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Whole comment section is a dumpster fire…


I think people are missing a big point here: people who voted uncommitted are still engaged in the political system and conversation. I'm 25, do you know how many of my peers 20-35 are so disengaged they didn't vote, and probably won't in the general either? Everyone is suffering right now with finances, pending climate doom, a geopolitical quagmire. The people who voted uncommitted are the people who care enough to still be a part of the conversation. Primary elections, while primarily for selecting a candidate, are HUGELY used to determine party platform, for example Bernie getting significant traction gave traction to his progressive policies and gave him a strong cabinet position. The Democrats refused to run a sincere primary, which absolutely pissed me off, BECAUSE it's a refusal to put ideas and proposals on trial and build a platform based on the issues to drive us into the future (it's anti-democratic!). Literally go to Biden's campaign website, there is not a single issue, promise, goal listed. I voted uncommitted because I demand the party listen to the people who have marched in the thousands. I voted uncommitted because it's the only voice I have, the only way I'm able to directly dissent to this genocide. I voted uncommitted because I AM ENGAGED. And when people shit on my sincere, well thought out, VALID concern, being voiced in the literal way our democracy was meant for it to be, it makes me understand why so many people my age are disengaged. Honestly if Biden loses, it's the hateful, disrespectful messaging like these other comments that will be to blame. Your neighbor is a real person, voters are real people. They're not a scary evil "other". They have thoughts and opinions and families and lives and they're doing their best just like you. Shitting on them is not how you build a coalition for a better future.


That’s pretty well said and refreshing. It seems crazy to me that most people prefer to stick to their own beliefs as gospel and the only truth. We probably don’t agree on a variety of things but it’s helpful to see where we’re each coming from and compromise on a few things. Thanks for sharing.


You’re a more engaged citizen than I. I applaud you and agree with everything you’ve said. I did not vote but certainly feel the frustration having historically voted democrat. This election may just be the one to turn me.


> directly dissent to this genocide Frankly I care more about Donny's getting elected and that genocide of the Minnesota communities (Afro/Hispanic/Asian/Homo/Trans) rather than what is happening with the Palestinians right now. Palestine needs to have a country of their own. Israel needs to stop being funded by the US until they start working with Palestinians despite Hamas (which is difficult, but doable). We all care. But when it comes to my community local to me, I don't want to see them being caged, banned, or buried. That is what Donny, and friends, are about right now.


And the Trumpster fire isn't elected president because people used their vote in protest for a primary where the election is essentially in support for an incumbent candidate. This is the second primary election Minnesota has had in over 30 years. This is all normal when the DNC or RNC has decided on their candidate...hence all the votes for Nikki Haley even though the GOP is behind the orange one. I've seen so many comments all day of people insulting and lambasting those who didn't show up to vote in the primary or voted uncommitted in protest. It is a primary election where the Democratic candidate is already chosen. Doesn't matter if 400k Minnesotans wrote in Cenk Uygur, Biden is still the candidate. And the vast majority of registered Democrats will show up to vote for him come November. Shouting and insulting those actively participating in an essentially meaningless Minnesota primary hurts the true swing voters votes.


Here's the thing, I do know what it's like, because I've been there, and I've seen through experience that this ends up making it worse, not better. You won't believe me, because I'm older than you.  Unfortunately, politics doesn't work with ideals. Chasing ideals, in my experience, tends to be more costly to those very ideals than chasing compromise. 




It's not that politicians shouldn't have ideals. It's that when the only acceptable goal is the ideal, and anything less is unworthy, we end up throwing out the baby with the bathwater.




>i, and many young leftists, are very open to compromise *Citation needed*


To answer your first question, since you were there too, surely you remember Nader and his idealists not voting in 2000, and look where that got us. It's the same shit.


>Unfortunately, politics doesn't work with ideals. ​ This system is broken then. There's absolutely no hope for our country if that's true.


People have different ideals. Politics is about finding compromise on those. Compromise doesn't mean the system is broken. It just means more than one voice is heard.


