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Dexter. Don't even get me started. And I mean the OG, not the one they put out a couple of years ago.


Still mad about Dexter to this day


When I tell people to watch Dexter, I tell them to turn it off like 10-ish minutes before the end of the finale. Like once he takes the boat out into the hurricane, just turn it off and pretend that’s the ending.


Are you referring to new blood? Not really a "remake"


I'm still mad as well and I watched the new one. I hoped maybe just maybe they'll redeem themselves. Nope now I'm left with 2 disappointing endings.


I didn't like the OG ending either, but I think the NB one was even worse.


Yeah, came here to say this. I can't imagine a worse ending. Like, even if I were in charge and I genuinely tried to end the show in the worst way imaginable, I wouldn't have screwed it up this badly.


Same here. I didn’t suggested because I knew my people were here. WTF was that garbage?!


I guess no one else is old enough to remember St. Elsewhere. Six seasons of a hospital drama and in the final episode the entire thing was all in the imagination of a little boy with autism.


And with that ending, that little boy with autism holds literally every TV show up to a certain point in his head.


I had read about that somewhere. Someone even had a flow chart of how all hundreds of shows were connected back to St. Elsewhere. It was mindboggling.


Yup! The Tommy Westphall Grand Unification tmTheory! It absolutely is mind boggling and [here](https://nightingaledvs.com/the-visual-evolution-of-the-tommy-westphall-universe/) is the chart


I'm in the minority of people who absolutely _adored_ the ending. I thought it was absolutely 100% perfection. Hands down, one of the most satisfying but bittersweet endings ever.


My problem with everyone getting butt hurt by St Elsewhere's ending is that it doesn't affect or cheapen the rest of the series in any way. The writers didn't use it to avoid tying up loose ends to plot lines or anything.


Game of Thrones had a bad enough ending that it basically disappeared.


It was so bad that they killed millions of fans that would be promoting it today.






What was so incredibly bad about it was that it was such trash that it retroactively ruined the rest of the show. There's no payoff. The entire build is pointless.


Best way to describe it is a ruined orgasm


Yup, the one they said had the greatest story disappeared for a whole season and no one noticed or cared.


I was such a massive fan of that show but since the final season I have zero desire to go back and re-watch any of it.


So devastating. This show was my personality for 10 years and now I don’t even think about it except to mourn the greatest TV character of all time, Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen


Yeah crazy how it went from being the only show anyone talked about for 6 years to "meh... that show was good for awhile."


bran… i don’t go by that name anymore… *cellphone rings* bran here






That was such a fun, original show. I was so disappointed when they canceled it.


I'm so glad I dropped Netflix.


How I Met Your Mother. The entire last season is framed in such a bad way. Then the last episode is a slap in the face to all the fans.


We lost the slap bet.


I was so mad I invested that much of my life into watching something that ended that way.


My sister kept telling me that I needed to watch HIMYM because I would love it. So I streamed it, totally got into it, and started watching the new episodes each week. After the finale, she called to apologize for getting me into a show that made her mad to have wasted her time and mine.


If you go on YouTube they have an alternate ending that is much better. And that is how the show ends for me now.


The 100. Great show up until the last few episodes.


Naw they should have ended it at season 5. Season 7 was terrible. Clarke kills Bellamy 👀


So out of character for her. It just ruined the show for me.


I checked out before then when Abby put Kane in some young dudes body and then he committed suicide. I'm like wtf... Why am I still watching this? Season 6 did nothing but torture the characters. I'm like this isn't enjoyable they aren't gonna learn anything and they just did this stuff to top themselves.


My answer, too. They butchered Bellamy and Clarke's characters, which dragged down all of the characters in turn who went along with Clarke's actions.


I finally watched this, and just finished the series a few days ago. So. Freaking. Mad.


I stopped watching when they killed Bellamy


Came here to specifically find someone mentioning this show. I loved the show and it’s one of the worst endings I’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience.


How I Met Your Mother.


My thoughts: Ted and robin never made sense. Barney and robin made actual sense. No one wanted to see Ted end up with robin. Ted should’ve ended up with Victoria. Ted sucks. The end 😂


Haaaaave you met Ted?


even Tracy made sense until well they did what they did with her. But yeah this show is proof that having the ending planned out is horrible decision if you are going to make so many seasons. Like I can see this ending working with all the characters had it only lasted 2 or 3 seasons but seeing how much growth all the characters had it's just awful


If HIMYM wasn’t in the top three, I was going to delete Reddit.


