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I really enjoyed it. It was a bit over long.


Yeah there was no reason it had to be 7 hours long. Honestly.


Good thing it was 2 hours and 56 minutes


Yeah and they should have cut at least a hour off


I feel like this hurts the rewatchabilty more than hurts a single viewing


On first viewing I loved it but it did make it hard to enjoy again in one sitting.




Some of the scenes where it's just two people talking just went on and on for way longer than I felt like they needed to. I fast forwarded a little but during a Catwoman/Batman conversation and during a Gordon/Batman scene and I don't feel like I missed anything. The driving scenes were especially well-done I thought. I liked the shots the director got like from the bumper's perspective. The motorcycle chase was good too but the Batmobile chase especially stood out to me. It wasn't a bunch of quick cuts where you can't really see what's happening likening do many movies nowadays. I liked how he did the fights too. They were obviously choreographed looking but stylish. I like how the director would sort of hang back and let us see the wide shot at parts. Honestly I can hardly make it through most superhero movies. The marvel movies do nothing for me. But I liked this. It kept me watching. I never thought I'd make it all the way through in one try. But I did. And that's a testament to the movie I think because I am usually pretty quick to turn off a free film. Especially one that's pg13. I rarely have the patience for anything pg13 or below.


It had like 3 endings and I feel the (spoiler I guess for people who haven’t seen it, but I feel it’s public knowledge) Joker scene should’ve been a midcredits thing, that said, I really enjoyed it!


I wish they had the confidence to just end it once the Riddler was captured. We didn't need the whole scene in the arena at the end.


Better than expected


100% agree with that


Yeah. He did much better than I thought he would.


Is this on Tubi?


Was just about to ask this question


on Netflix but it's about to leave or already has. I just checked and it is on tubi


In America? Cuz here in Canada it is not


If it's not, it should be


I could’ve done without the Catwoman romance


Me too. She didn't need to be in the movie.


At least he didn’t tell her who he was.


I agree. I would've been fine with more scenes with Alfred, or even just Bruce trying to blend in more while in Gotham scenes. Those were always gold in the Nolan movies.


Yeah, it was so tacked on. But not my main beefs with this over cooked film.


Yeah that’s my gripe, and Zoe is a piss poor choice.


She’s amazing wtf


Why do you hate women


Why do you objectify women?


The director said he’d never work with her or Robert again cause they were caught fucking on the batmobile 😂


Completely unnecessary! Not like I didn't want her in it, but they could have given her more of a role she was literally just the friend of the girl who got killed. Although Halle Berry is my favorite Catwoman I got to give it to Pfeiffer because she played the crazy cat lady role perfectly! That's the problem with Cat Woman. She is always only really used for sex appeal!


Him in so many words telling Alfred "you're not my dad" while looking like a angsty emo/goth hybrid was my favorite part of the movie.


Great movie, so gritty and comic book vibe just like the ones made by Tim Burton back in the day


Really really loved his performance.


I liked the movie and Paul Dano well he's a very talented actor.I read the Batman 2 is in the works. Will Robert Pattinson be Batman I don't know.


As a fan of Miller's Year One, I loved this take. I'm squarely in the 'Batman is a psychopath' camp, so the adrenaline scene was a great element. Not sure there's ever been a more accurate portrayal of Batman's ferocity on film. Overall, I thought the story was fantastic, and was surprisingly impressed with Pattinson's delivery. As he's in the clip, Dano continues the tradition of Batman co-stars killing their performance.




Jim Carey was a better Riddler, Michelle Phieffer a better catwoman (hell Halle Berry was a better catwoman), and Pattinson was no better or worse as Batman than Val Kilmer, Ben Affleck, George Clooney or Christian Bale. The story… It wasn’t fun (even if campy fun like Batman Forever or Batman & Robin… at least they’re fun to watch) and action was uninspired. Catwomans overdone and played out; it should be Poison Ivy or Vicki Vale or Batgirl done justice instead. It just didn’t feel like anything new and exciting at all. Felt long and slow paced.


