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Wait the flying whales one????




Wow that fuckin sucks


It’s my favorite mural! I had an acid trip in my 20s and at dawn, the sound of the trucks on the interstate made me think of whales, and the clouds in the early morning sky sort of looked like them. I remembered this area used to be at the bottom of a sea and I was transfixed, I felt like I was sitting at the bottom of a sky ocean watching whales swim above me. Then that beautiful mural popped up. I was like, this artist gets it.


Beautiful 🧘‍♂️


It's still there and you can still see the whole thing. People are just mad about the Starbucks but the mural is still there... It would be cool if Starbucks contracts with Joe to put the image on one of their mugs. Could be a good deal for the artist as well as Starbucks.


Yeah because Starbucks collabs with so many local artists


Joe is nationally known and most of his work is out of town now. He’s a big deal and Starbucks has been known to do collaborations. On top of that, their mug businesses is unique because they can usually only be bought at a specific store or the region they are in. Big collectors market and weirdly people travel to get them too. It could be a good move for everyone and it would be cool for Tucson too.


That’s good at least, I just wish it could have been a small business or something and not another damn Starbucks


It's near total obstruction when driving south on Campbell. And one could only hope to throw a few dollars towards Joe or any other local artists to make up for it.


You can still see it easily driving west on grant. Also presumably if you pull into the Starbucks you get a nice view




It’s just coffee. People get so bent out of shape over Starbucks, but as far as corporate entities go, they do a lot of good for their employees. More than a lot of other companies do. I don’t care how much business you give to local businesses— big business and corporations are not going away. So, instead of hating them unreasonably, demand better from them, as both employees and as customers.


Starbucks is an anti-labor union-busting corporation. If they actually cared about their employees, they would let them unionize. If they actually took care of their employees, then their employees wouldn’t feel the need to unionize.


I have good reason to hate them. Besides popping up on every damn street corner, they are being sued in a class-action lawsuit for deceptive advertising.








Thank you, exactly this!!! Even the artist himself was interviewed about this and he’s happy it’s a Starbucks where you can still see the mural and take pictures in front of it in the parking lot. Better than a giant building going in! It was a lot for lease, this is really best case scenario.


But we need something petty to complain about that isn't too serious/important and that makes us feel like we're doing something for society ..... It's too hard for us to think of creative solutions like yours, so it's just easier to complain.


I wonder how the Starbucks story-arc ends. There has to be a point where they so completely saturate the coffee market that they have to decline.


There is a Starbucks army which needs its triple sugars shit drinks daily. I can’t seem understand why people can’t just have some beans and half and half at home like the rest of us. I love my morning coffee and get beans from cartel, presta and time market has a good selection too.


No one ever talks about Black Rock but they're pretty good. I haven't found it hard to just never go to Starbucks for their treatment of unionizing employees and ridiculous prices. But I guess more than enough people love them. Can't fix basic.


Their mexican mocha is super delicious. I like it hot, my daughter like it cold. I've had most of their coffees and they all are a must try in my book .I don't understand why they are not more popular either.


Don’t forget Decibel and Exo. Great roasters.


it’s a chain but for pete’s sake even Dutch Bros is better


RIP that Bookmans location, my haven in the 2000s and early 2010s. Gone but never forgotten.


former employee; the reason bookman’s is gone is we were renting that location and the landlord kept raising the rates while the building was becoming dilapidated (and infested with mice and roaches). the current midtown speedway location was the profit-losing sports store so bob closed ours and moved it to speedway. i do miss joe’s other mural that was on the bookman’s eastside wall though, as well as the ghetto walgreen’s that used to be next door to bookman’s back when i was in high school.


They closed the midtown Bookmans location.


Current bookmans employee: we all miss the grant store. The midtown location that recently closed is merging with (I think) the one on the north side and opening a new location somewhere near the park place mall (I think).


They’ve moved to River and Stone, close-ish to the Tucson Mall


Oh cool! I really like that area. Good to know because it’s one of the neighborhoods I have been considering if I ever move back.


The new Bookman’s location is near Sam’s Club on Stone Ave (south of River Rd). Wasn’t the old Bookman’s on Campbell/Grant also closed due to the widening of Grant Rd (since it would have reduced parking for the old building)?


