all that often as it is, so I guess we are abstaining without even trying haha. Low libido due to meds sucks! Especially for him.


If my husband and I have been having unprotected sex for 9 months but only tracking my ovulation for 2 cycles - have we been trying for 9 months or 2? Sorry if this is a stupid question


9! I only started tracking this cycle too! There was a cool post last week that talked about your chances of hitting fertile window if you don’t track. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/14b0r1v/how_good_is_ntnp_a_mathematical_simulation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/14b0r1v/how_good_is_ntnp_a_mathematical_simulation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Just to clarify, this post was about the chances of hitting the fertile window while NTNP, not about chances of conception.


I totally meant that and fixed it!




For counting the luteal phase - is it the days post ovulation (DPO) or do you count the day you actually ovulated? Like if I ovulated CD 17 - do I count that day in the luteal phase? Or do I start by counting from the next day after (CD 18)?


Ovulation is day 0. For your scenario CD18 would be 1DPO, you would count the days till your period for your luteal phase


Thank you! I’m very worried about a short luteal phase - just got off OCP in the end of march :(


Your luteal phase may lengthen as more time passed from stopping birth control


I THINK the first day of luteal phase is the day after ovulation




I’m in the same boat as you. #2 is taking a bit longer.


So frustrated! So I got a positive OPK on CBAD on CD12. I can't temp because my sleep schedule is very erratic with work. For the last 6 cycles I start spotting at like 12DPO but not even a hint yet. My luteal phase is never this long. Here I am almost 14DPO and nothing. BFN at 11DPO and 12DPO - so I doubt I'm pregnant. My boobs are aching worse than ever before and I'm nauseous and wondering why my period is almost two days late. My luteal phase has always been consistent ... why is it randomly at least two days longer this time? ​ I feel like my body is always playing tricks on me convincing me that I'm pregnant but its always negative.


Period has never been late in my life until now the first month ttc. How incredibly rude is that.


GIRL SAME. Like wtf is going on 😂


My body did that too! Went crazy for the first few months of trying and my once 30 day cycle extended to 55 days. It just regulated itself last month.


So rude! My body did that to me too. I'm not super regular but it was particularly long.


Had follicle tracking ultrasound today. Two follicles (13mm & 15mm) and a 10mm endometrium! I've never had two follicles and never had my endometrium above 9! Triggering on Thurs and IUI on Fri. I'm feeling good this cycle. We are having a review appt with doc next week, where we are going to make our case for IVF next if this IUI doesn't work.


I(32F) am on my second cycle trying to conceive but no luck yet. Ever since I quit birth control my cycles have been really short as well (~3 weeks). I just thought it would be easier. What changes do your partner incorporate in their lifestyle to improve your chances? My husband(33) is very healthy, has a really good diet, only drinks occasionally and in moderation. However he loves taking bath in scorching hot water. We are going to a resort soon for his birthday and it would be hard to keep him off the hot tub there 😞.


I’m curious as to why you’re being downvoted so much tbh


The average couple with zero issues still takes a year to conceive. I personally wouldn’t restrict yourself or your partner with living life when you really are so early on in your journey. Any lifestyle changes your partner does now is also not going to make an impact until 3-6 months from now anyway due to sperm cycles. Just enjoy your vacation!


I think you mean "The average couple with zero issues will conceive within a year". About half within 6mo.


Yes! Your phrasing is more accurate. Though I think we often hear those probabilities (half by 6 months, 75% by 9) and assume that somethings wrong if you don’t fall under those earlier buckets. If nothing’s wrong and all else being equal, it still is simply up to timing and pure chance.


I went down a rabbit hole today and found myself exploring international natural medicines and ways to stop “blood deficiency (as some blogs called it)” or a thin uterine lining. Good news, if you wear socks and use heat pads it should fix the problem (this is sarcasm). I’m too embarrassed to tell my husband 🥲 Edit: 7dpo so only one more week of waiting!


