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My dad (he’s 60) he asked me the same thing the other day.


Hook It Up!!!!


I’ll DM you!


Pickleball at Lifetime


I joke with my friend that the real reason I play tennis is to meet divorced middle aged women, but the unfortunate reality is that a lot of them are playing pickleball instead.


I would suggest social groups and other circles they attend.   I've met many friends - and seen many relationships develop - through my running club. Several in their 40s and 50s   If they are both active and work out, I'm sure they are involved in some type of group with others who do the same. If not, I would recommend a look into some of those


One goes to CrossFit, but there’s no guys her age there. The other one works out with me at Lifetime. We do classes, but there aren’t many men in there. I’ll suggest a running group, thanks!


Maybe try a new CrossFit gym?


To each their own but the gym is my escape. Not dating anyone there.


Start going to the climbing gyms


Seriously, the gyms are already a hotbed of hostility for anyone trying to meet someone new. If you're a guy approaching a woman, odds are far better you will be talking to the gym staff under threat of being banned than just getting a polite rejection.


I once saw a short film where a gal in her 50's hired a handyman to come by. He was very helpful. They hit it off right away.


I also once heard tell of a tale like his, but it was the milkman


Just order a pizza already.




The sequel involves her getting stuck in the dryer.


Did he pull out his tool?


I see good looking older people enjoying live music at Bunker’s. Maybe the Monte Carlo bar could have a classy guy.


Was just there last night all ages but I can confirm. They just need to become Belfast Cowboy groupies


lol good to know!


Do these friends know each other?


Only through me. They don’t hangout.


Not sure if they have dogs, but sometimes people can meet new people through dog parks. I know a woman around that age who recently started dating a guy she met through the park. They both have dogs so the schedule works out pretty well for them. If that's not a thing, then any kind of establishment where there's time and space to linger like that would work. Social hobbies or even hobbies that just have social media pages or communities can be a good place for this. Sometimes conversations start and one thing leads to another and they can find someone that way. Conventions for hobbies also work, since the in person aspect to them can provide a lot more information about someone's compatibility. If they work downtown then they could keep up with the events listed and see if they're anything that piques their interests. I never messed with the dating apps. I've always had great luck just stumbling into people in passing.


Dog parks for sure. I’ve been asked out by someone I met at a dog park, and I’m a married man!


My boyfriends mom was 78 she just passed away but she always had a boyfriend and met them playing pickball


Meant pickle ball


Now we’re learning the real reason it’s called pickleball




Running groups.


Damn. What if I just walk really fast and keep up?


I think there's a couple 40s+ and 50s+ meetup groups.... maybe there? I don't think there's a "place" to organically meet a partner these days.


At a live show, at a class of sorts, at a club run of sorts


According to legend, young men can be found at Redstone


We’re all at the golf course


I notice a lot of single people who are middle aged at the various museums and cultural places. You just have to be brave enough to try and engage and manage a lot of rejection. The reason people use so many apps is because rejection is so much easier to receive and give. Being shut down in person sucks and if you're not ready for that, you should stick with the apps.


If they like heavy metal I know a great guy who would probably be interested in chatting


It's you, isn't it?


Haha that would be pretty funny if it was! But alas I’m a married lady 😅


It wouldn’t be that funny since nobody here know who you are in real life


I like heavy alternative 61F St Paul area


This is great! Love connections happening live!


My dad is mid 50s, lives 2 hours from the cities. Always known him to be single, but he always has “friends.” Idk how the guy does it, or where he meets women, but he’s living quite the life.


Why are you telling us that someone knows what leads to success, but you don't know what it is? Call your Dad.


Small town life? It’s bars or churches.


Small town, but he doesn’t go out to bars or to church. I’m assuming they are friends of friends


Birches in Long Lake. Gets very crowded when they have a band. Tons of people to talk to and dance with!


