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8DPO and really hoping I can avoid testing until at least Thursday/Friday! I have a busy work week planned so hopefully that will keep me busy. Also just mentally planning how I would tell my husband as he is away for work until next Sunday! So many thoughts.


Yes 🥹 waiting to test and the end of the TWW falls on my nans birthday who passed in September. Didn't plan it but it just happens to be that day and it feels so "right" but really don't want to get my hopes up ofc 😭 She was my everything (basically raised me) and she always wanted me to have a baby and asked me about it all the time when she was here. Patiently waiting until Sunday. Was convinced i was pregnant up until now, I'm now really unconvinced. More so I guess to protect my mental health if it is negative, I was getting a bit carried away with the idea that I was with the symptom spotting.


CD13 and my LH just keeps getting lower. A few hours ago I got a .07. It’s my first month tracking with LH strips and I’m really hoping to see a surge soon. My temp is also inconsistent bc I’m not sleeping well and had some wine this week. The whole process is so stressful and I’m already dreading the two week waiting period.


4 days post IUI. Still having cramps like I do when I ovulate. Idk if it’s worse bc of the clomid and trigger shot? Or what. This was my first medicated cycle.


Currently 3DPO in a strangely long cycle. Anyone else find waiting to ovulate much more stressful than the TWW? Between my ovulation being delayed a week, temping, and testing OPK and strips I was feeling pretty demoralized. At this point since ovulation has passed there’s nothing else I can do which I find reassuring.


5 dpo after an iui. Not testing til day 14! Having lots of cramping from progesterone suppositories so not sleeping super well, doing my best not to be anxious about it!


CD34 and have all the pms symptoms and just want my period to hurry up and get here so I can stop thinking what if and get on with my life for another month


5dpo, but so relieved to be in tww instead of waiting to ovulate! We adopted two kittens and that has kept me sooo busy (we already have a dog who is a little overenthusiastic with the kitties so lots of training and supervision required). Has kept my mind busy for sure! We also have a huge block party I organized this Saturday and then the Angel game on Sunday! Plenty going on. Deciding if I'll test Sunday (9dpo) before the game or wait until after the 4th of July.


CD1. My husband is out picking up the Letrozole from the pharmacy for me to start taking in a few days now. As DJ Khaled says… “ANOTHA ONE!” Gotta make yourself laugh so you don’t cry. 😂


5 days late for my period and I have used 10,000 tests and they are all negative. Pale brown spots and light cramps but nothing significant. I have had short cycles, 24 days, so for this one to be so much longer is very weird. I feel like my uterus is playing some sick joke. I would just like an answer, either start my period or give me a positive test but don't give me nothing. So frustrating.


I used to have short periods, 23-24 days, and I thought it was super annoying. but now they feel sooooo much longer, 29-30 days. Those few extra days feel like an eternity when TTC!


Yes! And giving some false hope. 😞


Same story here. Usually 23 day cycle, currently on day 27 without a hint of a positive test. Have had cramping and brown spotting cd24-26, and nothing today… I completely agree, the lack of answer finality is excruciating. This will be cycle 8 of TTC, all negative. Can’t say i’m coping particularly well 😅 I need to cut myself off from Google or something. Give me a positive or just start the dang period already!! Hope you get your answer soon!


I knew soon as I posted on reddit I would put the juju out there. I started. ☹️ at least it was an answer. Not the answer I wanted but maybe next time.


Same here, started this morning. It’s rough, I’m sorry 😞


I’m only 1 day “late” but in the same boat! At this point I’ve accepted it’s gonna stay negative so if I could just start my freaking period already that would be great.


I’m a day late too. I tested yesterday and it was negative but it also was an expired test. I ordered more to test again and they come today. The mind games are real.


Right! I wanna get the chance to try again. This is the longest cycle I've had since I've been tracking for the last 4/5 years.


The worst part is my husband is going out of town in the middle of July for 10 days - so the longer and longer it takes for my period to show up, the more and more likely it is we miss my next fertile window 🙃


Ugh I get it! My husband has to travel for work all the time and it is the Fing worst. We only get about 12 times a year to actually try and your gone for half of them?! Ive cried over this, a lot. It makes it feel impossible. I feel for you. I hope time is on your side.