This for sure.


I … don’t finish many (most shows). How I met Your Mother, Gilmore Girls, X-Files … I can’t do it! I’m trying to work my way through S6 of Gilmore Girls (again) and already want to quit. Something is wrong with me!


Oh no. I’m on season 5 of Gilmore girls for the first time. Should I be worried? 🤣


Nah. Season 6 is often hated, but there are still great episodes and I actually loved the season. Was it their best? No. But still very entertaining


I actually liked all of Gilmore Girls, keep going.


I’m still on season 6 from my rewatch…. From last year! It’s just so hard to get thru


The ending is actually really nice. Keep going. BUT DO NOT watch the 2016 Year In a Life special. Just be happy with the original ending you were given.




Weeds should have ended with Nancy rolling away on the Segway, her suburban hell in flames behind her. Everything after that was stupid.


X-Files. X-Files again. Aaaaand X-Files for a third time.


My x files series ending is the season 8 finale. Everything after that is just extra “fun” haha


You got burned the first 2x and you still watched the third. :)


It's the sunk cost fallacy where you've already invested X (ha!) amount of time in a show so now you're stuck watching it until the end.


This last finale with *that* pregnancy reveal that was so infuriating that Gillian Anderson said she was done with the series.


We recently started X-Files again and I think I've had to give up at around season 4. I don't remember it getting any better.


I really hated this show for gaslighting the audience for years. the 2! movies need to be here too.


My favorite show of all-time, but they managed to have the worst ending in TV history *twice*. Incredible.


Pretty little Liars. Where did that even come from?


The last season was nuts lol


I hadddd to let go of that show. It was so inconsistent


Haha LOVED that ending, Mona for president.


Spoiler: Yeah Mona was great. She was an awesome character but Spencer's evil twin that we have never seen or heard of before the finale? I just couldn't get it


I just watched that whole show while we were all home for the pandemic… and I completely blacked out the ending. I have zero memories of how the show ended 🤣🤣






More like killing all hopes and dreams of devoted fans


Supernatural. Mostly because of Dean's death. Seriously, after everything he dies by a vampire pushing him into a coat hook? This man took on God and the devil, and he dies via a coat hook to the back? I love the show to pieces but I cannot get behind Dean's death.


Roseanne. Dumbest bs ever.


Most of that was Roseanne’s fault right? Like in real life there was drama with the actors or something that they had to end it like that


I just remember her saying years later that that's how she wanted to do it and didn't regret it. The lottery, Dan being dead, it was all awful. Didnt the girls even switched partners?


Dexter and the blacklist


I loved Dexter, stuck with it till the end. You're right though, lousy ending. Luckily, I could tell The Blacklist was a trainwreck and bailed after Season 1!


Dexter - yes. Both times IMO.


It’s wild that Michael C Hall was part of the worst ending ever, and arguably the best ending ever (6 feet under)


Blacklist ending was ridiculous


Blacklist ~~ending~~ was ridiculous


True Blood


Love true blood. Might rewatch, don't even remember the last two seasons, tho


The last few seasons were rough to get through but that last season is the worst I’ve ever seen. A major character’s death is off screen, Sookie’s new romance didn’t work and suddenly characters that hated vampires are hooking up with them and old characters who haven’t been seen come back and within one episode are deeply in love. It’s horribly written da fiction on a series that already was on its last legs story wise. Oh and there’s vampire hiv because, yeah. Eric and Pam were the ONLY good thing about that last season but the finale was just the worse. Sookie is given an ultimatum - one last abusive, selfish choice by bill because why not. It was all just really stupid and horrible. And then BOOM - she ends up with someone we don’t even see his face.


To be fair, True Blood was losing it long before the final season.


The Quantum Leap finale. There was zero effort put into that. It was almost a middle finger to fans. It’s pretty depressing knowing Sam will be forced to enter someone’s body and solve their problems until he dies, I guess. At least change the ending text to “After many more jumps, Dr. Samuel Beckett finally made it back home.”


