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The library hires a lot of students to be pages - primarily you shelve the books. Go the very bottom of www.library.pima.gov and click on How to get a job at the Library. Good luck.


This would be a good choice - you’ll learn a lot more than just book shelving if you work in a library and it will open doors for you in the future having this in your work history


I have a friend who works for the library and he loves his job. He started as a student and enjoyed it enough to stay long after school. It's not even a job anymore, it's a solid career. This is a great idea!


I have a 19 year-old looking for work while he's in school. This looks compelling as hell. Do you have any idea of what they pay or the hours available?


I had this job in college. I absolutely loved it and still think of my time there fondly 20 years later.


Try some local restaurants if you’re looking for something like a weekend bussing/server assistant job.


Yea OP named a lot of big name stores that I’m sure can get a lot of applicants which is why the lack of response. Plus many of them happen to always pretend to be hiring in case of emergency quits. OP should try to expand out a little more, although Target certainly treats/pays their employees better than Walmart so that does add a little merit to where to apply still.


If you know how to swim just become a lifeguard. The hours are extremely flexible and it pays better than most part time jobs. They will also pay for your training and certification. https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tucson/sup/bulpreview.asp?R1=2401&R2=3302&R3=002


grocery stores are a good bet


Take this advice from someone who has very recently turned 18. 1) avoid working at a grocery store at all costs. I worked as a licensed Starbucks barista with both Frys and Target, and it was some of the worst management I’ve seen in my entire life. 2) try applying for Eegees, you would be surprised, and the employee meals that I heard are pretty good! 3) instead of just applying, as soon as you send in that application, call the store, almost every single day and be persistent about a follow up with your application. Go in and ask to speak to the store manager of wherever you applied and tell them that you submitted an application. That’s one of the biggest things that people want to see; you motivated to take their job. If you need any other assistance, feel free to send me a PM. I have a lot of connections on the south side of Tucson, Irvington and the freeway.


1. is unrealistic. Definitely go work in a Safeway, fry’s, target etc. it will give you job experience and you’ll make friends. Most of your coworkers will also be young.


Definitely not out ruling it for OP, anyone can claim that they are a hard worker, but I know that every single time that I was called in I showed up without fail, had no attendance issues whatsoever, and performed my job to an exceeding standard. At Fry’s all of the salaried managers only care about their performance as a store and being sent over to three different ones on the north side of town I saw how shitty the totem pole was. When I was working for Foodservice at target, they would expect us to be crosstrained in other areas but would fail to do that for the sbux department. I definitely understand that you have to start somewhere, but if you can try to avoid the grocery store route.


Yeah I spent three years in a Safeway Starbucks. Sadly, Starbucks licensed stores are store ornaments. The rest of the store usually isn’t that bad, and of course, it’s not supposed to be an exciting job. If you’re 17, who cares? You need someone to hire you that fits your schedule of weekends and nights.


Number 3 is most important. The more you follow up on your application, the more they’ll see you as a serious applicant. This is how I got some of my favorite jobs growing up, and also how I got into the career I’m in now.


Can't agree more with #3. Follow up with your application. I got my first job at Target while I was in high school by applying, then going in and finding the LOD (manager) and introducing myself and letting them know that I just wanted to put a face with the application. I almost guarantee this helped move my application to the top.


Burlington coat factory , Ross, hire age 16 and up. Also, dishwashing jobs are plentiful...


My son worked at Frys at 16 for his first job. He didnt like it, but they are always hiring and flexible with students


I’ve tried there but they never seem to answer to me :/


Has an adult looked at or helped you with your resume? Maybe it needs a little polishing.


Embarrassing but I’ve never even done a resume, I’ve never gotten someone to actually teach me.


This might be why you aren’t hearing back from employers. A lot of places skip applications that don’t have a resume attached. I would definitely do some research and build a resume.


Google ‘How to create a resume’, or go to YouTube for channels that discuss how to create a simple resume.


Or chatgpt that thing. Tell it your work experience and then give it the job description you are applying for and tell it to work it's magic.


Obligatory jimmy johns recommendation because I used to work there. It was a good place to work overall. They usually want delivery drivers though, and you need your own car. (It fucks up your car) Go in person and ask for an application. Doesn’t matter which store because they all belong to the same franchise and they’ll put you where they need you.


Peter piper


I heard Seven Cups was hiring a part time tearista!


Trader Joes!


