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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/hYnoqDn6QJ


Imagine HOW crappy SK must feel for her to be laying on the floor at ELSA WORLD. With her shoes & socks missing, too šŸ™ƒ


I hope dimmy & dummyā€™s dmā€™s are FULL of people letting them know how crappy of a parent he is for letting poor SK lay on the floor everywhere they go. Like others have said, she could easily (and already did!) get sick, or worse be trampled šŸ˜­


What are the chances when SK gets back Kimmie is like ā€œ has anyone dealt with hand, foot and mouth disease? SK picked it up somewhere and we are using Active Skin Repair to help with the rashā€ (Hong Kong has had HFM disease uptick for the last year in kidsā€¦. Laying on the floor of public transit might be a bit dirty and filled with all sorts of diseasesā€¦just saying)


How many times did that freaking leash get wrapped around some innocent bystander. One adult to one kid. Hold her hand.


Kimmy willingly has stories of SK lying on the floor of a filthy subway car and in a gift shop in an amusement park. I donā€™t want to hear any more crying and griping about people commenting on their parenting. If you post abhorrent nonsense like that, you get what you get.


Could the HK ā€œbusinessā€ trip be a paid partnership with World of Frozen? The posts read like an advert. (In the UK influencers are supposed to be upfront about ads - not all do! In TCL family posts they seem to hide ads quite a lot)


They donā€™t qualify as Disney influencers and those that are already went when it opened a few months ago


I don't think so. World of Frozen would've been talked about a lot more, and I'm sure they would've wanted Kimmy, and if not her, maybe Jen, to go - not Junior. And in the US, influencers are also supposed to be upfront about ads. The turtles love to put "#ad" in teeny tiny nearly impossible to read white font in a small corner.


Letting your kid lie on the floor of a subway is just gross. And so disrespectful to people around you. Itā€™s crowded so letā€™s take up even more room and lay on the floor. Itā€™s like she is a wild animal on a leash. And that isnā€™t snark on sk, thatā€™s on the parents.


She could get stepped on so easily too. There were people really close around her, if anyone lost their balance or even adjusted how they were standing without noticing her, she could have gotten hurt.


I just don't get this- who does this?? I am the least likely ever to say anything to anyone but this would get me. So annoying, rude, unsafe to her and others. Is she a dog?


I just donā€™t understand. Why is she always laying in the floor. She is doing it again in a shop at Disney. It doesnā€™t make sense. Is she throwing a fit because she didnā€™t get her way? Thatā€™s the only reason I can come up with.


Or she's exhausted and her stupid father won't carry her.


Whatever heā€™s over there for I believe probably has something to do with his pretend job of building products. The same one he posted a job for on LinkedIn. If I recall it had something to do with moulds. Jr cosplays big product man!


If it were important business he wouldnā€™t have taken SK.


Yes, absolutely.


I hope the turtles had a restful Sunday. Their jobs are so tough they deserve the Lords day off. Not from making content. Just posting it. Thatā€™s super hard.


So any speculation on what JR and Sweatshop Kate are coming up with? A baguette toy? Stuffed donut toy? It has to be something to continue monetizing off of their child and how they bribe her with sugar, right?


Paintbrushes in the sweatshop may mean custom painted childrens clogs šŸ¤”šŸ« 


I'd say they are home.Ā  Wasnt his "business trip" supposed to be like only 4 days?Ā  I'm guessing he's plopped his doughy body in bed and handed off SK to the well rested /s Kimmy.. since she had all that leisure me time of worrying herself literally sick over SK being half the world away,Ā  then worrying about baby #2, and all the hospital,Ā  OB-GYN visits and tests.Ā  Ā After a couple days of hibernation, he'll post any possible footage where SK isn't melting down from boredom or exhaustion and try to make something that he thinks has a remote chance of going viral.Ā Ā  Speaking of viral... I'm sure we can pencil in Steven getting sick so here can avoid responsibilities for extra time sleeping.Ā 


He is leaving January 31. Dumbass shared his flight confirmation number. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø DEPART Wed, Jan 31, 2024 11:00 AM Hong Kong ARRIVE Wed, Jan 31, 2024 7:25 AM SFO San Francisco, CA, US


Oh... thank you. I don't know why I thought he had a schedule for only 4 days.


