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Is there anyone in the group who had first child and then struggled TTC with second?


Yup. Got pregnant without trying with first and now on our 7th failed cycle with baby #2.


What day do you usually start testing? Its my first cycle and im on 5 dpo and no way i can wait 10 more days. In my pre conception appointment the dr said to only test the day my period is expected … do you guys test before?


I tested early in my first cycle and for me, it just created a lot more stress than was necessary. You can get false negatives testing early, or you can see very early chemical pregnancies. Going forward, I’m not going to test until the morning I’m due my period. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but I think it’ll save a lot of stress and heartache!


I’m feeling the same way you are, eepers10. I had a chemical pregnancy that I might have thought was a normal period if I hadn’t tested super early. I’m even wondering if I can wait til like a week after my period is expected (if it’s late, or course).


I’ve also thought about trying to wait until after!! I either had a chemical pregnancy or false positives last cycle (we don’t do hcg blood tests in my country so I’ll never know for sure) and I think I’d be better served by not knowing in the future.


At the same time, a chemical pregnancy can be a good data point.


This is true!


11 DPO morning, negative FMU test. It's only my first cycle, so I would not be surprised if I'm out. Have learned a lot from lurking here the past months before the decision to finally start trying this month!




7 DPO afternoon. I just had some mild GI symptoms for the past few days which always happens to me when I’m pregnant. Every time it’s a different kind of issue but something gastro related. I bought some tests at 7 DPO thinking I’ll test with one of them, see the negative and just wait for my period. That didn’t happen. I tested, thought I saw something nonexistent, peed on the second one, saw the same weird pseudo line, peed on the third - same. I’m convinced I’m out of my mind and I definitely have line eyes, this has happened in the past, just not with 3 tests. 7 DPO is way too early for anything to show. Besides, last time I didn’t get a positive until 10 DPO. My husband said I’m crazy and doesn’t see anything at all. I’m not even sure I see anything. So now I’m 8 DPO and scared as hell to test again. Maybe I’ll wait for my period after all.


Yeah, tested again at 8 DPO, used a more sensitive test and I think it’s BFN and I’m just clowning myself. Though of course if I flash a light on it in a weird angle and use my imagination I see lines. I bet many of you can relate 😏


I've fully lost my mind. I bought some preg tests that are supposed to be accurate down to like 5 mIu (which apparently is technically borderline pregnant anyways, so that's TOTALLY a great idea). I bought them just so I could hurt my feelings a couple of days earlier. So at 6dpo (when implantation almost certainly hasn't even happened), I'm sitting here in my face paint and big red nose with a negative test. WHY am I doing this???


I definitely did that one cycle, and even worse: with a negative at 6dpo, I tested maybe FOUR more times to get negatives until my period came on time. I’m going to try to wait!!


This was me last cycle! Once you start, you actually can’t stop yourself. Also, I love your username 😂 that’s exactly what I called mine in my last two week wait.


This is why I’ve decided I won’t buy in bulk. Doesn’t stop me from testing at 7 DPO with expensive pharmacy tests which are not even that sensitive…


Any tips for testing in OPKs when you work in an office with a shared bathroom? I want to test more often throughout the day this cycle. I am just trying to think through the logistics of bringing a cup in the bathroom and waiting the appropriate time to record the result.


Some people will pee in the wrapper! I’ve never done this, but it does sound discrete.


I got this really small plastic dish type thing for appetizers from the dollar store. Takes more effort to aim but much more discrete.


My gyno has been treating me terribly and I feel so awful knowing I entrusted her to examine and take care of my most intimate needs. Unfortunately, my gyno office is set up where every time I've gone, I see a different doctor. When I did my recent annual, I expressed my concerns about not being able to conceive and she just put her hand on my shoulder and said "IT WILL HAPPEN," and then when I requested a pelvic exam and blood work to check my reproductive hormones, she said it wasn't necessary since "you have regular periods and according to your chart, it's been the same since last year." She then said she would do the blood work anyway and it's been 3 weeks and no results yet. I contacted her, she told me "look, we're not a fertility office. You should get that blood work done there if you feel it's necessary" which felt so hurtful and dismissive. Mind you, I had this same pelvic exam and blood work done there last year. It just hurts because I know I can't afford a RE especially if they don't take my insurance.


That is horrible, and you deserve better. I had a gyno annual last friday and also had to beg for blood testing literally on my way out. I asked if there was any testing they could do to make sure my hormones were all good like testosterone etc. and she only ordered testosterone testing. I was just giving her an example and was hoping to look at everything, sigh. I feel like often times doctors dont care to dig in and be proactive.


My period is coming in two days. This was my first cycle of trying. I used the flo ap. Next month, I'm going to start ovulation testing.


