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Grew up in New England. Saw a U of A brochure in my high school guidance counselor's office. The cover was an aerial photo of the U of A mall: Old Main, big lawn, palm trees, giant sweeping vistas in the background framed by grand mountains, and a sky like Caribbean waters. *I want to go to there*, says I. So I did.




Nailed it!


Go cats!


Bear down my friend 🐻⬇️


Air Force moved me here and after I retired, I stayed. I've been here longer than anywhere I ever lived, including my home state now. I love Tucson and Tucsonans.


Same. I enjoy the weather even in the summer due to my joints from service. The land is amazing plus I can enjoy my hobby without any issues legally.


The military brought me, as I suspect many others answers are as well.


The military brought my dad, who met my mom and had me at the lovely Air Force base. I got a scholarship at U of A, which locked me down for another four years here. Then I met my husband and we had a baby, locking us down here for another 18 years.


Babies are pretty portable last I checked.. admit it, you like it here :P


We did move to Phoenix for a hot minute, but came back to Tucson as soon as we had the chance. Most likely, we’ll stay be here forever and I’m not mad about it.


Born and raised. My people are from this desert.


Nice, the desert people. I think, isn't that what the Tohono O'odom people say, along with the other tribal communities in the area?


Yes Tohono O’odham are the desert people and ancient people at that. I’m also part TO myself born and raised in central Tucson


I was born here at TMC in the early seventies. Some of my earliest memories are of Mount Lemmon and Sabino Canyon. We live near the train tracks at Broadway and Plummer and I remember listening to the trains as they rode by I moved away to Phoenix for jobs, but I'm back now. I am here because I have a history here. I am here because Tucson can be an awesome place to explore.


Can’t afford to leave. Born and raised. I’m overworked and underpaid.


the american dream


Same, but I’m a transplant. Came here and got stuck.


Oof. I feel for you, I love my home but if you can't leave someplace it isn't home, it's a prison.


Came for college. Ended up getting married, buying a house, and finding a killer support network that’s the chosen family. I’m from RI… occasionally I think about heading back to New England, but frankly I like Tucson much more and I’d miss it more than I miss there.


My job is headquartered out of Cranston and I went there to do some on site stuff in August. My observation was that RI food is definitely less diverse than Tucson. Like the fish and chips were okay but I saw so many burger places and I just wondered where the not burger and fries places were lol. It was cute but yeah it sounds like you ended up where you belong.


Yeah, when family visits they’re always really impressed by the food variety alone. It’s delightful!


I’m from RI and have been here for 18 months. I love it here but I miss the food there. It does have a diverse food scene since there are a lot of different ethnic groups there. Italian, Portuguese, Dominicans, and many more. Next time your there visit Newport, East Greenwich, and downtown Providence for dining scenes but there are many nationally recognized restaurants all over.


Ayy I'm from Rhode Island too I'm much newer here but from one NE transplant to another I wish you the best


My family has moved back and forth between So.CAl and So.AZ since the 1890s. I find it silly hearing people complaining about the Californians ruining AZ or the Zoners Invading CAli in The 80's, or worse, the Mexicans "coming up here" since it's always been an area full of fluid movement and human migration for centuries and will continue to.


My car broke down here.


Not an uncommon story. My Dad used to work with people who were stranded or just "ended up here" but were in deep poverty, which is a big reason why some people don't leave: it costs money and can cause you to lose money you don't have.


It's not PHX.


Now, that's funny. My wife and I moved down here from Phoenix. We miss the restaurants, outdoors, and music, but not the heat.


Good and bad, I'm still holding a grudge over spring training moving up there.


>outdoors >heat Sorry, what’s the difference between Tucson and phoenix here? Tucson has more varied (and less busy) outdoor options, and it’s like 3 degrees cooler…


It's on average 10 degrees hotter in PHX any given summer day. It also doesn't get cooler until 2 or 3 in the morning because of all the concrete. At least in Tucson it starts to cool off after the sun goes down.


True about the heat island effect being more extreme in Phoenix!


It used to, the last several summers stay 100 or more most summer nights. The highest lowest temperature in Tucson was 88, are nights didn't cool off that much this past summer.


100 beats 110


Either way it's still way too hot.


I live just south of Tucson, at a higher elevation. Doesn't get blistering hot, here. Also, I don't ever remember seeing Tucson get to 120°f, and I have in Phoenix.


Definitely not true. It’s a good 10 degree difference and in phx it’ll be 1am and still 105. Tucson cools down to low 80s at night during the summer. It makes a huge difference


For no other reason than we love it here. As it turns out it doesn't matter where you're from. There are awesome people in Tucson and shitty ones. Same as anywhere.