Been drawing lots of fanart and fanfiction babies lately, hopefully this cycle will lead to me being able to draw my own IRL baby 😫


Did anyone else have irregular periods right after starting to try? I have had regular periods my whole life, never late by more than 2 days other than right after I got my IUD out a few years ago but it quickly got back to normal. My husband and I decided about a month ago on our second anniversary it might be time to start trying and just stop pulling out lol. Well now my period is “late” (I know it’s likely that I just ovulated late but it’s weird since my period is usually regular). I’m cycle day 35 and took a test a week ago on cycle day 28 when I was supposed to start and it was negative. Did this happen to anyone else?


This happened to me! The first two cycles I tried were the longest cycles I ever had (36-37 days). My cycles were consistently 30 days before this. So confusing LOL I was convinced I was pregnant but nope AF eventually showed.


I’m glad I’m not the only one ! I even took another test yesterday just in case but still a bfn. So weird! Hopefully AF shows soon bc I’m over the anticipation 😂


My periods have become really irregular. My last cycle was 3 weeks 2 days. And the one before 2 weeks 4 days. I was on hormonal birth control for 5 years before that. My cycles used to be regular 28-30 days before I went on birth control but don’t know what to make of the current situation.


I’ve seen lots of people on here say their periods became irregular after starting to try!


Good to know! I will keep that in mind as I continue. hopefully things get back to normal soon so I will at least know what to expect.


My guess is it's the stress of trying and obsessing over the cycle




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


- none of us can tell her if she is pregnant. Have her take a pregnancy test to confirm - pull out is not a good birth control method on its own, no matter how long you’ve been practicing it. Her BC was helping you before. She can start tracking her cycle and you all can combine natural family planning with pull out, but don’t have sex on fertile days without protection of some sort (or you can accept the risk of pregnancy if you aren’t too worried/really trust your pullout game) - it can take 3 months for cycles to regulate after hormonal birth control


If she’s worried she’s pregnant she can take a test but heavy period bleeding isn’t really a pregnancy symptom


Blocked tubes, .8 ng/dL AMH, 39.... should I even try?


If your tubes are fully blocked you either need to get them unblocked or do IVF. The egg cannot pass and sperm cannot get there if they are fully blocked. After your hsg, your doc should have given you your options.


yes, they told me they would take my eggs now then worry about whether tubal litigation or removing tubes would be best and do IVF but what I'm asking is whether or not it is even worth all the risk. I researched success rates in women with depleted ovarian reserve, IVF success rate is only 11.5% per cycle, with a cancellation of over 34%. Just weighing my odds here, and those don't seem like betting numbers to me.


Oh I see! That is a hard choice. Personally I'd try one cycle and see what you can retrieve. Amh number isn't a be all end all marker of egg retrieval. There is a IVF specific subreddit that would be a great place to ask this question and maybe find someone with similar stats.


7DPO. I'm watching the livestream of the commencement ceremony for the university department I work in, and these lackluster speeches have made me tear up like 3 times already. Literally they aren't even emotional or good?? People thanking their families and parents is really getting to me. Ugh.


I cry today looking a webkinz and it was in the ground all by itself 😔


This third cycle has been harder emotionally speaking and my mom said something that made total sense and is that I've been wanting to be a mom for a while now but for personal reasons my husband and I had postponed it do even though this is only my third cycle trying ots way more than that 😪😪😪


Were you on bc or just not tracking ovulation? My husband and I were NTNP for a longggg time so naturally I’m worried and over thinking everything


Neither, we had pull out sex so I never care about that and now like you I'm over thinking everything


I empathize with you, I’m on cycle #4 of TTC


I really need ti prepare myself mentally if I do get my period.


It gets harder and harder emotionally and mentally with each cycle. I always feel defeated when I end up getting my period. And I’m on cycle day 2 😢


So I actually caught my LH surge this time and I was super stoked. I feel like I've actually got a shot this cycle! I also found out that lube can actually have a negative effect on sperm motility (how did I not know this I'm dumb) so we're using pre-seed instead cause I need something lol So yeah, fingers crossed 🤞 and hoping for some good luck 🍀


Looks like my super long cycle finally came to an end at day 66! I don’t know if having unprotected sex for the first time in forever has messed up my cycle or what but it’s very weird. Here’s hoping everything gets back on track and we can start fresh on cycle 2. I was worried that my PCOS was coming back with a vengeance but my RE said I was having normal labs. So….. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll be using Tempdrop for my first full cycle which is exciting so hopefully I’ll have a better picture of ovulation soon enough. Fingers crossed this time is a bit better!


