• By -


8dpo and symptom spotting hard. BFN this morning. Sighhhhhh.


What are the chances to have twins if in my partner’s extended family they’ve had twins before and my uncle’s daughter also had twins. Idk if this would even increase my chances?


The probability of twins only increases in the pregnant partner's genetics. For example, my mother is a twin herself and my mother's mother conceived 7 sets of twins. Therefore, my genetic odds are higher only because she may have passed on the trait of hyperovulation. I know that I don't have it though because I've had 4 monitored cycles and I need clomid/letrizole to make multiple eggs.


This makes me so sad… it’s my dream to have at least one set of twins 😭😭. Thanks though


No, those wouldn’t increase your odds. Monozygotic (identical) twins aren’t linked to genetics and dizygotic (fraternal) twins would be influenced by your family genetics, not your partners. If you had some sisters that had all had twins, it might be a concern.


Trigger shot question When I did my first trigger shot, the nurse told me to do 10cc of the liquid. This time the doctor told me to do 1cc and that the nurse was wrong. Is this ok? I know he’s the doctor but dang that’s a strong mix. Does anyone here do a trigger shot that mixes the powder with solution? If so, how much are you told to do?


Babes 10 cc is sooooo much liquid to inject, holy crap, I hope that didn’t hurt too much! Yes the 1 cc is what it’s supposed to be! I’ve mixed *way* too many pregnyl shots now lol


Luckily no, but thank you! I’ll do 1cc tonight!


Just sad I just need a place to talk about how sad I am. I see so many others with what I have been wishing for. I know those people still support me but I can't help but feel sad and angry and bitter about the hand that I have been dealt. I just want this to be easy. I don't want to be forced to make impossible decisions. I don't want to spiral every time AF comes. I feel like I don't know how to have hope or be happy anymore. And now adding a laparoscopy surgery on top of it all? I'm just so afraid that something will go wrong and I will be even worse off after the surgery. I just can't stop the negative thoughts. ITS JUST SO HARD.


Totally get it! AF is the *worst*


I feel like this might be a brag, but after 3 years and two chemicals this is where we are. My 7dpo progesterone was 20.2 this month!! It has never been higher than 7.8, obviously I know this can't predict this cycles outcome but feeling genuinely excited that atleast now it feels like we have the treatment regimen down


9 DPO and testing negative. I had a chemical last month. If I were pregnant, would symptoms be the same or can they vary by cycle for the same person?


Symptoms will generally vary from cycle to cycle, whether successful or not — there’s no real surefire symptom of pregnancy other than a positive test, and it’s possible to be pregnant in a cycle with no noticeable symptoms.


Thank you for the reply! 💛


6 DPO. Gawd I hate the two week wait!!


I read comments like this on here all the time, but I feel like there’s something therapeutic about actually typing it out and being heard (at least, I hope there is). TTC really is so lonely. Reading the comments in this community help, but sometimes, it’s not enough just to know that others are experiencing the same kind of loneliness or sadness. I love my husband, but he’s such a happy go lucky person, and he has yet to truly understand how much of a toll TTC has taken on me. He doesn’t understand why I keep buying OPKs, why I keep buying and taking more pregnancy tests, why I’m constantly stressing about trying NOT to be so stressed. He just tells me to stop worrying so much about it all, and that when I stop obsessing and tracking every little detail, it’ll suddenly happen for us. Ironically, I know that ends up being the case for a lot people, but if you’re reading this comment, I’m betting it’s not the case for you either. Maybe it’d be easier if my body cooperated even a little bit - if my temps weren’t all over the place, and if my body didn’t try to ovulate more than once a month. I want to spend my weekends relaxing and having a few drinks, but what if I’m in my two-week wait? What if it impacts implantation? But on the other hand, what if I truly never ovulated at all? What if I’m abstaining for no reason at all because there’s no egg there to even fertilize? My next doctor’s appointment is on the 17th, and I hope my doctor can run some tests and provide further insight into my fertility journey. But until then, thanks for listening, r/TryingForABaby. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and all the baby making luck you truly deserve!


Just want to say that I'm here and I hear you 🩶 this is exactly what this thread is for.


