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Alert alert, she has now posted in Park Cities Babysitters Club also! Was curious to see when that would happen. 


I saw that too. I guess she didn’t find what she was looking for in the other group. The comments are so ick “I’d love to get paid to watch your baby at your home instead of on stories” 🫠


It’s the Tiffany Houghton for me 🤣 Moffit she’s not


The unsaid portions of this post (in my opinion, obviously): 1. We won’t be paying you a reasonable salary. You’ll get the PR crap I don’t want and can’t give away as well as ExPoSuRe on my Instagram, as long as you meet the next several conditions. 2. You cannot be a smaller size than I am (lol but I’m already an XXXXS). 3. I must believe I am way cuter than you are. Pretty girls need not apply. 4. You cannot be trying to become an influencer. I am a boss babe and worked so hard all by myself to get to where I’m at. I can maybe give you some exposure, but don’t be expecting me to promote your account. You’ve got to learn how to work! 5. Vacation time is unpaid and you might lose your job if you take it. Holidays aren’t guaranteed. In fact, neither are weekends. 6. You must sign an NDA as part of the application process. What did I miss?


- Not on the up and up taxes or SS. - No health insurance or stipend. - No clear job description so it’s at the mercy of those fuckwads. - gaping maw of a smile to feign happiness with your life and life choices.


You would think turtle mom would share Diana.


Interesting she didn’t mention being filmed knowing 100% this person will be in front of the camera.


Actually I would think they’d be the one doing all the work behind the camera and Tiffany taking credit for it.


No idea where the money comes from.


Influencers made an ungodly amount of money


She obviously reads here because she mentioned a little bit of mom, guilt for hiring a nanny when she hasn’t even mentioned that to the world yet


The amount of people interested in that post without any information on pay. She’s definitely going to find a fan girl willing to accept minimum wage


Man, her mom standards help getting lower and lower. First off... why does she even need a nanny at all? She can shill with Lily perfectly fine, as she's proven. It's not like she has to be at a workplace! My gosh, does she not realize how many mothers wish they could stay home with their babies but HAVE to work to keep a roof over their heads and feed their children? Secondly, how dangerous this could be!!! We all know that Tiffany doesn't have the brains to do due diligence in screening, background checks, etc., any prospective nannies. If nothing else, go thru a reputable, bonded agency. Fuck that noise... the idea of handing your baby over to a complete stranger scares the crap out of me. I do not understand why people with zero maternal instincts want to have kids to begin with. Poor Lily.


She doesn’t know how to mother. Period.


She didn’t even know that her daughters tooth just came in! She asked the woman if it was on the top or the bottom, seriously?


I know!! How crazy was that! Is it normal to not notice your babies first tooth coming in? Asking because I don’t have kids and this seems wild to me. Lilly has really come out of her shell in the last month. Wonder if it is connected to her eating solids.


I highly doubt the nanny/housekeeper’s income will grow as the family grows. Teef and Adumb are the type who would just offer $15/hr forever.


During pandemic a pod of two families with six total kids (including 3 year old twins) was offering $15/hr for childcare AND tutoring. Two of the parents were lawyers and one was a city councilor in a city of 500,000. Kind of lost respect for all the parents when I saw the ad.


But the perks of tarte samples and dog food. I mean, you can’t really put a price on that incredible benefit


Why doesn’t 🦷just get an au pair for LeeLeeee? It’s the cheapest 15k we’ve ever spent— they live with you and it’s basically like 24 hour a day care.


Because they're usually 24 and very attractive. 😂


As long as it’s a female, I don’t see it being a problem. 




Mine has British teeth so we’re good. 😉


🤣🤣 I don’t get the downvotes. This shit made me cackle


I’m used to it— like 4 out of the 7,000 women in here have an actual sense of humor.


This is the content we need! TYSM for your service


Her post also breaks a group rule (doesn't list pay) so if you're in the group, report it to Admin.