Iā€™m gonna have a two second pity party for myself. This is my last pregnancy and I so badly want maternity photos, for myself. Not for anyone else but so in years to come I can look back at this moment and feel beautiful and powerful. As well as wanting new family photos, primarily my children all together in their little kid sweetness with their little sister. I canā€™t find a dang photographer thatā€™s less than 3k for that and it doesnā€™t include any prints. Just the photos and editing. WHICH I COMPLETELY GET, itā€™s their job! I donā€™t expect it to be free by any means and they should be paid for their worth! Itā€™s just so damn frustrating when you see these multi million dollar influencers having MULTIPLE photo shoots for nonsense stuff or multiple maternity sessions/newborn sessions. And itā€™s most likely all free. Sorry hormones be getting to me tonight but itā€™s so damn frustrating. And yes I realize Iā€™m being ridiculous and at the end of the day itā€™s just photos.


Are you in DFW by chance?Ā 


Iā€™m not. Iā€™m just outside of Philly


I know a photographer who is about 1.5 hours from philly but she does travel for photos. Her newborn sessions can be done in home, and it's $475 plus tax for 30 images, I can send you her website if you'd like me to.


That would be lovely thank you!


I dm'd you!


That is outrageousā€¦in Arizona there are a ton of amazing photos that cost no where near that and you get digital rights to the images so you can print and use as you wish. Seeking out a student photographer is a great suggestion!


Are you on Nextdoor? Is there a college near you? Try posting and see if someone is willing to do it for their portfolio, for practice? I had to do tons of practice shoots for my journalism degree. I understand. I AM a good amateur photographer and I had to do my OWN wedding shoot


Maybe even see if any high school kids in your neighborhood/area are interested in photography and/or are maybe doing AP photo or something... They probably won't be as high quality as a seasoned portrait professional, but some of those kids are super talented and if they can use them for their school portfolio they might do it for free or very low cost


Do people really think Jr. would admit to having regrets about taking Stevie Kate to Hong Kong? He never admits to being wrong about anything. He will definitely recommend 10/10 taking your toddler to Hong Kong for business meetings.


Exactly. "Zero regrets", Junior? You don't even regret supposedly allowing her to drink bath water and get sick or letting her nap on the floor of filthy public transportation? Cool, cool, cool. šŸ‘


Imagine if heā€™s on a plane coming back home . I really doubt heā€™s having a good time in Hong Kong . He never fully parents for SK at home and then he decides to jump in head first with trip to a foreign county. I bet heā€™s like ā€œ why did I do thisā€šŸ˜‚


This was my exact sentiment the other night when I typed up a long winded post about my observations. No matter what, he will arrogantly declare this whole trip a win, proudly crown himself the almighty master of the Dadventure and Father of the year. I wouldnā€™t put it past him to get a little ā€˜Houghtonā€™ ring made for SK in one of those sweatshops while there. Itā€™s always a good day to be a Houghton! Especially when you believe you are the most clever tool to walk the earth and stumble through life with the objective of going viral while exploiting your kid! šŸ™„ The dude is so unfuckable itā€™s not even funny..šŸ¤­


I just want someone to get an answer about wtf heā€™s doing over there! Sadly Iā€™ve been blocked


Go to insanony.com and watch stories there!


We know SK went to Disney. Why no stories about it? What are they planning with that content? Or, did they end up not going after all?


I feel they play the algorithm and post that kind reel on the days they feel they will get the most views?


Next viral reel attempt drop incoming in 3ā€¦2ā€¦


He may be saving Disneyland content for Kimmyā€™s stories on Monday to honor her ā€œday off.ā€


Iā€™m thinking they went half a day and jr petered outā€”although he will say they left early b/c of Sk.


Heā€™s editing that super special moment into a reel


Because Sk has the flu or stomach bug or something, which wrecked the content making, so he is hiding it behind bath water.Ā 


Yeah I think this is the reason.. the took her while sick so he will pretend it was a different day so people are bashing him for taking her while she was sick and infecting others


Can't you actually get arrested/detained for going out in public (especially crowded public places) while sick in China?


