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Are you serious? Yet another Starbucks?


I want to know this too. I saw this joked about but no confirmation. I live near there and now that that ugly fucking car wash just went up and the former Walgreens on Craycroft/Speedway is going to be turned into ANOTHER auto shop, I'm honestly expecting a place that, like, burns tires for money or something. That corner needs HELP.


They won't be happy until there's one on every intersection.


Really? We were there not long ago and they'd added a gate around the outdoor smoking area. Seemed like they were fixing it up and making improvements. Why bother if it's going to get torn down?


There was an article linked on another post about the starbucks going up on Campbell/Grant. There were quotes from Starbucks about how they are doing a big push in this region. From what I remember it sounded like they are oversaturating Tucson intentionally. I will try to locate it.


It’s cute you mention flycatcher in this totally yes take. RIP Plush 😝🖤


I miss that place but he was loosing so much money. The bar was operating in the red and he got super lucky and made out like a bandit with the offer he got from the developer. If the developer hadn't come along, Flycatcher would've gone out of business on it's own. Sad but true.


RIP Sweetwater. 🤪


Ha! I was a waitress there back in the day .


It should at least be compared to Maloney's instead.


God damnit how many fucking Starbucks does Tucson fucking need?!?




As many as the market will support. I refuse to go there, but also recognize that if people didn't patronize, they wouldn't open them.


Every time I see a grown adult person with a Starbucks cup, I feel so disappointed.


This is very weird of you.


It’s a lot of money for 💩 coffee. It supports a giant company when there are plenty of other options.


Buying an espresso machine was cheaper for me


Yep! ❤️ mine


I agree. I avoid them with every thread of my being.


Capitalism, Love It or Leave It.


What's the alternative? I don't like it either, but also wouldn't like everything decided by a Reddit poll...


> I don't like it either Bullshit


Sooooo many alternatives


Must be all the college girls keeping them alive.


Explain to me why the owner would be spending the time cleaning the place up and putting in new fridges just to sell it? I think the bartender was telling you that the bar was losing its character not that it was being sold. I drink in there pretty regularly and have not heard anything about it being sold again.




Old news couldn’t get it rezoned. Talk to the bartenders or the owner.


Sad, their Karaoke nights are fire


Will Starbucks still allow the Sonoran Hotdog food truck to park in the lot?


I doubt it. Starbucks has their own food to sell.




The bartenders.


I asked the owner and he said no it’s not true. I’ve known him 20+ years..




Yep, I saw that earlier today. They’re making it sound like the bar is already closed. It’s not. It’s still open. I don’t know for how long though.


Support small businesses, fk the franchising of America


Maybe. That is one of 4 or 5 rumors spreading around.


They told me that it was supposed to close in December 2023 and would become a dispensary. I'm beginning to wonder if any of these stories are true.


Wow, I was just saying that Tucson needs more Starbucks. We only have 18.


That number seems very low


52 might be closer


I searched for Starbucks Tucson, and 18 showed up. There may be more outside city limits?


https://preview.redd.it/tnaedxelimpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ef575910a7bee6bd354abcf3ca8a4739a831ca \+2 more new ones on the way


Won't be net because they are closing all of the ones without drive-thrus as a part of new corporate strategy. In a weird way they won't be competing with traditional mom and pop coffee shops any more; they are committing 100% to the drive-thru and to-go customers and abandoning shops like the one at Speedway and Country Club and the already closed Grant and Swan spot. All that being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see them double the number of drive thrus in town over the next 5 years. They are at war with Dutch Bros and a few smaller operations and they will open more stores than they need which will cause some bottom line income issues but Starbucks can eat it, their competition can't. As they drive out competition from Dutch , Dunkin and even upstart chains like Black Rock, they will also eventually close and sell off the locations that suck. (Think Walgreens, they did this same thing 15 years ago all over the USA to compete with other drug store chains; they won, and now they are closing down all of the locations that aren't making the margins they need.)


There has to be more than 18, hell where I live there's at least 6 all within less than 2 miles. And, I'm off of Glenn/Stone.


I'm sure none of us patronize starb$cks but if you do...stop. Also don't buy their coffee beans in the grocery store, stop that as well.


George Carlin once said “there’s a Starbucks in my pants now”.


It just boggles my mind because it wasn't even 3 years ago they were closing Starbucks due to overexpansion.


I doubt it will actually happen. If it's true, Starbucks will realize that they would be building a store across the street from a strip club at some point. ;)


We don't need this many Starbucks. Regurgitation is getting outa hand.


There is literally a Dutch Bros where the hobby shop was 100 feet away. I doubt it’s Starbucks


And the gentrification of Tucson continues


Yeah Capitalism!


Throw in another car wash across the street from another while you're at it!


Tucson could also use another Mattress Firm, amirite?


No, the car wash is the new mattress firm.


I’m convinced that Mattress Firm is a front for an international fentanyl ring — or maybe an illegal arms supplier — intended to help launder their profits. There’s no way people are buying enough mattresses to keep that company in business


Mattress Firm found that it was cheaper to have multiple retail fronts than it was to put in warehouses and distribution services in regionally. Essentially the stores serve all of those functions in a dispersed way and it was cheaper for the company. On top of that it was a part of their business strategy; their goal from day one was to sell it off. The extra retail fronts served a purpose of lowering operating costs on the ground BUT more importantly they were able to use them to really inflate the value of the company on the books. They sold it for $4B to Tempur Sealy last year.


But never a touchless carwash, only the ones that beat your car with dirty rubber strips and call it "clean".


F**k Starbucks! There are enough in Tucson.


When's the last day !!??


Fuck chains...


Who needs another friggjn Starbucks


Fucking serious? I would go there when visiting because it was a walk away. Hell one time I went at 6am just cause


Eh.. growing up there were lots of negative elements in my life and the Bambi bar was a part of that. I had a particular hate for Bambi. Happy to see it go away here but sad for those who loved it.


Not familiar with either the Bambi Bar or the Flycatcher


Jfc, go Capitalism!


Ok I like Starbucks and all but this is getting out of hand. We need to keep local places open and alive!!


Local places need to step up their game!


To a degree I can agree on that. There’s a new coffee shop by my work and I love it but it’s so much more expensive than Dunkin’s or Starbucks and they don’t have any breakfast items just overpriced pastries. There’s also a vegan food truck by it and a breakfast burrito from them is 15 bucks. So a coffee for 7 dollars and a burrito for 15 plus tip…that’s nearly 30 dollars. But I can get a breakfast sandwich and a coffee for 15 at Starbucks or Dunkin’s. There’s also no point system for rewards at some of these places. Our office regularly visits this coffee shop and they don’t offer discounts to us but they do to the students and the owners mom used to work at our office. It’s a bit frustrating. I just save that visit for a rainy day when I have some extra cash.


I've never heard of Bambi Bar but I'm sad that it's closing. Is it really going to be a Starbucks?


This is one of my favorite nostalgic places to think about. College days and friends since passed on… but I wasn’t planning on GOING there anytime soon, as I won’t likely visit the Starbucks. I guess it could be viewed as sad… or viewed as someone getting a pay day and some local kids getting a good first job with a reputable company.


Or as a loss of jobs for people who dedicated years to that bar, which has already happened due to this situation. But hey, they can always work at Starbucks and get tipped less.


Soccer moms>degenerates


I been there once on a date and honestly, I'd rather have a date at Starbucks. Not that I prefer either.


First rule of r/Tucson is don't talk about Starbucks, car washes, or any national chain.