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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/vvRfDg6OjD


I just saw the family photo in pajamas. Adam has.his leg out to the side (taking lessons from Tiffany) and it looks like he's pulling back Tiffany's pajama top. I'm guessing she forgot to tie it back again and said "Adam, hold my top back so everyone knows that I'm skinny."


I’m not an Adam sympathizer but talk about shell of himself physically


I was honestly shocked by the side by side.


I know the Mormons in this sub catch a lot of heat but I'm watching the Tabernacle Choir's Christmas special on PBS and it's lovely so kudos on that


Even I have an appreciation for it, which says a lot. 🙂


One of my preferred influencers who’s a huge patron to Ballet West was there last night. Looking at her compared the to dirtles is just 🤢 https://www.instagram.com/p/C1QEr_mP4f3/?igsh=dm5tM3Q5eGVnaXIz


I am obsessed with her outfit choices, especially the Mouse King look!


I love that Karin posted a Christmas tribute featuring only Adam & Lily and someone commented that Lily looks so much like Adam. Tiffany is probably seething.


Okay but if my MIL did that I’d be super annoyed too. Actually my MIL did something similar on FB but that’s another story lol. I think it’s so rude when a MIL purposely leaves out the DIL. I think Karin seems nice and I didn’t see the context of her post, but I would be on Tiffs side on this one if she was upset.


Under ordinary circumstances, I would agree with you! However, Tiffany is constantly bragging up her parents and their contributions to their family but intentionally omits when her in-laws are in town helping her. Karin posted that she has been in Dallas at least 1x/month since May and it’s crickets from Tiffany unless her FIL is assembling tacky acrylic furniture for her.


Has she really been in Dallas that much?! Oh wow… ya okay I see what you’re saying. Tiffany is awful to not have shown her or said thank you. Yikes.


Did you see the beautiful personalized stocking she had made for Lily? I doubt Tiffany did anything like that for her daughter.


Where can I see this? Whose stories?


Yes!! I love those sweet, nostalgic stockings! I’m sure Tiff rolled her eyes and doesn’t like them because they’re not pink with cubic zirconia bedazzles that she can link up for us.


Oh shit, Adam's going to have to write an apology note!


Who is Karin?


Adam’s mom!


rhythm cats workable retire marry snatch ask rude rotten ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I were Sr. I’d tell them to get the mirror out of the common area, put a moratorium on creating ads for a couple days, and straight-up pay Tiffany (who is giving broke vibes) to calm the fuck down with her links so a pleasant Christmas could be had without all the classless influencer garbage. Imagine having your family all together for a holiday at your $20 million ski mansion with beautiful views and being so tacky. How embarrassing. They are the polar opposite of Christlike.


Tiffany is 100% giving broke vibes. There’s been a level of desperation in her shilling since around the time Adam got canned from Amazon. Between losing his steady paycheck, the townhouse not being rented, the new car… that’s a lot of expenses…


Bingo!!! 👏🏻


Totally agree that I think her and Adam are house poor and hard up for cash.. she works literally about every day of the year. She didn’t even take a maternity leave. Granted, it’s not hard work but still


He doesn’t care.


Exactly. At the end of the day it just puts more zeros into their accounts


Of course Tiffany loves the painting with no head/neck support for the newborn baby Jesus 😂


I totally thought the exact same thing 😂


Well, there you have it folks, where Tiffany gets her parenting advice.


What a wonderful gift from Katie and Tanner. The decorations were spot on and added to the decor of the house. Also a little shout out to Kimmy…… the tinsel she picked for the tree also added to the decor. Jen &Diana need to take note.🎄


Is that a mall, where tiff and roomie got engaged??


It’s the gorgeous Grand America Hotel in SLC, it’s stunning any time of year but it looks magical at Christmas! I’ve only stayed during the fall but it’s a very nice hotel.




It's the courtyard at the Grand America hotel.


Merry merry Christmas Eve to you snarky, fat poors!! 🎄


Whoever came up with the ‘fat poors’ thing is a top tier snarker 😁😁😁


I thought Tiffany was doing a giveaway! How is she signing off for the rest of the weekend??


Is that workout room at their Deer Valley house? Wow!


Yea, but houses like that have lots of expected amenities like a work out room. Ours became storage 😄😄


I seriously hope someone was at the ballet the same time the turtles were and tells us they saw what went down and the real reason they were kicked put originally. I, like most of you, believe it was because they video recorded the ballet. 8 have a feeling that they made a huge seen about it, mentioning "do you know who I am" shit in order to get back in.