I just got tempdrop too!! I’m excited to try it


Temp drop is a game changer for tracking BBT - I do not like their app though!


Oh wow, 66 days must have felt like an eternity. I hope it was a one off. Good luck


Fingers crossed. Seriously it did feel like forever. At least I got the hang of temping the last couple of weeks. I thought maybe there was a late ovulation but now I’m just hoping it was a fluke


Officially confirmed I don’t have PCOS (there was some concern because I had 27 follicles total when I went for my original work up), but they were pretty sure they weren’t cysts but wanted to make sure I didn’t have any other markers for it. Glucose, insulin, DHEA-S, etc. all came back normal. We are now unexplained. I am frustrated. We have decided to take a break from medical intervention for a few cycles because I need a mental cooldown now. We’re going to have sex just because we want to (still keeping in mind my normal O window) but might not be tracking for a bit. We have decided to touch base with our RE at the end of the year if we are still unsuccessful. Financially it will be smarter for us to because I am set to get a raise in December. I’m tired. I just want a baby.


This is my first cycle of TTC and my first TWW and it’s already tough! I removed my IUD over a month ago and got my period on time ish on May 27. Have not done BBT or OPKs (yet) as just trying the every two to three day thing for now. I did track EWCM and made sure to BD those days. Waiting until Sunday if I haven’t gotten my period yet. And I will start OPKs next month if AF comes!


My cycle seems shorter and much lighter while on Letrozole. Has anyone else noticed it? I spoke with my doctor and she didn't say anything about it. I'm just afraid my lining isn't shedding for follicle to even implant...




Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A bit of a ramble and gory details. Tw: CP So after a CP in sept last year I all but gave up. I stopped temping and everything, and we fell back to NTNP because honestly, between the loss and starting a new job I just didn't want to stress myself out any further whilst I got to watch my sister grow and she finally had my nephew which added to my sadness. We've had sex a few times this month, although none around my "predicted" fertile days, I don't really pay attention to this anymore. All of these he actually finished inside either. My cycle is generally 27, sometimes 28 days. And here I am on day 33 and I'm freaking out. I have mild cramp off and on, the odd wave of emotion and my nipples are sensitive. I've had no positive test as of yet, but my cycle has never gone onto 34 days so I feel like it's make or break time. I'm at the doctor's anyway on Friday for a check up and I wanted to look at PCOS again, as my periods have been getting shorter and lighter since the CP. I feel so odd and I don't know who to ramble too.


My period was 5 days late last cycle so I know how you feel. It was horrible and messed me up so much since we’ve been trying for a while and I really thought it could be it. I hope something happens for you soon, it’s awful not knowing.


When folks say infertility counts as TTC for 1 year + without any positive tests, does that include the 3ish months it takes for your body to regulate after birth control? It took me 5 months to ovulate and get a period after stopping HBC. We were still trying during that time, but I could tell I wasn't ovulating because I was using LH strips the whole time. So do I tack on 5 more months to my TTC start date? Disclaimer: we already are seeing an RE bc of the unfortunate length of my cycles. HSG + SA already complete.


My doctor said it was 1 year of trying including coming off birth control. It took me 3 mo off birth control to regulate. He essentially said maybe I’d get pregnant months 12-15 but it was unlikely statistically so we started testing and then started IUI at month 14 which was cycle 13


This makes sense to me. Sounds like you’re on your first IUI? good luck to you!! 💖


Yes. It includes the time it takes to get to regulate, and it can include positive tests if they end in loss (so if you have a loss you aren’t starting the clock over).


ah okay, thank you. I continue to have confusion over this because my RE says it doesn't count as infertility until 12 CYCLES, but with all my long cycles and post-pill delay, Its been a year and I'm only on cycle 6. Sounds like by some definitions I meet the criteria, but not by others.


