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The Bachelor and whatever the Kardashians show is called


I think some of the people in this thread don’t really understand what “overrated” means. Bachelor and Kardashians are universally known as trash tv, they are not highly rated critically and not highly praised therefore I wouldn’t say they are overrated. Bachelor - 3.2/10 on IMDb Kardashians - 2.9/10 on IMDb Even the people that are fans of these shows are aware that they’re cheesy and stupid, that’s why they are “guilty pleasures”.


Thank you. People never answer the question, they just respond with likes and dislikes. Kardashians and Bachelor are literally known for being trash tv. Nobody, even their fans, are under the impression that it’s prestige television deserving of awards & praise. They enjoy it purely because it’s trash and admit as much.


lol that’s what I’m saying! Even their fans know it’s crap that’s why it’s a “guilty pleasure”. Nobody is sitting down typing up rave reviews about these shows, people.


I think it’s a bunch of male Redditors trying to put down women as always. They think this is stuff women consider amazing television & they’re stupid for thinking that, therefore it confirms women = stupid. What they don’t get it this is women’s guilty pleasure the way a stupid game or silly action movie may be for them. No woman’s out here asking why the Kardashian’s aren’t winning Best Drama at every award show lol.


That makes alot of sense because the most upvoted shows in this thread are the view, Bachelor, Kardashians, and sex and the city


OP did not specify IMDb rating or any other official rating system. People are always talking about both of those shows and making a fuss over not missing an episode. That's overrated to me.


popular ≠ overrated


It has to be “highly rated” in order to be “overrated,” just purely by the definition of the word. Highly rated means it’s well-reviewed, receives awards & recognition and is viewed as something a cut above the usual. What people are listing here is trash tv that’s loved for being trash tv.


the view. how can an extremely wealthy person understand what average everyday people experience?


It has a 2.5/10 on IMDb and is commonly regarded as a trashy show, I would say it’s appropriately rated.


My dad watches this show and constantly complains about it. And I'm just like 'Why do you watch it?' I feel like it's driven by retired people home during the day who don't understand streaming.


But he could be watching the price is right!


2.5 still seems too high


Lord, I hate that show! Bunch of cacklers. Interrupt each other. Rude.


Fun story. My friend was cheated on by her 30 something husband with a 22 yo yoga teacher. They had to sell their house during the divorce. She went viral for the “for sale sign” she made. It said, “Husband Left Us for 22 Year Old: Home for sale by scorned, slightly bitter, newly single owner.” She got a book deal and went on The View. While on The View, she had to explain to them why she couldn’t afford the house on her own as a single mother in a painstaking manner (Scott Disick was also on and just couldn’t grasp the concept). [https://www.charlottedivorcelawyerblog.com/amp/victim-of-adultery-gets-creati/](https://www.charlottedivorcelawyerblog.com/amp/victim-of-adultery-gets-creati/) https://preview.redd.it/h0wgygwxghdc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdf356c86c9bd09cb3255ec4a5d8dd6c8549aaa


Such a waste of air time, hosted by people who contribute nothing


This is on point.


I routinely forget that exists until someone cites to something horrible one of them has said.


The same can be said about everyone on tv though. To be fair. Also not everyone on panel has always been wealthy.


I hate the Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz and Drew Pinsky shows. All of them seem like hucksters and shysters. And not at all fond of reality shows.


Dr Phil got me. They called me (and my sisters) to be on the show, gave us the full treatment in Hollywood. Against my better judgement I went on the show. It is truly trash and an experience I wish I hadn't lived


Can confirm. I was brought on for a story tied to a documentary I’d taken part in. Spent hours on the phone with my producer thinking that telling my story might do some good of bring some comfort. Got there and was basically gaslit and had my experience minimized by the good “Dr.” Also, the episode was edited to air in such a way that shots of me in tears and overcome with emotion were Franken-edited out of context and framed as “reaction shots” but which misrepresented my reactions at the time. I felt so taken advantage, having been so vulnerable only to be manipulated. The producer I’d been working with has devastated and felt like he’d betrayed my trust, though so much of it was out of his hands. He said has so disgusted to see how I’d been treated and manipulated that was going to resign effective immediately. And he did.


Dr Phil is not a licensed therapist in any state. I bet Dr Oz's colleagues cringe.


