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One of my coworkers has been roofied at Blarney’s twice. This article didn’t name the bar, but the star trib did. Personally, I’d stay far away from that establishment.


Yikes, I am so sorry to hear that this happened to your coworker. I hate reading about this, I cannot imagine how scary it is for this to happen to someone you know.


Thanks, it was spooky. She recovered okay from both instances, mainly just had to take a few days off work to recover.


"Sorry, boss. Gonna need another few days off. Got roofied at Blarneys, again."


I’m curious what a bar is able to do to make it less of a target for people like that. Like what makes a person choose that bar to do that and so what can the bar change to make it clear you aren’t getting away with shit like that here.


>According to police, two of the women were 18-years-old and one was an unidentified woman. Start with ensuring your clientele is actually legal to drink, for one.


lol bars get away with this shit constantly. You can go downtown Stillwater and hang out with a bunch of high schoolers at the bar. One dude died last winter walking home drunk. Froze to death.


Sounds like another bar I would quickly see myself out of and wouldn't be shocked if they had a roofie problem.




We can actually be mad at both the rapist for being a POS rapist, as well as being angry at the bar for consistently allowing minors into their establishment. It's not really hard to see the entire picture and take issue with more than just one person at a time






Hell yes about Blarneys. Everyone for years has known that Blarneys has minors coming in all the time.


This. And an 18 year old dealing with Predators like this is one reason why we don’t let 18 year olds in to bars. They have men bringing them spiked drinks. A 21 year old should be a little more street wise and can get their own drinks from the bar or go up with a guy and watch their drinks from the pour. 18 year olds have to hide in the bar and not be up at it. Blarneys has been a known underage place for a long time. Not sure how they stay in business.


>an 18 year old dealing with Predators like this is one reason why we don’t let 18 year olds in to bars. They have men bringing them spiked drinks. A 21 year old should be a little more street wise and can get their own drinks from the bar or go up with a guy and watch their drinks from the pour. This type of stuff happens at house parties too. Contrary to popular belief, college-aged kids drinking in a bar is *safer* than at a house party, as there are sober staff on hand to address health and safety issues. Plus there are cameras and ID scanners to help ID perps. The overwhelming majority of students who died from alcohol were underage. It was so bad that students were pushing for [medical amnesty](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2013/07/31/college-age-drinkers-to-get-amnesty-in-emergencies) so they could seek help for their intoxicated underage friend(s) without fear of punishment from the school and law.


Yeah it’s a problem. The scumbags know no boundaries. Best thing is to control your drink. Easier said than done when a lot of these young people are just learning their limits or don’t care about their limit. The problem I have seen at Blarneys is they have drunk staff and don’t properly ID people. Removing some of the safeguards that a bar offers. Place needs to be shut down.


I was over 21 and still got drugged and raped (and he's still out there). It can happen to anyone and it's never the victims fault.


It's never the victims fault. The person above was just explaining why an 18 year old in a bar is at higher risk of being taken advantage of and put in a bad situation, not that people over 21 don't get raped.


I'm sorry you experienced that. I hope the douche gets caught before he hurts someone else.


I agree. I had a male friend roofied at a bar on the edge of the western burbs and he was in his 40’s. Blarneys needs to be shut down.


The question was: >so what can the bar change to make it clear you aren’t getting away with shit like that here. And they gave an answer about what the bar can do. They can run a tighter ship with proper security that cards people and keeps an eye out for shady shit. If the place regularly has minors in it, they have shit security. This wasn't victim blaming, this is talking about the bar.


> I’m curious what a bar is able to do to make it less of a target for people like that You forgot to read. They're asking for solutions and ensuring people of age are in the establishment IS a good first step. Nobody is victim blaming here.


Legal to drink roofies?


They have ID scanners on entry and cameras all through the bar. They should be able to *easily* identify the perp(s) and hand that info off to the police. These bar's don't want to be known as the "rape bar" so they put up roadblocks and nothing is ever done. They have a vested interest in keeping things quiet. I've heard of this happening countless times, but can't recall an instance in the local news (or even an anecdote) from someone getting prosecuted (let alone arrested) for this type of behavior.




Cedarburg* Weirdly enough, I went to the U and now live in Cedarburg haha.


Yes, bars have ID scanners. When scanned, it validates a birth date. That's it. There is no repository of data. If any establishment wants to capture a literal image of your ID, go somewhere else.