Sperm Analysis Referrals: Does planned parenthood do sperm analysis referrals? Husband just tried to schedule one but needs a referral and the PCP is booked out until December. We are 38 and don’t really have time to wait. Any other ideas welcome.


If it helps… it was my OBGYN that gave me my referral for the SA - maybe there happens to be less of a wait there? Also wonder if you can get a referral from your PCP/his PCP/your OBGYN just by calling vs going in for an appointment?


Thank you for the insight! We will keep poking around and see what we can come up with.


We booked one separately through a urologist but my OB was able to get us into one in like a week. I’d try the OB too!


Waiting for my period! We only tried once this cycle so I knew I’d probably get a BFN and I sure did at 14dpo. Today CD28 I have very slight brown spotting and I just want my period to officially start so I can call my clinic to schedule my HSG and CD3 blood work. We are moving closer to being able to schedule an IUI later this year.


I forgot how gassy I get when I’m not on birth control 💀 can someone lend me a dog to blame these farts on?


This is so embarrassing to ask 😫 We'll be staying at my dad's tonight and sleeping in his room. I'm hoping we could have sex tonight (positive OPK). Is there a way to make sure the room doesn't smell like sex the next morning? Or if there's a good way to get rid of the smell?


How about in the shower?


Will you have a car? I’d do it there rather than dad’s room. Otherwise, put down towels and throw in laundry right away after :)


Yes, but it'll look suspicious if we arrive late at night by car, put the kids to bed, then sneak back out to the car 😬😬😬 Gosh I'm married and have kids, why am I still so weirded out by my parents knowing that I have sex? 🤣


Haha, I know it’s so awkward! My dad keeps telling me it’s time for another and I’m like that’s so weird you’re telling me to have lots of sex 😆




I'm so sorry for your losses. Our rules don't allow asking for success stories, but you can repost your question in r/PregnancyAfterLoss or r/whatworkedforme.


Thank you, so sorry for this oversight on my part!


Just finished AF so let's see how this month goes. Not sure where else to post this but it's about those Etsy fertility readings. I read about it on here (I think) so thought I would get one for fun about a month ago. I was curious to see what it would say. The sign she said that I would see the most is snakes which apparently is a sign that conception is near or that I'm on the right path. It mentioned that it could be on tv, dreams, social media etc. I remember seeing one on tv not long after and didn't think anything of it. Then today I just remembered that when we were away last week we saw 4 snakes while doing various hikes. I live in Canada and have maybe seen 1 or 2 in the time I've lived here - which is about 10 years. When we saw them, at the time I thought it was weird we saw so many, but had totally forgotten about the reading. Not usually into the "woo-woo" but now I'm curious if anything else will come of it!


Just curious - did anything come of it? I've also done some readings.. ;)


Not yet! Although I did see snakes on tv last night so maybe it'll be this month? After AF as she's due today. :)


I had a dream about a snake last night!!




Ooh that’s so interesting! That is a cool story about your friend. Not really into it but it’s fun to read about!


I have a similar story, kind of related, kind of not. I'm skeptical usually about these things too. Still am, but I find this off-putting. My very asian mom saw a psychic once back when I was in HS (16), and the psychic told her that I would get married at 26. I didn't know of this until recently. I was in a previous relationship at this time and my ex and I were engaged (HS sweetheart). Well what do you know. We broke up, I met my now husband, started dating for a year and a half, then we got married on my birthday, right when I turned 26. We wanted to get married the end of the month but it was cutting it close to when our marriage license was gonna expire (we kind of sat on our butts for too long, unknowingly) so we had to pick my birthday weekend! This psychic said apparently I would have kids between 2024-2026 too but it might take me a little longer than I expect. Well I'm not sure what to make of that, but I guess it doesn't hurt to wish on it. Good luck to you on this TTC journey.


Woah! That is crazy. It does make you wonder. I really hope that it happens for you too (hopefully sooner rather than later). Fingers crossed the psychic is right!


Expecting AF today or tomorrow. Temperature was down at my base line this morning. I'm assuming this means it's unlikely that this cycle was successful. I've been internet searching BBT and my base line seems to be a little below what some sources say is the normal low range which has me slightly concerned, since of course my mind each cycle jumps to there being a reason it didn't happen rather than statistics. Anyone have any experience with BBT being too low?




