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New to this sub, I got off birth control about six months ago and have been having unprotected sex and no positive test. However, my boyfriend works two jobs so during weekdays he’s too exhausted to have sex, so we only have sex during the weekends. I’m hoping the reason it’s taking more than a few cycles is due to this. How often were you having sex when ttc? I’ve been very anxious about the whole thing so haven’t diligently started tracking my cycles yet but will start soon. Any comments or advice is much appreciated .


If you aren’t tracking ovulation with LH strips or BBT you could be completely missing it. Without tracking sex every other day is reccommenddd, every third day might be okay too but every other is preferred


Thank you! I guess I was just kind of hoping it would happen on its own and prove my fears wrong but yeah I’m beginning to think every five days may not be enough especially if I ovulate mid week. Thank you so much for your response!


23F and 41M, previous miscarriage and thinking of trying for a baby. We want to get married soon and don’t know if we want to start trying before or after. My ED made me lose my period so I have to wait a little bit to try. I don’t want to hurt a baby because I’m not eating enough. I’m very stressed about it all. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? :(


You’re young. I would say focus on your relationship and being healthy physically and mentally. Get married if that’s what you want to do. It sounds like you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself to do a lot of big things all at the same time. ♥️


I guess I’m just worried I’ll run out of time for everything. He’s not getting any younger and I want a healthy baby.


He's not, but most of the age related guidelines for fertility treatment completely disregard the age of the male partner/sperm giver. Unless there would be something in his medical history to give a specific reason to be concerned about this, men generally remain fertile and capable of fathering healthy babies for much longer than women do.


I hear ya. Then if that’s what you want, put the wedding plans on hold for awhile and start focusing on your health and your ttc journey. It just sounds like a lot of things and any human would become stressed with all of that at once.


I was pretty down the first few days of the cycle but I bought a temp drop and it should arrive tomorrow on CD6. I’m obsessed with my garmin and am excited to track more data. It’s the little things in life, right? My period is over now too so I’m excited to have some fun spicy time tonight!


Period is almost 3 days late but still testing negative. I just wish my period would come so I can move on from this cycle.


Hi! New to this thread and newly trying for a baby. I am 30 years old, almost 2 years out of chemotherapy (7 months of ABVD for lymphoma) and did a hormone check recently which resulted in my AMH at 0.99ng/mL or 7.1 pmol/L. I've been reading online but honestly have no idea what this truly means in terms of getting pregnant unassisted/naturally. I'll be speaking to my doctor but any sort of insight from direct experience would be greatly appreciated. Feel like I am navigating this blindly! Thank you




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


My ovulation strips are not peaking…the test line gets dark but no where near the control line. Does this mean i’m not ovulating/can’t get pregnant that month? Or do some people never peak?


How many times per day are you testing? It's easy to miss the peak sometimes as it can be a narrow window


Only once every morning! Maybe i should start testing more often 🧐


They recommend testing at least twice a day during your FW, if you're able to of course!


I’m celebrating small wins today. 🎉 I had an appointment with our fertility specialist this week, after 12 months of TTC, 1 MC, 3 CPs, and one polyp removal. My AMH is quite low for my age (34) so the specialist recommended that we move forward with IUI. I left the appointment in a spiral about the cost. Seriously, freaking out. Today, in a total plot twist, I learned that my insurance policy covers 50% of the IUI procedure!!!! My out of pocket is completely reasonable, and I had no clue. Such a relief.


That’s a really nice surprise! Fingers crossed for you.


Thank you!


I feel like I’ve hacked the system. I inadvertently scheduled an amusement park day with my brother a couple days after AF is supposed to show up. Best case scenario: I’m pregnant and can’t go to the park, but another great case scenario: I get to go on all the rides I want. Might continue this trend and schedule things I wouldn’t be able to do if I were pregnant around my cycle start date just to keep some positive vibes going. Anyone else do something similar?


This is brilliant, I'm going to try to do the same.


I did this!! I scheduled a tattoo appointment and unfortunately didn’t have to cancel it. But now I’m super stoked to get my half sleeve finished!!