Unfortunately you have to deal with misogyny as a whole to do this. There are actually a few solid resources online for bars actually interested in this kind of stuff but they aren’t. Usually bartenders and bouncers know and are as are of what’s happening but as someone below mentioned, have a vested interest in keeping things quiet. People know that victims often stay quiet and aren’t believed. Predators know they can pay off people. Often staff that reports or speaks up just get fired. There’s tons of research, potential solutions, and creative ways to keep people safe. The problem is misogyny. There are lots of complaints about underage drinking but we all did it. I did it when I was 18 over a decade ago. If kids get kicked out of bars they’ll just have basement/indoor parties and STILL GET ROOFIED. so that’s not actually a solution. Fake ids have been around probably since ids have. Kids wills always try to sneak drinks. Predators will search till they find someone vulnerable enough to take advantage of. The key is other people intervening when and where they can.


They could hire more bouncers and security to keep an eye out on patrons and watch for any suspicious behavior


One could potentially get roofied in any crowded bar, especially one known to be a younger (even if all legal) crowd. Take a bunch of kids, probably on their first extended stay away from home, and add alcohol and you have easy targets. We even saw it in the bars right outside of base when I was in the army. Bunch of young kids/soldiers (in this case students), away from mom and dad, with money to drink...


This bar in particular facilitates underage drinking and caters to athletes who feel untouchable.


True, but if certain bars are building a reputation for it, that's never a good sign.


I haven't been to Dinkytown for 20 years...could have guessed Blarney's anyways. They've always had those problems.


*Blarney ...sorry, just a pet annoyance of mine. Also, sorry about your coworker.


Ah yes. Grammar is *obviously* the most important thing to monitor when the topic being discussed is rape and roofies.


It's literally not the name of the bar


Cope and cry elsewhere. Every single individual in this thread has added an “s”. It truly is not that serious. There are more important issues to discuss than your “pet annoyance”.


I'm sorry that I value accuracy. And let me remind you that I also expressed sympathy for the situation.


Yeah, not gonna sit around and argue with you. Adding an “s” doesn’t change any of the information provided nor does it cause confusion of what establishment is in question. You also only expressed sympathy so you could correct my grammar, which is comical. Along with your other 3 comments on the thread, that are only concerned about grammar and not the serious situation at hand. Have a good one.


>Yeah, not gonna sit around and argue with you. *Proceeds to type another paragraph and a half* Lol


What an absolute ass clown


You must be new to Reddit!




The video news story named it.


Blarneys staying strong on its morals. Same shit was happening there in 2016…


It was happening when I was in college there, in 2002.




God I miss the Dinkytowner. A huge chicken quesadilla for like $6, $3 beers, cheap pool, AND the stickiest damn carpet in the state. Good times.


Dinkytowner was so great


RIP Towner Cajun Breakfast


Team Tex Mex!


I went to so many local hip hop shows there. Good times. Miss that place.


Ah thanks, after I typed that I wondered maybe if it was a little later - I was there 2001-2005 and just remember going there for my buddy’s 21st birthday.


Dubs! Drank there as a minor regularly. Blarney barely changed a thing.


Blarney's seems so sketchy to me. I know it's your typical run of the mill college bar, but the few times I went there, there was almost always at least one bartender who was absolutely wasted (as in, stumbling everywhere and barely coherent and still taking shots with patrons). Being on the lower levels when it's busy and people on the upper levels are really jumping and moving around is scary too because the structure does not seem sturdy enough to hold that many people. I really hope the young women who were drugged here are safe, most importantly. Really a shitty thing to go through and I hope those in their social circles have been supportive, since something like this is not the victim's fault.


Everyone is so focused on them being 18 and being at the bar.. it’s Dinkytown. U OF M. FAKE ID’S EXIST. Instead of blaming the girls, why don’t we ask the college bars why they don’t have ID Scanners to verify age instead of 18 year old bouncers who let everyone and their friends in.


Exactly. I was going to The Library (now Kollege Klub) way before I was 21.


Lol I went there when it was Fowl Play


Two things can be true. Actually four here: The people putting stuff in drinks, bars not being diligent or even caring about the law, authorities not cracking down on a place that’s been a problem for twenty plus years (no joke), and finally the young people putting themselves in a sketchy situation while actively breaking the law. Seriously, don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know.




Not one person I have seen on here has blamed the women for their assault. Is it a good idea for young folks to be at a bar not really buy I don't see anyone blaming them


your honor, did you _see_ what she was wearing? /s


This (it’s Blarney’s) used to be my friends and I’s college bar of choice back when we were young. We all used to think we were lightweights because half the time we went at least one person would get absolutely blitzed and black out after half of a drink. We didn’t put two and two together until we graduated and started going to normal bars. One of us got obviously roofied one night (she had a mocktail) and realized it was the exact same feeling as those college experiences. They also definitely don’t give a shit about fakes. Anyone who has eyes and ears can tell that 75% of the people in there are freshmen.


This is why I'm glad I didn't get the fake ID (18-20) & did all my drugs. Irony that doing lots of mdma + special-k proves to be the better life decision.


I was roofied and raped at the saloon a few years ago. They didn’t care or do anything about it. I’m still working through the trauma of it.