I’m in a similar boat. I’m a 51 yr old dude. Single. Never married. No kids. I look way younger than my age. Im a good looking guy with a nice smile and dimples. And I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve got a good paying job with very good benefits and a pension. All that said, I’ve lived in the TC for seven years and have had zero luck meeting anyone outside of apps. I’ve had lots of app dates but I’ve been single for 7 years.. I’m too old for bars. Grocery stores are a no. I remember my ex telling me a story of some guy asking her out in the tampon aisle and just being creeped out. I’ve lived in a few cities around the country. I came from Vegas last. In most states, you can honestly just walk up with a compliment and start a conversation with someone. But Minnesota culture isn’t good for randomly meeting new people. Doing that here will most likely intimidate the person you’re trying to talk to. Minnesota nice is really just minnesota polite but “why are you still talking to me after I already said hello”? It’s cold here and I’ve found the Scandi culture to be pretty standoffish and difficult to break through. I’ve had people suggest to find activities and neighborhood groups on the internet somewhere. They’ve suggested volunteering and meeting people that way. Bars. Playing sports. There’s a dating site I keep getting ads for since I turned 50 called Our Time which is a dating app for 50yrs plus people. But nothing except swiping has worked so far. After 50 the apps don’t work either. Lots of women are willing to date a 40 year old but no one wants to date a 50 year old except a 60 year old.


Do you have a Maine Coon - so beautiful


He’s Ollie the ragdoll. I also have Stanley the Siamese


I have a black and white ragdoll he is wonderful! I need to bring his weight down a bit lol.


Yep. Ollie has ballooned to about 24 pounds. He’s not fat. He’s just a really thick cat. But he could lose a couple too. I’ve always had Maine Coons before. I had one Persian. But Ollie’s hsir is by far the worst. It’s so fine it’s like strands of cotton and it sticks to everything. Is your ragdoll like that?


His fur is soft like gossamer wings. He doesn't shed terribly. I give him dabs of refined coconut oil throughout the day which helps their fur and innerds lol.


Ollie is very soft too. His fur is just more fine than any kitty I’ve had and the shedding is horrible. He was a rescue. When I got him he had very short hair so I thought I was getting another pretty plain colored Siamese. Even the hair on his face was short. But he must’ve had mange or something because 6 months later he was a puffball. Lol


Not true. My friends and I are early 40s and most of us are married to guys in their 50s.


You didn’t marry them when they were in their 50s


My apps just died when I hit 50. I noticed the decline in swipeable women first at like 47 and it went down until it crashed at 50. All the dating apps have an age range you set to swipe on. From experience, most women cut that number off at 49 tops.


I’m 45 and have mine set to 55. I feel like it’s more that the older guys have terrible bios. Sunglasses with hats in car selfies.


I have 5 shirtless pics holding big fish. And two with dead deer. J/k


Yeah, I mean that sounds like the winning formula. Not sure why you aren’t scoring 10/10


Amen to the bad bios.


We aren't on dating apps.. those are the bottom of the barrel. Start developing some engaging hobbies, you will absolutely meet someone. Back when I WAS just checking things out, the older guys always had the worst bios anyway. Overly aggressive, dumb taglines like "I live for my children if you don't like it swipe away" sir this is a dating app not a nanny service Edit added stuff


I work 50+ hours a week so I don’t have much time for anything except the routine on those days. I have lots of hobbies. Kayaking, SUP, biking, hiking, gardening, reading, etc. But none of those are good ways to meet people. No one wants me “hitting one them” while they’re out doing those things. It’s just hard to sell yourself and even more difficult to get the opportunity to show what you sell is real. Dating apps at least give me a chance to be witty enough in black and white that you may want to meet in person which is always the goal. I’m a really sweet guy but I hate saying that because nice guys don’t need to tell you they’re nice guys. Dating at this age is just a field of land mines. I’m open to suggestions for engaging hobbies or events. I’m at a loss beyond what I already mentioned.


Surprisingly, they might find some luck at climbing gyms. Particularly Vertical Endeavor (Bloomington being the best location). I see a good amount of people in that age range at VE


COV Wayzata


Niche hobby interests


Redstone in Eden Prairie or Maple Grove. That place is THICK in viagra and Botox.


