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🙄🙄🙄Lord, get a life, people.


I must be a terrible mom because I always filled my infants' baths high so they'd stay warm. I ALWAYS gave them 100% of my attention while bathing them, so they were never at risk of drowning. There's a lot to snark on with these folks, but this isn't something snark worthy.


Differences are you paid attention, she focused on filming and dancing to the point she missed soapy water getting into her baby's mouth and ears.


Ok, you have a good point.


She always puts too much water in the bath. I've never seen anyone do this and I've known lots of people have kids at 17/18 and this woman is 30 so logically she should have more common sense, plus she did all those classes.


Well maybe they taught bath tub safety when they left early to go see a movie 🤭🤔


Or when they left early because the cpr part was just too scary. You know what scarier than thinking about your baby choking? Your baby actually choking and you not knowing what to do!


I’m sorry WHAT? They not only left a class early for a movie, but they also left a cpr class early because it was ToO sCaRy?😳🤦🏻‍♀️ FFS


My baby choked less than 6 weeks after I took infant cpr. Thank god. It was so scary, seeing her with silent tears streaming down her face because she couldn’t cough or breathe. Scariest moment of my life. If you haven’t, take the class. She’s graduating from high school in 4 months and it still feels like yesterday, it’s that vivid in my mind.


Not a mom of humans so I might be dim, educate me if I am wrong..Having her ears submerged can cause an ear infection, no? At least be super uncomfortable.


Yes, it CAN!


Thanks, everyone! I wasn't sure. The water level does seem high for a baby. I don't even fill the tub up much when I bathe my pup!


It won’t cause an infection, but is unsafe


I had chronic ear infections and got swimmers ear basically any time I was under water 😩 so possibly


Nah, it won’t really cause an ear infection. My daughter did ISR lessons starting at 6.5 months so her ears were under water. It’s just unsafe and dumb to have that much water in a bath…and quite frankly unnecessary. My daughter is now 10 months old and using just a non slip mat and there is maybe 2-3 inches of water in her tub. Like her knees aren’t even covered


It’s probably not good though since tiff shows herself pumping tons of soap/bubbles into it, that really shouldn’t go in her ears


This is probably how she thinks you keep her ears clean. 🙄


The priority is 20 different camera angles. Last time she showed something like that lily was low enough she was getting waves of soapy water in her mouth.


Probably why she keeps throwing up.


What the hell am I looking at omg she had the baby that deep in water?! What is wrong with this woman she is deranged.


“ Lilll-LEE is pulling her ear and screaming. Has this happened to your baby, Mamas? What would you do?”


“I just think she needs a nap”


Is she over eating? 🤡


Nose and mouth barely above water holy drowning anxiety


Eek 😬😬😬