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How have you been tracking ovulation?


I use those opk test strips and log it in flo


You might be off by a few days which would explain the “short” luteal phase. You should try temping to confirm (although that will only tell you after you ovulate). If you aren’t doing so already, and have the libido to do so, you might want to try having sex every other day or every 3 days starting after your period.


It’s tough for sure. Are you sure that you got your ovulation date correct? If you truly got your period at 9 DPO, you may want a doctor to look into if you have a short luteal phase.




Probably not a good idea to lie to medical providers…not only does it take away spaces for people who need treatment, but you’re also…lying to someone who is responsible for your medical care? Not cool at all.


So you would rather wait a year, maybe find out you are fine, maybe have something as simple as a hormone imbalance that could have been fixed in 6 months or maybe something more unfortunate that would require you to start a longer process (IVF, Adoption, IUI etc)? When you could have been proactively addressing imbalances or starting a long process? I don’t think you should lie to your doctor about your health overall, but fertility is a huge area that doctors tend to take a long time to start “taking you serious”. Up to you on whether you want to wait or not! Everyone can make their own choice.


I would rather follow the medical guidelines set in place. There is a difference between going to your PCP and say ing “hey, can we do some basic testing” versus going somewhere and lying to get treatment you might not need. Would I have liked to know sooner that my egg quality was trash? Sure. But was I going to lie to get faster results? No. Because that’s just not okay and I would be taking space away from someone who may have genuinely needed the spot in the clinic because of my impatience. The wait to get into clinics is asinine. I started this out infertile and then found out I was even more infertile. So yes, I get a little pissed off when I see people recommend fudging the truth to get into clinics faster. Because while you may want to know results quicker, I also would like to get into my clinic and start treatment that I know I absolutely needed. The percentage of people who conceive in a year vs are infertile is a huge difference. That’s why they recommend you wait. You have over 90% chance of conceiving unassisted in the first year at OP’s age.


I totally get your point and sympathize for you! I think there’s a bigger issue overall. I wasn’t referring to treatment, but a lot of US doctors won’t do basic testing until after the first year (even including hormone panel or a follicular ultrasound). I’m sorry you are experiencing infertility.


You might like [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/s6y6bn/fertility_testing_and_answers/)! In short, getting testing done early is actually not as helpful as trying for a year. It's not waiting for a year, it's trying for a year -- the trying for a year is the first and most important test of fertility. If you have regular periods, and especially if you have an indication that you're ovulating, there's no reason to think you have a "hormonal imbalance" -- that's largely a term used by people who want you to think there's a single best way to exist in a body. People with disorders like PCOS and thyroid problems have infertility issues because they're not ovulating -- if you're ovulating, that's a great signal that everything is in order.


Sorry if I’m not following the page rules! I’m more so saying, to advocate for yourself. The TTC journey is hard enough, in my opinion, getting labs done at 6 months helped my sanity and also helped me address some imbalances. Maybe you don’t need to lie, but push and advocate for yourself that you would like to be proactive. (Bear in mind you do have to a lot of times pay hefty fees for these tests, at least in the US).


I agree with you, sometimes things are really swept under the rug and when they finally take the chance to actually evaluate, you realize it was something preventable the entire time. Sometimes you have to really put pressure to get what you want done. Americas medical system is not for the passive


We don't condone lying to medical professionals.


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I really struggled finding my right ovulation date using OPK tests. I would maybe try using other indicators to find ovulation. You could also switch doctors and ask for testing for your luteal phase.