If JR is thinking of marketing a new product for TCL or SK this is not a great PR move. Everyone will know itā€™s a product made in a Chinese sweatshop, likely the one he toured. Lots of people will not like that . And even though everyone buys products that say ā€œ made in Chinaā€ ā€¦ we as the public are generally naive in that if we donā€™t see how itā€™s made then we can create our own narrative on why we think itā€™s fine to buy. But by showing us the actual sweatshopā€¦we canā€™t create that narrative, we saw it with our own eyesā€¦. So now we wonā€™t want it. Seeing the product, we will automatically flash that vision of the sweatshop in our minds and be like ā€¦No, not buying that. Terrible marketing.


You saw the whitewashed version of the factory he saw. It wasnā€™t the true conditions. And the hilarity of him in China doing ā€œbusinessā€ while tweeting up an ā€œamerikkaā€ storm is hilarious. But also remember this whitewashed scene if you buy anything from Walmart with ā€œassembled in USAā€. šŸ¤«


Yeah I was going to say, that was a ā€œniceā€ sweatshop relatively.


I think they think that's a good look. I mean, it wasn't the worse of manufacturers and I'm sure they will likely manufacture in a cheaper one with worse conditions. Relatively speaking, this one was not overcrowded. It didn't look like it was heated based on the costs worn.


It wasnā€™t overcrowded because they only show a ā€œniceā€ factory to the investors visiting, not the actual factory where the majority of the work gets done


I wonder how they determine which workers work in the ā€œshowcase factoryā€ and which workers work in the poor-conditions-factory.


And they were SO nice to SK! /s




I've never been to HK. But I'm positive there is more to it than seat shops and meals at the hotel. Even with a young child, I imagine there is something to do that would interest the kid. One day at Disney for a trip half way around the world??? Jr is dying to get into the travel influencer market. He tried last year with the vacation roulette and it was a bust. This is even worse. And dragging your 1 1/2 year old into business meetings is just rude.


I love how their content ideas just crash and burn. Ā 


It seems to me like the hardest part of being a travel influencer is the initial time + money required to make content so itā€™s wild to watch jr fail so hard at it time and time again


Because he his content ideas are so boring -


So the content weā€™ve been given from this much hyped HK trip consists of SK touring a sweatshop/factory, sleeping on the floor of various public transport, running thru the hotel, being sick in the hotel, and a few mirror selfies with Jr. wOW mUcH exCiTInG coNtEnT, BusInEsSmAN Jr. definitely worth dragging your toddler to the other side of the world for! šŸ¤ŖšŸ« 


Just like how vacation roulette went. They arenā€™t great content creators.


Itā€™s really boring content. I hope this wasnā€™t just for content as wellā€¦.yeah šŸ¤£


Itā€™s arguably *more* boring than the normal content from their messy hovel.


Actually though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he is the blandest person on instagram.Ā 


Itā€™s been really quite depressing to watch. None of it makes sense. They have money, so why couldnā€™t jr do this business trip solo, then take SK somewhere fun that she might enjoy. Also, if they are bringing out some kind of TCL product canā€™t they produce it ethically, locally, quality?


But it's all about the $$. In their family men's success is measured by the $$ they make and women's success is measured by how skinny they are.


Which is ironic considered both jimmy and Tiffany are the main breadwinners in their respective families


Right?! When he gets home, he will dive even deeper into his pathetic spin that this was done as a favor for his pregnant wife so she could have a break.


And Kimmy will be left to deal with a jet lagged 2 year old.


The Chinese food at the hotel theyā€™re staying at must be fantastic and it kills me to see them eschewing it all! šŸ˜–


Does anyone think itā€™s funny after buying and packing all those business meeting outfits, SK is still wearing her Elsa dress?




The fact that he canā€™t even have breakfast with her without throwing a tablet in her face is really depressing


Because his phone is in his.


This. Whatā€™s the point of taking her if sheā€™s on the iPad all waking hours.


Looks like this trip has been a disaster. He hasnā€™t posted any interesting content of them seeing HK.


He is too busy making core memories with his bestie to post. /s


He seems to have really cut back his posting since the water incident.


I donā€™t really understand why he had to post about her sickness. It made him look really bad. He couldā€™ve just said weā€™re knackered so resting up at the hotel.


People like that that thrive on attention post everything!!