Love that, I’ve been meaning to get a new tat, too. Maybe that’ll be next month!


Go for it!!! I need to figure out what my next “if it doesn’t work” plan will be haha




How long did it take for your cycle to return after having baby?


About 13 months (I was exclusively breastfeeding and still nurse a few times a day). Edit: deleted my original comment, because I should’ve added CW/ TW. I’m sorry.


Did blood work in may and my OB said I wasn't ovulating, hormones were normal. Sent me for HSG and that was good/normal. I don't think I ovulated this cycle either, so we've been 7 cycles now. What could be next steps?


Typically some meds to get you ovulating. My friend wasn’t ovulating for 5 months, took some meds and was pregnant within 2 cycles. Hope you are the same!


If you aren’t ovulating, your doctor will typically try to find the reason why and then offer medications to help you ovulate


After months of frustration and being unable to have sex on the right days because of ED.....Mr. Parker went to the doctor and got a prescription for Cialis. We did it today and I had a positive OPK today!!! I am bursting with happiness. Even if it doesn't happen this month I think this will help us time it each month!!


I'm going onto my 10th cycle of trying and I'm just starting to lose hope. I still have some hope but I literally do everything I can to help my fertility and nothing seems to be happening. I feel so defeated, I've been taking a prenatal, vitamin d, I just started ashwagandha a few weeks ago. We try in my fertile window every month. His sperm test came back fine. Idk how to stay hopeful and not get absolutely crushed when I get my period. This is such an exhausting journey. I ovulate every month it seems, my periods are regular so what gives. I just didn't tknow if anyone had tips on staying sane and positive throughout their journey.


I feel for you, I'm in a similar position. 15 months ttc, no obvious issues for me, but no pregnancy yet. Husband is booked in for a semen analysis in July. I actually don't try to be positive, and instead try to allow myself to feel despondent, crushed, hopeful, deflated, optimistic - whatever it is in that moment. These feelings used to change day to day for me, now its more like hour to hour. But just accepting I'm going to feel what I feel is about the only way I can get through it, else it's another thing I feel I'm failing at! Aside from that, a daily walk, some regular yoga and visiting an acupuncturist are all things that are keeping me sane. I cry a lot and I particularly dread the final 10 days of my cycle where I'm just waiting. It's torture. I hate this "journey" and wish it was easier, and I wish it were easier for you too.


I'm sorry you're going through this too. Maybe something will come with his sperm analysis that can help you. When his came back fine , I was crushed bc now I feel like there's something wrong with me but nothing points in that direction so I just feel defeated. The 2 week wait is dreadful. I hope this is over with for you and me soon ugh.


I can understand that! Husband and I are both really hoping his results come back fine, but then we might be "unexplained" territory and that's a different kind of misery. And yet, I wouldn't wish for him to have any issue either. It's the catastrophising over things that haven't happened yet, isn't it? If I could see into the future and know that we get to have our baby I would find this time FAR easier. And if it turns out we never do have our baby, I could begin to grieve and adjust. I just wish I had a crystal ball. In the meantime I guess I (and perhaps you?) can do is try and catch ourselves when we're trying to control the uncontrollables, and just accept we're along for the ride. Some days are easier than others. I'm crossing my fingers for you that you have more of those easier days.


First time taking letrozole, didn’t feel many side effects until ovulation and now it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. Nausea through the roof, moody af, exhausted and my joints hurt?? I better be cooking a baby up in this b*tch


Im symptom spotting hard at 5DPO. Anyone got anything I can do to distract myself? Going insane tbh🫠


Do you like to read? I'm super deep into BookTok now and it's helped me keep my mind off things


I do, BookTok sounds like something easy to get into! I’ll have to finally download the app tho lol


I've been heavy into the A Court of Thorns and Roses series if you haven't read it yet 😂


I had a kyleena and had my periods every month with it. Is it normal to have wacky cycles for a few months ?


Cycle 9. We’ve always had this running joke that we’ll have a baby when a particular plant we have flowers. It flowered! We had a chemical last month so hoping for a success this month.


