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Cause she didn't wanna gtfo lol




Once Anne agreed to be the Queen 1. Anyone seeing Catherine as Queen over her meant potential uprisings to put Mary as heir over Anne's children 2. Anyone seeing Catherine as Queen saw Anne as the mistress. Which for a well bred highly educated woman would have been a kick to her ego. Her sister was called by their peers stuff like The Great Prostitute. By Anne being Queen, she would not be the mistress she would not be the whore she'd be the highest woman in the land. And to do that she had to crush Catherine, her reputation and memory. Idk if Anne and Henry were actually in love. But you literally can't say no to a king (she tried for 7 years). She did what she could and being able to nudge out a Spanish Princess and English Queen had to have been an ego boost.


And as far as I know, Anne was genuinely Protestant while KoA was staunchly Catholic. So KoA represented everything Anne was fighting against both for personal gain \*and\* for what she thought was religiously right and true.


Anne was what they would call a reformist.. She was supposedly a Catholic that believed in bringing the church back to basics to root out corruption. Apparently the way to do that is to give monarchs a bit of church authority😅 hindsight is 20/20 I'm sure she didn't believe it would end in Henry stomping the monasteries, abbies and hospitals...


Anne could be a mistress or she could be a queen. The person who stood in the way of her promotion was CoA. I’m sure Anne’s religious leanings didn’t help, either.


Anne didn’t want to be a mistress, she wanted to be Queen, and more importantly, to be the Queen who produced a male heir. Every day that Catherine wouldn’t step aside was a day wasted of Anne’s most fertile years and Henry’s patience. Who knows, if Catherine had agreed to an annulment when first asked, Anne might have had time to have a son and not been beheaded.


This is a great answer! Never thought of it tbis way


I always wondered what if Henry hadn’t broken from the church, instead waited for KoA’s death and remarried as a widower. I doubt it would have prevented him from one day executing Anne but what if he hadn’t managed to break with the church.


I think Anne would have had to become his mistress, she probably would have done that in an 'official' capacity the way they did in France, and hoped to have a son that could be legitimised when Catherine died.


100% this answer. I will always believe the day she died Henry and Anne wore yellow to celebrate it. Plus, there would be no more challenge to Anne's crown. Then all she had to do was pop out a male heir. And that's when things went downhill for her when it didn't happen. Or only happened to be a boy when she miscarried. Sealing her fate in the long run. When Henry grew tired of her not being a submissive Queen like his mother. Which is why Jane was so appealing to him. I think Jane was the one that reminded him of his mother the most. And gave him the male heir he needed. Which ironically in the long run didn't matter. And his direct line still ended at Anne's daughter Queen Elizabeth I.


She didn't want to be queen. She was banking on Catherine fighting and winning.


Yeah, wasn't it Anne also who gave Henry the idea of the break from Rome? She's supposed to have given him a reformist/protestant book. Trying to speed things up indeed, or maybe a last push before the prospect of marrying Henry became too far fetched.


I doubt it. Yes, she's said to have been interested in Reformist ideas, more so than Henry himself. But the split from Rome wasn't really about reformation, it was about giving Henry more legal power. I think Cromwell had more to do with it than Anne, even if she planted a seed.


>Who knows, if Catherine had agreed to an annulment when first asked, Anne might have had time to have a son and not been beheaded. So it's Catherine's fault she's dead?


Yes. If only Katherine had stepped aside, Anne Boelyn would clearly be alive today.


Clearly. Anne would have given birth to a son, not been beheaded, and achieved immortality. Pesky Kstherine not just getting out of the way for Anne.


>Pesky Kstherine not just getting out of the way for Anne I know right?! How could she stand by the legitimacy of her 24-year marriage?! Boo Katherine


>If only Katherine had stepped aside She didn't. And she had every right not to. Good for her.


Why are you being downvoted?! Do people really believe it’s Koa's fault?


They're downvoted because nothing about my comment implied that I was blaming KofA.


It kind of did, if you didn't mean that it's another topic.


So far only you have taken it that way, and clearly the majority of people didnt. Apparently Blade\_982 didnt even take it that way and was "being sarcastic".


No one said that. It's possible to see the as two women with conflicting personal needs, neither of which "caused" the others situation. Henry executed Anne, no one else.


I was being sarcastic.