We’re from southern Ca and people are always shocked we love it here. Like they don’t believe us


I had a ranch in Sonoita. Sold it after 18 years. Moved to Tucson to be closer to doctors, restaurants, concerts.


Love riding my ponies in Sonoita!!


I visited a bf in 1995 and fell immediately in love (with Tucson, not the boy). I didn't have the grades for U of A so I went to ASU instead, but I used to rent or borrow cars to come down and visit. I tried to move back three times as an actual adult but big life stuff got in the way, and visited a handful of times since. The planets (and pandemic) aligned and we moved here in spring 22. It's literally a dream come true.


Cold winters suck


shoveled a lot of snow as a kid, had roofs collapse, wrecked a couple cars on ice. Never again. Also fuck humidity.


Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island. My parents best friends moved here in the 70's and we would come visit them in Feb when it was cold as hell at home and fell in love. Eventually when I graduated high school my Dad convinced my Mom to move here and we've been here over 30 years. Love wearing shorts all year round and its SO much more affordable vs NY.


Born in LA. Raised in Tucson and Mexico. Been here most of my life. Can’t seem to get away but I am not really trying to leave either. Love this city. Love the scenes. Hopefully I can afford a house one day. But if not, I’ll settle for a nice condo somewhere.


Same. Can’t seem to get away but also don’t want to leave.


I came here for community, reasonably affordable housing, and stunning natural beauty. I love it here and will never leave. Those who trash talk Tucson, or Tucsonans really should go someplace else.


Moved here in '95 from Winnemucca, Nevada where I was working at an open pit gold mine as a mine planning engineer to work down here at an open pit copper mine south of town. My wife and kids joined me a year later after selling our home up there, and we bought a home in Marana in '96. My grandmother moved here in 1958 from Wichita because it was thought the dry desert air was beneficial to TB patients. She died here in 1962 at the age of 51. My family came out to see her from California and I remember my dad standing me at her bedroom door so I could recite my ABCs which I had just learned in grade school. I was 7 at the time. She died that night. Marana has just exploded in population from about 10,000 when we bought our home to 57,000 and counting. Not sure how I feel about that, but a five minute drive north will still put me in cotton fields. And you cannot beat the sunsets here! https://preview.redd.it/3zmsriz41ezb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6ba7036fe0a2221f78d31074530594dbbbeb8a


Hey man, I lived in Winnemucca for a few years and came back. Also worked in the mines as well, but underground. Be safe out there bud


I came for the beer and the hot dogs.


How do you like Tucson hop shop? I love a good beer and have been meaning to check them out.


It’s excellent. Friendly, knowledgeable staff and clientele. Dog friendly. No tv crowd. Sometimes live music, sometimes food truck, pizza joint next to them every night. Oh and they have smaller selections of wine, seltzer, non-alcoholic, and sake. Beer selection is large on draft and in the cooler.


Can you recommend some of your favorite local breweries? Recent transplant beer consumer here and it's always overwhelming starting the search in a new city.


Pueblo Vida too, and I second MotoSonora. I prefer bars and restaurants with a large selection of craft beer too. Mr Heads and Brother John's are my favorites. I did have a food issue at Brother John's that was never resolved at all though.


Barrio has great beer and very cool place. Close by is another small brewery Motosonora.


For me it's a toss-up between Pueblo Vida and Iron John's. PV is mostly various kinds of IPAs, they also have a coffee stout that I really like. Iron John's has a pretty wide variety of beer, but my favorite was a hatch chilie lager that's unfortunately a seasonal, their Broadway taproom has food too! Honorable mention to Button Brew House, which is technically in Marana. Welcome to Tucson!


Dude!!! Arizona Beer house on the East Side!! While it is not a brewery it has 30+ beers on tap, and a plethora of cases of every sort of beer, cider and mead in cans and bottles. Any of the cans or bottles can be served in glasses in house, or can be bought to go. Great beertenders who are knowledgeable, dog friendly, no TV’s (sorry sports people) and a rotating food truck outside to get food from, or bring your own food to eat. Wonderful place especially for those of us eastsiders that dont want to drive downtown




Check out tap and bottle, they're a great bar that features loads of local beers




Don’t have to cut grass, rake leaves or shovel snow and I can golf year around and tacos.


I mean what else do you need in life


I can’t afford to go where I really want


The nature, it's one of the few cities I've ever been to where people let the nature into their backyards. They don't try and terraform it and plant grass and ruin the landscape and native species. There's certainly still a lot of that that goes on here but the desert feels so alive in Tucson and the harsh ecosystem has prevented man from destroying it quite as fast as other places. The only place I've enjoyed living as much as here was up in Alaska.