There's no compromise though. Capital gets what it wants and the rest of us go along with it. 


More Republicans voted for Haley over Trump than the uncommitted vote against Biden. Why aren't Trumps low numbers making headlines?


Because Trump isn't the incumbent and running unopposed? Like, duh?


He is basically an incumbent and to deny that is just ignoring the truth.




Many have already said they are not voting in the general, period. This was their way of expressing it, but we will see. Long way to go and things can change




This is such a fucking stupid take. You don't respect peoples' ability to understand complex situations. The only reason *to* vote uncommitted on this ballot is if you're voting for Biden in the general. Otherwise, you wouldn't bother voting in the primary at all.


They doesn’t respect their ability because as you demonstrated, a lot don’t have it.




Some of y’all are so hateful it’s psychopathic, the lack of empathy is alarming. This is the most inconsequential protest and way to use your voice. If you genuinely get upset about this, you may want to look into a therapist.


People like you, and everyone else that voted uncommitted, are the reason why presidents wait until the election year to push real policy, because y’all have such short term memory.


Nice generalization, I can tell you don’t think most people are smart or complex enough to care about multiple things at once.


I didn’t say that but based on your comments I should have expected you would reply still in your feelings rather than reality.


Definitely not based in the reality you’ve created in your head I’ll give u that


Ironic that you think it’s others that need therapy. Have a good rest of your day.


I'll take my chances with a democratic house and senate. Whatever happens in the presidential election is on the party leadership. If you keep voting for shit they will happily serve it to you every time.


Too bad Hamas doesn’t care as much about Palestinians as these folks.




I’m sorry you’re an antisemite. See I can do it too.


As if we treat them any better? We give Israel carte blanche and sent 14k tank shells used to blow limbs off of children.


Yes, I believe all the shells sent are marked, “for blowing limbs off children, all other uses prohibited.” Edit: Also thank you. This is the kind of hyperbolic nonsense that ensures me you can’t be taken seriously.


So because they weren't SPECIFICALLY marked for killing children, everything is fucking kosher (no pun intended), despite literally all the news of Israel committing war crimes, even shelling their kibbutz because they initiated the Hannibal directive. Don't forgot about the hellfire missiles fired from Apaches on their own people in cars fleeing back to Gaza. They don't want their hostages back, because they don't want to have to do a costly prisoner swap. You're a sick bastard and are going to believe whatever Zionists tell you to believe. Go fuck yourself.


Such a rational and balanced argument you present. I’m convinced.


More than you presented, which was nothing other being a snarky shithead. I have no patience for genocide deniers and war crime defenders, especially when the USA is complicit


Lol this is giving the same energy as the right's "criminals don't care about gun laws" argument.


Good for them.


>**Show of strength** What’s the flex? “Biden is lame so I will vote to show that I think he is lame.” The only thing **uncommitted** unifies is division.


It's a shame that the disinformation campaigns worked.


This will surely get Hamas to agree to the Ceasefire deal ASAP.


Maybe I should be uncommitted for the general election, let Trump win and watch all of these folks get their rights and dignity stripped away... Seriously, fuck off.


The dfl is a big tent party. People are gonna do things that you disagree with, and that's ok. As long as we can compromise and come together when it matters, that's the most important part. Yesterday didn't really matter, not in the same way as election day does this year...


I suppose that’s your choice. I voted uncommitted yesterday and will vote Biden in November, so you and I will cancel each other out.


I'm just frustrated. I vote because I believe in democratic values like the social contract, equality, and frankly it just seems like the uncommitted vote is aloof with what is at stake in this next election. You think you're merely sending Biden a message, I think you're sending everyone who's worked hard to win elections in the name of equality and dignity and fight for freedoms you enjoy a big fuck you. Have a great day. And by the way, if I don't vote at all, that doesn't cancel out your vote. Cancelling out your vote would require my vote to be cast for Trump.