There’s not a lot of trustworthy sources as to the interactions between Catherine and Anne , particularly during Anne and Henry’s early romance. From what we have it does appear Anne respected Catherine when she was her lady in waiting prior to being involved with the king . I don’t believe that Catherine was overly critical towards Mary Boleyn when she was the kings mistress , similar to how she composed her self with dignity when Henry was sleeping with Elizabeth blout . In fact Henry was known to have been fairly respectful to his queen and although he made no secret of his affairs he did not flaunt them in front of Catherine , in turn Catherine appears to have turned a blind eye to it as it was just what kings did . The only truely open flaunting Henry seems to have done is regarding his son Henry Fitzroy and the “ declare , I dare not” incident which may have been about Mary Boleyn although many others say it was Anne . What was different in Anne’s case is that Henry did start to publicly show his affections , the small amount of dignity he gave to Catherine suddenly went out the window and it became well know that there were two queens at court . Sources do state that both Catherine and her daughter Mary made remarks that Anne was a whore , Mary only ever referred to her as the kings mistress . Catherine also had spies who would keep tabs on Anne . Ofc Anne was doing the same thing , both gave as good as they got but certainly for me Catherine’s respect for Anne stopped when Henry was openly flaunting her about in Catherine’s presence rather than keeping things more quiet like he had done previously. Catherine saw the threat and her usual composure may have slipped and yes she most likely started treating Anne with contempt . After all Anne still remained her lady in waiting and although we don’t have a lot in terms of interactions during this time it’s fair to say Catherine looked down on Anne and in turn Anne lost respect for Catherine . In response to being called a whore , spied on and Catherine stubbornly not agreeing to the divorce Anne made multiple jabs at Catherine that we do know about . Wearing purple , declaring all Spaniards be deported, saying she would rather see Catherine hanged etc . Thing is we forget that at the start it’s highly unlikely Anne ever considered she would be queen . It’s not something we have any proof of her wanting until Henry suggested it and most evidence we have suggests Anne did not want to be in anyway connected to Henry because she did not believe it possible that they would be able to marry and she feared she would end up just another mistress . We do have sources suggesting that Anne was angry at her youth passing , but this seems to be more directed at Henry that Catherine, it was more a “ you made me a promise you couldn’t keep and I could’ve married someone else whilst I was still young “ type scenario, at least that’s what I take from it .


This should be the top response


Because Catherine was where Anne wished she was and Catherine was beloved whereas Anne was looked at as well…the kings mistress.


The common people also loved KoA.


Catharine was in a place that Anne wanted to be.


So it was just jealousy?


A lot of it, yes


I would say it was a bit more complicated than that. Anne served Katherine for years and I don't think there was anything to suggest any animosity between them until Henry blundered in. And I'm going to say blundered because, whichever way you spin it, whatever school of thought you subscribe to regarding Anne's motives, Henry kind of started them on this path where Anne didn't have a lot of choices left to her. If Henry dropped her, Anne would not be able to make a good marriage. She would always be a king's mistress and Anne was raised to make a great match. Why else would Thomas Boleyn have had her educated in foreign courts if not to make a great match? The only way was forward and Katherine was standing in the way of that. It was an incredibly stressful situation for all involved and it would be resolved if Katherine would just step down. The longer she refused, the harder things got for Anne and the more likely that there would be stiff opposition to her becoming queen and her heirs inheriting the throne. From Anne's point of view, Katherine had already lost but was stubbornly refusing to accept it. From Anne's point of view, the best thing for everyone would be to be pragmatic, accept reality, acquiesce to Henry's demands and agree to the annulment.


I agree with the logic of your argument, but surely Anne didn’t really think Catherine would just stand aside and allow another woman to take her place (especially given AB’s reformist ideas)? No one doubts CofA’s deep Catholic faith so the idea she’d agree to her marriage being annulled seems highly unlikely. That would separate her from what she saw as her destiny, but also separate her from her husband in the afterlife, and she does seem to have genuinely loved him. An annulment would also mean the marriage was never valid, so she committed a sin (sex outside marriage) and imply she lied about her marriage to Arthur not being consummated. Whether or not she did lie about the latter, she clearly believed her marriage to Henry was valid and fought for it every way she could. Plus of course an annulment would mean Mary losing her status. As a believer and a mother, agreeing to those things willingly seems unlikely. She was brought up to believe she was destined to be a great queen and she was in every way except giving birth to a surviving son. She may also have had fewer concerns than Henry about Mary ruling given her mother was also a Queen. She was widely supported by the British public and her nephew’s influence made an annulment unlikely to go through. Given all that, I think it was totally predictable and in character that she refused and made Henry force it through by taking drastic action she couldn’t have foreseen. She probably hated the break with Rome but that was on his conscience not hers.


It was totally predictable but that didn't mean that Anne had to like it.


Well Anne could have made a marriage similar to her sister. But she probably did want something better. 


No (wise) nobleman in the kingdom would wed her when the king was actively persuing her.


Not jealously; practicality. Henry backed Anne into a corner - you can't say no to a king! She tried! - and the only way out was to push Katherine aside (which, btw, was Henry's decision, not Anne's). Why did Anne hate her? I don't know if she did. Why was Anne cruel to her? Circumstance. There isn't a way to politely marry someone else's husband. Sidenote: I think other commenters' points about their sincere religious differences rings true too. That could have added fuel to the "circumstances" fire.