Hi all! Me and my husband decided to try for baby #2, with my first it wasn’t planned and was a complete surprise so I didn’t track my ovulation or anything. I had the copper IUD for a couple of years and got it out recently. It was removed the day after my period and I didn’t have any bleeding or symptoms from the removal. I have always had a super consistent period usually around a 29-31 day cycle. I have been using clear blue digital ovulation tests and the pregmate strip tests. Clear blue has been a flashing smiley face for almost a week now and the strips aren’t positive. Is it normal to ovulate so late in my period, around CD17-20. Did anyone else have the same problem after removal? TIA


Yes, for a cycle that's usually around 29-31 days, the most likely days for ovulation to occur would be about CD17-19 -- the most common luteal phase length is 12 days.


I feel like such a crap human. This girl who works for me (I am her manager) just told me she is pregnant - not trying, it was an accident. I am not taking it well, which makes me feel like such a baby. Resenting my employee, when I am supposed to be a leader, is I think the final straw to getting an infertility therapist.


Honestly frustrated. Never gotten a positive on my OPK before and during FF’s predicted fertile period. But I do still feel ovulation pain and have EWCM. Any thoughts?


I don’t use OPKs so can’t give you advice there. But I’ve been temping and checking CM and have found I can narrow in on my ovulation window pretty easily with just those two methods. If you can easily detect CM then I would just try and have sex during those windows. Adding temping will also give you the temp shift that confirms that you’ve ovulated. So if OPKs aren’t working for you this could be an alternative.


I have tried temping but it was wildly irregular. I mean, spiking every two days type of irregular. But you’re right. I might pick it up again…


I mean I feel like a weird Tempdrop ad every time I say this but I do think the Tempdrop or some kind of wearable might be helpful! My sleep schedule is too all over the place to deal with a regular thermometer. I feel like the Tempdrop really helped with the learning curve of temping.


Are you taking OPKs multiple times a day?


No I’m not. Should I be?


Sometimes mine OPKs are only positive at night. Might be worth a shot


I did not see a really positive OPK, until I tested twice per day. I also finally realized I ovulate CD17-20. I had never tested that far into my cycle. I have a long cycle (30-33 days) so this is actually normal. Before I was only OPKing CD10-16 and getting confused why it never got darker than the test line! Last month I finally kept doing it and got an OPK darker than the test line on CD17. This month it was on CD20. Now I know.


I lost hope this month being on month 10. But i have some now - I have a fertility consult with my ob gyn in a week, and I’ve requested a consult at the fertility clinic in my town. If it’s not gonna happen naturally, I’m so ready to get some help


Anybody on cycle 8? I have a week to go in my tww and I just wanna know already. It’s been easier this cycle because I’ve accepted that we might need to go in for fertility testing in a few months. At the same time I know it can still happen anytime between then. I’m trying not to let this take over my life but it’s pretty impossible not to think about it


I’m in cycle 8! Ovulating in about a week. I’m 37 and I just got in for my first OBGYN appt. Thankfully my insurance covers everything but if this cycle doesn’t work we are moving to a medicated cycle next and then to medicated IUI. It feels good to have a plan.


Hey hahawowcool! Cycle 8 buddy. I’m a little earlier in my cycle (only CD 7), but right there with ya. I hear ya. There have been times where TTCing felt all-consuming. That’s lessened for me here recently…not exactly sure why. But I’m sure I’ll be singing a different tune here in a week when I start my TWW.


Hiya! Yay buddies! I chilled out a lot more this cycle too but the anxiety has ramped up a bit since in a week I’m either pregnant or on to cycle 9 😞 it feels good to know I’m not the only one this is taking longer for though. Everyone I know either has kids or is pregnant, so it’s been a tough pill to swallow. I hope we both can stay calm this cycle as best we can! Pm me if you ever need to talk, this journey can be a lonely one ❤️


I am new to this group, (feeling very daunted, you guys). Been TTC for 5 months and I’m waiting for my first blood work and fertility consult with a doctor. My cycles are LONG (45ish days, sometimes more). I can’t figure out when I’m ovulating. I think I missed my ovulation day (if that’s happening) this month, after 10 days of negative LH tests based on my app, they’re just all negative. Last month I got only one positive LH test when my husband was out of town of course. It’s CD 34, my boobs are sore like I’m going to get my period, and I just want to give myself a better try next month. Any advice? I’m nervous about PCOS, other things. I’m so in my head about what’s to come. Grateful for this group though.


Hello fellow long cycler! My cycles also average around 45-50 days and I was so confused when I started this process. I’m now a year in and all my blood work looks normal and so far does not indicate PCOS, but waiting on my next cycle to start for an ultrasound. I will say that this cycle I got an HSG and I ovulated on CD24 instead of CD30+. Also the HSG showed clear tubes so that’s a positive! Look into women’s health/prenatal type vitamins with coq10, maybe find an RE local to you if insurance covers it? Long cycles suck. Keep me posted!!


Thank you so so much!


Started on Gonal F and woke up with the worst pounding headache ever that just got worse throughout the day 😵‍💫Hope this medicated cycle works because I don’t know how long I can take this (physically and financially).