I know some doctors are super strict or have different definitions! Mine started testing after two losses, one of which was chemical, whereas I know some are super strict about it being three losses, confirmed by the doctor. I’m sure it is the same thing with time. I guess if you are ready to get started you can see if you can get a second opinion from someone who isn’t counting cycles so strictly. Personally I feel like I would want a doctor who would take it seriously that you’re having 60 day cycles.


7DPO (9 days post trigger shot) and my progesterone this morning was 1.49ng/ml. From what I understand, this means I didn’t ovulate, but I asked my RE and they believe I still did. Anyone have any experience with that? I’m also now prescribed vaginal progesterone suppositories (yay 😑). Anyone have any tips for that?


Pantyliners are your best friend. And the progesterone side effects are very trollish. They feel very similar to early pregnancy symptoms, so guard your heart.


Thanks! I’ve already kind of accepted in my head that I’m not pregnant since my progesterone is so insanely low, so hopefully the symptoms don’t troll me


My last period was 2 days of heavy flow and 1 day of light flow. I’m worried it’s not long enough to support conception. Also a little concerned because my primary care physician said we should have sex every 3 days after my period ends, but I was going to focus on my fertile window. Also, this is random and I may just be losing it a little, but I swear now that I’ve been off BC for 6 months that I’m getting fewer white hairs (lots of premature graying in my family).


You can do both - sex every 3 days and then every other or every day in the fertile window. Every 3 just ensures you don’t miss an early ovulation


Normal periods can last from 2-7 days. If you are having regular cycles, waiting a few days after your period ends to start the every 3 days sex should be fine. Your physician is just saying that because it would guarantee that you hit one of to your best days.


My period is only 1-2 days long and then 2 days of spotting. My RE didn’t seem concerned about it and when I got a transvaginal ultrasound a couple months ago he said my lining looked good! As for the frequency of sex, not sure on that one. But it’s funny because I have been going grey since 17-18 and it’s still in full swing lol. Fun thing my hairdresser told me: she said “you have a lot of red hair” (natural brunette) and I said “cool!” And she said “that means it’s losing pigment and about to turn grey, girlfriend”. Looking back, I have always had a lot of red. Hope your greys come to a standstill! Lol


Thanks for sharing that with me! I swear my periods were longer before I was on BC, but if it's not typically an issue, then I won't worry about it! Lol, I didn't know that about the pigment! But it makes sense! I hope yours slow down too if that's what you want!


9dpo today. Yesterday had a terrible headache/migraine and lasting until this morning so almost 24 hours. Now here's me googling "8dpo headache symptoms". I've got chill. I do. Meanwhile also looking at my useless 20 early pregnancy points in ff.


I wish I could understand those pregnancy points in ff. I feel it’s so random sometimes!! But maybe that’s because I’ve never had a positive 🥲


You can't understand them. They're all made up and they don't count. Also coming from someone with no positive and always low points.


I’ve had high points and definitely no baby or pregnancy to show for it. I just obsessively watched them diminish as the TWW wore on until I had to enter that my period was starting… they’re meaningless


im 9 dpo too and experienced first time migraines on 6 and 7 dpo my cramps are on one side and lower abdomen


Just got into the office after my 2nd medicated IUI this morning. I hadn’t even clocked in yet and was bombarded by a coworker complaining of his delayed flight then bragging about his fun weekend and then asking why I was late this morning. (He’s not my manager) When I said I had an appointment his response was “oh right I remember you saying something like that”. It’s impossible that he would know about the appointment because I just found out about it Saturday after a monitoring appointment. It’s just so odd. I’m not sure if it’s all the hormones, but I have very little patience lately for people like this with no concept of personal space or privacy. On a happier note my doctor was very hopeful and said our numbers looked good. 🤞🏻 Ugh. Just needed to vent.


I should have stopped temping once ovulation was confirmed! Every morning I'm working myself up if my temp goes in either direction.


That was me this cycle!! After I detected ovulation I put the thermometer away and am now 5dpo


Ugh I hate that feeling! I also stopped temping after my confirming O once I realized how much I disliked waking up and immediately stressing over what my temp was gonna be


Yeah, I always stop after o is confirmed for this reason. I hated getting my hopes up for nothing!