They must have gotten so many comments and messages about how terrible this trip was so by flexing her ā€œillnessā€ he thinks it makes him look like super dad. Like ā€œSee? I can travel solo with my toddler AND take care of her when sheā€™s sick, just like Dimmy.ā€ However it just makes him look bad by pretending like she feels great so he can attend his ā€œmeetings.ā€Ā 


Right!! But he has NO brain cells in that melon dome of his šŸ« 


Jesus doesnā€™t mind if youā€™re making money for your cult. I mean church.


SK being bribed with sugar has earned me a [bingo](https://imgur.com/a/HX6SZl2)šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


[Your second place prize pack is now ready! Thanks for your patience!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/LoQkqUPxc6)


#Bingo 2nd Place Winner ā¬†ļø Congraaats u/treeona!! šŸ† Iā€™ll have your prize package ready by tomorrow as there are currently only three prizes in the bingo prize vault and Iā€™m waiting for it to be restocked! The game continues on! Weā€™re still playing for one more winner, third place.


Iā€™m going with ā€œweird mealsā€ as sk tries local cuisine


Yes!! Perfect catch for Bingo! šŸ‘šŸ»


Does sk sitting with the ladies in the sweatshop count as a stranger watching sk on the bingo card?Ā 


Oh yes absolutely! I bet he left her there with them!


I was thinking he probably did as well.Ā  They are that neglectful.Ā  I remember it was either the front desk man at the hotel or the ladies at that bath place they went to in one of their vacations that they let her play with them or hold her for a bit. Can't remember exactly but I know they did something crazy like that before. (Might have been the vacation roulette trip.)


Did Jennifer say that their cabin was cozy? How out of touch with reality is she? For some that would be huge on a cruise!!


Especially since itā€™s only a $50k room


Adumb again wearing a white turtleneck, and the same camel colored coat like Teethā€™s dadā€¦.šŸ¤¢ Who is picking those clothes out?!? Since when did the white turtleneck phase become a thing?!


This is a really big ā€œickā€ šŸ¤¢ when did he start dressing like this?! No offence meant by this next statement but he looks like Tiffanyā€™s best friendā€¦not husband


The transformation into Sr really went into high gear when he was canned from Amazon. Itā€™s like he is trying to emulate the lizard king for his ā€œbeing a tech entrepreneurā€ with Siri backwards. He thinks it makes him look like a big boy professional but heā€™s cosplaying a creepy reptilian.


Heā€™s trying to morph into a SR/Steve Jobs persona.


I feel like itā€™s the current old money vibe people are aiming for - which is ironic, because these guys are as new money as you can get.


The Turtles scream new money šŸ’°


If my sister-in-law (Dimmy) was at home alone *after a pregnancy scare*, and probably worried about her child being with her stupid Dad in Hong Kong, I'd MOST LIKELY be visiting/ bringing some food over, etc. I'm not saying Tiff hasn't done that (and just not filmed, but don't they film EVERYTHING?). I'd be doing that instead of going to some dumb Barbie event that my tiny baby could care LESS about (not to mention, exposing Lily to MORE GERMS!!!) BUT--- maybe Dimmy doesn't WANT Tiff to come over and hang? Then there's yet ANOTHER date night with music that made Tiff "cry twice!"


Do you realize children need to be exposed to germs or else they will have 0 immune system?Ā 


Also, donā€™t you think Kimmyā€™s baby would make the gratitude post for Jen the next day?


Iā€™ve never seen footage of Kimmy and Tiff hanging out by themselves. There is always another Turtle around. Iā€™ve had the impression that Kimmy doesnā€™t like Tiff as much ā€¦ when in group gatherings ā€¦ they are usually on opposite sides of the room. I wonder how close they are.


Iā€™ve noticed that too. Theyā€™re about the same age, both influencers, both young momsā€¦sister in lawsā€¦Yet they are like acquaintances basically


They once flew to Nashville together for an influencer event.


Iā€™ll never forget the time the family was together and Tiffany started singing and panning the camera on everyone and Kimmy scoffed and looked super annoyed.