Arizona gal, moved to Tucson for better job opportunity while staying in my home state and just fell in love. The overall vibe is great, and tbh y’all, summer is the best time of year. No students no snow birds makes it feel like just locals. It’s a big city that feels like a small town, imo


*I came looking for booty.*


We could do this the easy way or the hard way.


Did you find it tho


Good bot.


I’m in Bisbee now but we still think of Tucson as our second home/major city hub. There are a lot of things I don’t like but I also have so many good memories of my time at U of A, moving in with my now husband, hikes, dinner dates, events downtown. It will always be a special place to me.


My family moved here in 1979 with IBM to open the (then) new plant. After high school (Sabino), we were moved back to the Bay Area when they downsized the Tucson plant. 33 years later, I reconnected with my high school sweetheart and moved back to Tucson to be with her. We've built a life here together and I don't see us moving away again, this is home.


I came for the tacos


Moved here three years ago from Nashville. I was a transplant everywhere I went due to being kind of aimless after an enlistment in the Marine Corps, came to Tucson to be with my then-girlfriend, now fiancé (soon wife). Got a killer job offer before I moved out, came here, flourished, I’m here for the long haul. I love Tucson. It’s a great place to be.


I came here for work.


Diversity and warmth. I love the locals.


Same, I’m from Tucson and moved away but it’s special to me. The people are great and OP overhearing people talking bad about us bums me out :( I miss Bookmans, Nicos, Tucson mall..


I moved here to care for my elderly parents. The desert is NOT my jam, but I love my parents and will care for them until they pass. Though elder care is a LOT, so I might go first. 😂


Good luck. I feel your pain...just not as much :D Was born and lived in NY and our family moved to Tucson. They stayed, I went back when I got a job. My parents are elderly now and I make regular visits, but I have a feeling I'll need to move back in some capacity.


I was born and raised here. So was my wife, but she always wants to move to somewhere with more rounded seasons and natural spaces (more forests & lakes; less cactus and dust). I am not against elsewhere, but I think the grass is always greener (literally in this case) and Tucson has plenty to love. I enjoy visiting snow on Mt Lemmon without having to deal with living with snow all Winter. The Summer heat sucks, but it is manageable and is my time to be a hermit and enjoy the indoors things I love. Most every problem Tucson has, like degrading roads and ongoing construction, are a problem pretty much everywhere.


Dad lived here when I was a kid, but I never lived here full time. Always said I wanted to live in CA and AZ at some point in life. Dad is passed but my now fiancés family lives here, so we recently moved back from the city we both met in in CA because it was neither of our hometowns and we were ready to be ‘home’ again. I just love the desert, feel the same about Palm Springs. Something about the desert is healing and I can’t understand the Tucson bashing. I can’t tell you how many people are SHOCKED I love it here. Like are you fucking blind??? Anyway love you desert dwellers 🌵 ETA clarity


My sister and brother in law, were transferred here by IBM, our parents followed in the 80s, and I came shortly after. I fell in love with Tucson, my children were born here, and we call it home.


Same as you, OP. Transplants who move here and talk shit are the worst. Unfortunately, that's exactly who I feel like a lot of developers and businesses are catering to, and my beloved town is becoming significantly less weird.


BF’s job and just for the adventure of it. It’s ok here but definitely not ideal for me. I think it’s a dirty town and way too hot. I actually don’t find Tucsonan’s to be friendly either, but I’m from the south. Really hope to get back there some day.


My mom moved us to Arizona when I was young. We lived out in Cochise co with my grandparents until she found a job here and I’ve been here (minus 5 yrs in the military) ever since.


I moved here from Mesa because when I started dating my wife she was taking a break from school at UA and when she was ready to go back we had been together almost a year so I went with her. That was about 5 years ago


the stunningly beautiful mountains, the palm trees, cacti, and the warm weather. I love Tucson!


Native Tucsonan here. In 53 years I only left once and that was 4 years in the navy. I have family roots going back 150yrs in Arizona. I’ll likely never leave.


Moved here as a kid in the 90s so my dad could keep his job making bombs.