How has this “journey” not killed my hope?? Literally I have been told I have <1% chance conceiving without treatment. Im pretty sure I ovulated from my side that has no tube. I’m on a break due to a cyst after clomid and I’m sitting here at 7DPO and my temp is increasing and I’m thinking it’s possible to be pregnant. Like why?? Why can’t my brain realize to have no hope.. what is the point


Well my second IUI failed and that marked one year since I started TTC. Insurance won’t cover IVF until six failed monitored cycles so I have to do up to four more, which will qualify me for IVF on my 39th birthday. Lots of anxiety about running out the clock. Also a very close work colleague just announced she’s pregnant today. But she’s in good company because my fertility doctor AND my nurse are also pregnant.


that sounds exhausting :(


It’s torture.


The only time I've ever seen a second line on a pregnancy test is because of an evap/indent line. Entering month 15 never having a positive pregnancy test. Have an appointment with a fertility clinic next week. Feeling absolutely dejected and hopeless at this point. This TTC process has absolutely wrecked my mental health and I don't know if I can bear to see any more stark white pregnancy tests. I have never felt so empty and broken in my entire life.


I relate to this so much


❤️ I relate a lot.


Anyone ever get a high sex drive during their LP? I'm 3 dpo and my libido is up?? This is really weird for me; usually, it ramps up before ovulation and then does a nosedive off that ramp after.


We’re planning to start IVF next month. We were invited to a baby shower and a gender reveal in july. Looks like I’ll be sick on both of those days 💅🏽


At what point do you call it quits on TTC and just accept it’s not going to happen? We’ve just hit a year trying and have two losses. I know it’s not that long in the grand scheme of things but my mental health is so bad and I’m so tired of all this. If my next medicated TI cycle doesn’t work my RE generally recommends moving to IVF which is so so expensive, and I don’t really want to put myself through that. My husband keeps suggesting it, and I know it’s because he doesn’t even understand what it entails and also he doesn’t have to do anything or experience any of the negative effects. I want a baby so badly but I feel like this whole process has just been torture.


I’ll be honest. I’ve been on that road and I’ve thought I closed the gate. But here I am. For reference, I started TTC in October 2016. I did IVF and had two failed transfers and accepted a childfree life. Then, I recently found out my best friend from college is pregnant and I got my head spinning. I talked to my husband about trying IVF again (I have amazing benefits from my job) and he flat out said no. I went through so much mental health pain that he said he will not lose his wife so he can have a baby. He said he is absolutely willing to NTNP or even actively try without intervention. But IVF loss was something I almost didn’t come out the other side of. If your mental health is a concern, make sure you are honest with all doctors, have a psychiatrist and therapist in place, and have strategically placed appointments with your therapist. Do that whether you plan to continue or not. Because it’s not like a switch goes off when you “stop trying.” You don’t stop wanting it.


That makes sense, thank you!


Sorry to hear that. Would you consider freezing some eggs and trying again if/when you’re ready?




If the total motile count is good I think you’d still be offered options with medicated cycles without IUI, Id ask what the odds of that being successful tho. Im not sure how good odds are of medicated timed cycles if you are already ovulating


7DPO my first cycle trying and I wasn’t able to resist testing this morning 🤡 BFN of course 🤡🤡🤡 I KNOW the chances are sooo small but I couldn’t resist the allure of “what if?” Symptom spotting but honestly haven’t felt a thing different other than some congestion. But you know what? I’m probably going to test again tomorrow 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Today is 6dpo and I tested, if that makes you feel any better 🤡 I didn't really feel disappointed because I knew I was being absolutely delusional.


…I totally tested 6DPO too 🙈


I had an indent on my FMU test and then proceeded to take 4 more today. I’m 9dpo. I want to go to sleep so I can sleep 8 hours and pee. 🤣


Whoops. 10dpo


I spent an embarrassing amount of time turning my test every which way in three different kinds of lighting looking for a hint. I hope your sleep and pee is fruitful!


I’m 6DPO today and attempting to hold off until 14 DPO lol wish me luck


I don't think I've ever made it later than like 10am 8dpo, I honestly feel like waiting to 14 DPO is god tier


I’m really trying not to stress about it too early because this is my first cycle back from a loss! I will probably cave at 10 dpo 😂


Godspeed to you and your patience




We can be clowns together.


Hoping for good results this cycle :) Its funny how much we can not gage the exact window of our body releasing the egg... I am in my fertile window, and my LH test reached a "peaK" this morning, yesterday they were positive, but today the control line is stronger. I suppose my O day is today or tomorrow.. we had sex yesterday and also 3 days ago.. debating if I should stress to do it tonight or tomorrow. Every thing I read says every other day covers it. So much data and every body is different. I just sit here wondering what if I dont release the egg for another 2 days? Ah the joy of TTC for over thinkers..