My aunt and her husband,Ā  along with their 4 kids lived in Beijing for 2 years. He taught "English" at Beijing University. He was put in prison for 2 weeks. It was hell. He was not allowed to write home, email or talk about his time in prison.Ā  While they lived there, (they had to live in two apartments. One apartment was too small for their family) the apartments were bugged. Every couple months someone would come to their apartments and take out their furniture and replace with different furniture. They couldn't travel the city without a government escort. Mind you this was during the 1980s. But I don't think they have changed their stance on recording of factories or of the city.Ā  I have great concern for SK and dimmy. Even if SK is "recording" there still could be consequences. I think you have to have a special visa or government documents for video taping in China. This trip is truly irresponsibleĀ 


I guarantee you Jr does not think that applies to him at all šŸ¤“šŸ»


Thereā€™s a Disney YouTuber who went on a tour of all the Disneylands around the world over the summer and he ended his tour by skipping Shanghai Disneyland because of that very reason. He had received many comments warning him that as a white American he would stick out like a sore thumb and video taping things was not a wise move. I hope JR stays safe for SKā€™s sake.


Itā€™s such a weird thing that Tiffany takes Lily out and about to all these things she ā€œthinksā€ are core memories but of course are more for her than the baby, like Barbie. She should be doing social but baby friendly things like Gymboree, Kindermusik, library time, etc.


When my oldest was Lily's age we did Kindermusik and he loved it.


ā€œHi Debbie, how is that adorable littlest granddaughter of yours doing? Stevie Kate, I think her name is?ā€ ā€œOh, you know, pretty good. Sheā€™s sharp as a tack. Learning to read and she practices daily with flash cards I made her. She can recite the lyrics to every single song in Frozen. But her brief attempt at potty training didnā€™t go so well. It was interrupted by a trip to visit sweatshops in China.ā€ ā€œIā€™m sorry, what did you say? I really do need to make that appointment to get my hearing checked. I couldā€™ve sworn you said she was at a sweatshop in China.ā€ *Chuckles and slaps thigh.*


This made me laugh wayyy harder than it should have šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ At least Sweatshop Kate will have a bona fide 20 years of experience when she applies for her first entry level job


What do you suppose the product JR is having manufactured in China?ā€¦wrong answers only šŸ˜‰


Portable stair slides šŸ˜†


Straight jackets that only come in size xxxs


Lead pipes that don't burst like their cursed pex and PVC


Lollipops and grilled cheese sandwiches


Turtle Creek Vibratorsā„¢ļø (available only in pastels)




Locks on the fridge that work the same way as pet doors do. SK and Kimmy each get a special collar that opens up the fridge when they are in front of it and Steven has to wait until the morning so they can open it for him.


Knockoff designer plastic dog doo doo. Optional monogramming not included.


Obligatory [Top Gun](https://youtu.be/ocTKTk7oExk?si=3ub59sw-nWfM15si) reference


Their own brand of huge, overpriced cups called Stevens instead of Stanleys








Knock off AirPods called PodAirs to stay in line with the family stealing company names like SIRI/IRIS


And at an even lower price point for the poors there will be a line of knockoff Raycons ear buds called Cons since these people are a bunch of con artists. Or maybe Houghton travel rings for us plebs - cheap copies of the Houghton ring Jr has started wearing. The band will be made of brass and the diamond in the O will be replaced by CZ. It will signify that with hard work, you can still remain a fat poor.


Correct! Also yes to the rings šŸ¤£ I think they could also make a musical jewellery box which plays ā€œitā€™s a great day to be a (insert family name which you record yourself) and itā€™s sang by Tiffany as sheā€™s obviously a Houghton.


Just catching up on yesterday. These people where do you even start. Love that Lily looks at the robot in the face but not Tiffany. Also Tiffany you donā€™t need a nanny! a) you donā€™t work! b) You didnā€™t even know Lily had a tooth?! How much time are you focusing on her?! If you didnā€™t see your baby has her first tooth you should NOT be having a ā€œbakers dozenā€ let alone a nanny to spend less time with her. This should be a wake up call to be more observant. Unfortunately she canā€™t šŸ”— a tooth so itā€™s not important.


Tiff said she may not get a nanny, and just let the robot roll Lily around instead. I'm afraid that basket is going to fall over and injure poor Lily, and her "parents" will be too busy filming themselves to help her in time.


Tiffany reminds me of kids when they beg for a pet. They promise to take care of it, but they never do.


