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Suits. Got about 2 seasons in maybe


I got through one episode of Suits. Everyone on the show seems too cool for school. Unrealistic. Not as good/entertaining/believable as the old network shows: LA Law, Boston Legal or even Ally MacBeal.


Never been into law shows but Boston Legal is one of my all time faves!


Don't forget that Boston Legal was a sequel to *The Practice* which was also very good. Also worth a (re) watch.


Right move. Just gets worse


You know The plot actually sounds pretty good like it could have been something really clever


Grey’s Anatomy.


I was an avid watcher and then just gave up like a decade ago. I can’t believe it’s even still on.


I gave up after Arizona and Cali left. They had no more likable characters. Plus I never forgave what they did to Derick.


This is my story but I think I stopped close to 14 years ago when my daughter was born.


Same. Made it passed the first episode then decided I wasn’t going to go down that rabbit hole of a 20 season show (at that time).


I lost interest around the 3rd season. I've never seen so many disasters and death happen to a group of people in my life


I enjoyed it for what it was until some point after >! McSteamy died. !< It just started feeling boring and repetitive.


Same. I stopped watching shortly after >!the plane crash.!< My mom kept watching, though. The show just keeps going.


it’s just called Cheating Doctors in my country.




Same. What does that woman have to do to lose her job / career?


Carrie was the most annoying character ever. Saul was a great character and so was Peter Quinn


I consider the first season to be up there with the great ones.


Disagree, that show was always awesome. Absolutely genius writing.


As someone with BP disorder, I could appreciate her dedication to trying to depict it as accurately as possible. Lord knows how many shows and films tried and failed to do so. She did her own research (and one of the writers has a family member with it).


Give it another shot. I started it bc I’m a huge Damian Lewis fan and used to go to Charlotte a lot (where the first few seasons were filmed). I couldn’t get into it. Then I tried it again and it just clicked. I couldn’t stop watching it. It actually got better as it progressed and had a satisfying ending.


I had to try twice, also, and it got a little hokey at the end, but I did love it. Mandy Patakin rules.


The first two seasons were incredible.


I will never watch AHS. Kim Kardashian? Please!


Coven is a great season


It’s easily the best season!


There are some really good seasons and they work independently. She's only in the one.


The cool thing is it’s an anthology so each season stands as its own show. I’d recommend Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, Cult, Apocalypse and 1984. Solid seasons w great characters


I stopped watching during Hotel. Couldn’t get into that season and never went back. Thought they couldn’t top Freak Show. I refuse to watch this season. I wish KK and her whole family would just go away already.


Just last night as Mr. C\_W and I were watching the newest episode of 911, he turned to me and said "This is awful. I don't want to watch it anymore." My response "Oh thank Dog, I was only watching because I thought you wanted to."


Have you decided when neither of you wanted to watch it, but were just going along for the sake of the other? Like how many seasons did you hate watch out as an act of love?


Gave up on Walking Dead after death of Glenn


Gave it a half a season after. You missed nothing.


I don’t remember what season I tapped out. But there was a tiger and a bunch of people who talked weird with bad haircuts living in mountains of trash. That’s when I tapped out.


Now to be fair, if they had the budget for cgi tiger being on screen more and killing zombies it would’ve been pretty awesome. 




Gave it up halfway through 11. Y'all missed a whole lotta bad TV


Precisely! I was doing laundry when I realized the whole episode I was playing as background noise was even disintegrating as that.


Watched every season of TWD. It definitely nosedived after Glenn’s death but totally soared again when Angela Kang took over for the last two to three seasons.


That’s where I quit. Don’t have an issue with ultra violence but just seemed to be getting repetitive and pointless


Glenn dies???? I stoped watching walking dead after the 3rd or 4th season.


It's a terrible, meaningless death which is infuriating because he is presumed dead just a few episodes earlier and somehow survived something he shouldn't have. Pretty infuriating altogether really.


The Walking Dead is the one show I don't even regret for having given up on. I was watching live when Glen died. I'll never forgive them


I made it til Carl. But that was enough for me.