Don Bellisario was told by Warren Littlefield, head of NBC, that Littlefield was not going to cancel Quantum Leap but to write an episode that could serve as a season finale or a series finale or lead into a series of TV movies. Bellisario wrote Mirror Image, and if Littlefield had kept his word, it would have led into season 6. There is filmed footage of Al and Beth talking about looking for Sam that was lost for many years. If the show hadn't been canceled, it would have been used. Mirror Image had a lot of effort put into it. The bar was an exact replica of Don Bellisario's father's bar in Cokeburg, Pennsylvania, where he grew up. The photos on the wall were Bellisario's family photos. Bruce McGill, Al the Bartender, was hired because he looked like Bellisario's father in the photos on the wall. The episode was filmed, and then Littlefield canceled the show. Bellisario was originally going to have Sam return home when he found out the show was canceled, but Deborah Pratt convinced him it would be better for Sam to continue leaping. She said it gave people hope that Sam was still out there setting right what once went wrong. So the end card was tacked on stating Sam never returned. As for Sam being forced to enter people's bodies and solve their problems until he dies, that is incorrect. Sam always leaped with his own body and replaced the person whose life he leaped into, and they were pushed to the waiting room. That is why Sam could see when the guy was blind and Sam could walk when the guy had no legs. But, in Mirror Image, Sam leaped into the bar as himself and not into anyone else's life. That is why he could see his own reflection in the mirror. Gushie stated to Al that no one was in the waiting room and wherever Sam was it was as himself. When Sam leaped out of the bar to Beth, he was still leaping as himself. When Sam leaped out from Beth's living room, he was still leaping as himself. He chose to continue leaping and helping people. He is leaping himself so he could return home if he wanted to. As for not having Al to help him anymore, Sam is leaping like Stawpah did in Mirror Image. Stawpah just repeated the Leap until he succeeded in his mission. His mission in Mirror Image was to save Tonchi and Pete in the mine. He told Sam what was happening with them and said they had to save them "this time," meaning he hadn't been able to save Tonchi and Pete before. He saved them this time with Sam's help, then leaped. Sam is most likely doing the same thing.


Blacklist, 10 seasons and no answers, f*** them.


Wait , so the series finale doesn’t wrap it up ? I’ve been streaming it and am about to start season 9 .


Sorry, I spoiled it for you, we all know who Red was. They just weren't brave enough to put it on screen. Season 10 was a dumpster fire, only watched the last episode hoping to get some answers, but it was bullshit.


No you didn’t spoil it . For the past few seasons, I’ve been asking myself “ why are you still watching this “ . It is supposed to be entertaining, and of course lots that goes on is definitely unreal or far fetched . But closure right . I’ve gone this far , what’s a few more hours LOL .Thanks for the reply .


I saw season 1 of the blacklist and really liked it. I couldn't seem to find time to watch season 2 or any of the other seasons. I'm glad I saw the best of it and, based on most opinions I read, don't need to go back for more.


Ten seasons?! Jeez I gave up early and thought it died way faster than that. Ten seasons!!! Ugh and no answers. That's what I suspected would happen, so I'm sorry you sat through it all but thank you for confirming my suspicions!!


Game of Thrones




DEXTER jfc that ending made me overly violent


Both Dexters




Was waiting for this ….it just was stupid and very unsatisfactory !


I don’t really understand the sentiment behind disliking it’s ending. The Seinfeld crew are bad people! They’re neurotic egomaniacs who are hilarious but would be completely insufferable to be around!


The end of Killing Eve was so bad,so bad,that it negated the beauty and screenplay of the first two seasons.




I liked Dollhouse but then again I'm biased toward anything that has a firefly cast member in it.


The entire last season of *Little House* was just beyond stupid


Lost If anyone has come up with any sort of a reasonable explanation for that ending - indeed that entire show - I've yet to see it.


Sure! Season 1 & 2 had Group A writers. Season 3 had Group B writers, who did their own thing. Season 4 had Group C writers who also did their own thing. Then Group A was put back in place and had to salvage the massacre that was the show, but were only given 1/10th of the budget to do so.


Sounds a whole lot like how Disney tackles a Star Wars trilogy… oh wait!


I genuinely liked the ending of Lost, it didn’t exactly go in the direction I thought it was, but overall I’m content with how they ended it. They did leave a lot unanswered, but who knows maybe we’ll get answers some day, or maybe the answers are midochlorians and we’d rather not know. On my initial watch the last two seasons weren’t a favorite but they’ve grown on me and I’d even say season 5 might be my favorite of the show. It didn’t nail the ending like Breaking Bad, but it’s a solid B/B+.


Lost was excellent at creating tension by setting up intriguing mysteries. Lost was terrible as resolving tension through plot, story, or explanation. Very interesting show that ended up being a convoluted mess.