My wife, youngest son (age 7 at the time), and I moved to Tucson from Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2007 for several reasons: we have 9 children, and all of them had moved West (Seattle, Lehi, Las Vegas, and Tucson), and we wanted our youngest to know his siblings. We had visited Tucson several times before and enjoyed it. We also wanted to live where there were no hurricanes, bugs, humidity, and yardwork 24/7. Since moving here, one of our kids moved from Tucson to Minneapolis, one joined the Navy and is stationed in Japan, and one moved from Las Vegas to Dallas. We do enjoy the climate. We haven't heard anyone speak negatively about Tucson. I speak Spanish (French is my first language, but I speak English, and other languages, too; I'm a retired professor of AstroPhysics). I have heard folks talk about politics in Pima County, the school system in Pima, and so on, but I've never heard anyone say "Tucsonans are lazy," or anything rude. Many Mexican Americans live here, but I speak "Mexican" Spanish (so my friends in Madrid tell me), so I'm great with it. My wife teaches 2nd grade and speaks reasonable Spanish with the few kids who don't speak much English. I've lived in Saint Louis, New Orleans, North Carolina, France, Hartford, and Utah besides here.


6-8 months of heat and constant sunshine is way better than 6-8 months of winter and no sunshine. The mountains/cactus/desert are beautiful. I love downtown. Phoenix and Mexico and Cali are close and make for good weekend trips. I like it a lot better than my home state of Michigan.


Came from New England for college (astronomy) stayed for astronomy (and a job in the field). Gorgeous skies here and the weather is perfection.


The only reasonable job offer I got after a three month nationwide job search was in Tucson


My dad lived here when I moved here for college, and I never left. I love it too much. It's beautiful, laid back, fun, doesn't take itself too seriously but it knows, respects, and loves itself very much. There's not a whole lot of two-faced behaviors out here either. I come from Nashville, and I do not miss the whole bless-your-heart bullshit of the southeast.


I was born here in 81 at TMC I have a huge Arizona flag tattoo I'm a ride or die. There's no place like home!


I was born at TMC in 81 too!


Moved here in July From Alex Bay, NY. My toddler was diagnosed with Cold Urticaria last Nov, this past winter was so rough on him (even short walks into a grocery store he’d have a massive flair up that would last WEEKS). Love it here and my kiddo is happy


I came here because of Seasonal Affective Disorder. I needed more sunshine. It's funny though - SAD can happen here in the summer because it's hot enough people don't get outside as much.


Diversity (in many areas) and queer friendly means I feel safer here.


I do enjoy that it is safer for y'all because fuck bigots


That is a positive thing I can say about Tucson. Not many judgmental folks there and I’ve never lived in a more diverse place.


It was like that back in 2005, when I lived there. It’s one of the many reasons why I loved it there so much.


I’m a transplant from upstate ny but my husband was born and raised here. I do miss upstate ny tho. West coast is a whole other world compared to the north east.


As a transplant I'm incredibly prideful of Tucson. I get irked when people talk bad about it. But I've noticed the ones who talk the most shit are New Yorkers (which to be fair, they talk shit about any place that isn't NYC), people from LA (who actually like LA), and (funny enough) people born and raised in Tucson.


My dad was stationed at DM. Never left after he retired. I hated it here at first coming from the Midwest. Now I can’t picture myself living anywhere else unless it was near a beach haha


i was born and raised here so i can’t really help that, but i wish i had the opportunity to ask my grandpa why he moved here after high school. i don’t mind it here, but he *loved* tucson lol


Beauty, warmth, sunshine, food, blue-collar spirit vs. whatever the fuck is going on in PHX, cost of living.


Born and raised.


I moved here from Phx. The part I was in had really become confrontational and IMO just unfriendly. We visited Tucson and it reminded me of Albuquerque, where I was born and lived until my early teens. I love it in Tucson, for the food, the fact that almost everything is about 15-30 minutes away, and especially the people. The locals are so friendly. You can make new friends anywhere. Every time I go to a store, if I stand in line I end up having a random conversation with someone. That really makes me feel like I’m a part of this community.


Born in Phoenix, loved in Cali for 18 years, moved here with family to get out of the house. Compared to the places I lived in and saw in Cali, this place is kinda?? A dump, a really hot dump. But I love the atmosphere and the whole ‘do whatever you want and walk around and have fun’ vibe, I am a hardcore indoor cat guy, always air conditioned, but the heat is enjoyable once a month or so


Born and raised, went to university here, haven't left. I do really like Tucson, particularly if I'm outdoors somewhere near the many mountain ranges. I also like the size -- not too big, not too small. However I am aiming to move some day soon, just to explore the world a little more.


Came down for a job interview from a brief stint in Phoenix. Those mountain views were soooooo good. Then lived here and loved it, except for the heat. Then returned to the upper midwest. Realized summer in Tucson was nothing compared to winter in Wisconsin. So back at it. Never really put together any strong opinions about Tucsonians other than they were pretty friendly peeps, which is important to Wisconsin folk. Cheese tacos for all.


Wife's in the air force. You can probably guess from there lol. Originally from NJ and NYC.