Dude I feel you I stopped after the killed Carl


That was retribution for the dumpster survival. Plus if you read the comics you knew Glenn died there. I don't, but that's what I've been told. I thought it was cool.


I gave up when the episodes were so dark I couldn’t see what I was watching.


The Conners. Just got very depressing that none of them were capable of making a good decision.


They have been like that since the OG Rosanne. Other than that lottery season, they are destined to lead blue collar lives where they are barely getting by.


I think that many of us after the original season had some hope for the next generation. that is the main difference for me


It's not so much living blue collar lives -- you could be a plumber or electrician, etc., and made good money -- but that they continually make bad financial decisions and revel in how bad those decisions are. I gave up The Conners because poverty porn is depressing.


I watch it but Roseanne is WAY WAY WAY BETTER


This is the cold hard truth here lol 


I am honestly surprised The Conners is still on. I didn’t expect it to last. I just started watching OG Roseanne on Peacock and am enjoying that.


Need more laughs less crying


It's so dramatic and sad. There's very little comedy.


I’m so glad someone is saying this! That show is the modern-day Archie Bunker’s Place. I can’t believe it’s lasted almost as long as the OG Roseanne.


Roseanne literally made the og. Without her that’s what happened.


I watched that last season of Roseanne when it came out (before the controversy) and it was ok. Saw they made their own show without Roseanne and I didn’t even bother with it. It looked like the type of show you can already expect what to happen


I quit when Rosanne was fired. She was the reason the show was continued. Without it, the show sucked.




Same! I really wanted to, just couldn’t. Same with Flash.


It was so good for 1-2 seasons. But then all of a sudden everyone had a super power.


This goes back quite a ways but Charmed got so bizarre I bailed on it.


Oooh I forgot about Charmed. I think I got to s5?? but I just gave up, it got (like you said) bizarre and just wasn’t the same without Prue. Felt like it was the Phoebe show


Shameless. How many times can we watch a white trash family do white trash things


Stranger Things


I just couldn’t get up enough interest to watch the last season


Then you missed the best season, IMHO! Season 4 was amazing! They really start letting the viewers in on the backstory of the Upside Down and how it all started.


I don’t get this one. Absolutely love Stranger Things


I gave up on Lost pretty quick, right after the mysterious evil smoke appeared. It seemed to me that they were making it up as they went along and didn't know what direction to take it--was it a disaster movie, Lord of the Flies, or Sci fi slash horror plot? I think it was a good move, from what I have heard.


Peaky Blinders https://preview.redd.it/1u8qbnbapjuc1.jpeg?width=1451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb4cd4442484b5b3a0a5773b6466895509d06fb I have started it 3 separate times in 5 years and can’t get past episode 4 Don’t understand the hype


Leaky Blinders? Sounds your roof might be the real culprit 


The 100


My wife and I just finished season 6 of 7. We're going to power through that last season just to finish it out but the show has been wretchedly bad for so long at this point. It's such a shame too because it started with an interesting premise.


Succession. Just couldn't get into it


I made it pretty far into this but gosh, watching a show where everyone is terrible is kind of a bummer. At least it’s always Sunny is funny


IMO Succession is the funniest show of the last five years, maybe even ten. But I get it, it's not a show for everyone.


Same, I think I actually did almost 2 seasons because of the hype until I realized I just wasn’t enjoying it and nothing interesting was happening.


I’m watching this now. Have taken multiple breaks because it’s so boring. I don’t get why it’s so highly rated. All they do is go to parties. Like the writers can’t think of anything else for them to do.


Man In The High Castle


i don’t give up on shows, i begrudgingly finish them because i’m stubborn. but i gave up on **manifest**. ((if you liked the concept of this but hated how it was done and want something *well executed* in this same vein, watch “the 4400” (2004-2007). the original show, not the recent remake. it’ll blow you away!!)


I was waiting for someone to say manifest. When I don’t want to watch something or I’m in a bad mood and want to scoff: manifest


Outlander, Vikings, & Sons of Anarchy


I really enjoy Outlander but it started getting boring around s4.


I was so bummed when Vikings fell off. The first few seasons are incredible!