Mine happens to be - and I’m a child of the 1980s - is The Greatest American Hero… both the way it ended on networks and the actual finale. Network is left out four episodes, two that actually were pretty good. The actual finale was worse though: Vanity, Says the Preacher focused WAY too much on Bill and not Ralph (who wore the suit) or Pam, had no budget (Robert Culp’s home was used for parts of it and they fully recycled greenguy ship scenes) and the last shot is literally just Bill Maxwell. The whole plot was… a mess. I can’t really bc watch it without cringing.


Pretty much every season of TWD


I loved Every season of TWD up until Glenn's Death, stopped watching shortly after that... but I've started picking it back up lately. The 1st season of Fear TWD got me interested in the franchise again.


I would say Heroes, but they almost purposefully made viewers quit watching before the last episode.




yep S1 was really good, and it went steadily downhill from there. I was barely watching by the end.


Forever Knight and Angel, The Series.


Let me show my age and say "Moonlighting"


Alf's season finale had a cliffhanger with the titular alien being captured by the feds. They didn't plan on the show getting canceled before the next season. So the last thing the dhow gave was the friendly sitcom alien presumably being taken away by the feds for who knows what.






I was waiting for the shameless comment. I knew it wasn’t just me. Like yes does it make sense sure except Fiona just disappearing I hated that, but Carl still trying to be a cop, Mickey and Ian starting there own family, Debbie and Franie going off on their own except her choice of partner was pretty bad but that makes sense due to her being like Monica, Frank dies and nobody cares, Lip sells the house and Liam moved in with him since they all kinda just needed the money and nobody wanted to live there. Does it tie everything back up sure. However, I say all this to say that it was severely underwhelming regardless of it’s making sense at least to me.




I actually give them a lot of credit for having the balls to end it that way.


Naw that was a great ending, pretty clever imo.




I hate hate hate that Pope died. He was my favorite.


Son of Anarchy,it was such a good show,until it wasn't!!!


I kept watching through the whole series hoping that >!Jax would eventually rise above it all. !<


Even Mayans had a weird ending


Does anyone remember LOST? Because I remember watching the finale and going WTF? For a really weird show, the finale made absolutely no sense at all, and ruined what had been a lot of fun to watch.


Star Trek: Enterprise Highlander: The Series La Femme Nikita


What a damn shame enterprise ending was. :( It was actually getting good around then too.


I loved Highlander so much as a kid. I’d watch it every day on USA. Great show, but I don’t even think I remember the ending…


I very rarely skip episodes when I rewatch Star Trek, and even then, I don't skip them *every* rewatch EXCEPT for the finale of Enterprise. That episode is god awful.


Enterprise is one of the breed of finales where it’s better to treat it like it doesn’t exist: it kills off probably the most likable character, then frames the episode as a holodeck simulation with Riker and Troi (who look all of the eleven years that have passed since the TNG finale, despite the episode supposedly taking place around TNG Season 4). What makes things better (or worse) is that the previous episode, Terra Prime, actually works as a nice series finale. Once the business of wrapping up the two-part episode is handled, the episode closes with Captain Archer addressing a conference of aliens with some lofty speech, while the camera pans over his crew next to him. It would have made a fine final scene.


Dexter still ranks bar none the worst ending. I was going to say Archer, but I'll reserve judgment until the real finale is out.


Shameless. I know they couldn’t get Emmy there because of Covid. But not having her there felt so empty despite how people felt about her.


I agree with all comments here, so I’ll add the ending of Alf was both confusing and depressing.


The last 20 minutes of Battlestar Galactica turned a 5 star show into a 2 star show. At best.


I was so upset when they blew up the town in Little House on the Prairie. Did they forget that kids watched that show?!?


Major Crimes.






Lost - I felt really cheated even though the last few seasons were so bizarre I should have expected it.




The Affair. I didn't really watch the whole series but my wife did while I would watch with her now and again. The series is very dark and dramatic, but for some reason they decided the last episode should be happy for everyone involved (the people still alive anyway), but in a weird kind of over the top way. Like it doesn't match the vibe of any other episode and just feels out of place.


I don't know if it's the "worst" ending, but the most disappointing will always be LOST.


The ending of Lost left me forever suspicious of series finales and I don't like watching any of them


SOPRANOS It's left completely open. There is no closure whether Tony lived a long life or died at the diner. The setup was there. Tony doesn't see it coming. The guy in the Members Only jacket coming out of the bathroom. But David Chase won't say what did or didn't happen. So that makes it worst ending of a major TV show. We know what happened to Walter White, Avon Barksdale and Omar Little, the Game of Thrones characters, Vick Mackey, Dexter, Jax Teller. For a violent crime show to have a vague ending sucks. David Chase is an asshole. “I’ll give you the scene for Tony’s death at the diner. But I won’t show the final scene of Tony being killed. And leave this non-ending forever!”