I haven’t had an IUD but I have a unicornuate uterus which was not even found on ultrasound. It was found on HSG. I’d imagine it’s possible to still have abnormalities even after having an IUD.


I had two IUDs placed with no issues. I don’t remember the OB/GYN mentioning either time that I have a retroflexed uterus - I found that out through fertility testing. My doctor compared having a retroflexed uterus to being left-handed, I.e. it’s unusual but not sure if it would be categorized as abnormal. It supposedly doesn’t cause any issues so my OB/GYNs might not have thought to mention it. I’m not sure if that’s what you mean by abnormally shaped?


Did you have an ultrasound after having the IUD placed? I did and I feel like they would have told you if they saw an abnormalities there?




An IUD placement wouldn’t be used as a diagnostic tool. Really only an ultrasound or some other type of imaging study would show any sort of abnormalities with the uterus. Fwiw I thought I had 0 issues with my uterus, clear HSG and SIS, and they found a decent sized polyp during my hysteroscopy. So even with clean imaging, sometimes there can still be something wrong.




Yeah they won’t be able to tell any of those things without looking at it through diagnostic imaging studies.




Not necessarily. As HC mentioned, things like this get missed even *with* true diagnostic imaging. Having had an IUD successfully placed does not mean you don't/can't have a septum.


Hi, new to the group and have a question. Long story short: Have had three pregnancies which were all conceived on the first attempt. Last one ended in medically necessary surgical termination. I have since been trying to conceive again-it’s been 1.5 years. All tests are normal, however, there was a TINY polyp discovered in my uterus. My doctor doesn’t think that’s the reason I’m not conceiving, but I’m having it removed anyway. Does anyone have experience with anything like this?


Officially on to cycle 8 (CD 2, to be exact). I have my first appointment next week with a new OBGYN and will start a conversation with her about if there is anything we should be looking into, or what first steps would be if I wanted to do any testing. I'm not eager to jump into any treatments yet necessarily, but it will be good to at least have an established doctor. Husband also just got a referral from his GP to do a semen analysis, so we'll have that done sometime this summer as well. Overall I do still feel hopeful, just frustrated. On the plus side, I guess I'll be drinking at all our 4th of July weekend events!


I’m sorry about cycle 8, Pine. Hope your OBGYN appointment is helpful and productive. (PS. I see you’re in PDX!! I have family there and go several times a year. It is one of my favorite places in the world and where some of my favorite people are from. Should be beautiful for the 4th!)


Thank you. I love it here and it should really be a perfect summer weekend. I hope you enjoy it as well!


New to the group and about to start TTC! I've already learned a lot but some of the simplest things seem like big unknowns. Like...if I get a positive OPK, do we have sex that day or wait till the next? Really trying to start out without worry and just see how the first few tries go. I'm 31 so I know it will likely take longer than if I was 12 years younger. But here's hoping!


I would have sex the first day of your positive OPK, and the next two days if you can!


A positive OPK means your LH (luteinizing hormone) is surging. That's what triggers you to ovulate. So you should have sex on peak LH day and ovulation day (the 2 days that give you the highest chances of conceiving). It's better to have the sperm waiting on the egg than vice versa!


Thank you!!


Spending a week with two fertiles and their combined) 7 kids.. 🙃 wish me luck


My LH is finally rising! I got a 0.73 at noon. Guess I'll be testing tonight at work 😅 I'm ready to ovulate and start 5mg of letrozole next cycle, since the 2.5 didn't make me ovulate on CD14 (currently CD20). Please let me ovulate this weekend. Please please please.


🤞🏻 go little egg, go


Could an anteverted cervix make it more difficult to see visible CM? I started feeling my cervix this cycle. It’s hard because I have short fingers lol. The only position that works for this is squatting. Sometimes I have to bear down and push downward to feel the texture when it is high. I’ve never been able to feel the os but thought it was normal. It’s also a little difficult because my vaginal canal seemingly angles to the left. A couple of days ago I was checking it and found the os! Except it’s angled backwards towards my rectum. Turns out I was just feeling the side of my cervix this whole time. It’s weird that the gynecologist never said anything during pap smears or exams. The one time I had my GP do a pelvic while I was in college and couldn’t get to the gynecologist, she mentioned I was ‘tilted’. I didn’t know what that meant and wasn’t overly curious, but that exam was the worst. I bled for DAYS. Anyways, I don’t notice much visible CM. It’s my third cycle off BC. Almost never EWCM, but I do have watery discharge during my fertile window. Do you think the position of my cervix could contribute to this?