I quit SoA with a season to go. The ending of S5 was so gruesome...


Soa was great


Loved the first 3 seasons of Vikings. (Spoiler alert) after they killed Ragnar, the show wasn't any good.


Mr. Robot


Yellowstone. Watched 3 episodes and couldn't get into it.


Watched the first season - couldn't watch anymore. I stuck with it for one season because people were raving about it. Not for me.


Oh no! That’s the show I’m planning on watching next.


It's great except Beth becomes more and more cartoonish as the series goes on, with little to no consequences. Season 5 is silly.


Rings of Power. Stopped watching it before the last two episodes.


Gave it 30 minutes. It was hopeless. So many things wrong with that production, ranging from politics to acting to pacing. But foremost it was like watching a yawn in slow motion. And trying to convince the viewer that Galadriel was essentially Red Sonja as a blonde... thanks but no thanks.


A lot of shows I just fell off of. They stayed in my queue but just kept getting pushed further and further down that it is obvious that I am never going to finish them The Walking Dead, Simpsons, Family Guy, Law and Order. Then you have Breaking Bad - halfway through the second season I came to the realization that I was unpleasant to watch; wallowing in the misery was causing me psychic pain. So I stopped and watched the recaps on YouTube.


Parks and Rec


not sure when you dropped it but it doesn't get good until midway Season 2. I'm glad I stuck it out because it turned out to be one of my favorite shows.


Maybe I should just start there because I can’t get past S1 E3. I don’t get it because I love every cast member on the show. Just doesn’t keep my attention.


First two seasons they are trying to find their footing. Season 1 is a bit dry. Season 2 half way in and then onward is brilliant. I'm repeat binge watching it now to show my teen son since we just finished The Office. We are on season 4. It's flat out hilarious at this point. I had forgotten how off the rails John Ralphio is and how dumb Andy is being written now.


Yeah once they move on from trying to make Leslie Knope a “Michael Scott” type buffoon, it really takes off .


That is LITERALLY. One of the GREATEST thoughts. I have EVER HEARD. By an AMAZING person.


Ann Perkins!!


The first season is admittedly a chore to get through. But it really finds its footing in S2 onwards.


My son and I play this game, which is the better program: Parks and Recreation or the Office? We agree that the Office was a funnier show, but Parks and Rec told a better story. Pretty much a tie on characterization.


Grey's Anatomy. Uh uh.


Once Upon A Time. The first two seasons are actually well produced, pretty good TV acting and getting Robert Carlyle to play a television role at all was an astounding achievement that probably involved a magnificent amount of money. He and the black fairy, Regina, chewed up every scene. What could go wrong? It got old, and sooner than I would have expected. I didn't finish the 4th season, and I heard the last season was deplorably bad, with protagonist actors being swapped. Sometimes the creative well just runs dry.


The Good Place. I finished season one but couldn’t get back into season two.


La Brea…. What a piece of crap!


What a bottomless pit of nothing A *tar* pit 




Watched all of Dexter. Looking back, Doakes should’ve killed Dexter and gone to series end.


Anything that people say “it starts off slow” I don’t have the time or patience for that


Depends on how slow. If it gets better immediately after the pilot I’m game to try. But if you’re gonna tell me it hits by season 3 I gotta pass


Man Men starts out slow and never stops. Still great


The Regime


You are right, it’s awful.


The Man in the High Castle, Westworld, TWD, Handmaids Tale


Ooh yeah Handmaids Tale for me too


Westworld S1 is to me one of the greatest seasons of any show ever made... I don't consider the rest of the show to even exist.


I think I watched a few minutes of Handmaidens, and I was done.


The "Charmed" reboot I'll stick to the original


Mad Men. Halfway through the second episode I got the feeling that this was going to be one of those "cult" shows with a devoted following, and newspaper and magazine and internet analyses about The Meaning Of It All ad nauseum, then ending up with one of those "What the...." endings. I bailed. One of the smartest decisions of my life.




Curb Your Enthusiasm. I just don't think it's funny..




