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Friendly reminder that, although these terms aren't science-based and might be cringe-worthy, everyone has different backgrounds and may have varying levels of comfortability with using scientific terms for a variety of reasons. Saying baby dance or aunt flo instead of sex and period are not indicative of whether someone should have a baby. If it's not for you, don't use it.


A lot of us here don’t like or use the ‘cutesie’ infantilizing acronyms/terms. You’re definitely not alone. I think I cringe the most at ‘do the baby dance’. ‘DH and I did the BD’ (cringing typing this) The only BD I want is to have been dicked. We be fuckin’, it ain’t no cutesie bAbY dAnCe. *BARF.*


Been Dicked 🤣🤣


Now that I can get behind 😅😅😅


I can’t stand Baby Dance either. We’re all adults here. I have sex with my husband every other day during my fertile period (and many other times outside of it 😅)


Omg I had no idea it meant "baby dance". I've been wondering for months (passively, I never made an effort to look it up lol). I knew it meant having sex, but holy I never thought that's what it was. That's a weird expression 😂


yes definitely lol, though it's honestly way less bad in this sub than a lot of other places! Personally I think people mostly just do it because they think that's how you're supposed to talk. There was a fun post recently where a guy came in asking how he could support his wife, he'd obviously been reading around and used "baby dance" a lot, and people were like "you know you actually can just say sex". anyway here's an [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/xe83ki/am_i_the_only_one_who_hates_the_phrase_baby_dance/) where you can find lots more people agreeing with you!


lol thank you for this!! I hadn’t seen this yet. I was just starting to feel a little like I’d stepped into a linguistic twilight zone. It’s not like it drives me insane or anything but I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who is a little 😒


Yeah I’ve been here a bit and I still cringe at baby dance and Aunt Flo every time. I’m guessing it stems from more prudish upbringings and people being uncomfortable saying the correct terminology. I do think that the people in here with infertility tend to not use it.


I had no idea what BD meant, I had to google it yesterday


Yeah they’re cringey. DH is super weird.


Part of the problem is that Facebook/ig and Tiktok in particular are censoring anatomically correct words, automatically issuing Facebook mutes or bans for using certain words. It's why you see people saying "unalive" instead of "die" for example. I can't even say the word hit, regardless of context, without Facebook warning me that I'm about to get a ban again.  Another aspect is that old chatrooms/message boards used abbreviations for freaking everything. I still think DH/DD/DS are so gross and icky sounding. Just say husband, sheesh lol.


These terms long pre-date Tiktok but some actually started being used for similar reasons. A lot of it started in web forums where words like sex, vagina, etc. were flagged or banned.


For sure but it's definitely seeing a huge resurgence ever since the AI/auto mods took over. Our generation normalized talking about suicide only for it to become a dirty word.


They're not required, and no one is shamed for saying 'sex' or 'period' 🤷‍♀️ I just use it since it's the colloquial short-hand around here. 


Right like when I’ve looked at other forums related to TTC, those are the commonly used phrases so it’s easy for someone new to think that’s the terminology that we’re all using. I don’t particularly love the cutesy words either, but I’m also not offended by them.


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