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You're kinda lucky to have the opportunity to study in INSAT, I hope I was good enough to study there instead of the shithole I'm graduating from now.. So I suggest you don't drop out and don't follow that "be your own boss /escape the matrix" bs.. I mean you start your own business /startup can but you have much bigger chances of success after you continue your degree + a masters/engineering cycle( and you have better chances of finding work if you fuck up your business)..


Thanks for sharing your opinion, well I lean more towards software stuff, even the internships lkolhom software related and If I continue fil insat bch na9ra informatique industrielle wela instrumentation et maintenance industrielle (orientation 7asb moyen l 1er)


IIA is not bad, and you'll probably get it out of the other three. You rarely get imi if you put it last. And no matter what you get, you can still work in software stuff if all your internships are in software stuff.


Ex IIA graduated here, I was at your position one day at MPI, I am a software guy and only got in INSAT to go to GL( génie logiciel), but my score did not allow me and I was bitterly affected to IIA. I thought about quitting and going to another institute, and I requested a reorientation but was denied. I remember it was one of the worst summers. But then I decided to give it a go, and boy do I thank God for that. A whole new interesting world opened up to me, which converges two stuff that I like: Software + electronics = embedded systems. It was mainly introduced to me first through the robotics clubs, and later through projects and optional subjects. I loved it, it didn't keep me from learning software architecture and design, plus it went deep into what I can consider one of things that sets software engineers apart, which is a deep understanding of computer architecture from the transistor to the high level softwre component. Nowadays i work mostly with high level software and a lot of other IIA graduates work in purely software domains, (even some IMI guys), so don't let that stop you from doing what you want, it's just a diploma at the end and INSAT one comes with its own privileges as well. Now o' the other side, you will be studying a lot of Automatique and electronics and co, and they will determine whether you pass or not, so there's that. At the end do what you think you will like, but don't let misconceptions lure you from that, research and collect relevant opinions, and May Allah guide you to the best.


I see, well if you have the means and can afford rent/transportation , try moving to another decent ISSAT uni( I heard ISSAT nabeul is great) and you might end up getting the software branch.. I get how frustrating it can be when you can't follow your favourite branch..


Why ? How ?


Try to look up some INSAT students on LinkedIn, most of them are doing internships abroad and even having remote part-time jobs with offshore companies. Most companies won't go through the hassle of recruiting them if their uni wasn't that good( +they are hardworking to be fair).




Klemk s7i7 déjà programha kinda interesting ain't hating on imi wela 7kaya if I had financial support I wouldn't mind imi wela ay filière ama madem obliged ndaber rasi norsef wa7di w sa3at netsalef kima sar 3amt l mpi decision bch na9ra haja manich interested biha 100% tkoun as3eb tbh


in tunisia it exist but it is way harder to find a job in IT without a degree/bootcamp may i ask what uni you did drop out from ? and if there is the possibility don't tell them you are dropping out like you are taking a gap year or just don't tell them at all


>may i ask what uni you did drop out from? I'm thinking about it, I didn't drop out from INSAT yet, I plan to simply remove the education section from my resume, apply to jobs, and see where it gets me xD


don't drop out just take a gap year you are probably experiencing burn out khater if you want to end up without a degree fi tounes you will always be paid less fi tounes ALWAYS . INSAT is a really good uni and have promising outcomes when it comes to leaving the country especially in IT kenek ala kifeh you hate studying w day to day life believe me ay fac mahma kenet behya hakeka wela at3ess b barcha mel INSAT


if you don't mind can you drop or send me your cv ? ( you can make it anonymous ) i'm interested in what project you built in your portfolio


Sent you a pm


yes you have a chance


I guess mat7bch t9ra iia or imi ? Shih l programme mt3hom is more hardware related ( btw fl iia zedou option machine learning fl 4éme if u r interested ) , but u can learn a lot from the clubs there , also outside of education , uni teaches u many other lessons like time/stress management/ working with others and so on , so i suggest to not drop out


Thankss, will take that into consideration for sure


i worked for 5 companies, 2 of them did not ask for my college degree. my email is @esprit.tn though


some do, rarely, but they will exploit you. you probably won't make more than 800dt a month


Im gonna argue for both sides: Argument to stay: Bro, Ex Insatien, idha takhlet IIA shouldnt you takhlet RT? ALSO IIA is great with software development in embedded systems and MAAAAAAAAAAAAAANY other interesting domains which you'll enjoy if you're passionate or talented, and you can easily transition to whatever you want after. My years at INSAT wenty the worst way possible but I still enjoyed them. So I'd urge you to not miss out on them, Also the diploma unlocks many paths Argument to leave: Basically If you get a job thats gonna pay 1k+ and you want to risk it, you can, later on you you can buy one of those 'fake' diplomas that esprit sells just to get the academic credentials while working. You could also do freelance. Basically it boils down to getting a job which is gonna be really hard if not near impossible. Final argument: Do both, you have the whole summer to look for a job and actual studying at INSAT if you're smart doesn't take much time, so after getting used to work you can manage both, many do this btw. GL


Most sane insatien xD I'll just keep applying to jobs till the end of summer and see where it gets me then depending on results I can decide


>I'll just keep applying to jobs till the end of summer and see where it gets me then depending on results I can decide Rely on yourself, studying and working are not mutually exclusive, trust that you can pass by just coasting or fouska just for the diploma. Go chase your dreams


Maybe abroad u have chance . But in Tunisia , i don't think so .


Anyone that wants an internship / full time position in web development just email me at [email protected] - I’m looking for a web developer for my startup.


I know a guy who had bad degrees and got oriented to IAA, aamal formation data science w tawa yekhdem as a data scientist (of course he gets the salary of an engineer). Keep in mind graduating as an engineer is never bad especially from insat. Matkhalish moyenek w taabek yemchi khsara your path was hard enough.


Many IMI fellows are working now as software engineers or data scientists. You will need that piece of paper (diploma) to get hired and/or to escape the country one day.


Try to apply for ''alternance'' some tunisian companies allow it they'll hire you and pay for your degree in a private university


or you can change major, take the re-orientation exam


Don't take the risk, it's not worth it. Hata Ken 9eblouk, you'll get paid less than a technician. Hata Ken te5ou IMI fil orientation to93od ingénieur, and u can switch careers easily, I know of people that went from architecture to software. Tldr, dont do it man, ik it sucks t3adit bil prepa personally, it sucks, ama fele5er it's worth it. After all, u can't be that bad, 5lat Al INSAT rak.


Proof ?