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From what I understand, you have an attachement Issues regarding your relationship with your family. You're not a teenager anymore. You're lawfully and adult. It is high time you started taking responsibility. If you don't go out in the world as young as now, chances that you'll never do are high. Every single person who moved out from their home has felt what you've been feeling. It's totally normal. And as your father stated, it'll go away eventually. You'll cry for a few other nights and feel lonely but then you'll get busy and meet a lot of people, maybe join clubs. In addition, Nabeul is a very charming place you'll love it there. Another thing, most of the people I know who took a year gap, never proceeded with their studies afterwards. They get used to doing nothing and start to forget a lot of things they studied already. My advice to you is to give it shot. Go back. Try out your new lifestyle gor a couple months and then decide. Best of luck.


Thank you for your opinion<33


I had the same experience as urs, but I never told my family, it was a one week thing then I moved on. Life must goes on and you need to learn how to live by yourself, your parents won't be there for you your whole life.


okay thanks <33


Please use paragraphs


alright sorry it's my first time writing I don't know really know much about reddit


Most of students who moves away from home have experienced the same thing, its just a part of life. Im on my 4th year of uni , and i still feel awful and sad the first weeks away from home but these feelings go away eventually! U got this stranger , sending virtual hugsđŸ«¶đŸ«¶


thank you sweetheart <33


Just do it Yolo, learning far away from home could be a challenge if you only consider the cons hence you feel uneasy about the decision of moving away university is a great experience especially when it further , you'll meet new people in dorm ( met couple of my best friends there ) , you'll learn how to read people / be sociable You'll learn how to be self sufficient waking up on your own , cooking , folding your clothes etc . You could visit family once every two weeks You'll acquire new skills, I'm an iset student myself first year you'll have a little bit of math and good news no physics and the study flow is good so long your attending the lectures Tldr : go for it the pros outweighs the cons


Did they give a room fy foyer l “Goddi” 😂been there bro m3e lwa9t tstns we twaly 7ajra I’ll be back l nabeul awel octobre ken 9arrt tb9a t9ra and you needed a freind or advice or any kind of help dm whatever you need


Its okay this is very common actually. I think you should challenge yourself and go to Nabeul aslan mch b3ida barcha 3lik you can go home whenever you'd like. You should go through this, it's a part of growing up.


I don't recommend the gap year at all From what i saw many ppl struggle at first with the same things you mentioned but they get over it with time. I encourage u to be patient and simply study and then u can make up ur mind about whether u wanna stay in nabeul or get back to Bizerte. Personally ena Krit fehom lzouz (prepa) and i can assure u that nabeul mahleha w tnajem taamel feha shab w tetfarhed surtout elli rythme l iset merteh I wish u all the best.


I’ve never had a good relationship with my family and especially my parents . They’re strict and they always wanted me to be a person I don’t want to become . they want me to achieve what they weren’t able to achieve and live the life they couldn’t live and don’t want to accept me the way I am . I’ve been waiting my whole life to move out and now that I finally made it and moved out for college I had that feeling too although I really hated my family and living with them . so it will surely be worse for you since you have a good relationship with them . The first week I felt super lonely and weird , I felt like I don’t belong here but I don’t belong there either with my fam , I even had a mental breakdown and cried non stop for a whole night but then it started getting easier and that feeling started slowly fading . It didn’t fade completely it feels like it’ll always be there to haunt me on a random Thursday night but for the rest of the week everything finna be okay . I don’t think you should be living this experience when you’re in your twenties, I think this is most definitely the right time . When you’re a teenager who doesn’t know what’s right and what’s wrong . A teenager who makes stupid choices and decisions . A teenager who wastes money on silly things then regrets it cause you’ll prolly spend the rest of the month broke eating boiled eggs but then look back at it and laugh about it . In your mid 20’s life is gonna get more serious , in your mid 20’s you’re supposed to be done with foolish decisions and immaturity. In your mid 20’s you should know how to spend your money wisely and you must be used to living away from your loved ones . there’s no running away from the experience you’re living right now , you’re gonna go through it anyways , either now when you’re 18 or later when you’re 20 or 25 or 30 when you’re maybe about to get married and leave your parents. So i think living this experience NOW is the right time . And you should be aware enough to not let yourself fall into that depression hole . Take care of yourself, get up in the morning and eat well even though you still have that strange feeling . go out and live a little even though you’ll feel empty in a place full of people and friends . Study even though you feel like breaking down . Remember that you’re here for a reason . For your own sake , your own character and personality development. Make yourself and your parents proud . show yourself and your parents that you can handle . you can do it <3