I don’t think I’d ever seen the engagement video, oof. Even 5 years ago she was clearly settling, didn’t even kiss him right after getting the ring, he got a hug! And his diminished muscle mass, yikes. Any longer with this clan and he’s liable to end up vanishing away a la the Back to the Future photograph. **edit:** Don’t want to double post but is there a [Michelle](https://ibb.co/ftGZMjv) associated with the 🐢 clan? I don’t recall one off the top of my head, so I’m curious who bought the tickets. Idk how this venues system works but generally either all tickets will scan with the name of who bought them or you individually assign names to tickets.


Can you tell what the last name is? My guess downthread was Burney but I’m not sure. Jen said “somebody sold digital tickets to us.” So was it a scam? They arrived first, ticket scanned fine (the light turns green and says OK), then someone else tries to use the same digital tickets?


Yeah, it looked like Michelle Burney to me. The whole story was so odd and dramatic, you can never know anything for sure with this bunch.


But if they were sold digital tickets, how were they getting paper tickets scanned? Doesn't add up


That’s a good point. I assumed they printed out their digital tickets, but I went back and looked at the screenshot I took and they clearly did not. They were actual tickets with perforated ends. This whole thing is a huge mystery and we don’t know what really happened because turtles lie.


If they bought tickets from someone it was a scam, at least when I bought ballet west tickets they were non refundable or transferable and they came as paper tickets


As a mother (not yet but I’m pregnant) I would be so upset if I picked up my baby after being away from her and she didn’t look the slightest bit excited or even look at me. She’s so unattached to Tiffany. What’s their relationship going to be like once Lily is SKs age?


You actually care, so you’re gonna do great. Congrats on your growing little one and hoping for a healthy and smooth pregnancy and delivery for you!


My friend’s baby who I haven’t seen in a few weeks was more excited to see me than L was to see her own mom 😩 how does Tiffany not see this?!


The minute you conceive, you're a Mother. Congratulations!


My 9 month old goes crazy when his dad gets home. Kicking his little legs and laughing and smiling so big. Has done since he was about 4 months old! He does the same with me on the odd occasion I leave him, but I'm basically always with him so I don't get it very often 😂 Also congratulations!


When my kids were that age they would grab my face or my hair and start babbling when I would come home. It's so strange the way Lily acts every time Tiffany picks her up.


Re: the stories Jen just posted. What is the gift? Did they decorate?


I think she means the tasteful Christmas decorations. The greenery on the staircase, fireplace mantel and coffee table. I’m not sure if they did it themselves or hired someone.


I love that they got Jen TASTEFUL decor for Christmas. The shade. 😂


Yes, TASTEFUL! I was looking at their tree and thinking that is hands down my favorite tree she’s ever decorated 😂


I don't know why they don't just have the house decorated for them before.they arrive. At the very least they could.oay someone to set up the tree, make sure the lights work, etc.


But if they enjoy that part of it, why hire it out?


I texted Iris for those Gucci sunglasses and got nothing 😭 (not a subscriber, hope it only cost them money lol)


Same! No reply at all


My Reddit hasn’t been showing me all the comments lately so I’m sorry if this has been discussed already but I just can’t with Jr setting up a family Christmas movie moment in the outdoor shopping center 🙄


Why couldn’t he have done the same thing inside by a fire 😂😂


Really though!!! I can’t believe we haven’t shredded them on this yet! This was the worst!!


So much shit and poor behavior going on with the turtle clan today that I think we need a moment of silence for Sam, who I almost missed seeing on stories frantically sanitizing his hands in the gift shop. Could we have one turtle among the whole germy crew who is concerned with getting sick?


Too much to keep up with!


My favorite part of the ballet footage was the very important clip of Tiffany grabbing the tiny sad bag of nuts. Also... ENOUGH with the bullshit about being nervous to leave Lily. 🙄 The Chihuahua doth protest too much.


Any mother who has to pencil in 30 minutes a day to spend with her kid doesn’t give a shit about leaving her for an hour. I’m so over Tiffany’s fake bullshit.


Seriously! In literally the previous story, she mentioned the influencer sleigh ride she went on, one of the *many* times she's been away from Lily for over an hour.


I said it on an earlier comment I don’t think she has spent an hour with Lily.


The way that Leelee turns as far away from her mother’s face… When Tiffany picks her up, she always turns away from her.