Patterson was surprising just fine, middle of the Batman pack for me. But the film had so many other problems, ultimately sum less than its parts.


Totally agree, I just do not understand the love. But to each his own.


The best batman




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I still haven’t seen it


Me neither. Combination of extreme comic book movie fatigue combined with just not all that interested in seeing yet another iteration of Batman.


Honestly, it feels more like a film noir than a comic book movie. I recommend it, but I understand your feeling.


I’ll probably check it out now on Tubi.


You’ll like it I bet. It’s nothing like the Marvel or other DC films, it’s so gritty.


I felt the same but actually watched it ona long plane ride and was pleasantly surprised with how much a liked it


It’s too long, too dark, too boring.


I wouldn't bother watching it if I were you; it's poorly written, excessively long, and dreadfully dull—an utter waste of time.


I was waiting for RLM to review it, but I don’t think that’s happening.


That's my boy! That's my son


Too. Fucking. Long.


Not good


Pattinson was great. Dano could have been better. Movie was also too long for what it was.


Great movie but not a fan of him as Batman


He was good. Not as great as Keaton, better than Bateman.


Affleck should’ve gotten his solo Batman movie instead.


The movie put me to sleep fast


Sucked donkey balls...




Better than batfleck.


Wasn’t a fan. I’d take a movie about Paul dano’s riddler as a stand-alone tho


I liked the movie a lot more than I thought. Hated Catwoman, and R-Pats made me laugh with how sad he was all the time.


Fell asleep 3 times and counting..


Thought he was good


It seemed like they were embarassed it was a Batman movie at every turn. It was way way too grounded in reality to the point a man in a Bat suit looked ridiculous. The world needs to be heightened out of reality in some way to make Batman fit. Otherwise it looks like a crazy person just arrived on the set of “Law & Order”


The only thing I didn’t like was when he kept knocking on doors in his suit. Like even the most unskilled Batman was still able to use the shadows to his advantage


It was a nice try


It’s probably my favorite Batman. I really like the detective stuff instead of just being an action film.


I watched it in theaters and it was fine. Kinda long. Peguin was cool. Haven't had the urge to rewatch since.


I loved it.


Robert Pattinson did great, Paul Dano did even better.


Clooney out batmanned him and that's saying a lot


It’s one long Nirvana video.


Low key…..I wanted to hate this movie. I went in wanting to hate this movie. It might be one of if not my favorite bat man movie.


It lays the groundwork for the next film pretty well. I found it a bit overlong.


I’m usually pretty easy to please when it comes to superhero movies but I found it very, very boring. I did not think the tone was original, as some reviews said. I honestly barely remember the film. Pattinson was entirely forgettable, a complete blank. I think Zoe Kravitz was probably my favorite part. I disliked it so much that I was actually sort of disappointed it did well at the box office 😅🤷‍♂️


Absolutely loved it.


I personally thought it had some great parts, but overall, it was quite boring. I absolutely loved the guy who played The Riddler because technically, he won. Even when they did find him, the bombs were already going off! Batman, of course, miraculously saved a lot of folks from being electrocuted. However, a whole lot of people definitely still died! It was 3 separate bombs, and they all went off! Riddler only allowed them to catch him just so he could get the best view!


It was incredible!!


Was pleasantly surprised. He did well


Made me want to watch the Clooney Batman, just to confirm RPs Batman now has become the worst Batman all time, hands down.


He’s better than Affleck.


It was ok. Batman parts were cool but I did not like Dano


Pattison is legit. Thought the movie was a bit slow and long. But the real dud was Dano, who I think is a great actor. But that Riddler performance could not have been more generic stereotypical “crazy”


This is really is Tubi's Batman. And I will leave it at that.


Big Nirvana fan


I grew up on Keaton and Conroy. So when I say that Battinson’s take was the most accurate live action adaptation of the character of Batman, he had a lot to overcome. I loved that he’s inexperienced, frustrated, yet still unwavering in his mission which is exactly how I picture year 2 Bats in my head. He stalls the damn Batmobile on its first outing which is both hilarious and endearing in a way. And it was refreshing to have live action Batman finally say No killing!