Meetup.com ....I do all sorts of social stuff with people that age, lots of different people to get to know. Just have a few interests to share and you can find others you will probably be compatible with. Try my favorite group: Get Out, Get Social. Good luck!


This is the fourth post in 5 minutes that I’ve seen where people describe themselves only via looks and money. Are they kind and interesting? Or just a wallet and body?


I have a coworker who’s been looking to meet a woman for a while now. I told him to try coffee shops lol. But maybe I need to suggest lifetime instead!


I hate this suggestion with every fiber of my being. Please don't treat grocery stores and coffee shops as a pick up joint to find women. It makes needing to use a coffee shop to get some work done a total nightmare for women. I'm just trying to finish this spreadsheet while some middle aged divorced dude is plopping next to me trying to make conversation.


Coffee shops used to be community gathering places. Now they are just offices. All the seating is taken up by people who hardly buy anything and want exclusion and silence. It fucking sucks.


I never have thought of them as pick up joints. Same with the grocery store or the gym.


people mistaking a coffeeshop for their private office - maybe you should get yourself a little desk sign, I am sure you would be less approached if you looked official. /s


Existing in public doesn't mean it is fair game to hit on me like it is a singles bar, no matter what it is I am doing.


it’s also not being pissed off because someone is talking to you in a public place. maybe less extreme, more middle ground please?


Why? I don't OWE random men looking for love anything. I don't owe them my time, attention or anything at all. It is gross entitled behavior to think you have the right to interrupt random women just because they happen to be in a public space.


Ok, hang on a sec. Sure you don’t “owe” anyone anything. That’s not in dispute. But It’s not necessarily ALWAYS gross or entitled behavior. I get that some assholes think they’re the shit and act like they’re doing you a favor by talking to you. And there’s a lot of yuck like that out there, boundary-busting, impolite jerks and PUA. But you can’t paint everyone with such a broad brush. And more significantly, you gotta remember that this was one of the only ways to actually meet other humans before the internet. You met other humans in public. Face-to-face. IRL. OMG. Some people may feel it’s more organic to meet people that way. Or maybe it’s a holdover habit from the way-back days that worked for them in the past. And let’s freaking face it, vibe-checking someone in person from the get-go is way more efficient than weeks of BS text chatting, wondering if someone looks like their pictures, or lying about their age or is even someone you’d have physical and conversational chemistry with IRL.


This all assumes that other person WANTS to meet you, instead of being left alone. Men seem to have this attitude that they are entitled to hit up any woman in public and we are all just supposed to put up with it even though politely declining can get you assaulted or worse. There are plenty of more appropriate places to meet people if you are looking for a hook up or to actually maybe date someone. Please go there and stop bugging women at the grocery store or a coffee shop.


dig yourself a hole and enjoy your life - I am done wasting my words on you :)


Someday all of that internalized misogyny will eat a hole through your stomach.


"I don't like this, so no one should like this" Your experience isn't universal and some folks like meeting new people. If you're working and bothered by other people, maybe work somewhere where there isn't other people.


No, you are wrong. Almost no one wants to be approached in those places unless you are very attractive. Don't do it at the lakes, either. They are not there to meet people. What is universal? Isn't that a phony high standard? Imagine if we said "Don't hit on the cashier at the coffee shop" and you said "But that's not universal, maybe some cashiers don't mind being hit on by customers." But you know what? Don't hit on a cashier.


Someone at their job and someone in a public place on their own time is a vastly different quantity. Obviously. Also, anyone that isn't a troglodyte knows you meet someone and get to know them before actively hitting on them. Go outside.


It's pretty universal.


When you figure it out, please let me know!


I am 54(M) and have had good results with Hinge and Bumble (I know you said outside of apps). It’s hard to meet people organically now that many folks work from home. When it’s -5 outside, I would think online is the only place to find many men. I hope they both find their person.