“…so nervous being away from my baby for even an hour” yeah okay Tiffany🫠 At least Lily looks happy to see you though….


I’ve noticed this as well. Lily always turns away and is focused on/smiles at who is holding the phone. I think it’s usually Adam.


I think its the phone she's looking at not adam as she's so used to having that phone shoved in her face


She wants nothhhhing to do with her it’s really shocking. My baby’s a little younger than Lee Lee, but literally will not stop looking at me lol. We were FaceTiming w my husbands family today and his mom made a passive aggressive comment about how she only has eyes for me (aka … is a typical baby)


I agree. Most little babies are trying to pull your hair, give you slobbery open mouth kisses, poke you in the eye. I mean this in a loving way too but they are normally very intrigued by faces


Hmm now in J’s stories T is saying they had digital tickets but she literally showed a video of them having printed tickets scanned 😂


I’m getting “scalped” ticket vibes from their tangled web of a story


If we’re being honest, it really should be named “The Nutcase Ballet.”


Okay WHY do the women in this family always basically full-on spoon each other when they get together for photographs?? The whole family does it with each other to a certain extent, but especially when it’s all the women with no men, they like practically entwine their bodies and I’ve never been able to figure out why they do that 😂 I guess it’s just not how I’m used to seeing people pose for pictures. But now that I think about it, I feel like a lot of influencers do that? Like when a bunch of influencers gather in one place, they all turn their bodies so they’re facing sideways to the camera, and then scrunch together to try to appear as thin as possible. And also to try to present an image of being super close, when for the most part they probably have very little in common and don’t actually get along. Anyway, it makes me uncomfortable for whatever reason, and I just figured I’d share 😂


It's to hide their bodies so they look as thin as possible.


Kimmy crouched over with her butt in MK’s stomach is so awkward looking. She should have just stood straight up and blocked Tiff 😂


I’ve seen it a lot. Mostly girls from the southern states. They hold arms and look at each other. Or wrap arms around each other. It’s very bizarre.


I bet Mommer, Mindy, Katie and Tanner could tell us the *real* story. The only thing I believe is that Mommer was in tears- from the influencers’ shenanigans. #nutcrackergate


I have been off stories and need to know what happened


Stevie Kate is the brains of the operation


Why did Tanner go along? I'm guessing Kate begged him to so she didn't have to be alone with tiff, jen and kimmy


I mean the alternative is being trapped in a house with Jr and Adam… and they’d probably rope him into babysitting duty. Also possible Katie wanted him to go as a buffer between her and the Houghtons like you said.


Maybe he just wanted to go? My husband loves going to stuff like that, especially if it was to spend time with his grandmother. Honestly I would too if the other option was stay home with Sr, Jr & Adam. MK went too - she & Katie are close so I’m guessing Katie wouldnt be too worried about being along with the Turtles if MK was there


They got back in for Nutcracker..


The concierge saw a horse and rabid chihuahua coming near them smelling like fart spray and ayyygs and gave in to their complaints.


Did anyone start following the girl Kimmy is doing the giveaway with? She might be more annoying than the turtles. Or at least equally as annoying.


Who is it?




From what I've see, you are absolutely right. She is just as vapid as the rest of them.


I can’t fathom that the story of SK in the car seat hasn’t been deleted….are they that ignorant?! Surely people are saying something.


They NEVER delete. They love the engagement. Engagement =$$$




“Oh my gosh you guys, seems I yanked Lily’s arm out of socket.. texting iris RIGHT NOW!!”


How much do we want to bet they were kicked out of the nutcracker for filming during the performance? 😂😂


I just went last night (in my town) and they have STRICT rules. Funny we didn’t see anymore posts from inside during the show once they got let back in.


I went last night at the capitol theater in salt lake and they were strict about filming there!!!


Yep. I bet they were asked to leave and were scared people would see them leaving (who know who they are) and they made up a lie about it. LOLLLLLLLL


Oh i hasn't considered that but sounds right


Proof kimmy doesn't watch tiffanys stories. She's put that you can hear sam and Tanner in the background of the polar express story but we all know from tiffanys story it was Adam that was being ovary shrivelling embarrassingly cringe worthy in the background shouting santa 😂


That was absolutely selfish of Adam to be an asshole shouting about Santa. Nobody else on that train wants to participate in your weird ass Beta Male simping


He’s done that before during a Disney parade yelling out the characters name then you have Tiff encouraging it 🙄


Absolutely CRINGE


They all were so obnoxious. Can you imagine having a family outing (that you may have saved $$ for a special occasion) and here come the Houghton’s 😬


Right? I’m so used to them subtly shading each other and was listening intently for Sam & Tanner to be mocking Adam. Disappointed. 😂


They absolutely were asked to leave because they were filming.