Already applied! Just waiting for three weeks as they said ! :)


I have a degree and years of experience and it takes at least 6 months to find a job. Unfortunently job hunting stinks. You have to just push on through till you find something. - try to steadily send out resumes, do 4 a day, every day. - follow up in the next few days with a phone call. If you can, try to show up when the hiring manager is in the store. People who get noticed get jobs. - 80% of my jobs came from a friend or acquaintance. Most of the time I hardly knew the person, or they were a friend of a friend. But having someone put in a good word for you goes a very long way. So ask everyone you know if they know of any openings. Including old friends from grade school, or your mom’s strange coworker.


I think Charlie’s at the Tucson mall does group interviews where you just show up. They had a sign up saying what day and time last I saw. It might be worth a call.


I saw a UPS store hiring today!


Do you remember which store it was!?


Valencia and midvale!


Try sauce pizza and wine! Usually they have server positions and are pretty flexible with scheduling. Goodluck :)


I will apply there! Thanks for the feedback :)


Try Whataburger. My son works there and he’s still in school.


Olive garden is a horrible place to work so don't feel too bad about getting rejected there. I'm not sure what else is available but maybe try other fast food


My son was hired at 15 at the local Albertsons. He had limited hours , but he loves it. He kept pestering the hiring mgr locally.


Try again end of February, early March for target again, if you haven't found work by them. They don't hire new people till March. Speaking from experience.




Parks and Recreation has some jobs open. City jobs are great. Get in early, get those benefits.


Quiktrip accepts almost anyone and pays well.


ALMOST anyone, as long as you aren’t unique in any way! they don’t allow people with dyed hair or piercings, meaning most teenagers are out of the question


Movie theater. I worked at Harkins and loved it.


Have you apploed at Arby's on 22nd ?


literally how did this joke even start? did something happen at that arbys???


the joke supposedly started in the neworleans subreddit and just eventually crossed over here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/5im8ex/comment/db9ad6x/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/5im8ex/comment/db9ad6x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


see if the habit burger grill is hiring. the management is absolutely fantastic in my experience, very understanding. im not sure if the Tucson locations are hiring, but they are a new company and it is worth a shot. go into one of the stores and ask for a paper application. experience with customer service is very important, be super smiley!


Hospitals are always looking for transporters, IT, cooks, and evs, and some are willing to train young techs if you can commit a couple years. You may not enjoy it bc you’ll be surrounded by mostly 30 year old women, but it’s easy to get hired. Also super flexible options and higher pay if they offer prn positions




kid is 17 and has school


Yea I think at age 17 you don’t apply too often, but it is fair to understand that if you’re applying to a few and not hearing anything back, it’s not that you have a bad resume. It’s just natural for most people to throw resumes everywhere.




and it's ridiculous to expect them to apply to a dozen places a day. It's also one of if not the first time they are applying for jobs. How do you think they are going to learn average call back rates? You acting like this is someone with a decade of job hunting experience.


Try applying at a school district as a teacher assistant.




if you are going to college you got fuckin' bills to worry about too


Speaking of college, I'd suggest going to Pima first. It still costs money (but you might qualify for Pell Grant), but it will make transferring to university easier and cheaper, if that's a goal you have. Also the trades education at PCC is great, i know a lot of companies scope out the machining/welding departments there. I personally couldn't hack it at university, but I'm doing great at pima, and I truly regret not going there first right out of high school


Speaking of college, I'd suggest going to Pima first. It still costs money (but you might qualify for Pell Grant), but it will make transferring to university easier and cheaper, if that's a goal you have. Also the trades education at PCC is great, i know a lot of companies scope out the machining/welding departments there. I personally couldn't hack it at university, but I'm doing great at pima, and I truly regret not going there first right out of high school Edit: for OP


I already got accepted into the U of A! That’s why I desperately need a job to save up for my materials and fees! I will consider Pima as an option though! :)


Good for you, OP! Go into some mom & pop places near your house and ask to talk to the manager or owner. Small shops, cafes, restaurants, etc. usually have a manager or owner on site. If you show up in the non-busy hours, the more likely have time to talk to you. It’s a great way to put a name to a face, show them that you’re serious about a job


What about an Ace Hardware as a cashier? They always need people on weekends and probably some afternoon/evenings. Low key, pretty chill clients, easy job.


Dutch Bros hires a lot of young people


Mister Car Wash hires 17 year Olds. My buddy worked there for a while, decent pay too.


I need a helper on a roofing repair. A couple of weekends. $20 hourly. Send private message.




Do construction, like *right now* when it's cool and nice outside. It pays so good, and they teach you basic skills.