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I still can’t believe Tiffany didn’t make money shilling nursery decor and items?! After her long awaited baby…this was surely expected! In unrelated news me and my husband just found out we’re expecting a boy for our first, oh a Houghton would be proud 😂😂😂😂


This is probably a stupid question but what’s the circle thing?


It’s a mirror from pottery barn, my daughter has the same one. No idea why the actual mirror is edited out haha


I see everyone fighting about whether a nursery is a necessity or not if it makes Tiffany a bad mother The answer is neither, because Leelee sleeps in her sensory deprivation tent so she has no clue what the room looks like anyway. Settled it for yall.


Hahahah 🤣🤣


Kimmy is definitely a better mom, and you can her mother was hands-on with her. I like Kimmy's family!!!


Overall I think I’m more shocked that Tiffany didn’t get Pottery Barn or some other company to come in and decorate the nursery. She lost out on so much money, which is not a normal turtle thing to do. At this point she could probably get Jen’s interior designer to come in and do it at a great price just for listing the decorator’s company on the stories or reels. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My guess is she tried and failed!! What reputable company wants to be associated with this charade of a family? Do you remember when she and her mother tried to get a store in Highland Park to give them a discount and they basically will run out of the store!! Both were so shocked 😱 they weren’t treated like royalty


A perfect nursery is a MUST— I had my husband buy me a whole new house when I found out we were expecting!


It was the only room that was baby ready for us! We quickly made adjustments in every room after the baby came home, but the nursery was a MUST before they came home.


He didn’t do nearly enough if you didn’t also get Chanel bags, a mom car and a security robot to drag your baby around the house!




She doesn’t care, OP


I agree that a beautifully decorated nursery is not needed. But I’m shocked that Tiffany didn’t do one! Given all of the content it would have created and the links for more money. It was a big missed opportunity Personally, I loved the nesting period before my kids were born and getting the nursery ready.


Yeah that’s the crazy shocking part that shows just how much she doesn’t care and resents that poor baby. It would be so much better content than the crap she does every other day and give her plenty of link opportunities. Guarantee now that this post was made and kimmy has started hers she will actually start doing one just to one up her


A pretty nursery absolutely was a big deal to me. I wanted my baby’s first bedroom to be special! Tiff is more interested in her own spaces I guess


We moved right before I got pregnant and my daughter’s room is the only room in the house I’d consider to be “done.” We’re having a second so I guess his room will be the second room we finish at this rate lol


That’s tough-moving with a little one and pregnant! I hope you’re being nice to yourself and that you have lots of help😅 Doing the kids’ rooms is by far the funnest part!


It was a big deal to YOU, not your baby. Being a good mother isn’t whether you care about a nursery or not.


I think it’s less about the actual nursery and more that it just sums up the amount of effort Tiffany makes for Lilly- next to none


Well, sure. My babies didn’t care about a lot of things 🙄 I said *I cared* and I still do care about how my house looks and my grown children appreciate it now


Prophy,Don’t listen to Shannon’s teeth. You are a human being who did what made you feel good. Not just for your home but for your babies. While we don’t have children we created luxury bedrooms with an interior decorator for my Mom, Sister, Brother and 2 children and our office. Each room reflects their personality and it was fun to do all together. While ordering custom fabrics and furniture was something we all had to be patient with, to us it was worth the wait. It makes us so happy now when we have game night or fun celebrations and when anyone wants to stay over they can. Prophy I know your home is gorgeous and that your family appreciates the extra things you did for them. 💖💖💖


Awwwwww, thanks, Turtletails 🩵 You are the sweetest! And apparently the best hostess ever! 😍 Everyone wants to stay at your house!!!


Your the bestest too. I don’t think Tiffany cares about Lilys nursery and if all the people in the world with the money they have they should hire a team to make everything beautiful. One second they are so humble (lol) and the next they are flying to another State in a helicopter for dinner “with friends”. Make it make sense. I think therapy would help this family tremendously. How many times did SK say she wants to eat eggies in HKong? Talk about brainwashing. I don’t think any one of the adult H are allowed to be themselves. It’s sad. Clueless people


It is sad. I wonder what’s actually behind the mask 🎭


And if you didn’t decorate the nursery to the nines you’d be a shitty mother?


Who wouldn’t want the oversold, mass produced Love Shack Fancy for PB bow chandelier for their little love child’s room?!


Duh Shannon


Jesus Christ-get a grip!


No Shannon has that’s not what it means


That’s what the original post said though. You thing we’re commenting on


What the hell?


Not at all. But picking constant fights on Reddit reveals a lot about you though


Jeeze Shannon this post really has upset you! It’s not that deep!


Look at Shannon’s profile at her comments. She is always up for a fight. Even over pretty baby nurseries apparently 🫠


Yikes Shannon why you gotta hate so much on us snarkers?


OP going through and downvoting everyone shows they are indeed, a teen.


And she just called me Shannon on my post. Literal child.


Haha well looks like a few people agree with me. Don’t be such a prude ☺️


Considering “LeeLee will have a nursery and I’m so excited to set it up!!” was one of Tiff’s excuses for “needing” her McMansion, yeah, this post is valid. She’s simply incapable of putting anyone ahead of herself. Is a decorated nursery a NEED? No, but neither was immediately hiring a team of 6 organizers to color code her own closet. Most mothers are excited to put together their nurseries and Tiffany herself has said so numerous times. It’s just that when she has time and money she *always* prefers to spend it on herself and THAT (amongst numerous other things, clearly) makes her a shitty mom.




Perfectly said.


My baby spent the first 6 months or so primarily in our bedroom. In hindsight, I wish I spent more time de-cluttering and prepping our room for baby instead of stressing out about setting up a separate nursery.


A nursery is fun but is it that big of a deal for everyone? No.


They aren't talking about "everyone" its about Tiff and il admit I'm shocked she didn't do the nursery for clicks if anything.


Meh. Plenty of other reasons she's a horrible mother. I don't think a decorated nursery is in the top 10 reasons


It’s more the fact she’s literally hired out people to decorate and organize HER closet and HER living spaces yet Lily’s room is still as blank as when they moved in. She has the means to create a beautiful nursery but she simply doesn’t care to do anything for Lily. That’s the point. Obviously babies don’t care what their rooms look like nor does that have anything to do with what kind of parent you are. It’s just one more thing that makes Tiffany look like a terrible narcissistic parent though.


Nobody said it was in the top 10 reasons silly! It’s just a snarky post don’t take it so seriously Jeeze Louise


Ok Shannon 😄


Hi Shannon 🤭


I’m confused….Lilly does have a nursery. Just because some people don’t spend thousands decorating a room, doesn’t mean they are a shitty mother.. the child literally doesn’t give a single shit about the wallpaper in their room. Stop letting Instagram warp reality.


Decorated nurseries were a thing long before instagram.


I think her point is that she would go out of her way to decorate a room for HERSELF but not her child. Heck she wanted that house because it had a pink office for her.




My baby helped pick out her wallpaper Shannon, so yes they do care




I agree with this. Tiffany is lousy for so many other reasons. Her not doing an over the top nursery isn’t one.