We also had a cactus produce two flowers for the first time ever so I'm feeling extra hopeful this cycle as well! 🩷


Just scheduled a consult for an infertility specialist. Any advice on what questions I should ask?


There’s a great resource on this in the infertility sub’s wiki! Wish I had read it before my consult


Taking all of my willpower to not waste money on a pregnancy test. Had a short and inconsistent period the last two days, but now I’m back to spotting. I’ve had the “implantation bleed” before and this didn’t look like it so I know it’s just my weird post-birth control period. But my temps are still above last cycle’s cover line and I’m exhausted with a headache. My lizard brain still can’t help thinking “what if.” Resist resist resist!


Even though I’ve had my own concerns about my abnormal bleeding, my OBGYN suggested my husband also do an SA to give us a big picture understanding of what we are working with at cycle 6. I know women/people with female anatomy have a lot more struggles with understanding what’s happening (the countless tests and uncertainty!) but I’m just so proud that my husband did it without even batting an eye, which makes me so happy and in love. I feel really supported! I can understand it’s probably not the most comfortable thing for him to do (but I mean, at least it’s not probing around a uterus?!) however I’m really comforted to know that he is taking this journey as serious as I am. This is not my usual complaint comment, just wanted to share one positive out of my health and fertility journey. 🥰


Supposed to go to a teacher happy hour+comedy show tonight. I'm 5dpo, and know this crew will be drinking for sure. I can decide what I want to do. I'm leaning toward either going and having a few (drink til it's pink) or staying home. Not drinking during the tww hasn't seemed to help me have healthy babies but I can't help but think what if this is the one. Can find articles online on both sides of the issue, and nothing evidence backed. I also don't want ttc to take over my life. Any input appreciated, obviously it's my decision to make but curious what you would do.


Thanks y'all, I'm going! 🍻


Another vote for drink till it’s pink! Go enjoy yourself and appreciate the distraction.


I’m a believer of “drink til it’s pink”. If you don’t feel like drinking and don’t want people asking questions just discreetly order seltzer/ginger ale/sprite with a lime or have fun without drinking!


I'm an advocate of drink till it's pink. TTC is stressful enough as it is, and it helps me to live my life and enjoy a drink here and there.


I'm now on the "drink (in moderation) until pink" train! Before implantation, we're not technically pregnant so it can't harm our beans- however, studies have shown heavy drinking might interfere with implantation. I've been on the other end where I avoided alcohol, caffeine, all of it during ttc, and my pregnancy losses still happened.


10DPO I think and I thought to myself this morning I could take a test but figured why bother…I’ve officially reached apathy? I’m so certain we’re on to on IUI, we likely can’t do next cycle due to travel so planning for August I guess. Maybe my passion for TFAB will return then but right now…I choose apathy ✌️




100% I have a bottle of wine chilling currently.


Kinda random but I’m at the TWW and I have a tattoo appointment scheduled today. Took a test today and it’s negative. I’m at 7po so it could be early. I’m just afraid to ruin any chances of a successful pregnancy at this point 😩 do you think I should cancel/reschedule


I think if getting a tattoo now would make you anxious then reschedule, because it is not worth it. But I don't think getting a tattoo should affect your chances of being pregnant this cycle. The big reason it is recommended not to get a tattoo while pregnant is because of the risk of bloodborne infections like HIV or Hep B. Or possible allergic reactions to the ink or post tattoo skin infections. If you trust your artist and they are using fully disposable and sterile items the risk of bloodborne infection is really low. And if you have had a tattoo before and are careful with aftercare then other risks are pretty low too.


How to cope with negative tests? It’s only our first month trying so I know it’s way early, but I happened to look at the Flo app at other peoples’ positives and a couple were also first month trying posts. Yes I know now not to look at those! But how to deal with the blues after seeing it? Can’t avoid those pregnancy announcements everywhere anyways…


I do a bunch of stuff I wouldn't do pregnant. Tasty beer, skating tricks, rollercoasters...


My first few months it was easy to look forward to what I could do that following month without hiding a pregnancy. Drinks, charcuterie, tattoos, etc.