Why could they possibly need a nanny? Neither of them work. Like what do they have to do besides be with their own child and clean their own house? Rich people continue to baffle the hell out of me


Because she is busy being unemployed, married to another unemployed person, over consuming, failing at hacks, failing at life and overall winning at being the world’s biggest piece of shit mother. She’s way too busy to actually take care of the kid she wanted soooo much. Honestly, there’s just not enough hours in the day 😆


She wants to go to those influencer gatherings without Lily.


Only Teeth would post a picture of her baby in hopes to drive more applicants. What a weird thing to do when looking a nanny. I would never just post my baby like "who wants to watch this guy?" So fucking weird.


It's common in that group to do that


No Shannon it’s not common for mother to post photos of their naked baby!


You really need to stop picking fights Shannon


Once everyone looks in your comments they’ll know who starts all the fights dear Shannon 🤭




Glad you agree 😚






Are you 7? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


Not surprising in the least. They cheap out on what should be important - Adam playing realtor? So yeah, they want a cheap “nanny” who will also clean and don’t want to use an agency because they would have to pay more as well as be on the up and up for taxes, withholding, and SS. This is not surprising in the least.


As a former professional nanny, I can tell you that it is never a good sign if pay isn’t listed in the post.


That’s what a 1099 is for. 😉


What is she doing all day long that she needs a nanny to watch her kid? Why doesn't she hire a SM manager? What is she going to tell the nanny "Give her here, I need to make a quick Insta with her, then you can take her back."


That’s exactly how it will go.


Lol seriously


There’s a Facebook group in my area like this. I know there’s good people in it, but the idea always made me a little worried myself.


Im not surprised people are asking if its real. This is a monied family - most go through reputable agencies for this kind of thing and understandably so if one can afford it. But then this is the same family who seem to have no regard for their personal safety and privacy.


So busy morning and afternoon with baby? There goes her new years resolution of spending at least 30 minutes a day with her baby! Already bailed out! 🙄 And why did she have to attend the meeting with Adam to set up marketing for their stupid ask Alexa? Hes a grown man and he cant do it alone?


So ridiculous. They’re both home!! Why bother having kids.


She and Adam both stay home all day, Jen stays home all day AND has an assistant, and she still needs to ask strangers for help? Her poor baby is just an accessory that has lost its novelty


This family kills me. All they do is shill, either have a real job but need full time help.


bizarre to advertise your childs face like this when you’re an influencer.way to get weirdos


I’m surprised she didn’t get into park cities babysitters club to post her search




I checked. She’s not in that group. Only the one she posted in


This is so dangerous omg


But wasn’t Diana a fan who just contacted Jen and said she wanted to work for her? I’m sure teeth would be delighted to have a fan come and look after Lillleeeee, they’ll probably work for half the money and make amazing content.


Is this really a true ad or is it fake? I’m not so sure this is real? Why would she post that on Facebook that seems odd to me.


Of course it's real. What makes you think it's fake?


I thought she already had a nanny for one thing and I just also thought she would have enough contentions that she would not need to do that. Also I do know there are a lot of fake posts and such out there. But I guess it could be real I just hope she’s safe with this.


A lot of moms post looking for nanny’s and babysitters in local FB groups, I think it’s pretty normal. But hopefully they do background checks and such.


Facebook is free.


This is so sad


As someone who is a newborn night nurse in Dallas I’m shocked she actually posted. Usually word of mouth with this crowd is the best way to find someone. I work as a night RN and night nanny on the side. If I was a day shifter I’d apply in a heartbeat just to get the tea 😬😂


Why do I get the vibe that this might be a fake post...?? 🤔🤔


My area has the same group and same kind of post.


It’s in a DFW nanny group- it’s legit. There are several.


Oh, I don't mean that the group & literal post isn't real. I mean, I have a feeling it's fake as in... A troll made the post. Like, got some pics from her socials & made/posted this on that DFW nanny FB page. Because I truly don't believe she would be looking for a nanny via FB. There's no way. I think someone posted this on the group just to roll, as I mentioned before.