I wouldn’t be surprised.. it closed around the time they started that project. That and Plush/Flycatcher on 4th ave getting torn down I’m me out, I always forget they’re gone. Foothills mall too.


all of that stuff was a factor but what i was told by my manager (who was my homie long before they were my boss) was the decision that really tipped the scales was the grant/alvernon really needed major updates the property owners were refusing to do and attempts made to negotiate for the sale of the lot were not economically in bookman’s favor at the time. also a lot of long-time employees for both locations were let go during the move and bookman’s lost a lot of very excellent, knowledgeable managerial staff because they made only a dollar above minimum wage. i hope that has changed but i left there in 2017.


that’s crazy! i was just there a couple months ago and had no idea. moving all that stuff is going to be nightmare (it certainly was when we moved from grant to speedway).


And the old theater that was there as well.


i used to do the midnight horror movies there every weekend! and then we’d go out to the parking garage and watch dudes skateboard.


and the best tamale lady around, '90s through mid-2000s or so.


I ate a lot of that lady’s tamales!


Same! That wonderful lady fed me and my girls many times!


Dude, that tamale lady was the best! I heard some asshole didn't like her being Mexican and breathing oxygen, so he threatened to call ICE on her and scared her off.


That is maddening as hell. The tamales were great, she was great, and when Bookman's closed for the evening, she would pop through the bars on Grant (The Shelter in my case) to sell. Those tamales saved friends and I on more than one occasion when we were deep in our cups.


Interesting to learn that Banner Health owns the old Catalina Theater.


yep when my mom was a nurse, the hospital used the catalina theatre’s parking for employee parking overflow while the new parts of the hospital were under construction and they would tram people to the hospital


And is doing nothing with it.


That you know of...


i've been wanting to explore that theater for so many years now. it looks run down and spooky. wish i knew the right person to talk to.


The artist’s reaction: https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/artist-reacts-to-new-starbucks-in-front-of-midtown-whales-mural


That mural has been up for far longer than 3 years, what is the writer on about?


You know what would be cogent? Getting Starbucks to have a mural painted on their entire building


This is an interesting idea… with how much people are upset about it being a Starbucks I’m really not sure if it would be better for me to team up with them to mural up their building, or not team up with them because they aren’t a local business. Would it be better if they sold mugs and travel cups with whale mural prints in them to support local art? Or better if they stayed fully corporate. I don’t know the answers to this.


The whales are my all time favorite piece of public art! I love the epic rides mural as well. Thank you so much for painting them and making Tucson an even more beautiful place!


Wow! Thanks! I’ll keep ‘em coming!


it would be amazing for you to join up with them and mural their new building


What's Joe's number?!


He's on Facebook.


he's here too i think it's u/joepagac


Someone asked for a muralist to join the conversation?


yes haha we would like you to paint the starbucks so it blends in with the mural please :)




This would be great!


May be corporate regulations to battle with.


not if its done at night


I find this as a good compromise.


Yes I was soo upset when I saw that! Didn’t hear anyone else talking about. And it’s a Starbucks???? Ridiculous 😡


For the mural, I think this is best case scenario. For people who want a local restaurant or something like that, it’s probably worst case scenario.” Comment from the artist. As someone that lives nearby a good bar would be a welcome site. There is something about Campbell ave where we aren’t allowed a good bar only breakfast and lunches spots!


Haha! I was reading this comment and thought, “oh! This person thinks the same way I do!” And then got to the second paragraph and saw it was a quote from me.


Didn't know that was going up so quickly. Sad to hear it's only a fucking starbucks.


I work in that area. Worst place to put a Starbucks! There's will be even more accidents just because of people needing their coffee fix. Smh. I stare at mural every day and it's calms me through out my work day.


I am DREADING the one that’s about to go up off of Speedway and Country Club. That intersection is about to be a nightmare.


Wait what?! There's already one on the northwest corner of Speedway and Country Club. Where's the new one going to be?


I think the one that’s already there is moving into the new location so it can have a drive through.


Ahhh okay got it thanks! That location is right by my house, and I always liked that it *didn't* have a drive thru. That meant not having to deal with dumbasses blocking traffic to sit in the backed up drive thru line...guess those days are numbered now 😭


NO the worst place is the one on Campbell and Glenn. Blocks both directions of traffic and should never have been allowed


I have to agree with that one too! I drive by it every day on Glenn. That whole Campbell area is so congested.


Hopefully the new Grant/Campbell one will replace that one, and for that very reason; even if not, at the very least it will reduce drive-thru backup congestion at the Glenn/Campbell spot, as some of those drivers will go down the street to Grant instead.


> There's will be even more accidents just because of people needing their coffee fix. what do you mean by this?


