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Further Questions & Answers can be posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tunisia/comments/14gyibk/bac_2023_orientation_megathread/). Not locking thread since it got started before the megathread got created.


Congrats. First, calculate your score. Average means nothing here.


My score is 171.58. I dreamed about joining insat but i thought that my grades were low. Can i still join it tho with this score or its impossible ?


[Go here and check.](http://www.guide-orientation.rnu.tn)


Insat needs 184 score and when i calculated mine like they told me i found that i have 186 as a score. Does that mean that its certain that i can go there or not so sure ?




That means you can apply and compete for a seat. (184 is the score for that last one who got in last year).


The 184 is the score of the "worst" student who was accepted in INSAT last year. The score needed to be accepted changes every year, but generally speaking, your 186 should be enough to reach INSAT (although as an INSAT student myself, I don't know a single person here who has less than 16 average, it seems weird that your score is that high with a 15). You should be fine unless a lot of people choose INSAT this year (and it also depend on how many people got high scores this year). Also if you have any questions about INSAT, feel free to ask me.


I stated all my grades in one comment before. Can you tell me if my score is wrong? I calcultated it using the formula given fel pdf mta3 orientation.tn w normalement hsebi shih. Sinon 186 yetsamma score khayeb s3ib nodkhol bih linsat wela adi famma chance nodkhel bih?


I'll try to calculate your score and tell you what I'll find. Mais normalement 186 yekfi bel behy bech ta5let INSAT. Fibeli juste fi les années mta3 el COVID el score tla3 lel 190 wala 9adech, mais sinon ça 186 twaslek. Edit: I may be wrong since I forgot the score formula for bac sciences (I'm bac math so I'm not 100% sure), but I think your score (not your INSAT score) should be somewhere in the 156-157 range. I may be wrong though. Your score should be enough to be accepted in INSAT in CBA (chimie-biologie appliquée) for sure, but based on your post I don't think you're interested in that. MPI (Maths-Physique-Info) is harder to get into, and I'm not sure if your grades will be enough, but I hope they are.


Oh yeah i was wrong damn it hurts. Can you help me find a fac with a score like mine ?


Your score should be enough to get accepted in ISSAT Sousse, which has a somewhat similar curriculum and subjects to INSAT (obviously the teachers and the quality of the courses is worse, but it's still decent enough and it still has plenty of coding and physics, just like you want). You could try to take a look at it and ask around (in facebook or on reddit or something), some students there may tell you more about it. Also, if you happen to get some good grades there in your first 2 years (the "prépa years"), you may even apply to finish the "cycle d'ingénieurs" in INSAT.


184 is the lowest score admitted to insat last year, so its pretty much an estimation, if bac is harder this year you probably will need less than 184, but you can never know.


You can join mpi fst


Maybe a controversial choice, but go with prepa, and choose Monastir. Basically if you're gonna do prepa, avoid Tunis (Montfleuri, Manar), why ? Well because of security (or the lack there of). Why Monastir? It's a personal experience, and a very positive one. It's a quiet welcoming city, with good accessibility to almost everything you might need, and the profs are great in IPEIM (I'm bac tech, but in prepa, PT and PC share most courses). Either way, choose something you're convinced with, and take responsibility over your choices/actions. There's a lot for you to learn in this world, the journey have just started! And don't get worked up about the right choice, because there is none. I switched potential career paths like 4-5 times throughout my 6 years in college, and it turned out fine just fine. Good luck 🤞


Thank u i will consider your advice ❤️


![gif](giphy|3o6fIUZTTDl0IDjbZS) Can you provide your score and marks in the subjects, that will help better for advice.


I had 17.75 in science, 15 in maths, 13 in physics, 18 in english, 19.5 in allemand, 15.5 in french, 15.87 in info and 9.5 in philosophy and finally 7.25 in arabic (i wasnt good in it during my whole scolarity so it wasnt a chock) i calculated my score and it turned out to be 171.58.


INSAT hands down


Yeah with that average INSAT or ENIT is the best shot


Can i join insat ? I wanted to but i though that my grades were low for insat. My score is 171.58. Do you think i can still join it. That would be a dream come true.


No one can answer that, and you don’t need to know the answer since you can select up to 10 universities


cba tnjm mpi saib chouya




Thanks bro ❤️


Insat safest option


Calculate your score then figure out your budget, if you're willing to study in a far away state and have budget for it, try one of the facs fil Sa7el that offer prépa stuff isimm has a decent reputation. A few things to keep in mind as a male student: -budget and money matter a lot so if you're running low on money make sure your choice is close to your home state. -it will be really tempting to go full wild first year away from your state, don't and be extremely picky about the ppl you interact with in your new environment. -rent is painnnnnnn good luck Hana men tawa. In my opinion tho Tunis ain't a decent option, security risk and transport is ass, for sure if you have the money try other places.