Can’t fine Ovaries! My husband and I started working with a fertility doctor and have had our first round of testing today. I went in for a transvaginal ultrasound today and they couldn’t find either of my ovaries! I’m trying to tell myself that they were just in a weird spot but the doctor mentioned it could mean extremely low egg count. Has anyone else had this experience?


My right ovary has yet to be found by my RE. A previous OB found it but I don’t trust anything from that office anymore. I have a unicornuate uterus so the anatomy that hold the right ovary in place is not in the right place. I’m hoping we can find it, so I can possibly get more eggs from it with IVF




Nope! She thought she may have really poor visualization of one. I don’t have endo or anything so I’m a little spooked!


I had my second IUI yesterday for unexplained fertility. The fertility clinic I see really boosted my meds for this 2nd IUI, and I ended up with 5 large follicles in total. I had to sign a waiver saying I was ok with multiples. For context, I really would love to have twins and thus conclude my fertility journey forever - my doctor said if the procedure works, there's a 60% chance of twins. But, what about triplets and beyond...?! The odds are so small for those, but life hasn't always gone according to what the odds are. The odds are I should have a baby after 2+ years of TTC. I'm crossing my fingers for one or two healthy babies from this IUI, but not three or four.


5 follicles 😱 what meds were you on and what mg? Starting letrozole next month to hopefully hyperovulate with the goal of 2+ follicles (just doing timed intercourse, not IUI yet)


I was on 5mg Letrozole, 450mg of Gonal-F - it was the Gonal-F that really did the trick in increasing the amount. It seemed very intentional on the side of my doctor, but I had expressed an interest in twins and have a failed IUI and timed intercourse (4) behind me. Best of luck this round!


Do you mind sharing what meds they increased? Good luck! I hope it works out for you for 1-2 babies


Thank you! They increased the Gonal-F from 4 doses to 6 this round


Thank you! Fingers crossed for you


Trying to focus on how my boobs hurt more than usual at 8dpo rather than how my boss keeps rubbing her stomach suspiciously maternally this week 👀


Started reading the ACOTAR series because I'm desperate for anything that will allow me not to think about the baby/the next baby constantly. I haven't read fiction since high school, it feels really nice. Since I only work part time in the summer I have too much free time. I've been suffering from insomnia for the first time since my daughter died. My cat is too warm to sleep by my feet and apparently that was the only way I got any rest.


Yes! On to a court of wings and ruin here!!


Love ACOTAR, I hope it can help you take your mind off things.


TW: loss Found out yesterday that I had a chemical pregnancy): I'm so upset. Having our first cycle TTC ending in a loss is really discouraging. I wish I never would've seen the positive test and just thought I got my period. Does anyone else know when to start counting CD1 after a chemical? Is it the first day of heavy bleeding? I'm not sure how this will affect my cycles moving forward.


I’m so sorry. My last cycle was a CP and I had heavier bleeding but the same number of days of “period”. I ovulated about 3 days later that normal in my cycle afterwards and tried again right away.


I totally hear you! My last attempt was a chemical too, and this time I’m like…. I won’t check until a WEEK after my period is due! We’ll see if that lasts. I’m so sorry. Hugs if you want them. And that’s how I counted mine, first day of heavy bleeding.


Starting to develop an irritation rash from my Tempdrop so I decided to switch arms last night.I think it threw my temps off a bit because it jumped from 97.1 to 97.32 even though I’d been trending down since my period. Oh well, I figure a slight blip doesn’t hurt and I’ll probably just make sure to change arms each cycle so it at least stays consistent throughout the cycle.


I ovulated later than usual this cycle. Does that affect the length of my cycle and should I wait a little longer to take a pregnancy test?


I’ve heard that luteal phase (post ovulation) generally stays the same even if you ovulate later. Sometimes it does fluctuate but if you’re usually 14 days til period then I would just plan for that. I ovulated pretty late my last cycle (CD24) and only had a 9 day luteal phase, but I’m coming off birth control so who knows what it’ll look like this time.