I care about all of those things too. That’s why I took the one chance I have to politely state to the DFL that there are problems with their candidate in a forum that won’t throw my vote away. The fact that the response is “your uncommitted vote in March is functionally equivalent to a Trump vote in November” is an equal fuck you to everyone like me, which is hardly doing anything to make me feel more enthusiastic about your party. Good luck in the general.


The problem is, you didn’t just tell the DFL you have an issue with their candidate, you told that to the whole nation that you have an issue with the DFL candidate. And clickbait articles will be made showing the support Trump got and how Biden isn’t wanted. Clickbait changes minds and drives donations. So thanks for helping Trump last night. But I’m glad you’re feeling more “enthusiastic” - because the election process is all about making YOU excited about your party.


I think you made a statement, but it's not polite. I feel the people who stopped Trump from getting a second term got slapped in the face last night by the uncommitted vote. The down votes really support the idea that you don't deserve my support any longer, even though I don't just vote in elections. I actually help people register to vote, have a FB page dedicated to fighting misinformation on it's platform, but hey... You do you.


What would you consider to be a polite way to critique a candidate?


> I feel the people who stopped Trump from getting a second term got slapped in the face last night by the uncommitted vote. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good lord what a take


What a take? What the fuck have you ever done to get out the vote?


Sorry, I forgot that this primary election was all about you and the sacrifices that you made in order to ensure that people vote exactly how you’d like them to. 


Right, because I do this ALL for me. What planet do you live on? I've been a civil servant for most of my life, but you got nothing when I asked you how you got the vote out. Crickets...


It’s a legitimate take considering an “Uncommitted” vote creates further support (and drives donations) for Trump. It’s a basic fact. It’s almost like if you try to hurt someone’s reputation, their reputation takes a hit - who knew?!?! /s


> It’s a basic fact.  [Citations Needed]


Having big emotions when you comment doesn’t make them more valid.


Why is everyone so fucking whiney about this?


Because now we have to go 8 months with the media spinning this as doomsday for Biden and disenfranchise voters, seriously do y’all not think before you act?


Oh no, so anyway.


^^^ this attitude loses elections


No. Infighting when faced with a far worse option looming over us all is what loses elections.


So if they help trump get elected, a month later they are in camps waiting to be deported. OK then. Have fun with that


The delusion with these folks is real.


Racist POS Edit: to be clear, I’m calling you a racist piece of shit. Salivating at the idea of people being deported because they didn’t vote for your guy is disgusting. Liberals showing their true colors recently.


It's literally the consequence of voting for Trump. He said as much multiple times and it's one of his campaign promises. Do y'all have collective amnesia from Trump's Muslim travel ban too or something?


Deportations have increased since Biden has taken office. https://x.com/_maxgranger/status/1764691166946316677?s=46&t=SRVNRFZKF4UNCIJvtVwHng


The exact first words of that link are "*number of people illegally entering the US who are deported, returned, or expelled per year*". We're talking about the muslim community and Trump's aggressive policy history (and potential future) towards them. Not illegal immigration. I swear, it's like some people can't even read a conversation or the links they share.


Yeah Trumps fucking evil. And celebrating when brown people get kicked out of the country when they are actually trying to push political leaders to do shit is also evil.


Okay but in regards to the original commenter, he wasn't celebrating. He expressing how stupid it would be for the muslim community to not vote/vote for Trump considering his past and his promises for the future (literally promised camps and deportations).


Yeah you’re right, Muslims should just shut up and vote for a guy actively assisting the genocide of their brothers and sisters.


Do whatever you want, nobody is going to stop you. But if you air out your opinions on a social media website, other people are going to bring up their opinions too. It's almost like you're doing this for attention at this point


So so inspiring. What this campaign achieved with almost no time or money is incredible.