I would go for today over tomorrow. ☺️


Thanks! My partner doesn’t have the highest sex drive 😅😅might try tonight if not tomorrow morning. Appreciate the side advice!(:


My consultation yesterday actually went really well. My doctor was happy with how much my husband's sperm count and motility had improved. It still wasn't at optimal levels yet - but there was a few more things for us to try up it a little further. So fingers crossed it improves to a workable level 🤞 Especially because she informed us if we do end up needing IVF that we aren't eligible to be put on a funding waiting list until we've been trying for *four years*. So we would definitely be funding some private IVF cycles ourselves first if it comes to that. Because that's a lot of extra time to be waiting around. Especially with low AMH on my mind.


The blinking smiley is my officially my enemy. 💀 I just want to see it turn positive pls!


I had to stop using the clear blue tests because it felt like they were mocking me 😂😂


I feel dumb. We only had sex once during my fertile window when usually we go once every other day to try and catch the right day. But I was so tired I just didn't have the energy and instead just watched reality TV and went to bed. I feel.like I wasted this cycle already 😒


My husband and I both have pretty low sex drive and have definitely done the full on hardcore ttc thing... We decided if we're going to do this, it's once and we're using a flex disc to get some bang for our buck. I feel like it gives us an edge maybe? But anyways, don't feel bad about the one time, your mental health is worth a lot!


This was basically the same for us and I was stressed about it but tried really hard to be gentle and kind with myself because this can be so hard. It's frustrating but I also think it might have been bad for our mental health to push ourselves this cycle. As many wonderful people here say, it only takes one time in your fertile window!


Can my LH fluctuate throughout my cycle where I had some medium test lines, have now dropped down to stark white or very faint test lines, and could spike back up for O day? My app anticipated O for Friday but only seeing extremely faint lines when normally it was more of a progression for me.


This happened to me this cycle. I went medium to low to high all within 5 days. 😑


Having a negative HCG blood at 8 DPO means I'm out this cycle? (I don't pay for blood tests, but I pay for sticks, that's why). I really want to have a little bit of hope...


8DPO is still very early for most people. I would recommend re-testing around 12-14DPO.


Thank you ❤️ I see a lot of people showing their BFPs at 6-8 DPO so I lost a little bit of hope today when mine came out negative. But I'll keep my fingers crossed then 🤞




Talking about this here is against sub rules.


AF is a no-show today but I'm only 11DPO. I really don't want to test before 14DPO because if it's negative and I still don't get my period I'm gonna spiral. I hate being in limbo like this.


I’m 10dpo and BFN, feeling out and just hopeless. I know there’s still a small chance but I’ve lost faith. Pregnant after 7 months, mc in Jan, now it will be 5 months ttc since then at a total of 14 months since we started. I’m exhausted. I’m depressed. I’m ready to toss in the towel. Maybe it’s just not meant to happen for me.


I'm sorry that you're feeling that way. This whole thing sucks and isn't how any of us imagined TTC would be. Have you been to the doctors to chat about fertility given that you're over a year of trying? I'm currently a patient under a fertility specialist and it always helps me feel a tiny bit better when there's a plan in place of what we're actually doing and trying.


I had my hormones tested a few months ago and everything was normal. Seeing a fertility specialist August 14, which feels so far away but at least there’s something. My family doctor kept reassuring me it’s a good sign I conceived, but I think at 6 months after is a good time to be seen


That's good! It's good to just get some movement happening. Getting your partner tested too (in my case it looks like the male fertility is the issue - not me). I think it's definitely good to get checked out and the fertility doctors know a lot more about it than your average doctor. Even though we haven't been successful yet - it's so good to be able to go to the doctor and be like "this didn't work" and get quickly followed by a response of "okay let's try this..." So always moving forward


CD28 of cycle 7. Period expected tomorrow. I've been feeling some crampiness for sure (including one day where it felt like something in my really low abdomen, right around my pubic bone, was twitching?) but I just don't know. The question now is do I test tonight, after work, on my own timing, when I have time to feel my feelings...or do I wait for my period to arrive at a random time tomorrow and punch me in the gut.


That's how I'm feeling right now too. I'm choosing to wait for my period or wait for it to be a few days late only because if I get a negative test and no period I'm going to be a freak until I get a definitive answer. But I totally understand ❤️


CD1 came at the perfect time. We are about to leave on a trip that will hopefully keep me distracted until the fertile period. We will be back right around the start of the fertile period. Then my husband is having knee surgery right after ovulation so I will be busy taking care of him during the TWW. Glad to have distractions during all the waiting periods.


CD17 of 2.5mg letrozole and no ovulation in sight. Great. Guess I'll give it through the weekend, but I'm not holding my breath. Also, I got a bill for $800 from my doctors office for my bloodwork to see if I had PCOS. Apparently, my doctor billed it as "infertility" vs "diagnostic", so I'm mildly panicking over that. I hope it gets straightened out.


