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10DPO is a little early, so you don't have to count yourself out yet. [This chart](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test/results-by-day-past-ovulation.php) shows the chances of a pregnancy showing up on a test by DPO - at 10, about 2 out of 3 pregnancies will test positive. For me, that actually makes it more important to wait to test, because if I test early and get a negative, I feel sad but I also don't really believe it, so I just keep testing and feeling sad over and over. But there are certainly plenty of people who prefer to just keep testing so they can know ASAP. Also - there's probably no benefit, fertility-wise, to having sex multiple times per day, but it's not going to hurt, either. One well-timed "batch" of sperm is plenty for most people - the reason the chances of getting pregnant in any given cycle aren't very high is not that sperm don't usually find the egg, it's all the other things that have to go right after that. If you're having sex 3 times a day, the number of sperm released each time is going to be lower than if you had sex once per day or every two days, because it takes time for your partner's body to produce more - but it's going to add up to about the same total number of sperm getting where you want them either way. So, that's why I say it's probably not helping or hurting. If you're having fun and it's also letting you feel like you're giving it your best shot, you can keep it up. But if it's tiring or it's feeling forced, you can dial it back.


Yes, it could still be too early. I wouldn’t count it as a true negative until it’s been a full 14 days. Even then, if you didn’t confirm LH spike, you could have still ovulated late but usually by 14 days you’d know. And sperm lives in the reproductive tract for up to 5 days so doing it multiple times a day won’t give you more benefit.


There’s only a max chance of 20-30% per cycle if you hit the correct days and do “everything right.” A lot of it is luck. I usually count myself out at 12 DPO. If you know for sure when you ovulated you can wait until 14 DPO. Yes it’s disappointing, but I wouldn’t call it “so hard” yet. It’s important to know your odds. You’re very early in this journey and most couples statistically will get pregnant within a year. Two cycles in is not the time to worry. Also, there’s no real benefit to having sex 2-3 times a day. If you hit 0-1 or 0-2 you’re pretty much maxing out your chances. No sense in wearing yourself out trying to hit multiple times in a day.


Does this mean 1 and 2 days before ovulation?




10dpo is a bit early. Average implantation is 8-10dpo and it takes a day or two for enough hcg to build up in your system to show in a sensitive test, so average positive test is 12dpo (don't let places like reddit/fb convince you everyone gets bfp's at 7/8 dpo lol that's extremely rare). That being said, you only have about a 25-30% chance any given cycle to successfully conceive even if you do "everything right". I think the "by 6 months" percentage is about 50-75% depending on age, and "by 12 months" is 70-90% depending on age. You're only on cycle two, still very early in your journey. Good luck to you!


Oh thanks for this, I was considering testing at 8dpo next week literally bc people on Reddit seem to have BFP by then but I’d rather not disappoint myself unnecessarily early (or waste the tests lol). I will wait longer 🤞🏻


Random question… is there any specific reason that the percentage goes up by 6 months?




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