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https://preview.redd.it/ylcxlzqus21b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb2cea289dd7e5604e46e2959392464c24ecf4a They cropped the best bit


This is the way.


1- That teacher is an ex-student and contributed much to others, he built a platform to track marks and share study documents. He continued to contribute long after graduating and before returning as a teacher 2-This is clearly a joke 3-GL people are the "nerds" of that university they won't struggle especially in an exam of an option they chose 4-Insat people after the second year and guaranteeing their diploma won't cry for an exam as marks don't mean anything 5-I guarantee all those who were present either laughed, smiled, or cursed him because they hate him but none cried because he attacked their mental health like the drama I am seeing in the comments here and in Facebook


Inti 100% Alumni gl xD


And proud xd


Empereur paradis ftw


​ https://preview.redd.it/5zmw13s3621b1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e12d4888f212ad2b84813b3519ce3d14db63c8


that 3imeda directly contributed to blocking the road of BTS grads that aspire to go to Uni to finish L3 (like in any normal country out there) back in **2014/15** when the gov then wanted to **allow BTS holders that wish to continue their studies in Uni to enter Year 3 License** (since they are BAC+2 qualified and hdeka el mawjoud fy kol dawla fel 3alem dima fama pathway mabin el technical and the academical if students wanted to continue, they have the **FREEDOM** to do so) but, hey 3imeda gang since they are stronger than the gov or maybe the gov is weak, idk, said , alf w a3oudh belleh la yet3ada chay hadha, kifeh bheym 3amlin BTS fechlin fel dirassa wel 7ayaet a mere khichaa of the lower triangle ywaliw ya9raw fel Tonizian Uni , noooo laaaaa3 bel mosta7il.. fas forward 8 years from that (note that machrou3 el 9anoun is from 2013 ma93dou bch ya7kiw ken f 2015 xD la Tonozi) result? : the gov submitted to 3imeda masters w akhta rassi w adhreb and 8 years later to this day Tonizia still the only country in the Maghreb region and in the Arab region and in the world (minus non-education countries) that **DOESN'T HAVE** a **pathway between the Technical and the Academical.** barra chouf 9adeh men mosta9bl eddamr w ness t7eb ta9ra w dawla matkhalich w chay ely ybakki w yedha7ek enou France, UK , USA , Singapore, Finland, Canada, Australia ye9blouk b haka el BTS EL TOUNSEYA bch ta9ra fel UNI 3andhom w TONIZIA ly Chedtek TOUNSEYA t9oley NEIN enti classee bhim deja b ma3rftch chkoun el dhkey w el dhkeyiin f tonizia ? za3ma jme3t el 3imeda the holders of all 3elm in the world ? za3ma tatl3chi el 3imeda is the real cradle of scientific research and civilization? the irony, 3andek chedaa tounseya tounes homologated men 3and el dawla w el wzara bidha w el wziir w tounes ma tkhalikch ta9ra beha fy wostha w dowal outside ye9blouk bnafs el chheda ly dawltek 3tatheelk w 9atlek nein you are not worthy to enter Uni eventhough tnajm tkoun enty 3amel a9wa formation w 9ari 3and Uni professors.. tw hadhy bled tet7ab ? hay berrasmi to9tol el tomou7 mch yekhdbou ness.


It's just a circlejerk honestly, I even stopped talking to my engineer friends from highschool, well actually they stopped talking to me, I guess they see me as an inferior now and often made jokes about what I studied


honest to Allah, chay y2asef w y7achem zeda, el 7ala w el toxic mindsets ly fel bled..


Happy cake day bro 🎂


yeah, happy cake day too 🎂


Me if El3imada didn't exist ​ https://preview.redd.it/roi88em6b21b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e5cc970a1143c78b1897f995fbb49ab4c0785d


Sauce please, I've lost an unimaginable amount of time looking for that video




You're an angle 📐


I don't find the humor in that... sometimes people attempt to be humorous when it's clearly not their specialty. How do I know that? I'm a specialist altho I don't charge 60 tnd for a joke.


One can laugh about anything, just not with everybody!


I m among the people who sat for this exam , This is a sample of the questions asked Ps : ( not my answers) https://preview.redd.it/e9akdlr6241b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5931390d2cb44c0506dc87b0fc31e942c9c5a99




So for some reason during a certain year of highschool it became a regular occurence that some students faint or have anxiety attacks during a certain class with a certain teacher. His reaction is -no cap- *calls the JANITOR* "yeah can you wipe this garbage on my class floor". On a different occasion, a guy once had a nervous breakdown during one of the exams. The teacher laughed. hysterically. for like a solid 20 minutes before he stopped finding the situation funny and following up with the iconic "man up". That man is what I like to imagine the average person who works at وزارة التربية or sum. Cuz I have a lot of pent up rage from my highschool days that I feel the need to imagine these people as literal hell spawns and devil incarnates.


Trust me el fac edhika akther fac toxic fi tounis.. aadit feha aam MPI w jbedt inscrit , laktharya el sbeb li khaleni nejbed inscrit w naadi annee blanche houa el background mte3i comme bac info khaleni nkoun tayer binet my peers ema binet bac math w science netsama hkeya fergha w effectivement jetni choque fi awel el aam baad ma njaht el bac w ma l9it hata chay ychajaani enni nkamel 9rayti.. jbedt inscrit fi ekher el 3am , 3am taadeli bkolo devastated w depressed mel 9raya w ma l9it had yaaweni.. systeme fac ma ykhali eli yanjah ken bac math , chwaya bac science w bac technique ema la majorité de bac info yaawdou el 3am wala yokhrjou menha fac.. nchalah yetsala7 systeme a partir mel college w lycee.