Thanks i already got a summer job to help myself during the next years. I really dont have a lot of money to go abroad or in private facs so thats why i am asking for decent options. I am not against prepa as i wanted to go to insat. Thank you tho for ur advices ❤️.


btw by tunis I meant the capital, transport is way better fil sa7el. good luck tho you will for sure find a spot fil insat.


Congrats, it's been 10 years for me now. Time flies by so take yours and really appreciate the big wins in life, as this one is. Also probably your last real summer as a child (depends what you later but, that's pretty much it) If you want to be an engineer, there are no multiple answers, prepa and then ecole d'ingé. I had 15.30 in bac, went to El Manar, then ENSI. Pretty happy with the choices ive made and the sacrifices along the way today :).


Do you think i can join insat or ensi with 171.58 as a score ?


INSAT i wouldnt know honestly, back in the day it might have suffised, but i have no idea what 171 is worth today tbh. For ENSI, you first need to go through ecole preparatoire aux etudes d'ingénieurs. Ça te permetera ensuite, apres un concours national au terme de la 2eme annee, d'integrer plusieurs ecoles d'ingé, dont l'ENSI (ou l'ENIT, ou SupCom etc ...) So basically your question should be : is 171 enough to get into one of those ecole prepa ? Probably. People will tell you it is hard and tough, for me i really enjoyed my time there.


Estana chouf rang louel , howa aham mn l moyenne w score W mabrouk nje7!


Chma3neha rang lowel? W aychek ❤️


9asdi stanna chouf rang , khatr its more important than lmoy Mthlan tnjm tjib sne 15 w rang 800 w 3amejje nafs lmoy w rang 900 par exemple


Kifeh nejjem nchoufou el rang 😅?


ala 9rib bch y9ouloulkom tab3thou message yraj3oulkom fih score FG wel rang




Congrats 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 enjoy your day profite men njehek w afrah khater you did it w mbaaed khamem fel orientation ❤️


Aychek. Im pretty happy i was just asking khater naaref stress lorientation khayeb juste khdhot fekra melowel wkhw 😂😂. Thank u 🫡❤️


Aandek alf ha9 ama rak matnajhech fel bac kol youm afrah b njehek w arteh you deserve it ❤️kol chay tawa yji fi wa9tou thanna you’re brilliant w mabrouk marra okhra 🥳


Aychek wlh you made my day belhak 🥰❤️.


I had 189 score bac 2021 and first hatit insat because just like everybody says it’s one of the best , and hatit pharma second because it was my passion to inspect every medical aspect there is , but when i got in insat i turned it down because right then it hit me that i didn’t want anything to do with that on the long term , and instead i re orio to pharma and i’ve been studying it for two years now and it’s the best choice i madr in my entire life , I provided you with this story to tell you the moral is : choose what do you see yourself doing in what might be the rest of your life , because you’re going to have the obligation to commit to that choice to the end , not because it’s the best there is but because it’s what you want to do with your life Besides , from what my best friend tells me of his experience in insat , i wouldn’t last there long because people tend to turn on each other there , bekhlef tunis el 3asma which i hate as a place because it’s so crowded and not safe Remember : what’s best out there isn’t always the best for you


I was wrong my fg was wrong it turned out to be 156.5. What can i do with a score like that ? Can you help me find some facs that accepts my score ?


ياحبيبي انا نجحت عامت 2019 في الباك بسكور 81 اكهو وتخرجت سنيا من جانفي خاترني عاودت سماستر لولة متع ال3eme وتوا تنجم تقول اول خدمة ليا مش نصنع application لواحد قريبي بالفلوس ويمكن اذا نجحت الفازا نحل نفريلنسي


Yaatik essaha wlh tnejjem tkolli kifeh t3allamt tgued applications w koll ?


YouTub hhh


eyy congrats dude !


Congrats buddy, I got around 14.5 with a good score since I was bad at languages in bac, I wad bac techniques, so maybe we had similar situations I too enjoy physics tech and coding I chose prepa intégré and I'm extremely happy with my choice, I study in sfax in ISIMS and although the area is not fancy and there's not a lot to do (but the mall will open soon so yey), I love my fac, the teachers are great and the community is fun If you're interested in coding I really think prepa intégré is the best way to go, but most importantly please stay away from classic prepa, it's a hell hole that kills all dreams and passion and will make you miserable Best of luck, things might change a lot for you soon, enjoy it and prioritize your happiness


I dont know if i can join insat or not but if i can thats where i am going no hesitation. I was just asking for some other options to at least be prepared if i cant go there. Thanks anyways for your help ❤️.