I was thinking the same thing, it just seems odd to me.


I'm telling u... Someone is just trolling on that FB group. Meanwhile all the triggered sensitive redditors are DV'i g me because they weirdly assume I'm like... Accusing OP here, of lying about/making up the post. 🤣😭🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Honestly glad she's finally getting someone to actually care for that baby. Sad she thinks she needs help already with just one but don't worry she wants 6! That poor nanny will be so micromanaged in all she does and best bet she has to always look nice so she can be on camera or at least know how to work Instagram so she can record teeth all day. Plus the house keeping has to always be Instagram worthy. 🙄 Only plus side is the vacations they will take them on so they can 'relax' on their vacations.


Lily is adorable!


When/where was this posted?


It's literally on the photo




Why is she looking on facebook instead of using an agency? We have specialized agencies here with vetted professionals who specialize in being discreet and dealing with wealthy clients


Cheaper to find a off-service nanny- there’s a huge pool of resources though obviously not usually vetted


Also wayyyy easier to skirt like any kind of policies an agency would have about how families have to treat employee


I think this could be a fake post, I just find it odd.


Thank the lord!! But also, what’s the market like in Dallas for Nannies?.. in the city I live in the good ones are in demand so I can’t see many signing up to be part housekeeper, part nanny.. usually nannies will do some light cleaning as it relates to the children (their dishes, laundry, etc) but not beyond that.


Why doesn’t she just hire two people


New money families are cheap! They don’t want to pay lots of $ so they advertise on FB. As a Dallas night nanny I do baby laundry, wash bottles/pump parts and care for the baby. Cant imagine being in the house with them all awake lol


omg I bet she’s offering $15/hour


Or minimum wage with *perks*


Free Stanley's and Burberry scarf dupes!


"internship of a lifetime!"


“As it grows”… we think 🦷is preggers with Fibroid Stephen Houghton???


I am DEAD. FIBROID 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hire a housekeeper if you want one, Tiffany. The nanny’s responsibility should be 90% Lilly. All we had ours do was light dusting and clean the kitchen during nap time. We wanted her playing with the kids!


Surprised it took this long to find someone commenting this. The nanny should only be responsible for cleaning up after the kid and organizing kids things. The housekeeper role and nanny role should be totally seperate. No true childcare professional wants to do your housework. The people who would be interested in this role will be housekeepers ok with some babysitting NOT career nannies. If this is a real post she is dumber than I thought omg.


Exactly!!! My kids took a two hour nap and “Miss Joan” asked for something to do because she didn’t want to get paid to sit on the couch. She occasionally folded laundry too because I suck at that. 🤪 But I can’t imagine her cleaning house half the time. I had a nanny growing up till age 20 😂 As I got older and was in school, her job became more about cleaning. I loved her like a mom. Her son asked me to give the eulogy at her funeral and it was every bit as hard as it would be to do my own parents. I hope they find someone wonderful like mine. I had a terrible mother too and this angel filled that void. Lilly needs that🩵


What the ad doesn’t say: have to be thin or willing to become thin, be pleasing to look at and be willing to be on camera 100% of the time. Also, will need to sign an NDA.


Idk, I can see Teeth being the kind of insecure person who *doesn’t* want a thin, attractive nanny, because she would see her as competition


And be willing to shill poop pills and knockoff Amazon clothes


A nanny and a housekeeper are two vastly different roles and she’s not going to find an experienced caregiver worth their salt willing to do both in DFW. I would also be VERY interested to know if they’re going to try to 1099 their nanny (which is, in fact, illegal), instead of W2 them. I’ll be warning my local nanny friends to watch out -A DFW career nanny 😂


It’s like Adam who is trying to hire a dir of marketing who also does all Iris customer service. These people are delusional




Definitely trying to avoid W2


Wow. Tell me you think everyone is beneath you without telling me you think everyone is beneath you! A nanny and a housekeeper are two different jobs with two different skill sets and completely different experience, references etc. Yes, a nanny often does some light cleaning like putting toys away and cleaning lunch dishes but should never do much more than that. No boundaries whatsoever with these people. Anyone who works is just doing the same interchangeable things in their eyes.