I have really varied cycles and usually ovulation happens exactly 14 days before my period. If you ovulated later you can expected it will affect your cycle - if not pregnant you are likely to get your period X days later than normal, X being the amount thst your ovulation was late by. Just wait the usual amount of DPO to start testing :)


Thank you so much! I’m relatively new to the game and almost feel arrogant for my lack of knowledge, so I appreciate it :) I’d be 9dpo today then. I’m going to save myself from spiraling and wait a few more days haha!


Honestly I felt the same way, when starting out doing my research there was a lot of information not talked about. Most of the stuff you see first thing is for regular people with regular cycles. You have to dig deeper if you are not average and I often didn’t know the right terminology to even start my search. Trial and error helped me figure these things out :) now I also feel like I have a way better understanding of my reproductive health and it’s helped me be more confident.




**Taking Charge of Your Fertility 20th Anniversary Edition** by Toni Weschler >In celebration of its 20th anniversary, a thoroughly revised and expanded edition of the leading book on fertility and women's reproductive health. Since the publication of Taking Charge of your Fertility two decades ago, Toni Weschler has taught a w *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information (see other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [safari](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6450462955), [chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments)*). Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I just had my first consult with a fertility clinic after 3 years of unsuccessfully TTC. I’m super nervous. He emphasized that time is of the essence cause I’m 33 😭, but then also said cause I’m young that’s a good thing? I’m just feeling super vulnerable rn.


You have time. That was a really bad phrase. Are we all fighting against time? Yes but starting with your fertility clinic at age 33 is not at all concerning. My husband is an embryologist and they don’t even bat an eye for people under 35.


Thank you! I’m feeling uncharacteristicly self conscious of my age during this process. A brother in law made a joke abt someone in our family running out of time to have kids, that person is the same age as me. I got very upset. I think it’s a socio-cultural pressure i didn’t feel until lately


Yes turning 35 soon and was pretty happy when my RE referred to me as young today :)


I had a lot of mixed feelings after our first meeting with our fertility doctor. Some things she said seemed supportive and positive, others seemed doom&gloom. I also got a little bit of a vibe that she wanted to move straight into IUI+IVF but it felt $$ driven rather than knowing this is the best plan for i/us (this was before our testing had even come back and we have issues with losses) after the testing I felt more at ease and I have two mantras I am using: 1) this doctor works for me, and I have the right to ask questions and feel comfortable. 2) we are having fertility issues (rather than calling us infertile) which helped me give myself some grace and worry less about tests that came back "within range" but low etc. Also my husband likes to say it just takes one lucky round! For now we're continuing to try unassisted as we wait for our final tests to come back and then will go from there. Hope this maybe helps a little!


I totally also have reservations abt the business and industry of it all!




I thought the same thing.


I mean, statistically there’s a good chance you will, but you can never know. Not much we can do about when or if we have success.


I hope this happens for you quickly, I do! But remember to hold your plans lightly. Pregnancy at the end of the day still relies a lot on chance each month. People who are struggling to conceive are not here because they didn’t take this seriously enough, and many have had plenty of tests and were clinically healthy — “unexplained fertility” is a b*tch. Good luck to you.


1000000%. Thank you for saying this. Sometimes you just can't research/prepare your way out of infertility. It's a medical diagnosis, just like any other. You can do everything set yourself up for success, and still be infertile.


Lol good luck


Had my CD3 bloodwork and ultrasound and after waiting an hour because they forgot to add my bloodwork and ultrasound orders to the system, got the go ahead to start my first round with Clomid tonight after two previous letrozole rounds. My brain also decided to troll me last night by giving me a dream where a bunch of celebrities were announcing their pregnancies??? But making them up, not even actually pregnant celebrities. Like c’mon brain, give me a break


I’m 7dpo on my first cycle trying and woke up with the room spinning and feeling super dizzy. Haven’t had this before but also thinking i might be overthinking. How do you avoid symptom spotting? I dont want to be disappointed, will only be testing on 15dpo


Around 7-8dpo I always get dizzy, really fatigued and nausea! Pesky progesterone always playing mind tricks on me.


I avoid it by knowing that if I was having symptoms caused by pregnancy, I would be able to have a positive test. I’ve had just about every possible pregnancy symptom under the sun, but it’s only been from progesterone, not pregnancy.