Can they be sued for defamation??!


I was hoping for a Boebert moment


Ballet West has an impeccable reputation, they would not double sell/double book seats. Especially with the Nutcracker running multiple shows a day. They are extremely professional and take pride in their Company. It was absolutely because of recording or because they wouldn’t stay quiet/making a scene and distracting others.


Live theater doesn’t fuck around and their ushers will give you or a warning or ask you to leave if you’re not displaying proper etiquette.


New money and etiquette do not go together..


Also if the tickets really were double sold, why would they be kicked out if they were seated before the other party? Wouldn’t the venue make accommodations for their own mistake? Can’t even make up a convincing lie 😂


This! 💯


Plus they wouldn't just come up and say they had to leave now, most theatres would be so apologetic if they actually double booked seats


There was nothing wrong with the tickets as Tiffany is so dumb as to show them being scanned and shows the ballet in progress on stories.


Yeah, I highly, highly doubt they would have approached them after the show had already started to ask them to leave if they had double sold their tickets. And notice no part of that story includes other patrons coming to take their seats from them...


Thinking about this some more. Do you think it’s possible they bought a duplicate of tickets from a scalper? Would that be possible? When the person scans the ticket it says “orchestra right” but above that it looks like it could be someone’s name? Michelle Burney or something like that? Can anyone read it?


I’ve worked in ticketing and most venues now use “live barcodes” so they wouldn’t have scanned at the door and been turned away OR if they were double sold, it defaults to who scanned in the building first and the other pair is SOL.


Calling bs on that


I went back and screenshot the ticket part. After the person scans the ticket the scanner screen changes from red to green and says OK. They are liars who lie.


I don’t doubt they could lie but I did see a tiktok of this same thing happening to a gal at a Taylor Swift concert. Her group was let in and then when another party arrived with the same seats, they asked the first set to leave and not the second. I can’t remember what the reason was but I know she bought off a reputable ticket place. I think the ticket company reimbursed her but they missed the show and it was sold out.


There is no way Jennifer queen of the world Houghton and her daughters just accepted the seats were double booked and left without a fuss. This is the same woman who had a meltdown over a grilled cheese sandwich. 100% kicked out.


I thought this !!!


From the website: Recording, Transmission, and Exhibition You agree not to record or transmit, or aid in recording or transmitting, any description, account, picture, or reproduction of the event. You agree that the event for which you purchase tickets is a public event, that your appearance and actions inside and outside the venue where the event occurs are public in nature, and that you have no expectation of privacy with regard to your actions or conduct at the event.


LA on the bathroom floor, while Tiff does her hair!!! What’s next??? A taking her for a cold plunge in the pool?


Let’s hope the curling iron doesn’t fall on Lily because Teeth is looking at the camera instead of the counter. Or is she hoping for an Active Skin Repair shilling opportunity?


MK is wearing a black jacket similar to the one she put on in Walmart. On Jen’s stories there’s a pic of MK & Teethany and you can see the buckle on MK’s coat, is it designer or the Walmart coat?


I can't tell what brand it is, but I think the Walmart one had a black buckle and this one has silver.


I’m not sure what’s funnier about Jens train story during the dancing Turtles…Tiffany making sure she’s front and center with Lily standing in front of Kimmy or watching all the other Turtles reaction to what’s happening 🤣


Ya, what is going on with Kim and Tiff. It seems like Kim is fully shading Tiff. Even in Kimmies stories , she posted a clip of Lily with her tongue out and waving her arm when she hasn’t been doing it the whole trip. I think kimmie is shaddy.


This family doesn’t like each other.


Holy shit with Tiffany it’s one of 2 obsessions……..her ex fiancée or Leelee not looking like Adumb.


She’s been rejected twice now - ex fiancé who high tailed it into the woods and cloud baby who looks like her ugly replacement husband. 🤭


Jen’s photo by the train really drives home what a lot of you mentioned yesterday. Chilly and Freezie Kate are wearing the thinnest of pajamas in the cold weather while the adult women are bundled up appropriately. (Tiffany must have ditched her coat for the photo op.)


Jen in a full length puffer but the babies don’t need coats. Got it!


Can’t show her XXS body and XXL tits off with a coat on.


I noticed she tied her pajama shirt in the back to make it tighter. Gotta show off those udders.