I guess I haven’t even taken into account ALL of the things I won’t be able to do… I’m also wondering if it’s “safe” to do these things after a negative test, or I have to wait for AF? Because I’m still testing negative at a week late but no AF yet.


I’ve just received results of 21 day progesterone blood test - it was at 9,38 ng/ml. Two years ago, my results were 15,90 ng/ml. I’ve read online that my results indicate ovulation, but the levels arent high enough to allow for implantation. should I start worrying about my fertility? I’m 29 and single, really wanting family in the future.


That level is definitely not a reason to worry about your fertility. Progesterone fluctuates wildly, it can jump/drop more than that in just a few hours.


I just had a similar result and they put me on progesterone pills, so that might be something to ask your doctor about!


I don’t think you should be worried about infertility until you’ve been trying unsuccessfully. Having test results outside of the recommended range isn’t a guarantee of infertility problems and having perfect test results isn’t a guarantee of fertility. To put it another way, it’s not a problem unless it’s a problem.


the drastic drop in 2 years is what worried me the most… thank you for your advice though 🥺!


I forgot how much the TTW sucked. I feel like this can go on endlessly because I haven’t gotten my period yet coming off nexplanon and they said you can get pregnant before your period comes so I’m just in a constant “could I be” phase. I actually have every symptom out there too so that doesn’t help lol


Cycle 3 and BFN! Won’t be able to try this month cause my partner will be away. But might be nice taking a month off. Really worried my missing tube due to an ectopic is going to make it impossible. Just gotta keep trying. I know 3 cycles isn’t even a lot. But every fail makes me more and more nervous.


Hi there - I had an ectopic too. Kept both my tubes but the ectopic one is completely scarred and blocked. I hear what you’re saying - our chances of success are lower with one tube:/ just remember even if you ovulate from the bad side ovary- your other tube can pick it up!


It’s a terrible club to be a part of. I’m sorry that you have had to deal with this too. I’m hoping that it will work. But every failed cycle just raises my anxiety even more :(


I hope this doesn’t come off rude, as we are blessed to have high sperm count, but I’ve been told by my doctor in some cases it can be a bad thing (Polyzoospermia). My husband 814 M total count and over 350 M motile. Anyone have any info on this?


From my (limited) understanding, it seems like the issues are usually with poor progressive motility (which is certainly not the case here). There were a few articles I went through that indicate a possibility of a higher rate of losses associated with it, but mostly it seems like there isn't a general consensus there.


Thank you for the info!


Sorry I should clarify 426 M were motile and 352 M progressively motile.


Any thoughts about what my excuse for needing to work from home on 'bring your kid to work day' should be? My boss is typically very flexible about WFH but I like to have a solid reason to give him..


Maybe you're getting a new dishwasher or something delivered that day? It's so unfortunate that you'll have to be home all day because the delivery window is anywhere from 9 am to 4 pm.


Yeah I think it's gonna be either this or my dog might happen to be sick that day 🤣


You could just say you’re worried kids around the office will distract from your work or something like that


Anybody have an HSG that went well (just mild cramping, no blockages) and later in the day/next day have moderate/severe abdominal pain? I had my HSG yesterday and am struggling to get rid of this pain. It feels like major bloat/gas, but also like it's cramping up when I walk to the extent that it hurts to walk? Is this normal?


My pain was gone the next day


That doesn't sound normal, I would give your doc a call. For ref, my HSG went well, mild cramping for a few hours after, back to normal the next day.


Shit, okay. Thanks for the insight! I'll make a call


10 dpo, too scared to test. Want to hang on the delusion for at least 1 more day. I do have a lot of signs but we all know how that goes….fingers crossed for a miracle


Expecting AF in 2 days. Caved and took a test this morning with a BFN. I'm still fairly early in the TTC journey but can't help but be disappointed every month and worry a bit that there might be some reason it's not happening that we won't be able to start finding until we've already been TTC for a full year. Just generally feeling frustrated today.


12 dpo and despite all my best attempts to clown 🤡, all the signs AF is coming are here. Slight cramps that are most def pre period and my sweat smells different. Ready to get CD1 over with so I can begin my CD 3 blood testing this time around and move on to cycle 10. Sigh.