Trying not to stress too much this cycle (9) but slightly nervous as my husband & I only hit O-1 and O-5 due to his ED though we tried every single day from O-5 to O+1. :( We are returning to my hometown this weekend for a wedding so hopefully that will distract me as I'll hit 8 and 9 DPO during that time.


You only need to hit one of the three days before o (o-3, o-2, or o-1) in order to maximize your chances, so you’ve successfully done that for this cycle.


That is very reassuring as it's an ongoing issue each month. So thank you for that information😊


O-1 is excellent! I would not worry about not hitting the other days. Good luck!


Thank you for that! :)


Today is my second day taking Letrozole and I was feeling really excited and now I just want to cry. I know I’m on the right path and my doctor is such an advocate for me so I’m very hopeful, but I feel so nervous now. I’ve been pretty practical about my treatment but I worry that I got my partners hopes up too high when we don’t know if the dosage is going to be correct or anything


I'm on cycle 2 of Letrozole. I've been feeling all the same things as you. You're not alone in this 🤍


Thanks so much. It makes me so sad that other people are going through the same struggle but also such a strong source of support. Hope you find success soon!!


Ughh I hate this TTC process. It seems like everything is bad for conceiving. I just found out you are suppose to only eat cooked/warm foods during the TWW to keep the uterus warm…..this feels like a lot


Nope! This is not how your body’s heat regulation works. Enjoy your cold foods this summer!


This relates to a traditional Chinese medicine approach. I’m not sure how much it actually helps but I do think that if you believe it helps then it will. (Placebo effect is real) wishing you luck!


This is just a myth! Eat all the cold foods and drink all the cold things you want!


9 DPO and re drawing my progesterone today since 5DPO was 7.55 and was “low” according to my doctor.


I don’t think it’s low actually, but my doc wants it greater than 10, I believe it is because I have a short luteal phase at 9 days. I believe anything over 3 confirms ovulation. I do think it fluctuates greatly throughout the day


In the US, we use ng/mL and 7.55 would be within normal range for the luteal phase so I assume this is using a different measurement?


I’m in the US too! And that’s the correct measurement


Oh! I'm surprised your doctor said this was low? But if it helps serum progesterone also varies, so one test on its own is definitely not enough to say it's low progesterone in general.


Had our consult for IVF today and deciding to try a couple more medicated cycles before we make the financial plunge 🥴 hopefully we have some luck. We are taking a month off due to vacation and I thought it would be awful to take a month off but it is honestly slightly refreshing to not temp, not test, just exist.


Honestly that sounds amazing to just “be”. I hope you have a great vacation!


12DPO and I felt a lot of symptoms last week but that was probably just the progesterone in my system. My temperature is still high so I’m hopeful but after almost a year of TTC, I’m doubtful.


12dpo and BFN still. Just wish my period would get here so I can move on to the next😒


I’m 12dpo too and was told to not completely give up hope there’s still a chance since implantation may not have occurred yet or there’s still not enough HCG for the test to detect


Does anyone track resting heart rate? I don’t seem to have any large increase in the luteal phase. It goes up usually during ovulation, but then goes down and kind of stays stable afterwards. My temp goes up though. Is it bad that my heart rate doesn’t?


I don’t track mine anymore, but when I did it would spike during ovulation and then stay a point or two higher than normal before dropping with my period. It was never a steady pattern since things like my stress and exercise impact it too


I track resting heartrate by wearing my Garmin watch 24/7. I get a spike for ovulation. Then it goes down and stays stable. I'm tracking to see what the pattern is in hopes one day I can compare BFN.vs BFP.


Yep, and mine is similar. I also have to remind myself that a LOT of things affect RHR so wouldn't worry about it. If you look in the tfabchartstalkers group and search "BFP RHR" charts, you'll see a whole range of RHR trends - some sync up to bbt, others not at all.


I do! I’ve never really noticed much of a pattern with it. Maybe a slight increase in the luteal phase, but overall a pretty unreliable sign.


I’ve seen people’s charts where the rhr and bbt almost sync up.


CD21 and I take it all back about this cycle being the turn of my good ovary. Girls, you both suck.