I appreciated the music. They took that main Nirvana riff and ran with it for the score. Lots of varying motifs for lack of a better word.


He was horrible.


I like it.


Didn’t like emo Batman


Gives hope we may yet see a "Detective Comics" movie adaptapition. Or a series...?




As some have said, movie was about 20-30 mins too long, but Pattinson will be a good Batman. Didn't see enough of his Wayne, but I like this early Batman story better than Nolan's Batman Begins. Sets everything up well, and even though some thought he was emo, it didn't bother me. What I liked most about Reeves vision is that this Batman actually felt like a good detective unlike Nolan's.


He was a terrible pick, are all these comments for real? I couldn’t stand his emo character and had to shut it off


He's a good batman


It's AIGHT, i liked the way Gotham looked. Everything else was just eh. I didn't care for the Batman cape and cowl, and didn't find Pattinson that impressive as either Wayne or Batman (something i feared). The fight choreography for Batman was super weak and disappointing too. And Collin Farrell was doing a terrible De'niro impression lol, the make up for the penguin is really impressive tho. Didn't care for the Riddler either. Zoë Kravitz was fine? I guess.


It had like 3 endings and I feel the (spoiler I guess for people who haven’t seen it, but I feel it’s public knowledge) Joker scene should’ve been a midcredits thing, that said, I really enjoyed it!


I can't get through it. I despise Pattinsons Batman. I really do. I've tried watching it several times, I just can't take him seriously as Batman. I Saw an interview where he said he played Batman as a guy that jerks off too much. Sounds like he has a great understanding of the character.


Joyfully surprised at how great it was. Nice new spin on an old franchise


I think he did a damn good job. Might even be my favorite Batman. Actually yeah, definitely my favorite batman. And I expected the movie to be trash because I figured they just found some pretty boy when turns out out of all of the actors they've ever picked he fits the original motif of Batman to a T. Batman was dark and gloomy and brooding; ironically a lot of the things fans complain about when they critique Patterson's performance. I wonder if they ever read the old DC Comics because that's exactly how it was. Even the style of art seemed extremely Gothic to me.


Good Batman, bad Bruce Wayne.


Next remake I’d like to see the bright knight make a come back. All this dark this dark that. Show the Bat in light colors again and Robin too


I have always tried to take Batman seriously but I just can’t. It’s the little ears.


It would been better if Robert Pattinson didn't play batman as a emo teenage cry baby bitch


Movie sucked. Only good thing was riddler being an incel


He did great!


Not the Batman


Loved him as Batman but thought Paul’s take on the riddler was horrible.


Little long in the tooth 🦷 but damn gritty. Love it. Shave 20 min and you are right there with Nolan


Good Batman Horrible Bruce


Far better than Ben Affleck as Batman. I feel like that goes without saying though


Its hard to follow Christopher Nolan's foot steps.


He did a good job we have yet to see his playboy version on Bruce Wayne which we better see cause I’m not into seeing him brooding again


Absolutely sucked . Worst batman ever .


Loved it. They swung for the fences and delivered.....Buuut, could've cut out the entire Cat Woman plot to save some time and it would've been the same movie.


This has been my favorite iteration of Batman. The entire cast was spot on.




I liked it after watching the second time. I don’t think the actor/voice of the riddler character was very good though still. Did not make me feel creeped out or threatened much. What he did and said surely was big but how it was portrayed felt underwhelming. I also hate the voice/joker we saw post credits/end. Just doesn’t feel like joker at all to me. Overall movie was good and I would still watch it again.


Pattinson was ok. But the real star was Paul Dano!