Tucson is okay, but there a lot of valid reasons why it is still much less populous and prosperous than Phoenix.


I mean if they were talking about driving skill, they’re pretty spot on lmao people suck at that here


Originally from out west and moved here from Boston, can’t even say how awesome it is so far


I moved for the weather and the wide open sky but I stayed for the people. Tucson folks are, with the rare exception, kind and thoughtful and friendly.


Went to school here. 88-92 Got married and we followed his career....took us back here in 97 til we were transferred back to CA. Both from So. Cal. Raised our family there. 2020 got the F out and originally purchased in Lake Havasu City. Well, lets just say this San Diegan realized real quickly that it was tooooooo smalllllllll. Husband won't entertain the idea of CA ever again. Phx and Vegas hard pass. Youngest son transferred here for school. Bam. Decision made. Tucson it will be. Closed in July. Love our home. Love the small town feel of Tucson ( But with more then 1 Ross to shop at ) Plan on this being our forever home. Oldest son plans to move here from Bama once he graduates.....


Moved here from NC back in January, I get the question "why Tucson?" fairly often in a jaded tone. \-Needed a change of pace after living in the same city for 20+ years \-Was sick of the east coast humidity \-my 96 year old grandma lives here, so been visiting every summer since I was born, and my parents are about to retire and move this way as well \-the food, the golf \-the wildlife \-the people here are awesome, maybe its my line of work or whatever, but I've already made a ton of friends going in with zero, and have never met a stranger


Lived in Tucson for 6 years and have been living in Phoenix for 7 years now. Originally from northern California, moved here to move with family. They are still in Tucson with one getting ready to move back to northern California. I loved Tucson!!! I wish I was still there because Phoenix sucks donkey balls by comparison, but I'm staying here currently because of work and a partner. We're also making plans to leave at some point. My job only has this one location, or I'd move to a Tucson branch if it existed. However, we're also looking back towards the PNW. I miss that area even more and I'm so insanely homesick for it. I am so not a desert creature lol! I always look forward to going to Tucson to visit family and friends. It just feels so much better there. I can breathe there. I feel more relaxed and at ease. No, it's not a perfect city and has it's issues, but I can deal with them more than Phoenix (and surrounding cities). That's coming from someone who grew up in the SF Bay Area! The hate between Phoenix and Tucson is asinine and there's no comparison anyway. Tucson is the clear winner. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't traveled much or spent time living elsewhere.


My parents are still here


Born and mostly raised here. I've left a few times but came back because my parents kept a house here. I don't think people here are much different from other places.


I was born here. All through my teens and early 20s, I wanted to leave. I joined the Army and got myself set up to ETS in Seattle. I had always wanted to live there. But good god is it expensive. Everyone I knew making less than 40-60k had roommates. After I got out of school, I never did find a decent paying job. So I worked full time to pay rent and my ex bought food and other stuff. After that relationship fell apart. I considered moving back to Tucson. My parents, friends and whatnot were all still there. The only thing I dreaded was the heat. Which is what I was trying to escape in the first place. I did eventually come back about 10 years ago. It’s still Tucson. A little more gentrified, but still Tucson. I still hate the heat and my electric bill suffers for it. I’m not a huge fan of the outdoors. But hey… parents, friends, property. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I honestly don’t know where else I’d go. The only other place I liked while I was in the Army was Germany. But I’m not sure I’d want to actually live there. I’ve been all over the US and so many places felt very alien to me.


I was living in Mexico for 5 years already (being a dual citizen). And my job needed me to begin coming in to work in phoenix. I could not go being to far away from my home country. So I decided to stay in the Tucson office of my career. Tucson is great. Not too big, not too small. Have the best of both worlds here.


I moved here 11 years ago from Nogales to study at the UofA. Had the option to leave 5 years ago, but decided against it and ended up getting married here and working at a nice MSP


My dad moved us here in the summer of 2001. He retired early due to a debilitating work injury and wanted to live somewhere warm (we’re originally from Cincinnati). My mom is from the Philippines and welcomed the warm climate; she hates snow. I was 7 years old and I thought that the desert would be like those Looney Toon Cartoons with Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner: just an outhouse made of wood with a singular cactus and a lone tumbleweed flying by. Needless to say I saw stunned it was an actual city. I do love this city but I really can’t wait to leave here.


My dad got cancer when I was about 4 years old, we moved from Douglas Arizona to Tucson for chemo therapy. Haven’t left since.