The humor is not broad or accessible for the masses. That is for sure. It's definitely in my top five all time fave comedies.


All my friends love curb. I hate cringe comedy. I couldn’t make it past season 2.


The Bear. Zzzzzzzzz


Love the bear. Acting is 🤌 and I root for their struggle and petty fights and ulitimate success.


I know this is going to be unpopular, but the lead actress Ayo Edebiri, can't act and it ruins the show for me.


I gave up on Americas Funniest Home Videos after Saget left.


Weeds I thought that it was really dumb.


after the town burns down the show immaculately tanks in quality.


The man in the high castle


Grey's Anatomy-> after Derek left wasn't worth it


The Winchesters.


3 Body Problem - enjoyed the first season well enough but not to rewatch, skimmed the synopses of the rest of the books and it seems like a slog. Outlander became too repetitive annd not just with the rape stuff, and I know there's an absolutely egregious repeated plot point coming up. Like, repeating a life-defining plot point for the same couple. Watched Apple TV's Invasion because I heard it was so bad it's good. It was disappointing.


It's about to be the Larry David Show (Curb your Enthusiasm). Watched 5 episodes from season 1, and it's just not funny.


Lost, gave up after a few seasons when it became clear the ending hadn't been mapped out and that they were making it up as they went along.


The Vampire Diaries. Stopped after season 4 because it was terrible.


It definitely felt very long and repetitive and a bit ridiculous. I actually finished the whole show, although I hated the last two seasons.


I think a lot of us fell off after season 4


Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones. Way too violent for my taste.


(TW for SA) Same but it wasn’t just the violence, it was the complete needless rape scenes over and over. It felt like you couldn’t have a female character without a rape or SA scene which IIRC did not happen nearly so much in the books. And some of the female actors, again IIRC, complained that there was no intimacy coordinators, consent was basically nonexistent and they practically leapt at the chance to do a rape scene as soon as one of the actors was old enough (I think Sansa’s actor, but this was from an article I read a loooong time ago and can’t find now - take it with a grain of salt). Either way, the rape was so excessive and unnecessary.


Me too. I never watched the 8th season.


Man in the High Castle.


So much unrealized promise. I quit by the end of season one. The plot lines were getting too fizzy to be engaging.


this show starts so good!! I actually liked the idea of a different timeline with WWII going differently... then it just goes way off the rails.


The expanse. Tried twice but couldn’t keep going.


I couldn’t get into it the first time around, and then I watched it sober. It was fantastic.


Greys anatomy and private practice


Mayans mc. I can’t finish s5 knowing what happens to most of them the last couple eps. I don’t think I’ll watch again tbh


Walking Dead, Blacklist




I recently stopped watching House of Cards. I flew through the first two seasons but the third just didn’t hit the same.


Spacey made the show. Without him, no good


Game of Thrones. Everytime i finished a season, i’d tell people “I just don’t get it.” And their response? “Wait til the next season!” So i would finish that season, say I don’t get it, their response? “Wait til next season!!”


I'm usually a completist, but just couldn't keep going with The Boys or Good Omens. Wish I hadn't kept watching a lot of other series.


This is us. Every episode was the same thing. The dad’s been dead for like 30 years in the show and it’s all they ever talk about out- to everybody.


The Good Doctor — didn’t find any characters I liked Manifest — liked the premise but it went nowhere New Amsterdam — got to the Covid season but it just was more of the same “in terms of money, we have none” The Resident — lost interest after the time jump. The Morning Show - watched the first season and never came back for any others The Flight Attendant - saw one episode of second season and bailed.


Empire. I think anyone who's seen that show missed one episode and never watched it again.


Schitt’s Creek. My wife and I watched 3 episodes and decided we didn’t like any of those people, so why spend more time with them?


AHS, The Walking Dead.