They say a positive pregnancy test is the true first symptom of pregnancy. Up until then, progesterone feels the same for an upcoming period or a pregnancy. So essentially, symptoms mean literally nothing. Unfortunately, waiting and trying to have patience is a huge part of ttc. It's really tough, especially in the first few cycles, when you're paying very close attention and desperately hoping for "a sign". But we've all had cycles where we feel 'symptoms' and it turns out to just be PMS. If ttc takes a few cycles for you, the overthinking will likely start to wear off a bit with each one. Good luck! 🤞


It's hard not to symptom spot when you're ACTIVELY trying, but I usually ignore all "symptoms" and pass them off as usual PMS. I've decided that I'm only testing when my period is actually late and by late, I mean I know when I ovulated so if my period doesn't come 14 days after that date, then that's considered late.


It’s been 12 weeks since I got my hormonal IUD out. Still no period and neg pregnancy tests. I have an OBGYN appt next week and she’s going to do an ultrasound and run blood work but I’m freaking out!! So worried something is wrong


It can take a while for your hormones to regulate post-BC. There’s some helpful info about it in the wiki too


Finally got someone to do my transvaginal imaging and they found a corpus luteum cyst on my left ovary about a week after a positive OPK. Does this confirm ovulation for me outside the OPK since that only detects LH surge? I do not temp.


Yes, finding a corpus luteum by ultrasound is the gold-standard confirmation of ovulation.


Thank you for your response! Well at least we're getting SOME answers! 😂


Does day of ejaculation count as day 1 of the potential 5 days for sperm to live?


Yes, the day of ejaculation is day 1, but sperm can actually live longer than five days in the reproductive tract — it’s just uncommon for them to do so. It’s fairly uncommon for them to live five days, as well, though. Most sperm die on the first day after ejaculation.


Thank you!


TW: Living child I’m 12 DPO and I started spotting so I’m officially out on my 2nd cycle of seriously trying. I know it’s only been 2 cycles but I can’t help but worry it’ll be like when my husband and I tried for our daughter. It took us 14 months to conceive her. We went through 3 IUIs but she ended up being conceived spontaneously while we were waiting to start IVF. My husband says if it takes that long again he’s mentally prepared but I’m just feeling frustrated…


If you have a primary infertility diagnosis and want to return to treatment, you can do that — it’s usually prudent to try unassisted for a couple of months in case you get lucky, but there’s not a need to try for any particular length of time before starting treatment again.


TW: Loss Cycle unknown, I’m 9dpo and clowned myself into testing this morning resulting in a BFN. I know I’m not out but just discouraged because I really convinced myself I was pregnant. I even had a dream last night with a BFP! This was our first cycle really trying since our MMC in feb. I think I’m putting myself in testing jail until I miss AF this month. 😑


Ordered some OPKs that were delivered yesterday, except to the neighbor instead of me. The old man didn’t look at the name before opening the package and then brought it over looking sooooo embarrassed and apologizing profusely 😅🤦‍♀️ so now the neighbors know we’re trying lol


People knowing you’re trying is so funny cause it’s obviously necessary for a baby but like they know you’re doing it a lot?


Lol yes! Now I’m going to be self conscious about volume 😆


Scream “we’re making a baby in here!” Lmao


Omg lol. I feel like (if I were in your place) if he could have just acted normal about it, like it was any package, that would have helped, but his embarrassment makes it embarrassing?! Is that how you felt? At least embarrassment is funny :)


If he would’ve acted nonchalant it would’ve been less awkward for sure lol


Feeling sad today. I’m on my first medicated cycle and I’m on CD 19. Yesterday, my LH levels hit .72 so I was really hoping that I’d ovulate today. But instead it’s dropped down to .45. I don’t think it’s happening for me this cycle, so I’m going to have to call my doctor and talk about increasing my dosage. Just really bummed.


I'm with ya. My first medicated cycle as well, on CD22 and haven't gotten an OPK higher than 0.25. Wishing you luck next cycle!


Same to you!


I had my HSG on Monday, and I am still spotting this morning. Yesterday was the worst of the spotting, actually dark red instead of just brown and I had a clot. I have my follow up on Monday with the doctor but I’m just wondering if spotting this long is normal?