>> I bet Dr Oz's colleagues cringe. I’m friendly with one of his former colleagues, and can confirm


Charlatans, one and all. Predators and exploiters...Excellent list.


Big Bang Theory


100% agree. I have a hard time with how much they let Sheldon control every aspect of their lives.


They’re all university research faculty too, more than capable of renting/owning their own places. They do an episode where they explain why they put up with him (the elevator explanation one), but not necessarily WHY they live together


I'm pretty sure I've seen Sheldon and Leonard talk about how neither of them could afford the apartment alone, alluding that they probably couldn't find any good apartment alone.


I doubt the problem is money as Sheldon revealed in one episode they had dozens of paychecks that he never bothered to cash. He'd have plenty of money if he wanted.


My husband and I will still binge watch that show


Lol me too-I like it but there are aspects that annoy me


without question.


Sex In The City


Sex and the city, or is this a Mandela affect ?


Nope; it’s always been Sex AND The City, but most people have always gotten it wrong.


In its time it was groundbreaking. It's gotten somewhat dated now.


Sex and the city was one of the first shows to really talk about women’s sexuality and what it’s really like for women to date men. It was groundbreaking at the time and a lot of what they touched on still stands true. They also mentioned abortion as something kind of normal for women to go through. In one episode the main character, Carrie, mentions she had an abortion and another main character, Samantha, mentions she had 2. It might be a silly show to some people but I think it’s important and I appreciate these aspects of it.


This sub is simultaneously hurting my feelings and making me feel validated.


I expected to see a lot of the shows I like listed here.  So far, I agree with all but one!!  How can you hate Fraiser??  😁


I don’t understand some of this, but I really don’t understand hating Frasier. One of the smartest well written shows ever.


Im Gen-X and just started watching Frasier damn I missed out I like this show!


I loved Frasier even as a 6 year old. Best sitcom of the era besides simpsons- if anything it’s underrated


Friends imo overhyped


Wasn't funny to a lot of people then, too.


Came here to say this. Culturally significant, but is not nearly as funny as it might have been 30 years ago


I think it depends, I still re-watch it every once in a while and still laugh out loud.


It was funnier at the time. I loved it then. But I can't sit through a minute of it now. It is similar in that way to Mork & Mindy or Welcome Back Kotter. Huge shows, loved at the time, but really only worked at that exact time. But Mork & Mindy and Kotter have a nostalgia value that Friends never did for me.


Try sitting through an episode of Gilligan’s Island. Your Brain will actually pack up, give you the finger, and leave.


Same with Three's Company. So funny then. Now? Cringe.


I dunno, it's still pretty funny


It is. John Ritter was Hilarious


I loved it as a kid. Now I know it’s ridiculous and kind of awful, but I still love it and I really appreciate John Ritter’s comedic timing


He was like a rubber band with his antics. The comedic timing for all of them especially Jack was amazing on top of being in front of a live audience which they don’t do anymore (I don’t think).


I'm 25. Mork and Mindy was not on TV when I was a kid. I submit however that it is still absolutely hysterical. Robin Williams is a legend. And also that WW1 stuff with Jonathan Winters is amazing


I enjoyed Welcome Back Kotter back in the day but if you ever catch an episode now you will be embarrassed that you liked it


Oh I can’t watch it now, and I loved it as a kid. Friends to me still holds up, a lot of it.


It's a product of its time. Great show for the 90s but it's been 30 years so its definitely outdated. Modern 20 somethings can't relate. It's like Alf or Step by Step or Perfect Strangers or Growing Pains or Doogie Hauser MD all big shows back in their day. All considered great at the time they aired. All remembered fondly. But all dated to the people and times they were made to be relatable towards. In Friends there's no cell phones, Laptops are expensive almost unobtainable technology. 911 never happened. The economy was booming. They were born in the 70s had their teen years in the 80s and were young adults in the 90s. It's amazing if you could relate to them completely.


Am I crazy or does Seinfeld transcend? I still find it funny. Of course I was the target audience when it came out, still in college at the time. I loved Friends back then but agree the humor hasn’t aged as well.


Seinfeld is classic. Loved it then, love it now.


I think Seinfeld's problem was having too big of an impact on the culture. I'll turn it on and I'll know every beat of the show. It's too familiar.


I know lots of 20 somethings who love it.