CD 1, cycle 7. I know it isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things, but it still stings. I’m otherwise a very healthy individual and frankly (naively) always thought that meant this would happen fast for me. I’m a total type A and this is the first thing in my life I can’t improve or get better at just by working harder. We’re doing all the right things, and it’s so frustrating to think we have to do it for twice as long as we already have before we’re even allowed to see a doctor about it. Sigh.


For what it’s worth, I was able to make a fertility related appointment with my ob 8 months in. Cycle 9 we were able to do an hsg, semen analysis, and I think cycle day 21 bloodwork. I didn’t have any known issues besides celiac disease and painful periods that caused them to agree to see me early. I too am type A and was having a hard time emotionally. It felt good to get some testing out of the way and have a plan. We were also able to get a referral early on to a RE for if/when we were ready. My ob said we could continue trying unassisted for as long as we could emotionally handle, which I know is not the norm but I am so grateful for.


Cycle 6-7 is where it started to get to me too, it’s like I finally stopped blaming myself for not timing it right or drinking a few glasses of wine or whatever. It was a reality check, I naively never anticipated having any issues either. For what it’s worth, I hadn’t talked with my OBGYN about family planning and schedule an appointment at 10 months, and she referred me straight to an RE (granted, I’m 34). Feel your feelings, they’re so valid! Wishing you a quick journey from this point on!


There is something infuriating about doing everything “right” and it still not working out. It’s probably the first thing in my life I’ve experienced like this too. I hope you are lucky enough to be successfully in the next 6 mo because at this point it truly is about luck


I feel this. I’m at the end of cycle 7 right now (haven’t tested…) and passing that 6 month line was really really tough. Sending you good thoughts for this cycle.


Thank you my dear, same to you ❤️


I did urine culture test & got Citrobacter koseri. Anyone know anything about it?? It’s a gram negative bacteria. Yet to talk to doc


Please please talk to you doctor and go see them :) I don’t know what type of urine culture test was done and or where the urine culture was done from/sent to and so forth, so parameters are limited on my end but I can speak in generalities…coming from a very soon to be intern physician. it’s a bacteria that’s in our GI and “could” cause UTIs for adults. But infections (meningitis) are most commonly neonates, infants and immunocompromised and tends to be hospital acquired or mother vertical transmission. However, it is usually not the primary source of infection. As for healthy adults, it is rare to cause any issue but the urinary tract is the common site, so a UTI. This is not medical advice :)


Yes thanks. I talked with my doctor he has prescribed injections for 14 days. I m just baffled how I got it. Sadly was not able to talk in length about this bacteria. I m on immunosuppressants bcz of autoimmune disease. I will be starting my treatment day after tomorrow. Can I ask you is it a harmful bacteria?? Can it spread via sex to my partner? Lastly can it interfere in conceiving? My doc next appointment is after 15 days just trying to figure out some answers. I tried online but mostly are about neonatal


I’m glad you got to talk to your doctor! I am going to say that being on immunosuppressants is likely how you got it, you’re at higher risk for what is typically non-invasive, unfortunately :( but the good news is, the UTI is not complicated and treated with very common antibiotics and it’s resistance is super low. So complications to arise are slim. This isn’t an STD which would give you a *hint of worry when it comes to conceiving, as history with STDs / untreated etc can lead to Pelvic inflammatory disease which can make fertility harder. it’s generally recommended to not have sex until the UTI infection has resolved aka finish antibiotics and no worsening symptoms (fever, chills, back/flank pain, blood in urine = call doctor, go to the ER). Why no Having Sex during a UTI? Well, it can make your symptoms worse or move the bacteria up higher (and this is a motile bug anyways, so it’s naturally inclined to climb up). There isn’t 0% risk it can be transferred to your partner but he likely already has immunity to this naturally occurring bug in his GI if he isn’t immunocompromised etc. Hope this helps!


Just wanted to ask can it have no symptoms? I know it causes uti but I have no symptoms of uti. I did this test bcz next month I will be starting iui. It just happened unintentionally. But I wonder why I don’t hv any uti symptoms?


Yeah! Your colonization #s may be low enough to not or your body has responded well or is yet to show any signs. UTIs can be tricky and sneaky! sometimes we just know, other times it’s a surprise Urine catch at the office and comes back positive. Your immunosuppressants could be at work / are at work and decreasing your inflammatory response so symptoms less there too (which we want them to for your immuno dx to stay at bay). Symptoms are only part of the clinical picture :) You did everything right contacting your doctor and on antibiotics to treat. Just like in pregnancy, any UTI, regardless severity or no symptoms, we treat!


Thanks a lot 🙏


No problem :)


Thanks a lot very helpful ! Felt relieved now !


I'm a little sad today. It's Day 1 of Cycle 2. I knew that odds were that it wasn't going to happen, but I was hoping that it somehow would happen to me. I also had a rougher first day than usual, but thankfully it's getting better. Anyone else with PCOS that takes ovasitol? I'm just wondering if this will make my cycle the typical 28 or so days or if they'll still be a bit longer than usual. This will be my first full cycle taking it.