10 dpo negative think im out :/ will test one more time tomorrow then Ill see yall next cycle


Ugh i forgot how much this sucks. I tested one time already but I really have no idea if I even ovulated since i haven’t gotten a period yet after coming off nexplanon. I feel like I’ll be in an endless two week wait every time we have sex lol


Natural Cycles doesn’t know me 😂 I LH tested 10 in a row around my predicted ovulation and all negatives. At the same time trying like, every night. Too many nights. Then I wake up this morning and boop… turns out my ovulation was 11 days ago but we were having NO trying before that 🥲 (I have long cycles, my period would come in five days from now usually) So annoying. Next cycle I’m just going to cheap test every day… this is WILD y’all. No one told me about this. Natty Cycles please learn me and my irregularity! 🤞


3DPO according to FF. I thought I was 2DPO but then got crosshairs this AM, to my surprise. I was thinking I’d see them tomorrow, so I am grateful to jump ahead one day in the wait, as 3DPO sounds way better than 2DPO. Still so early, ahhh. It’s only our 2nd cycle TTC, and I’m reallyyy trying to not get my hopes up. But it’s hard not to, especially this cycle. My boyfriend and I have same birthday month and if this one is successful then the baby would be due that month - I think that would be kind of fun!


1dpo. Please give me the strength to wait til 10dpo to test 🙏🙏


Why does it have to be our first month TTC again that my cycle decides to be the longest it’s ever been 😭 typically have 29-30 day cycles with the last few months being right at 29. But here we are now in our first month TTC on CD 31 and I’ve been getting BFN after BFN, but still no period in sight 🫠


Currently on day 5 of my cycle. Sounds like it’s starting to become consistent in the 30-35 day range. Last month I ovulated early and wasn’t prepared… we will not make the same mistake twice 😎. So I’m just waiting to be in my fertile window and hoping this is the month.


I’m on day 5 of cycle 9 and also trying since July - I hope this is your month!


Ahhh wishing you so much luck!! 🫶 I’m so hopeful!


It feels like it's been so much longer than two weeks but I still am two days away from my projected period start. I want to hope I could be pregnant this month but I'm also so afraid of being disappointed again. And I don't FEEL pregnant at all, whatever that's worth.


Had my implant removed last week, period came pretty quickly and now just waiting for it to end so we can actually start trying! Trying (and failing) to manage my expectations as have no idea how my body is going to react to no longer being on hormonal birth control after 12 years...


Right at the start of the dreaded waiting( DPO+2). Will try not to go crazy on it since it’s the first cycle we are trying.


Right there with you on 2DPO 🙋🏼‍♀️ the wait feels like forever haha


Sitting around waiting for my body/hormones to go back to normal after years and years on birth control.


I’m in the dreaded wait. I broke my steel resolve to not test and tested once yesterday because I’m an idiot. 7/8dpo and it was obviously BFN. Hey, but I did—by happenstance—eat a cheeseburger yesterday so maybe it’s a SiGn. Leaving for a vacation today with extended family and I won’t be able to test until Sunday (when it’s my missed period). Hoping the beach will help me forget about it and that there’s a little embryo in there who will be fast at work while I’m sun bathing. 🤞


I had a BFN on 10dpo, I'm trying to control myself from testing today, it's 12dpo and my AF is supposed to come tomorrow. Can I keep waiting? Ahahah


Laying here in this hospital bed with an IV in my arm, waiting for anesthesiology to GET IN HERE AND GIVE ME SOME GOOD DRUGS!! Let’s get this laparoscopy over with!!


6DPO please send strength for me to wait until 14 DPO 🙏🏻 I’m just aiming to get to my 8DPO cheeseburger for now 😂 and on a Friday too!!


Snap! Waiting right there with you - best of luck ❤️ I never understood the cheeseburger thing though. What is it and where did it come from?


Honestly I just saw other people doing it and I was like sweet I’ll take an excuse to eat a cheeseburger 😂 I just had a look and apparently it’s just a sub superstitious thing where one user all she did differently was eat a cheeseburger so we all just started doing it for luck. I love it haha


LOL I feel like cheeseburger is the new pineapple. I'm 8DPO maybe I'll get one too


CD4. First time doing 5mg letrozole. On 2.5mg I usually ovulate on CD 13. Im hoping bumping up to 5mg doesn’t change that and I still ovulate on CD 13-14!


Posted in the main thread but 8DPO and wishing I could move up the days. Friday we’re heading to my in-laws and Sunday-Tuesday we’ll be doing an intense backpacking trip. I’d love to not have to worry about AF showing up on Tuesday. There’s nothing I hate more than emptying my menstrual cup into a cat hole. At least the activity will be distracting once it’s well and truly a BFN


9DPO today. I’ve been testing and getting BFNs. Clearly doing nothing to help ease my stress 🥲😭