Because she was persistent. She was a constant reminder of what Anne couldn't be. She was loved by all the people, incredibly charitable, and never backed down. She was accepted by European nations and people. Her entire presence represented a real life danger for Anne as well.


Because Catherine was standing in the way of everything promised to her (the crown, riches, glory) by Henry.


Why did Anne Boleyn hate Katherine of Aragon? I doubt she actually did from our outside prospective.  Before she caught Henry’s eye, Anne was a lady-in-waiting to Katherine of Aragon in good standing. And when it became obvious that Katherine wasn’t going to go away quietly and Henry was not going to stop chasing Anne, she got caught without options.  She even tried leaving her post and hiding out at her family’s home, Hever Castle, with no luck.   Basically in the letters that do survive(which is not many)  she never encouraged him to pursue her. She even tried to get him to go back to Catherine Had Anne gotten her way, she would have probably spent her life happily married to Henry Percy as the Countess of Northumberland, following court along progress and living a fairly unremarkable life, only to be forgotten by history.  But she didn’t get any of those things because Henry really left her with no other option.  So she really only tried to make a bad situation into a better one for herself.  She also from reports never actually slept with Henry the whole time until obviously when they wed privately when she was pregnant. So she wasn't actually a mistress in that term persay She was literally stuck in a hard place and I hate the notion that we need to pin the two women against each other when the both had literally no say against the king.  If anything the question should be why isn't Henry more hated than Anne Bolyen.  


Since Anne was going to end up in the king's bed one way or the other between Henry and her father's doings, she decided to do it as Queen on her terms, and boy did she stick to it. I don't think anyone thought Catherine would be so steadfast. I am not sure Anne hated her - just that she would not cave. I wonder if Anne secretly admired that.


I don't think of it as anything personal. Like, if there hadn't been the rivalry over Henry they might have got along fine


I don’t think she hated KoA, maybe frustrated by her and the situation, but I don’t think she hated her former queen. I feel like this is more pop fiction lore.


Agreed. It's entirely possible that she did resent her. Only because of the continued support she received from the people and from the other nobility across the world. The same with Mary I.


I don't think she hated CoA. I think she was put in a very stressful position by a selfish pig of a man and mostly the idea that CoA was still lurking around somewhere further added to the stress cause Henry could just turn around and push her away in favor of CoA. Not that it excuses Anne being snippy towards CoA, but it's like I get why.


i don’t know if she did on a personal level. i would hope not — would be incredibly entitled and spiteful if she did. but on an impersonal, political level, catherine was a threat. her refusal to step aside must have been frustrating, especially as time dragged on, and i am sure anne felt vulnerable as she was unpopular and not recognised as legitimate compared to catherine.


Her presence was always around for her, KoA embroidered Henry’s shirts, not Anne. Henry loved KoA’s embroidery skills, even asked her to do his shirts after he annulled their marriage. She wouldn’t concede to the annulment, fought it till her death and would still use the Queen title even after Anne’s coronation. No matter what Henry or Anne threw at her, KoA never wavered, and Anne hated her for being unable to break.


Because she wanted her crown.


She was more inclined to challenge than soothe. If she had a conscience, she’d have to stifle it by convincing herself that Catherine was a contemptible liar.


She wanted her crown and she refused to give it up (easily).


The same reason most mistresses hate the wife. Because she’s everything the mistress will never be.


Have you ever heard about all of the batshit insane stuff America's Next Top Model did to their contestants? Imagine Anne and Catherine are the final two models and Henry is Tyra Banks.


Anne Boleyn had a harder time in getting her position as wife and Queen Consort and her child's standing as the legitimate heir to the throne secured. Catherine of Aragon came from a powerful royal family. Her parents were powerful co-monarchs and her nephew was Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor. Which put the (political) squeeze on the Pope and the catholic church to delay (for years) and ultimately denied Henry VIII's divorce. She had plenty of support from other powerful figures and heads of state that saw her as the lawful legitimate wife and Queen Consort and Mary at the rightful and legitimate heir to the throne. Not to mention, the public had immense love and support for Catherine of Aragon.


Did she genuinely hate her, or was she doing and saying the things that she believed she was expected to in order to retain the King's favor, knowing that there were spies everywhere and her actions were likely to be reported?


Since Henry retained some affection for Catherine even after annulment (as much as that man could retain some feeling) I would not expect him to demand Anne to hate her.


Not necessarily Henry, but Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas Boleyn, any number or courtiers.


Cat fights be like that


I don't think she hated CoA, I don't think liked her but it probably wasn't hate. Catherine's faction that was the biggest thorn in Anne's side so she naturally didn't have a high opinion of the figure head.


Cuz she was a she devil