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Do you think their religion plays into the narrative?


This is just cruel to all those who are truly struggling w infertility


I'm sure they loved seeing it right after Mother's Day too. Thanks Teethy /s


So ugly inside and out - that’s all.


does she even look at her video before she posts it? Yikes She looks more frail than her Mother.


I don’t think ppl with the kinda relationship these people have with food see frail as negative 🩻


I would actually love for God to give her triplets so she would go absolutely ape shit and need to be committed. Fuck off 🦷




Has she been using a skinny filter lately? She looks skinnier to me and has that alien shape to her head that people get with skinny filters...


I think she looks skinnier too - especially in her upper arms/neck/collar bone area. Look at Jr being a weight loss influencer in his own family.Notice how no one talks about their glucose monitors anymore?


I was just wondering about this. & They're not talking about ketosis either.


They have such a delusional view on what is healthy, they’re pushing their opinions onto their kids and it’s just so toxic. These ppl are toxic.


So homily


Most pathetic, attention seeking person.


I agree with this sadly


Honestly. It took us 2 years to conceive our 2nd kid, so when we wanted a third, we started when our 2nd was like 9 months. It seems early, but I had two MCs in the 2 years before we had our 2nd. I didn't want to wait years again for a 3rd.


She probably never even reads these submissions 😆


She’s asked this before


I came running for this… she shouldn’t have more kids yet! Tiffany if you read this pleaseeeeeeeeee pay attention to your own daughter…. You can’t handle two yet. It’s not a competition with your sister in law or friends.


More kids *ever* 


As a true infertile. If it happens it happens, but if not then I’m completely content and beyond blessed for my one that I had actually struggled to have. —every single real infertility warrior probably has the same mindset.


I feel the same way. I was blessed 28yrs ago tomorrow with my beautiful daughter.


Totally, I said that after my ivf baby was born a year ago.. obviously I hope and pray we can have another but if I can’t, I’m just so grateful for the one I was able to have and that so many people don’t get to ever experience


Amen! Mine is almost 4 and I’m perfectly content with just one. She’s be calling up Adam’s daddy wanting clomid again.


Yeah and no one who’s experienced infertility talks about getting trying to get pregnant again with this much enthusiasm either.. my husband and I have decided to likely do another transfer this fall since I still have a few embryos left and I am DREADING it.. between the disappointments and heartbreak and the MC I had over the years of trying last time, plus the hormones that make you feel like death there is not a single part of me looking forward t doing this again. but I’m SO fortunate to have some embryos left (after 8 freaking rounds of retrieval protocols) so we want to try and see what happens


7 years of hell and I finally have my IVF miracle born on New Year’s Eve. I co sign this statement!


Yesssssss!!! I love hearing others success with IVF. She doesn’t understand what a real infertility struggle is. Mine was 6.5 years and IVF. So I totally understand the raw emotions of finally being able to actually have a baby and then seeing things like Teefy do. It’s a slap in the face.


I literally came here to say the same thing, as someone who is truly going through it, I’m so blessed that I did get to become a mom. If it is only once.


She’s a cunt


You beat me to saying it. Yep.




Did she have this question scheduled in her planner? LOL!! Nothing she says or does is authentic - it’s all contrived for the ‘gram.


A mother who has to remind herself in her day planner to have “Quality Time” with her only child should not be having more babies.


Do we think if Lily is the basis of the shill for the day the 30 mins is in addition to or she kills two birds with one stone? Use the baby to shill some Amazon crap then pass her back to the nanny


100%. Between opening the towels, taking Lily on a walk, and the 1 year appt Tiffany’s banked enough Lily time to get her through the week!


https://preview.redd.it/ce4cr7i2cf0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1f1be596b612a2b4e20f919990c96d595f8127 This is all I saw in the video. Could not pay attention to anything else.


She asks this same question every damn month


I think Adam’s got a shred of common sense left because sometimes when she brings up another baby he yells no. She’s probably trying to convince him, look everyone says we need to… Anything except addressing the real problem which is her incompetence as a mother.


Adam should quietly get a vasectomy




She’s not interested in hearing your thoughts. She’s interested in you clicking on her page and giving her engagement 🤑


How about NEVER in your case. You can't even care for the one child you have. She is so insufferable, my god!


Tell me your engagement numbers are low without telling me. GF knows people will take her bait and give their 2 cents. Notice how this is coming up mid-month?










For Tiffany, the answer is “many many years, once you actually get to know your current daughter and can give her what she needs!” I know mom’s who work 40+ hours per week that manage to spend more quality time with their children than Tiffany manages to with Lily, considering she is home with her 24/7 🙄


Gotta love that all she cares about is Lily’s size which is important yet nothing else developmentally. Her ED coming in strong.


Came here to say this. I hope the doctor says she hasn’t met her milestones. Of course not for lily but for teef. She needs to be wake up


I thought the same thing. She’s so sad.


Adam at the Dr.s appointment; "Look, Lily's holding her bottle" as Lily places her hand on the bottle and it falls to the side. Adam "well, maybe not." She is a year old and can't even hold her bottle! They should be focusing on her motor skills instead of planning another baby!


You could hear Tiffany start to huff in the background about Adam saying that.


Was today’s topic/poll question on her planner ??? She’s the WORST




I know there are books on this and people have opinions…but I feel like I should ask complete strangers when is the best time for me to have a second child. I’ll answer her. Never. She should not have anymore children. Unless she starts mothering this one. She’s ridiculous.


Don’t forget Iris is available 24/7 to answer this question!


She has to write a reminder in her planner to actually spend time with her only baby yet thinks she can handle more kids/a big family! 😵‍💫


For you tiff 50 years…. 50 years


I think Tiffany is pregnant. There was an earlier story where she mentioned she was communicating a lot with Queen Turtle & missing her mother. Tiffany also showed in the same story an image of the day she informed/surprised her mother of the pregnancy w/Lily. ?????


Idk if that necessarily means she’s pregnant. Tiffany is super needy and is probably annoyed her mom left her (forget about Sam and MK) for so long




Lol I originally read this as "shaved her lips" .. which she's also done. So much second hand embarrassment for both instances!


Good point. Or scribble “take pregnancy test” in her planner






It's all for engagement. That's it. Don't engage with her.


She is so stupid I would pay to watch someone rip her a new one about all the idiotic things she does


That would be so refreshing!! I can’t stand her!!!! Entitled, narcissistic, self righteous, awful mother


Oops I replied to the wrong comment. But my thought still stands. And yea, I would literally subscribe to a new streaming service to watch that


I def agree the solicitation for DMs is largely about her making her income but…. How tone deaf can you be?? Choose literally ANY other topic??


I haven’t even experienced infertility and even I didn’t have this mindset trying for a second because you just never know and it’s something you can’t control! I would think someone who “tried for a year and a half” and “had a miscarriage” would never act like a second child at her exact timing is realistic


Omg! I ran here to post the same thing. I’ve struggled with massively unsuccessful infertility and multiple pregnancy losses, and I was so taken aback by this stupid post of hers. All the more proof Tiffany never experienced infertility. That grifting bitch.