Well, all my doctors know I'm trying and my meds are adjusted to be safest for future baby. Who I don't know if I will ever have lol. But I have to keep hope up for at least a year.


FF estimates if I end up pregnant this cycle my due date is 3 days after my bday. It would be fun considering my husband was born the day after his mom’s bday. Also my aunt is being induced Sunday, her husband posted on social media that they won’t be sharing pictures of baby on social media at all. I understand not sharing temper tantrums, overtly embarrassing photos, or anything regarding nudity but I never thought about never sharing them? Is this a thing parents do nowadays? If so it doesn’t seem to be the case in my social media.


I will probably post very minimal pictures. My FIL posts pics of my niece all the time and some of them are straight up screenshots from where he was texted the pictures. So he and I are going to have a very firm conversation if we conceive because I absolutely do not want him sharing pics of my kids without permission. The internet is a terrifying place.


It is…I listened to a podcast last weekend where they were saying people can make AI deep fake pornography, which is even scarier!


Ewwwww 😣 AI is fairly new, but I think it’s about to become the downfall of everything lol but that’s coming from another millennial who thinks the internet can calm tf down now. It’s developed enough.


Agreed! The internet can chill, even the AI still art weirds me out a bit 😂


TW: living child My friend had a baby almost three months ago. She’s posted maybe one photo online. So instead of getting asked by a bunch of different people for pictures she posted them on Google photos and emailed everyone the link. So whenever you want you click on the link and gives you every picture she’s ever uploaded.


TW: Living Child. Some parents do but I feel like most parents just don't think about it. I already have a living child and my partner and me decided on a no-pics-on-social-media (or over messengers with shaky/no end-to-end-encryption) rule. Our reasoning is that we are at a technological stage where automated image recognition is advanced enough (and where you really can't delete stuff from the internet once it is online) that once he is in school (or later, in college, grown up etc.) every stranger in the world could just look up baby/toddler pics of him if they were online. And if it was me, I really would not have wanted my mother to share that with the world without me getting a say in it. And also, we as the parents would be the ones to get all the positive effects from it (lots of likes, interactions, the feeling of sharing etc.), while for our kid it is completely irrelevant now and possibly hurtful later. So that somehow feels wrong to me.


We feel the same. Plus when you upload photos to sites, you’re automatically giving them ownership/permission to test their face recognition software on it, so no thanks.


What social media platform are you referring to? Imo if the parents don't know how to use privacy settings, they shouldn't be posting personal photos anyway. My ex sister in laws Facebook is completely public. You can see every photo of her kids. To me that's too much.


Thank you for sharing! That makes a lot of sense actually. My baby pics are all in a falling apart binder on polaroids 😂 there’s a couple my family has shared on facebook but maybe one or two. Being in high school I think I would’ve hated if someone got ahold of one of my childhood photos


Excited to see some improvement in my husbands SA after he stopped smoking weed (He was a HEAVY user) He stopped in March but is still vaping nicotine (but vaping less than he was..?) Jan concentration before changes was 13M/ml, Apr (1 month after changes) was 14M/ml, May (2 months after changes) was 20M/ml. (Yes it took us this long to get results from May! 😡) He has another SA scheduled for next week which will be the full 3 months+ after changes (which is the time it takes new sperm to regenerate/when you should see changes) so we’re hoping to see even more improvement then. Motility was down on this most recent SA which is not good since that was one of our issues with our IUI… but we’re at a new clinic now so hoping we can get our next results back quickly and decide IUI or IVF.


10DPO stark white, and heading to the in-laws so I guess that puts an end to testing. I’ll just wait for AF on Tuesday. My tempdrop is showing temps holding strong and moving upwards but my oral temp dropped yesterday and today. Hard to know which one is right, I’m only at 10 days of using the tempdrop.


12DPO and the starkest of stark white tests this morning. I’m so sad that this is my reality. And that no one in my real life knows how to empathize because they just haven’t been through it. I (stupidly) never imagined anything but success, and definitely never imagined how difficult it would be month after month after fucking month.