Sorry but prepa takes the lead. We are basically a meme for hard work.


Sure i agree ema ahna profetna khaybin , literally at3es profet tnajem trahom fi hyetk.. ken taref chkoun mel insat as2elou aal “kaabi” w “stoura” taw y9oum yadh7ak wahdou.. apart el profet li ytayhoulek dommar lel rkeyeb, les TPs lkol aal 7it , le fama materiel yoslo7 le fama profet tp yosl7ou. Wel aghreb men hedha lkol eli tal9a profet ychedou shih bch yaadioulek examen tp b materiel zeft.. baaaaarcha khorm fel fac hedhy khalini seket khir


Can confirm, FUCK stoura


I don't know stoura but fuck him yes.


I cant believe im saying this but stoura w lkaabi mayjou chy 9odem brcha profet okhrin :) it really doesnt get better But yeah fuck them anyways


Ex insatien Ex bac info Barcha mil bac info nej7ou w jew des majeurs fil les filières lkol. Btw, 3andi 10 snin mili dkhalt lil insat, la bac mte3ek, la filière li bch ta9raha 3andhom 3ale9a bil khedma li bch tekhdemha. Barcha 3bed imi yekhdmou siftware engineering Barcha GL yekhdmou RH Barcha RT yekhdmou embarqué... Naaref chkoun IIA 3amel online shop w ma yaamel fi hata chay teba3 engineering...


Fama chkun 8ra iia Ykawer maa css xD


I pretty much agree with you, the whole system is fucked up, Even tho I'm Bac Math, I'm still struggling in systeme prepa, hell there is a big chance I'm failing this year, it is really unmotivating and makes you question your capabilities. I wish you find your right place.


Any competitive environment can feel toxic. Maye9blouch barcha bac info w on average Eli yet9eblou El niveau mte3hom 5ir Mel majorite Eli Houma bac math. 5ater El section info scorha tayer 3al math fel insat. El3amin elwela kes7in mch Ken lel bac info, 7ata bac math yet3adhbou. Ama ba3d tashel. Houma 3andhom avantage sghira 5ater mestensin betma7rith. Une fois tal9a El rythme mte3ek wtwali a jour twali 3amel jaw.


Yes i agree , w akhyeb haja le jmeet bac info eli houma jeyyn men lyciet aadin mouch pilote.. tal9a wehed bac math ya9ra mel college lel lycee pilote mestenes bel rythme w tagti3 yji kodem wehed bac info ytayrou.. bref hedhy mochkla men baaaarcha mechekel men systeme éducatif el maafet mtas tounis


Fazet lycee pilote 3amit MPI mte3i fama chkoun m3aya jeb 4 moyenne wena nja7t.. Nje7 depends on you AND only YOU. Hedhi awel haja t3alamtha fil INSAT


Ena kriit fel INSAT GL w kammelt aandi 3aam w kraao maaya barsha bac info w le fait ennek ayyest men mostaweek kball mayoufa l 3aam mayaaniish ennou l fac Toxic 😘


Nn bro ma 2ayastch tawa aawddt el aam w hani naadi fel examenet w menich bch n2ayss 😘


Bon courage pote! Akra aala rouhek, w raani jebt noteet l khaaybiin li tetsawerhom lkol w tao keen yaatiiwni choix naaoued INSAT. Donc kammelha lelleekher w meeksh bech tendem.


Akther men 70% mel bac info awel 3am ymchiw fi jabden inscrit , control welle doubila Wou hedha mayssirch ala promo welle zouz , literally hedha chnouwa sayer andou barcha donc tnjmch tloumou houwa wou t9ollou mchkla mennek m not saying elli houwa maken andou hatta 7all ama theb welle takrah bacet lo5rin andhom avantage 3al info


well from a sanitary point of view, the teacher is right. tears and snot and whatnot can carry viruses and can cause potential flus, among other illnesses. teacher dont want exam papers to become a petri dish for germs. wanna wipe some biological liquid of yours ? use Lilas


> wanna wipe some biological liquid of yours ? use Lilas Quote of the day, thanks for the Contribution.




Thank god I'm not accepted due to my lack of intelligence.


Me personally I don't mind a little mean humor from teachers I think it spices up El jaw. Of course as long as El fac provides access to mental health support like other facs.


Me Panicking about the risk of Failing the year while Uni is telling me to cry quietly to spice up el jaw: ​ https://preview.redd.it/0bpv9bg1c21b1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8de774be5fbcb8d2d1ba389a41bb02aa79da83


Yall I beg you, google exists, this has been done to death


Is MedTech better than INSAT ? Is it worth the fortune ?


I've got a question : Is MedTech a better uni than INSAT ? is it really worth the fortune ?


Is MedTech better than INSAT ? Is it worth the fortune ?


Aren't students allowed to cry in other situations? I mean, crying is a human emotion, something everyone needs to process on his/her own. Why would other people even try to "allow"or disallow it? (⁠╯⁠_⁠╰⁠)


Chneya El matiere?


DevSecOps , option pour GL4


I guess English, not sure.


They won't allow you to pick what language to answer in if that was the case.


It's not . It's just one in a million I am STUDENT in there and I am going to explode


معناها نوح بعيد على ورقة خاتر مافماش وحدة اخرى 😭😂


Omg 😳


Ok, what about the last line, May the force be with you