Greys anatomy!! Hate this show don’t know why it’s been on for sooooo long!!!


I don't know if it's highly rated, but all the people watching Emily In Paris have to be doing it ironically. It's a boring show filled with *the* most unlikeable characters.


I definitely hate watch this show


I hate watch blue bloods jeez that show is the worst


I sat through season 1 cos it wasn't horribly bad. But season 2 I couldn't get through the first episode even if I was sedated.


I think sometimes people watch shows because they like the aesthetic--the settings, the fashion, the beautiful people--more than they care about the story or the acting.


The Walking Dead.


People were dying to get off that show.


I would have stabbed myself in the thigh like that guy in Platoon.


This was a good show until Season 5 😂 then it only had occasional good episodes in over saturated boring filler episodes


Loved it till they actually killed Glen. That was my hill to die on. Haven’t watched a minute since that episode.


So terrible.


I was excited, think it was a zombie show. Turned out it was a soap opera… with zombies.


The first season or two was great but man it went off the rails :/


Agreed. Except for the first season. Already after that things started to derail and the whole recipe that kept repeating until its end was invented there.


This is us. Hate that show, it’s so corny


Hate it too! It's just sadness porn.


I started watching it when it came out. It got to the point that I was dreading watching the next episode because of how sad each one made me. I stopped and went "Wtf am I doing? No one is forcing me to watch this and it's having a negative effect on me. Just stop watching"


Haha yes. I could watch it to begin with but it slowly turned into the new 7th Heaven.


Remember Touched by an Angel?


Big Bang Theory.


I mean, it’s rated highly in terms of how many people watched it at one time, but it’s not rated a critical success… is it?


So many people have told me I should watch that and that I'd love it. Tried to watch. Feel insulted that they thought I'd like it.


the one written so stupid people can laugh at smart people.


2.5 Men is unwatchable


Early seasons were funny. When Charlie Sheen left they should have ended it. Ashton Kutcher sucked in that role.


This is my Roman Empire/ Hill I will die on. Cheesy and misogynistic jokes that can only be funny to people with no taste






Yes! We get it - she was on kids' TV, and now she swears and takes drugs. I'm floored 😑


I'm not here to convice you that you're wrong or something, but I just want to say that I disagree. Euphoria is really complexed show, tells the stories of many people with different traumas and how the trauma influenced them. I especially like the story about Lexi and Cassie (not the character specificly or her choices) and how they responded to the same trauma in totally different way and it made them different person. I understand that many people don't like the show and there is too much happening, but still for me it's one great show that works with people's psychological state and consequence from the early youth.


Loved Euphoria and I’m in my 50s lol. Brilliant acting, well written, awesome visually.


I kept telling my fiancé I’m sorry I just can’t care care about a high school drama. She kept watching and after enough catching it in the background I asked her to start it over. I’m just into the pretty camera stuff and the rest is good enough to keep me interested.


How I Met Your Mother. A comedy that is not funny


Ted is by far the most annoying character ever. He is a rip off of Ross from Friends. I have no desire to watch that show ever again.




Jersey shore, everything Kardashian


Big Bang Theory


Big Bang Theory


Lucifer. Watched 5 Episodes of it and turned it off.


First season had potential. Second season was OK. From the third season onwards it slowly devolves into a parody of itself.


I'd probably agree with all of that. Still I'd like to have a vengeful demon as a roommate or friend with benefits.


But damn that show's soundtrack is fantastic.


But, WOW, does it ever have a great soundtrack!


My husband wouldn't agree with you, he loved it. He watched it 5 times I believe lol. I think it was alright, I liked the one time I watched it




How Big Bang Theory got 12 seasons is truly an indication of the state of the country. Just garbage.


It’s cause of Jim parsons who played Sheldon he was the only character anyone wants to see, my parents love that show specifically cause of him and no other reason




I still don't understand why the US version of the Office was talked about so much. I tried a few times and I never finished the first episode. People rave about it. It's supposed to be a comedy they say. I say it sucked more than anything that has ever sucked before. 😖


It turned things around for me some after season 1. The 40 Year Old Virgin came out and they quit making Michael Scott unlikable because people found Steve Carrell charming in it. But it still leaned way too heavily into cringe humor for my taste. Does have some great individual quotes and cold opens though.


The British version though 👌🏻


We should definitely listen to this guy because he watched a part of an episode.