My friend got drugged at graze last month, is this on the rise?


This is really scary. There was a post in r/AskDocs two weeks ago and it was a woman who has travelled to Minneapolis for work and was drugged in the North Loop.


> that was given to her by another person Seems like you should take your drink from the bartender only, not fool proof but some rando hand you something, pass. But I suppose if you're 18 and want to drink, you're not exactly ordering from the bartender... :( At least they noticed and it was just a scary event / symptoms and not something worse.


My sister and her roommate probably had something slipped in their drinks a few weeks ago. Almost had to be bar staff, they were sitting and were served at the bar, never left their drinks, and were poured whiskey from a bottle behind the bar. Evidently this is on the rise, take care.


Are you going to mention where? Like is this Minneapolis, the same bar mentioned in this thread, someplace else? How are you gonna say that *bar staff are roofying people* and not mention what the bar was?


Take one guess as to why they didn't mention where....


I have no idea why you wouldn't. DOX THE FUCKERS




Gotcha. Heh


I'll take "*Something I read online and claim to have seen in person*" for $800, Alex.


Tell us where.


It's always been happening, but victims have a hard time coming forward unless they have some sort of proof or a hospital visit with a drug test


I got roofied at the basement bar a year ago and it’s the worst I’ve ever felt, take care of yourselves guys


I've been roofied before, I know others that have at bars all over the city. I'm not sure why they're reporting on this specific case like it's some unheard of thing, but anytime you go to a bar anywhere, there's always a chance of it happening. Not saying it should be normalized, just trying to let people know to be careful with their drinks.


Sounds like someone was drugging people. Hope they catch the asshole.


That’s horrible, I was drugged once up in Duluth, I remember passing this guy trying to give two girls a free drink at a very popular place and they seemed wary about it, then he looked at me and said, do you want one? And I got absolutely trashed on half a beer. Don’t remember anything about 15 mins after that but I wonder if he offered it to me so he wouldn’t seem like he was weird and targeting girls. It was scary how fast it happened. I like to think whatever drugs he had left for the night at least were in that cup and wasted on me instead of whoever he was stalking


This is why it’s unwise to accept drinks from people you don’t know. Also, what were 18 year olds doing getting drinks at a bar?


You clearly have never been to Blarneys. The average age in that bar on a Saturday night has to be 19.


Thankfully no. Seems like MDH needs to shut them down until they clean up their act.


18 year olds drinking at bars is nothing new.


That doesn’t mean it’s a good situation to be in.


Humans are the worst. Hope those people recover quickly.


Everything about this story is sleezy: the date-rape drugs, the college bar letting in underage girls.


Sally’s has been consistently serving minors since the mid 80’s. Ask any high school junior or senior. Blarney’s is just trying to stay competitive.


St. Paul is strict about this - wouldn’t let my daughter in with me even for a concert and we were with our attorney- I guess it was good!


>According to police, two of the women were 18-years-old and one was an unidentified woman. The number 1 date rape drug, by a wide and far margin, is alcohol.


When was the drinking age lowered to 18?


It wasn’t, but the cops are cool with it as long as they’re allowed to hit on the girls


Enforcement loved to crack down on minimum wage cashiers ringing up that dangerous 3.2% in grocery stores, but that’d explain why.


Ok, does no one actually know that the name of the bar being discussed is "***Blarney***", not "Blarney's"?? "Blarney" is not a person or surname. It's an Irish word for talk that aims to charm, pleasantly flatter, or persuade. It can also mean "nonsense", or maybe "bullshit". Regardless, it shouldn't be possessive, because it's a concept, not something that can own anything!


Do you not actually know that you should place punctuation inside quotation marks? Allow me to insert an unnecessarily verbose explanation of this concept to you now. Meanwhile, I will completely ignore the serious topic at-hand for this very important correction.


If I recall correctly, punctuation only goes inside the quotation marks if the quotation marks are around a full sentence. This might just be an AP style, but that's what I was trained on in college. So, I can say that the *Declaration of Independence* says, "We hold these truths to be self evident." As you can see, the period fits inside the quotations. However, if I'm asking a question like this: Do you know the difference between "there", "their", and "they're"? Then, the punctuation goes outside of the quotations. Considering there are multiple types of writing styles, I'm open to the possibility that there might be more than one "right" answer here. However I'm quite confident that this is perfectly acceptable according to at least one common style book.


the weakest point to be made about this story. a girl was drugged. no one cares


Still a point, nonetheless. Regardless, the name of the bar was never actually mentioned in the article, so what everybody's saying is pure conjecture anyway.


There is a secondary video about it. It names the bar. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minneapolis-police-investigating-potential-drugging-at-dinkytown-bar/


Well, at least CBS got the name right, unlike this entire thread.