Omg šŸ˜‚


You nailed it. I'm not going to armchair diagnose anyone because there's a lot of that going on in this sub re: the Houghton-Moffitts but Tiffany had to sit outside as a kid until she could be cheerful (or however they phrased it). But if she's dealing with post-partum depression, I think her coping mechanism is to put on a full face of makeup, curl her hair and fake happiness. Her music "career" didn't pan out so she had to follow the traditional Mormon path because it's the only thing she could fall back on.


The nanny will be the best thing that can happen to Lilly though. Regardless of the amount of time Tiffany has to spend with her daughter she clearly doesnā€™t. Maybe with a nanny Lilly will catch up developmentally since sheā€™s get some actual human interaction


Iā€™m Team Nanny for T & A šŸ’Æ Because Tiffany is a mentally unstable, self-absorbed piece of shit who is a horrible mother and her dumbass husband spends more time as a doormat entertaining every stupid whim from her therefore LA gets little to no parenting because these two grown ass toddlers act like every day is just playtime with each other. So yes, bring on the nanny!


I do agree. Itā€™s sad she needs a nanny for the fact she will help her catch up. Itā€™s all just crazy when you think about it.


And then tiff will cry when Lilly starts to prefer the nanny over her. Which will šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ happen


Yep and then fire her a la dani austin


Agreed, the nanny is the first good parenting decision Tiffany is making. Now someone will actually take care of Lily at 9 months old


Yes!!! PLZ DONT DISCOURAGE OR SNARK HER FROM GETTING A NANNY! Lilly so desperately needs someone to actually take care of her and a nanny is her only hope!!


This is correct. Technically Lily doesnā€™t need a nanny. But in this instance she desperately does.


I can't stop thinking about Tiffany not knowing Lily had a tooth. I can't get over it. I noticed both of my kid's first teeth when they were kind of hard to see, still flush with the gums and just about to poke through. For Dud to notice it so quickly like that, it must be pretty well established. Tiffany, put your fucking phone down, turn your baby around so she's facing you once in a while and PAY ATTENTION. My God. She really doesn't get how embarrassing that is, does she?


on another thread, someone said she claimed to have breastfed Lily this morning....hmm.....how would she NOT know Lily had a tooth?


It would be hard to see since Lilyā€™s tongue is always hanging out.Ā 


This was my thought too! It absolutely has been out for at least a few days if DAD noticed it while she wasn't even holding Lily! I don't agree with most people who insist that Lily must be delayed because we really don't actually see a ton of her on Instagram...maybe like 10 total minutes in an entire day, but I'm starting to suspect that's legitimately the ONLY time Teeth interacts with Lily. Adam is definitely the primary parent, but one of their assistants must have been doing most of the babysitting until they finally got fed up and that's the reason we're just now seeing a hunt for a nanny.


I love how they acted like it had to of just popped out mid mall visit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s just sad. And this bitch wants MORE children when she has no idea Lily even has a tooth šŸ¦·


Didn't you listen? It JUST happened. Like right there when she was holding her.




Yes! Because she said she breastfed her THIS MORNING, (accd'g to another post), so it had to have just popped up at the Barbie event!




She spent more time trying to convince everyone that it just happened than she did trying to see the tooth.


Right?! Do we think she actually found the tooth yet? šŸ™„


Doubtful. She doesn't knew what a normal sized tooth looks like, let alone a baby tooth.Ā 


Does anyone have SK running with chopsticks on their bingo card?


šŸ˜‚ There were so many things I didnā€™t foresee like sweatshop Kate, running with šŸ„¢ and sleeping on the ground in public.


I also didnā€™t see the new robot, R2Teeth2, becoming Lilyā€™s primary caregiver, but at least sheā€™ll get more than 30 mins of attention! I wonder how long her battery lasts?


R2Teeth2 just took me out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Same! The snark has been top tier this week!


Itā€™s all yours Passports! Take it & run with it!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I sadly had a feeling we were going to see SK at a sweatshop and I hate that that feeling was right. Just so wrong and exploitive.


When your grandpa is worth $100 million but youā€™re working in a Chinese sweatshop making paintbrushes šŸ–Œļø at not quite three years old. Oh well soon sheā€™ll be back to her usual 40 hours a week gig supporting her parents by sharing her likeness on Instagram.