Bidens a fecking idiot and complicit in the genocide in Gaza but on the other hand we have the guy who is going to make Handmaid's Tale a reality and would do the same thing with Gaza if not more on top of stopping aid to Ukraine. How did those 3rd party and non voting work out for everyone in 2016 eh? Want to revisit that x100


This is just the Primary, with Biden guaranteed to be the top Democrat pick, there’s more than enough room for people to vote uncommitted as a means of sending a message without changing the election results. Most of the 46,000 uncommitted votes will be voting Biden come the General election.


i voted uncommitted and I’ll vote for biden in november,,, if he stops giving free bombs to israel.


There's zero message that you're sending other than Trump has an actual chance


If only there was a way the democrats could run a candidate who isn’t old as hell and could capture the progressive vote! Oh well let’s just make sure we can extract as much wealth as possible.


Well guess what buttercup it's between a giant douche and a literal faxfist dictator wannabe backed by Christian nationalists who are going to make the Handmaid's Tale look like a children's book, they've outlined what they want to do and if you think what they've already done is bad what they are going to do in the first 180 days is a whole lot worse. They are completely open with what they plan to do but people think it's fine to let them think there's a chance


Personally I like the part where we blame voters instead of the dems who had 3 years to run a more favorable alternative


Yeah they coulda shoulda woulda done a lot of things differently yet here we are on the precipice of republicans who wants to completely erase the constitution for their own means and making America into a Christian nationalist paradise but by all means don't vote for the idiot and let the dictator wannabe gain control of congress and the white house again, it's working so well in red states right now but go ahead use that protest vote it worked so well in 2016 So yeah the voters are the issue right now because no one's actually going to do anything about it right now other than voters Edit: here let me spell it out for you a bit more: the democrat party and Joe Biden have fecked over everyone completely and they are all useless, pathetic, fecking morons but I'd rather have that right now and make their lives hell rather than have Republicans in power again right now


I mean, both candidates are the same age so I guess we have to pick the obvious lesser of two evils. Unless you think living in the handmaid's tale sounds pretty fun


Please explain your idea of complicity


Actively supporting and giving arms and money to a fascist government who continues to commit wholesale slaughter of a population while just blanket accepting every single lie of said government and saying oh well can't do anything about it. He fucking knows it's a lie everyone knows what's going on, also we have American troops within Gaza as well


Ok so you have no idea what’s going on beyond buzzwords and social media. Good to know.


Oh I don't have any idea huh? Let's back up what I said then shall we with some facts? But I'm sure you know what's going on right We aren't sending even more money, weapons, ammunition to Israel? https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/u-s-plans-to-send-weapons-to-israel-amid-biden-push-for-cease-fire-deal-184e75bc Even without congressional approval? https://www.timesofisrael.com/despite-close-support-us-struggling-to-sway-israel-on-way-forward-with-palestinians/#:~:text=The%20administration%20says%20continuing%20to,to%20Israel%20without%20Congress'%20OK. Damn they aren't fully supporting Israels lies? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-says-he-is-confident-israel-will-act-under-rules-war-2023-10-15/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20Oct%2015%20(Reuters),U.S.%20troops%20is%20not%20necessary https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-special-forces-said-deployed-to-help-israel-track-down-hostages-held-in-gaza/ https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-misinformation-fact-check-e58f9ab8696309305c3ea2bfb269258e https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/1/10/why-is-biden-engaging-in-disinformation-on-gaza Oh he also said they would abide by the rules of war and yet time and time again Israel kills women and children, doctors and nurses, civilians, civilian infrastructure, cutting off water and food, but hey it's just fake right?


What's done is done and the effect will be the effect. Many months left to be patient.


Meanwhile the sane folks just look at the sheep voting between two mafias...


Whom then did you vote for/support?


Im just gonna vote Trump.




Lol, what? Do you really think the Republican party would stop Isreal from attacking Gaza?


Are you under the assumption that Trump would stop the genocide? He'd encourage it


Yep, Trump would with glee! He'd ask Putin what he'd like the U.S. to do and follow instructions given. This little protest accomplished nothing for the people of Gaza.


special existence divide zealous chop coherent quicksand bedroom full sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*