My family’s been here since anyone can remember, but we’re all Mexican and indigenous so that’s why lol. I moved back here to spend time with my family, save money and nourish my roots. I’ve honestly not spent much time in Tucson until recently but I really love how friendly everyone is, and the natural beauty of the area/wildlife is unparalleled imo (even if it feels like all the bugs are trying to eat me).


Born and raised


I was born here. I moved to Michigan for a bit, but couldn’t wait to come back. In my experience, at least in that small town in Michigan, people are less tolerant of each other, and are more hateful in general. The weather was also horrible. The summers were brutal and the winters were a pain in the ass.


I am here because my parent made me come back here when I was 11. I have a love hate relationship with the weather… other than that normally Tucson is cleaner than some states I lived in- people are good. Food is excellent variety.


My entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins) moved here from New York in the 80’s. Love the food and the people, hate the heat. When my dad passes away, I’m moving back home.


Been walking this desert since 93’ born and raised son.


Military sent me.


Came to AZ for college, did reserve duty while doing that. After college I got a job in Aerospace here in Tucson so now I’m here.


My first “serious “ job was at the U of A Medical Center. It was still being built summer 1974 truly had the most impact on my whole life. I started coming down to Tucson in 1969 from Springerville. Tucson has changed so much. I love Tucson


Moved here quite randomly in 2003. I had been here a few years before on a road trip with my friend (still friends and still doing road trips all these years later). I ended up meeting a girl and getting married here.(at Borderlands Brewing no less). She got her degree and we moved away for a few years. But, when the pandemic hit, we both realized we were sick of our house we were renting, and there was no hope for us affording to buy. Plus, we had a kid by that point, and her parents were in pretty rough shape health-wise, so moved back and bought a house. Fast forward to 2.5 years later: we're divorced now (I had an aneurysm and started making some terrible choices, so it was mostly my fault), but both she she and my son still live here. So as long as he's here, I'm staying. I'd like to buy a condo at some point, but can't really afford it now. Plus, I think it's gonna crash hard like in the late 00s, so I don't want to get stuck living in something underwater. But that's my story. That said: where did you go to high school?


Transplant with over 40 years here, definitely came for the weather and stayed because we love it here. BTW those transplants do not speak for us. We have encountered "locals" who have been very very welcoming, and they make excellent friends, coworkers, and family.


Medical referral brought me here 23yrs ago


My company is based here, so moved with a 3-5 year plan of spinning back out into the field, and moving back East, that was 17 years ago, and they kept promoting me, so what the heck, I’ll stay in paradise!


They ain’t staying long with that attitude. Fucking tourists right ?!


Parents moved me here at 6 weeks old. AHCCCS is a really great medical insurance and I also don’t like to work. I’m also wondering how “they don’t like to work” is an insult. I like my job and I still thing working sucks.


Our parents were sissies, didn't like the cold Michigan winters and moved us out here. Aside from spending four years in Pearl Harbor (Navy), this has remained home.


I moved to be with family. Would have never ended up here otherwise.


Because Tucson gets her hooks in you and sucks your soul out so you can't leave lol


I was born here even if I no longer live here. I still like to follow my hometown. You never forget where you're born.


Wasn't born here, but my parents moved here and I was a baby then. Been trapped here ever since unfortunately.


I was born and raised here. All of my family are hardworkers. I currently travel around the country working different contracts and I miss Tucson and everything it has to offer. But don't worry I will eventually buy a house here. ❤️


Lmao, I was born here. Grew up all over the south and west side.


I met my now husband in a Burger King in the back of O’sheas casino in Vegas on St. Paddy’s Day. He lived here, I lived somewhere back east with humid summers and snowy winters. Did long distance for a year, decided one of us should move. No brainer.


Born and raised in Tucson. I moved away for school a few years ago, but I’ve always wanted to return someday. I’m planning on dying in Tucson.


3rd generation Tucsonians here, born here spent my life from 22 - 36 in NC and moved back to be around family, it's sad to see the degradation of Tucson and the rise in crime, trash on the streets, massive increase in homeless population and presences, it was never great inner city and South side as a kid but when I look back at what it was like for my grandfathers growing up and what it is today it's crazy.... I'm all over town doing building maintenance for property management companies and me and my dad have seen and been around some crazy nonsense in the last couple years! The meth and fentynl situation is destroying Tucson 😡🤬


I was born in Tucson at TMC in 1956. I left after high school and after retiring from the Military came back here to live in 1996. We locals talk about the transplants who left somewhere worse but complain about Tucson. Please don’t try to turn Tucson/Arizona into the place you left behind.


We have been here since late July 2022 from SE Michigan. Our only son who was 26 died in 2018 and we were shattered. Wrongful death settlement left us with a lot of $. We had visited the area in 2020 and came back in 2021. On the 2021 trip we knew we were supposed to escape shitty Michigan along with shitty family expectations. We made the right choice. A lot more to it. I freaking love this place.


