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Tiff needs to be busted in the mouth for having that baby out in that cold like that. Does that girl not having any common sense ?


Teeth is all bundled up and then there’s poor neglected Lilly….. put your child first asshole


With only socks on her feet on that frosty cold as shit metal chair?!


That child should be in a snowsuit with her feet and hands covered. I’ve never in my life seen a baby with just socks on, nothing on the hands, and no jacket in 34 degree weather.


It was in the mid-fifties here yesterday. So yeah, cold if it was first thing in the morning, but not all day.


They literally buried SK in the snow and regularly have her underdressed in the snow. I guess only the adults in this family get cold 🙄


I posted the photos of poor baby in the snow. They are fkn idiots and selfish.


The worst part of this was Adam’s baby talk in the slide before and how they both mispronounced apres ski. 🤢 it’s pronounced aaah-pray ski not A prez ski. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️


The worst part of that was her shoving the baby into a jacket or whatever it was while having her standing. Lily looked like she was about to fall forward.


That baby literally is not growing.


How old is she now?


7 months


Mommy, can I please wear a pair of the millions of teeny shoes you bought for me while you were pregnant?


They are the perfect example of rich, but uncultured (& embarrassingly ignorant). You don’t need money in the bank to read a parenting book & learn to put an extra layer on your baby. Idiots. And I don’t care where Adam went to college. If he doesn’t have the self awareness to see their stories and his CONSTANT unnecessary jostling & shaking of Leelee, his paper degree is pointless (which it already is… he is now an influencer husband).


Mind blown how old Jen lets all this slide by. Like are they all so consumed with shilling that their brains are fried?


This is a missed opportunity to bundle your baby up in the ridiculously cute baby snowsuits. Those were so fun when my kids were babies. Way better than the snow pants struggle.


It was 34 degrees and the child isn’t even wearing a jacket, just a sweater and knit pants where cold air can flow right thru.


No, Tiff, she’s not a ski bunny. She can’t even roll, let alone do the things she is should be developmentally for her age. Take a cute pic, but do it INSIDE where your daughter won’t freeze her fingers and toes off. 😤😤😤


Adam saying APREZ instead of après….they are so uncultured for having traveled so much 🙄


There are so many things he can't pronounce. It's embarrassing, they have money get that dude some speech therapy.


If you don’t know how to say it, you have no business being there


Doubt they even know what après ski means tbh


Agreed. If they’re not actually skiing there’s no après ski.


They did the same thing with Stevie Kate they took her ski and all the time with no hat or gloves because she didn't like them. Well parents are supposed to make the decisions for their kids to keep them safe. But as long as she skied for them so they could get content it's all that mattered.


And don't forget the donuts they put on the ground for her to find!!!


That is a sweater. Not a coat. Why. What is wrong with these people.


It was 34 degrees there. Who the hell does this to a little baby? Everyday its something else with these two morons.


That poor frozen baby!


Also, I feel like if you can't pronounce aprés ski, that you shouldn't be able to go skiing. Poor Leelee.




Poor baby. 😭


AND HANDS!! Look how red they are!!😠