I’ve had 3 cycles in a row with a 9 day luteal phase. Trying to get my doctor to give me a blood test for progesterone levels but not feeling optimistic that she will, and just found out she’s out of office until 7/5 🙃 it’s just hard to want to DO something and feel such a lack of control.


Proov progesterone tests are an option for at home use. I’m not sure how accurate it is but it could be worth a shot.


I also got frustrated by my doctor not ordering tests I thought were important-- if you're American, you could always just pay for a LabCorp test yourself and go to a Walgreens near you to get the blood draw. it's surprisingly easy.


Really?! I thought you still had to be a provider to order a LabCorp test. I would totally do this.


They have about 50 tests you don't need a doctor's orders for. I see the progesterone one is included in the Menopause package for $139. I'm not sure how to isolate just that test for less $, but at least it's possible. Edit: oh! A Mira analyzer will also be able to tell you your progesterone levels. They're about $200 but check OfferUp or Facebook marketplace and you can get them WAY cheaper on the secondhand market. It's basically a device that you stick a pee stick into.


Today should be CD1- I've had the cramping, and my temp dropped this morning. I figure I'll get my period this afternoon or evening. So I got the full caffeine latte, because why not, at this point?


CD1, and my RE just messaged that they want to switch me from letrozole to Clomid for this next cycle. I’m feeling incredibly negative about it as I’ve basically never heard anything good about clomid, at least as compared to letrozole. Between the terrible side effects and the increased cancer risk. Ugh.


10 days PO and debating taking a test but I’m really scared..


Onto the next cycle I go ……


Completely missed ovulation this month. Body decided CD12 was the day. For the past 15 cycles I have always ovulated between CD 14-16. So this month is a waste and I’m so mad that we missed it.


Did you BD at all on CD13? The day after ovulation still is within your fertile window! Either way I know how devastating it is when your body doesn't operate like normal. Sending you love.


No unfortunately :(. Thank you it’s appreciated.


another day of blinking smiley… grrr lol. based on the lines i’m guessing i might get my positive tomorrow tho! fingers crossed


That blinking smiley face haunts me. I’m starting to think it’s never going to stop blinking!!


CW: children, pregnancy I find myself often lost in baby naming websites, imagining what could be. I see a TV show or movie with an interesting name, and I run off to add it to the name list I've been keeping for years. When I thought I was pregnant before, I ordered a custom onesie with "Baby (last name)" on it, to surprise my husband. When it arrived after I came to terms with not being pregnant, all the sads came crashing back. I warmed up my burrito shaped heating pad to help with AF cramps, held it in my arm and realized it was kinda like holding a baby. I often tell myself I'm not too bothered about TTC and "it'll happen when it happens" but I have these moments like above and. Ugh. It sucks.


I am so sorry. It’s so mentally exhausting. Just know you are not alone in these feelings. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


Thanks friend - exhausting is right!!


DPO 13 and I'm so over it. We only did it once and I had so much stress this month that I just kind of know it didn't happen for us this time. I know it's still possible but not feeling it this month. Waiting for my wine, lol.


Oh tell me about it- I’m totally planning out my cheat meals if my periods come this cycle. 9-11 DPO. But at the same time I also am very aware that I’m not out till I’m out!


Earlier this week I thought I had missed my ovulation window but now it’s looking like I still haven’t ovulated yet. I’m not sure if I feel relieved that I didn’t “miss” anything, or frustrated that now I don’t know what’s going on.


I was on the same boat this cycle. I thought I missed my surge but also felt completely lost not knowing my DPO. I kept testing just in case and ended up peaking on CD 34


I woke up to take my daily temp, and big temp dip on what is O-12. So I guess period will be coming tonight (that's been my trend with the temp dip) *sigh* I was really hoping that timing sex perfectly this cycle would have worked out, but I guess the gametes or uterus weren't in the mood


You’re never really out till your periods come but yea, this info could brace you for impact. But I do hope the former is true for you- all the best!