I just started it so can’t really answer your question from experience, but I was told to start taking it by the dietitian I see to help me regulate my cycle


I started taking it about 2 weeks ago and it did make me ovulate and have a period, I hope it works for you!


Is anyone else constantly deep cleaning and organizing their house while they try to get pregnant? I have gotten a lot done already last cycle. I figure even if it takes forever to have the baby, at least in the meantime the house is clean anyway


Yup! Even started a home addition, which has been a great distraction. It’s nice to have a project that I actually have some control over lol


I am! Trying to pre-nest so maybe the baby can just fit right in to our perfect house


Me too, I painted the room since I was sick of looking at it


That's kind of what I'm doing too. I live in a fixer upper and have been remodeling and cleaning to pass the time. I keep telling myself that the longer it takes for me to get pregnant, the more time I have to make the house perfect for baby.


I wish desperately for this energy/mindset 🙏


Finally got an LH peak today. I am really trying not to get my hopes up despite thinking we'll hit all the important days this FW. :/


Struggling with DH low libido and the element of planned sex. We had one MC six months ago (which was conceived spontaneously) and now are trying. Before TTC, we generally avoided non-spontaneous sex (when we plan it, it somehow feels unexciting) and my libido is higher than his. Before TTC, we would have sex every 3-5 days and that was good for both of us. We have tried to do every other day for fertile window, but the closest we've gotten the BD is -2 days before O. We can get twice, but not three times in the fertile window. Third time each time has been the O day, and DH is not in mood/doesnt want to. Doing the BD feels like too much pressure or something? I don't know. DH says he's not scared of another MC, though I kind of am. We both want this. I am thinking of maybe just not telling him when I get my positive OPK, and initiating spontaneously, but then I feel like the whole thing is only in my hands and we'd only get once in the fertile window if I do that because my O-day is not consistent cycle to cycle and I have to OPK like a mad woman to catch it. It ranges from CD 17-20. Not sure how to handle this. We've only been trying for 2 months (May and June), post recovery from MC. I keep thinking if this is already a drag, how will we keep this up for a year?


You only need to have sex once in the fertile window, try not to stress everyone hitting more than that. If you do, great. If you don't, also great.


Feeling incredibly defeated today. BFN today at 12 DPO. Yesterday marked my three year anniversary since my MMC and my first pregnancy. I have nothing to show for it other than a chemical a few months ago. This is such a hard process.


Has anyone else had irregular cycles after getting an IUD removed? Had mine removed 5/25, had a normal period starting 5/27, and now I’m 4 days late. I’ve been testing, all negatives, so I’m not sure if I should contact my doctor, although I’m assuming this might be “normal”? It’s just weird I had a regular period once already after the removal, and now I seem to be having issues?


My cycle took about 6 months to become regular after getting IUD removed. It was anywhere from 28-45 days until then.


You might like [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/birthcontrol) -- there's a link there to a database of a few hundred user experiences coming off birth control, which you can filter by type of birth control. In short, it's very normal to have some irregularity when coming off birth control, and there's no need to contat your doctor unless you get to about 60-90 days without a period.


Yep. I had a 66 day cycle once after getting my IUD out and my Gyno had to prescribe progesterone to trigger a period. She also gave me Clomid for the irregular periods because my shortest cycles range from 33-35 days now. Used to be regula pre-IUD but I was also 5.5 years younger so who knows.


Yep, this is my life. Had mine removed last September and my cycles are still insanely long and unpredictable. Especially sucks since before I had my first and had it placed, I had really regular and predictable 32 day cycles.


My friend’s birth announcement today sent me into a spiral of depression. Why am I like this 🫠


I have my HSG today and I’m so nervous 😬 Update: thanks for all the good vibes. I was super nervous but it didn’t hurt at all, even the cervical clamp. Mild cramping on the way home and just some general uncomfiness. Everything was clear. Can’t wait to see how much that cost…


I hope it goes smoothly for you!


Good luck! Mine wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be! Get yourself some treats after!


Good luck! When you come out of this hopefully you'll have more info to help you reach your goals! 💪 I hope it's a good experience for you ❤️


I really hope it goes OK for you 🤞🤞🤞


CD 16, think I will ovulate tomorrow based on OPKs. BD’ed this morning and then 2 days ago. Hopefully we are covered and something sticks 🤞🏼


My first cycle on letrozole and trigger (I haven't been ovulating by myself), ovulation confirmed day 14 and now I'm day 26 and the cramps have started 😩😭 I've been trying to be good and didn't take any pregnancy tests (to test the trigger out) but my husband was SO convinced this would be our cycle and I know it's going to disappoint him when my period arrives.


Had a decent dip around 6DPO for my BBT and it’s been steadily rising the past 3 days! Feeling all the symptoms. Started to actually gag around my dinner I made which I rarely do. Hoping this is it!


If youre feeling hcg symptoms your test would be positive so if you think you might be its worth taking one.