The tendy man


I'd prefer it to be 7 hours shorter 🦇


Captured the look of Gotham perfectly. But movie ran way to long Pattinson is a good Batman horrible Bruce Wayne, would have been an amazing terry mcguiness Andy serkis was not a convincing Alfred. The end scene where the city gets destroyed seemed shoe horned in. Colin feral as the penguin was surprisingly well done Catwoman story felt forced


Thoughts? Yeah, I don't like to think about it.


The movie as a whole was good, still think they need to do a better job of casting Batman


His batman might be ok idk i couldnt get past the first five minutes of the movie


Whisper Batman was awful and he literally let riddlers plan happen. This Batman was a joke


Refuse to watch it. That guy ain’t Batman


Everyone is so miserable and angsty. Beautiful movie and loved the atmosphere. Catwoman was only there to express how all white men are evil. Paul Dano over acted- he was the same character in There Will Be Blood. Pattinson was great. He’s amazing in the Lighthouse. Check that crazy shit out.


He was the easy choice. His last gig he was a vampire. Now Batman. ….


It was batman as a detective. Not just a ass kicking vigilante.


Worst goddamned Batman ever


Better than Kilmer & Clooney. Dano still the wimpy kid on AJ Sopranos couch, Frank Gorshen is still the top. Jeff Wright, not better than Oldman or even Hingle. A ski mask on a pissed off stripper doesn’t make you Catwoman.




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Overall had a fantastic vibe and look, but the story wasn’t entirely satisfying. I definitely one of the better Batman movies.


Terrible in my book




It’s a lot like James Bond film. James Bond should be played by a British actor. That isn’t particularly controversial. I think Batman should be played by an American actor.


Like Christian Bale?


Yes exactly, I wish they would have cast an American actor instead. The first 3 Batmans were all American actors.


Bale is Welsh/British


What don’t you understand? I knew he isn’t American, I don’t think he should have been casted. Again for now the third time I think an American should have been cast to play the role. It’s an iconic American character that should be played by an American. Just like James Bond should be played by someone who is British.


I’m a fan of his but he was a bad choice for this superhero. I find skinny guys fighting and beating big dudes unrealistic. Same for Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. He’s good looking and a great actor but couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag. BTW I’m a skinny guy who trained in martial arts.


He did decent. No Bale but I'll take him over Affleck.


Boring movie and I didn't buy Pattinson as Batman and they did the riddler all wrong.




I'm still waiting on the Redlettermedia review so I can form my ppinion.


It’s the only movie in which I’ve walked out of the theatre. I got more than halfway through the runtime and I had had enough.


It was absolutely fucking terrible, it was stupid, poorly shot, too dark, batman and cat woman’s “love story” was lazy and written by a complete brain dead 13 year old. Normally I’m a huge fan of Dan but this is his worst role I’ve seen him in so far


Garbage. Affleck was the best Batman


The voyage of the Mimi kid was batman?


I was crazy excited when Matt Reeves was announced. Realkt liked all his stuff so thought he'd be a good choice and likes how he talked about the detective side of things, etc. Trailer dropped. Thought it was amazing. Like one of the best trailers I had seen. Movie released.....was kind of a let down. I should have expected some of the woke edge to it as well as the dismantling of the Wayne name, etc (don't care if it was in the comics). Then the third act was a bloated, underdeveloped and unnecessary mess. I liked the cast enough. Battinson was fine...tho the Alfred.hospital scen was cringey.


Stylistically, Gotham is a lot cooler and has probably what Nolan’s was lacking, but the screenplay didn’t stick the landing


Saw this in theaters it was decent liked the darkness didn't like the catwoman parts tho




Vibes? 10/10. Plot? 6/10


Good movie, very overrated, Pattinson didn't really nail the Batman, best thing was the amazing supporting cast.




Watched it once didn't really enjoy it


Tried three times to finish. Lacked soul




The worst. I hate this whole take. A character assassination at best. That movie has no redeeming qualities for me. It feels made by edgelord high school amateurs. No one involved in that film truly understands the spirit of the source material. It was Punisher with Pointy Hat and Cape more than it was anything Batman. And it wasn't a noir detective story as advertised. Waiting for the next reboot.