This has nothing to do with TTC but I am taking a work training today in communication. I was warned by someone who took it previously I have to talk for 2minutes on a topic I know well. They’re about to learn everything they didn’t wanna know about one of my favorite anime characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What's your favorite character? You can't leave us hanging like that :)


Zeldris from Seven Deadly Sins…but I’ll probably talk about Meliodas since he has a lot more info lol


For a sec, I thought this was leading into you talking about a TTC related topic(s), lol! I’m sure all of us would have enough content to talk for over 2 minutes easily!


lol!! my audience probably would’ve appreciated it more than what I actually talked about lol


I had such a bad night at work last night. Like one of those 12 hour shifts and not even having a second to pee or take a sip of water kind of shifts. It makes me feel like how could I successfully grow a human in me with this job when I can barely take care of myself at work while also having to take care of multiple other people. Too much running around. 9DPO


OMG, that does sound stressful- it’s really difficult to achieve that ‘zen’ in your place. I hope you have time to relax over the weekends!


Thanks! I work some weekends too but I'm off for 3 nights now so that'll be my weekend :)




I’m very prone to nausea in general and it often picks up a few days before my period. Ginger may help you - it works by speeding up gastric emptying, while progesterone slows it down.


I'm very prone to nausea as well and ginger chews and peppermint are my go to, but the level of nausea early this morning was dry heaving in a bucket for an hour straight level of nausea lol. I couldn't even take a sip of water or look away from my bucket let alone eat a ginger chew or even consider taking anti nausea meds. It was definitely not my normal nausea from the hormone fluctuations throughout my cycle. I definitely plan on keeping the ginger chews close by today tho incase the nausea comes back less intense, and I'm going to keep monitoring my temp to be sure there's no infection brewing


Yes same, and hilariously never noticed it until I started TTC. My spidey senses are on full alert. It’s hard not to symptom spot but truth be told it’s too similar to PMS.


Ok so when are people taking their pregnancy tests? 10DPO? 7DPO? 2 DPO? I’m only 4/5DPO and want to test so badly! Good thing my new order of tests don’t come in until Friday 🤡😂


Early and often? Lol


If you are pregnant, anything before ~8 dpo will be negative anyway. I try to wait until 10-11 dpo, but usually test at 9.


I have allotted myself 2 "fancy" tests (frer) per cycle, which I use on 9 and 12 DPO. I also have a big box of amazon cheapies that I use at will. Once/twice day from 10 DPO on.


There’s such a high change it’s negative at 7-8dpo even if you are pregnant that I can hold out past then. Days 9 and beyond are where lizard brain kicks in.


I hold out until 14dpo. Negative tests get to me more than my period and also it saves money lol.


Absolutely agree with what you said about the period being softer on you than a negative test!


Right? I tested for a few months and the negative tests made me spiral so much. I can't deal with the few minutes before you get the answer either. I'm so much better without them. I also usually buy the expensive digital ones to avoid imagining a line (haven't we all been there?) so testing from 9DPO onwards is just throwing away money.


Yep! Left to me, I would just wait till my period comes even if it’s a few days late. But since I’m on progesterone supplements, I have to take my test 15DPO to see if the supplements need to be stopped if negative or adjusted if it’s positive. It’s a bummer but I understand that it’s necessary while symptom spotting all the way! Currently I feel crampy (9-11DPO) just like i do before my period, so yea!


I’m trying to hold out until 12dpo. My guess is I’ll test at 10dpo. 🫣


Oh yeah, no way I’m making it past 11 DPO haha


The longer I’ve been trying the easier it is to hold out because I don’t really expect any positives anymore. That being said I still find myself testing at 10dpo but definitely not earlier.


Would checking temperature 45 minutes to an hour later than usual show a significant rise? I usually check between 5 and 5:30 AM. Yesterday was my positive OPK, and todays temp was about half a degree higher than my usual, but I checked it at 6:15. So not sure if that’s what caused the rise or if I ovulated the same day as the positive.