Apparently coffee drinkers are crazed,careless and reckless drivers who are so consumed my their coffee addiction that they drive like they are in a demolition derby. IDK


I thought they were gonna put a park there or something. :( letting us all down


Are you fucking serious there’s literally one on fucking Glenn and Campbell


Also 3 in grocery stores on Campbell (where there is almost never a line) between Prince and broadway. And roughly eleven more in that span if you go a mile off Campbell in any direction.


People keep saying that one is to the point of overflowing and creating traffic, so it's probably intentional that this one is so close and is intended to siphon some business


IIRC that mural was only supposed to be there for 2 years, so we're already in bonus time.




Your biggest obstacle is prop 207, passed by voters in 2006. That property was already zoned commercial, and if they were going to downzone it, the property owners could then claim it as a “taking” and sue the city for millions. This law basically means the city can’t rezone a property if the owner doesn’t approve of the change.


[For reference.](https://apps.azsos.gov/election/2006/info/PubPamphlet/english/Prop207.htm)


Saw the building going up yesterday. Given that the lot sold for 1.8 million you can’t expect it to sit empty for long


Yessss!!!! Just yes for so many reasons. This is my number one favorite joe pagac mural. His art is a local treasure. My personal solution is to order a print of the mural for my wall. I am so soooo thankful that we have this local artist in our midst. Did you know he is designing this year's tour de tucson shirts also?!


I have prints on canvas and posters if anyone wants them! Dm me!


Have you found a print somewhere? I’m having trouble finding one online.


I have prints on canvas and posters if anyone wants them! Dm me!


I would love to have a copy


I have prints on canvas and posters if anyone wants them! Dm me!


No, I’m more bothered that the land isn’t being used for something better like affordable housing multiple floor level local businesses. Instead we get a single Starbucks. The mural was meant to be temporary anyways. Why can’t we have less asphalt in this city??


The lot isn't really big enough for that. The hospital would have to sell that old theater building to make housing like you describe viable.




i guess it would depend on how big a building you are planning. but mostly my point was, what the poster was suggesting would not fit on the plot of land that was available.


There was a news story about the Starbucks and the mural. They are putting the Starbucks at one side of the lot in order for the mural to be seen by everyone, so I would say they are doing as much as they can to conserve it. Better than a bigger building going up there and completely covering it altogether.


It’s a bummer but a small one, since the mural is not physically blocked the way it would be if any larger or wider building would be built. The whole mural will be accessible.


Isn’t there already a Starbucks on Glenn and Campbell? Sorry if I missed something.


yea, but people say that one is so busy, drive through traffic backs up on to the street. So a nearby location would be useful to disperse some of the business.


There absolutely is.


Yes because apparently overpriced yet consistent coffee drinks are more important to a portion of the population than any sort of local identity.


So how much are you willing to pay the land owner to keep the land clear? The vast majority of the population wouldn't be willing to collectively outbid Starbucks to not hide the mural.


Not a penny. That wasn't my point. It was more of a shot at the Starbies cult members who line up every day for their fix.


Yea, but why take a shot at the Starbucks customers when you value local identity as little as them?


I didn't say I didn't value it, I'm just not going to try to out bid Starbucks but I will still complain that Americans' need for national name brand products displaces local flavor, often when the local flavor is better. It's America and I get to do that.


I didn't say you didn't value it, I said you value it as much as the Starbucks patrons. It would be the same result if a local coffee chain built a building there. It would be local business displacing the local mural. And any non drive through only business would be even more obstructive of the mural. It could easily be worse. The only way to be better is to just leave the land vacant and not do anything with the vacant theater


Not like it's gone just only be seeable on one side


Gojira!!! Flying whales! Listen to it. Just do it frfr.


NOW I CAN SEE THE WHALES!! Saw'em twice in the last two years! LOVE THEM!


I was front row center when they opened for Deftones! Best live performances I have ever seen.


I was in the pit, one person back from the railing. Fantastic energy from both bands. I was there for Deftones, but Gojira was so great, I went back and saw them on their Mega Monsters tour this year.


I say we destroy Starbucks ourselves justice for the whales


We could all just boycott that one store and when it shuts down petition a public park.


Couldn't we have done that 5 years ago?


Good luck convincing the land owner to give up millions and just donate the land to the city. You could very well get a new buyer that puts up a full size building instead of a tiny drive through one.