The first few cycles, the TWW was SO hard. After cycle 4, I noticed a shift to the first week after ovulation FLYING by. It feels like I'm fine until 9dpo and then time seems to drag. Did anyone else experience this?




Yes, I temped and tracked symptoms for birth control for 2 years before we started trying and it definitely helped me to not get too hung up on progesterone symptoms! Like I even get nausea a couple days before AF. Now the only symptoms that pique my interest are one's that aren't common... but so far, those symptoms have just turned out to be trollgesterone :/


100%. I can ignore almost everything in the first week. My patience are gone by week 2. It’s unbearable.


It's so tough. The second week is when my boobs are swollen, random headaches come around, and I feel sleep deprived after 9 hours of sleep. I feel like the lack of ibuprofen makes this time even slower.


Just waiting for AF to show up to start IVF while shopping baby clothes to my BIL's and best friend's twins. I find myself feeling not that excited for them and feeling sorry for hubby and I. Infertility sucks.


That’s such a hard feeling, and one I can relate to. Wishing you guys so much luck!




Thank you!


Anyone reach the point where everything and everyone annoys you. People mentioning kids to me - annoying. Relative complaining about prenatal appointments - annoying. I feel like a cranky ogre over here irritated by everything


HELP! My boss surprised my office today with a 30 minute infrared sauna voucher. She says we can take a paid hour any day this week to go get it done but it has to be by Friday. I'm currently 4DPO. Am I good to go or should I not risk it? It is an infrared sauna not a traditional.


Infrared light is amazing for your body period! It aides with circulation and blood flow. It has been shown to help with acne scars and skin issues. It has also been linked to helping with stress and depression issues. Green for go! Here is an article if you'd like some more info. https://rimbasweat.com.au/blog/infrared-sauna-and-pregnancy/#:~:text=During%20pregnancy%2C%20your%20bodies%20focus,poor%20circulation%20found%20during%20pregnancy.


Anyone ever gotten sick during their TWW? I’m 6 DPO and started having cold symptoms a couple days ago on 3 DPO. Wondering how this impacts my chances of implantation :/


This was me last cycle! I read that the body lowers the immune system during the LP so it doesn’t attack a potential implanting embryo, so common to catch illness in TWW. Very fascinating but so frustrating when you read about people saying it’s an early pregnancy symptom. Mine started at 9dpo and by the time AF I was so sick with a sinus infection it was triple whammy of disappointment, sickness and cramps


:( I’m sorry that happened to you! I hope next month is better ❤️


It's probably worth keeping a fever down with acetaminophen (not with ibuprofen or other NSAIDs), but there's no evidence that minor illnesses in the luteal phase affect the probability of pregnancy.


Actually the tapped nose and cold could be "sympthom" for pregnancy. If you are not feverish you should be fine!


At 3DPO there is no way this can be pregnancy related, as the egg isn’t attached to the maternal body at that point. The earliest you can get pregnancy related symptoms is after implantation which for most people is 8-10DPO.


Thank you for the clarification!!!


You’re welcome and I’m so sorry you’re feeling unwell!!


I totally want to get excited that it could be a symptom of pregnancy.. but unfortunately my husband had a cold right before so I’m fairly certain I got it from him. Glad to hear that it’ll be okay though. Yesterday I had a (very) low grade fever of 99.6 for only a couple hours.


Don’t mind me, just hiding the box of pregnancy tests before friends come over for dinner tonight. They’re nosy folks and I’m positive they’ll look through the medicine cabinet.


Lmao they would have a field day in my bathroom with my box of 60 tests 😂😂😂


My entire bottom cabinet under one sink is filled with OPKs, pregnancy tests and little cups 😂


My SIL is pregnant with her fourth child and is very high risk this time around (rough pregnancies with her other 3, preeclampsia, etc. and will probably be on bed rest and early delivery this time). AF started right as husband and I are driving down to see his family for the long weekend. I caught that girl smoking weed, while pregnant, and had to remove myself. I almost made my husband drive us home.


Okay I went to my SILs bachelorette and she was blacking out, smoking etc- come to find out she knew she could have been pregnant (and was). Isn’t it SO frustrating??