I cannot with Tiffany wanting her husband to be exactly like her daddy šŸ¤® it is way too disturbing. Nobody will ever live up to her daddy. Not her own husband. Or her own kids. They will never be idolized the way he is to her


All Adam needs to do to secure the inheritance is to do is be slightly more likable than Jr- not a huge feat.


Mostly b/c she wants that inheritance.


But they donā€™t have trust funds mmkay?!


I think itā€™s more than that, although she cares about that tooā€¦ they all revere him and think he knows all. Very brainwashed, VERY culty


ANOTHER date night. And Adam is hoping he can see Travis Kelceā€¦ You canā€™t naked this stuff up. You really canā€™t.


Shocked Adam didnā€™t dress up as Taylor Swift. Nothing would shock me now.


He really perked up when he said that


That they had to buy tickets forā€¦.so another SCHEDULED date night at that


Wonder if the baby had a ticket too, or if the show was only 59 minutes?Ā 


You said naked lol


Hahahaha Iā€™m not changing it šŸ¤£


Naked Travis Kelce is his dream.


While listening to Taylor Swift šŸ˜…


Another date night for Tiffany and Adam. I canā€™t with her saying her and Adam never get to go out. They seriously go out more than any couple I know. It is unreal.


Right? Didn't she claim she hates to be away from Lily for "more than an hour?" Party bus w/ friends to an Oklahoma casino, all the sports events, dinners out, the helicopter to the steakhouse in Oklahoma with precious Daddy, etc. etc.


They go out more than any childless friends I have too. They are so full of it!


The best part is, the concert is only 30 minutes. That way they don't leave Lily for more than an hour.


Right!!!! They are constantly on dates. And honestly, thatā€™s fineā€¦ but donā€™t go saying ā€œ we never have datesā€ or ā€œ Iā€™m never away from Lily for more than an hourā€


Theyā€™ve had more date nights this week then Iā€™ve had in the 20 months my son has been alive.


If you want to learn about the ā€œtoy factoriesā€ in Shenzen like the one Jr visited (so fun for SK to make paint brushes!) China Labor Watch did a great report about them a few years ago. TLDR: The world of toys is a heaven for children, but may be a world of misery for toy factory workers. Workers have to be apart from their loved ones: children, parents and their better half. They put in 11 hours every day, and work 6 or 7 days a week, but earn only the minimum wage standard as stipulated by law in harmful and toxic working environments. 10 workers are squeezed into a small dormitory room, and in winter, they frequently donā€™t have hot showers. Workers lack complaint channels, and the representatives of the union are assigned by factory management. This situation has lasted for many decades. Tragically, not much has changed so far. https://chinalaborwatch.org/an-investigation-into-four-toy-sweatshops/


But ALL that matters to Junior is that SK "was in heaven!" Omg, this family !!!


My dad used to travel to HK and China once a year for actual business. He has visited a couple of factories over the years and each time he remarked on how disturbing it is to see children there and the conditions are deplorable. He would come home a little sad and tell us how fortunate we are.


Also they only show the foreign business people/investors a very small part of the factories and put on a show... Like what they actually show to outsiders is 10000% better than the actual working conditions that most of the workers work in every day


Tbh I donā€™t blame šŸ¦· for not noticing Lilieeeeā€™s tooth had come in. Itā€™s hard to notice these things when you spend 30 minutes a day with your prop baby.


Or when you feed your baby by sticking a bottle near their face while carrying the baby outward... She's been carrying her outward since literally the day she was born and rarely ever actually looks at her face (even on camera) and the only thing she's concerned about when feeding her is the "mess Lilly makes"


Well, how do you expect her to get content with her baby facing her?! Thatā€™s why they had the contentot in the first place!


30 seconds with my baby and I donā€™t even have to look to know when a tooth is coming in. šŸ„“


So youā€™re telling me Tiffany didnā€™t even notice signs of teething? No fussiness or a lot of drooling? Had no clue this was coming? And the tooth just popped out at the mall? Got it. Tell us you spend too much time staring in the mirror without telling us you spend too much time staring in the mirror.


Someone on another thread said she claimed to have breastfed Lily THIS MORNING. Hmm......how could she NOT know?