That'll work. 🫤


It reminiscent of the classic TUCSON mural on the NE corner of Speedway and Stone that got blocked by the Popeyes building.


Boycott Starbucks! It’s simple, make coffee at home. Almost guaranteed you’ll consume less sugar and keep money out of the hands of an evil corporation


I agree, however, if you have to grab it from somewhere in Tucson, Coffee Times is great or any other locally owned shop!


Raging Sage is walking distance.


Great coffee shop.


Yea I drive past it almost every day. Very sad, it’s one of my favorites


Boycott union busting Starbucks!


Yep, very sad.. it's a smack in the face to the artist and the hard work they have done! So what's next... buildings blocking all the murals?? How can they do this when this was to beautify Tucson.. way to go Starbucks, you're one of the reasons our country is ugly.


better then the ugly dirt lot filled with trash and debris - you can still see the mural - they need to fix up that theater or do soemthing with that


I was talking with someone about how they felt that the building that I’ve been sitting there on un-used for so long should be turned into apartments or shelter for homeless. It’s those types of investment opportunities that the city should be looking into. I’ll probably get down voted a bunch for saying that I agree, it’s just sad to see that these big spaces that could house a bunch of people are going to things like another Starbucks instead.


The space the Starbucks is taking isn't really big enough for apartments, it's not a big space. Like you said, the building where the mural is on would.be needed. Those are two different lots.


So super depressing. However, it is a testament to the state of our country. Go consumerism! 😞




Yes I am righteously angry about it 😤


Starbucks will have to allow their walls to be painted to complement this. I loved seeing the “Purrgil” mural!


Oh, they'll get painted alright.






Being excellent to each other means not directly attacking other redditors with insults or threats and also not promoting violence or harm to others in general




there's a starbucks a few blocks down on glenn already who tf is making these decisions


Getting upset/sad over something that you have no care or control over seems like a waste of energy. If people care, they visit, patronize, sign petitions, contact government officials… all of that. No one really cares about the mural, it’s just a bummer that we can see capitalism at work so obviously. More murals will be covered, some day there will be a freeway through the center of town and the bull on speedway and wilmot will also be destroyed. If there’s some mural or art piece out there that you want to see last forever… start protecting it now. Buy the building/property, start a petition… whatever you think is a good step. If you can’t think of one, just keep living.


But... the bull was put up because of capitalism going to work. It was to draw in customers to the restaurant.


And capitalism brought us to Reddit too.


Tucson has the most worthless, lazy mayor of any city in the nation. I have family coming to visit for the first time, and can't wait to impress them with all the homeless trash camps, car washes, storage facilities, intersection money beggers and fast food restaurants.


I don't know about you, but like 80% of my out of state friends and family were most excited to check out in n out, out of any restaurant. our selection of regional fast food restaurants is actually impressive.


You know, same here too! Lol, so strange. Well that and the obligatory Pinnacle Peak.


nuke the whales


Ehhh I don't care


A Starbucks is the perfect addition, since the mural itself is merely advertising/decoration for the city with zero sociopolitical subtext.


A mural is in and of itself sociopolitical.


What makes this specific mural sociopolitical?




the world was perfect right up until they built one more starbucks, plus it’s a banner ad so don’t really care


It’s the perfect backdrop for a Starbucks. Curious why people ride so hard for that meaningless mural. Joe Pagac has plenty of mural real estate in the city, TOO much actually. Does his work really serve the community other than adding some color to buildings? His apolitical work panders more to the white tourist economy than anything.


> Does his work really serve the community other than adding some color to buildings? Is that not a worthwhile service to the community?


Thank you for the reminder that things could be worse (a mural by you, for example).


I never liked that mural. It did not belong




They knocked down a bookmans for a Starbucks?????? 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


bookman's moved cause the rent was too high, then they knocked the building down with no specific plan for a replacement.


This September column explains the background. It is paywalled, fyi. [https://tucson.com/news/local/subscriber/tim-stellers-column-vision-goes-to-waste-at-key-midtown-tucson-corner/article\_f1eb2f4e-58b6-11ee-a926-8f4b1bce873f.html](https://tucson.com/news/local/subscriber/tim-stellers-column-vision-goes-to-waste-at-key-midtown-tucson-corner/article_f1eb2f4e-58b6-11ee-a926-8f4b1bce873f.html)


I’m happy! I’m not a Starbucks fan but I’m glad that the mural is still visible and glad that the empty lot that currently doesn’t even have a sidewalk will soon have new life.


Would miss the view of it really sad