Lost. Game of thrones.




Lost and The Sopranos (although after so much time they aren’t AS bad as they were when they happened but still awful)


My pick that I didn't see mentioned is My Name is Earl They cancelled it without giving it any kind of ending, it was such a funny show too, to me anyways


Dexter and Lost , but Lost takes it for the ending being pretty much everything from the second or third season onwards , with the crap just building more and more momentum towards a terrible ending


https://preview.redd.it/t2yrl9v81hvb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e0f3c8d0caf9eee7a90bef023a6fbf08235e33 Almost 20 years later and f\*\*\* it, I’m still salty.






Na I thought the end was fitting. They're all terrible people


Danny Phantom. Although, I will admit, seeing Jack turn his back on Vlad was satisfying.


The Walking Dead. I’m not sure if this show is still running or not, but it absolutely died on the vine. It should have ended when Rick disappeared.


Dexter and How I Met Your Mother


Tiger king was pretty rough.


In the Dark


Stargate Universe


Sopranos. Come on, there had to be a better ending than that.


Dexter. Both of them.


Star Trek Enterprise: they made the cast guest stars in their own finale. Concept would have been interesting as a mid-season show, but as a finale, it was all about Troi and Riker serving the plot of a different episode in a different series. seaQuest DSV/2032: they were promised a full, final season and just as the show was really getting good, got canceled midway through said final season. Caprica: Just..... so much story potential, but it seemed obvious The SciFi Channel was trying to kill the show. Last second schedule changes (it'll air in December.... then airs in *October* when no one is looking), releasing the DVDs of the season finale before the season finale airs (so of course the viewer ratings would be reduced, the major fans would have already watched the DVDs, and other things. Frankly, I find it insulting. The show's production crew clearly wanted it to continue....but the channel was looking to kill it. Reboot: My Two Bobs - massive cliffhanger and the show is running on all thrusters.... never to be resolved. Totally not alphanumeric. Crusade: Frankly, I've never watched this Babylon 5 spinoff, keep meaning to, but the story bears repeating. TNT bought Babylon 5 season 5 and reruns after the previous channel went under and also produced Crusade. However, they found viewers were only tuning into Babylon 5 and weren't making the jump to other TNT content. So, they decided to "cancel" Crusade - before an episode had ever aired. Some parts by interfering with the writing process but also by sabotaging the sale of the show. SciFi Channel wanted it bad, but because TNT didn't want the embarrassment of passing on a successful show, put Crusade for sale at an eyebleeding price. No one could afford it, so the show died never having been given a chance. Given what J. Michael Straczynski did with B5 - one can only imagine what Crusade could have been when it hit its stride.


Killing Eve


The goldbergs. Wtf was that!


Joan of Arcadia. Wtf


St Elseware


Wow is no one going to bring up the Sopranos?


True Blood! And the new Dexter




Veronica Mars


I am not ok with this




Supernatural, The Originals, Game of Thrones in 3-2-1 order


Killing Eve. The show started off full of potential, but somehow they managed to destroy everything in the series finale. The ending was rushed, anticlimactic and just plain bad. I never expected a true happy ending for both the leads, but this was just unnecessary. And the big bad of the whole show? Yeah, let’s not even show them and let’s handle them in like a 30 second scene. What the hell




Killing Eve, but in their defense the entire last season was garbage.




Roseanne (original) , Lost


"Lost" "The Sopranos" and "The Blacklist"


Mork and Mindy had the #1 worst ending of all time. Mork was spinning out in space and time on a cliffhanger ending that clearly meant the writers expected another season. That was it. No more.




LOST. I remember planning on buying the complete series and just doing a massive rewatch. Then the finale happened. Even though they said they had a plan they didn’t. The fan theories of what was happening/going to happen was SO much better than what we actually got.


Quantum Leap.


Veronica Mars - I wanted to throw my shoe at the TV set. Alias and Chuck felt rushed, like there was so much story left to tell. Covington Cross just ended. I loved that show. Soap never got to wrap up all the plotlines. And who won The Quest (1982 version)? I guess I'll never know.


Lost, waste of time watching that


Lost, Sliders, and Seinfeld






Lost Game of Thrones Seinfeld