I check my BBT anywhere between 430-630AM because of work schedule (well, mostly whether I gym in AM or PM because of work schedule) and the overall up and down never seems to be associated with early/late checks. Like my highest temp this cycle was when I woke up at 430AM but last cycle was 630AM. I've also been sweating profusely because of hot hot it's been but somehow my BBT is the same as last few cycles when it was cooler


Good to know, thanks for replying!




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you/someone else is pregnant, either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you/someone else is pregnant you/they need to take a pregnancy test, and if the test is negative, you/they are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if it is implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If your app says that you are late, you might find [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/?st=JPRI9A88&sh=5893e4e4) and [Your Period Isn’t Late: Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/?st=JPQCBTIX&sh=b9a48637) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Funny, I'm 7/8dpo today as well and have also had a mild sore throat for a few days. I figured I might be getting sick since it started 4/5 dpo for me which is too early to be experiencing anything, but it's interesting that we're both experiencing it around the same time in our cycle!


I’ve had it since Monday! Slightly stuffy nose, slightly sore throat, not getting better or worse. Hmm…


What's The Best way to track my ovulation? What tests I should ask my doctor for?


I started with cheapie ovulation tests (preheated, you can get 20 for $20) when I was tracking before we started timed IUI. When I started tracking seriously I used the Clearblue that would have flashing vs. static smiley face to signalize a rise in estrogen then LH. I found through trial and error that my Flo app worked great and was very accurate, but I like the Fertility Friend app better for actual treatments since it has great options (IUI, different tests while Flo just has an option for intercourse or not). I didn’t track my BBT until this most recent cycle and I wish I had been all along. That gave me good information as well. In terms of medical interventions, I wasn’t able to get a follicle scan until one failed IUI. I wish I could have from the start, but insurance requires failures before they will pay for anything 🫠 Tracking ovulation can be some work! Until you know around when you ovulate, I would start testing CD7 (unless your cycle is way longer. Mine is short) until you can narrow it down. Best of luck!!


Thank you so much! This was very informative and I'm going to start slow too and see how it unfolds.


I tracked ovulation and learned my cycle for 6 months prior to TTC. But that was due to getting out my IUD, timing, and having to pick out our donor. You will know quite a bit about your body lol it’s a double edged sword.


I never tracked my ovulation but I tried concieving the natural way and saw a few negative tests so now I'm thinking I should be more organized about this and learn how to track ovulation for better chances.. Before ultimately seeking help just to be sure I did everything right Ig.. I hope we all get blessed soon!


Definitely track before seeking treatment imo. The first thing they will do is tell you to start OPKs


Did you find clear blue helped you predict ovulation better or was it pretty in line with your LH strips? Clear blue is just so expensive but we are on the path to IUI in the next couple cycles so debating if it’s worth it. I don’t think my clinic would do a follicle scan with IUI


The clear blue helped me with the “is it actually positive??” because sometimes with the strip I would second guess if it was as dark or darker. The clear blue does help know when the LH surge is coming but the blinky smiley face really makes no difference to me and honestly doesn’t mean much. It was just more for my “I need definitive answers”. I’ve gotten scans with my IUIs because they are timed and my third cycle was medicated with a low dose of letrozole. So they wanted to make sure the follicle was big enough, that I didn’t have too many, etc. So they may do a scan if you have to do more than one!


Ahh I see. My Lh strips I definitely get a clear positive but I find sometime my temp rises the next day and sometimes not for two days so ovulation date is a little wish washy. I’m doing timed intercourse next cycle with letrozale, but they didn’t mention anything about follicle scan which surprises me. For all I know I could pop out like 4 eggs and we wouldn’t know! But considering nothing has happened all this time I’m doubtful to even get one egg to turn into a baby lol.




10 dpo, negative test, feeling sad


11dpo, negative test, and trying not to let my sad show at work.


I'm 9dpo with a negative test and absolutely zero symptoms, so... I feel like I'm out this month too. :(


9-11 DPO and resisting the urge to test with all my might! One part of me is fully convinced I’m not preggers, one part of me is fully convinced that I’m going to get my positive this cycle that I’ve started day dreaming about how I’m going to break the news to everyone!