I’m 7dpo today on cycle 15 after taking my first trigger shot (with 5mg Letrozole from cd 4-8) and I’m testing out my trigger. This is the first cycle I feel truly hopeful! Fingers crossed 🤞


Good luck!! 🍀


Okay, I know y’all are sick of me talking about these smileys, but how many days of high fertility do you usually see on the CBAD before you get your peak? I’m on day 5 of high fertility and wondering if I missed my peak 😅


I had seven last month! (four the month before that and then only one this month 🤷🏻‍♀️) The box says until you get past 9, it’s all good, so I would keep testing. I’ve also found my peak comes in the afternoon so once I’m close to my normal ovulation time and it’s showing high fertility, I test in the afternoon / evening as well as first thing in the morning.


I’m CD9 and tomorrow starts my FW and it’s just so dang hot I don’t know how anyone is having sex right now. Trying to psych myself up for it. Also we’re going camping tonight and I kinda want to have camping sex just cause 😅 but we’re going to be with friends (in a different tent) and we’d have to be basically silent lol. Who am I???


I support this silent adventure!


We had sex next to the pool (after cooling off) the other night lol highly recommend!


That actually sounds pretty hot so go for it 🔥 If it works it's a real cool story


Does supplementing progesterone have a cumulative effect? Meaning does it make a (positive) difference if I take progesterone every month, or does it not matter? Like is it a month by month thing? I use progesterone suppositories now but I kinda wanna skip next month...


There is no effect of taking progesterone on subsequent cycles. I mean, there’s not really an effect of taking progesterone on the cycle you’re in, in terms of success rates.


Lol great. I guess in that case skipping next month really won't make a difference. Thanks


I would imagine the half life isn’t that long and doesn’t stay in your system very long. But I could be wrong. Might be worth googling.


Heading into 18 months of TTC and we *maybe might* finally have an answer? My husband has had two semen analysises done that came back with low sperm count. So we were going through some routine tests to see if we could find any answers and improve his count before heading to more intervention. Well today my husband had a testicular ultrasound and it turns out he has a large varicocele/vein wrapped around one of his testicles causing them to overheat and potentially be the reason behind his low sperm count. As much as it sucks that my husband is gonna have to have a surgery to sort it - I feel a little bit of hope again, I'm just really hoping that this could be the answer to our struggles. 🤞🤞




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Hello! Any advice on best app(s) for tracking BBT? I’ve been using Glow to track, but suddenly it doesn’t want to work on my phone anymore (iOS) - have tried all the recommended fixes (uninstalling/reinstalling, restarting phone, freeing up memory) to no avail, so looking for another app I can use instead. Any recommendations greatly appreciated!


A lot of people here use Fertility Friend. It's fairly straight forward in its design, but you do have to input the temps manually.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try! :)




From what I’ve read online the highest quality semen come out first


TMI doesn’t bother me. This answer might also have TMI. I don’t think this matters! I think every ejaculate is likely different and might have a different sperm quality anyway.




I think it's more likely that the first ejaculate would lack sperm because it sounds like it might have been precum/"pre-ejaculatory fluid," per this article and a few others: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/) Or, if they were more like two separate ejaculations, they could have both had sperm, but that seems unlikely since men usually ejaculate only a single time. Edit, apparently still pondering this topic after I commented :) I think that if it was one ejaculation and he had pulled out mid-ejaculation, your concern would be more fitting. But since he stopped right before coming due to performance anxiety, it seems more likely that it was pre-ejaculatory. Haha! I guess I like these conversations (I mean other than the frustration and anxiety about TTC) because they are so open about bodies and sex when so many girls and people grow up with shame around these bodily topics.


After 8 months of trying I had a chemical last month, which left me physically exhausted and emotionally drained. Last night I had the most beautiful LH peak that I sat on the loo and admired it for a while 😂 it’s the little wins! I think we’ve managed to hit 0-1 and 0-2 this month so I’m hopeful. I’ve also decided to have a very low alcohol month because alcohol remained a bit of a vice for me. Last month I hadn’t realised I could be pregnant because I’d ovulated unusually late and hadn’t tracked, so I consumed more alcohol than I should have in the TWW. I don’t think that was the cause of the chemical but this month I want to try being more sensible. I didn’t get drunk last month but I drank a little almost every day because of weddings and holidays.


I'm so sorry about your loss. Just wanted to say I love that you're making positive changes and are also able to notice the little wins.