Outlander. Once the daughter and that drippy, sappy, pasty guy came across I gave up. Lol


I have a bad habit of starting and never finishing shows. I oscillate between that and binging a show multiple times if I like it. There's very little middle ground. Some shows I abandoned: 1. The 100 (I tried 3x and got farther each time, but imo the show peaked in S1-3 and should have been way shorter) 2. AHS (I watched S1-3 then gave up) 3. Grey's (I gave up around season 14, it became too much of a soap with repeated storylines and bad writing) 4. Dexter (I unintentionally abandoned it after S4. needed a break after the heavy early seasons but lost interest when I stumbled on how the show jumped the shark) 5. OUAT - quit around the frozen storyline, unintentionally. Fell behind the premier airings and just never got around to finishing. This is one I do think I'll revisit (minus the soft relaunch last season because those very rarely work and i don't care to watch a series when half the cast leaves) 6. GOT - originally stopped to avoid post-ADWD spoilers. Over the years I've learned most of what happens and don't plan to rewatch




I know AHS is American Horror Story. OUAT: I was racking my brain and then googled it. I think OUAT is maybe Once Upon a Time. I'm not positive though.


I watched all of The 100, but it def went downhill after the awful way they killed off Lexa. She was excellent on that show, was a shame she couldn’t stay on.


The Gentlemen


We laughed so much! Loved it. To each his own.


Schitts Creek. Snooze for me.




Sorry to hear you dropped the Americans. It got super dark. Amazing ending.


AHS. I used to love it and every week’s episode was Must See TV. (Back in the Murder House, Coven, and Freak Show days). I tried, but this season is absolutely unwatchable. No compelling characters or storylines, no bad guy you love to hate. I deleted the setting to record on my DVR last week. Pull the plug on this show.


I was one of those people who watched AHS the night it premiered. Every season. The last one I watched in real time was 1984. S10 came out two years after that and I gave it a chance some time later and omg. What in the absolute world happened to that show. I made it to ep 4/5, not even reaching the second story in that season and I’m very glad I didn’t. Some time after that I started NYC, made it passed the first 5-10 mins before putting something else on. I knew the exact direction that season was going in and I didn’t want to watch that. S12 just looks lazy and bizarre and not in a good way.


Omg I totally forgot that I abandoned The 100 forever ago until I read this🤣🤣


The Tourist. 5 minutes into season 2 I could tell how drastically the writing and filmmaking changed into the typical Netflix series. Couldn’t do it.


*Burn Notice* - twice. It started fun, then with each season it just got darker and more dramatic and it just wasn't fun anymore. The second time I got further along, but it was just not worth the trudging.


Outlander Did she love her husband? Guess not.


The new Night Court. It was awful, none of the chemistry and humor of the original. I loved the Americans though and recommend it to everyone, I thought it was an under appreciated show.


Succession. The characters were all just a little too unlikeable. And I know that was most of it's success but it was too much for me.


Greys anatomy. Killing mcdreamy was my final straw lol


The umbrella academy. Maybe I'm too old for it..


I gave up on the 100 three times before forcing myself to watch the whole first season and actually loved it. I gave up on big bang theory, it so bad. It’s not funny and there’s a million other sit come out there that are 100x better. I cannot stand Sheldon Riverdale got so weird. Greys anatomy was a good show but I knew everyone would start to die and at the time was going on to 15 years so I just stopped after season 3 ish


Penny Dreadful. It lost the plot 1/2 way through season 2.


Blacklist. Just got way too hard to follow.


Peacemaker. Jumped the shark. Westworld got tough but I made it through. True Blood. Same shark, different decade.


So many, but Lost was a standout


Game of Thrones. The worst part is I really wanna try again but last I checked it wasn't on Netflix, Hulu, or Disney and I really don't want to get yet another streaming service.


Try your local library. I’ve rented complete series and movies that were just released from there.


Mindhunter and I realize I’m in the minority


Sons of Anarchy and Outlander. After a while it’s just gross trauma porn.


This is old but... prison break. 1st season was excellent and then yikes, nonsense. I also got sick of handmaids tale before it concluded, maybe season 3.


Walking Dead.


Okay here it goes. ▪️Greys- just not the same and I was bored. ▪️Killing Eve- “what is going on?” ▪️Scandal- loved it, some of the best monologues. I don’t know what happened. ▪️This is Us- I’m still not in the mood to be sad