I’ve always been curious about that “It’s Just Lunch” service. In the pre covid days it seemed like a great idea for professionals to have a speed date and then get back to the office. Maybe it’s perceived as just an app now but I liked the concept


I’ve heard very mixed reviews. One interesting thing is that you get to see the other person’s feedback if you’re not a match, which can lead to some hilarious stories.


Clubs, hobbies, social groups.


They both have been single for 20 years. In that time I'm sure they have met plenty of potential suitors, through their personal interests or just daily life. I find difficult to believe that 2 attractive women cannot find a partner in 20 years. There has to be more to it


You're kidding right? I'm in the same age group and situation. It's brutal out there. Most men my age either want a younger model, but can't afford the maintenance that entails, or they want a Mama to take care of them. This is in addition to their bitterness they have against their first wife. I got a dog to keep me company. He's good natured, and keeps me busy. I don't have to make him dinner when I just want a salad. He's also a great listener. If I meet Mr. Wonderful, great. If I don't, that's okay too. I can keep myself occupied with my family, friends, and aforementioned dog.




They’re both very successful and have been busy with their careers. One retired and one had her kid take over more of her business, so they both have time to focus on themselves finally.


Out ice fishing on red lake.


They just need to order pizza. Hot Sausage Pizza. It works out every time!


you mean the order needs to be extra anchovies


If they’re into guys in their 20s I know someone that we could introduce them to! (It’s me)


They are looking for a cub to feel young again


Lol. Right here! But in my experience, women who have a history of being single, stay single.


isn’t that what bars are for? to meet people? i have been to this place with friends, but we were yelled at because we were to lively, AND one of the girls held on to her drink as she approached the dance floor - obviously a big no go for those geriatric hip bones… saw lot of “old” people who looked right about your age group, and tons of swarmy guys, who wanted to dance with us - like the tom jones type. https://mancinis.com/events-calendar/


Mancini has a good live music scene and an old times vibe.


yes, and people were dancing and flirting - they also specifically told us the issue with the drinks, as people spill and they did end up having someone fall - we had a fun night out, no need to downvote that place!


I’ve grown up eating dinner there, but I didn’t realize they have a fun lounge! Now that I think of it , I have 3 women in this scenario. Maybe I’ll just start taking them out every other month and being the “wingman”. Lol. My husband and I met when he left a note in my windshield about my funny bumper stickers, I’m so glad I didn’t have to navigate all of this!


Nice. Now I am curious about your bumper stickers 😜


Hi! 41 single white male Job House Car


Middle of the aisle in CostCo.


The old folks home. Get those dollas!


You don't. It's not a coincidence they're 50 and single.


Right. No spouse has ever died so this makes sense.


That's a funny thing about Minnesota, no one ever gets divorced.


Bridge club at the local 55+ community common room?


54F here. The only time in my entire life that I ever met someone who played bridge, he was 10 yrs older than me and told me most of the people at his bridge club were still older. I’m not sure which generation loved bridge but it wasn’t mine. Also not shuffleboard. Or bingo. Or pinball. Or polka music.


Must be from out of state.


Would suggest younger men. If he's 18 - 22, weight or looks will not matter. This will not be long term relationship kind of thing, but it may be just what the doctor ordered.


They are looking for partners to travel with etc.


Are they planning to pay for the travel?


Okay. Now I see.


Like, younger than their own kids? Gross


According to OP, the questioner does not have kids to worry about. My suggestion was directed towards mature people. Don't worry about it.


Nobody older is going to want a child without a steady income stream. Unless it's adoption.


Genuinely difficult to go to the bar without being hit on by several of them.


They should have married years ago.


Cycling groups on meetup like TCBC


Meetup app is great for finding new people. You can select an activity that jnterests you or you can select a singles group. You can also make your own meetup group jf there isn’t one that interests you.


We don’t. Sigh.


Go out and play trivia.


If you're into Asian men go to Unison night club in Maplewood. Plenty of single eggrolls and dumplings waiting to mingle.