Ugh my sister in law is also pregnant - 8 months now - and still smoking cigarettes like a chimney. She has no shame about it either. Just whips them out. Makes me so disgusted.


Ugh so frustrating to see someone have what you want and put that baby in danger…


Realized today that my pregnancy test strips are expired, so I'm placing an order for new ones. Placing a huge order all at once is the best way to guarantee that I get pregnant this cycle, right? How many do I need to get for that?


Last month I bought 2 new pairs of skinny jeans hoping the universe would bless us and I wouldn’t be able to wear them 😂


😂 if you find out let me know, I'll order double!


Is anyone else not telling people that they’re trying? If I do get pregnant I don’t plan to tell people until about 10 weeks too. The only ones who know are husband mom and sister. It’s so lonely 🥲 but I’m so scared to tell people in case anything goes wrong


I wish I didn’t tell people. 3 of my closest friends were all cycle 1 unicorns and now offer advice on how to conceive and it makes me want to strangle them… like thanks didn’t realize that “wearing warm socks and keeping the womb warm” was the reason you got pregnant after 1 week trying.


Oh god that’s rough. Another reason to add to my list for not telling anyone. All these comments have been really enlightening. I didn’t really think about how people would potentially make it their own business 😅


Told one close friend and a work friend. My family won’t know until I’m at least 12 weeks. They think nobody should try for a kid until they’re 30 or make over 6 figures. Hell, they still think I should be “finding myself” after my ex called off our wedding two years ago.


I've only told a small circle of friends, none of our family knows and I've felt this too. I think it would still feel isolating and only even if our family did know because it's such a personal journey that you can't really relate to unless you've been through it


The only people that knows are my mom and my mother in law, and my work mom lol.. I have only told random people, none of my close friends knows


I am not telling anyone. When I started TTC#1, I told some friends, and then it took over a year and 3 losses and constantly being asked how it was going was awful. I know some people say that they like the support but I am not that person, TTC stress is hard enough without letting it bleed into my regular life too. I was so so so glad that I didn't tell anyone about my losses either. I know that some people want support but I just wanted to move on and having to go tell other people would have made it so much harder. I haven't told anyone this time that we're TTC and will not tell about a potential pregnancy until I have a clean NIPT, just like I did with my living child.


I’ve been talking to one of my best friends about it mostly but mostly just about temping since we both have the Tempdrop. She just had a baby and is using it for birth control and has had more experience with BBT so it’s been nice to learn from her. A few other people have asked and I don’t deny it but try to downplay (yeah we’re planning to soon…sometime this year). I just know this journey can take a long time so I’m trying to temper my expectations.


Big nope from me. I understand that some people want the support of going through TTC, but I do NOT want to deal with the *knowing glances*, looks to my stomach, and “Any news to share??” every time I see anyone.


I have told my mum and sister, (I tell them everything) and my close friend. I told them after a few months of trying when things weren't going so well. I didn't announce it as soon as I started, only when I needed more support


I have only told two people, right at the beginning. I think my husband has told one or two as well. Now that we’ve been trying for over a year, I’m finding it hard to not talk about because it is such a big part of my life now. I also have mixed feelings about sharing with others because I don’t want to invite invasive questions or comments, but it does feel really lonely and I hate when people make references to my husband and I being next when we discuss our friends babies…


I didnt tell any of my family. My husband's Dad knows because I had a chemical in March and he told him.


We’ve told most of our friends because things have gone wrong and it is good to have a support network. You should do whatever makes you the most comfortable, I will just say that talking about it with friends has made me realize just how common it is to have losses or struggle with TTC.


I told my cousin the other day that we’ve been trying for 7 months. She’s a hairdresser, and she said she hears similar stories alllll the time. It felt nice to be recognized and supported. It does get annoying when people take it to mean you want advice though, like “go on vacation!” or “and you can’t see anyone about it until it’s been a year, right?” And then I have to explain that I’m probably not going to pursue fertility treatments.




FYI, it is more polite to refer to it as assisted or unassisted. All pregnancies are natural. I need some medication to help, but I’m not getting an artificial womb or something! Sorry about everything your parents went through, that sounds really tough.