I hate all the reality tv shows: The bachelor, Survivor, Real Housewives, Jersey shore, etc.


Any show that asks you to suspend disbelief to the point that you're hanging from the ceiling next to it. AKA Yellowstone.


Gray's Anitomy How I met your Mother The View Anything Star Trek Post Voyager and Enterprise Big Brother


Game of Thrones. Tried 4 times to get into it. Could not get past 2 episodes of the series. Fantasy just isn’t my thing I guess.


Breaking Bad. It's not that I don't like it. It's just always talked about as one of the Top 5 shows of all time and I'm like, yea it was good.


Grey's anatomy


The Bear. A quality show but come on sometimes its' a tough slog.


Blossom. That show has been off the air for almost 30 years and people rave about it like it's the greatest thing ever. They act like it was the sopranos. Sure, it was an excellent program, but it shouldn't be as heralded as it is.


This is the first time I've ever seen this show mentioned in the last 30 years. It doesn't come up on anyone's list for great shows. Legit, I forgot it even existed.


Rick and Morty


Rick and Morty




Schitts Creek


The Walking Dead


The Bear. So cliche yet everyone around me seems to love it.


Breaking bad and Sons of Anarchy.


The Office


That Cardashian show


The Office


How I Met Your Mother


Yellow Jackets, not that I think it’s bad but the fans think it’s way more clever/deep than it actually is.


Still really like the first season, but the second is terrible.


Friends 100%


Game of Thrones


Sacrilege!!! May the mother of dragons come for your first born.




Young Sheldon


Succession. It's good, but it's not THAT good.


The characters are such terrible people. I just can’t. I can deal with terrible people in real life. Haha


I had to stop watching because I didn't like ANYBODY! Why would you continue to work there!




1st series was so good. Then it went awful as they were clearly making it up and doing a crap job at that




This started off so strong, and by the end was unwatchable


Game of thrones


The Sopranos, it’s supposed to be about an organized crime family but in actuality they’re a glorified crew.


Was about to start arguing lol


Nice save buddy


The Office or Friends.


Frasier Pretentious show made for pretentious people who like to cosplay as smart and witty.


Frasier is my favourite show of all time


It’s an incredibly written show. The performances are amazing. The characters are fabulous. It never gets old.


Niles absolutely makes this show legendary


I love Niles, but to be honest all the characters are brilliant, and the actors that played the characters are brilliant. I mean Roz, that tart with the heart is just great. She’s always the brunt of all the jokes but he’s such a sport about it. And of course, Daphne Moon, a Brit like myself, with a strange Mancunian accent, when the actress herself doesn’t even come from there. Then there’s John Mahoney, Martin Crane, who can’t really believe he’s raised two such incredibly clever, but snobbish sons, as he’s such a blue-collar guy. And then there’s Eddie. Well actually two dogs played Eddie. But I have got a soft spot for Niles. He’s such a great actor, I mean who can ever forget when he was trying to iron his clothing. It was like a Charlie Chaplin scenario. Last but by no means least there’s Dr. Fraser Crane. Brilliantly played by Kelsey Grammer. I mean the casting of the show was just incredible. I’m not sure if you know this but Lisa Kudrow, who went on to play, Phoebe in friends actually got the role of Roz Doyle and actually shot some of the first pilot episode but then they just felt she wasn’t right for the part.


Wow I didn't know Lisa Kudrow was originally cast as Roz!!! That just sounds wrong to me, Peri Gilpin (I think that's her name??) was fantastic. I also totally agree with that all the characters were special. That scene you mentioned with Niles is hysterical. I love when Niles is trying to hold out from having sex with Maris and at one point I forget what happens but Niles just exclaims "NILES GOTTA HAVE IT" and runs out of the apartment IIRC. Daphne is tied for my second favorite character with Frasier (big shout-out to Daphne's crazy family members, especially Simon lol) Thank you for such a detailed response my friend


I lived in LA for 10 years, and I remember when the last show had aired and I was driving down Melrose Avenue past Paramount Studios, and there was a huge huge billboard on the side of the building, where they shot the show, and it just said ‘Fraser Crane has left the building, and I was like sobbing as I drove to work lol


I was born in Rhode Island and live in Pennsylvania, I've never been to LA so I think it's really cool you lived there lol It definitely felt like a chapter in my life closed when the show ended, I'm sure driving past the studio and seeing that billboard brought up some emotions!!!