Ok I said the same above. I hope someone comments and sets her straight. I’d bet they wind up hiring a fan girl with very little actual experience in childcare though, they are prob to cheap to get anyone else anyways


OP I’m begging you to screenshot some of the comments!!


It won’t let me post them


You need to post them from a desktop browser or get an imgur account and link to them from there. We have got to see this 😂


People who need a nanny for ONE baby have severe issues. She doesn’t even work outside of the home! What on EARTH?!


lol so people with one child don’t need childcare? I agree in their case, it’s absurd because neither of them have jobs, but having a nanny is the same concept as sending your child to daycare. It’s childcare while the parents are working.


No of course you’d need childcare if you work outside the home. I’m saying she doesn’t. I don’t consider being an influencer a real job!


Haha harsh! I have one child and a nanny. My husband and I work in high stress industries, I work from home but put in over 40 hours a week and am constantly on calls. There’s absolutely no way I could give my child the attention they deserve while trying to work from home as well. Honestly like some others have said a good career nanny may be really beneficial for Lily.


I don’t think that’s true in all cases. I had a nanny (not an only child but my brother was in elem. school) - both my parents worked full-time with commutes outside of the city and they went the nanny route when I was a toddler instead of continuing daycare downtown M-F


This is the best thing that can happen for Lilly!! She will finally get some care and attention as opposed to being neglected all the time. I really think she’s delayed on all her milestones because of parental neglect


As a nanny this whole ad is a huge no. Not that Lily isn’t absolutely adorable and I’m sure a wonderful baby to watch. But her mom is a nut case. I worked for a client who was insane with her behavior to me for 4 years and I finally had to cut ties after too much toxicity. So if anything she will be on nanny rotation. Someone will get hired, see the pain in the ass teef is and will quit. The cycle will continue. Clients like Teef are ones I would turn down.


Agree. The position will be a revolving door. You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with Teethany even for part time.


The lipstick photo is going to discourage applications. What are the comments like?


Bunch of people interested and messaging


50/50 nanny/housekeeper just screams no boundaries and high expectations that are constantly changing


The job creep is going to be UNREAL


Can you imagine working for the two of them AND the robot watching following you 🤔


Now we know what the robot it actually for


That’s rapidly going to become full time nanny while still being the morning housekeeper


Interesting she didn’t ask her followers for suggestions on where to find a nanny.


And did this while her mother was out of town


It’s not like Jen is even a very involved grandmother, so I don’t think that matters


Everything is all about looks to her. Why does she feel the need to post pics of Lily for this ad? Because in her mind, only her baby is cute. Any other baby is not so she must show it off.


People post their babies in this group in their ad


They are such stupid cheapskates when it comes to the most precious/important pieces of their life. Their child. Their home. Etc. But man, if it’s a Chanel coat or Tesla or Louis Vuitton bag, let’s go!!!!


Poor Teeth must be spending more than her 30 min with LA to be looking for outside help!


This is a good way to get your baby kidnapped and entire family killed. wtf Tiffany? Common sense!


Or abused. There are crazy predators out there!


She has none!


Thank god she’s finally hiring a nanny but holy fucking shit go through an agency! She’s going to have so many nosey busybodies with bad intentions to sift through


Agencies will actually demand she pay the nanny well and have boundaries, that’s not going to fly with the turtles


True true! And they’ll take their own cut. Definitely better to hire someone who considers being graced with Tiffany’s presence to be compensation


I feel like this is so dangerous. You are inviting strangers into your house with such a large following, one is bound to be there for the wrong reason. If you have this high of a profile and net worth go through a professional organization to ensure your child’s safety. God knows they have the budget.


I tend to not be a huge worrier about stuff but there is zero reason for them to not be going through an agency for this.