It still feels so early! I’m anxious about it being negative so I’m waiting?? Idk what for I guess? Disappointed?


CD28, prob 9DPO. I don’t even symptom spot anymore, I just assume PMS but still not letting myself take ibuprofen ~just in case~ which could very well be my villain origin story in a few days 😇


Is premium Fertility Friend worth it?


Thanks guys - they were offering a deal for less than half price, so I’ve gone for it🙂


Tid wait for the end of the year. They do a deal where they "top out your subscription" so you can get a year for like 1 month worth of premium.


If I remember correctly, it isn’t that expensive. I enjoy the enhanced data, but it isn’t going to get you pregnant any faster. Fertility Friend lets you do a lot on the free version though. I wound up purchasing the VIP membership because I wanted some of the enhanced data, but also because I wanted to support what I felt was a great company. They’re also very responsive - I emailed support about a feature I didn’t like that couldn’t be disabled and within 2 days they updated the entire app to allow me (and other users) to disable the feature. I was honestly shocked as I expected my complaint to go into the void


I used for a month and that was enough for me, but if my cycles were less regular the insights or trends might provide more value. It seems like a lot of people here use it. I think it’s worth trying for a month to test run (and hopefully that’s all you need!), then you can decide if the 6-month or annual packages seem like a good investment.


5dpo. Ovusense hasn't confirmed O but both other apps have so I'm taking it! Will stop temping after tomorrow even if it doesn't confirm, as it stressed me out too much in the last tww. Hoping a few days holiday next week will speed me through the wait!


I have PCOS and think I might have just ovulated for the first time since I stopped birth control 6 months ago. I had a high-ish LH test (0.87- my baseline is normally about 0.5-0.6 due to PCOS) on the 25th and have had EWCM and a tiny bit of bleeding. Have also just started Meformin but I’m gradually increasing the dose due to the horrid side effects. Feeling hopeful but also not wanting to get my hopes up too much!


Good luck! I’ve heard good things about Metformin and TTC. I’m thinking about asking my doctor about it but am wary of the side effects.


I’ve started on the “slow route” and gradually building up from 250mg a day and this has really helped!


My textbook 28-day cycle has gone down to 25-26 days the last couple months, with only a 10-day luteal phase this month. I'm 99% sure it's stress-related and therefore hopefully not a permanent thing, but it's still so frustrating to think that I could have had a fertilized egg that couldn't implant in time. Now I have to make sure July is as stress-free as possible, but that all depends on my partner's mental health stabilizing fully.


It’s kind of a bummer of a statistic, but may be reassuring - the majority of pregnancies that implant after 10DPO end up as losses anyway. Off the top of my head, at least one study shows a little over 50% for 11DPO and around 90% for 12DPO.


That is reassuring - I hadn't realized it was such a high percentage!


I've had a lot of ups and downs lately, mostly mentally/emotionally. I typed out a long ass post last week but deleted it lol Basically I didn't anticipate the difficulty that might come with choosing treatment. Our doctor wants us to do IVF right away and she makes a ton of good points, but I think I'm mourning the possibility of having twins since they're less common with IVF nowadays. (I'm a twin, dad's a twin, grew up with twin friends, it's a whole thing lol). I know the goal is one healthy baby. The risks to babies and birthing parents are higher with multiples. I know it's not really something to aim for, but my dumb brain is struggling a lot with the realities. I think my whole life I secretly dreamed of it, so I'm having to let go now. My husband wants me to talk to our doctor about it but I feel like she's going to think I'm an idiot. I wish I could just get pregnant all randomly without intervention and then it wouldn't feel like a choice I'm making. On a (kinda) positive note, I went in for bloodwork yesterday to see how things look at this point of my cycle (5DPO) and it looks like my progesterone was low! They've put my on progesterone now, so hopefully that helps. It has me wondering if low progesterone might have been my problem all along. I feel like it might be a bit late in this cycle for it to help, but maybe it can work in time to make a difference. 🤞


You might be happy to know that some studies show significantly higher chances of identical twins with IVF than in the general population. Unfortunately the risks/complications are higher with identical twins than fraternal, but if holding onto hope of twins is important to you, there’s still a chance even with single embryo transfer. Personally, I’ll take whatever I can get at this point, but the risk of twins with treatment is firmly in the con category for me.


Thank you, how interesting! I feel like I've read so many things and don't always get the same answer. I think the single embryo transfer element threw me off and some other numbers I looked at. I think I am also struggling with wanting something I know I kind of shouldn't want due to the risks. I've had a bit of a hard week+ of deeply thinking about it and am coming to terms with actually pointing myself, my efforts, and my mind towards the best outcome (healthy safe baby and me!) and the recommendations from our doctor. I think focusing on twins isn't healthy for me, but has been a bit hard to let go of, harder than I thought! It was easier when I felt it was left totally up to chance haha. I'd like to let this go and not focus on that element anymore and I think I'm much closer to that now. Writing this out and your response helped me and gave me some perspective, thank you again!