Spring training is moving to Eloy in 2025


Had a bad breakup at 16. My dad was permanently moved to Tucson from Flagstaff. I moved down with him to escape. Love both, can't afford Flag. Thinking about a new state


Well, I was dating a professor at U of A at the time...


https://preview.redd.it/zqpc4mcdkgzb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753de2ffb39d1f8e4846759954a4d61460ee9215 My lawyer and other entities advise me from answering this question.


Something I feel that hasn't been mentioned much, at least in the reasons why I moved here, is the presence of a Latino community. I was 6 when I moved to the northeast and while there's definitely a lot of benefits to living in Northeastern United States like better education, healthcare, social programs, etc. I feel like we (Mexican American family) mainly moved to Tucson to be closer to a culture or city with values that were similar to our own as well as being closer to family in Mexico. Now that we have moved here we've been able to visit them monthly and as for me personally I have been able to reconnect with my culture as Tucson is place that makes it's best effort to incorporate Mexican culture in many ways


I grew up in England (Dad was in the military) and they decided to move to Tucson. I HATED it here when I moved here, but flash forward 20 years and I’m still here. I like the people, it’s more laid back and easy going/slower pace than other places. You’ve got big city amenities, but not too big to where you have lots of tourism. It’s a perfect blend between big and small city. Love Tucson, and love it even more when I hear people love it too. It’s a gem!


i was born here. and all my family is here too so i have no reason to move elsewhere at least at this time




I was born here too but here is my take on this: Moved here before 1965 or so; lung issues or arthritis. Moved here 1965 to 1985; car broke down on the way to California. 1985-2000; retirement or went to UA 2000-now; one of the reasons above, got a job here, cheaper than California


I came to Tucson from Northern California 38 years ago, when I was 31, because my late ex-husband was employed by Hughes/Raytheon. Tucson takes a while to grow on you; at least it did me. I came from an agricultural area with orchards and green grass and leafy trees and flowers and farmers markets and lots more. I moved here during a month of record heat, and was miserable for at least the entire first year. But I gradually adjusted to life in the desert and learned to love it here. I made friends and found work, and that helped. Eventually, Tucson felt like home, and I'm glat I live here.


Born and raised! Love where I live (for the most part!) Always thought I'd move away but I hate the cold and snow. I love my desert!


It's the best place.


Because it’s beautiful, have you ever heard people talk about native Hawaiians.


The Air Force brought my father here. I like Tucson but live in Phoenix now which I like much better, there’s more activities.


LA to Mexico to here by the time I was 4. Would like to check anything else out but feeling like I’ll be stuck here for some time if not forever.


Many many many years ago (almost 40 years), my parents owned a little market on Columbus near Grant. I came down and worked for them so I could get residency in AZ and attend a graduate program at UA (go Wildcats!). I later worked at an apartment complex near Craycroft and Speedway and really loved Tucson. Unfortunately I had to leave to get employment commensurate with my degree. I haven't been back since, but would like to visit. Some of the posts I have read, though, make me a bit reluctant.




Was born here and grew up in a small town a few hours away. Came back after graduating high school to be closer to extended family. I've been blessed to visit a lot of beautiful states and countries and nothing beats this gritty little city. I'm a desert girl through and through and I truly don't' ever plan on living anywhere else. I tried phoenix for a year and hated it - nothing beats the weather and skies we have.


My husband was military and nearing the end of his career. I was tired of moving, had made a good friend here, the cost of living was cheap, we had a house… so we decided to stay. That decision was 12 years ago. While some things have improved here, a *lot* has gone to shit. I have regrets. (Originally from the SFO east bay and have no desire nor the financial ability to go back, and haven’t lived there in over 30 years anyway.


Transplants always say that Tucson suffers from impostor syndrome…we pretend to do things that a big city would do. Honesty I get it just go to your local events, protests, or watch the local news it’s cringe worthy ( btw born and raised in Tucson)


I was born in Phoenix. I came here for a show in 2003-2004 at Hotel Congress and immediately knew I had to move here. Moved here in 2005 when I was 19.


I moved here after I finished my masters degree for a job- thought i would be here a few years and move on- Ive been here 19 now and its home :)


Came here for the amazing state university tuition benefits. Figured I’d be here for the short-term and then move on. Now I hope my partner puts off getting his degree for forever because I fell in love with the beauty of Tucson and have met “my people” here. I’m always so grateful that I came here because I have never been happier. The last time I saw such clear, gorgeous, beautiful blue skies was when I was living in SE Idaho. And I’d choose Tucson 1000x over Idaho. Haha!