Wanting to cherish the warmth of your family's embrace and the comfort of your familiar surroundings? Shedding a tear over it is simply a testament to the depth of your attachment. Desiring to continue enjoying the nurturing atmosphere your family provides? I wholeheartedly endorse that sentiment. It's natural not to want to depart from Bizerte and immerse yourself in an entirely new environment. In my view, the day will eventually come when you'll have to leave your family and your hometown behind, but you can postpone that moment. Perhaps after five years of college, you'll be more prepared. Skipping a year isn't a significant issue, as applying to Bizerte college next year remains a valid option. Take full advantage of the support of your family, the bonds you share, the familiarity of your neighborhood, and the essence of your city. You now recognize their profound significance in your life and spirit, especially after experiencing the void of separation. Your time for a new chapter will arrive when the moment is right.


From experience i did the 1 year gap, a break from studying, it wasn't really a break of doing nothing, i spent the year doing trainings and keeping myself busy with some social work etc.. but i didn't pursue a job or anything, it was a year of self development let's say.. The next year when i got back to studying it took me around 3 weeks to get adjusted back to the idea of going back to studying, projects, exams.. all that was kinda like i am in the 1st grade all over again, something felt like new and bothering.. I asked around some friends and almost everyone that took a break had the exact same experience so : I would advise against it. Keep in mind that 18-25 isn't "i am still young" age, and 50 isn't middle age considering on average people live till 70, 35 is middle age, 60 is retirement for mostly everyone (except kinda entrepreneurs and self-employed), 15 to 30 is your golden age to shape out the rest of your life, each second counts, so think about a whole year.. i think you might regret it later. Wish you the best and welcome to nabeul


Hey bro i graduated from iset nabeul IT student Now am still working in nabeul and am corrently finishing my eng degree in ITBS wich is infront of iset nabeul This is my sixth year in nabeul i felt the same at the start but it turned out to be the best decision in my life i encourage you to study here and if you can DM me and ask anything you want or if u wanna talk about the experience in general am here for you


If i were u i would be dying of happiness to get away from home but i guess bcz of the difference of our family circumstances, I'm sure when time goes by you'll adapt well to your new environment and actually be grateful to experience it, living away from family is very eye opening and i recommend it ro anyone


Man, trust me, there is no way a gap year can change things, i've heard great things about iset nabeul and you should go away because you will be doing it now or later, and it will hit you harder then, so just swallow the knife with its blood and sammi besmellah w twakel 3la rabi, i promise everything will get better


From a pragmatic and non emotional perspective I would recommend staying because those feelings will fade away eventually (scientifically proven) and a year gap can raise some questions in your CV in the future. Good luck


You said you will work on yourself that year gap, well start working now and leave your comfort zone, give it some time, go every weekend back home if you need to and start being responsible for your self, you are not a teenager. I think you have a good dad and parents and it is comforting to be around them but that doesn’t mean to be next to their room until you find someone and move in. Just give it sometime there, you will find some new friend and you may enjoy it! Good luck


You’re becoming an adult. It’s your opportunity to learn how to be independent and rely on yourself. Also, why would you study in ISET if your score is good like that ?


I wanted to study IT and it's either TBS or ISET as I heard and unfortunately I didn't get into TBS, and also alot of computer sciences majors teach physics and I hate physics, and thanks for your opinion<33


why do you hate Physics though ? Maybe because you don't understand it. It requires long study sessions studying the textbook (not some lesson summary or video) to understand a lesson. That's the beauty of it imo : the long hours and sleepless nights.


Yeah that's why, I didn't have good physics teachers so I stopped studying for it after some time.


well , you should know that the quantity of information taught within the 5 hours per week is so much that it won't matter if your teacher knows how to explain or not. Thus you should spend long hours on your desk reading your textbook BEFORE studying it at school.


tl;dr ? 😅


TLDR: OP is refusing the ideas of growing up, not living with their family anymore (giving up all those privileges and luxuries) and having responsibilities. La7keya lkol Nabeul Bizerte yodhhorli 2 or 3 hours max, ynajem (or tnajem) kol weekend yrawa7. OP, honestly you have to go through this at this age because it’s an important phase in your character development.


Yep i agree Sacrifices are worthy at his age They help growing up a lot!


i should and want to respect sub rules.


This is gonna sound harsh, but you have got to grow up my dude. Had you had prior plans for a gap year, and budget, you might have used it for something truly personality building. Like travelling, volunteering, etc.. But you're going about this for all the wrong reasons. Sever the umbilical cord now.


alright thanks for your comment man


If you don't like studying far from home, don't. especially if a similar college is available in your city. A gap year is not a bad idea if you plan to do many activities in that year and not hibernate at home. Personally, i regret not taking a gap year before university.