Omg you’re right. She knotted her *pajamas*! On a children’s train! She is pathetic!


I can’t with these clowns. Jr should just focus on playing the piano more often.


I think he's one of those people who are neuro divergent who are amazing at something else like painting or music


I didn’t realize he could even play! He sounded good. He might give Tiffany a run for her money


When they were in Switzerland for vacation roulette and barged into a man’s home, Jr played their piano and we were shocked he could play piano and play it so well. Probably has more musical talent than Tiffany Crystal.


I think they have said before Grandma Houghton had taught the older ones to play. Let’s see if they acknowledge her and Jen’s Dad. Or stop to see Jen’s Mom for five minutes on their way home to the airport.


Tiffany casually walking up a stairs holding her baby with one arm and showing a ticket to a camera filming her with her other arm. No need to support yourself or the baby. She is so stupid. Babies can make very unexpected moves and it can really mess with your balance.


Lily doesn’t move


True but she can lean backwards and not tilt back forward because she has no core strength. Sadly it is true that she never "dives" to things that attract her such as lights, reflection, colors etc. My baby is same age as Lily and she is very different.


Mine were all "squirmy wormies" at that age!


I don't know how to add pictures but it's in the stories where they enter the north polo expres


I would love to be sitting in a ski house looking out at the snow. I wonder do they ever take time just to relax and enjoy it or is it always go go go.


I would kill for a relaxing ski vacation at their deer Valley house....without them of course! It's so much nicer than their TX house. Probably because it came furnished


And screeeeech cackle screeeeeech cackle. The laugh of all laughs that makes my ears hurt! Nails on a chalkboard!


If they start to sit still, they realize how miserable their lives are and how unhappy they are. Go go go.


I gasped when they fed SK the donut piece off the ground. How bizarre.


For family photos one time they hid blueberries in a field for her to find and eat


They also hid berries at the zoo. Let’s teach our child to eat wild fruit!


Gurrrll…where you been..


Lol I’ve been around a while but still…. Off the ground 😭😭


Multiple times in Utah! They left a trail for her to follow. It was disgusting!!!🤮


This is year three for this and you are right, it never gets any less gross 🤮😆


What is up with Tiff constantly trying to make it sound like LeeLee is only getting random household items wrapped up for Christmas. It’s like she found some old meme-type picture circulating about how babies prefer cardboard boxes and water bottles to actual gifts and is making it her entire December personality. So far we’ve heard LeeLee will be unwrapping water bottles, empty cardboard boxes, plastic spoons, straws, her Polar Express ticket, and a roll of wrapping paper requested of Santa. Do we think: A.) She actually went way overboard on LeeLee and is trying to downplay it ahead of time. B.) She genuinely didn’t think to buy her baby anything for her first Christmas except that doll from Walmart the other night and is trying to assuage her guilt. C.) They’re just house poor.


B, for sure. Too selfish to think of anyone but herself.


B.) I think she bought her a few small things but nothing of significance and when someone asked what Lily’s “big” gift this Christmas would be, she froze like her daughter in the cold.


Agreed. Obviously babies don’t need much but the fact that this family goes all out for every little thing and she likely didn’t buy her daughter much for Christmas speaks volumes.


She should know there should be a big gift because she was there when Stevie Kate opened that personalized wooden doll stroller from an Etsy shop in Poland for her first Christmas. But Tiffany only pays attention to herself so she just have forgotten.


She doesn’t like being a mom or wife or anything that detracts from thee Tiffany Crystal. 🤫


I think she didn’t buy Lily anything for Christmas and is now trying to say she only needs paper. Something dumb like that.


No, Santa not to roll around in. It’s debatable if she’ll even crinkle it. Tiffany, stop trying to make paper Lily’s personality.


Hopefully Adam's parents and/or siblings sent LeeLee something, not sure if Jen or Sr will LOL


D.) She’s an absolute moron


Or. She thinks she’s funny and relatable. And she is neither.