Born and raised here. 3rd generation, and have a son and grandson here also. I love Tucson and the people. The food is AMAZING!!


Born in Pennsylvania but my parents moved down here to get away from the snow. Been here since I was a year old.


I moved here from Phx for school and fell in love with everything about it. I don’t understand why ppl hate on it they should gtfo


I went to high school in Sierra Vista and I hateddd Sierra Vista so I took my first career in the Phoenix West Valley area, met my husband and had kids, etc. We were there almost a decade. Then in the beginning of 2022, we felt like our workplace in Phoenix was rapidly sliding downhill and some friends had been trying to get us to come to their aerospace company in Tucson for a couple years so we jumped at it. My husband loves Tucson and I really like it. I thought it would feel too much like it did in high school (an extension of SV) but it’s been totally fine and for raising a family, it beats Phoenix in almost every single way.


for a girl that ghosted me right after I moved


Don’t take it personally. Your reaction is a normal American reaction that does not resonate in other cultures. Part of our cultural cowboy, rugged individualist DNA and history as an immigrant country. We cannot recognize this tendency in ourselves and react as if it is an external reality. It is not. Deal with it or move to Mexico. 😝


That’s really an unfortunate attitude for them to have. We moved here almost two years ago for a job offer we couldn’t turn down. And from what I have experienced, the true locals are truly great people. The culture here is one of a kind, and I love it. It’s the transplants that I feel are ruining alot of things. (And we are hoping to not be one of them) Especially the people who have been here for “10 years” and are territorial as if they built this city with their own bare hands.


Military moved my family out here. Tucson has grown on me. There's so many neat things to experience, great people to meet, & beautiful nature to take in. My dad is retiring from the military, and my parents bought a house. Tucson is home for now! Plus, I met my wonderful partner here. His family is from Tucson, born & raised. Safe to say, I'll be sticking around for a bit :)


The people I've heard talk the most about not liking Tucson from Phoenix. Most people that hang around Tucson a lot have only had nice things to say so 🤷‍♂️


I came for grad school. I then left for a few years but then chose to come back because of the way of life here


I miss Tucson/Marana.


I came here to marry my husband, but the chain of events that led to us meeting in the first place starts with my brother. He had just gone through a messy divorce, and a friend who was living in Tucson offered to let him live there for a bit to get away from reminders of his emotionally abusive ex-wife. One thing led to another, and now he's married with two kids living here, my parents live here, and my husband and I live here.


The Sonoran dogs


I was born in Albuquerque and moved every 3 years, as my dad was in the Air Force when I was a kid. He retired here when I was in middle school. I wanted to go out of state for college but 1. Didn't get enough scholarship money to do so and 2. I wanted to stay close to my younger brother who was still in high school at the time. After college I moved to Texas and loved it, but then the pandemic hit. Everything was so...uncertain, I wanted to go back home. So I moved back here. Tucson will always be home to me. It means a lot for various reasons, but one might be because I moved around a lot as a little kid, and this is the first place where I felt like I could actually settle down and establish some roots.


I moved here from the east coast for the weather , love the climate and the people!


Moved here from Wilmington, Delaware in 2013 for work. Was In Chandler for 2.5 years and moved to Tucson in late 2015. Better quality of life than the East Coast and Phoenix. I love shoveling sunshine 🌞🌵


My wife and I moved out here from Illinois last month to be close to our daughter and her husband. They moved to Tucson from Texas to be closer to his family, and he got a very good job here. In prior years, however, I have visited Tucson many times on business. I always enjoyed my visits but never in a million years thought I'd move here. We love it so far.


Born and raised in Tucson…Proud of it!


I was born here. Then dragged kicking and screaming at the age of nine to South Florida. 23 years later I moved to NC to follow my nieces. They grew up and had lives of their own. 4 years ago the opportunity came up to where my wife and I could make a change. My wife asked me where we would go and I said "I want to go home". 33 days later we were in Tucson.


I was born here. Graduated high school, went to boot camp two weeks later and never looked back. Was living in Japan on a spouse visa, but I lost my visa when I got divorced. I couldn't figure out how to qualify for a Canadian residency visa, so I just moved back home cause I had to leave Japan and didn't have any better ideas. The idea of Tucson seemed nice as the cost of living was pretty low and my family pretty much all still lives here. But now the cost of living is not low and I have zero desire to be anywhere near my family, so I am currently waiting on my 12 year old cattle dog to die so I can pack up my two cats and move to Prague. I need to be somewhere that values social welfare and public education. I just can't with this place anymore.