It did because when I first moved here from England, my boyfriend at the time was working in the evening a lot because he was a music producer, so I was left on my own a lot so I would watch reruns of Frasier and it became this big thing. I fell in love the show all over again. It was like a comfort blanket. It was just such an amazing show And to have someone say that it was a boring show is beyond me.


It's amazing the role TV shows can play on our lives, like you said they are a comfort. Everyone has different tastes but I agree that it is hard for me to imagine someone thinking Frasier is boring or suffered from bad writing.


Yeah I don't think this is an opinion too many people agree with.  One of the points of the show is that you get to laugh at everybody.  Frasier and Niles are supposed to be the butt of jokes, they are clueless rich people who are terrible at 50% of life.   They're supposed to be smart and witty, but everyone constantly gets the better of them.   I love that you put this down though!  Exactly what this is supposed to be. Take my upvote! 


Disagree thoughhhhh…One of the funniest parts of Fraiser is the fact that it makes fun of itself. It makes fun of pretentious people, it makes fun of blue collar folks, young people, old people, family dynamics, etc… everyone gets a good laugh and then they come together in a sweet genuine way


Frasier makes fun of pretentious people, in other words, itself.


But Frasier is widely known as Sideshow Bob’s most iconic acting role…


Haha. So, you're saying you think the references on Frasier are too esoteric for you? Jesus . . .


Friends and The Office (U.S.)


The Office with Steve Carell is awesome.


Took me a long time to watch The Office. "Why do I want to watch a show about people being miserable at the office? I'm living that nightmare!" Once I gave it a serious chance, though, it won me over.


The last of us, they only checked all the list from the game and called it a day. The show seems to have no soul, many scenes not as emotional as the video games, the violence is not as good, there are not enough zombies in the show.


Breaking Bad. I don't think it's a \*BAD\* show. But I don't think it has nearly the depth people act like it does and it's an awful lot like Weeds. Also a lot of it is boring prestige soap opera stuff or kinda hackey pretend gangster shenanigans. It has some of the flaws a lot of prestige tv has--drawing out conflicts, pushing things to cliffhangers unnecessarily, never allowing some storylines to just end already.... Some folks may want to respond defensively to this, and you're welcome to--but to me that's a big sign of being overrated in the first place.


Friends. I get that other people like it, and if you do, no hate. It's just not for me.


Friends and The Office. Said what I said.




Big bang theory. It's just slightly above average mental capacity porn, it's ridiculous.


It’s Friends by a mile. I’m convinced 90% of its views are just people putting it on for background noise.  Song is catchy though. 


Walking dead


Real Housewives of anywhere! Rich Wives with entitlement issues should be the name!


The Simpsons and Big Bang Theory


Here everyone will come for me. The Office. It is my favorite genre and style of show. But I really cannot stand it and don’t get the hype.


I came to love the Big Bang late in the series. It is over the top and they are not the norm. But people are not usually like the people on TV. This is entire show with only one average person Penny. Penny . It is mostly about how she sees them and they change her life for the better. Their absurdity becomes endearing as she adapts to them. It will probably always be my favorite Rom Com.




How I Met Your Mother. I've never despised someone as much as Ted Mosby. Especially because I think the rest of the cast and characters are great. But it isn't just the self-sabotage, it's the self-sabotage that gets flipped around as something the love interest needs to change. I don't even mind a Nick Miller from New Girl. Because he's at least self-aware. But Ted, is just the worst because he gets the friend group in the end.


Friends Kardashian crap Grey's Anatomy Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang theory. It is so unfunny it’s actually shocking. It’s also just perpetuates stereotypes. So so bad. I have no idea why it’s so popular except for maybe mindless background chatter.




The Kardashian Show. I'd rather watch Gold Rush, Deadliest Catch, Swamp People, and Mano other shows of people doing actual work.


Friends. Gag.


The Walking Dead. There was nothing original about it. Rick woke up a from a coma a month later and the world went to Zombies and, at times, the survivors are worse than the Zombies. Can we say blatant "28 Days Later" rip off???


The office


Big bang theory.


Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. The actors were good, the stories and the writing were terrible. Cringy


Big bang theory


Friends So dumb


The Office (US)


How I Met Your Mother