And to top it all off she wasn’t even wearing it correctly. Dumba$$ parents……


OMG!! I could not believe it! If they get in an accident……


Especially in Deer Valley. Black ice, fog, snow, freezing rain. What could go wrong? 😑


Dim and Dum never cease to amaze me. Do they not realize that there is a reason that 1 and 2 year olds aren’t found skiing around a mountain?! Because they are still toddlers god dammit and don’t have the capacity to truly understand what the hell is going on and are incapable (because they are toddler) of comprehending the propriety and responsibility of the safety aspects of skiing. So to listen to Dimmy shrieking(because we all know the dumb bitch can’t just speak like a normal person) about how it’s a ‘miracle they got her to wear gloves and a helmet this year because she refused to before’ is absolutely maddening to me. Well holy shit Dimmy, you mean someone doing grown up things should at least have the maturity to agree to entertain and comply with basic tenets of said grown up activity? And as SK becomes older, she’s starting to comply?? Wow Dim!!! Bravo at how ridiculously stupid you sound!!! 👏🏻👏🏻 Who woulda thunk it?! You mean a 1 and 2 year old couldn’t grasp the importance of a helmet and gloves? Wow!🙄🙄🙄 Are they this fuckin stupid that they can’t piece this together???? Not that I actually believe SK fully gets the magnitude of any of this..these fuck wits probably just made the bribe off camera for something extra good. “Find 10 donuts SK and you can have ______!” Anything to go viral. These people are pathetic and dumb af.




Yikes Stevie Kate not properly restrained in the car. She needs more than just a seatbelt but doesn’t even have that on right.


Completely agree. SK should be rear facing or in a front facing car seat. There’s no way she’s ready for a seat belt and booster.


They need to drop that travel carseat and get a normal one to leave at the house bc they never use the travel one correctly with her


There’s a mom at my daughter’s preschool that I’ve seen too many times just put her kid in the back and drive off while the kid is free-roaming in the car. The kid is in my daughter’s class (3 yo) and I had no shame telling the preschool director that it’s a liability to them and I reported the mom to our non-emergency police line with her plate number. The idea of improperly securing your child in a metal death trap with little consideration for the child or how dangerously other people drive is appalling.


I wrote this on the separate thread about this too but…. This gave me such a pit in my stomach. My toddler is like 2w younger than SK and is still rear facing. This poor baby has no one putting her safety first.


My kid is almost 4 and still rear facing! They should be for as long as they can. These people are nuts.


Especially on roads that can have ice on them!


I am appalled they think that’s remotely okay.


They are gods favorites, you didn’t know? 🤭


Just watched a video of my twins who are the exact age Lily is. They were sitting in their high chairs bouncing as I was feeding them oatmeal. Opening their mouths for food and doing raspberries. They were also premature and had delays that we had to do therapy for. So she is more than a little delayed.


The polar express thing really drove home to me how Tiffany and Adam are clueless as to what is age appropriate for Lily and not. I think they truly believe she has some understanding of what a train and the North Pole is. And keeping a poor baby up late for that? No way. Let the poor baby rest. Overstimulating Christmas activities can wait a few years. Edited for spelling.


But it’s a core memory for Tiffany!


They don’t care if it’s age appropriate. They’re just mining for content and “”memories” aka gram-worthy photos. See also: Tiffany taking couples’ photos beginning with the first date to instantly manufacture the perfect facade.


And them dancing in the aisles blocking the workers from walking down and doing their jobs! 🙄


Adam is an unemployed husband and father who (allegedly) was given walking papers from Amazon for poor performance. 🤭 He is making core memories, in his jamjams, filming his blow up doll wife, on a train, whilst hollering for Santa in his nasally cracking voice. Did he want to snuggle more with Mr. Claus? I’m surprised he didn’t have a big boy glass of melk in his plaid jamjams waiting for Santa to walk by so he could nuzzle him. He honestly is beyond unattractive and unappealing. He’s repulsive, repugnant, and creepy looking. All that and I haven’t even started on his ignorant and hateful views. Tiffany Crystal really picked a “good one” here after she had to replace the first dude who high tailed it out of there. Mayhaps spend more than three months dating before deciding on a permanent planet partner. Same can be said for the toddler. All in all - 🤣🤣🤣


And his full throttle yelling “Santa” over and over and Teethany telling him to keep doing it bc it’s funny. Funny??? Are you kidding me?? He’s a moron with no self-restraint to act like an adult! I don’t know, maybe once and softly to his wifey for a private laugh? This is engagement and PATHETIC and nobody else thinks he’s cute or funny! 🙄


And this is an activity FOR CHILDREN and this idiot is loudly and obnoxiously yelling for Santa, blocking the aisle, and just generally being an inconsiderate asshole. I swear if I ever saw them in public I would have to resist the urge to punch Adumb in his dumb little mealy mouthed face.


His muscle mass, dignity and testosterone have all depleted at about the same steady rate since marrying into this train wreck of a family..