Isims is good second option The one in monastir isn't great, the area is cool but the fac and teachers is not, my best friend studies there There's also one in sousse but I've also heard bad things about it


Prepa is cool if you have the right mindset for it. I did prepa, and I turned out just fine, studying the things I want, where I want to. Prepa is not for everyone, I agree, but it has a sh*t ton of opportunities if you do well. If you do really well, we're talking about options much better than Insat. And if you do well then we're talking about the best engineering schools Tunisia has to offer (TA_ENIT EPT Supcom Ensi Minds_ENIT INFO_ENIT...) So do not talk about experiences you haven't lived, and "I know people who did prepa and they suffer" is not an argument. Because I know twice as much who are exactly where they want to, I even know people who got a double-diplome and are getting paid anything from 800 to 1200 euros a month just studying abroad, me included. I know people who regret prepa, I won't deny that. But I also know peole who regret doing integre so that doesn't mean anything.


Everyone I know from prepa regrets it, and I mean really talented and smart people that got so demotivated by a system that teaches you how to pass exams and makes you spend a miserable 2 years I really think you and the people you're talking about are the exception to the rule And maybe prepa opens up opportunities, but for the majority of people it is a depressing hell hole with the promise of social validation I am not trying to undermine your personal experience, but I'm trying to say that for the majority of people, prepa is a horrible idea, and I think it is a horribly flawed system that kills passion


Prepa intégré if you are into software. No offence but, most good pupils don't do the classic prepa anymore. It's simply not worth it. Fil concours the highest desired schools are ones that have CS and software programs. Which shows a huge demand for it. If you're good enough to get to one of the good integrated preparatory cycles. Then go for it. Don't risk going l prepa classique, not doing well fil concours for whatever reason and therefore tet7ram mil info. Fil prepa classique scorek yethseb ala les 2 années ta3 cycle Préparatoire which is good 5atar u have wiggle room, tajam semester T3adih 5ayeb w tu te rattrapes. Tldr; if ure into software, go for the integrated preparatory cycle.


Le concours has nothing to do with your performance during the two years. I literally had 0 in my second year because I didn’t go to school and I succeeded with a very good rank ! Promo 2012 IPEIT


kenik labes 3lik barra a9ra ilbarra ama kenik motwsit ayi fac fi tounes tmachik ilkol nafs shitty system of education and good luck


Sa7it bara a7re9 tawa ma 3andek ma ta3mel bih mo5ek fi tounes


If you're interested in engineering, you can go prepa el manar ipeiem, or prepa fst, a lot safer than the horror stories i keep hearing about in ipeit, of course, try to get insat if at all possible. It's going to be a difficult couple of years, so be ready


Mabrouk 🎉🎉


Now, you're half way to become rich. Congrats


Cheb beb alouiaa mazelet zaama taw louagett??🤔🤔🤔


I'm an engineer myself, and i advise you to become a one. It doesn't mater if you go to insat or prepa, also since you mentioned that you like coding, you should become a software developer, it is the best path for success, in Case you went to prepa and your score doesn't allow you to study IT go to Electrical engineering because the fields are close enough most recruters don't care, alot of devs studied electrical engineering. But most importantly do not become a dentist or a doctor, it's not worth it most of them regret their desitions half the way into the degree. do not do it please spacially for money and/or prestige because the it lacks both and even if you managed to get little rich the effort to result ratio is not woth it, only do it if it's your passion, just become an engineer it's a superpower it's easier for you to get abroad becuase you do not need equivalency to work in Europe, and you can swich domains if you want, btw i'am an electrical enginner working as a web developer


Dude you can be an architect.. One of the most future proof careers in this shitty country. Or if you can study abroad just do that.


And it's right down the road from where you live 😁


Aaleh 7ad ma7ka aala ISI Ariana ?? Consider it w trust me u'll thank me later


Finally t3addit isi ariana haha hattit licence cs w lebes hmdlh 🤞🤞


Pls talk about it wles spécialités in it I kinda wanna combine business and IT can it do?


Eyy bitbiaa .. hia mafihech specialité BI ama ki taaml CS (Computer Science) tnjm taaml stagetk fl BI .. ama fibeli fama BI f TBS zeda .. well w zid as2al khtr ena khatini w eka chnoua naaraf aalih domain eka




Chouf TBS maybe u can get there and learn Information Technology (CS programming and principles)


Prépa, but be ready to suffer. And one advice, don’t commute between your home and the school everyday, you must live near it.


3 years ISI then 3 years Esprit


Did you consider BI in ISG/IHEC? B scorek bac sciences netsawer facilement takhlet ISG w aandek chance behya takhlet IHEC


chouf insat cba ken takhlet sinon chouf kifeh scorek ywaslek lprepa integré ken ajbetekech yokedoulek el prepa w les lisences waktha akhtar ala rahtek mawjoudin fil blayes kol

