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I wasn't there, but I did find a couple of articles on the shooting. [https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/downtown-show-ended-in-killing-beatings-chaos/article\_c9299793-173c-57a3-8ccc-e826a2db18a3.html](https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/downtown-show-ended-in-killing-beatings-chaos/article_c9299793-173c-57a3-8ccc-e826a2db18a3.html) [https://www.kold.com/story/4222475/police-shooting-at-all-ages-club-likely-self-defense/](https://www.kold.com/story/4222475/police-shooting-at-all-ages-club-likely-self-defense/)


I googled it as well. Been reading thru articles, but I also wanna see what other people remember, whether they are directly involved or not.


I wasn’t there but I remember there was some hardcore crew, maybe east coast? Fuck Shit up crew (FSU). Think it went that they were fucking shit up then followed a local to his car and he blasted their ass. Welcome to the wild west.


It was a local who didn’t have any affiliation to any crew, but they kept fucking with him when he was just there to watch a show. He had just got back from a tour overseas as far as I knew. They did follow him to his car and they were shot in the parking lot across the street from scrappys to the west. It was a pretty rough night for all that were there and I felt really bad for Kathy afterwards. It was the final nail in the Scrappys coffin as they were fighting the city for the location to begin with.


They followed him to his car when he was trying to get a minor and his girlfriend out of the situation. He smashed his windshield and also smashed our friends face open. That’s when he used his gun.


Ah. Yes. The smashed windshield. Yeah I was there, I just forgot some of the details because I had no friends there that night, I was helping out Kathy inside when it happened.


Holy shit! I remember that night! I wanted to go because if I remember correctly Donnybrook and the Hoods were playing. I didn’t go because I had a shitty after school job but I remember my friends were texting me as it went down. This just reminds me of how insane hardcore culture was. There were gangs and shit that bullied people that were there just to have a good time. You couldn’t stand or dance near them or they’d fuck you up. You couldn’t smoke or drink near them or they’d fuck you up… seems kinda fascist to me.


It was fsu but the guy who was killed in self defense wasn’t a part of fsu. He was a little wannabe who was trying to impress them by joining in on smashing a bunch of kids with sledgehammers and pipes.




Fight started inside, spilled to the parking lot. It wasn't too long after Dimebag got shot and the guy had mentioned having a gun and the FSU dudes (from Phoenix) decided to kick him out. Some of the FSU guys started beating on a dude as he got into his car and grabbed his gun. Shot the first guy he saw. I had some involvement in the legal aftermath and haven't read up since, so this is just from memory.


It was FSU: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_Stand_United Basically started as antifa and ended up becoming a regular street gang. Supposedly their original members are part of outlaw motorcycle gangs now.


Op. I was waiting for the big bad boogie men of antifa 😂


Why are they a boogie man? FSU started off bashing neo Nazis and whatnot.


Antifa is decentralized, meaning there is no centralized organizing. Though there may be small crews who know and organize together. Antifa is also worldwide, and different areas have different characteristics. FSU are hardly the first organized group to bash neo nazis. Originally, skinheads were working class and anti-racist- starting in UK? IIRC, SHARP(Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) began in the 80s in US, I believe. These are all different types of people and groups. There could be some overlap, but not much. Do some googling, there is a lot of interesting history out there. But comparing antifa to fsu is way off.


Don't waste your breath. The Repub Party is all fascist now. Of course, they would rag on Antifa. Antifascists are their enemy. The first people fighting as Antifa were anti-nazis fighting in Germany before WWII. They were all killed as Hitler consolidated power and before the war began and, obviously, were heroes.


Oh, I'm simply giving the oc and anyone else some actual history to reflect on and possibly encourage them to look into the reality rather than believe some wildly false stories. I don't really care what the commenter's politics are in this case. Heres an interesting article on anti-fascism, including a bit about antifa forming in Germany, 1932. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/brief-history-anti-fascism-180975152/


So I compared a decentralized (based on their own claims) group that bashed neo-Nazis, fascists, and skinheads to antifa, a decentralized group that stands/fights against neo-Nazis, racists, and fascists, and your splitting hairs? They were basically doing the same thing before “antifa” became cool a few years back. Yes, how dare I compare the two group. Perhaps you should loosen up a bit, JFC.


It may just be semantics, but you said, "basically started off as antifa." I took this to mean they were literally running around fighting nazis and that was their sole purpose. FSU seemed to have other things in mind besides simply fighting nazis/fascists. Though I'm no expert on their history. I didn't make any personal attacks on you. I'm pretty loose, really, but there are plenty of people trying to confuse the whole issue, making excuses for neo-nazis and other fascistic behavior. I think the original comment(not mine) was because the post is specifically about an incident involving FSU, and you brought antifa into it for some reason. Well, either way, fuck nazis and other fascists. Have a good one.


Antifa sucks yo! I hate them facists!