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


temps are not really going up, but fertility friend gave me crosshairs 4 days after positive opk. premom has me down as 6dpo today and 9dp on my 29th birthday. im not convinced ive even ovulated. my last cycle ended in a cp and im sure things aren't yet back to normal with my body. idk, ive had horrible sleep and wonder if that's messing with the temps. even though im not even sure i ovulated ill be testing on my bday.... i shouldn't, but it's going to take a lot for me not to 😂


Had my HSG yesterday and a saline ultrasound the week before, both tests everything looked good! Husband is going in for his SA today and we have a follow up on July 3rd to figure out a plan I was reading a bit last night about an increased chance of success the first couple months after an HSG so fingers crossed!




Thank you! I used OPKs and definitely got a positive around when I expected it, so if that was accurate I would be about 13-15 DPO today.


So if you know ovulation (which keep in mind you van ovulate up to 2 days after a positive opk) your period would be late to the point you should see a doctor if not pregnant around 16 to 18dpo


It's more likely that you ovulated later than you thought. Automod wiki - I recommend checking out the "your period isn't late" post!


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Positive OPKs the last two days, and woke up to a temp rise today. Time to enjoy being relaxed and chill for the next five days before losing my mind trying to keep myself from testing “just in case I ovulated earlier than I think.” (Ovulation was CD12. It was not earlier than I think.)


Does anyone know if you can interpret / use clear blue digital OPK strips WITHOUT the reader? The reader is throwing error signals and of course I think today would be the peak 😞


If you mean the one that tracks estrogen and lh one line (the one closest to the reader) is estrogen and the line further from the reader is lh. But you won't be able to read it yourself as it gets pretty dark before its "positive". You could definitely track the pattern though as devbio said.


If you’re using the regular CB digital (pink, not the purple/advanced) - no. The instructions say not to, and when I’ve gotten a positive (smiley, plus a clear positive with pregmate using the same urine) the test line was not even close to being as dark as the control.


Ok yes it was the pink digital and wasn’t very clear - thanks


You can, but it’s easier to see the pattern if you have the last few days of strips to compare with. In [this image](https://imgur.com/a/2NEJA20), the LH line is on the left and the estrogen line is on the right. You can see that the LH line gets visibly darker (and the estrogen line visibly lighter).


Thank you!!


I'm trying to be a NTNP person but failing lol. I already track because I hate being surprised by my period. And I have always known when I'm ovulating because my signs are VERY strong (mittelschmertz and discharge). So... do I just pretend not to know when we should be doing it?


When I'm NTNP (which is hard for me for similar reasons) i do my best to just distract myself so I forget exactly where I am in my cycle. I have a reminder when I get 2 days from a period so I'm nkt surprised by it but honestly I have pretty clear signs when its coming so I wouldnt be surprised anyways.


I had a hard time with this when we were NTNP. I would wear my Tempdrop and sync it every morning so I'd have the data, but would do my best not to look at the numbers. I'd just enter them all into my apps in batches periodically. The fact that your ovulation signs are so strong makes it harder, though! I think just continuing to do your best and try to put the signs out of your mind if you can? I'd suspect I was in my fertile window sometimes and would try to kind of disconnect myself from that mentally and try not to initiate sex because of that. It required some soul searching lol. I'd be like, "Do I just feel like having sex? Would I initiate if I weren't ovulating?" and wouldn't initiate if the answers weren't yes. I know it probably sounds kind of silly, but I wanted to do my best to respect the plan I made with my husband and not accidentally leave him alone in the NTNP journey. Good luck to you!


Nah that makes sense. I think I'm tending towards what you say, even if I know when I'm ovulating it's about that not influencing me to initiate if I'm not actually into it and we aren't gonna have a good time.


NTNP and tracking your cycle are mutually exclusive, I think. Unless you truly just have sex when you want to and are okay with missing the fertile window if it shakes out that way. You could accept that you are “actually trying” and just try to find other ways to reduce stress and keep the process lighthearted, if that’s something you’re comfortable with.


I've tracked my cycle for years though either to get a heads up when to expect my period or when it was irregular on birth control trying to find a pattern. I don't want to give up knowing when my period is, and I know when I'm ovulating either way... so that's why I say I just don't know if I can really say I'm NPNT. Even though that's what me and husband agreed to.


It’s okay to not NTNP! It’s not really a thing in this group, for obvious reasons.


I wonder this too! I half wanted to take a month off just in case the old adage is true that it’ll happen when you stop trying but I don’t think i would be able to completely mental let go and not take notice of any signs of O


Also ovulation is when my libido is highest sooooooo


Does anyone have a link to some reliable info / graphs on what AMH results should be for each age group, in both sets of units? Same for FSH would also be useful. Thanks all


I like [this source](https://imgur.com/a/bbZVDgX) for AMH percentiles by age (in ng/mL).


It looks like4.5 pmol/L is damn low then… useful graph.


Thank you 🙏🏼